Spontaneous nosebleeds. Home remedies to stop bleeding. Causes and types of nosebleeds

The nasal mucosa contains many small vessels, traumatization of which leads to bleeding. However, sometimes blood begins to flow without visible reasons, which can not only puzzle, but also frighten. In medicine similar phenomenon acquired the name epistaxis. In some cases, it acts as a signal of the flow pathological process in the body, in others it occurs due to external influences. Let’s look at more details about how nosebleeds appear: causes in adults, the danger of the symptom, methods of elimination.

Why does an adult have nosebleeds?

Regardless of the factors contributing to the appearance of bleeding, its mechanism is the same. The blood vessels inside the mucosa are damaged, causing blood to flow out of the nasal passage. The situations in which this happens vary:

  1. Injury. Various kinds Mechanical impacts on the nasal area become factors that can cause damage to blood vessels or even fracture of the nasal bones. Therefore, any forceful impact on the nose most often ends in hemorrhage. This is especially dangerous in childhood: even minor physical actions(e.g. nose picking) can lead to epistaxis.
  2. External influences. Factors such as prolonged exposure to sun rays, exhausting physical activity provoke bleeding in an adult. The influence of temperature, low or high, dries out the mucous membrane, causing the vessels to become more fragile. As a result, they are more susceptible to injury and burst more easily.

Know! These are the so-called physiological reasons in an adult, based on external influence. They become obsolete with the elimination of the negatively influencing factor and do not require contact with a specialist.

Another group of factors is a symptom internal problems. In this case, bleeding becomes a signal of pathologies that indicate problems with organs or organ systems. These include:

  1. Hypertension. High blood pressure may cause bleeding. A sharp rise in pressure can occur at any time of the day, including at night or during morning time. That is why in the mornings you can sometimes see nosebleed.
  2. Inflammation. Various inflammatory processes arising against the background of rhinitis or sinusitis, weaken protective properties the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which causes bleeding due to any minor impact. Sometimes this phenomenon can be accompanied by ARVI or allergic rhinitis.
  3. Nasal polyps. Due to the growth of the mucous membrane, breathing becomes difficult; polyps, as a rule, have an abundant blood supply, and their injury leads to sudden bleeding. Polyps appear as a result of an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane, allergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, genetic predisposition to the formation of polyps.
  4. VSD. In addition to episodic headaches and tinnitus, vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by the occurrence of hemorrhages against the background weak blood vessels and episodes of sudden increase blood pressure.
  5. Atherosclerosis. The disease is characterized by changes in the structure of blood vessels, due to which elasticity is lost, damage occurs, which is characterized by bleeding.
  6. Pheochromocytoma. This disease is a tumor of the adrenal gland that increases the amount of stress hormones. This, in turn, provokes an increase in pressure.
  7. Taking medications. A bloody nose is usually caused by the use of drugs designed to reduce blood clotting. A similar problem is also often caused by the active use of nasal sprays, which dry out the sensitive mucous membrane. As a result, entire blood clots form in the nasal cavity.

Bleeding, characterized by damage to small vessels, is usually not dangerous to health. During this, the blood flows in a small stream and soon stops on its own.

Important! Bleeding accompanied by damage to large vessels poses a great danger. The jet is strong, bright red, and rarely stops on its own.

Nose bleeds in the morning

Even with in good condition blood can gushing out at any moment. This happens immediately after getting up, while washing, having breakfast, etc. The reason for this condition lies in the drying out of the nasal mucosa, which occurs even in sleep. Also at this time, dry crusts appear in the nose, growing to the walls of the nose. During their removal, for example, when blowing the nose, the mucous membrane is injured, resulting in blood flow. If blood often runs from the nose, an adult will soon begin to experience characteristic symptoms in the form of a decrease in hemoglobin, constant weakness, deterioration in performance.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very vulnerable state female body, in which exacerbation often occurs chronic diseases. As a result, nosebleeds seem to be harmless, although sometimes it can be a marker of a serious pathology that threatens health.

During pregnancy, bleeding is caused by an increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone, which helps to accelerate blood flow. In women, due to high stress, the mucous membrane is susceptible to damage, inflammation and swelling more often appear there, which makes breathing difficult. All this leads to the fact that blood often comes from the nose.

Know! WITH similar problem you need to consult an ENT specialist or gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe drops that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels to prevent blood loss.

The main danger of constant bleeding is the risk of iron deficiency anemia(anemia). Damage to large vessels may occur, leading to severe consequences, which cannot be eliminated on your own. It is also dangerous if blood starts flowing from two nasal passages at once. This is considered a sign that the farthest reaches of the nasal cavity have been affected, making it difficult to try to stop the bleeding on your own. If this happens, blood can enter the mouth, lungs or stomach through the nose.

Important! Normally, blood should flow from one nostril in a thin stream and stop quickly.

