Domestic cats with leopard color. Leopard cat. Personality of the Bengal cat

The domestic leopard cat will be a good four-legged friend for lovers of exotic animals. These animals belong to the Bengal breed. It is important to approach their upbringing responsibly, and then you will get a wonderful pet that looks like it came from the jungle.

Distinctive Features

The Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is a wild carnivore. This animal lives in South and Southeast Asia, respectively. The Bengal breed was developed by crossing representatives of the Asian leopard breed with ordinary domestic cats.

The result was a graceful creature with a beautiful predatory color, but at the same time distinguished by an easy-going character.

The leopard-like cat has short hair and is medium in size. The body is muscular. The ears are small and rounded. Weight is about 5 kilograms for cats, and 6-8 kilograms for cats.

Character and behavior

Despite its predatory appearance, the leopard-colored cat is quite friendly. They are friendly and not aggressive with their owners. They may show some wariness with strangers, but this is a normal reaction. Also it is necessary to remember that these cats have a strong hunting instinct. For this reason, if you plan to “keep a leopard,” there is no place for feathered pets and rodents in the house.

By nature, Bengals are extremely responsive and devoted to their owners. This is one of the few breeds whose representatives really need to communicate with people. A leopard-colored cat is very active and will explore all the furniture in the house with interest.

Therefore, in order to avoid damaged furniture, it is better to buy her several toys. It is desirable that they be on a stick and make rustling sounds.

These animals, in terms of the range of sounds they make, are very similar to a tiger. They love to meow, thus communicating with their owners, or growl while eating.

What should you pay attention to?

A Bengali needs to be raised from an early age. Including:

  • You need to politely but firmly show your pet what behavior is acceptable. At the same time, leopard-colored kittens, like small children, can continue to repeat their pranks.
  • You should take your pet in your arms and stroke it more often. As adults, they are no longer as fond of frequent petting. Therefore, if you do not want your leopard cat to grow up wild and ill-mannered, it is important to give him enough attention from an early age.
  • Kittens quickly become accustomed to the litter box. Considering that they really like to bury something, the best filler would be clean sand or a material with a similar structure.
  • Don't be surprised if your pet asks for a bath on its own. This is a common occurrence. Leopard cats are big fans of water treatments. They love not only to swim, but also to play funny games with water.
  • Bengals, as already noted, love various toys. But these should not be simple objects like balls. This is due to the fact that this breed has a very developed intelligence, so they find it boring to play with simple things.
  • It is unacceptable to show aggression towards cats of any breed, and especially towards Bengals. You can try this trick: clap your hands and say “ugh.” It may take several of these repetitions before the kitten remembers the lesson.

In general, these cats have developed intelligence, so they easily remember and follow commands. Important factors are: whether the animal was accustomed to home conditions before selling or not, and at what age the pet was taken into the home. A cat that is housetrained and adopted at an early age (before it turns one year old) will have an easier time adapting.

As soon as a little Bengal appears in your home, it is important to take a responsible approach to his upbringing.

Veterinarians recommend using special commands, for example, “no!” This way, the pet will be able to understand what the owner expects from him. The Bengal cat breed should never be subjected to violence. It must be remembered that her distant ancestor is a wild predator, and, therefore, natural instincts can awaken in her.

What to feed?

Bengals have a very sensitive digestive system due to their shortened intestines. They inherited this feature from their wild ancestors. It is important to carefully introduce new foods and foods into the diet of leopard cats.. Otherwise, both diarrhea and more serious stomach problems may occur.

The following feeding options are possible:

  • natural products – poultry, meat;
  • industrial feed;
  • combination of natural food and special feed.

The best option would be a balanced diet, including natural food and high-quality feed. It may happen that the pet does not want to eat the food intended for it at all. In this case, you need to listen to his wishes and add a special vitamin and mineral complex for animals to the food.

How to care?

Despite their uniqueness and unusual appearance, cats with leopard color do not require special care. Like any other pet, your the pet will need to have its ears cleaned and its fur combed, sometimes trim your nails.

