What kind of person should a company employee be? What should an ideal employee be like? List of used literature

Many employers complain that they cannot find the ideal employee for their company who would meet all the requirements. What really is hidden under the phrase “ideal candidate” and what qualities you need to have to pass an interview - in the material of the “Work” project.

Portrait of an impeccable candidate

If you analyze the majority of vacancies, you will notice that employers want to find a sociable, stress-resistant specialist who can work non-stop during irregular working hours for an average salary and always smile. However, even if such a candidate exists, the company will always have other reasons for dissatisfaction.

“In fact, all these general qualities, such as communication skills and an active life position, will never help you find an employee who would be ideal for a particular position,” says Head of Sales Department Sergey Borisov. – There is no universal ideal worker, because in each specific case a specialist is given different tasks. And if one position requires a person who knows how to establish business contacts and persuade, then another would be more suitable for a shy but hardworking employee who has no ambition and will do the same monotonous work year after year.”

Based on this, we can conclude that the ideal employee does not exist, and in each specific case it is necessary to focus specifically on the tasks that the specialist will have to perform.

“Finding a suitable employee is not so difficult if you do not strive to find an impeccable one,” says Sergey Borisov. – For me, the key criteria are interest in the company, understanding of my business and the desire to improve my skills. Everything else is not paramount. If an employee is interested in his work and wants to achieve better results, then stress resistance and perseverance will come by themselves. If an employee recommends himself as active, purposeful, but at the same time he is not interested in your business, then after a while there will be no trace of purposefulness left.”

How to “figure out” a suitable employee?

Recruitment specialists note that the ideal candidate for a company must first of all be able to answer several questions: why he chose this particular company and what he can do for it. All other criteria become only an addition, but not an advantage.

“As practice shows, if a candidate cannot answer during an interview why he decided to work with us, then he does not stay long,” says recruiting manager Anastasia Komarova. – Some candidates cannot even tell what the company they want to work for does. Of course, such an attitude towards a potential job is simply not acceptable, and the applicant will be refused. Each position has certain requirements regarding education and work experience - these criteria are considered at the resume stage. During a personal meeting, the applicant must competently present his knowledge about the industry in which he wants to work, tell what skills and experience he has and what he is ready to do for the company. Based on the answers, we can conclude whether the candidate is “ideal” for a particular position.”

“If the specialist’s interests coincide with the company’s capabilities, then this can be the beginning of ideal cooperation,” says Anastasia Komarova. – Sincere interest is immediately visible during the interview. The candidate does not answer with banal phrases, but maintains a lively conversation and asks a lot of questions. If a potential employee shows a desire to work in this particular company, and he has the necessary competencies for this, then you can turn a blind eye to some personal qualities that do not meet the requirements specified in the vacancy.”

The third no less important rule is to pay attention to the job description. The candidate must be ready to solve all the tasks posed by the company. And for this it is necessary to sufficiently possess the necessary knowledge and competencies.

“You need to carefully evaluate your capabilities with the stated requirements,” says Sergey Borisov. – It is stupid to expect that experience will come in the process of work if you are applying for a serious position. As a rule, the company expects new decisions from employees, rather than explaining to them the well-worn rules. Assessing your qualities is important in any other position. If an employee applies for a monotonous job that requires constant concentration, and at the same time knows that he is impulsive and cannot sit in one place for a long time, then there is no point in wasting his or the company’s time.”

Let’s summarize: an ideal employee is a kind of collective image that consists of a set of professional and personal qualities. However, for each company this ideal image will be different, depending on its goals and requirements. It is important for the applicant to remember that, first of all, you need to be a professional in your field, know about the latest changes in the market and strive for development. With this approach, the chances of becoming an excellent candidate for the company increase dramatically.

Every businessman and manager wants only qualified, talented workers who work in his office, devoting maximum effort and time to their work.

So, what characteristics, personal and professional, should such an employee have? How to choose it?

An excellent employee, first of all, must fulfill his job descriptions efficiently, work for results, and at work be directly involved in the work process, and not in personal matters.

Another important quality is responsibility and genuine interest in the work being performed. A person who does something by order, without desire, is not capable of great labor feats, and you can hardly expect creative ideas from him.

He should strive for a common goal - the success of the company, and not serve an eight-hour working day as a duty.

The subordinate must be able to analyze events and make final decisions, be able to regulate the process, that is, keep everything under control.

In addition, the employee must be aware of the latest news from the organization.

Initiative and its manifestation is one of the most important qualities of a good team. Subordinates should not be afraid to offer their ideas; on the contrary, the manager should in every possible way stimulate the development of new ideas and plans coming from colleagues.

Kindness is an important character trait that everyone who works in a team needs.

