My fingers are very numb. Fingers go numb. What to do

Numbness of the fingers and the inability to make any precise movements is a serious reason to contact a neurologist, who will prescribe a series of tests to identify the cause, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. The most common cause of short-term numbness in the fingers can be either an uncomfortable position of the person’s body (for example, reclining on the sofa) or an incorrectly selected wardrobe.

The fact is that in these two cases there is a tightening of the blood vessels in the hands, which entails a violation of blood circulation in the hand. Unpleasant sensations of numbness in the fingers arise due to the entry into the nerve fibers of certain products of impaired metabolism caused by obstruction of blood flow. Special attention This problem should be addressed if the fingers are on one hand.

Numb fingers may be a symptom of poor circulation in the brain or cervical spine. Consequence of violation cerebral circulation may cause an ischemic stroke of the brain.

According to experts, numbness in the fingers can be caused by cervical osteochondrosis. With this disease, the cervical vertebrae, which have been displaced for one reason or another, begin to compress the blood vessels, causing pinched nerve endings. In this case, as in the case of a brain stroke, numbness occurs only in one limb. This problem often affects people suffering from high blood pressure, high level cholesterol in the blood. All this indicates the presence of atherosclerosis in a person.

The next cause of numb fingers is polyneuropathy. Polyneuropathy is characterized by damage to nerve plexuses, endings and fibers in one or another part of the body. In turn, it can be caused infectious diseases or damage to nerve tissue as a result of pancreatitis, vitamin deficiency and diabetes mellitus.

Numbness in the fingers may indicate thrombosis upper limbs. In this case, the numbness does not go away, but spreads to the entire arm. You should consult a doctor immediately!

Numb fingers can also be caused by other pathological conditions. For example, a person may suffer inflammatory diseases nervous systems s and joints. Long-term emotional experiences And stressful situations can also cause numbness in the fingers of the upper extremities. One of the pathologies of the human vascular system is the so-called Raynaud's syndrome. With this pathology, small capillaries are damaged, and normal blood circulation is disrupted. A person’s fingers go numb not only on his hands, but also on his toes. All this is accompanied by pain and pale skin.

Often this symptom is a consequence of pinching median nerve located in the carpal tunnel of the wrist. This in turn may be associated with occupational hazards (e.g. permanent job at the computer). In this case, numbness in the fingers is accompanied by certain pain sensations. If numb fingers are a cause for concern, then under no circumstances should you put off visiting the doctor! At the same time, self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Physical discomfort and various pain sensations are often perceived by many people so naturally that they do not pay due attention to the problem that has arisen. However, if your health worsens, then there are reasons for this, and they need to be dealt with. For example, when the fingers on the right hand go numb, this means that certain functions are impaired and need to be restored.

Why does finger numbness occur?

Initially, it is worth noting the following fact: numbness may be accompanied by several characteristic features- this is tightening, chilliness, loss of sensitivity, burning and tingling. When your fingers go numb and hurt right hand, the cause is often considered to be neurovascular syndrome, which manifests itself against the background of high blood pressure and cervical osteochondrosis.

Sometimes loss of sensitivity is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. But in any case, when the fingers on the right hand go numb, this is only a symptom indicating a specific dysfunction of the body.

If the problem with finger sensitivity does not go away, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. However, there are cases in which urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary:

Rapid loss of sensitivity to water temperature;

Systematic numbness without obvious reasons;

Speech impairment;

Numbness of the hands, which interferes with proper coordination of movements;

Behavioral disorders, psychological or nervous disorders that appear simultaneously with loss of sensitivity;

Decreased sensitivity or tingling, accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, general weakness, nausea and dizziness.

When understanding why your fingers go numb, you need to pay attention to this reason this state like Raynaud's syndrome. We are talking about a pathological condition that differs from the disease of the same name in that vascular spasms in the fingers are defined as secondary symptom, indicating chronic diseases of the nervous system, endocrine disorders, intoxication, problems with connective tissue due to constant exposure to cold and vibration. Raynaud's disease itself directly refers to numbness of the fingertips due to vascular spasms small capillaries(most often occurs during hypothermia). Vasospasm can also be caused by severe stress.

Another answer to the question of why fingers go numb is a diagnosis such as arthrosis (arthritis) of the phalanges of the fingers, as well as the joints of the hand. The cause of loss of sensitivity can also be a violation of cerebral circulation. Numbness of the fingers in this case should be defined as the first symptoms of this pathology.

There are also more commonplace reasons for numbness in the fingers of the right hand. Since this hand is a working hand for many (seamstresses, those who have to write a lot, etc.), due to frequently repeated stress, the small muscles of the hand become overstrained and numbness occurs. To prevent such a condition, there must be periodic pauses in work. Competent finger motor skills will not be superfluous, exercises for which can be suggested by a qualified doctor. If you have to work outside low temperatures, then it is imperative to protect your fingers from hypothermia (warm gloves). In other words, you need to take care of your finger joints and blood vessels.

Numbness symptoms

At first glance, it may seem that the symptoms of loss of sensitivity are obvious - tactile sensations are significantly reduced. But when complaining about numbness, ordinary people may mean various manifestations.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying exactly what symptoms should be attributed to this problem:

A condition in which the sensitivity of the skin decreases;

A tingling sensation that causes significant discomfort;

Feeling of so-called goosebumps moving;

IN in rare cases- a complex manifestation of all the symptoms mentioned above, or impaired joint mobility.

Causes of numbness in fingertips

Spring vitamin deficiency can often be cited as the cause of loss of sensitivity in the fingertips. If this is really the case, then you need to enrich your diet with foods that sufficiently contain vitamin groups A and B. You should not ignore these measures to restore the body, since a deficiency of vitamins can lead to significant complications. For example, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis (blockage) of blood vessels in the fingers. Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can also develop for other reasons: this endocrine diseases, consequences of injury and inflammation of the joints.