Bengals have very short fur. There are usually no problems caring for this type of coat. But sometimes you can comb them with a special brush, running along the back and neck. The cat will not only enjoy this, but also be very useful, since this type of combing provides an excellent massage. If your pet is not dirty anywhere, it is not necessary to wash it under running water.

But what it is advisable for the owner to do regularly for his Bengal cat is to trim his nails. It is enough to do this once a week. In addition, a leopard cat must have a special scratching post.

Bengals are very active, so you need to spend time with them in the fresh air more often. For convenience during walks, you can accustom them to a collar or harness, they take it calmly.


By nature, leopard-like cats have strong immunity to leukemia. But they have a tendency to certain genetic diseases:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of the heart diseases, the characteristic feature of which is sudden death.
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (especially in castrated cats).
  • Leukemia (blood cancer).
  • Due to the fact that the Bengal cat has a rather delicate stomach, it can get food poisoning, so you should always carefully monitor the animal’s diet.

At this stage of breeding Bengals, breeders are trying to free this breed from the above diseases. However, unfortunately, this does not work very well.

In general, cats with leopard coloring are characterized by good health and endurance. Life expectancy can reach 15-20 years. The only caveat is that they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Therefore, they cannot be left alone for a long time; it is necessary to play and walk with them. If you are very busy or are not ready to get another pet so that the cat does not get bored in your absence, this breed is not for you.

Color options

Leopard cats have inherited a patterned coat called tabby, a spotted cat like a leopard. This is a unique feature that makes Bengalis so loved.

Depending on the background of the coat, tabby color is divided into the following types:

  • Brown (brown tabby). With this color, the cat looks like a leopard. The sand-colored coat has black spots.
  • Silver tabby. With this color, your pet looks like a snow leopard. The background of the fur is silver.

These two types are further divided into 3 categories, taking into account the figure:

  • Spotted. The animal is covered with spots that have a uniform dark color.
  • Rosette. This name comes from the unusual spots that have a clear dark edge and a lighter center (they are called “rosettes”). This color of leopard cats is considered classic, therefore the most famous and popular.
  • Marble. With this type of color, there are no obvious spots on the body of the animal, but there are beautiful dark patterns. Their shape and size may vary.

Among the classic options, it is worth noting the so-called “Leopardette” color. It is closest to wild natural options. Color - dark chocolate or reddish brown. The Sorrel marbled leopard cat is characterized by coffee-colored spots on a golden background. The tail is decorated with a dark tip. In addition to animals with classic colors, black and blue Bengals were also bred.

The charcoal color is sometimes classified as a brown tabby, but they still have certain differences. The background of the coat with this color has a cold tint. The nose and eyebrows are jet black, and the “spectacles” around the eyes are light in color.

The blue color of this breed is considered rare. The background of the coat is gray-blue, with a metallic tint. The color of the spots is very unusual - gray, shimmering with a blue tint. Another rare option is very light coat with a barely noticeable pattern, which is why such cats are called snow bengals.

Long-haired kittens used to be rejected, but now their beauty is appreciated. For this unusual feature, such representatives of the breed are called silk Bengals or Kashmiris.

Before buying a Bengal cat, it is recommended to read the pedigree description to be sure that at least five generations separate it from its direct ancestor - the Asian leopard breed. Otherwise, the pet may have a hot-tempered and quarrelsome character.

It should be noted that, like humans, each animal has individual characteristics. Any individual pet will have its own habits, character and illnesses. But what is important for all of them is the love and attention of the owner.


The history of this unusual breed began in the mid-20th century, when an American girl decided to go to Bangkok. There, at the market, she purchased a small wild cat kitten with an incredibly beautiful color.

This cat was able to grow up and accepted courtship from an ordinary cat. Then, in the middle of the 20th century, a kitten was born who was able to inherit the appearance from his mother, and from his father he inherited a pleasant character. But to my great regret, the owner had to give her pet to the zoo, and the little kitten could not live long because she got sick.