The ability to find dialogue with colleagues, refrain from conflicts, and be able to resolve everything through negotiations is what anyone will need in concluding agreements, contracts, discussing everyday issues of an enterprise, for example, a Moscow recruitment agency.

Communication skills. The ability to get a silent client to talk so that he explains the details of a transaction, or to quickly get closer to colleagues - this will also be needed in work life.

Personal sympathy. The employee you select to work in your company must be liked. It doesn't have to be any special sympathy. Rather, it is simply a feeling that it is pleasant to contact a person, there is no hostility or constraint in communication, there is no negativity or repulsive traits in appearance and demeanor.

In any case, when making a choice in favor of this or that person, be sure to remember that a healthy moral atmosphere in the team is the key to the success of your business.

A certain head of the HR department named the qualities that a modern employee lacks. The article is equally useful to everyone. Recruiters will learn non-standard questions for interviews, HR will pay attention to compliance with the parameters of a co-worker, employees will learn how to make the best impression + what nuances are objectively worth improving.

1. Changes

Digitalization and globalization are the real engines of progress. Employees must be prepared for changes: different work rules (especially in the area of ​​personnel selection), the need for training and even retraining. A subordinate who looks confidently into the future inspires trust and a desire for long-term cooperation with him. An employee who has the skills to work in CRM systems and is fluent in the latest software products and means of communication is the standard of our time. This is why the new generation has a bonus over the outgoing generation, which is par for the course: it is better oriented in a rapidly changing reality.

2. Reliability

The ability to be responsible for one’s own actions and responsibility are characteristics necessary for both top management and ordinary employees. An employee who does not need constant checks, reminders and does not miss a deadline is worth his weight in gold. Here the older generation is a clear winner so far.

3. Initiative

In the 21st century, to successfully work in a company, it is not enough to be an executive; a certain arrogance and creativity (in total, giving the desired super-initiative) are also needed. Constant competition and the need for talent make employee suggestions and autonomy an extremely valuable resource. But! Arrogance + initiative, and not just impudence.

4. Emotional strength

Previously, the recruitment agency ARES LLC published an article about the importance of EQ - emotional intelligence . WITH There are a number of cases from various companies confirming: intelligence emotional - “new black”. The results of developing this skill among employees bring companies up to 55% additional profit . Today we clarify: emotionpower is an equally valuable talent. Does the employee know how to abstract himself from the situation and act with a cool mind? Take care of it like the apple of your eye!

5. Accuracy

During the initial meeting (read, at the interview), the hiring manager observes the neatness or sloppiness of the future employee: how clean the clothes, hair, teeth are, the moderation of perfume, etc. But nothing indicates scrupulousness in matters of order on the desktop. A direct question is also ineffective - no one admits to a mess in the workplace. Meanwhile, pedantry in this matter is a sign of a structural employee who is able to regularly cope with responsibilities. Order on the table = order in the head. Einstein, however, once ironically remarked that emptiness on the table can easily mean emptiness in the head. However, an impeccable appearance is mandatory for an employee of any level.

Elizaveta Klescheva

This quality will help the employee not only gain the favor of the boss, but also establish friendly relations with colleagues. In addition, respect for everyone around you, for their work, individual characteristics, and values ​​will significantly increase labor productivity. After all, when a person is in harmony with everything that surrounds him, and also in harmony with himself, he does not have to waste his energy on grinding and thinking about controversial situations in relationships with colleagues and superiors. Always adequately assess the situation and people's behavior. Follow a simple rule that encourages you to behave with others the same way you want them to behave with you, and then life will sparkle with new colors.

The pursuit of knowledge

Indeed, a good employee of a company not only solves its pressing problems and accurately fulfills his job responsibilities. In addition, he always strives to learn something new, simply because in the current era of constant innovation, you must always be aware of the main trends in the development of your industry if you do not want to be left out of work. You can study at home, or at special courses, anywhere, as long as you have the desire. Your employer will undoubtedly appreciate it if you do not wait until he forces you to go to the next advanced training course, but rather take the initiative in this matter. Remember that technology is developing all the time, and you must develop along with it, and, preferably, before everyone else. This will become your clear competitive advantage in the fight for promotion and employer favor.


Determination means the ability to make decisions and not be afraid of it. Potential problems cannot be avoided in any enterprise or in any field of activity. So, if you don’t learn to take them for granted and not be afraid when they arise, but simply act promptly in order to prevent problems, then you will never grow in the eyes of your superiors, and in your own too. In order to learn this, of course, you need to practice more, then over time any problem will be a trifle for you. It is also important how you approach problems, that is, whether you take them personally. If you accept the problem as close to yourself as possible, as your own, as one on which your future life depends, then it will be much easier for you to solve it in a short time. Don’t forget that any problem is a step that takes you higher, teaches you something new, which means that the next time a similar situation arises, you will know

For most Russians, the ideal employee and colleague is someone who is a professional in their field and can help in solving difficult work problems. Many are confident that they are surrounded by such unique personnel. Experts believe that ideal specialists are a rare phenomenon on the Russian labor market, so they need to be valued. In turn, the online magazine “Money and Career” found out: is it difficult to be ideal and how to become so.