What to do - first aid

Despite the prevalence of the phenomenon, some do not know what to do if the nose there's blood coming out how to provide first aid. To begin with, the victim must allow the blood to flow freely from the nasal passage and not throw back his head, contrary to popular belief. You need to let it drain completely, if necessary, insert gauze, a napkin or a cotton pad into the nasal passage so as not to stain your clothes with blood. It is better to moisten the tampon with hydrogen peroxide, which is an effective hemostatic agent.

To do this, you can sit down and tilt your head back a little. If you tilt it too far, blood may enter your mouth, causing gag reflex. Leaning forward will cause blood to flow to the nose, leading to more intense hemorrhage.

After completing the steps described above, the victim needs to be assisted to gradually reduce the amount of blood drained. To do this, you should fix ice or an ice towel on the bridge of your nose for the first 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to moisten a napkin and place it on the back of the neck. The nasal passage in which the blood loss began should be lightly pinched until the bleeding ceases to be profuse. If necessary, you can use cotton swabs. Pre-moisten them well with peroxide.

Important! If the bleeding is profuse and continues for a long time, accompanied by frequent headaches, blurred vision and speech, and clouding of consciousness, the victim must be taken to the hospital.

If bleeding is a one-time occurrence caused by visible factors, there is no cause for concern. However, when this happens constantly, it is necessary to begin treatment. At the same time, it is important not only to relieve disturbing symptoms, but to treat the disease itself that caused the bleeding.

Surely every person has experienced bleeding from the nose. There can be many reasons for this, but what they all have in common is that they lead to blood vessels bursting.

Child's nose bleeds

Most often blood from nose goes in children, on average, five times more often than in adults. This is explained by the fact that the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose in children is somewhat different. The mucous membrane is thinner and blood vessels fit tightly to it. Therefore, even the smallest actions can cause nosebleeds.

Among the main reasons are:

  1. Bacterial and viral diseases. Some viruses cause loosening and inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Injuries. Children do not like to sit still, they run and jump all the time, and this increases the likelihood of injury. And picking your nose can damage the delicate nasal mucosa.
  3. The use of drugs that constrict blood vessels. Unfortunately, such drugs often cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
  4. Various diseases, such as hemophilia, vasculitis, thrombocytopathy, lupus, etc., they cause changes in the vascular wall and blood clotting.
  5. Nasal septum twisted.
  6. Formations in the nose area (can be benign or malignant).
  7. Frequent insertion of tampons into the nose.
  8. Dry indoor air promotes bleeding because it dries out the mucous membrane.
  9. Hormones during puberty.
  10. High blood pressure.
  11. Thermal and chemical burns.
  12. Tension caused by sneezing or severe coughing.
  13. Other diseases such as hepatitis, vitamin deficiency, anemia.
  14. Bleeding in other organs.
If you often bleed from the nose, preventive measures are needed

If bleeding occurs quite often, it is necessary to accurately determine its cause. This begins with a general examination of the nasal cavity to check the mucous membrane for the presence of foreign bodies, debris, dust, polyps and formations. Since the cause of bleeding may be general illness, a blood test is taken and we look at the platelet count and blood clotting.

Required integrated approach to the problem that has arisen, therefore it would be useful to consult an endocrinologist, oncologist, immunologist, hematologist and ENT specialist. Based on the research, they prescribe the necessary treatment.

Ascorutin (contains vitamins P and C) has a good preventive effect. It is used from the age of three, half a tablet twice a day; children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed a whole tablet 3 times a day. The course of taking the drug is 28 days.

Why does your nose bleed and when is it dangerous?

Rare nosebleeds may not cause serious problems. The danger arises if blood from the nasal passages occurs frequently, for a long time or a stream, then there is a possibility of large blood loss. Usually everyone gets symptoms. This could be: dizziness, pale skin, mucous membranes acquire a whitish tint, spots appear before the eyes, the person becomes cold, possible cold sweat. If you feel his pulse, you will notice that it is quickening, but becomes weak. It is especially dangerous if loss of consciousness occurs. Of course, if you notice such symptoms, there is no question of any self-medication: it is necessary medical care doctor And before it appears, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the person.

Nose bleeding: first aid

The patient must be provided with complete rest. He should take a semi-sitting position, with his head thrown back moderately. It is contraindicated to tilt your head too much, as this can lead to blood flowing into the nasopharynx. If blood does get there, it must be spat out. There is also no need to lean forward too much, as this can increase nosebleeds. It happens that the patient is unconscious, in this case he needs to be placed on his back, turning his head to the side and call emergency assistance. If you want to transport him to the hospital yourself, you need to do this in the same position.

For a person who is bleeding from the nose, cold is placed on the bridge of the nose; this can be either ice or a cold wet napkin. For light bleeding

try to press the wings of your nose to the center and hold for a while until the bleeding stops. Usually this is enough. For severe nosebleeds, a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) will help. They need to moisten a cotton swab and insert it into the nasal passage. It might also help hemostatic sponge, which is sold at the pharmacy.