After some time, this type of cat was transformed and was able to take part in the championship, where it received the name Bengal.

Description of the breed

This type of Bengal cat, reminiscent of a leopard, is quite athletic, agile and curious. They are capable of extraordinary agility, which is compatible with boundless balance, and grace and unstoppable energy predominate.

The sizes of a leopard cat range from small to large. The muzzle of such cats is full and expressive, thanks to the wide nose and round eyes.

The most common color of this breed is considered leopard; others call it brown tabby or golden tabby. Coloring may also vary. Here are several types:

  1. Dart - the spots have a shape similar to an arrow, the color transition begins from light to dark.
  2. Unclosed - the shape of a semicircle or semi-oval, the contour is open.
  3. The bagel is a classic option, the contour is sufficiently outlined and highlighted.

Only Bengals have leopard coloring - this is a unique feature of this breed.

Leopard cat

Character and behavior

The leopard cat breed, due to its natural character, is considered rather unsociable and cautious. It is worth remembering that they are not able to attack without any need and try to quickly hide in a hidden place where they can defend themselves.

This behavior can also be seen in individuals that have already been tamed. They are able to quickly get used only to their owners, but they try to avoid other strangers and sometimes they are afraid. If people have a great desire to pet a cat, then it may become aggressive towards the person. This cat breed is considered to be quite independent. Affection and its various manifestations are not capable of delivering pleasure for many.

For the full development of the animal, that is, physical or social, and also excellent health, it is necessary to maintain an active lifestyle. This includes various games, educational toys, and mice.

Taming and maintenance

Without the deepest doubt, we can say that it is very difficult for wild cats to adapt to an environment with humans. However, they get used to it quite well and quickly learn to go to the litter tray. The tray should be filled with sand or other filler, but be large enough in size.

If you have plans for such a cat to become your pet, then it is better to purchase it from a specialized nursery, where kittens are accustomed to life with humans from birth and are fed. The best thing is when the parents of the kittens are considered the same, but perhaps free maintenance.


The main food for this breed in such an environment is the meat of various animals. This includes: beef, rabbits. But in order to maintain health and former activity, the Asian breed simply needs live feeding. In this case, you need: mice, rats or chickens.

Once a week you need to have a fasting day. Cats that live outside the natural environment are not able to spend a lot of energy; in the wild, everything is naturally different. As a result of all this, they gain extra pounds and may often get sick.

Breed cost

When you have been able to fully decide on the choice of a pet, as well as on the color of the leopard-colored cats, then questions arise about the cost of a kitten of this breed.

The pricing policy is very extensive, because some kittens can be sold for ten thousand rubles, while others are 5 times more expensive, and prices can also exceed this. The different costs depend on what the parents want or the location of the nursery itself, as well as the specific class of the kitten itself.

After a kitten is born, it begins to be assessed with certain standards, and distribution by class also begins:

  • Pet class – this class includes kittens who will subsequently undergo castration and sterilization procedures. The cost of such kittens starts from 15 thousand rubles.
  • Breed class - this type is more suitable for breeding. The price of this type will be quite higher, that is, the cost starts from 35 thousand rubles.
  • Show class - this class includes those who have excellent prospects, were also born from elite cats and are dominated by beautiful colors. The cost of such kittens is very high and amounts to more than 50 thousand rubles.

This price range, in particular, applies only to those who were born in the nursery and they were born only due to planned matings. They also have special documentation that confirms the origin of the kitten and what its health is. It is also worth considering that prices are set by the breeder himself based on his own full considerations.

The most expensive mugs in the world from $125,000.

On the eve of International Cat Day, which is celebrated in the West on February 17 (in Russia on March 1), the federation of European lovers of these graceful animals has compiled a rating of the most desirable representatives of this genus.

Photo: Asherah breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable breed in the world

The most expensive and desirable breed in the world is the Asherah.