Portrait of an ideal employee and colleague

In our opinion, the ideal employee is the one who has no flaws. As part of a survey conducted by the HeadHunter company, Russians voiced the main qualities that their ideal colleague should have. As a result, the image of an ideal specialist was created. So, according to Russians, such a specialist should be a professional in his field (73%), he helps when his colleagues have difficulties with work (57%), has a sense of humor (56%), motivates employees (41%), with him you can have a heart-to-heart talk, and he also has similar interests outside of work (music, hobbies) (23% each), covers for his colleagues in front of his superiors (20%), you can gossip with him and he likes the same food as his familiar employees (6% each), he is on good terms with his superiors (5%).

According to our experts, the portrait of an ideal employee and colleague is mainly formed from his professional and then personal qualities. “Every company has its own ideal employee. And yet, if we try to draw his portrait, we will meet such wishes of employers as professionalism, hard work, punctuality, flexibility, initiative, stress resistance. They often want to see a creative, unmercenary workaholic - this is ironic, but vital,” says Nadezhda Pyataeva, leading consultant of the Vis-Avi Consult recruitment agency.

“In my understanding, an ideal employee and colleague must, first of all, do his job well, be able to work in a team, and be a conscientious, responsible and punctual person. All these qualities are especially important if you overlap at work or work on a joint project. Well, if in addition the specialist turns out to be a pleasant person and conversationalist, then you are very lucky, he is an ideal colleague,” says Vladimir Telyatnikov, managing director of Brightmen Solutions.

“The ideal colleague is, of course, an intelligent, open, sociable person. It is necessary that the colleague is not annoying and intrusive, but rather sensitive and sensitive. It is very important to maintain a professional distance and not forget that you are at work. An ideal colleague will always help out and give advice, and will not seek benefits at the expense of morality,” Olesya Orlova, HR manager of the HR holding Empire Personnel, adds touches to the portrait.

“I’ll try to divide my answer into two parts: the ideal employee and the ideal colleague. In fact, an ideal employee should have a minimum of personal characteristics: good education, reasonable responsibility, pleasant adequacy, daily honesty, work diligence and intelligence - and, of course, the necessary professional knowledge. Separately, I note that managers select their employees in different ways: one is looking for an employee in their own likeness, the second is trying to create diverse teams, the third is compensating for the missing competencies with new specialists, the fourth hires only acquaintances or on the recommendations of acquaintances, and the fifth is simply forced to work with those “ who will be given” or who will come. All this versatility does not allow us to clearly delineate the boundaries of an ideal employee and therefore the set of qualities in different teams is very heterogeneous, says Ph.D., business coach, T&D expert, associate professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology of Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov Heinrich Justus. — The ideal colleague at work for us usually becomes the person in the team who, of all the others, is most suitable for us in terms of worldview, similarity in life values ​​and general attitude towards us. The ideal colleague for men is usually a man who has similar interests: football, fishing, cars, etc. Women prefer a colleague with whom they share common emotions and there is not even a hint of competition in various aspects.”

Ideal specialist: rule or exception?

It is interesting that, according to the results of the same survey by the HeadHunter company, 81% of respondents had to deal with ideal colleagues as part of the work process. At the same time, 88% admitted that they moved communication with such an employee outside the office walls. And 69% still maintain informal communication with him.

These sociostatistical figures are impressive, but they do not convey the real picture of what is happening and do not give an idea of ​​how many ideal specialists work in the Russian labor market, whether such employees can be considered a common occurrence in our labor market or whether they are most likely an exception to the rule. It cannot be argued that the number of Russians who encountered ideal colleagues is equal to the very number of these same colleagues, since several ordinary employees could easily work with the same “unique” at once and for the entire environment he was ideal. How can we objectively evaluate the emerging “picture”?

According to our experts, ideal personnel on the Russian labor market are more the exception to the rule than the rule. “As Joseph Vissarionovich said, personnel decides everything. So, personnel that fits perfectly into the company picture and brings 80% of the results are indeed very rare and valuable. Faced with selection both for our clients and in our company, I can say with confidence that ideal employees are an exception to the rule and they need to be looked for during the day. And having found them, it is necessary to properly motivate, support and give them the opportunity to grow and develop. Practice shows that many people want to be an ideal employee, but only a few try to become one. The rest only consider themselves as such and, based on this, put forward additional and not always justified demands,” argues Vladimir Telyatnikov. — Here we can give an analogy with football. The players of our national team receive millions and yet show absolutely no results. But, since there is no one to replace them, thanks to the neglect of children's and youth sports, they continue to put forward high demands and, what is important, these demands are satisfied out of despair. The labor market, in my opinion, is somewhat similar to this example, although there are still a few more options here.”

