The largest domestic cats are Maine Coons. The Maine Coon is the smartest and largest domestic cat in the world. Interesting facts about animals

Affectionate purring fluffies are the dream of every child and a way to relieve stress for any adult. Cats are the only domesticated animals in the world. at will. Their grace is captivating, and their love of freedom and rebellious disposition are attractive. Even despite the characteristic nature of this animal, cats live in almost every family, and their warmth and softness is tempting to touch.

Cats are not record holders in size among animals, and this is of no use, because then they would not be so common, but at the same time, the impressive uncharacteristic dimensions of pets attract even more. The largest breeds of domestic cats today are officially recognized as Maine Coons and Ashers, but their representatives are not the only record holders.

Weight record

The fattest cat in the world Himmi's pet is rightfully recognized. His weight was 21 kg, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records, but, unfortunately, posthumously. The fact is that the cat was too lazy, and this provoked such weight gain. He died at the age of 10 from respiratory arrest, because before that he simply could no longer move on his own. The fat man's waist circumference was 84 cm. Himmi's record-holder predecessor was the cat Spice, who weighed 20 kg.

The officially registered record holder for length among cats is representative of the Maine Coon breed. A cat named Stewie measures 132 cm from the tip of his nose to his tailbone, which allowed him to get into the Book of Records at the age of five. According to the animal's owner, American Robin Hendrickson, her pet is the most gentle and affectionate creature, despite its impressive size.

Record size

For a long time, representatives of the breed held records for the size of domestic cats. Maine Coon. They are also called:

  • Maine cats;
  • Maine raccoons.

This is caused by the fact that outwardly the first cats of this breed had a characteristic color - black tabby. Adults can reach a weight of 10 kg, and are similar in appearance to their wild forest relatives. The characteristic tufts on the ears and the structure of the skull will not allow the Maine Coon to be confused with any other breed, and their majesty and look visually increase the real dimensions of the representatives of the breed.

Today most big Maine Coon lives in Australia. The cat named Rupert is 3 years old and already weighs about 9 kg. It will seem to many that such a weight is within the acceptable range for the breed and there is nothing special about it, but Maine Coons gain weight for more than one year. Most likely, the pet is subsequent years will increase his weight by half, which brings him significantly closer to the record and this is without progress on obesity. The fact is that the impressive size of Rupert's cat is just a natural constitution and well-developed muscle mass.

Recognized record holders

Together with Maine Coons, they are recognized as the official record holders among domestic cats. representatives of the Ashera breed. They appeared relatively recently thanks to the efforts of American geneticists under the leadership of the English entrepreneur Simon Brodie. Leopard cats , as the breed is also called, were obtained by crossing the Serval and the Asian leopard predator. Since the purpose of the experiment was to create an ideal creature, the resulting animal was named after the goddess.

Appearance itself big cat exotic and formidable, although the character is very affectionate and peaceful. The cost of such a pet today exceeds 20 thousand dollars, but with the kitten itself, each owner receives:

Tallest cat

Despite the fact that Ashers are officially recognized as the largest cats, they can also compete with him. representatives of the Savannah breed, which in reality weigh more than 15 kg. This breed was developed back in the 80s by crossing a wild African cat and a domestic cat. Absolutely all representatives of the breed are very active, despite the fact that they eat little.

The record holder in height is a representative of the Savannah breed named Trumble - the cat's height is 48 cm, but she weighs only 9 kg. Trumble was entered into the Book of Records at the age of three and lives with her owner in the United States of America.


Domestic cats are distributed all over the world thanks to people who never cease to improve them, constantly breeding new breeds. Large and small representatives of the species have been living next to people for more than 10 thousand years, but their character is still fully understood. Skilled furry hunters today number 256 breeds around the world, but who knows how many there will be in 10 years and what they will look like.

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats amaze at first glance with their combination of restrained power and external nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with long fluffy hair, tufted ears like a lynx, and a long and beautifully furred tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection; people have nothing to do with its appearance: Maine Coons remain the way nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention

The Maine Coon cat breed is a large, long-haired animal, weighing on average 4-8 kg for females and 8-12 kg for males, body length can be more than 1 m. Distinctive features This large breed has ears with peculiar tufts and a beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon, tail.

A Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, a female cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians who live more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, rib cage wide neck medium length. Characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard:

  • medium-length, strong paws;
  • massive large head;
  • vertically standing pointed ears;
  • long coat with thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • Acceptable colors: black, white, red, tortoiseshell, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: origin of the breed

The similarity with a lynx and a raccoon has given rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: the alleged crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons - with a lynx or raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed remains in its name. IN North America, the birthplace of this breed, large domestic animals were called Manx raccoon cats. Maine - the name of the state of Maine, considered the birthplace of the breed, coon - a particle from English name raccoon - raccoon.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, with a wide chest and a medium-length neck.

Big first domestic cat V farms ah of New England helped the owners protect the harvest from pests by catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals began organizing exhibitions of their pets in the mid-1850s. Representatives of the breed began to move from farms to homes big cities America, competing in popularity with Angora and Persian breeds cats.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around exotic breed went into decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons began only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Breeders Club was opened, and later the Maine Coon Breeders Association appeared. Official breed nurseries began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has aroused great unabated interest.

Maine Coon cats: features of the breed (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

Maine Coon character and behavior

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need space to play, active image cat life.

This is not a couch cat. She, obeying her natural hunting instincts, will happily tirelessly track down and catch a toy mouse or ball. Playing with a Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have an easy-going character and get along well with their owner’s family and other pets. Aggression is not inherent in this breed, but cats identify strangers unmistakably and maintain a distance of distrust in their attitude.

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are different developed intellect. They remember not only a person’s words and intonations, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside, it seems that the cat understands the owner not just from one word, but from one glance. The Maine Coon cat enjoys learning a variety of tricks, especially if this training itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have very sensitive hearing: being somewhere at the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the owner’s call, be it a soft command or a conventional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never similar to the piercing screams of cats of other breeds. This is a quiet musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purring has a very individual tone; it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring in the same voices. They emit not only the characteristic cat purr - it can sound something similar to a bird chirping, squeaking or trilling.

Usually the Maine Coon chooses a secluded place where it will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere close to the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, constantly watching what the owner is doing for hours. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the most unexpected place, in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that a small Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this time his future place of residence should be equipped for him and the following should be prepared:

  1. A bed measuring at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or built with your own hands).
  2. Spacious litter tray (for a kitten, the cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the litter that was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the size of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and spacious enough.

Maine Coons need regular walking outside. It’s good when this happens on the territory of a summer cottage. Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In urban environments, you need to find a safe place to walk and take your pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all necessary vaccinations have been completed.

Caring for the gorgeous Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. You need to comb the coat 1-2 times a week, and daily during shedding. Maine Coons are used for bathing special shampoos for long hair. Unique wool is capable of self-cleaning, for this reason the bathing procedure is not carried out very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a solution soaked in boiled water tampon. Dental care is carried out with a special brush and paste; earwax is carefully removed from the ears using pharmaceutical cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and kittens of the Maine Coon breed (video)

What and how to feed a Maine Coon

First of all, you need to learn information about what you should absolutely not give to your pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any seasoned foods, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coons can be fed natural or prepared industrial feed. Ready food selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra-premium food is preferred for large breeds cats, they contain at least 50% meat in their composition.

Natural food does not imply that this breed of cat eats from a human table - this is unacceptable and dangerous for the health of the pet. Healthy eating cats consists of:

  • daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or frozen for 5-7 days);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea ​​fish given no more than 2 times a week, raw or boiled).

Fermented milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) are alternated instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in daily diet- this can cause Maine Coon obesity; they are given 2-3 times a week.

The diet must contain vitamins and minerals; which ones and in what proportions are prescribed by the veterinarian. Drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

One type of food is used for feeding kittens, and another for adult cats. In the first 9-12 months the kitten needs more nutrients For rapid growth. After reaching one year of age, they are transferred to food for adult cats. Kitten food is used to feed pregnant and lactating cats.