You should pay attention to various accessories that are attached to the hand or fingers. For example, bracelets, straps or rings that are too tight and do not fit the right size, can compress blood vessels and nerve endings.

The impact of poor lifestyle on the condition of fingers

Bad habits can cause numbness in the fingers of your right hand. The reasons why an incorrect lifestyle can cause such significant harm are quite simple:

- Alcohol abuse. With stable consumption, alcoholic beverages lead to disruption of the functioning of the peripheral nerves of the upper and lower limbs. As a result, a sensation of “goosebumps” appears, after which the skin begins to lose sensitivity and the sense of touch is impaired. If alcohol continues to enter the body in significant quantities, coordination may deteriorate and difficulty performing hand movements. In this condition, it will be difficult to fix even a light object with your fingers.

- Excess weight. With developing obesity, the body's metabolism and blood flow, on which the full functioning of the legs and arms depends, are disrupted. As a result, the fingers and palms lose sensitivity and begin to go numb. If a person with overweight suffers from physical inactivity (lack of physical activity and movement), then signs of loss of sensitivity appear especially clearly.

- Smoking. Both the tars contained in nicotine and nicotine itself have an extremely destructive effect on the walls of blood vessels. They (the vessels), in turn, begin to thin out, become non-plastic and brittle. This condition of damaged areas circulatory system leads to the fact that blood access to the upper extremities is difficult and numbness of the fingers of the right hand develops. The reasons for the development of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the hands largely go back to the process mentioned above. It is important to understand that sclerosis of the limbs is too serious a disease to be ignored. We are talking about consequences such as gangrene and even amputation of the hand.

As you can see, numbness in the fingers can be a symptom of extremely destructive processes in the body. Therefore, you should not delay diagnosis and, if necessary, qualified treatment.

Numbness of the right thumb

Speaking about problems with the thumb, it is worth remembering carpal tunnel syndrome. This pathology, depending on the degree of damage, affects the loss of sensitivity of the phalanx of the thumb, as well as the middle and index fingers. In this condition, compression occurs on the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel.

Go numb thumb It may also be due to specific working conditions under which the hand is fixed in one position for a long time. As a result, stenotic ligamentosis of the transverse ligaments develops, against the background of which swelling of the connective tissue of the wrist progresses. Next comes compression nerve tissue, since the impulse passing through it becomes weak. The consequence of the weakened impulse is stiffness in the movement of the phalanx. For the same reasons, you may feel numbness in the ring finger of your right hand.

The thumb can also go numb due to the development of diseases such as neurofibroma and hemangioma. This diagnosis refers to tumors that can put pressure on nerve endings. A visit to the doctor should be planned if the loss of sensitivity lasts more than half an hour. If the treatment process is ignored, the progressive disease can lead to atrophy of the thumb muscles.

Why does my index finger go numb?

Loss of sensation in the area of ​​this finger also indicates possible development diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis elbow joint. The essence of the effect of arthrosis is the destruction of the joint tissue of the elbow, accompanied by pain. The nerves and vessels passing through the cubital canal are compressed, resulting in loss of tactility. Bringing the fingers together becomes extremely problematic for the patient.

The causes of arthritis can be identified as infectious pathology, which leads to an inflammatory process, or stable and significant loads on the elbow joint. As a result, the conductivity of nerve impulses noticeably decreases and sensitivity index finger gets lost.

Numbness of the middle finger of the right hand

When numbness is felt in the middle and index phalanx of the right hand, it makes sense to suspect structural abnormalities in the tissues. The consequence of such disorders can be functional disruptions in the functioning of the discs and muscles of the neck, as well as intervertebral tissues. The result of such changes is compression of the nerve endings, leading to signal blocking. Besides there is high probability manifestations of pain symptoms in the forearm and shoulder.

Regarding the issue of loss of sensitivity middle phalanx, it should be noted that the cause of this condition is often neuropathy of the peripheral zone, which was obtained in the process of violating the integrity of the distal processes of the nerve receptors located in the radial nerve. Such disorders occur when a nerve fiber is damaged or ruptured. The cause of the rupture is usually carpal tunnel syndrome or subluxation, as well as a sprained elbow joint.

Why do my fingers go numb at night?

The cause of numbness during sleep is the uncomfortable position of the arm, in which the blood vessels are pressed under the influence of body weight, and the limb begins to go numb. This can be easily corrected by changing the posture and, as a result, removing the load from the arm.

Another reason why your fingers may go numb is uncomfortable clothing that pinches the blood vessels. That is why it is not recommended to use tight, uncomfortable underwear, including pajamas.

Gymnastics that restores sensitivity in the fingers

In order to neutralize numbness, it is necessary to perform the following exercises for the fingers, which can give good results:

In a lying position, you need to raise your hands up and clench and unclench your fingers 80 times.

For the next exercise, you need to stand facing the wall with your arms raised up, while leaning on your toes. You need to stand like this for about a minute, after which you should repeat the exercise several times.

The final element of gymnastics looks like as follows: in a standing position (on a full foot), you need to clasp your hands behind your back and hold them like that for 1 minute. This exercise is repeated 3 times.

Charging for fingers with constant workload on the hands

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can have different causes. One of them is the constant load on the hands. To neutralize the harmful effects of monotonous work, you need to perform the following exercises:

The palms are pressed against each other, while the fingers are crossed. They (fingers) need to be bent and straightened several times.

Clench and unclench your fists with your palms pressed together.

Leaving your thumb motionless, you need to touch it with the tips of your other fingers.