“The labor market is constantly in flux and regularly changes its internal guidelines. Unfortunately, the situation is such that most managers in Russian business believe that they do not have ideal employees. These are our current realities. Many managers see weaknesses in each of their employees, and when you ask them the question of who is the ideal employee on the team, they cannot answer it clearly and often talk not about a specific person, but about a certain “collective image” consisting of several qualities employees (real and even supposed/imaginary), reports Heinrich Justus. — Wise managers turn weaknesses into “growth areas” and, thereby, develop employees. Living up to someone's ideals can sometimes be very difficult and even impossible. Sometimes it’s easier to find the right workplace (where you will be highly valued, you will be comfortable and you will be able to realize yourself as an individual and a professional) than to change and even “break” yourself. Of course, serfdom was abolished a long time ago and everyone has the right to choose their own workplace. The choice is always yours!

However, another expert believes that ideal employees can be found much more often on the labor market. “I am sure that such people are a common occurrence on the Russian labor market. After all, in general, there are many smart, open-minded, professional specialists in Russia. It is difficult to pretend to be an ideal colleague, but it is not at all difficult to be. If in real life you are completely uncommunicative, not open, and also a careerist, then pretending to be perfect will be very difficult. Sooner or later, the true nature will make itself felt,” says Olesya Orlova.

However, there are also special cases. According to Nadezhda Pyataeva, it is the employer’s prioritization that determines what is more valued in a particular company: ideality or the personal qualities of an individual employee. “When a company submits an application to recruit an employee, a portrait of an ideal candidate emerges from the text of the resume. However, there are times when you find this ideal person, but the company doesn’t like him - he doesn’t fit on a personal level, he’s not on the same wavelength as the manager, he doesn’t match psychologically - he couldn’t charm. This means that, in addition to professional qualities, employers are looking for an employee for the company. It is important for every leader to see something of his own: charisma, experience, potential for development and contribution to the company, desire to develop. It happens that a candidate does not meet the company’s expectations at all - his English is weak, he often changes jobs, but he knows how to sell himself and the product, and attracts him on a personal level. Such employees are ready to forgive their imperfections,” the expert gives an example.

How to become perfect?

Whether to become an ideal employee and colleague or to remain oneself is something everyone decides for themselves. But for those who decide to get closer to the ideal, our experts give several recommendations.

Expert advice

What advice can you give to those who have decided to become an ideal employee/colleague?

Genrikh Justus, Ph.D., business coach, T&D expert, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhova:
“Of course, there can be a lot of advice, but I will try to highlight three main ones for each category. Those who want to become ideal employee, I advise:
1) Analyze yourself: are you ready to become an ideal employee for someone and, perhaps, partially or completely lose your uniqueness. These data need to be comprehensively compared with your inner world.
2) Determine what is valued (constantly or primarily) in your current team and by your immediate supervisor. This data will allow you to understand in which direction you should really move and grow.
3) Strive for excellence. But remember that this is a continuous process that has no end...
For those who want to become ideal colleague, I recommend:
1) Be with your colleagues only yourself: sooner or later any “social masks” have to be removed and then mutual or one-sided disappointments are possible.
2) Remember that they not only choose you, but you also choose part of your environment. Assess your level of comfort and ease of interaction with colleagues.
3) Never let your colleagues down and they will definitely answer you in the same way!”

Vladimir Telyatnikov, Managing Director of Brightmen Solutions:
“I can only advise one thing - to constantly develop, grow both horizontally and vertically, and do your job. If at the same time you manage to establish friendly or amicable relationships with others, then this will be an additional positive bonus in your career.”

Olesya Orlova, HR manager of the HR holding company “Empire Personnel”:
“I can only say one thing: people don’t become ideal colleagues - this is embedded much deeper, in their very character. Advice: you don’t have to be perfect, be yourself - and people will be drawn to you.”

Nadezhda Pyataeva, leading consultant at the Visavi Consult recruitment agency:
“It’s better to set a more specific goal - to be not an ideal employee, but a sought-after specialist. The ideal is very vague and difficult to achieve, and other people's expectations will differ from your own. Be responsible, honest, develop in your profession, set tasks for yourself and solve those set by management on time, in a word, achieve results that you can then tell employers about.”

It remains to be added that every specialist has no limit for perfection and professional development, but at the same time, one must not forget to remain oneself in any situation.

Svetlana Bashurina