Ukrainian Levkoy. Ukrainian Levkoy: cats and male cats Intelligence of cats of this breed

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a young breed that stands out noticeably for its extraordinary appearance. The owners of these cats note the very friendly and affectionate nature of their pets.

Ukrainian Levkoy is a young breed that stands out noticeably for its extraordinary appearance.

Despite the fact that today Levkoys are recognized only by felinological clubs in Ukraine and Russia, their popularity is rapidly increasing. Representatives of the breed already live in several Western European countries.

History and description of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed


Ukrainian Levkoy is a breed of good-natured and original-looking cats

The founder of the breed is a felinologist from Ukraine Elena Biryukova. She began work on breeding these cats in 2000. The first line was based on two breeds - the Skotshfold, from which the Levkoy received lop ears, and the Don Sphynx, from which he received hairlessness. Several more varieties of cats were involved in further selection. These are the Canadian Sphynx, Peterbald, Persian Oriental and Domestic, Scottish Fold. Levkoy breeding is carried out according to the heterozygous principle, where the lop-eared gene occupies a dominant position. That is, different species are involved in the process. One lop-eared partner and an individual with straight ears are selected as parents.

In 2004, the Tribal Commission ICFA RUI registered the first representative of the Levkoy, who received the nickname Levkoy Primero. The name arose due to the similarity of the ears of bred cats with the plant of the same name, which has curved leaves. In 2007, the first nursery was organized in Russia - in St. Petersburg. Thanks to the work of breeders, the number of individuals began to increase. In 2008, the felinological societies of Ukraine and Russia registered over 200 cats, and by 2010 their number exceeded a thousand. Levkoi have also gained popularity in countries such as Finland, Belgium, Holland, Israel and Latvia.


Levkoys with both bare skin and little hair are allowed

The breed standard was adopted in 2012. The left-handed head is elongated, resembling a pentagon on top. The forehead is low, the skull is flat. The cheekbones and brow ridges are clearly visible. The nose is of medium length and width, with a noticeable transition to the forehead. The muzzle is rounded, its size corresponds to 1/3 of the length of the head. The chin is strong. The neck is muscular, slightly arched, and of medium length. The ears are large, set high and wide, with soft tips. The third part is bent forward.

The eyes are large, almond-shaped, and slightly oblique. They don't open wide. The color can be any. The body is predominantly elongated, but medium size is also allowed, and has developed muscles. The back has a slight curve. The limbs are strong and long. Oval shaped paws. The tail is flexible, wider at the base and tapering towards the end. The fur is completely absent. The skin is elastic and dense. Folds form in the head area, between the ears, on the neck, near the eyes, in the groin and armpits. Any color is allowed.

Some individuals of the first stage of breeding have residual hair on the tail, limbs, behind the ears and on the muzzle, and their body may be covered with short velor hair 1-3 mm long. When breeding, brush variations are used. These are individuals with a hard, crimped coat with possible baldness on the head, back and neck. Straight-haired cats with curled ears and individuals with soft fur also participate in breeding. Ukrainian Levkoys live for about 10-14 years.


Levkoys are affectionate, intelligent, inquisitive and delicate cats.

The character of these cats is quite loving. There is no aggression in their behavior. Levkoys are friendly towards all family members and are very attached to their owners. They get along well with other pets. Representatives of this breed need communication and have a hard time dealing with loneliness.

Breeders also note that lefties are not vindictive or picky, are easy to train and have a well-developed intellect. They are delicate and clean. Despite their gentleness and good nature, these cats are very determined and can demand attention to themselves, stubbornly climbing into the arms of their owners. In general, these funny pets will give their owners a lot of comical moments and joy.

Important! If the owner does not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to the pet, it is recommended to purchase a lefty companion; both a cat, a dog or a rodent are suitable for this purpose.

Video: key features of the breed

How to choose a kitten

Not all Levkoy kittens are born completely hairless. They may have a wavy cover. In some individuals, the fur disappears with age. By 1.5-2 months, the kitten’s ears should hang roundly. Since the breed remains very rare today, you only need to purchase Levkoy from a nursery. The cost of a kitten varies between 5-20 thousand rubles in Moscow and from 2 to 5 thousand hryvnia in Kyiv. You can pick up your baby at the age of 2 months.

Pet care

Levkoy needs to find a quiet place without drafts and direct sun

Levkoy does not require special conditions. But since he has no wool, drafts should not be allowed in the apartment. These cats are sensitive to cold. Also, as a result of exposure to sunlight, burns may appear on the animal's skin. Therefore, reflective film should be glued to the windows.

To rest, the cat needs to have a sleeping place. This could be a bedding, a house, a bed or a basket. The location must be appropriate for the size of an adult animal. It is better to place the bedding in a corner, away from the passage area and heating devices. Levkoy needs toys. Various balls, ropes or other similar objects are suitable for this purpose. Immediately after a kitten appears in the apartment, a scratching post is placed for it. During the cold season, rugs should be placed on window sills. Levkoys are afraid of heights, so they will not climb cabinets and other heights.

You also need to follow safety precautions. Install screens on windows, and do not leave open packages of household chemicals unattended. If there are poisonous plants in the apartment, remove them out of the reach of your pet. The cat will benefit from walks. But you only need to take her out on a leash. During warm weather, walk your cat in the shade to prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin. In cold weather, dress your left-handed dog in overalls.