Health, diseases and vaccinations

The biggest cat is different good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dysplasia hip joints and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat may not be in the mood and may react to weather changes. But it should be shown to a doctor if:

Vaccination for Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is given at 2 months, the second at 3 months, the third at 1 year, then annually. 10 days before vaccination give anthelmintic drugs. In some cases, you need to provide proof of vaccination (a note about it is entered in a special column veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in the exhibition, placement in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • The Maine Coon is a unique animal, adapted by nature itself to live in severe frost conditions. This is confirmed by its appearance: a special design of paws that allows it to walk in the snow, a thick fluffy tail in which the cat can wrap itself like a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from bodies of water, but the Maine Coon cat is capable of voluntarily giving herself a bath.

Attention, TODAY only!

The largest giant domestic cat in the world is the Maine Coon. These cats have lived since ancient times in the state of Maine, which is located in the northeastern United States. The name of the state is reflected in the first word of the breed's name. "Coon" is an abbreviation of the English word "racoon", which translates to raccoon. The article contains interesting information about the breed: description, habits, mating, care features, reviews from owners, as well as photographs and videos.


Description of the breed

Maine Coons – big cats with a good character, powerful muscles and excellent endurance. The first exhibition at which the breed was presented was held in New York in May 1895. After a short rise, the breed was supplanted by the Persians. It was only in the middle of the 20th century that Maine Coons again became popular throughout the world.

Body Features

Despite their enormous size, these cats are very graceful and beautifully built. The large head is located on a powerful, muscular neck of medium length. The cat's limbs are of medium length. Tufts of fur on their paws not only serve to protect them from the cold, but also prevent cats from falling through when moving through the snow.

The Maine Coon breed was bred to survive in the harsh local conditions thanks to mating, which explains the characteristics appearance cats. They have long been tamed by humans. In numerous photos you can see these beauties, distinguished by their long thick hair, which is a feature of the Maine Coon cat.

This feature was developed by mating long-haired individuals. The fur of raccoon cats consists of three layers. At first, all kittens are endowed with a thick undercoat and longer axial hair. Growing up, cats acquire a third surface layer wool, called protective. By holding snow, the protective layer prevents the undercoat from getting wet and protects from the cold. With the onset of cold weather, the fur begins to grow more intensively in the abdomen, neck and hind legs, forming “pants”.

The photo shows that Maine Coon cats have a large, massive head with sharp features. The nose is of medium length with a long, expressive mustache. High cheekbones. A powerful chin makes the muzzle square. The eyes are large, slightly slanted, set quite far apart. If they are wide open, they appear round. Eyes may be green, amber, gold or yellow.

The ears are very wide at the base, set close to each other at a distance not exceeding the width of the base of one ear. The ears are set high and end in lynx-like tufts. They are very mobile; in a split second, cats can turn them 90 degrees. The inside of each ear is well furred, which serves as excellent protection from the cold.

Has a wide chest rectangular shape. The tail is the same length as the body. This makes it possible to use it as a steering wheel when running. The long hair covering the tail protects against severe frosts in winter.


Maine Coons have retained the main features of their wild ancestors: shape and graceful movements. They are the largest of purebred cats. These are massive animals. They develop slowly and become mature at 4-5 years of age, ready for mating.

How much do these giants weigh? Adult cats can reach a weight of 6-12 kg, cats are not so large, they weigh on average from 4 to 9 kg. A Maine Coon cat was recorded with a maximum body length of 1.23 meters and a weight of 12 kg.

A Maine Coon kitten at one week of age weighs from 200 to 260 grams, cats weigh less - from 180 to 230 grams. At six months, males weigh from 3.9 to 6.0 kg, females - from 3.2 to 4.5 kg. The weight of a one-year-old cat is about 5.7 - 9.0 kg, females - 4.5 - 6.8 kg. The video shows Maine Coon kittens of different ages and adult cats, their sizes and how much they weigh are shown.