The fist is clenched (with force) for several seconds, after which the fingers are extended. Afterwards, you need to squeeze each of them in turn, with the tip of the phalanx reaching the middle of the palm.

The hand should be placed on the table so that the hand hangs over the edge of the tabletop. Next, you need to move your hand down and up, leaving your hand motionless.

Treatment of loss of sensation

Since, as mentioned above, numbness of the fingers is a symptom of the disease, treatment should be focused on neutralizing the original source of the problem.

Among others, we can highlight such popular techniques as magnetic-vacuum acupuncture, osteopathy, vibration finger massage and phonophoresis, which refers to the administration of medications using ultrasound.

The doctor approaches the treatment process individually, since the causes of loss of sensitivity may be different and may be accompanied by some complications. After diagnosis, treatment of numbness in the fingers of the right hand, as a rule, involves the use of one of the following therapeutic measures:

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs in case of detection of neuritis and osteochondrosis (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Amidopyrine, etc.);

Implementation active image life;

Prescribing a hand massage to improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation (it is important to massage each finger separately from the tip to the wrist);

Taking vitamins A, B, E (Aneurin, Thiamine, etc.);

Controlling the amount of liquid and salt used in the diet (especially important for pregnant women);

The use of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels (Venolek, Vasoket, Detralex, Venarus).

Considering the fact that numbness is, in fact, a manifestation of a specific disease, if you lose sensation in the fingers of your right hand, it is important to visit a doctor and get diagnosed. This will let you know real problem and act on it before complications arise.

A large number of people, especially after 40 years, experience the symptom of numbness of the fingers on the extremities. Most often, the fingers on the right hand become numb due to physical exertion.

Although it's normal healthy person There should be no paresthesia, which means that numbness of the fingers is considered a symptom of some disease. Paresthesia is a disorder of the sensitivity of an area of ​​the body, which is manifested by stiffness, a feeling of tingling or crawling. This phenomenon can come and go. For example, sitting on your own leg for a long time will lead to loss of sensation for approximately 5-10 minutes. This case is considered normal and cannot be treated.

Paresthesias that appear frequently or are constantly present for no apparent reason indicate pathological processes of neurological origin.

They can be a complication of the underlying disease or signs of primary damage to parts of the nervous system.

Possible diseases

Numbness of the fingers on the right hand may indicate possible chronic diseases, and doctors consider this symptom threatening and primary in the diagnosis of a number of pathologies. The most common causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand:

  • osteochondrosis cervicothoracic regions spine;
  • disruption of the innervation of the fingers due to pathological processes in the nerve responsible for them;
  • limb injury;
  • hard physical work;
  • pregnancy and hormonal imbalances;
  • rheumatism;
  • thrombosis of a large blood vessel;
  • ischemic stroke of the brain or spinal cord;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • avitaminosis.

Unpleasant sensations in the fingers can appear suddenly, after physical work, at night, in the morning, during meals, and in some cases they occur constantly, aggravated by additional symptoms. Most people ignore these signs for a long time, not understanding the seriousness of the consequences of such inaction.

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand should be a good reason to see a doctor as soon as possible to clarify the diagnosis and increase the chances of avoiding irreversible consequences.

This problem is dealt with by a neurologist, but when determining the origin of the disease You may need to consult a rheumatologist, cardiologist, vertebrologist, endocrinologist, immunologist and even resuscitator.

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Most of all symptoms characterized by numbness of the fingers are associated with damage to the bone or muscle areas of the canals through which the nerve trunks pass (ulnar, radial and carpal). These may be injuries or diseases listed above, which lead to narrowing (ischemia) of the lumen of the canals and compression of the nerve.

Excessive physical activity provokes swelling of the tissues of the upper extremities and disruption of the conductivity of the innervation of the fingers. Professional habits or forced body position can cause pinching of the tips of the nerve fibers, which leads to numbness of the fingers. For example, bending your elbows for a long time leads to damage to the ulnar nerve and, as a result, numbness of the little finger and ring finger. If the middle finger on the right hand is numb, the cause may be negative impact on the wrist area, which in the near future will manifest itself as inflammation of the radial nerve.

Dislocation or subluxation of the elbow joint and hand will definitely provoke infringement of the tunnel for the passage of nerve fibers.

Disturbances in the functions of the cervical spine cause a lot of painful trouble. Due to various physical reasons, tissue changes in shape and decreases in elasticity. When compression affects the discs and muscles of this part of the ridge, the nerve endings are pinched, which leads to severe pain in the shoulder girdle, partial loss of performance and significant numbness of the fingers of both the right and left hands. If you do not intervene in this situation with the help of a doctor, you can get atrophy of the muscles of the upper limbs.

Right index finger goes numb due to possible inflammatory processes in the elbow joint. This can happen due to arthritis, rheumatism, and various types of injuries. Destruction of the joint entails swelling and irreversible damage to the innervation of the fingers. A person becomes disabled, since in this case medicine is practically powerless. Only with the help of a complex and expensive operation can partial functionality be restored. The course of therapeutic measures for impaired innervation of the upper extremities includes the following:

  • administration of decongestants;
  • pain relief with anesthetics;
  • the use of B vitamins to activate nerve fibers;
  • treatment of the underlying disease that caused the pinched nerve;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (proven excellent in this case);
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • in some cases, surgical interventions are performed.

If applied in a timely manner and proper treatment the outcome of the disease is very favorable.

2. Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

In case of numbness of the fingers, it is necessary to differentiate the diagnosis of a neurological nature from acute thrombosis large vessels upper limbs. Because it is dangerous condition requires urgent treatment in the intensive care unit. Risk of developing gangrene or sudden death very big. If symptoms such as coldness and cyanosis, as well as sharp pain and swelling are added to the numbness of the fingers, you should urgently seek qualified help at the hospital. The patient needs examination and round-the-clock monitoring. Ultrasound of deep vessels can confirm or refute the diagnosis of thromboembolism.