Why do adults bleed from the nose?

  1. The main cause of nosebleeds is mechanical damage. Even a small blow to the bridge of the nose is enough to cause blood to flow. Also, in some people whose nasal vessels are too close, nosebleeds may occur even when blowing their nose forcefully. Some people have bad habit, which provokes nosebleeds - nose picking.
  2. If intracranial or blood pressure has increased. Thus, the body reduces pressure, protecting us from stroke. Usually, if the doctor finds this particular cause of bleeding in you, they will prescribe hirudotherapy, or treatment with leeches. They are cleaning excess blood while sucking her off.
  3. If there is a rush of blood to the nasal mucosa (inflammation).
  4. Enough common cause blood from the nose may cause fragility of blood vessels, which can appear as a result of:
    • vitamin C deficiency. In this case, elasticity decreases connective tissue. In addition to nosebleeds, gums may bleed.
    • dry indoor air. Humidifiers, room ventilation, and just saucers of water will get rid of this problem.
    • chronic runny nose, as well as improper use medicines against nasal congestion. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and use medications only as prescribed by your doctor.
    • crooked nasal septum.
    • structural features of the nasal mucosa due to hereditary characteristics. Only coagulation can help ( medical procedure, in which cauterization of the capillaries occurs).

Pregnant women bleed from the nose, why does this happen?

Pregnancy is usually not only a happy time, but also a great test for the body. After all, he has to work for two at once. This applies to all organs. The cardiovascular system increases blood flow as hormones increase. This load does not go unnoticed on the body: the nasal mucosa becomes very fragile and thin. Nosebleeds can occur unexpectedly.

In addition, nosebleeds may indicate problems in the pregnant woman and she needs to see a doctor. This occurs when spots appear before the eyes, nausea or dizziness occurs. The phenomena indicate a change in blood pressure. This can also be dangerous for the child, since there is a change in the tone of the uterus and possible oxygen starvation fetus

Another reason can be called anemia. It occurs in half of pregnant women due to lack of iron.

How to stop nosebleeds if you have nothing at hand

It happens that a nosebleed catches you or your companion on the road, a hike, or an event and there is nothing at hand. First you need to blow your nose. But this must be done carefully, since strong nose blowing will only lead to increased bleeding. Blowing your nose is necessary so that blood clots, which act as blood clots, are removed from the nasal passage. If they are removed, the capillary fibers will close the holes in the mucous membrane.

Next, try to press the wings against the nasal septum not too tightly. Usually, if the nose bleeds not as a result of a blow, this is quite enough. At this time, try to find a coin or other cold object; you can apply it to the bridge of your nose to narrow the blood vessels.

You can try to sit down and let your head go forward and after a few minutes the bleeding will stop. If you have nasal drops on hand, such as naphthyzin, Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin or other vasoconstricting drops, use them. If not, you can try drips of lemon juice diluted in half. This will cauterize the vessels and stop the bleeding.

My nose is bleeding, what to do (folk methods):

  • Willow bark helps a lot. The dried raw materials need to be crushed, a coffee grinder will help you with this. When bleeding, it is enough to inhale this powder several times. This drug will also help with colds when the nasal mucosa swells. Use crushed tree bark or its sap.
  • Eating aloe will help. Before eating, you need to chew half a leaf of this plant for 10-15 days.
  • Thyme herb (1 tablespoon) pour 500 ml of water and boil for 10-20 minutes, then first cool and then strain. If there is bleeding, soak the tampons with the resulting decoction and insert into the nostrils.
  • Squeeze nettle juice onto a cotton swab and insert into the nasal passage.
  • Cut the raw onion in half and tie it to the back of the neck.
  • Make it weak brine and rinse the nasal passages.
  • Prepare a decoction of viburnum bark. To do this, bring a glass of water to a boil and throw 10 grams of bark into it, infuse the mixture, and then moisten the tampons and insert them into the nose.
  • Comfrey and linden in equal proportions are mixed with water and ground to a fine dust, after which they are injected into the nasal passages.
  • Grind a sprig of yarrow until the juice appears, then insert it into your nose; if you don’t have a fresh plant, you can use its decoction, 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

What not to do to stop nosebleeds

You should not throw your head back, as this can compress the veins that are responsible for blood flowing out of the head. This will increase your blood pressure and, accordingly, only increase your nosebleeds.

There is nothing wrong with nosebleeds, but if after taking the measures the blood does not stop flowing within 20 minutes, you must call a doctor, further self-medication will only increase the danger for the patient.