No matter how much you look at Maine Coons, you never cease to be amazed at how many colors there are. Brown, chocolate and other lighter colors, as well as acromelanic ones, are not recognized as breed colors. The Maine Coon cat breed can be red, ginger, white, black and blue color with any variants of agouti and tabby.

Intelligence and character

Maine Coon - . You can only give him positive characterization. He attracts with his affectionate and gentle character. Those who have dealt with raccoon cats note the nobility, restraint, sense of tact and strength of character that comes from the sense of self-confidence of these animals. These giants with an easy-going character are very different from other domestic cats, even in their voice a distinct bright vibration can be heard. They rarely meow, only sometimes giving a gentle voice, which is not in harmony with their size.

Maine Coons are freedom-loving and like to be given a lot of living space in the house where they live. An echo of their wild nature is this feature - they love to relax in the strangest positions and in unexpected places. Having taken a comfortable position not far from the owner, they love to watch them. Maine Coons are patient, sensitive and affectionate with their owners. They show loyalty and politeness with strangers, but do not like familiarity.

Having good memory and intelligence, Maine Coons are easy to train; they remember many phrases and intonations, and can understand their owner at first sight or gesture. Cats are very active and get along well with children and live peacefully with other pets. The relationships of Maine Coons with other animals can be seen in numerous videos and photos posted on the Internet.

Features of care

Since in natural environment It is very important for Maine Coons to have sharp claws; they constantly sharpen them. Therefore, to preserve furniture and door frames, you need to purchase a special device for cats to sharpen their claws on. It is necessary to monitor the length of the claws, especially the fifth claw, which does not reach the soil, so it can grow very long and even cut into the skin of the paw. Usually cats bite off their claws themselves; if they are too long, you can help your pet and trim the claws with a nail clipper.

Although raccoon cats have long, thick fur, it does not tangle like Persians, but requires regular brushing. It is enough to brush them 2-3 times a week; when they begin to shed, brush them more often. It is recommended to start combing with a large comb, carefully removing lumps of matted hair. Then you can comb with a more frequent comb. Most often, hair falls off in the abdomen area, on hind legs, chest and under the neck.

When caring for your eyes, you need to make sure that there is no mucus in the corners. You can wipe your eyes with a cotton swab soaked in tea or a weak solution. boric acid. The ears should be pink and clean; dirt should be removed using cotton swabs. After cleaning ears need to be sprinkled with antiseptic powder.

It is important to feed your cat properly; the food should be balanced and varied, which should contain required quantity fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The health of your cat depends on the quality of its diet.

The Maine Coon's special feature is long pregnancy. It is best to allow adult cats who have reached the age of 4-5 years to breed. The rules for selecting a partner and mating for raccoon cats do not differ from other breeds. For mating, healthy individuals should be selected that do not have genetic diseases. During pregnancy and feeding, the cat’s menu should include more vitamins and foods with high content calcium.

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Video “Description of the Maine Coon cat breed”

This video tells the history and description of the Maine Coon cat breed.

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The largest domestic cat in the world - Maine Coon. Adults of this breed grow on average up to one meter in length, and the record figure is 1 meter 23 centimeters. Moreover, the weight of Maine Coons usually ranges from 6 to 9 kilograms, although you can often find such cats weighing 12 kilograms. And the Maine Coon's weight record is 15 kilos.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer to see their cats, usually having medium size. However, there are also extremes: someone wants to have a dwarf pussy, and someone wants to have a big cat in their home. For lovers of big fluffy cats today we want to talk about American breed Maine Coon.

It should be noted that the characteristics of the largest cat in the world here mean the general dimensions, since there is also the largest tall cat in the world - Savannah. This is also a record holder, but less known and popular. In turn, Maine Coons are aborigines for the United States. The breed originated from wild cats, who once lived only on farms in the American state of Maine.

At first, Americans called only black tabby animals Maine Coon. I wonder what appearance, powerful build and huge fluffy tail gave such cats the appearance of raccoons. Therefore, the phrase Maine Coon literally means Maine Coon, since Maine is the name of the state of Maine, "coon" translates as "coon".

Although most people also agree that these cats are more like lynxes than raccoons: Maine Coons have tufted ears and massive paws.