Important! In winter, you should not let your cat outside.


Levkoy needs to be bathed with a special product for hairless breeds.

Levy skin requires special attention. Its sebaceous glands abundantly secrete oily lubricant, which accumulates on the animal’s body. It should be removed 3-4 times a week with wipes soaked in clean water. Otherwise the cat will look dirty. Once a month, the Levkoy is bathed using shampoos designed specifically for “hairless” breeds. For example, GreenFields.

Check your pet's ears every week. If there are contaminants, remove them using cotton swabs soaked in vegetable oil. Trim your nails once a month. Remove discharge from the eyes with a damp cloth. Since at home a cat cannot take care of the cleanliness of its teeth on its own, they need to be cleaned once a week with a special brush and toothpaste (Hartz Dentist’s Best Toothpaste, Globalvet Toothpaste.


The cat's diet should be as complete as possible

There are 2 feeding options for Levkoy: natural food or industrial feed. Your cat's diet should include:

  • meat - beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • offal - liver, necks, heart, stomachs;
  • sea ​​fish - sardine, cod, hake, salmon, trout, notothenia;
  • fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream;
  • eggs (1 yolk per week);
  • fats of animal and vegetable origin (0.5 tsp per day);
  • vegetables - cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, beets;
  • cereals - rice, millet, buckwheat;
  • greens - parsley, dill, lettuce, as well as green grass (corn, barley, oats).

The meat is first placed in the freezer for two days, then defrosted and scalded with boiling water. This allows you to avoid infecting your cat with helminths. Meat products should be included in the Levkoy diet daily. Boiled fish is given 2-3 times a week. The bones are first removed from it. The animal's diet should consist of 2/3 meat or fish and 1/3 other products.

The cat should not be fed:

  • lamb and pork;
  • egg white;
  • salty food;
  • onions;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • confectionery products;
  • spicy, fried and fatty foods;
  • potatoes.

From industrial feeds, only premium products are chosen: Innova Evo, Wellness CORE, Natural Balance, Evolve Dry. Water is given to the pet in unlimited quantities. Levkoy quickly loses moisture, which leads to flaking and dry skin. Therefore he must drink a lot.

The amount of food is calculated based on the weight of the animal. For 1 kg of weight, 30-60 g of food is required. After six months, a cat is fed 2 times a day, from 3 to 6 months - 4 times, from 1 to 3 months - 5 times, up to a month - 6 times.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During childbirth you need to be ready to provide assistance

The duration of pregnancy is 63-65 days. Kittens born before day 60 will not be viable. Pregnancy can be determined from the third week, when the cat's nipples become distinctly pink. She may also be bothered by vomiting. In the fifth week, weight gain becomes noticeable; in the sixth week, the nipples fill with milk and increase in size. Changes in the pet's behavior are also observed. She becomes more affectionate and quiet. A pregnant cat needs large amounts of calcium and protein. You can provide her with these elements using specialized feed.

Important! During pregnancy, your cat should not be given medications.

Prepare a box for the cat to give birth, cover the bottom with several diapers. It is not recommended to use soft napkins for this purpose. They will stick to the baby’s body, which is why the cat will refuse to lick him. Such a kitten may choke in the amniotic fluid.

Important! If other animals live in the apartment, they must be removed from the cat during the birth period.

To help your pet, you will need:

  • petrolatum;
  • threads;
  • sterile gloves;
  • box for kittens;
  • warmer;
  • pipette;
  • scissors;
  • alcohol.

A sign of impending labor is a drop in the female’s body temperature to 36.7 °C. The first stage lasts from 12 to 24 hours. It is accompanied by contractions and pushing. At the second stage, a kitten appears. But first, the cat loses amniotic fluid, which has a yellowish color. A normal presentation is when the baby is positioned head first. But sometimes the cubs appear with their hind legs. The cat removes the amniotic sac, gnaws the umbilical cord and licks the baby. At the third stage, the afterbirth comes out. In most cases, the cat eats it.

If the birth process proceeds without complications, there is no need to interfere. But in some cases, the cat needs help. If part of the baby has appeared, but the whole baby cannot be born, grab it with a napkin and pull it towards you during the next contraction. The cat chews the umbilical cord within 15 minutes. Otherwise, cut it at a level of 2 cm from the baby’s tummy. Within 1 minute, the cat must remove the baby from the amniotic sac. If she hasn't done this, cut the shell and free the baby. Pre-treat scissors with alcohol.

Raising the Ukrainian Levkoy

The cat needs to be taught hygiene and obedience as early as possible

You can start raising a kitten as soon as it appears in the apartment. This process should be aimed at socializing the animal, as well as developing a tolerant attitude towards hygiene procedures. From childhood, accustom your kitten to a leash. You can do this at home at first. And when the baby gets used to it, start taking him outside. The kitten should also be trained to use a scratching post. You can sprinkle it with valerian, this will help attract the baby’s attention. Every time he tries to sharpen his claws in the wrong place, tell him “You can’t!”, using a strict intonation.

Accustom your baby to bathing, cleaning ears, teeth, and trimming nails. Another important stage of training is introducing your pet to the litter box. Place your pet in the litter box after eating. If it starts to sit down in another place, immediately transfer it to the prepared container. Over time, he will understand what they want from him.

