Feeling dissatisfied with life is a dangerous phenomenon. Why are people unhappy with their lives?

Which must be fought sparing no effort and resources. This is quite a variant of the norm. Only a little less bright than we would like. A little more nervous. It’s not that I’m not happy with something specific, but somehow I’m just periodically sad for an unknown reason. Something inside is itching, aching and asking for something unknown.

Where does this constant dissatisfaction with life and dissatisfaction with oneself come from? Most likely, somewhere we are preventing ourselves from enjoying life, cutting off the oxygen to our own song. And the subconscious signals us about this. So far it is quiet and faintly visible. But if you ignore it, it can, of course, make more noise. Let's deal with him while the case is not yet started

Dissatisfaction is sure sign that it's time to change something.
Gerard Butler

Why do I feel like this...?

Which particular object and in which particular place prevents a person from relaxing and enjoying life to the fullest depends on the specific case. Let's try to find out.

1. You are missing something

How many needs can a person have? Classic of psychology Abraham Maslow once identified five groups: physiological, need for safety, social, need for respect and self-expression. When some are successfully completed, others make themselves known. Perhaps the mind is quite satisfied with prosperity and professional demand, but the soul asks for? Or creativity do not want to stand idle and require implementation?

Listen more closely to your desires. You can even remember childhood fantasies. What might you be sorely missing right now from the point of view of that thoughtful girl? Maybe you desperately dreamed: “When I grow up, no one will limit me anymore - I can go to Africa to look at live wild giraffes!”, but you never realized this great idea?

2. You “need it more than anyone else”

Your requirements for yourself and for life are significantly inflated, and with the implementation of each point they are inflated higher and higher. You, like that famous cartoon character, will always and in any conditions “not be enough!” Any imperfection sincerely upsets you, and again and again you strive to storm the peaks - and try to drag your neighbors along with you.

Psychologists call this phenomenon a beautiful word" " and they warn in unison that he is capable of thoroughly ruining life if he is not tamed. After all, perfection is truly not observed in nature. And if you sacrifice all human joys and weaknesses to this mythical deity, then you will not achieve your goal (after all, it will forever remain somewhere at the zenith), and you will forget how to enjoy life. Well, you also torment your neighbors with eternal nagging. Until this happens, it is necessary to instill a realistic approach, forgive the tautology, to reality!

3. Comparisons haunt you.

Why, in the era of victorious socialism, a person who rarely saw smoked sausage, felt calmer than now as a person who rarely sees crabs? Well, back then there were few people to envy in this sense! Relatives and neighbors stood in approximately the same clothes and stood in the same lines. Now the division has become much deeper and more obvious. And not only directly by the number of banknotes per kilogram of live weight. Here former employee founded his own production center, and his satisfied face smiles from banners advertising the lifestyle of the especially powerful and influential. The ex-boyfriend was offered some kind of lucrative contract, and he is now chilling in warm California. And a former classmate has become a star and is a member of some kind of club for the especially privileged. And there are more and more such lucky people around. Surely someone will get something nice that we are deprived of!

When to an individual it is “quite good”, and to those around you it is “quite good”, you inevitably underestimate the value of what you have. Even if you learned in childhood that envy is bad, and you don’t allow corresponding thoughts, all the same, when you observe someone’s successes, you feel somehow uneasy - embarrassed for your modest achievements.

No, no need to push the discomfort deeper! You can “openly” think about how many accompanying difficulties (from the long working hours of a producer to the eternal publicity of an actress) this is “very good” for them. And give yourself every right to calm down and live your own way.

4. You are “responsible for everyone”

This “syndrome” haunts teachers and sometimes politicians more often than others. And in general, representatives of professions associated with responsibility for other people. From time to time it begins to seem that you are thereby entrusted with almost a huge responsibility for the happiness and well-being of all mankind. Everything is fine with you, you were able to sort out your problems, but... How can you allow yourself to be happy when someone else is dissatisfied and unsettled? “Nothing will work out there without me!” With this approach, even if you do everything in your power, there will still definitely be a reason for despondency. After all, someone will certainly remain unhappy. Unhappy. Despite any help.

