Lump on the cervical spine. Is a hump on the neck a “harmless” aesthetic defect, or a real internal problem? I have a hump on my neck

A hump on the neck is an unpleasant cosmetic problem for men and women, which, moreover, can bring a lot of trouble even for teenagers. Including a general deterioration in the condition of the body. As a rule, women over 40 face this problem. Fortunately, there are many ways to solve this problem.

Why it appears, reasons and methods of getting rid of it: as they say, methods and exercises at home for every taste and color. About them in the article.

Reasons for education

The problem we will talk about is often found in overweight women. It is not uncommon to observe an obese woman who has a small growth on the back of her neck. It has several names: salt hump, “widow’s hump,” “buffalo hump,” but its essence is the same.

It is formed due to the accumulation of fat in the area of ​​the seventh spine. Older women, those experiencing menopause and overweight women are susceptible to the formation of such a hump. And this is no coincidence. After all, a lump on the neck is formed due to metabolism and hormonal imbalances.

But recently, doctors say, young women are also facing this problem. Note that a hump on the neck is not only a cosmetic problem.

Large accumulations of fatty tissue can put pressure on the vertebrae, causing headaches. Often women experience rather unpleasant sensations in the neck and back of the head. They suffer from nausea and dizziness. Living in such a state becomes unbearable. It’s not worth tolerating such bad health.

Fortunately, there are many methods for getting rid of a hump, and in most cases you can deal with it at home on your own.

Risk group

Doctors say that in addition to menopause, many different factors can affect the formation of a lump. There is even a hereditary predisposition. If someone in the family already had similar humps on a vertebra, it means that there is a high probability of its formation in women of the next generation.

Such people should take into account their peculiarity and take all possible measures to prevent the formation of a hump.

In addition, a lump can form due to a sedentary lifestyle or frequent strain on the cervical spine. At risk, for example, are seamstresses, office workers, and workers who stand at the machine for a long time. Various spinal injuries can also affect the formation of a hump in the neck.

By the way. A lump on the neck can even form due to a lack of calcium in the body.

How to deal with a hump on the neck?

There are many different options available to get rid of the neck hump. Most of them can be completed even without outside help.

Physical activity

For example, you can do physical exercise. There are simple sets of exercises that can significantly reduce or even completely remove an unpleasant lump.


This is a good preventive measure in the fight against fatty deposits on the neck.

To combat the hump, for example, crawl or backstroke with wide arm swings are suitable.

This will help improve blood flow, which will improve the condition of tissues and organs.

Neck movement

For example, you can wave your head several times and then nod it in different directions.

All these bends and turns must be performed several times, but depending on the state of the body. You need to move slowly. It is better to sit during the exercise. Otherwise you may feel dizzy. Gradually the number of movements can be increased.

Drawing with the head

Another simple but effective remedy is to draw geometric shapes with your head. It is recommended to perform the exercise while standing, keeping your hands on your belt. The chin should be raised up.

boat, mill

If your condition allows, you can try to do the “boat” exercise, raising your head and legs at the same time, lying on your stomach, or the “mill” exercise. Push-ups will also help get rid of the widow’s hump. If you cannot lift your entire body off the floor, you must try to lift at least the upper part.

On the stomach

Here's another exercise. You need to lie on your stomach and raise your legs at a right angle, while pulling your shoulders forward. The legs must be spread and moved to the sides.

It is advisable to try to fix the position of your legs for a few seconds and squeeze your shoulder blades together and spread them several times, while resting your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart.


Swinging your arms forward and backward with straight arms will also help you deal with the buffalo hump.

However, exercises are different exercises. Experts advise not to overstrain the spine in the area of ​​the bump. For example, you should not roll a rolling pin over your hump or give a strong massage. This will not lead to anything good, but, on the contrary, can shift the intervertebral discs.


It is advisable to perform physical exercises in combination with. By the way, you can do it yourself. Before the massage, it is better to take a warm bath, preferably containing soda. This will soften the hump and develop it better. The massage must be performed very carefully and carefully so as not to compress the artery.

Experts advise doing self-massage first with stroking movements, and then moving on to point rubbing from the back of the head to the shoulders. After the neck has been stretched, you can soothe the problem area with stroking.

If self-massage is difficult to do, you can seek help from a qualified specialist. Doctors advise taking a warm bath before such a massage.

Important. Self-massage should be done very carefully, trying not to squeeze the blood vessels leading to the head. It is advisable to entrust the massage to an experienced specialist.


They are also effective in combating a hump in the neck. At home, you can use the Lyapko applicator or Kuznetsov applicator for this. They act on fat deposits using acupuncture.