Diseases and vaccinations

There are a number of diseases to which left-handed people are predisposed:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • uterine hernia;
  • mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands);
  • uterine prolapse;
  • tumor formations;
  • rabies;
  • dermatomycosis (fungal skin infection);
  • leukemia;
  • Aujeszky's disease or false rabies (an acute viral disease that affects the central nervous system);
  • infectious peritonitis;
  • panleukopenia or “feline distemper”;
  • infectious rhinotracheitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • salmonellosis.

For preventive purposes, the cat is given vaccines, the action of which is aimed at forming the body’s immune defense against certain diseases:

  1. The first vaccination is performed at 2 months. After 2 weeks, revaccination is carried out, that is, repeated administration of a similar vaccine in order to strengthen immunity and increase its duration.
  2. The second vaccination is given at six months.
  3. The third - per year.

An adult cat is vaccinated every 12 months. Only healthy animals are allowed to participate in the procedure. Therefore, 10 days before vaccination, the cat is given anthelmintic drugs: Dirofen, Prazicide.

The article presents a description of the Ukrainian Levkoy cat, a refined cat with a gentle disposition. I will introduce you to the features of her character. In appearance, the naked fold-eared cat looks graceful. Requires attention and proper nutrition.

Read the article on how to avoid mistakes in the content of left-handed grass. Find out in more detail about your pet's habits, temperament and affection.

Description of the Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed

The variety of hairless cats is relatively young.

It took almost 5 years to breed it. In 2004, by natural crossing of the Scottish Fold breed and the Don Sphynx, a new species was obtained.

The founder of the Ukrainian Levkoy is Elena Biryukova, she is professionally engaged in the study, selection, breeding, and keeping of cats. The Ukrainian felinologist has done a lot of work on selecting genotypes for breeding this breed.

The variety was highly appreciated by breeders, after which Levkoy nurseries began to open throughout Russia.

In the description of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed, there are certain characteristics:

    • The shape of the head is slightly angular, flattened, and rather long. It has an unusual convex forehead; if you look at the head from above, its shape resembles a pentagon.
  • The face is rounded, with a pronounced brow, the cheeks and neck are wrinkled. The base of the nose is parallel to the top of the head. The shape of the nose is neat and not wide.
  • Muscular chin cats testify to the strength of her character.
  • The cat's eyes are almond-shaped, clearly shaped with a slanted cutout. The eye color of the Ukrainian Levkoy is rich blue or green.
  • As for the ears, they are quite large in relation to the size of the head, slightly curved forward. It was the ears that served as the choice for the name of the breed. Levkoy is a flower whose shape resembles a pet's ears.
  • Body naked, muscular. The chest is not massive. The line of the back is concave, clearly defined, graceful.
  • Legs are long, ending in strong paws with graceful toes.
  • The tail is long, has a narrowing towards the end. The breed has no hair at all; uniform fluff is allowed throughout the body.

The peculiarity of the Levkoy is the soft folds of skin in the area of ​​the muzzle, armpits and inguinal cavities.


Within the standard, representatives of this breed can have completely different colors. Light and dark smoky shades are more common, and red ones are less common. The color of the kittens is determined by the parents.

Smooth-haired kittens please breeders because they do not shed - this is very important for people who suffer from allergies. There is no wool in the house where lefties are kept.

However, caring for such a cat during cold periods of the year becomes more difficult due to the fact that they freeze. Therefore, you should stock up on warm clothes, and also think about their proper maintenance.

  1. Levkoev is needed bathe quite often with special shampoo. After bathing, the pet is dried with a soft towel.
  2. The ears should be carefully cleaned with a cotton pad; this can be done using special oils or lotions. There is no need to get inside the ears; if there is a need for this, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
  3. The long nails of a smooth-haired cat also require care. If the nails are not trimmed, the animal may reflexively scratch itself or its owner. You can treat your nails yourself or trust a professional.
  4. Lefty's eyes have a tendency to form conjunctivitis. To avoid unpleasant discharge from the corners of the eyes, they must be washed every day. This procedure should look like a morning wash.
  5. You should feed your pet at least 3 times a day. The menu should be balanced.

During walks, cats should not be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time, as their delicate skin may get sunburned.

Animal temperament

The pet quickly gets used to its owner.

Throughout his life he feels devotion to him. The breed is characterized by intelligence. The pet is sociable and playful. Has a sharp mind and amazing learning abilities.

Easily masters basic commands, knows his place and litter tray. Levkoi are not capricious, but very demanding of attention; they love to communicate with their owner. The animal lacks aggressiveness and rancor. Character is gentle, flexible, patient. Cats get along with other pets.

Nutritional Features

Due to the fact that the breed has rather weak teeth, breeders do not recommend feeding the Levkoy with dry food alone. However, you should not exclude it, because dry food is an alternative to a toothbrush.

If you feed only dry food, the animal may develop urolithiasis. Therefore, with a dry diet, it is necessary to ensure sufficient water intake. There should always be clean drinking water in the bowl.

The most optimal option when it comes to feeding a cat:

  • for breakfast- high-quality dry food;
  • for lunch- fresh or boiled meat, vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  • for dinner- canned cat food.