However, this also happens for those whose activities are not related to social work. When the elongated, sad faces of those deprived by fate slowly gather around a successful person. Or it just seems that way to the person. And reflection begins: “I feel good, but my sister is depressed!”, “How can I be happy when my aunt is constantly sick?”

And so - you can do everything! Did you console your sister, did you run to the pharmacy for your aunt? What happens next is a matter of their desire and attitude. Firstly, you are not a wizard, and secondly, even wizards in fairy tales could not make everyone automatically happy - there were always some restrictions. As for professional responsibility for careless students or stubborn patients, it is useful to often remember the wise formula with them: “Do what you must - and come what may.”

5. You “don’t like anything at all”

I hope, of course, that this is not about you at all. But it also happens: no matter what happens, a person does not like it. The dissatisfaction is general, global and insurmountable. Pessimist complex. If something is wrong (even in small things), he immediately blossoms: “I knew it!” If something turns out just right, he shrugs: “It’s an accident! And there’s probably something wrong here...”

A noted pessimist always firmly remembers one of the consequences of Murphy's Law: “When things are going well, you may not notice something.” But he doesn’t always remember that these laws are jokes. Trying to really please such a person with anything is an extremely difficult, thankless task... and even dangerous. He may see something completely bad in this desire.

How do such comrades even manage to live and get by - and make anything of anything? Differently. Some stubbornly hold on to their peculiarity, since it gives, strange as it may sound, a certain uncertainty: after all, there is really nowhere to fall from the very bottom rung. Some people feel that they won’t get far with this approach, but they can’t help themselves - and compensate for their eternal dissatisfaction with patience and a sense of humor. But the bravest ones still decide to try “in a good way” - and, although not particularly believing, they still go for a consultation with soul specialists. It’s good if these specialists do not belong to the type described above!

The main thing is calm

Okay, you’ve made a “diagnosis” for yourself. We determined that everything is actually in order, that the harmony of the world knows no boundaries, and only we set them for ourselves. It’s already clearer, it’s already easier. How can you finally stop worrying all the time and finally allow yourself to relax internally? What should I prescribe for myself as a “second aid”?
  • Love. A strong and vivid feeling - best medicine from the doubtful “maybe there’s something wrong with me after all?” and unconstructive “I want something, I don’t know what...”. Especially mutual.
  • Art. It is not for nothing that it is prescribed. It is excellent therapy, and not in the sense that it consoles, showing something beautiful and pleasant, but in the sense that it allows you to look at everything, including yourself with your “cockroaches,” from the other side. Often from a bird's eye view.
  • Sport. You know, sometimes there is an incomprehensible internal discomfort - only because when sedentary life has nowhere to put the excess accumulated static electricity, and the stagnant body asks for movement, air and payloads- and relieves sour tension as if by hand! The main thing is that you like it.
  • "Non-business" matters. It can be very difficult for a workaholic fixated on achievements to realize that something useless can be useful. What's the point of walking, what's the point of amateur carnivals? But “meaningless” and “impractical” pleasures charge you with childish energy. As a child, I suppose there was no such thing as unmotivated blues in sunny weather!
  • Emotional release. Are you sad and don't know why? Remember something sad and cry! Are you nervous out of the blue? Throw stuffed elephants at the sofa and darts at the Personalized Trouble's painted face! It will probably feel better.

In a peaceful direction

Surely all sensible humanity, having read these lines, has already thought: on the other hand, if dissatisfaction exists in a person, does that mean someone needs it? First of all, to this man himself. After all, if it were completely cloudless for us everywhere, we would not see progress - neither personal nor social! So we would sit in the dugouts, happy with everything: it doesn’t drip - it’s already comfortable.

After all, why drive out the feeling of dissatisfaction completely and irrevocably? You can, after all, by curbing this feeling, not kill it completely and irrevocably, but simply direct it to your benefit. How can you imagine a being who never doubts anything, is happy with everything and is always in a good-natured mood... and even somehow becomes a little disgusted. Still, the same thing was in that very place - useful tool when it makes you become better and make the world around you better!