And if the list of the most popular cat breeds has remained almost unchanged: the top five are still Persians, Siamese, Sphynxes, Devon Rexes, and exotics, but this top list includes the most expensive purrs that exist. And they all look very much like small leopards, and all because they were crossed with the closest relatives of these wild cats, amazing in beauty and grace.

Introducing the top three. All of them were produced in the USA.

The most expensive and desirable breed in the world is the Asherah or mini leopard. This miracle was developed in 2006 by scientists from the biotechnological company Lifestyle Pets based on the genes of the African serval, Asian leopard cat and the common domestic cat. The leopard kitty weighs up to 14 kg and reaches a meter in length.

As the owners of the cat brand assure potential buyers, although the Asher is formidable in appearance: powerful paws and an animal grin, it is an ideal pet. In terms of habits - an ordinary cat. She is easy to care for, not aggressive, loves to sleep and eat delicious food, play with children, and just be cuddled with a purr. Moreover, Ashers are positioned as the only representatives of the feline species that can be led along the streets on a leash.

Despite the fact that a kitten costs a lot of money (price ranges from $22,000 to $27,000), buying one is not easy. Those who want to take home a “designer” kitty with the appearance of a sphinx and a rare color must sign up for a waiting list a year in advance - the company does not raise more than 100 cats per year.

Lifestyle Pets also announced on its website that in order to receive a kitten, everyone must make a deposit of $6,000.

Today there are four varieties of the breed - regular Ashera, snow (similar to a white tiger), hypoallergenic and royal. The latter differs from the usual one in that the spots on its caramel-colored skin are not black, but orange. It is the Royal Asherah that can be called the rarest cat in the world. No more than four such kittens are born per year. This mini leopard starts at $125,000.

Photo: It’s almost impossible to make any sudden movements next to a cat - the animal will instantly throw a “whistling” object

In addition to being expensive, this cat is the largest and most similar to a wild cat of all the hybrids, and it really is like that. There is not a single such kitten in our country, and the closest animal to us lives in Riga. The price for this handsome cat starts from $4000, and for a breeding cat it starts from $8000. Savannah is the fruit of love between a wild Serval cat and an ordinary domestic cat. The cat looks like dad - large, long-legged, long-necked, with huge ears. It is almost impossible to make any sudden movements near a cat - the animal will instantly dart the “whistling” object. At the same time, there is no anger or aggression - only automatism and reflexes. They are still working on this young and not yet completely domesticated breed, which also affects the cost - the price starts from $4,000 to $10,000.

And if the previous cats did not yet have famous fans, the Bengal cat won the hearts of both Hollywood stars and the richest people on the planet.

Recently, the Sultan of Brunei and actor, producer and director Kevin Bacon became the owners of super-elite Bengal kittens. The joy of owning them cost $145,000. But if they wanted to buy the main sire of the California nursery “Almaden” cat Zeus, they would have to fork out another $200,000.

Photo: Bengal cat - also looks like a leopard or jaguar in miniature

Bengal cat - also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar

For comparison, an ordinary kitten of this breed costs from $800 to $3000. This breed is very capricious and requires special care.

The Bengal cat also looks like a miniature leopard or jaguar. They began to breed it back in the 60s by crossing simple muroks with wild leopard cats. It was possible to obtain normal offspring only about fifteen years ago. What does normal mean? These are not only stunningly beautiful animals, but also affectionate at home. The first Bengals tore apart everyone who “molested” them with affection. Then they were crossed with the Egyptian Mau and as a result, from wild animals they turned into kind and sympathetic purrs. There are also Bengal cats in Russia; the best ones live in a cattery in Samara.

A simple kitten can be bought for up to $1,500, almost like the Sultan of Brunei - up to $4,500.

Margarita ROMANOVA

Cat lovers constantly look at photos of these cute animals on the Internet. There are a huge number of cat breeds. Leopard Bengal kittens have the most unusual color. We will talk about them in this article. You will learn about the origin of the breed and its care.

Where do Bengal kittens come from?