An alternative to canned food can be self-prepared porridge with the addition of fish or meat, vegetable soups, and purees. A cat always eats food prepared with love with pleasure. You should also take into account your pet’s preferences for certain treats; they can sometimes be pampered.

Levkoy have an excellent appetite; the more varied the menu, the better their health.


The exact price can only be found out from the official data of the nurseries. The price can be influenced by factors such as gender, age, class, and specific standards.

The approximate price of Ukrainian levkoy is from 5 to 20,000 rubles. You need to buy kittens from trusted people or from nurseries where they breed them.


Ukrainian Levkoys live up to 15 years.

Since the animal breed is still being formed, these data may change. Representatives of this breed are prone to certain diseases, so regular visits to the veterinarian are recommended.

You should also not forget about preventive examinations of the animal. The veterinarian must register the animal and draw up a vaccination calendar.

Cats are prone to the following diseases:

  • nervous spasms
  • rectal diseases
  • stomach tumors
  • eye inflammation
  • fungal infection of the ears
  • colds, allergies

The breed's predisposition to certain ailments should not cause concern. With proper maintenance, the pet’s immunity is strengthened and the risk of developing diseases is reduced.

Breeding Features

Breeding is carried out exclusively in the heterozygous variant, only one of the parents must be fold-eared. Crossbreeding with the following breeds is allowed:

  • Don Sphynx
  • Peterbald Sphynx
  • Scottish fold

In young animals, some parts of the body may be covered with fluff, which disappears by the age of two.

On the one hand, caring for the Ukrainian Levko may seem difficult, however, if you teach the animal to be orderly, there will be no problems with its maintenance.

The owners of a pet with an amazing appearance and cheerful character have certain responsibilities, and with them a lot of joy. These creatures are not shy about showing their feelings; they are created to give warmth to the people around them.

People have been accustomed to “hairless” cats and cats called “Egyptian Sphynx” for a long time. They have earned recognition and are successful. Of course, not everyone would want to have such a creature in their home because it is difficult to care for. And those who love unusual things in everything are already a little tired of being like someone else. Egyptian cats are no longer considered a rare and unusual breed. They were replaced by a new breed - the Ukrainian Levkoy. Despite the fact that not all associations have yet accepted such cats, since she has recently appeared on catwalks and exhibitions, in many countries the small and gentle “alien” has already taken a leading place in people’s hearts. Unlike his hairless brother, Levkoy is extremely kind and gentle.

The first thing that must be said is that it is quite easy to distinguish the Ukrainian Sphinx or Levkoy from the Egyptian one. Large, unusually gentle eyes and drooping ears are the first signs. Character follows them. If a natural sphinx does not much love society and tries in every possible way to take revenge on the offender, then the fellow is unusually good-natured. Vengefulness is not a character trait. Successfully becoming a member of the family, and loved by everyone.

For the first time, a resident of Ukraine thought about creating such an unusual breed. The country and its inhabitants revere and value furry pets for their ability to protect against rodent attacks. Which are difficult to get rid of on your own (especially). There was even a whole system created for how to identify rat catchers from a litter of kittens. There is also a belief that cats drive away and protect homes from evil spirits. It’s difficult to say how well this works. But everyone knows that the development of felinological activity was at zero.

Ukrainian Levkoy cat (Sphynx)

In 2000, Biryukova E.V. decided to correct the situation and sketched sketches of the desired breed of cats. The goal was to surprise the world with a new animal specimen. A kind of “work of art”. The country's breeders did not support her idea, considering it a stupid and impossible mission. But this did not stop Elena Vsevolodovna. After drawings, I began to study, make calculations and achieve success. Only after all preliminary work and calculations were completed could it be continued. The ancestors were:

  • Scottish Fold (presence of dominant lop ear gene);
  • Don Sphynx (a mutagen that ensures hairlessness).

Exactly four years have passed since the start of the work, and the researcher achieved what she wanted - a new breed of cat - Levkoy Primero in honor of the flower. The animal’s ears strongly resemble it, but for registration a different name was chosen – Ukrainian Levkoy.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that not only two breeds, but several species took part in the crossing as progenitors, a certain group of breeders and researchers do not recognize the Ukrainian beauty as a separate species. But even with negative statements about the creation since 2005, when seven cats of a new hairless breed were presented at the International Exhibition, international experts not only recognized, but were also delighted with the chic appearance and novelty of the Levkoy.

To say that Ukrainian Levkoy “dinosaurs” are graceful is absolutely not enough. Their perfection is proven in everything. Of course, initially, a person with little experience will say that there is no difference between the lop-eared Sphynx and the Don Sphynx. But this is not true:

  • increased flexibility and grace;
  • elongated body;
  • the skull is more elongated and flat.

It can also be distinguished from the second progenitor not by the absence of hair, but by the shape and position of the ears. In the Ukrainian fold they are not pressed tightly against the head. Only the tip is upturned. Since the selection was carried out competently and carefully, the new individual is provided with an individual structure and size. The exotic appearance does not give odds to any of the representatives of the bald species and breed.