Analysis of the coagulation system and general analysis they will give blood necessary information resuscitation doctor. In this case, the reason for treating numbness in the fingers is to save a person’s life. Treatment for the condition includes mandatory use of thrombolytic drugs. Intravenous drip or subcutaneous fractional administration is strictly under the control of blood tests for MCV, APTT and INR. The doctor determines the dose and frequency based on research results.

3. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system

If certain signs accompany numbness in your fingers, you should immediately call an ambulance, as this is an ischemic stroke.

Symptoms of cerebral vascular ischemia:

  • weakness in the hand, it becomes like a whip;
  • the lower limb also becomes numb and loses sensitivity, starting with numbness of the toes;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness are characteristic of brain damage;
  • the corner of the mouth drops;
  • strong headache;
  • complete or partial speech impairment;
  • crawling sensation on the affected side.

Strokes are characterized by side syndrome, that is, with ischemic damage in the left hemisphere of the brain, numbness will occur, for example, on ring finger right hand or little finger, and then hang the entire hand and foot of the opposite side of the body. The innervation of the facial nerves is disrupted in the same sequence. A spinal cord stroke is characterized by loss of sensation in the fingers and toes with preservation of consciousness and speech. Timely assistance can significantly improve the future prognosis of a stroke and accelerate the recovery processes of nerve fibers.

Actions should be aimed at eliminating the cause of ischemia. Usually need to be reduced blood pressure and with the help of potent thrombolytics, dissolve the blood clot, which in 80% of cases is the basis for cerebral infarction. Drugs aimed at relieving swelling of brain tissue and angioprotectors well restore the conductivity of nerve fibers and roots. In the case of a small affected area, tissue sensitivity returns in a short period of time.

4. Temporary numbness of fingers

In most cases, a person's fingers become numb due to temporary compression of the nerves. In such cases, no treatment is required, but simply eliminating the factor causing the problem.

Most often, the hand goes numb in the following situations:

  • Wearing clothes with tight elastic bands while sleeping. In the morning, there is numbness in the hand and fingertips for some time, depending on the level of pinching of the nerves.
  • Working your fingers in tension or in the same position for a long time, for example, typing on a keyboard. In such cases, seizures may even occur.
  • Pinching of nerve endings during compression of the hand at any of its levels. These include: hugging in sleep, keeping your elbows on a hard surface, supporting your head with your hand (pinching your wrist), and so on.

For a person with such numbness of the finger, it is enough to wait a little or stretch the limb to eliminate the unpleasant sensations. If pathological symptom does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Sudden numbness of the fingers for no apparent reason is considered especially dangerous.

5. Blood vessel pathologies

Limb paresthesia may be the first sign of a serious and dangerous vascular disease. Numbness appears due to blockage of one or another vessel. However, there may be several types of damage to the circulatory system.

The main diseases that are accompanied by paresthesia of the fingers:

  • Raynaud's disease. The pathology is characterized by damage capillary network fingers and hands of the right and left hands, which occurs due to damage vascular wall. Patients report constant pain in both hands, which gets worse in the cold.
  • Arterial thrombosis. Blockage of a vessel can occur due to various reasons, however clinical picture will always be approximately the same. First, a person begins to experience paresthesia of the fingertips, which gradually spreads to the entire limb. The hand becomes cold and pale. If numbness progresses, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid necrosis of the soft tissues of the hand.
  • Stroke. If numbness in a finger does not go away within an hour and is observed only on one side, you must immediately rule out blockage of the blood vessels in the brain. To do this, there is a standard test in which the patient is asked to say his name, smile and raise his hands up.

Install it yourself correct diagnosis will not work, therefore, if there is prolonged paresthesia, its progression or the addition of additional symptoms, you should go to the hospital and undergo a full examination.

6. Nerve damage

The most common causes of paresthesia of the fingers associated with problems directly with the nervous system: Pinching of the median nerve. This pathological condition is also called carpal tunnel syndrome, since the pinching occurs as the nerve passes through the wrist. The disease affects people who spend most of their time at the computer, typing texts. The pathology is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome.

  • Polyneuropathy. This disease is characterized organic damage nerve fibers, plexuses and nodes in the hand area. The occurrence of pathology is due to some systemic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus. The severity of paresthesia and other clinical signs will depend on the degree of nerve damage.
  • Osteochondrosis. This refers to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The pathology is a lesion of the spine, but due to the displacement of its structures, compression of the nerves occurs. Paresthesia of the limbs occurs on one side, and additional symptom most often the headache is on the affected side.
On the right hand, the cause of numbness in the fingers may be traumatic injury or pinched nerves.

The median, ulnar and radial nerves of the hand are especially often damaged during dislocation and subluxation of the wrist or elbow.

Other causes of paresthesia

In addition to the most common causes of numbness in the fingers, there are pathologies in which paresthesia is also noted, but it is not significant and the most a clear symptom. For example, diabetes mellitus is one of these diseases. With long-term decompensated course of the disease dystrophic disorders begin in the walls of blood vessels and nerve endings, which is accompanied by paresthesia of the fingers with gradual progression of the problem. Systemic connective tissue diseases and pathologies affecting the joints of the hand form paresthesia according to the same principle. Due to joint deformation, a nerve is pinched or the blood supply to the finger is disrupted, which is subsequently accompanied by numbness. A person cannot independently find out the reliable reason if a finger on his hand is numb.

If the phenomenon is temporary, paresthesia will go away on its own, and in other situations only a professional doctor will help.