Experts advise not to resort to such a procedure without first consulting a therapist.

In addition, if pain occurs during such treatment, it must be stopped.

Folk remedies

Some people prefer to use “grandmother’s recipes.” This is confirmed by the many different recipes using sometimes even the most incompatible products.

For example, mix:

  1. Castor oil,
  2. propolis,
  3. milk,
  4. bay leaf and onion.

Some people use two types of ointment: heparin and troxevasin.

They are also mixed and rubbed. All these folk recipes must be carefully studied before putting them into practice and it is advisable to consult a therapist.

How to prevent a lump from appearing on your neck?

You may not get into trouble if you follow some rules correctly and on time.

Experts advise choosing bedding carefully.

The pillow, for example, should not be too big and soft. And the mattress should be orthopedic and preferably of medium hardness.

Due to the fact that one of the reasons for the appearance of a hump on the neck is excess weight, it is recommended to monitor your diet. You should also be careful about your own hormonal levels.

This is most relevant for women during menopause. To prevent the appearance of a hump on the neck, you need to exercise, attend yoga, and so on.

They will help improve your posture. Don't forget about the back massage. It must be done periodically and be sure to pay attention to the cervical spine. A lot also depends on correct posture. Therefore, while in a sitting position, it is important to ensure that your back is in the correct position.

A hump on the neck, or buffalo hump, is an extremely unpleasant and unaesthetic external defect that is formed against the background of displacement or protrusion of the cervical vertebrae. Less commonly, this may be due to abnormal growth of fatty tissue in these parts of the bone tissue (fibrolipoma).

Where to look for the root of the problem?

Unfortunately, even young people now suffer from certain problems with the spine. Moreover, their number is growing exponentially every year. This is due to an incorrect lifestyle and some other endogenous factors.

The likelihood of encountering a cervical hump increases sharply in women who have crossed the age of forty. The occurrence of this defect on the body not only gives rise to serious psychological complexes, but also often signals deeper health problems. For example, common causes of the formation of a buffalo hump include osteochondrosis of the spine or abnormally increased work of the adrenal cortex.

How to remove a hump on your neck? In fact, this issue should be of secondary importance to you. First of all, it is important to consult a doctor and determine the exact cause of the defect. By stopping the symptoms, we do not get rid of the underlying pathology, and its progression sometimes leads to the most terrible and fatal consequences. Therefore, the help of a qualified physician in this matter is the first necessity. Particular attention should be paid to the tumor if it is rapidly growing or causes pain.

If you have already visited a specialist and he has prescribed you adequate treatment, we will be happy to tell you how you can get rid of a hump on your neck yourself. Or at least speed up the process of its elimination.

Why does buffalo hump occur?

Cervical osteochondrosis, or, as ordinary people call this disease, "salt deposits"- a common occurrence.

And it cannot be called harmless. This is not a pathology that tends to disappear on its own without adequate treatment. And the more neglected it is, the less chance the patient has for a favorable therapeutic outcome.

If you suspect that you have this disease of the musculoskeletal system, seek help from a specialist - only he will be able to assess the scale of the problem, compare them with the individual characteristics of the body, study your medical history in detail, and come to the right decision regarding the selection of treatment tactics.

If you ignore the symptoms of the disease and do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, subsequent therapeutic “maneuvers” may no longer be effective, and osteochondrosis itself will entail certain consequences. Therefore, consider all exercises and other folk remedies for treating cervical hump only as auxiliary options. Do not neglect adequate medical care!

Now let's figure out why the unattractive hump on the neck is growing, and what could trigger the development of this problem specifically for you?

Women who lead an inactive lifestyle are most often affected by this disease. If you work in a “sedentary” position and you are already experiencing pain in different parts of your back, it’s time to think about the health of your musculoskeletal system. Why? Because over time everything will only get worse, because it’s no secret that we don’t get any younger over the years. In your case, massage sessions will not be superfluous.

If there is no hump as such yet, but pain and discomfort are already occurring, you should contact a competent chiropractor and clarify your symptoms. You should also reconsider your lifestyle in general: find time to do banal exercises (especially joint exercises) at home, walk more often, and, if possible, go on active recreation.

You should constantly bother yourself with physical activity.

People prone to osteochondrosis should stay in excellent shape and avoid weight gain. You should be especially careful about your diet - every extra kilogram can play a cruel joke on you.

Another aspect that can affect the growth process of the hump is an incorrect position during sleep. Think about whether you are using too high a pillow when you sleep?