So, we take our own vague dissatisfaction, our own inner aggressiveness - and use it in a specific case of downtime and slippage as an incentive! Yeah, we got there, tore off the ribbon... And now we urgently throw the incentive we just used away! Otherwise, he may again drive there - who knows where, in search of that - who knows what... And according to our plan, rest, breathing full breasts and enjoying ordinary life!

Video: Deep dissatisfaction with life. How to defeat her?

Three wise principles

What makes a man an eligible bachelor? A tight wallet, a sharp mind and... When somewhere deep in the bottom of the soul doubts and fears swarm like an unclear shadow, simple techniques help to cope with them.
  1. The "say it out loud" principle
    It is used when something is bothering you, but you don’t know what exactly. Then you need, left alone with yourself, to try to clearly and clearly name everything that may cause discomfort in this situation. Very often it is discovered that fears and fears, “pulled out into the light of God,” appear simply funny and insignificant - and then they can be let go with a smile.
  2. "Please clarify" principle
    It is used when dissatisfaction is caused by the need to achieve something, and the meaning and level of achievement is unclear. But then no result can bring pleasure! Remember Bender’s question to Shura Balaganov, exactly how much he needs to be happy. This is the correct technique.
  3. The "buy a goat" principle
    It is used when you, in a normal and balanced state, still feel some kind of vague awkwardness - either from focusing on someone’s opinion (“they may think that I’m lazy and don’t strive for more”), or from boredom (“everyone so good that it’s not even interesting”). Create an additional difficulty for yourself so that, having gotten rid of it, you can breathe a sigh of relief - and appreciate the advantages of your situation with fresh joy!

All misfortunes are from nerves

Dissatisfaction is a terrible thing. In healthy doses, it can certainly help achieve your goals. And in unhealthy ones, it causes all sorts of troubles.
  • Family conflicts. Spouses, one of whom is dissatisfied with something in family life(not necessarily in the intimate sphere, although that too), they don’t always think of discussing the source of latent discontent and deciding how to eliminate it together.
    More often, implicit claims result in unconstructive grinding, whims, claims and quarrels, which set the situation in motion.
  • Violation of rules on the roads. Russian psychologists have found that the root of many road accidents is not in technical problems and not even in the lack of skills, but in the “head”. It is internal dissatisfaction that gives rise to aggression, which forces drivers to act recklessly and cut off, and pedestrians to carelessly stomp across traffic and at red lights.
  • Addiction. When significant needs cannot be realized, dissatisfaction takes on global proportions. And if there is something that relieves this tension (games, drugs...), there is a big risk of immediately becoming addicted. Hence the pattern that more often children from dysfunctional families fall for such destructive “consolations”.

How often, when we come to work, we are visited by thoughts about the upcoming day being a day off. We begin to make a grandiose plan, how much we would be able to accomplish, and would still have time to go for a walk with the children. Saturday and Sunday fly by almost unnoticed, so we don't have time to do a lot. Most people dream of not going to work at all, then they would always get everything done on time.

Each of us is always dissatisfied with something, always wants to have the best and as much as possible. Brunettes consider blondes or brown-haired women much more beautiful and smarter, and they, in turn, do the opposite. The poor are always jealous of the wealth of the wealthy and successful people, and the famous want to live an ordinary life at least for a while. We are often dissatisfied with our work, bosses, and earnings.

As soon as we find ourselves without work, we have a lot of free time, but we already begin to think about what to do with this freedom. Even the weather doesn’t suit us all the time. When it's too hot, we want it to rain, but when the sky is overcast with rain clouds, we want the bright sun to appear, and so on ad infinitum.

One woman always dreamed of quitting her job as a teacher and staying at home, since she always did not have enough time for family concerns, her husband and children. Finally her dream came true, she was happy. ABOUT new job she didn't think and enjoyed her freedom. Several months passed and everything became routine, just like when working at school. But the trouble is, then she received a salary, but now she doesn’t, and now everything is wrong for her again.