The exception is for patients who are already aware of the underlying disease and can associate numbness with it. However, even such people, whenever a new symptom of pathology appears, should consult a doctor to assess the severity of the condition and the risk of complications.

Prevention of neurological disorders

Not a single person is immune from disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, but by knowing why fingers go numb, you can reduce the risk of possible pathology. Preventive recommendations provide the following activities:

  • healthy image life;
  • proper nutrition, which consists of limiting consumption table salt, fatty, fried and smoked foods;
  • regular feasible physical exercise;
  • exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spine;
  • blood pressure control;
  • timely contact with specialists.

It should be remembered that neurological diseases are difficult to treat, so they are easier to prevent.

Diagnosis of diseases

When visiting a doctor, the patient first expresses complaints. Often, in addition to paresthesia of the fingers, he has: coldness of the limb, tingling, pain and some systemic signs. The doctor then conducts a survey. Collects anamnesis of the disease and life, finds out the following features:

  • when did paresthesia first appear?
  • is it constant or paroxysmal;
  • what the patient associates the problem with;
  • what chronic diseases does he have?
  • presence of bad habits;
  • hereditary history and other nuances.

After initial examination the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, on the basis of which the additional methods diagnostics First of all, the patient undergoes an X-ray of the spinal column. Vascular examinations, such as angiography, are then performed. MRI is required to check the condition of the blood vessels in the brain. Electroencephalography is used for the same purposes.

A highly informative study is computed tomography, which is used for doubtful diagnoses and as a reliable image source.

After numbness in the fingers, the right hand can be examined using Doppler ultrasound to get an accurate picture of the condition of the vessels of the limb.

Treatment of paresthesias

Treatment for numbness in the fingers depends entirely on the etiology. pathological condition. For temporary paresthesia, no therapeutic measures are required and a light kneading massage will be sufficient. If the cause is any systemic disease, then treatment should be completely directed at it. For spinal pathologies that are accompanied by paresthesia of the fingers, you should decide on the type of treatment. This can be either conservative or surgical therapy. The doctor compares possible risk from surgery with expected results and takes into account the severity of the disease.

Patients are treated conservatively with anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, massages and physiotherapeutic procedures. To treat numbness in the fingers of the right hand caused by vascular pathology, an angiologist or vascular surgeon is required. Some of the diseases can be treated conservatively with the help of thrombolytic agents and drugs that strengthen blood vessels. If the artery is completely blocked, surgery must be performed., the essence of which is not only to eliminate the blood clot, but also to prevent recurrence of blockage of the lumen of blood vessels.

If the blockage occurs in the vessels of the brain, then the help of a team of resuscitators is required.

They maintain the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in working order, and also administer potent thrombolytics, which promote the resorption of the blood clot. Unfortunately, not all diseases of blood vessels and nerves are completely curable and leave no consequences, and the prognosis often depends on the speed of response. Therefore, if you have paresthesia of the fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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A condition that often occurs is when your fingers go numb during or after sleep. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Unpleasant pain and tingling are felt in the palms and fingers; they move with difficulty and become like cotton wool. Discomfort in the limbs torments for a long time, preventing you from falling asleep again, and in the morning from doing everyday activities.

Why do my fingers go numb in my sleep?

Typically, the phenomenon of paresthesia is associated with a temporary disruption of blood flow, but sometimes the cause is serious illness. The most common medical diagnosis is compression of the median nerve, neuritis, osteochondrosis. Sometimes, to confirm the diagnosis, consultation with specialized specialists - a neurologist or cardiologist - is required.

Before seeking specialized help, it is necessary to become familiar with the symptoms of pathological paresthesia and distinguish it from numbness of the fingers during sleep due to a pinched nerve.

External reasons

There are several typical situations when your hands go numb after sleep. This is usually due to pinching in the elbow or wrist joint, as well as poor circulation due to other physiological reasons. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the external problem to forget about discomfort in the morning forever. Let us list the most common causes of paresthesia.

Uncomfortable sleeping position

Raised arms and palms folded under the pillow - this position during night rest is the most common reason why fingers go numb in a dream. Closed fists and bent elbows prevent normal functioning cardiovascular system, its work slows down, and blood flows to the hands with difficulty.

The same effect is achieved by sleeping with your arm under your head or on your side, leaning on the limb with your whole body. Usually it is enough to change the position to a more comfortable and relaxed one for the tingling and numbness to go away.

Hard pillow

This is another common reason why fingers go numb during sleep. A large, heavy and uncomfortable pillow leads to arching of the spine in the cervical region just at the level of the arms. Blood circulation to the nerve roots of the spinal column is disrupted and spreads to the fingers, palms and entire arm, causing numbness.

The solution to the problem will be a high-quality selection of a pillow, which should be small and loose, or even better - an orthopedic one, which has a cushion for the neck and a recess for the head. This design promotes natural anatomical sleeping posture and normal blood flow.

Tight clothes

Tight, tight, uncomfortable pajamas and shirts often lead to numbness in your fingers during sleep. Burning and numbness is felt in the area where the limbs are pinched by rough seams, thick cuffs, various folds and ruffles. Leisure clothing should be soft, loose, mainly made of knitted fabrics.


Fingers and hands may swell during sleep, so jewelry such as watches, bracelets, and rings can interfere with natural blood flow. To avoid numbness and pain, it is recommended to remove jewelry at night and lightly massage the area where it is worn.

Bad habits

Another reason why fingers go numb during sleep may be alcohol abuse, especially sleeping while intoxicated. Before going to bed, you should avoid eating fatty, salty and spicy foods. Drinking coffee at night can also cause numbness in your hands.