Or maybe you even put your hand under your head? Develop the habit of falling asleep on your back. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And if you have the opportunity, purchase special orthopedic pillows that clearly follow the position of the vertebrae.

You should also visit a qualified endocrinologist and take a hormonal panel. It is possible that your adrenal glands are not functioning satisfactorily.

What can help to effectively prevent osteochondrosis?

If you have a habit of slouching, you urgently need to get rid of it. To avoid numerous spinal health problems, you must constantly monitor the straight position of your back. Slouching is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health!

What else can you do to prevent hump?

  • Mobility at any opportunity (performing primitive exercises in the office, walking, jogging in the evenings, avoiding elevators and public transport);
  • Developing the habit of keeping your back straight and not slouching;
  • Sleep on a mattress of moderate hardness and use special orthopedic pillows;
  • Adjusting the height of the pillow (it should not exceed 10 cm);
  • Visit to the swimming pool;
  • Massages from good manual therapists;
  • Yoga or plastic gymnastics classes (Pilates / callanetics).

It should be emphasized that it is not necessary to do gymnastics in fitness clubs. All you have to do is surf the Internet and find good video lessons with an instructor. But first, it’s better to visit a trainer so that he can give you specific recommendations and correct mistakes in performing this or that exercise. A list of exercises to remove an existing hump on the neck should be given to you by a physical therapy instructor. A more productive solution would be to regularly attend these classes.

What to do if the hump on your neck is growing rapidly? See a doctor immediately!

Treatment of a hump on the neck: all the methods and their nuances

You should not assume that osteochondrosis is a harmless and purely visual problem. In advanced forms, this pathology can lead to serious complications, in particular, restriction of movement.

Some patients with advanced forms of cervical osteochondrosis experience impaired mobility of the fingers and numbness of the upper extremities.

In addition, cerebral circulation is significantly impaired, which can ultimately lead to strokes.

The first signs of a violation of the arterial blood supply to the brain are permanent headaches in the morning (mostly of the pulsating type), blurred vision, and nausea.

If you miss this moment, everything can turn into oxygen starvation of the brain for you, which leads to VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) and hypertension. In addition, osteochondrosis itself becomes chronic and is much more difficult to treat.

When all symptoms indicate progressive "salt deposits", it’s too late to do anything on your own.

Modern medicine offers several ways to eliminate the buffalo hump itself:

  1. Physiotherapy (ultrasound treatment, iontophoresis, acupuncture or acupuncture, thermal and water procedures) is used only for mild forms of the disease, and, as a rule, is combined with drug treatment;
  2. Hormone replacement therapy – used for those whose hump is associated with endocrine disorders. It is especially often used for postmenopausal patients;
  3. Liposuction - pumping out excess fat is practiced if the formation of a hump is not associated with osteochondrosis, and the neoplasm itself is a lipoma (fat);
  4. Therapeutic exercises – as a rule, prescribed in combination with injection treatment, relevant for mild and moderate forms of the disease;
  5. Surgical intervention is used in rare, exceptional cases. Traditionally, these are cases of detection of intervertebral hernia.

Which doctor should I go to if I have a hump in my neck? A vertebrologist, neurologist, osteopath and endocrinologist can help you. But first of all, you should contact your local physician.

Experts call strongly protruding sections of the cervical vertebrae a cervical hump. A hump on the neck can be a manifestation of several diseases. Thus, it often indicates developing osteochondrosis. At the same time, it can occur due to excessive work of the adrenal glands. It is not uncommon for such “bumps” to occur in people who endure constant heavy physical activity, which leads to severe muscle tightening.

If you hear a crunching sound when you turn your head, and constant pain in your neck, shoulders and back bothers you, and at the same time the hump on your neck becomes larger and larger, you should immediately begin to restore your health. Ignoring emerging problems will lead to a noticeable decrease in all body functions and a deterioration in general condition. With this disease, people increasingly suffer from headaches (including migraines), numbness of the limbs (especially at night), depression and increased irritability. They become weather dependent, and any changes in weather conditions only worsen their overall well-being.

First of all, you need to decide on methods for eliminating this tumor. An important role in this is played by the position of the body during rest and night sleep. To correct a hump on the neck, you should immediately abandon bulky, soft pillows, mattresses and feather beds. It is they that lead to deformation of the spine in a supine position. The place to sleep should be quite hard. The body, and especially the head, should not “sink” into the objects of the bed. The optimal thickness of the pillow is considered to be 10 cm.