After the blood has stopped flowing, it is necessary to remember that the vessels of the nasal mucosa are very vulnerable and the risk of recurrent nosebleeds is high. Therefore, there is no need to strain yourself: lift weights, sneeze with your mouth closed, run. Limit physical activity, and especially bending and jumping. Some medications can thin the blood, so it is better to refrain from using them for several days. The most common ones are ibuprofen and aspirin.

I often bleed from the nose - how to strengthen the delicate mucous membrane?

The tapping method has an excellent strengthening effect. Bend your large folded fingers and tap your knuckles in the middle of the bridge of your nose. Take time for yourself in the morning and evening: massage the nasal mucosa. Index fingers make rotational movements at the nasal base. It is useful to place chopped garlic on a saucer next to it.

Also has a strengthening effect breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale as much air as you can smoothly several times. Then pinch one nostril at a time and repeat the exercise. The next exercise will be as in the second, inhaling through the nostrils in turn, only this time hold the air as you inhale for five seconds.

The last exercise will be tapping light movements wings of the nose. First, make slightly noticeable smooth knocks, gradually intensifying them. At the end of the gymnastics, lightly lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vaseline.

It is useful to rinse the nasal mucous membranes with herbs. The most effective action Renders chamomile herb with salt. Brew 1 bag (1 teaspoon) of dry herb with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. After the broth has cooled, add a teaspoon sea ​​salt. If you don't have it on hand, a regular one will do. table salt, mixed with one drop of iodine. You can use a mixture of soda and salt, which should be added 1 teaspoon each to a glass of water and a few drops of iodine to rinse the nasal passages.

Bloody nose in a child, causes of bleeding in a baby

Since during intrauterine development the baby was in the amniotic fluid, only after his birth the nasal mucosa begins to finally form. At first it is dry, but after a few days, on the contrary, it becomes excessively wet. Of course, this is a cause of concern for many parents. However, there is no need to worry; maintain a sufficiently high humidity in the room and a temperature of about 20 degrees. You should not put cotton swabs, syringes, or drops in your child’s nose without a doctor’s prescription. And, of course, if you see that the discharge has changed color and turned red, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this is dangerous for the baby.

The appearance of blood in a newborn can also be caused by the fact that crusts have appeared on the baby’s mucous membranes, and the baby scratches them. In this case, do not forget to trim your baby’s nails and put anti-scratch guards on his hands.

The causes of nosebleeds in adults lie in defects in the structure of the mucous membrane, features of the surrounding microclimate, or accompanying pathologies. Epistaxis, as it is scientifically designated this symptom, causes a lot of concern. However, it is not always a consequence serious illnesses. When identifying the causes, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the bleeding, its intensity and frequency.

Bleeding can be triggered by external factors. They appear as a result of injury. Their nature is clear. In this case, it remains to find out the intensity of the lesion and provide first aid to the patient.

Spontaneous hemorrhages are of greatest concern. They start suddenly without visible external reasons. Have varying degrees intensity. May be episodic or regular.

Blood is released from the anterior and deep parts of the nose. When diagnosing, it is important to determine the location of the problem. Bleeding can be one-sided (left-sided, right-sided). Blood may flow from both nostrils at once. Unilateral bleeding is the least dangerous, as it indicates damage to the vessels of the anterior parts of the nose.

When describing a problem, take into account the frequency of its occurrence: single, rare, frequent. Indicates the duration of the process (short-term, prolonged bleeding). Pay attention to the nature of the lesion: only capillaries or vessels and veins are affected.

Danger of nosebleeds

The danger of periodic nosebleeds lies in the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia. With intense hemorrhages affecting large vessels, there is a risk of large blood loss.

Intense bleeding from both passages is considered dangerous. It indicates damage to the distant parts of the nose. This phenomenon is given special importance, because it is not possible to stop it at home. Such bleeding can be a consequence of severe pathologies.

The event indicates damage to the large vessels of the skull. Blood can be pumped into the nose through a common channel from the lungs, stomach and trachea.


Single, short-term bleeding most often occurs as a result of injury. A routine examination by an ENT specialist will help alleviate all concerns. During the appointment, the anterior zone of the capillary plexus is diagnosed. The doctor finds out whether there was an injury and whether it caused the bleeding.

An endoscope is used to install the source in the deep parts of the nose. It penetrates directly to large vessels skulls

To make a general diagnosis, the doctor measures the patient's blood pressure and prescribes blood tests to determine the number of platelets and clotting parameters. Laboratory installed total quantity hemoglobin.

Causes of nosebleeds under normal conditions

TO common reasons Nosebleeds in adults include a deviated nasal septum. This factor influences redistribution air flow, as a result of which dryness, irritation, and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs in one of the passages. All this provokes the appearance of nasal congestion and fragility of the walls of small capillaries.

Bleeding may be caused by external factors. Dry and cold air can provoke the appearance of microtraumas on the inside capillary network nose Bleeding often occurs against the background of dry mucosa.

In men

Men are characterized by the presence of factors common to both sexes.