Another woman was always looking for happiness, although it was always near her. Big and beautiful house, loving and kind husband, successful children. But she did not find happiness in them, since someone had something better or more. As a result, her husband left her, and she found her peace with a glass of vodka.

What prevents many of us from enjoying and enjoying life?

  1. We have no set life goals.
  2. We often compare ourselves to others and feel sorry for ourselves.
  3. Negative thoughts visit us all the time.
  4. We do not know how to rejoice and notice happy moments.
  5. We dream a lot, but do nothing to achieve our desires.

There is one interesting film "Pollyanna". It tells the story of one girl. She plays a wonderful game called Find the Good. The girl looks for the positive in any situation and is happy with what she has, even the smallest little thing. She doesn't see the evil around her at all. The girl fills everything around with her happiness and laughter, and even the most gloomy people begin to rejoice with her. Many of us should take an example from this young beauty.

Every person needs to understand why he lives, set certain goals for himself, and set the right priorities. You need to understand why you took this job and not another. Don’t get upset over various trifles that mean absolutely nothing.

At a psychologist’s appointment you can often hear: “... everything is going well in my life. I am a completely prosperous person. But I feel bad and don’t understand why this is happening. It’s hard for me and I want to change it, but I don’t know what to change and how to do it.”

Each of our states has reasons, and so does the feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

Firstly, it is possible you're really missing something important to feel like you are living a full and fulfilling life.

Sometimes it is clear to us what exactly is missing for happiness, but various reasons we don't make the effort to get what we lack. For example, you have long wanted to change your profession, but the need to come to terms with a temporary demotion is preventing you from doing so. wages and fear that you will not be able to achieve success in your new profession. Or someone has dreamed of playing the piano since childhood, but it seems that it is too late to start and they should give up “stupid childhood fantasies.” Sometimes the only way to change our life, the idea that comes to our minds is too radical to bring it to life.

But sometimes we don’t even understand what exactly doesn’t suit us in our own lives. Either because we consider it unimportant, or even the very understanding of what we lack already requires internal changes. Perhaps the most common example is when a woman is dissatisfied with a man’s attitude towards herself. Although she is offended by many things, expressing her dissatisfaction for her is tantamount to a decision to break up. But she doesn’t want to leave, so, unnoticed by herself, she inspires herself that everything is fine and she great relationship. But for “an unknown reason,” he feels dissatisfied with life and is moping.

Another reason - problems of self-esteem and self-acceptance. Some people tend to pay little attention to the good and valuable what is in them and in their lives. If you carefully question such a person, he himself will be surprised to notice that there is a lot of value in his life and this improves his mood. But usually not for long, because after a while, he habitually stops noticing the good again.

Other people are extremely demanding of themselves and mercilessly scold themselves at the slightest failure. It's as if the unfriendly critic is constantly commenting on what they think, feel and do: "this is nonsense, this kindergarten, well, you got yourself into this again: of course, what else could be expected from you.” It is not surprising that they are constantly dissatisfied with themselves.

And finally, dissatisfaction with oneself can be one of the symptoms. Feelings of guilt, feelings of worthlessness and thoughts about your own uselessness - if you are familiar with these feelings, you should seek psychological help.

All these reasons may be interconnected.

For example, being overly demanding of ourselves can lead us to refuse to make efforts to achieve what we want. And why? After all, nothing good will come of it anyway. If we do not achieve what is important and valuable to us, the feeling of being a failure will grow and strengthen. With some predisposition, this can eventually lead to depression.

And it happens the other way around. A person develops depression - and he believes that there is nothing good and valuable in his life. These thoughts are so convincing that he forgets that when he was healthy, he loved and valued his work, family, friends, and hobbies.

The help of a psychologist when working with dissatisfaction with life and dissatisfaction with oneself is to find the reasons for what is happening and help eliminate them.