The above reasons are caused by external factors and do not cause significant damage to health. It is much worse when the symptoms of numbness are the consequences of an illness. In this case, you cannot do without a thorough examination, treatment and medical supervision.

Internal reasons

The condition we are considering requires more careful attention if the fingers go numb in the morning after sleep almost every day. Advanced diagnostic methods help identify the disease and treat it at an early stage. You should pay attention to paresthesia if the elimination external factors did not bring relief from alarming symptoms.

Initially, you should consult a therapist for examination, and then, if necessary, a cardiologist and neurologist.

Possible signs of the disease:

  • Significant swelling;
  • Cramps in fingers;
  • Severe pain upon awakening that persists for a long time;
  • Crunching in the joints, weakness of the arms, pain in the neck.

These symptoms may indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system) or the nervous system, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, a visit to a doctor for advice is strictly necessary.

If the fingers of your right hand go numb in a dream

This condition may be a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or arthrosis. Paresthesia occurs as a result of stenosis of arteries and smaller blood vessels. And also regularly recurring numbness can predict a stroke.

Common reasons:

  • Heart diseases - cardiac ischemia, hypertension;
  • Pinching of the nerve due to destructive changes in the joints of the spine and upper extremities;
  • Fatigue of the neck muscles when sitting at a computer desk for a long time;
  • Carpal (carpal) tunnel syndrome, manifested by swelling of the ligaments; If the disease progresses, complete or partial death of the hand muscles is possible.

If the fingers of your left hand go numb in a dream

If left hand numb at night, this may indicate a heart pathology. If symptoms recur in daytime, during waking hours, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. Timely medical examination and treatment can save lives, as there is a high probability of developing a heart attack and stroke.

Paresthesia in heart disease is difficult to confuse with other causes, since it usually affects the little finger and ring finger, accompanied by cold hands, cyanosis of the lips, suffocation, pain behind the sternum, under the scapula or in the left arm itself.

Possible causes of numbness:

  • Cardiovascular diseases:
    • Angina;
    • Myocardial infarction;
  • Avitaminosis - a lack of vitamins A, B or E, accompanied by severe peeling of the skin;
  • Spinal diseases:
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Hernia of the spine;
  • Pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • Problems in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

If your fingers go numb in a dream during pregnancy

Let's look at the reasons why expectant mothers may experience paresthesia.

Of these, the most common are:

  • Swelling, retention of moisture by the body due to a lack of potassium and a malfunction in the water-salt balance;
  • Cramps that appear during sleep due to a lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • Excessive weight gain towards the end of pregnancy;
  • Low physical activity.

And also the reasons may be:

  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Diseases acquired during pregnancy;
  • Injuries;
  • Unhealthy spine;
  • Anemia (anemia);
  • Physiological predisposition.

Why do the fingers on both hands go numb during sleep?

If paresthesia is observed on both limbs at once, then the most likely factors may be diabetes mellitus, intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis.

Alternating numbness is a sign of hypertension or abnormalities in the central nervous system.

Possible diagnoses:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • Diabetes mellitus - accompanied by a narrowing of arterioles and, as a result, provokes numbness of the limbs to varying degrees;
  • Pathology of blood circulation in anemia, obliterating endarteritis, deposits cholesterol plaques, multiple sclerosis;
  • Thrombosis of the upper extremities – dangerous pathology, in which a blockage of an artery in the arm or any other limb occurs with a blood clot, and the first symptom may be numbness of the fingers;
  • Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, destruction of intervertebral discs;
  • Polyneuropathy – organic damage nerve plexuses of the hand and fingers, which cause symptoms of numbness and mild tingling. Such unpleasant sensations can bother a person quite often if the damage to the nerve fibers has reached a high degree;
  • Raynaud's syndrome is a pathology in which a significant narrowing of the capillaries of the skin occurs, as a result of which it first turns pale, after a while turns blue and turns red at the end of the attack;
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rather dangerous autoimmune disease in which inflammation of the nerves occurs, which negatively affects the sense of touch and motor functions person. To one of the most early symptoms diseases include numbness and slight tingling of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities.

If there is a suspicion of any disease, the examination cannot be postponed. Untimely assistance inevitably leads to irreversible consequences - arthritis, loss of sensitivity in the fingers, and in severe cases, partial paralysis of the limb.

Diagnosis and treatment

The choice of treatment method is chosen by the doctor only after examining the patient, which includes general and necessary additional tests. The choice of examination method is determined by the patient’s complaints and the degree of symptoms.

Methods for diagnosing the disease:

  • X-ray of the spine in the cervical region;
  • Computer (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • Angiography of cervical vessels and upper extremities;
  • Detailed analysis of urine and blood;
  • Blood test for sugar;
  • Visual assessment of nerve reflexes.

Medications for the treatment of paresthesia

  • Vitamins of group A, E, B are always prescribed for treatment;
  • For arthritis and osteochondrosis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed;
  • If any violations are detected vascular circulation technique shown medicines, lowering cholesterol levels and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • If numbness of the fingers during sleep occurs against the background of a stroke, diabetes mellitus or tumor, then priority drug treatment is the underlying disease.

Pregnant women are advised to carefully monitor the amount of fluid and salt they consume. If swelling occurs, perform a small massage of the fingers from their tips towards the wrists. This stimulates blood circulation in the fingers and lymph flow.

  • Swaying hands relaxed at the wrists;
  • Tense clenching and complete relaxation of the fingers;
  • Raising and lowering your arms while lying on your back;
  • Handling a round object in your palms - a ball, massage ball or ball.

Folk remedies for treating numbness of fingers during sleep

Traditional recipes do not bring the same effect as medicinal ones, but serve as an excellent addition to the main treatment. Their regular use can significantly restore sensitivity in the fingers and eliminate pain. The choice of option depends only on the patient’s personal choice and ease of use.