Changes in capillary permeability are associated with cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis is one of the causes of decreased vascular elasticity. This disease is also accompanied by frequent manifestations of hypertension.

Bleeding may be a consequence of changes in blood clotting. This pathology often accompanied by bleeding gums.

Sometimes present specific factors. In some professions (divers, climbers, aircraft pilots), activities are associated with a sharp change in the pressure acting on the body. At some point, the walls of blood vessels may not be able to cope with the impact exerted on them.

Frequent bleeding occurs due to kidney and liver diseases. Pathologies internal organs contribute to the development of hypertension, which will be the main cause of epistaxis.

The fragility of blood vessels increases as a result of taking certain medications. Drugs that reduce blood viscosity increase capillary permeability.

The causes of nosebleeds may lie in genetic abnormalities, such as hemophilia.

Sometimes the only factor is age. Due to changes that occur in older people, the walls of the vessels in the distant parts of the nose lose their elasticity. The result is bleeding from the deep parts of the respiratory organ.

In women

In women, the factor of menopause is added to the reasons. In falling conditions hormonal levels the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels is impaired.

During pregnancy

Women in the first trimester of pregnancy are at particular risk. When increasing general level estrogen increases blood filling vascular network. Intercellular fluid tends to linger, which leads to swelling and fragility of the nasal mucosa in particular.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of bleeding may be associated with a deficiency of certain substances, due to which background pathologies develop.

During pregnancy, the load on cardiovascular system increases significantly. Women often suffer from high blood pressure, which is also a factor contributing to the appearance of epistaxis.

Rare events do not threaten the mother and fetus. A woman should definitely draw the attention of a leading doctor to intense bleeding.

Frequent bleeding - cause

Frequent bleeding can be dangerous but not life-threatening. If the diagnosis does not reveal serious diseases, then the cause of the regular phenomenon is the constant effect on the mucous membrane of a certain factor.

These factors may include physical impairments such as a deviated nasal septum or the presence of polyps in the area maxillary sinuses, and constant exposure to dry air on the mucous membrane.

Why does it go in the mornings and evenings?

Constant stay in a room with a hot climate leads to the appearance of signs of dry rhinitis. The overdried nasal mucosa is easily injured. Presence negative factors throughout the day can provoke the appearance of epistaxis in the evening.

Frequent use vasoconstrictor drugs results in degradation of the nasal mucosa. The disease is called atrophic rhinitis. Thinned vascular wall characterized by fragility. Morning bleeding occurs even from slight blowing of the nose.

How can you stop nosebleeds?

When dealing with nosebleeds, you need to follow the general rules:

  • accept sitting position with the head slightly thrown back;
  • With two fingers, pinch the bridge of your nose for 10 minutes; during this time the blood will have time to clot, the resulting film will block the crack in the vessel from which the blood flows; breathing through the mouth should be free;
  • use a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar; the tampon is inserted in one or both strokes; after the bleeding has stopped, you should not blow your nose or take sharp breaths through your nose for two hours; you should try to refrain from sneezing;
  • periodically press to the bridge of the nose cold compress, which can be made from any piece of cloth soaked in ice water;
  • if the blood is coming from only one side, you can raise the corresponding arm up.

If the bleeding is very intense, then after providing first aid, you need to call a team of doctors.


As a preventative measure, it is necessary to identify and establish the cause of bleeding. Cure the underlying disease.

If the reason lies in taking medications, you should inform your doctor.

To prevent bleeding, aggravating factors must be eliminated. Refuse frequent use vasoconstrictor drugs. Humidify the air in the room. When staying outside in the cold, cover your nose with a scarf or hand.

It turns out that the phenomenon of epistaxis can also occur in a practically healthy adult. But to be sure that there is no threat, it is necessary to establish the exact reason why the nose is bleeding.

Nosebleeds are usually frightening and take you by surprise. Even a few falling scarlet drops cause concern, and if blood is gushing out of your nose, you won’t be confused for long. Knowing why a nose bleeds and how to act to stop it will help you avoid panic and competently help the victim.

Causes of nosebleeds

Epistaxis (nosebleeds) is a common and familiar phenomenon to everyone. There are many reasons for it - from fairly harmless to serious, but what they all have in common is the effect on the blood vessels: they become fragile, burst, which is why the nose bleeds.

Nosebleeds in adults

All causes of epistaxis in adults are divided into:

  1. Local – appear locally and affect only the nose
  2. Systemic – appear due to internal influence and affect the body completely.

Local reasons

Local factors for the occurrence of nosebleeds:

  1. Injury - blows, falls
  2. Entry of foreign bodies
  3. Sharp blowing of the nose, damage to the mucous membrane with nails
  4. Dry indoor air
  5. Inflammatory diseases. With rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis, crusts form in the nose, injuring the mucous membrane, and light bleeding occurs
  6. Allergy - blood vessels burst due to blood flow
  7. Use of steroid and hormonal nasal sprays
  8. Nasal cartilage deformities
  9. Atrophied mucosa
  10. Appearance of tumors
  11. Inhalation of narcotic powders (cocaine is especially dangerous)
  12. Surgeries – plastic and after injuries.