If a cervical hump occurs as a result of progressive osteochondrosis, regular massage and swimming training will bring significant relief. If a “bump” occurs under the influence of physical activity, regular massage sessions of the cervical region, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory therapy are necessary. There are a number of exercises aimed specifically at eliminating the cervical hump. If the above measures are constantly followed, the cervical spine will return to normal over time. Do not despair if you do not have the opportunity to regularly receive massage sessions from expensive specialists. Even simple self-massage of the cervical hump area can bring significant relief, and combining it with the necessary exercises will help achieve noticeable results.

The question arises of how to remove a hump on the neck if it arises as a result of increased work of the adrenal glands. In this case, a fatty pad gradually forms in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, which doctors call Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. With this pathology, a redistribution of fatty tissue occurs throughout the body, including in the upper parts of the body and neck. With this syndrome, the person’s buttocks and limbs, on the contrary, lose. In this case, it is necessary to immediately contact an appropriate specialist to thoroughly check the condition of the adrenal glands and determine the level of hormones in the blood. There is one rule with this disease: the earlier treatment begins, the higher the chances of getting rid of this disease.

Another reason why a hump on the neck occurs may be an unhealthy lifestyle, aggravated by a lack of exercise, and the habit of constantly slouching. In this case, along with massage sessions, an excellent method for getting rid of this defect is gymnastics (stretching, Pilates, callanetics) and yoga. With such a load on the spine, the effect is achieved quite quickly, and they will return to a normal position after 2 months of regular exercise.

Quite often, after menopause, women develop a so-called widow’s hump. It is an accumulation of fatty tissue in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra, in the area where the neck meets the back.

This phenomenon has many other names: withers, salt hump, menopausal hump, and is observed even in women of graceful physique against the background of hormonal changes and other factors.

Reasons for appearance

The widow's hump received such a strange name back in the Middle Ages, when women, as a result of the loss of their husbands and a hard life, changed their posture and the withers became even more noticeable.

But in fact, swelling in the lower part of the neck occurs not only in women after 50 years of age, but also in men and young people. Despite popular belief, this tubercle has nothing to do with salt deposition.

Experts call the following reasons for the occurrence of widow's hump:

  • Hormonal imbalance (menopause, pregnancy);
  • Adrenal insufficiency and Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • Lipodystrophy, which causes improper distribution of fat on the body (more common in men);
  • Violation of adipose tissue metabolism;
  • Osteochondrosis and scoliosis;
  • Fractures and subluxations of the vertebrae;
  • Long-term use of protease inhibitors to treat a number of ailments;
  • Use of large doses of glucocorticoids to treat asthma or arthritis.

The condition is aggravated by sedentary work in a bent position, excess weight, and genetic predisposition.

Education mechanism

In women of menopausal age, there is first a slight increase in the formation of estrogen over the next two years, and then there is a decline in productivity, while the production of testosterone does not change, that is, its relative level increases.

Together with metabolic disorders, this substance begins to determine the development of male-type obesity (in the area of ​​the upper shoulder girdle and in the area of ​​the seventh vertebra).

A decrease in the activity of the adrenal glands is observed in Itsenko-Cushing's disease and often occurs during menopause. There is a redistribution of adipose tissue and its predominance in the torso area.

It has been observed that this hump grows in those who have close relatives with a similar problem.

A lump on the neck is not kyphosis; it consists of adipocytes and grows quite slowly. The difference between a widow's hump and other formations is the absence of an inflammatory process and changes in the skin. Typically, the diagnosis of this deviation does not present any difficulties for a specialist, who can refer the patient for an ultrasound to fully clarify the situation.

How does widow's hump manifest and why is it dangerous?

Before considering the question of how to remove the withers on the neck, you should clarify what symptoms are characteristic of this disease.

Fat deposits do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stage and can only be detected during examination. It worries mainly women, as it does not look aesthetically pleasing. As the hump grows and enlarges, a person begins to experience the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the area of ​​​​the formation, which intensifies when turning the neck and radiates to the upper extremities;
  • Changes in posture, stooping;
  • Heaviness and discomfort in the upper back, back of the head and shoulder girdle;
  • Violation of free movement in the affected area.
The appearance of a hump on the neck becomes dangerous when it reaches an impressive size. The fatty tissue puts pressure on the vertebral arteries and significantly reduces the amount of oxygen that enters the brain.

Hypoxia is manifested by headache, dizziness, nausea, and pressure fluctuations. Shoulder pain and stiffness reduce quality of life. Therefore, the question of how to remove a widow’s hump is not idle.

Therapy methods

There are several options for providing care for this pathology. Initially, a person is recommended to use conservative methods, including medication, physical therapy and special exercises. If there is no result, a specialist may advise solving the problem surgically.