This one is unique the breed was bred artificially. It is a hybrid of a wild leopard cat and a domestic cat. The first crossing was carried out in the USA back in 1963.

What does a Bengal cat look like?

Most often, cats of this breed are large in size. The body length is from half a meter to 80 cm and an additional tail is about 30 cm. The weight of males and females varies. The female weighs 3–5 kg, the male – 6–8 kg. The tail has the shape of a cone, the tip is rounded. The head of such cats is relatively small relative to the entire body and has a wedge-shaped shape. Representatives of this breed are very similar to wild cats, this is also due to the fairly wide nose. The ears are not very large, they are wide at the base and rounded at the top.

Kittens have a variety of eye colors, including emerald, brown, soft olive and even yellow. The eye shape is almond or oval. Unlike representatives of other breeds Bengal cats amaze with their intelligent look. Even if you look at photos of Bengal cats, it seems that their gaze is human.

The difference between Bengal domestic leopards and representatives of other breeds:

  • Leopard color.
  • The predator's habits are graceful and flexible.
  • Love for water procedures.

Unlike all cat breeds, the leopard kitten surprises with its unique color. This is, one might say, a miniature leopard.

Bengal kitten and its color

If you study photos of several Bengal cats, it becomes clear that different animals have different hair.

The base coat color is most often brown (brown tabby) or silver (silver tabby). From such a unit they distinguish 6 main types of Bengal kitten colors.

  1. Silver tabby marbled
  2. Silver tabby spotted
  3. Silver rosette tabby
  4. Brown tabby marbled
  5. Brown tabby spotted
  6. Brown tabby rosette

If you decide to adopt a small Bengal kitten, do not worry that the coat color and spots are faded and unclear. This feature is provided by wildlife for camouflage. A Bengal kitten develops this color, called phasing, from approximately 1 month to 4 months of age. As the baby grows into a teenager, the color will become more intense.

Bengal cat

How to care for a Bengal cat?

Many people think that once the price for such an unusual window is very high, then care will be very difficult and expensive. This is wrong. Bengal cats are quite unpretentious.

If you got an animal only for your own pleasure, and not for the sake of big awards and showing off at exhibitions, then the effort You don’t have to do anything special to care for a kitten.. Bengal kittens are quite clean animals. They are not afraid of water procedures, so bathing will be a joy for the cat.

You should periodically comb the animal and clean its ears. During periods of shedding, you will have to use the brush more often.

The Bengal cat loves to walk, the call of distant wild ancestors makes itself felt. How can Take your cat out into the fresh air more often so that he can walk around to his heart's content. Cats of this breed have difficulty withstanding confined spaces and loneliness. If the owners are away from home for a long time, the kitten will be bored.

It is recommended to feed Bengal cats with specialized food (liquid or dry), depending on the age of the pet. No way do not give your kitten homemade food from your desk. Ready-made food is very convenient to use; it will not take you as much time as preparing special food yourself. When using dry food, the animal must receive plenty of water.

Don’t worry that your Bengal kitten will get sick; most often this breed does not have any health problems. Leopard Bengals have good immunity. They can't even get feline leukemia. Such excellent health is genetic and passed down from their wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat.

Bengal kitten price

You can find out the price of cats of this breed in any nursery that breeds them. The cost of the animal may scare off cat lovers. But such a price will pay off with that joy, which you will experience when raising this leopard miracle.

The average price in our country varies from 30,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles.

Don’t get carried away by looking at photos of Bengal cats, best buy this animal, please yourself and your loved ones. The leopard kitten will repay your care with its love.

The leopard-like cat combines the characteristics of a wild and domestic animal.

Distinguished by its beauty, health, strength and long life expectancy, it was bred artificially. There are several breeds that meet this parameter - resemblance to a leopard. This is a characteristic coloring, and also the size of the animal is often larger than that of ordinary cats.

Let's take a closer look at everything that concerns these breeds of popular pets.

Leopard cats have typical black or brown spots and graceful habits.