Epistaxis occurs for the following systemic reasons:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels
  2. Increased pressure
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  4. Diseases of the blood with impaired coagulation
  5. Taking blood thinning medications
  6. Reduced elasticity of connective tissue and blood vessels due to lack of vitamins C, PP and K
  7. Alcohol abuse
  8. Overheating in the sun, fever
  9. Barotrauma – sharp changes pressure at height or depth
  10. Violations hormonal balance– during periods of adolescence, pregnancy, menopause
  11. Overwork, lack of sleep, stress
  12. Hereditary fragility of blood vessels.

In many cases, nosebleeds appear against the background of headaches, tinnitus, and dizziness.

Nose bleeds in the morning

Epistaxis in the morning, not during the day , more often observed in men. Causes: deviated septum due to injury or vascular atrophy due to overwork, smoking, harmful conditions labor.

More are possible serious problems– polyps in the nose, systemic diseases blood, so with constant bleeding in the morning, especially with pain , Consultation with a specialist is advisable.

Nosebleeds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the total volume of blood in the body increases and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

The woman in " interesting position» The nasal mucosa becomes thinner and brittle, and pressure may increase, resulting in bleeding from the nose. This must be reported to the supervising doctor - monitoring is necessary, high blood pressure dangerous for the fetus.

After childbirth, everything usually returns to normal.

Nosebleeds in children

Why does nose bleed in children?

  1. Age-related immaturity of blood vessels and mucous membranes
  2. Dryness and crusts in the nose due to suffocating air
  3. Injury - blows, picking off crusts with a fingernail
  4. Ingestion of foreign bodies - a child can insert a small toy, button, bead, or pea into the nostril
  5. The use of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops
  6. Straining when sneezing or coughing
  7. Polyps and tumors in the nose
  8. Anomalies of the nasal septum
  9. Vitamin deficiencies
  10. Anemia
  11. Increased pressure
  12. Diseases caused by viruses and bacteria
  13. Pathologies affecting blood clotting and vascular permeability
  14. Hormonal surges during puberty.

Is nosebleed dangerous?

Typically, epistaxis is a frightening, spectacular, but relatively safe for health phenomenon. It develops when blood vessels are damaged spontaneously or due to injury.

Nosebleeds happen:

  • Anterior - localized in the anterior-lower part of the nasal septum, occurs in 90-95% of cases. Blood drips or flows in a weak trickle, stops quickly
  • Posterior – occurring in the middle and posterior parts of the nasal cavity. It is observed much less frequently, but requires mandatory medical care: blood flows in a stream, it is difficult to stop it, vomiting of blood is possible if it is swallowed.

The danger is heavy or prolonged bleeding. Dizziness, weakness, pallor, flashing of spots appear, cold sweat appears, the pulse weakens and quickens, the patient may lose consciousness. If such symptoms appear, you cannot hesitate - you need to urgent help doctors If blood pours from the nose every day, it appears headache, a medical consultation is also necessary.

How to stop nosebleeds

If the bleeding occurs spontaneously, in one half of the nose, the blood flows out weakly, there is no pain, then it usually stops quickly and is not dangerous to health. Strong or long bleeding requires medical intervention.

Independent actions

In most cases, you can handle the problem yourself. What to do if your nose bleeds:

  1. Provide the patient with a state of rest in a semi-sitting position
  2. You should spread your legs and lean forward slightly so that the blood flows freely
  3. Ensure free access of air - unfasten the belt, tight collar, bra
  4. You need to apply cold to the bridge of your nose - a wet napkin, ice
  5. Blood that enters the nasopharynx should be spat out
  6. If the blood flows weakly, you can slightly press the wings of the nose and hold for 5-7 minutes until the bleeding stops - when squeezed, the blood flow will slow down, a clot will form and block the damaged vessel
  7. If bleeding is severe, cotton swabs should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide or vasoconstrictor drops and insert into the nasal passages
  8. When bleeding due to dry crusts in the nose, they need to be softened by lubricating the nostrils with Vaseline or sunflower oil
  9. If bleeding is due to overheating, the victim should be moved to the shade and a cold compress applied to the nose. At heatstroke hospitalization will be required
  10. If you lose consciousness, the patient should be placed on his back with his head turned to the side and doctors should be called.

What NOT to do:

  1. Throwing your head back - this leads to blood flowing into the throat and vomiting
  2. Bend over too much - this will increase bleeding
  3. Blowing your nose prevents a blood clot from clogging the injured vessel.
  4. Lie down horizontally with your head turned to the side.