The most famous recipes are:

  • Mix 50 gr. ammonia and 10 gr. camphor, add 1 liter. water and 1 tbsp. salt, stir thoroughly. Rub this solution onto numb areas.
  • Pour a handful of rosemary into a basin and pour three liters hot water, insist a little. After this, the infusion should be added to a filled bath and taken for 15 minutes immediately before bed.
  • Cook porridge from the pumpkin pulp in water, cool to a comfortable temperature. Apply the paste to numb areas, cover with cling film and wrap in a woolen scarf or scarf.
  • A positive effect is achieved by daily rubbing the sore areas with mustard oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. After rubbing, you should wear cotton gloves, pajamas or a long-sleeved shirt.
  • You can prepare another rubbing liquid yourself. To do this you need to prepare 3 pods hot pepper, 3 pickled cucumbers (not pickled!) and 0.5 liters of vodka. Chop the vegetables, pour vodka and leave in a dark glass container for 7 days. The liquid should be rubbed in daily, and compresses should be made before bedtime.

Preventing finger numbness during sleep

To prevent the occurrence of paresthesia, the following is recommended:

  • After sleep, do a little morning warm-up, which has a beneficial effect not only on the limbs, but also on the general condition;
  • It is recommended to sleep on special orthopedic mattresses and pillows;
  • If you sleep in clothes (pajamas), they should be comfortable;
  • To prevent stroke, control blood pressure;
  • If you experience pain in the kidney area, do not put off visiting a doctor until later, since problems with them can also affect the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • To prevent nighttime numbness of the extremities, a healthy lifestyle plays an important role, i.e. cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • Try to avoid nervous situations and stress, which generally negatively affect the nervous system;
  • Before going to bed, a short walk in the fresh air is recommended;
  • If you have led a sedentary lifestyle, you should reconsider it and take up fitness, aerobics, swimming, etc.;
  • Periodically undergo a course of massage;
  • When the cold season sets in, it is very important to dress appropriately for the weather and avoid hypothermia.

Do not forget that the success of treatment largely depends on the timeliness of the examination and an accurate diagnosis, and this can only be done medical specialist. Therefore, even if numbness in the fingers during sleep is short-term and does not interfere with everyday life, but appears regularly and for no apparent reason, this is a sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

There is a legend that supposedly you shouldn’t pay attention to numbness in your fingers, which often occurs during sleep. It may well have a truthful basis only if paresthesia (the scientific name for numbness) occurs every few years and goes away without a trace. However, if you begin to notice that numbness in your fingers is becoming regular and the feeling of loss of sensitivity in your fingertips is constantly present, or you are unable to cope with muscle weakness, perhaps this is the most important reason to see a doctor. Due to the high cost medical supplies and consultations, many patients greatly delay going to the doctor, thereby hopelessly aggravating pathological process in the body. You shouldn’t stand on par with such people, because you probably care about your health.

Reasons: why there is numbness in the fingers on the right and left hand

Many people experience numbness in their hands while sleeping. It is often expressed by tingling, numbness and even the inability to raise the arm or turn it along with the body to the other side. The hand can hang like a lifeless whip, which undoubtedly frightens a person who has not yet woken up. Agree, similar situation Confuses many, but is it worth it to panic because of the symptoms? What should you pay attention to?

1. When our hands go numb at night, we often realize that our limbs have simply “rested.” Due to unconscious movements during sleep, a person can roll over from side to side many times, sometimes not noticing that he is not lying down quite comfortably. And the hand can be under the body. This causes a slight circulatory disorder due to squeezing of blood vessels and the hand goes numb for a short time. Usually, if nothing else bothers you and the paresthesia disappears within just a few minutes, there is no need to call an ambulance.

2. More threatening cause numbness of the fingers – osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia in the cervical region. With this diagnosis, paresthesias are constant companions of patients’ night sleep, which causes considerable discomfort. Since osteochondrosis is the scourge of our century, it affects more than 75% of the population, it is extremely important to treat such a disease. Otherwise, lack of therapy can lead to disability, constant pain in the spine and disorders of the blood supply to the spinal cord and brain.

3. Numbness of the hands also indicates a serious illness - Raynaud's syndrome. In rare cases, the disease is acquired, but usually it is a genetic disorder. It can occur in workers of industrial factories, where microdamage to the fingers has become the norm. Raynaud's disease also appears in people with frequent hypothermia and emotional stress.

4. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of office workers. It appears in almost everyone who sits day and night at the computer or performs the same type of movements: writes a lot, knits, stitches on a sewing machine or paints the walls. Each profession can trigger the occurrence of tunnel syndrome. It is manifested by pain in the wrist joint, numbness of the fingers, most often the thumb and index, as well as unpleasant sensations when bending the hand. If such an ailment is not treated, it can lead to muscle dystrophy, compression of blood vessels and serious circulatory problems. This can be treated surgically, as it turns into gangrene.

5. For people suffering from diabetes, numbness in the fingers is not uncommon. Because of high sugar, the vessels invariably suffer, which entails blood circulation disorders.

6. Fingertips may go numb due to nail fungus - onychomycosis. Because of inflammatory process which develops at the root of the nail, you may feel numbness at the ends of your fingers.

7. Pregnant women often feel paresthesia. This happens because the body is under constant increasing stress. An important factor is hormonal changes inside it.

You may notice that only certain fingers on your hands are numb, for example, the little finger and ring finger on the left hand, or the index and thumb on the right. Here's what this may indicate:

About the development of myocardial infarction. The left hand often signals problems in the cardiovascular system. Pain radiating to the left hand with numbness in the fingers is a threatening symptom heart attack. If these sensations are accompanied by tingling and pain attacks behind the sternum and under the shoulder blade, as well as a feeling of shortness of breath and dizziness, immediately call an ambulance.