Help may be needed in understanding what is missing and planning how to add it into your life. Often one or two meetings with a professional psychologist are enough, and you can do the rest of the work yourself.

In other cases psychological assistance is to teach you to notice the good and evaluate yourself realistically, make reasonable demands on yourself, defend your interests, etc. In this case professional psychologist acts partly as a coach. He draws up a training plan, helps not to overstrain himself from unbearable loads, and supports him in case of failures. If the problem is depression, psychotherapy is necessary. Sometimes, in addition to psychotherapy, a psychologist may suggest seeing a doctor to prescribe medications.

We are all dissatisfied with ourselves sometimes and this is completely normal. But if this feeling does not go away for a long time and grows, come to us, together we will figure out what the reasons are and overcome the difficulties.

2015, Psychodynamics. When reprinting or copying texts, an active link to is required.

Dissatisfaction as a personality quality is the tendency to constantly scold someone or something, condemn, make claims, declare one’s displeasure and dissatisfaction.

One person, dissatisfied with Life, once began to reproach her: “You could have been better, a little kinder and fairer to your children!” Life snapped: - Yes, and you are good! As you are to me, so am I to you. The man did not calm down: “Who gave birth to us like this?” Who made them like this? “I,” Life thought, “he’s right...” And the man continued: “And you often treat the worst of us better than everyone else!” Life has become completely sad: - It happens... And I heard: - Do you want to know why everyone is unhappy? And what can you do so that everyone just praises and glorifies you? She was surprised: “Is there really one reason for everything, unknown to me, and a simple way?” and said: “Yes, I want to!” - Then listen... Why do you think we are unhappy with you? Life shrugged: - You only know one word - “give!” You just whine and don’t let others live. The man smiled: “You’re almost right.” Have you tried giving it yourself? Life nodded affirmatively. “No,” the man clarified, “not just one person, but everyone at once, and that’s all they ask?” Life was puzzled: “How is it possible - everything to everyone, and even at once? This has never happened before!” The man continued: “People are dissatisfied because they receive very little, and even after dividing it among everyone!” And the stronger ones take away from those who are weaker. So, for those left behind, life becomes completely unbearable. If everyone gets everything, then what reasons will we have for discontent? Life thought, shook her head and decided: “Why not try?” And people began to have any desires come true - even the most stupid and fantastic, to the most vile and vile... Very soon there was no more Life at all.

You can be satisfied just from the thought that you have won the birth competition against several billion applicants. As infants we were constantly in a state of contentment. Even when we began to cry or be capricious, it could not be called dissatisfaction. IN direct form we simply asked for care and help. We did not have a negative attitude towards the world and our mother. But as soon as we began to become aware of this world, our needs began to grow. The law of increasing needs has taken pride of place in our lives. The world has ceased to cope with our growing demands. The first time we were refused a toy or ice cream, we had negative attitude to the world in the form of discontent. Forgetting about his serene past, the ungrateful kid changes his attitude towards the world: “You're a jerk! I don’t love you and I won’t play with you.” Here, both the soul and the restless mind participate in the unison of negativity. The world always agrees with us: “Yes, I’m crazy! I don’t love you either and I won’t play with you.” He, like a mirror of a child’s thoughts, really becomes ugly. Now there are more and more reasons for dissatisfaction. Chain reaction discontent is in full swing. As a result, a child happy with the world eventually turns into an adult bore who constantly files lawsuits against the world and runs to court about this as if it were work. The world is constantly in debt to such people. If you don't like the world, then the world doesn't like you.

And who is to blame? - Herzen would ask. The man himself is to blame. He himself stole the colors from the world. A. Blok wrote: “Erase random features - and you will see: the world is beautiful.” Unfortunately, the person who sold the colors of the world will only see its “random features”: dirty streets, broken bottles, gloomy faces. In a word: “How scary it is to live!”, because all around is darkness, nightmare and horror: all are thieves, corrupt officials and werewolves. Everyone should be shot, or better yet, hanged.