About standards

Even the fact that the breed has not received full recognition, the WCA system has a description and standards:

Body parts Standard
Tail and legs The hind and forelimbs are equipped with rounded paws. The fingers are elongated and somewhat similar to pens. The tail is thin and of medium length
Muzzle You need to start describing the face from the eyes. They are very expressive and have the shape of an almond. Any color can be used. The mustache can be in the form of curls. The skull is wide. But the muzzle itself is medium in size. The nose is small. There are vertical wrinkles. The transition of the nasal part to the frontal part is clearly visible. Prominent cheekbones and eyebrows
Ears Two fold lengths are allowed: 2/3 and 1/3
Body Strong build and well developed muscles. The chest is oval and the groin line is deep
Skin Soft. Folds in the armpits, groin, head and neck

Presence of wool

According to the standard, this breed has three types:

  • without hair – bare-skinned;
  • with the presence of soft and delicate fluff. Its length can reach 2 mm. Covers the entire body - velor look;
  • the last type is brush. This type involves the presence of curls throughout the body.

Brush – the presence of hard, curled hairs throughout the body is allowed

As for kittens, they are almost always born with wavy hair. But they can also be completely naked. During development, the overgrowth gradually disappears. Young cats often have hairy cheeks and ears.

As for color, any color and variations are allowed here.

A description of the breed will not be complete if we omit the upbringing and character of the animal. The future owner must know what he will have to face. Is it possible to train yourself and what is the best name for your pet?

As for the name, it is impossible to impose any aristocratic or unusual name on the owner. Only when purchasing a kitten can the breeder warn about the obligatory name with a certain letter. This condition is inherent in the criticism of all purebred animals. But it’s worth talking seriously about character.

They can be called dogs in an unusual appearance. Their task is to occupy the body of their owner as soon as he returns from work. They are ready to follow the owner for hours and insist that he be picked up. They love to always be around. Therefore, get ready for the fact that while watching your favorite TV series or cooking, your pet will not only be nearby, but also:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • knees and even face.

Ukrainian Levkoy with a soft and delicate fluff

They get along well with all the pets they already have or will bring in later. They know how to make friends, but they will not completely share the body of a loved one. The kitten will sleep only with you under the blanket. Buying a house or bed for an animal is a waste of money.

Easy to learn. They have a sharp mind and excellent memory. Therefore, training will be easy and quick. It is advisable to conduct classes in uniform. Mental abilities at a high level. They will immediately notice a change in the behavior and mood of the owner. They will try to do everything so that the person gains only positive emotions. This works out very well for them.

Relationships with children or older people are different. They keep the conversation going, no matter how funny it sounds or looks. We are ready to play with the baby for a long time, meow in his ear and put him to sleep. They themselves will lie down next to them to warm themselves and maintain the warmth of those lying next to them.

People who are lazy and constantly tired are not suitable for owners. Ukrainian Sphynx cats require universal love, care, conversation and affection.

It is impossible to force love for such special pets as lefties. As they say, not for everybody. The first thing that often puts you off buying such a cat is the lack of fur. But if you think about it, just such an individual will be convenient for those who are prone to allergies or who do not regret regularly removing wool from carpets and clothes. Thanks to the three types or species within the Levkoy breed, you can always choose the one you like best. In this case, the care will be the same for all types.

The skin of such cats is hypersensitive and soft. For protection, the skin or sebaceous glands produce lubricant. It covers the entire body and forms a film. To prevent such a film from giving off an unpleasant odor, you should constantly monitor the skin of the leopards and carry out the appropriate procedures - wiping or bathing. For such manipulations, special wipes and shampoos are available for sale. Therefore, when buying a cat, you need to emphasize that the cat is a hairless breed. If the pet store does not have such products, which is extremely rare, the shampoo is replaced with baby shampoo. But it must contain a pH of 5.5.

After taking a bath, the gillyflower is dried with dipping movements and wrapped in a warm blanket. No drafts, the temperature in the room should be at least 22-25 degrees. These cats love warmth. As soon as the cold weather begins, the Ukrainian Levkoy may catch a cold. And illnesses, and even respiratory ones, are very difficult to bear. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase warm clothes: sweaters, blouses and pullovers.

This particular individual will be convenient for those who are prone to allergies or who do not regret regularly removing hair from carpets and clothes

Set up a warm and cozy nest to keep your cat warm while she waits for her owner. With the beginning of the heating season, Levkoys begin to suffer from skin problems: flaking and dryness. A moisturizing lotion will help get rid of discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

The ears also require hygiene procedures. They are always closed and cannot be self-cleaned. Therefore, black plaque must be removed weekly. An ear stick and boiled water are used for this. Just don't put anything in your ears. It is enough to wipe it with special medicines to remove heavy plaque. Before such moments, visit a doctor to rule out otitis media or ear mites. Levy's claws are also trimmed regularly.


Cats are unpretentious when it comes to food. Any food, both dry and liquid, is suitable. They can safely eat natural food. The only point that you have to take into account: food is required twice as much as ordinary cats. This is due to the greater amount of energy spent on heating your body. Levy leaves should be given food in small doses, but often. Acceptable up to 5 times a day.

Representatives of the breed love to chew paper and bags. It is recommended to keep such items as far away from the kitten and adult cat as possible. In addition to the fact that everything will be chewed, the animal will swallow it. Which will cause problems with bowel function.