Conservative methods

If you have a widow's hump, treatment with medications is as follows:

Hormonal therapy.

Impact on the etiology of the process. To improve the condition during menopause and other endocrine pathologies, replacement therapy is prescribed.

During menopause, drugs with estrogen and progesterone are used, and drugs are necessarily used to regulate the level of glucocorticoids in case of adrenal problems.


Massage of the cervical-collar area helps to remove the hump on the neck. The method of doing it is hard, breaking up lumps of fat. In total, about 10-15 procedures are done, and then a break. If necessary, treatment is repeated.


If the process of forming the withers is accompanied by osteoporosis, then tablets containing calcium will help.


Recently, shock wave therapy has gained wide popularity in providing assistance for this pathology. To obtain the result, five procedures are enough, in which areas of fat are broken up with ultrasound.

What operations are performed

If it is not possible to get rid of the withers on the neck using a conservative method, then liposuction or fat aspiration is performed.

The operation presents certain difficulties, since, unlike the abdominal cavity, fat deposits in the dowager's hump contain fibrin fibers that can only be destroyed. Therefore, methods for removing formations include the use of a laser.

There is also a surgical intervention that involves introducing a special substance into the hump that destroys the scruff from the inside, followed by suctioning out the contents. Surgical treatment is carried out under general anesthesia, the result is assessed after a couple of months.


While the fatty tissue on the back of the neck has not become large, you can effectively get rid of it with the help of special exercises that go well with general therapy. They can be easily carried out at home and do not require special physical training:

Nodding his head as if in agreement, then in denial. To begin with, you should not shake your head too much, otherwise it may become bad. The amplitude should be minimal, and over time it is gradually increased.

Other exercises to reduce the withers also help. To do this, you can use all types of movement of the neck, shoulders and upper body. You can also learn several types of yoga classes specifically designed to solve neck problems.

If there is a tendency to develop withers, swimming helps a lot. Stable improvement usually occurs after 4-6 months of regular exercise.

Prevention of hump formation

In order not to lead the situation to the need for treatment, the menopausal hump should be prevented. To do this you need:

  • Sleep on a low pillow and choose a firm mattress;
  • Once or twice a year, go for a neck and upper shoulder massage;
  • Engage in daily exercise;
  • Watch your posture.

Before getting rid of the hump, you need to go to the doctor and clarify the diagnosis. This must be done because other diseases may manifest in the same way, the treatment of which requires a slightly different approach.

Causes of pathology

The causes of the development of the disease are: non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle, incorrect posture, physical inactivity, increased adrenal function. One of the main reasons for the development of stoop is the increased static load on the cervical spine. This problem is especially common for people who work or spend long hours in a sitting position. In this case, muscle spasms may occur associated with constant overload, which leads to loss of elasticity and the development of a stable position of the back in a state of pathological convexity.

How to remove a hump on your neck?

To stop the development of this pathology, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Try to choose a bed of moderate hardness and do not use bedding that is too soft.
  2. Avoid pillows thicker than 10 cm.
  3. Start visiting the pool regularly.
  4. Periodically take courses in physiotherapy and therapeutic massage.

Massage and its benefits

Of all the activities that you should do, massage should be given first place. Sometimes a cervical hump develops after heavy physical exertion, which leads to muscle tightening. In such cases, therapeutic massage will help prevent the development of the disease. It is helpful to take baths before the procedure to soften the hump. In the first three days, you should give preference to soda baths, and in the next three, baths with chamomile infusion are good. Before the massage procedure, we recommend applying mustard compresses to the bulge area for three days with a one-day break. The hump on the neck should be covered with a linen towel, previously soaked in cold water. You can cover yourself with a blanket or woolen scarf. And in this position you should rest for about two hours. Your doctor may prescribe courses of anti-inflammatory therapy and physical therapy.

Not a step without a specialist

As a result of these measures, the disease will regress, and the hump on the neck will begin to gradually disappear. However, you should be warned that any medical procedure (whether massage or physiotherapy) should be previously agreed with your doctor. For example, a lipoma in the cervical spine can only be removed by invasive (surgical) means, and in case of neoplasms, therapeutic massage is sometimes contraindicated. If a hump in the neck develops as a result of hormonal disorders, then it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Prevention of this disease

To relieve muscle tension, it is good to do gymnastics and yoga. A hump on your neck will not develop if you properly organize your workspace at the computer. The chair must have a back and armrests. It is advisable for your feet to be on the floor or on a special stand while working. Take at least three-minute breaks while working and do gymnastics that will help relieve muscle strain.