Is it possible to reverse the move and restore the world's goodwill? Of course you can. Necessary ask the world for forgiveness and trust it. Live in the “here and now” mode, noticing in every little detail of life the care and love of the world for you. Wake up and immediately say: “My world and I are friends. The world takes care of me and fulfills all my orders." Let's go wash up - you state: “The tap is warm and cold water. The world cares about me." They opened the refrigerator: “So many delicious treats!” The world loves and cares about me." We went down the elevator: “The world is kind to me.” In a word, you opened a “hunt for a world without random features.” If you hunt like this for a month, you will be delighted with the results. The world will shine with bright colors again. You will see joyful faces, spring and blue skies. With this approach, you are not fighting with anyone or anything. You simply change the emphasis of your perception of the world. You play boomerang with the world: you notice that it cares about you, and, according to the boomerang rule, it cares about you even more.

Have you noticed this feature of your behavior? You love those you do good to, those you care about, and hate those you harm. You love your protégés. There are countless proofs of this in life. The uncle supports his nephew and only because of this loves him. Businessman supervises orphanage, often visits him, participates in the lives of children and unselfishly loves all his inhabitants. It's the same story with the world. Once your attitude towards the world has changed, the world becomes your protégé and will push you towards happiness and prosperity.

When they try to fight discontent, it always ends in a fiasco. For example, “pretend to be Madrid” - smile always and everywhere. The Americans made this a relationship practice. Smiling is a powerful positive tool when it is conscious. The very facial expression makes you smile positive emotions. However, when there is no sincerity in a smile, people perceive it as simple stupidity.

This story happened about 700 years ago. The great teacher, wise with experience, enjoying honor and glory, lay on his deathbed. Disciples and faithful followers asked if he was afraid to die. “Yes,” answered the sage, “I am afraid of meeting the Creator.” "How so? - they were surprised. “You have lived such a worthy life.” You brought us out of the darkness of ignorance, like Moses did his people. You settled disputes between us with the wisdom of Solomon.” Hearing these words, the teacher quietly replied: “When I stand before the Creator, he will not ask me about who I was like, like Moses or Solomon. He will ask: “Were you yourself?”

Dissatisfaction with anxiety are the absolute world champions in devouring human energy. “Pair skating” of these negative personality traits is capable of shredding the forces given to us with the edge of their skates. When we have complexes about our shortcomings, therefore, we give them increased value. Excess potential is formed, and this is already dangerous: the equilibrium forces have taken a “start” position. What can they do? One of two things: overcome your shortcomings or create advantages. You've been told your whole life that life is a struggle. This subconscious attitude forces you to rush into battle with your shortcomings. This choice turns into disaster. You get the opposite result with simultaneous deterioration general condition personality. For example, the intention to overcome or hide one’s greed ends with a person turning into a miser or, conversely, into a thoughtless spender. In the struggle with himself, a person begins to become bitter towards himself and engages in self-abasement. As a result, it comes into an unacceptable state: a conflict between soul and mind. When the soul and mind are at odds, it becomes dangerous. There may be discord in life. The soul has nothing to do with your dissatisfaction with life. You brought all the baggage of discontent, all your “rusty anchors” in collusion with your mind, not your soul.

What is the way out of the discord of the soul and mind? There is only one way out: stop fighting with yourself, forgive yourself all your shortcomings and accept yourself as you are. This does not mean that a person should not be strict with himself. As V. Vysotsky sang: “Here I stand in front of you as if naked...”. So accept yourself without external trappings and tinsel. Only in this case will you restore the union of soul, mind and reason. You can direct the energy freed from the fight against shortcomings to the formation of your strengths. You will develop your virtues by conviction, and not by coercion, without violence against yourself.

But what about the shortcomings? If I drink and smoke, what should I continue? – you ask. Have you ever seen a smoker or an alcoholic who gave up his addiction only under the weight of coercion? Remission is followed by relapse. Another breakdown is evidence of the growth of excess potentials. Everyone must make a choice: either quit a bad habit out of conviction, or put it under control. Of course, this is not a panacea bad habits, but you must agree: a habit that is allowed to float freely causes less damage than one that you hate, but are unable to do anything about.