The very first domesticated cat of the breed is considered to be a cat with an amazing name - Captain-Jenks-of-the-Sea-Cavalry. He began appearing in public in 1861, and graced cat shows held in Boston and New York. It was this handsome man who became the key to the popularity of the Maine Coon breed.

However, over time, cat lovers lost great interest in such large cats. And the breed owes its survival only to farmers from Maine. They greatly valued Maine Coons for their docile nature, excellent hunting skills and large size.

Currently this breed is considered the pride of Maine, which has made it famous throughout the world. In honor of this, in 1993, a coin was even issued here with the image of easy recognizable cat. You can’t go wrong with this, because this breed is very large and fluffy.

Separately, I would like to note the beauty of the Maine Coon’s tail. As a rule, it is equal to 4/5 of the total length of the animal. That is, the record holder with a length of 1.23 meters had a tail equal to one meter.

Today Maine Coons are bred all over the world in sufficient numbers. At the same time, it is especially appreciated that the surprisingly fluffy, long-haired pussies do not need special combing, such as “Persians”, whose fur begins to clump and get tangled without human care. In this regard, Maine Coons can take care of their fur on their own, without the help of their owners.

There are now many recognized Maine Coon colors, of which the most interesting is the “red merle,” which is unique to cats in general and boils down to a bright red color with a distinct ornate merle pattern.

However, feeding such big cats is not so easy. And the point is in two points at once: firstly, such giants eat twice as much as an ordinary cat, and secondly, Maine Coons prefer fresh natural food, and not some dubious food from bags.

Otherwise, such cats behave the same way as other breeds of mustache-striped cats. In addition, their owners always note that representatives of this giant breed are surprisingly affectionate, friendly and peaceful. At the same time, Maine Coons are very smart.

For example, they will never scratch furniture if they have a scratching post at home. Also, they will not throw objects off the shelf that prevent them from walking, and they will not climb into the closet, since they do not like cramped and narrow spaces. Well, besides, Maine Coons love their owners very much and quickly get used to the new environment.

There are several legends and theories about the origin of this breed. According to one of them, they acquired their raccoon-like appearance not by chance, but as a result of crossing semi-wild cats with raccoons. Another myth says that Maine Coons were born from the love of domestic cats and wild lynxes, which explains the presence of the well-known tufts on the tips of their ears. Naturally, the veracity of these versions is completely excluded, since such unions are impossible due to species differences. There is another myth about the origin of the Maine Coon breed. According to him, the breed owes its origin to Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, who, trying to escape from rebellious France with the help of Captain Samuel Clough, loaded her most valuable things and six beloved Turkish Angora cats onto his ship. As you know, the escape was unsuccessful, but Marie Antoinette's companions went with her cats to America and safely reached the shore of Wiscasset, Maine, where the queen's favorites began to crossbreed with short-haired cat breeds and evolved into the modern Maine Coon breed. According to another legend, the English navigator Captain Charles Coon kept long-haired cats on board his ships. Every time Coon's ship anchored off the coast of New England, they came ashore and mated with the locals. wild cats. When in the litter local cats Long-haired kittens began to appear, and people gave them the name “Koon cats.”

In fact, the origin of the Maine Coon breed, as well as most cat breeds, is not known with certainty. They most likely originated more than 150 years ago as a result of crossing domesticated shorthaired cats native to Maine and other parts of New England with longhaired cats brought by traders from Asia Minor.

IN late XIX centuries, Maine Coons were widespread in the eastern part of America. In 1985, ten representatives of this breed were presented at one of the village fairs, which at that time had great success. In May of the same year, the first North American cat show was organized at Madison Square Garden in New York. The best participant in the show was a black tabby Maine Coon cat named Cosey, owned by Mrs. Fred Brown. Winner's medal today stored in one of the CFA clubs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of Maine Coons began to decline sharply, as they were replaced by other long-haired breeds - for example, the Persian, which greatly influenced future fate Manx giants. The decline in interest in the breed was so serious that in 1950 the breed was declared almost extinct. In the name of saving the Maine Coon family, a club of breed lovers, the Central Maine Cat Club, was created in 1953, which was engaged in reviving interest in these cats and organizing exhibitions with their participation. In 1956, the first breed standard was written, and already in 1983 it was recognized by most clubs and organizations.