Negative aspects of the breed

The disadvantages of the breed include a large number of diseases to which the pet is predisposed. Some pathologies can be noticed even during the purchase. For example, a bent ear. But it is precisely this pathology that can be noticed only after the left hand reaches 4 weeks. Congenital anomalies include:

  • cleft palate. Cats are very often susceptible to this type of deformation;
  • Levys suffer from neuromuscular disorders. It’s difficult to know right away;
  • blood related diseases;
  • cats of this breed have problems with the structure of the eyes;
  • Denovo is noticeable in infancy. The pathology is associated with the ears. It seems that the left-handed dog has cut off the tips of its ears. In fact, this is a form of folds;
  • curvature of the ears.

The Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed is susceptible to diseases that manifest themselves throughout life. There are not many, not few, but more than ten:

  • salmonellosis and chlamydia;
  • rhinotracheitis (infectious) and feline distemper (known as panleukopenia);
  • peritonitis and Aujeszky's disease;
  • leukemia and dermatomycosis (fungal skin infection);
  • rabies and cancers;
  • Levkoi girls suffer from mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands) and uterine prolapse;
  • hypovitaminosis and uterine hernia;
  • problems with metabolic processes.

Quite recently, a new amazing breed called the “Ukrainian Levkoy” was developed. She joined the ranks of breeds that do not have wool. Deep eyes, interesting appearance and easy-going character immediately captivated many of today's admirers of these cats.

History of the breed and place of origin

Ukrainian Levkoys are unique cats. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have not yet been identified as a separate full-fledged breed. For now they prefer to be called a “breed group.” Why is this happening? The fact is that the breed is only about one decade old. "Breed" status can only be achieved if there are a certain number of animals that belong to that species. The Ukrainian Levkoi are still too few in number for this. In addition to this reason, at this stage of the breed’s development, crossbreeding of Levkoys with representatives of other breeds is allowed. Ukrainian Levkoys already have the right to take part in exhibitions, but the breed is still considered experimental, so they prefer to call Levkoys a “breed group”.

The first kitten was born on January 21, 2004 and was named “Levkoy Primero”. He was born thanks to the Kyiv felinologist Elena Vsevolodovna Biryukova, who set herself the task of breeding a completely unique cat. She began breeding activities in 2000. Then they selected suitable genotypes and created an approximate image of the new breed. As a result, the Scottish Fold cat and the Don Sphynx were crossed. As a result, the new breed has two characteristic features: drooping ears and hairlessness. She inherited the first trait from a Scottish cat, and the second from a Sphynx cat. The breed received an unusual name: “Ukrainian”, because it was bred in Ukraine, and “levkoy” after the name of the flower, the shape of which resembles the ears of representatives of the new breed.

Now Elena Biryukova, who was at the origins of the birth of Ukrainian Levkoys, has her own nursery in Kyiv called “Ladacats”. In 2007, the first Ukrainian Levkoy nursery was organized in St. Petersburg. It is called "Helen Grigs".

Description of the breed and photographs of cats

A representative of the Ukrainian Levkoy can be recognized by its characteristic features. The elongated head is slightly flattened and resembles a pentagonal figure when viewed from above. Huge eyes are painted soft blue or bright green. They are very expressive and arranged slantingly. High-set ears appear large relative to the head. They curve forward and are soft at the end. The narrow nose is parallel to the forehead. The neck has many muscles, it is of medium length and gracefully curves. The physique is strong, the muscles are well developed, the paws are long and thin. The tail gradually tapers starting from the base. There is no fur on cats. Characteristic folds form on the skin in the area of ​​the eyes, neck, ears and armpits; the colors come in a wide variety of colors.

Character traits

Ukrainian Levkoys are very loyal to their owner, they selflessly love and trust him. Cats of this breed behave well-mannered and intelligently; they can be called real aristocrats, their behavior is so delicate.

Attention! Levkoys incredibly love to communicate; they can find a common language with absolutely everyone.

High intelligence, intelligence and quick learning are most valued. The owner can accustom the pet to a leash in order to walk in nature. Levkoys are even trainable; you can learn the simplest commands with them.

Cats of this breed are very smart and are able to follow simple commands.

Thanks to their high level of intellectual development, lefties rarely find themselves in extreme situations. If this does happen, they come out of any situation brilliantly. Thanks to their keen mind, cats quickly learn the rules of behavior in the house, only in their litter box and sleep only on bedding designed personally for them. They instantly get used to it when they find themselves in new conditions.

Sociability helps Levkoys quickly find a common language with the owner, with the rest of the inhabitants and guests of the house, as well as with other pets. Cats of this breed love to “communicate” with their owner. Constantly pursuing someone, actively participating in the life of the family and “talking” with its members is completely normal behavior of the Ukrainian Levkoy. However, he will also not bother you with his constant meowing; he only gives voice in exceptional cases, for example, when he has been completely forgotten.

Cats are friendly and good-natured, they do not show aggression, but are quite decisive. They are able to control the expression of their emotions and suppress whims. Levkoys are very affectionate, calm and carry themselves with dignity among people and other animals. They can stay next to their owner for hours and patiently wait for attention. Sometimes they can allow themselves to rise on their hind legs and trustingly touch a person with their paw pad to remind them of themselves. Love for a person gives rise to another quality - obedience. Levkoys readily obey their owner in order to receive affection from him and permission to participate in his life.

Levkoys can be placed in families with children and elderly people. They will get along well with the youngest and oldest members of the family. However, children should not be allowed to take them out for a walk in the cold season, because cats do not have fur.