About cerebral stroke. Whether your right or left hand goes numb – it doesn’t matter at all. A sudden sharp headache, loss of coordination of movements and severe muscle weakness in the arms or legs may indicate a cerebral hemorrhage.

Alcohol abuse causes a disease called polyneuropathy. It is characterized by pain in the hands, weakness, massive swelling and loss of sensitivity in the fingers.

Any neurological diseases or pathological formations in the body that manifest as paresthesia should alert patients and prompt them to immediately visit a doctor.

Diagnostics: how to determine the causes of hand numbness and what to do about it

Primary self-diagnosis consists only of analyzing one’s own feelings. Before coming to the doctor, it is worth recording any symptoms, you can even write them down. For example, note the duration and nature of numbness in your hands. When exactly does this happen: at night, in the morning, during the day or in the evening. How long does paresthesia last and which fingers are involved in the process. All this will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and subsequently prescribe treatment.

The first place to start is to visit your regular therapist. He will assess the situation and may send you to specialists. Numbness of the fingers is also treated:







Each of the doctors will prescribe a treatment that will relieve you of the feeling of numbness at night or during the day.

In addition to self-diagnosis and an in-person examination with a doctor, you can also undergo:

X-ray of the spinal column;

MRI or CT scan of the spinal cord or brain, as well as blood vessels and the cervical spine;

Electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart;

Take a general and detailed blood test;

ENMG, that is, electroneuromyography. This study is aimed at determining muscle mobility and excitability, assessing the condition of peripheral nerve fibers and their sensitivity. It allows you to accurately determine the nature of the disease, whether it is a neurological disorder or a primary muscular disease.

Treatment of numbness in fingers - what procedures a specialist can prescribe

Immediately after diagnosis, a qualified doctor will prescribe a course of procedures for you. Often this list includes:

1. Vitamin therapy.

A lack of vitamins can greatly affect the state of the muscular and nervous systems, resulting in many problems, including numbness in the fingers, hands, and feet. Vitamins B, E and A will help replenish the balance. They can be taken in tablets or by injection if the situation is advanced. In milder cases, diet will help normalize the level of vitamins in the body. For example, a lack of vitamin B12 can be eliminated by eating eggs, fish and meat, as well as liver, cheese, seafood and sour cream.

You can replenish the level of vitamins A and E by eating butter, seaweed, cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, broccoli, as well as nuts, dried fruits, spinach and oatmeal.

2. Physical therapy and massage.

Gives good results for numbness of fingers and hands physical culture under the supervision of a specialist. Some exercises can be done at home, especially since they are not complicated. For example, if your fingers are often numb, you can perform a flexion-extension exercise in different positions: with your arms raised up, at an angle, and while lowering down.

A massage performed by a professional helps to normalize blood circulation. In addition to kneading the fingers, palms and hands, it will be useful to undergo a course of massages of the cervical-collar area, for the prevention of osteochondrosis, flexor-extensor muscles of the forearm, elbow joint, or a general strengthening tonic massage. There are also certain types of massages to solve problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

3. Treatment with medications and ointments.

In this case, only a doctor can select therapy. You should not self-medicate, because you must understand that numbness in your fingers can be dangerous and be a symptom of a serious pathology that can lead to disability and even death (stroke or heart attack).

Therapy in tablets is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process in tissues, removing excess fluid if swelling occurs, reducing pain and relieving the feeling of numbness.

4. Physiotherapy.

Exposure to physiotherapeutic devices solves many problems. Magnetic therapy will help relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation and remove swelling. Heat therapy (paraffin or ozokerite compresses) is prescribed for diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis; it helps to warm up sore spot, relieve spasms and speed up blood circulation. And electrophoresis makes it possible to deliver medications to the deep layers of the skin, directly to focal inflammation, providing a quick treatment effect.

Folk remedies: how to treat numbness in fingers using a home first aid kit

At home, some remedies can also help relieve numbness in your hands. For example, simple contrast baths or douses will perfectly restore blood microcirculation, and with regular use they will also relieve paresthesia. For this procedure you need to take two containers with hot and cold water. Lower your hands into them one by one, holding them for literally 30-40 seconds. Repeat this exercise about 10 times.

Massage with essential oils will be an excellent assistant not only in the treatment of numbness, but also for preserving the youth and beauty of your hands. Only for this you will need someone close to you, because an independent massage may be inconvenient. To cope with frequent numbness fingers, you need to take:

  • Olive oil,
  • Eucalyptus,
  • Rosemary,
  • Basilica,
  • Grapefruit.

You can also use pumpkin or potato wraps to combat paresthesia. You need to boil the pumpkin or potatoes, mash them and apply them to the sore spots, first wrapping them in film and then in a towel or foil.

Another recipe: to relieve numbness, you should mix olive oil with black pepper, boil on the stove for about half an hour and spread this mixture 2-3 times a day on the area of ​​the hands and fingers.

Preventive measures for numbness in fingers

Remember: in order not to reap the fruits of your carelessness, you need to take care of your health.

Don't freeze. This is very important, since hypothermia negatively affects the entire body and the condition of the joints in particular.

Let's give your hands a rest. Especially if you work at a computer or make a lot of monotonous movements throughout the day. Do a little gymnastics after every hour of work.

Take comfortable positions while sleeping. Don't forget that normal condition The spine is considered to be linear. If your pillow is too high and the spine in the cervical region is bent, it cannot fully rest. Due to constant compression small vessels, paresthesia may occur.

Take care of your body, otherwise it may respond to acquired diseases with very unpleasant sensations.