They resemble a leopard animal, reduced several times. They require special care and attention associated with specifics, and it is also not so easy to get offspring from them. In order for them to feel good in the home of their owners, the latter is required to pay close attention to their uniqueness, characteristics, and habits.

You can list several popular breeds that resemble a leopard.

  1. Bengal cat characterized by beauty and is extremely popular. The spots on the body are large, black or brown, the habits are graceful, and there is agility. If Bengals are not given due attention, their character can turn wild with elements of aggression.
  2. Savannah obtained by crossing a domestic cat and a wild African serval. Individuals may differ in shade. They are characterized by their large size, up to 140 cm in length, and weight up to 15 kg. The cat is friendly by nature, friendly with children and other pets, and attached to its owners. Savannahs need plenty of room to move and love walks and water.
  3. Asherah has a large (meter-long) size, long legs, spotted coloring, a predatory appearance, the look of a wild animal. However, he is kind, flexible, unpretentious to food, and has contact with children. Her behavior is like that of ordinary cats.
  4. Serengeti is a large, long-legged spotted cat bred in the USA.
  5. Kanaani(Canaani) is a new multi-breed mix, shorthaired spotted cat.
  6. Arabian Mau, having more of a leopard appearance.
  7. Asian tabby, bred in England.

Leopard-like cats also include ocelots and servals. But these are predators who practically cannot live in a person’s house. They are large in size and have dangerous instincts. There are frequent cases of aggressive behavior towards people. They do not feel comfortable in human habitation, preferring nature.

Bengal breed

The homeland of Bengals is America. It was there that they were bred by obtaining a hybrid of an Asian wild leopard and domestic cats. This experiment is believed to have begun in the 1960s. Characteristics of Bengal cats are excellent immunity and endurance. But the stomach is a weak point that malfunctions if not fed correctly.

Bengals have the following distinctive features:

  1. Large size from 50 to 80 cm, conical tail. The weight of a female is up to 5 kg, and a male’s weight is up to 8 kg.
  2. The head is wedge-shaped, small.
  3. A wide nose is a wild sign.
  4. The ears are medium in size, rounded at the ends. Their base is quite wide.
  5. The color of almond-shaped or oval-shaped eyes is very different: green, brown, yellow shades.

There are a number of differences that make the Bengal cat different from other breeds: plasticity along with predatory habits, love of water, unique coloring, similar to a leopard print. You can buy a Bengal cat at a cattery or from breeders. Its price ranges from 30 to 150 thousand rubles, which depends on the class.

The nutrition of a Bengal cat depends on its age. The kitten eats 4 times a day, and as the cat grows older, it switches to two meals a day. The stomach of Bengal cats cannot digest any food taken from the owners' table. You need to buy ready-made industrial food.

Grooming for Bengals is minimal, and these animals themselves are clean. You need to comb them, trim their nails to 3 mm, and clean their ears. They are not afraid of water procedures. The nature of Bengal cats is not fearful towards other animals.

The breed is distinguished by its ability to train, remembers commands, and listens carefully. At the same time, playfulness constantly appears.


Another desirable leopard cat breed is the Ashera (mini leopard). It is considered the most expensive. The biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets bred her in 2006 as a result of an experiment with genes from an African serval, a wild leopard cat and a regular domestic cat.

The weight of the animal is up to 14 kg, the paws are powerful, and the animal has a grin. But as a pet, the Ashera is ideal; it has the usual cat habits.

Grooming is not difficult, the breed is unpretentious, and is not aggressive in nature. Loves delicious food, sleep and playing with the little inhabitants of the house. She walks outside with a leash. Its cost is significant, from $22,000, but it is very difficult to buy a copy.

People sign up for the waiting list a year in advance.

There are 4 types of Asherah:

  • regular;
  • snowy (with white color);
  • hypoallergenic;
  • royal, whose spotted color is orange on a caramel background, is the rarest.

The latter type of kittens are born no more than 4 per year and cost more than $125,000.