Features of care and maintenance

Ideal representatives of the breed group are devoid of fur, but some animals also have light bristles.

Important! Levkoys' skin produces more oil than their furry friends, so they need to be bathed or wiped with wet wipes.

If you do not carry out these manipulations, cats will soon begin to dirty the furniture and have a specific smell. Ukrainian Levkoys are bathed using only specialized shampoo, which can be found in a pet store.

The room where the pet is kept must be constantly maintained at a warm temperature, because cats can freeze without fur. To warm the levkoy, they dress it in special clothes and buy warm bedding for them. In summer, make sure that the cat is not exposed to direct sunlight, which can burn delicate skin. Dry indoor air harms your pet's skin: it begins to peel and dry out. This problem can be solved by purchasing an air humidifier.

Otherwise, caring for a pet involves all the same procedures as when caring for cats of other breeds. Levkoys regularly have their claws trimmed, their teeth brushed with a special paste, and their eyes are rubbed, paying special attention to them due to the lack of eyelashes.

Feeding and required diet

Feeding Ukrainian Levkoys is no different from feeding cats of other breeds. They are fed high-quality dry food or natural food. You should not buy cheap food that is widely advertised on TV. They are made from inferior ingredients. Constant consumption of such feed will lead to the development of serious diseases. For continuous feeding or holistic feeding.

Cats of this breed need to be fed super premium food or holistic food.

The phrase “natural food” does not at all imply that cats can be fed any food from your table. This is a huge misconception.

Important! If a cat is fed natural food, its food is prepared separately!

The natural diet of gillyflower includes:

  • meat (beef, chicken) – daily;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, lungs, tripe, heart);
  • sea ​​fish (boiled, boneless) – give once a week;
  • egg yolk;
  • cereals (rice, wheat, buckwheat);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk).

Food prepared for cats is not salted. A natural diet must be properly balanced so that all the necessary vitamins and substances enter the body. When feeding a natural diet, be sure to purchase vitamin complexes in the store, which serve as additives to the regular menu.

Cat health and life expectancy

The average life expectancy of the Ukrainian Levkoy is ten to fourteen years. It has been noted that cats of this breed are prone to diseases of the ears, eyes, disorders of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. The heart and blood vessels are vulnerable. Levkoys are also prone to uterine prolapse and uterine hernia. There is a danger of contracting infectious diseases.

Cats of this breed are prone to diseases of the heart, eyes, ears and stomach.

Ukrainian Levkoys require proper care and a well-balanced diet.

Attention! Under no circumstances feed your animal “from the table” or buy low-quality food for it!

Before purchasing, study reliable sources on proper feeding of cats and consult with competent felinologists.

Purchasing a kitten

Before purchasing, you should definitely study all the information about the breed and decide for yourself exactly what you need. It is better to talk with experienced felinologists. Due to the small number of the breed, it is not very easy to get a kitten. To begin with, you should find a decent nursery with a good reputation. The price varies depending on the type of kitten and ranges from about three hundred to five hundred dollars. For a kitten, you can contact the nursery located in St. Petersburg and called “Selena Fleur” (

The baby is taken away at the age of 2.5 - 3 months. It is at this age that they are already able to live without their mother. All self-respecting nursery owners are well aware that giving away kittens at 1 - 1.5 months is a crime. This way you can check the professionalism of the breeder. If he offers you a one-month-old kitten, you should not contact him.

Before buying, check all documents on animals, look at the appearance of the kitten: it should look healthy. Be careful: there are now many scammers selling supposedly purebred animals at low prices. Remember that a purebred kitten cannot be cheap.

At first glance, the Ukrainian Levkoy seems like a strange alien cat. Bald skin is covered with wrinkles, it fits a thin, wiry body. The eyes are large, the animal looks at the world around him contemptuously, as if he is disgusted with everything. But in fact, you just have to talk to the Kyiv animal, and it will open up from a completely different side: the cat will turn out to be quite cute and friendly.

History of the breed

Not even twenty years had passed since the first Ukrainian Lefty cat appeared. Kiev felinologist Elena Biryukova patiently and persistently worked on its creation. Selection attempts began back in 2000, and only four years later they gave an effective result. The kitten grew up just as his owner planned - unusual in appearance, strong in health and kind in character.

The parents of the bald pet are representatives of two beautiful breeds. The mother was a cat of the Don Sphynx breed, and the father was a Scottish Fold. What surprised biologists was that both ancestors gave dominant genes to their offspring. He inherited the left-handed body structure from his mother, and the folded ears from his Scottish father.

The breed got its name from a comparison with a flower. The pet has small ears, flattened quite unusually. They look as if they were sculpted from mastic. They reminded Biryukova of carved gillyflower petals. The shade of the cat's skin and its velvety structure are also similar to the plant. That’s why the felinologist named this species of animal that way.

Almost immediately after its appearance, the mammal was presented at the exhibition. With its unusual appearance, the kitten attracted the attention of not only amateurs, but also experts. Fold-eared animals without hair are currently recognized only in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and several CIS countries.

Outside these states, only a few hundred representatives of the breed live. International associations have not yet determined the standards of the left-handed dog, but have given their owners permission to participate in various exhibitions. There are already ten cats that have received champion titles in various categories.


The description of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed indicates the main features of its appearance.