If a child’s nose bleeds or pain occurs, there is no need to panic, scaring the baby. You need to act in the same way as when providing assistance to adults, but call doctors after 10 minutes if the bleeding has not stopped, and after 5 minutes if there is severe bleeding.

Folk remedies for nosebleeds

It is possible to stop nosebleeds with the help of herbal recipes:

  1. Soak cotton swabs with nettle juice and insert them into the nasal passages
  2. Grind fresh yarrow, soak tampons in the juice and insert into the nostrils
  3. Boil viburnum bark (10g per glass of water), leave, moisten the tampons and insert them into the nose.

When you need medical help

You should urgently call an ambulance if it is impossible to stop the nosebleed on your own, it lasts more than 15-20 minutes in adults or becomes stronger, pallor, chills, severe pain, numbness of the limbs or loss of consciousness.

Doctors' help is also needed if:

  1. There is pain, swelling, a deformed bone, there is a suspicion of a nasal fracture
  2. Bleeding is accompanied by headache, blurred vision, and dizziness.
  3. Bleeding after taking blood thinners or hormonal medications
  4. There may be a foreign body in the child's nose.

Until the doctors arrive, the patient needs to be kept at rest.

Preventing nosebleeds

If adults or children often have nosebleeds, bruises on the body, bleeding gums or a headache, it is imperative to establish the exact cause of the pathology.

First of all, you should contact an ENT specialist. To establish the causes of the problem, a specialist will examine the nasal cavity - there may be foreign bodies, polyps, neoplasms, will prescribe a blood test to determine its coagulability and platelet count.

It is also advisable to seek advice from an endocrinologist, immunologist, hematologist, or oncologist. Specialists will conduct diagnostic studies and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

To prevent bleeding in adults and children over 3 years of age, askorutin is used ( complex drug with vitamins C and P) in prophylactic doses specified in the instructions.

You can strengthen the delicate surface of the mucous membrane with massage. Every day, morning and evening:

  1. Knuckles thumbs tap in the center of the bridge of the nose
  2. Using the pads of your index fingers, stroke the nasal mucosa at its base with rotational movements.
  3. Tap the wings of the nose - lightly at first, then gradually increase the pressure
  4. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vaseline.

Breathing exercises have an excellent strengthening effect. You should inhale and exhale forcefully several times, then repeat the exercise, alternately pinching your nostrils. After this, inhale alternately with pinched nostrils, holding the air as you inhale for 5 seconds.

It is very useful to rinse the nose with solutions of sea salt, soda, iodine, and herbal infusions, especially chamomile.

You should also constantly:

  • Eat well and rest
  • Maintain comfortable humidity in living areas, especially children's rooms - 60-70%
  • Make sure that children do not put their fingers or small objects into their noses.
  • Infants should wear anti-scratch mittens.

The causes of most episodes of epistaxis can be easily identified and eliminated, but they can also be a symptom serious illnesses or a consequence of neglect of one’s health. Situations are dangerous when blood streams from the nose, this is accompanied by pain and general weakness– urgent medical attention is required here. If bleeding constantly recurs, you also cannot do without a visit to the doctor. Pay attention to your body's signals and be healthy!

Sudden nosebleeds can occur for a variety of reasons. In most cases, it is not an alarming symptom, but occurs as a result of the body’s reaction to certain factors. If bleeding becomes regular, then it is necessary to pay attention to its frequency and time of occurrence (for example, in the morning, at night, at daytime days, etc.).

The consistency of the blood is also of particular importance (thick, liquid scarlet or blood with clots). Some serious illnesses accompanied by nosebleeds, which are their first warning signs.

There are many factors that can cause nosebleeds. The rarest but most serious cause of this condition is pheochromocytoma. The disease is a tumor of the adrenal glands.

The disease is accompanied by an increase in the production of stress hormones, blood pressure and dryness in the nasal cavities. A tumor can only be detected through examination, and nosebleeds are considered the most common symptoms of the development of a tumor in the adrenal glands.

The following factors can cause nosebleeds:

Regular nosebleeds appear in patients with abnormalities in the hematopoietic system and vascular diseases. Blood discharge may be scanty or abundant. The patient may not know about some diseases of this type for a long time. A timely visit to a doctor will help to establish a diagnosis and comprehensive examination.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Nosebleeds can be accompanied not only by bleeding from the nose, but also by additional symptoms. IN medical practice this state are divided into two categories. Bleeding may occur from the anterior or posterior sections nose In the first case, the main symptom is the discharge of blood from one or two nostrils at the same time. In the second, additional symptoms are always present.