The largest cat that looks like a leopard is the Savannah. This hybrid has the greatest resemblance to a wild animal. This is a unique and very expensive animal, the cost of an individual is from $4,000.

The breed appeared from crossing a wild serval and an ordinary domestic one; it has a large appearance with long legs, a neck, and huge ears. The official registration of the breed with all its standards in the international cat association occurred in 2011.

The signs observed in habits are as follows.

  1. Significantly larger than regular cats, Savannah cats are very playful and intelligent.
  2. They are easy to train, enjoy walking outside on a leash, do not like the cold, but are willing to swim.
  3. They are easily toilet trained and do not require a strict diet or special care.
  4. They show affection to their owners and are friends with children and other pets.

Although this is a young breed, not yet fully housetrained. The cat's habits are such that no sudden movements should be made near it, as it will immediately attack an object. In this case, no aggressive anger is observed, only a manifestation of a reflex.


The Serengeti cat has the following characteristics: large ears, long legs, spotted body color and honey-colored fur around the eyes. Males are usually larger (up to 15 kg) with females weighing up to 12 kg. The behavior is more playful than with the habits of a hunter, curious, and the breed is also talkative.

The Serengeti can make a wide variety of sounds. They are characterized by dexterity and courage. For example, they attack dogs rather than hide from them. They also climb to any heights, fulfilling their curiosity, and are sociable on walks.

When breeding this breed (in America), the goal was to resemble the Serval. The Serengeti was obtained by crossing several breeds, including Bengal, Abyssinian and others. The experiment continues until now until an analogy of the serval without the admixture of its blood is derived.


The Kanaani cat (or Canaani) is a new breed bred by an Israeli resident D. Pollacek, registered in 2000. Several breeds were crossed: Bengal, Libyan steppe, Abyssinian, common domestic and others.

The mixture of Libyan and homemade turned out to be the most successful. The animal has an independent character, distinguished by its love of walks and freedom. But the cat also adapted well to the new environment, was unpretentious in care and undemanding in nutrition. Balanced habits and love for affection do not exclude the fact that she definitely needs a leash on the street, otherwise she will run away.

The Kanaani is a breed with a short, coarse coat that ranges in color from light yellow to brown with contrasting spots. At medium size, large specimens are found.

They are strong, have well-developed muscles, high legs, on which they run quickly. It is necessary to add almond-shaped eyes and tufts on the ears of some individuals. Health is good, you just need to find a common language with your pet in order to live in harmony with it.

Arabian Mau

It also has spots, and the coat itself has no undercoat. Color ranges from white with black spots to black without spots. The main color of the breed is brown or gray with patterns.

This cat cannot claim the title and is only temporarily recognized, but in 2008 it was standardized. For the Middle East, this animal is native. Characteristics: Large size, muscular, high legs, tapered tail. The paws are rounded, and large ears are located above the head. Males are larger than females, weighing up to 8 kg.

The Arabian Mau has oval eyes that match the color of its coat. Friendly character: accompanies owners, plays with children. Care - weekly brushing, ear cleaning, walks.

The breed standards are as follows:

  1. A muscular body with long legs cannot be called very slender.
  2. The coat is adjacent to the body, hard, and in adult specimens silkiness is excluded.
  3. The coloring is very diverse: black spots on a white background and white on black, tabby (pattern on the body), gray and brown tones.

Asian tabby

This breed is of British origin, bred in the 1980s. To obtain it, a Burmese cat was crossed with a Persian chinchilla. The result is a short-haired animal, strong, with a good physique.

On her neck there is a spot - a necklace, and her eyes and nose with mouth are also outlined. The tail is tapered, with ring-shaped spots.

Painting comes with 4 types of patterns:

  • spotted;
  • marble (with stripes and stains);
  • brindle;
  • ticked (with a pattern on the face and striped hairs on the body).

Colors range from blue to cream and chocolate. The ears are erect, the eyes are almond-shaped, the irises are golden, and there are cheekbones. The character is friendly, gentle, communicates with people and other inhabitants of the house.