These include:

  • average size and weight;
  • strong paws;
  • elongated flat head;
  • wide nose;
  • narrow forehead;
  • lop-eared

The animal has a long body. Sphynx cats usually appear very weak and sickly, but in reality they are slender and strong. The paws are thin but strong, the back is arched, the tail is very mobile. The skeleton of cats is very light, body weight does not exceed 5 kg.

Females are easy to distinguish from males. Cats have a stricter bearing and independent character. Cats are more affectionate and playful. Levkoys fully correspond to Ukrainian culture: guys are strong and brave, girls are sweet and modest.

An elongated, slightly flattened head sits on a short neck. A clearly defined muzzle with expressive facial expressions makes the cat look like an alien. The forehead is narrow, covered with wrinkles, the cheekbones protrude strongly forward, and the brow ridges are immediately noticeable. The nose is wide, but looks neat, the mustache is curled or arranged in a broken line.

The ears look too large in relation to the skull, they are widely spaced, bent by two-thirds. The tips do not touch the head. The breed is divided into two types: folds and straights.. The former are distinguished by rounded ears, while the latter have a straight shape. If the owner plans mating to create offspring, then it is necessary to cross the two species.

The eyes are slanted, almond-shaped, and always look slightly closed. They are the ones who give the levkoy its unique charm. If you look closely, it seems as if light is pouring from the cat’s eyes. The color of the iris can vary, but experts value emerald and bright blue more.

The Don Sphynxes passed on the gene for lack of fur to the Levka. But sometimes kittens are born with light fluff and sparse curly hair. After a few years, the hair comes off, some species remain with a velor coat.

The color is varied - from ashy to dark chocolate. In places where it bends - on the hips, between the ears, on the neck and in the armpit area - the cat's skin is covered with folds. If you touch it, it will feel hot and smooth. It is the wrinkles that give the left-handed dog its appearance of extravagance.

Character Traits

You can recognize a Levka cat by its intelligent character. The animals are very reserved and cultured and rarely cause trouble for their owners. If a pet gets tangled in a blanket or catches its claw on the carpet, it will not meow and demand help. Thanks to his natural ingenuity, he will get out of this situation on his own.

Ukrainian sphinxes easy to teach commands and circus tricks. Amazing cats follow the actions of their owner with interest and great attention, quickly remember something new, and adapt to any living conditions. It is important to be patient and treat your pet kindly. The whip method will not help in training him. You need to explain everything gently and clearly, then the animal will listen carefully and follow commands.

A friendly lefty cat needs constant support and praise. He loves positive emotions and subtly senses the owner’s mood. A pet does not know how to be sad, does not take offense, does not show pride, having fallen in love with a person, he will be devoted to him all his life.

Gentle and sensitive lefties cannot tolerate moral criticism; it is better to forget about physical punishment altogether. Even light blows can cause serious harm to a cat's health. The owner must always remember the fragility of his pet. It’s easy to find a common language with an animal; it will always make contact. You need to work with him every day, although the cat will be distracted by games.

The pet is very curious, he will take an active part in all family affairs. Without it, neither dinner, nor watching a movie, nor walking or sleeping will be possible. The cat will require a lot of attention and affection, but it will not bother you. She loves the moments when people talk to her quietly, and she herself is happy to speak up.

By nature, cats are very smart, have an extraordinary mind and good memory.

For an active life you will need to buy several auxiliary items:

  • scratching post;
  • rubber and textile toys;
  • combs and brushes;
  • detergents and balms;
  • soft towels;
  • clothes.

From a young age, a kitten is taught to use a litter tray and scratching post. Otherwise, he will definitely mark all the corners in the apartment, scratch the furniture and wall coverings. He should only play with high-quality toys, because their microparticles end up in the stomach.

The breed was bred in an unnatural way, so it also needs to be looked after in a special way. Although the velor coat does not require brushing, it should be brushed several times a week with a soft brush. Levkoys produce a large amount of subcutaneous fat, they will have to be bathed more often. For this purpose, special soft shampoos and balms are used. Twice a week, trim the cat’s claws and clean the eyes and ears.

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of the animal. It is better not to buy dry food, but to give him natural products. The diet should include meat and fish, boiled poultry, milk and its derivatives. Every day the cat needs to receive fresh vegetables and herbs, and several times a month he is given vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements or complexes.

It is recommended to walk your pet daily outdoors using a leash or harness. Active games develop the left-hander physically and allow him to throw out his energy. In winter and autumn, due to the lack of fur, cats can freeze, so it is advisable to buy them warm overalls.

Cat health

With normal care and a balanced diet, the pet will live from 10 to 14 years. Although the Levkoy's body is quite strong, its health is too fragile. The cat is exposed to almost all diseases and easily catches colds.

There are some factors to be wary of:

  • sudden changes in temperature, as they have a negative effect on a fragile organism;
  • nervous overstrain, because mental problems may arise;
  • With poor nutrition, digestive problems appear.

Periodically you need to be examined by a veterinarian. A cat will never cause conflicts; it treats all family members well. Levkoys do not harm other animals and do not hunt rodents or poultry. It is necessary to protect the pet, protect it from adverse conditions.

An animal can behave in different ways: be quiet or talkative, sensitive or active. This is a real find for anyone. Communication with a kitten will not leave anyone indifferent.