Today, the Maine Coon is the third most popular cat breed in the world, followed by Persian and exotic cats.

Maine Coon cats have large sizes and a strong, muscular physique. The body is rectangular, elongated and broad-boned. The head is relatively small in relation to the body, with high cheekbones. The medium-length muzzle and massive chin give the Manx cat's head a square shape and sharp outline. The short nose smoothly transitions from the forehead to the muzzle. Big ears, set high and wide, have characteristic tufts of hair at their pointed ends, which makes Maine Coons look like lynxes. Cats of this breed have large, round and slightly slanted eyes of golden, green or amber color. The limbs of Manx giants are very strong, of medium length, muscular and end in round pads with tufts of hair between the toes. Covered with flowing wool long tail Maine Coons have a conical shape, with a wide base and a pointed end. The Maine Coon's coat is shiny, silky to the touch and uneven in length. The head and shoulders are covered with short hair, with the only exception being the collar area. On the back, sides and stomach it clearly lengthens. The thick and soft undercoat is covered with denser, coarse hair. The cover hair, which flows freely from the sides, back and upper abdomen, has water-repellent properties.

Coat colors can be very diverse. All shades are allowed except chocolate, Siamese, brown, lilac, Abyssinian, cinnamon and fawn. All color variants with white patterns are recognized, i.e. white flame, white chest, white medallion, white on the belly, white on the paws, etc.

A striking breed feature and the main advantage of these powerful, noble and graceful cats is their unusually friendly, affectionate and peaceful character. They have self-esteem and confidence, which goes well with tact and restraint towards others. Also to characteristic features Raccoon cats are self-sufficient and independent. It is very important for Maine Coons to have their own space where they can be alone if they want. At the same time, gentle giants prefer to constantly be near their beloved owner, but will do this unobtrusively and delicately. Maine Coons are very active and lively animals that love to frolic and play, which requires a fairly large space. They retain such sweet spontaneity and playfulness inherent in kittens until old age. Admiring all kinds of dynamic games and activities, they are able to have fun alone, without the participation of the owner. For example, after eating, such a 6-kilogram carcass can race around the apartment for several tens of minutes with a prudently half-eaten piece of meat, while performing incredible acrobatic stunts. To everyone else positive qualities Maine Coons can be attributed to their cleanliness and accuracy - if there is an obstacle on the way, they will not throw them off, but will calmly go around them. A funny thing: raccoon cats can sleep almost anywhere, taking the most bizarre positions, but always with comfort.

Representatives of the Maine Coon breed have very well developed intelligence. They have an excellent memory, remember intonations and words well, and they feel their owner especially subtly, understanding him at first sight. If desired, they can be taught various tricks.

Gentle giants adapt very easily and become attached to their owner, easily adapting to their habitat. Maine Coons are especially affectionate and kind with small children; they are said to be natural nannies. A cat of this breed will become a child true friend and a wonderful companion in games. They treat strangers calmly, but warily and politely.

Manx cats have absolutely no aggressiveness towards other animals; they easily get along with any pets. The only creatures they are unlikely to get along with are rodents. Raccoon cats still have highly developed hunting instincts. They will be excellent mouse and rat catchers in the house.

Another amazing feature of this breed is its unusual voice, characterized by a special melody. What’s interesting is that each cat has its own individual, unique timbre of voice. Maine Coons will never harass the inhabitants of the house in which they live by howling or screaming. They emit a quiet, pleasant purr, which contrasts greatly with their large and powerful physique. Maine Coon trills have a huge number of intonations, and each carries its own meaning.

Manx cats are very easy to care for and maintain. Caring for the coat is absolutely not difficult: brushing your pet once a week is enough. Special and daily attention to its hair needs to be paid only during the period of molting, which occurs once a year.

The cost of a Maine Coon kitten can range from $600 to $1,500.