Additional symptoms of nosebleeds:

  • nausea and vomiting (vomit may contain blood);
  • "tinnitus";
  • decreased amount of urine (or complete absence);
  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • pale skin;
  • visual impairment (“flickering spots in the eyes”);
  • tachycardia;
  • thirst;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

If you experience regular nosebleeds, you should be examined by an ENT doctor and therapist. These specialists can prescribe additional consultations with specialized doctors. In most cases, diagnosing bleeding is not difficult, but if necessary, the patient will need to have an ultrasound or ECG of the heart and pass general tests blood and urine. Based on such surveys it will be established accurate diagnosis and a clinical picture of the health status was compiled.

Additionally, the following procedures may be prescribed:

  • endoscopy of the nose (using special equipment, the nasopharynx and posterior parts of the nose are examined);
  • coagulogram (special study of blood clotting);
  • rhinoscopy (the nasal cavity is first cleared of all impurities and blood clots, and then examined to identify the source of bleeding);
  • pharyngoscopy (comprehensive examination of the oropharynx).

How to stop bleeding?

Stopping nosebleeds is not a problem in most cases. During an attack, you must take a sitting position and tilt your head forward. You can squeeze the wings of your nose with your fingers or place an ice cube on the bridge of your nose. A regular towel soaked in water will help stop bleeding. cold water. If such a symptom occurs regularly, then it is necessary not only special treatment, but also the obligatory clarification of its exact reasons.

How to treat with medications?

Treatment of nosebleeds with medications is carried out as first aid to the patient or in the presence of diseases of which it has become a symptom. The list of drugs is selected by the doctor based on general clinical picture patient's health status. For example, if the cause of nosebleeds is vascular disease, then the course of treatment will include drugs to improve blood quality and eliminate existing diseases.

For nosebleeds you can use:

  • vasoconstrictor drops used to treat a runny nose (Sanorin, Naphthyzin);
  • Aminocaproic acid (the drug is administered intravenously, the procedure is prescribed by a specialist);
  • calcium chloride (during nosebleeds, take 1-2 teaspoons of a 10% solution);
  • Vikasol (the drug is administered intramuscularly for long-term use it is not intended);
  • Dition (a drug to normalize blood clotting, can be prescribed in a course);
  • a swab with hydrogen peroxide (a cotton swab should be soaked in the preparation and inserted into the nasal passage).

Folk remedies

Some folk remedies for stopping nosebleeds may seem specific, but their effectiveness has been proven not only by many years of practice, but also medical research. During an attack, for example, it is recommended to hang an iron key on a woolen thread around your neck (the key should be located on your back). Thanks to this technique, the blood stops almost instantly.

Examples folk remedies to stop nosebleeds:

  • salt water (dilute a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water at room temperature, take two tablespoons of the resulting solution);
  • aloe leaves (it is recommended to use aloe leaves not only during attacks of nosebleeds, but also for their prevention);
  • tampon with fresh juice nettle (fresh nettle leaves should be washed, crushed and squeezed out the juice, moisten a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and insert it into the sinuses);
  • alcohol lotion (a cotton pad should be moistened with alcohol and applied to the bridge of the nose);
  • rinsing the nose with alum powder (the product is sold in pharmacies; one teaspoon of the powder should be dissolved in water at room temperature and rinse the nasal passages with it).

Treatment with medicinal herbs

For frequent nosebleeds or for their prevention, it is recommended to use herbal medicine. Herbs that can strengthen blood vessels include knotweed, stinging nettle, yarrow, horsetail and shepherd's purse. Dry mixtures can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself.

Each herb can be used to make separate decoctions or be combined medicinal collection. The ingredients are first mixed in the specified proportions, and then a teaspoon of the workpiece is poured into a glass of boiling water. The infusion can be used to wet tampons for nosebleeds or taken orally half a glass three times a day.

Collection example:

  • dioecious (4 tsp);
  • (1 tsp);
  • (1 tsp);
  • (3 tsp).

Patients with regular nosebleeds need to change their diet and replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. You should eat more foods containing potassium and ascorbic acid. You can take vitamins C and K, which are sold in pharmacy points V various forms. Regular restocking useful substances in the body will not only get rid of bleeding, but will also create a complete prevention of it.

If you have regular nosebleeds, you should exclude aspirin-containing products from your diet:

  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • grape;
  • blackberry.

In most cases, when a nosebleed occurs, the patient reflexively throws his head back. This should not be done under any circumstances. At strong discharge blood such actions may cause it to be swallowed or enter respiratory tract. The most serious negative consequence there will be blockage of the bronchi and vomiting. During nosebleeds, the head must be tilted forward.

Preventive measures

The main means of preventing nosebleeds is timely treatment all diseases and timely contact with specialists if alarming symptoms. It is recommended to regularly monitor some processes in the body with special tests and examinations.

Measures to prevent nosebleeds are the following:

  • control of blood clotting and blood pressure;
  • exclusion of head, face and nose injuries;
  • regular air humidification;
  • strengthening blood vessels special drugs(for example, Ascorutin);
  • minimal contact with possible irritants (inhalation of harmful substances);
  • complete treatment of allergic reactions.