A bad habit must be replaced with a good one or good habits that can painlessly neutralize a bad addiction. Habits are the form of our behavior. No wonder A.S. Pushkin said: “Habit has been given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness.” For example, you want to get rid of the habit of excessive consumption of sweets. Eat any fruit for one month and you will no longer need sweets. During this month, you will form the habit of eating fruits. New habits should bring you pleasure. For example, smoking can be replaced with a cup of aromatic tea.

It is quite clear that these techniques are purely individual. In each specific case, you need to select your own methodology. The main thing is to stop torturing your psyche in the fight against shortcomings and work on your strengths.

If you wish to leave the party forever dissatisfied with life(PNG), stop making excuses discontent. How can you be happy here? The country is bad, the government is full of thieves. Probably no one described dissatisfaction with life better than Gogol: “The governor is the first robber in the world, and the face of a robber! Just give him a knife and let him out onto the main road - he’ll kill you, for a penny he’ll kill you. The mayor is stupid as a gray gelding, and he is eloquent beyond measure - no matter what Cicero said, it rolled off his tongue. He deceived swindlers upon swindlers, swindlers and rogues, such that they were ready to rob the whole world, he cheated on them. He deceived three governors. Chairman, he is just a Freemason, and such a fool as the world has never produced. The police chief is a fraudster, he will sell you, deceive you, and even have lunch with you! I know them all; These are scammers, the whole city there is like this: The scammer sits on the scammer and drives the scammer. All sellers of Christ. There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor, and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig and doesn’t recognize the laws.” A familiar picture, isn't it? Well, what's the point of this dissatisfaction? Are you able to change something? Is this your area of ​​expertise?

Works in life effective principle: « Move with benefit - stop with harm! There is no benefit to being dissatisfied. What harm does it do? Maybe this is a harmless personality trait? It turns out that the more discontent, the more illnesses. For their habit of making claims to the world, adherents of discontent receive as a “reward”: rheumatism, diseases of the joints and throat. Is the game worth the candle?

If you are tormented by dissatisfaction with another person, first look at yourself. Another person, another world. You have the right to be yourself, and others to be different. If you make an attempt to change another person, it cannot be called anything other than military action. The war of the worlds begins at the energy level. Naturally, a person begins to repel a treacherous attack on his world. We see such wars everywhere in couples: wife-husband, boss-subordinate, man-woman, parents-children, etc.

The world, like a mirror, reflects ourselves. Are you unhappy with the behavior of others? So you have this behavior. We are most dissatisfied with others when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. Guilt makes us intolerant. In other words, you are expressing dissatisfaction with yourself. Learn to accept other people with their beliefs, views and opinions. Isn't it interesting to look at the world through someone else's eyes? Leave the principle: “Breaking, destroying and tearing into pieces, this is life, this is happiness.” Respect and admire the world and people!

The student asked the dervish: “Teacher, is the world hostile for man?” Or does it bring good to a person? -. “I’ll tell you a parable about how the world treats a person,” said the teacher. “Once upon a time there lived a great Shah. He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things there. Among other wonders in the palace there was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately understand that it was a mirror in front of him - they reflected objects so accurately. In addition, the walls of this hall were designed to create an echo. You ask: “Who are you?” - and you will hear in response from all sides: “Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?". One day a dog ran into the hall and froze in amazement in the middle - a whole pack of dogs surrounded it on all sides, above and below. The dog bared its teeth just in case, and all the reflections answered it in the same way. Seriously frightened, the dog barked desperately. The echo repeated her bark. The dog barked louder. Echo did not lag behind. The dog rushed back and forth, biting the air; her reflections also rushed around, clicking their teeth. The next morning, the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could cause her any harm. The dog died fighting his own reflections.” “Now you see,” finished the dervish, “the world brings neither good nor evil in itself.” He is indifferent to people. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions. The world is a big mirror.

Peter Kovalev