10 largest Maine Coons. The biggest cat in the world. Character and behavior of cats

The largest domestic cat in the world - Maine Coon. Adults of this breed grow on average up to one meter in length, and the record figure is 1 meter 23 centimeters. At the same time, the weight of Maine Coons usually ranges from 6 to 9 kilograms, although you can often find such cats weighing 12 kilograms. And the Maine Coon's weight record is 15 kilos.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer to see their cats, usually having medium size. However, there are also extremes: someone wants to have a dwarf pussy, and someone wants to have a big cat in their home. For lovers of big fluffy cats today we want to talk about American breed Maine Coon.

It should be noted that the characteristics of the largest cat in the world here mean the general dimensions, since there is also the largest tall cat in the world - Savannah. This is also a record holder, but less known and popular. In turn, Maine Coons are aborigines for the United States. The breed originated from wild cats, who once lived only on farms in the American state of Maine.

At first, Americans called only black tabby animals Maine Coon. Interestingly, their appearance, powerful build and huge fluffy tail gave such cats the appearance of raccoons. Therefore, the phrase Maine Coon literally means Maine Coon, since Maine is the name of the state of Maine, "coon" translates as "coon".

Although most people also agree that these cats are more like lynxes than raccoons: Maine Coons have tufted ears and massive paws.

The very first domesticated cat of the breed is considered to be a cat with an amazing name - Captain-Jenks-of-the-Sea-Cavalry. He began appearing in public in 1861, and graced cat shows held in Boston and New York. It was this handsome man who became the key to the popularity of the Maine Coon breed.

However, over time, cat lovers lost great interest in such large cats. And the breed owes its survival only to farmers from Maine. They greatly valued Maine Coons for their docile nature, excellent hunting skills and large size.

Currently this breed is considered the pride of Maine, which has made it famous throughout the world. In honor of this, in 1993, a coin was even issued here with the image of easy recognizable cat. You can’t go wrong with this, because this breed is very large and fluffy.

Separately, I would like to note the beauty of the Maine Coon’s tail. As a rule, it is equal to 4/5 of the total length of the animal. That is, the record holder with a length of 1.23 meters had a tail equal to one meter.

Today Maine Coons are bred all over the world in sufficient numbers. At the same time, it is especially appreciated that the surprisingly fluffy, long-haired pussies do not need special combing, such as “Persians”, whose fur begins to clump and get tangled without human care. In this regard, Maine Coons can take care of their fur on their own, without the help of their owners.

There are now many recognized Maine Coon colors, of which the most interesting is the “red merle,” which is unique to cats in general and boils down to a bright red color with a distinct ornate merle pattern.

However, feeding such big cats is not so easy. And the point is in two points at once: firstly, such giants eat twice as much as ordinary cat, and secondly, Maine Coons prefer fresh, natural food, rather than some questionable food from bags.

Otherwise, such cats behave the same way as other breeds of mustache-striped cats. In addition, their owners always note that representatives of this giant breed are surprisingly affectionate, friendly and peaceful. At the same time, Maine Coons are very smart.

For example, they will never scratch furniture if they have a scratching post at home. Also, they will not throw objects off the shelf that prevent them from walking, and they will not climb into the closet, since they do not like cramped and narrow spaces. Well, besides, Maine Coons love their owners very much and quickly get used to the new environment.

Maine Coons are one of the most mysterious cat breeds, the history of which is shrouded in mystery and sometimes fiction. Meanwhile, these amazing creatures are very playful, have an excellent memory and a good attitude. So who are they? We'll find out soon.

The Maine Coon cat breed comes from the American state of the same name, Maine. It is assumed that the representatives of the felines received their name due to their external resemblance to ordinary raccoons: color, powerful physique, large fluffy tail and the characteristic sounds that young raccoons make, sounding from the lips of Maine Coons in the form of ringing trills and purrs. Literally translated from English, "Maine Coon" means "Maine raccoon", where the first word is translated as the name of the state, and the second is a residual from the American "raccoon", meaning "coon".

If we remember the legends, they are also associated with raccoons. According to one of them, the Maine Coon is the cub of a female raccoon crossed with a cat. The creators of the myth fuel their statements by the similarity of colors and tails of these two species. The second legend looks even more unusual and fun, since it attributes the origin of the Maine Coon to the North American lynx, just like the raccoon once, crossed with a domestic cat. Here the authors cite as evidence the cute tufts characteristic of Maine Coon ears, which they could have inherited from wild relatives. In reality the breed amazing cats- This is the result of the evolution of species, excluding the mythological component.

Maine Coon: detailed description of the breed

To avoid being mistaken for a genuine Maine Coon mixed breed, which are often found among amateurs, knowledge will be very useful full characteristics about the mains. So:

  • The shape of the head is slightly elongated in length, whereas in other breeds it extends in width. An uneven profile, high cheekbones and voluminous ears with high-set tassels. The presence of brushes is the most important distinguishing feature Maine breeds
  • The eyes are set wide and shaped like an oval. The color of the eyes usually harmonizes with the color.
  • The body is represented by well-developed muscles, animals are often large and very large sizes. Long, wide shapes predominate.
  • The paws are proportional to the body - just as powerful, with good muscles. There should be small tufts of wool between the pads on the paws.
  • A voluminous and very fluffy tail, sometimes equal in size to the length of the entire animal.
  • The Maine Coon's coat is thick and quite long. There is hair in the area of ​​the muzzle and on the neck area. medium length.
  • A medium-sized Maine Coon will have a total length (including tail) of 95-100 cm.

An important distinguishing feature of the Maine Coon breed is the weight of the animals, which ranges from 6 to 10 kg. The average is between 7 and 9 kg. Cats, as a rule, are lighter than cats and gain about 6 kg of weight, but there are representatives of the “heavy” weight category - about 8 kg. The largest Maine Coon can easily reach a weight of just over 10 kg, which, due to its lush fur, looks much more voluminous, creating a false impression of a 15-kilogram cat. There are very widespread opinions about how much Maine Coons weigh, attributing incredible weights of up to 20 kg to cats. In fact, not a single case has been recorded in which the weight reached such figures. There is a standard system showing the dynamics of Maine Coon weight by month, which corresponds to the vast majority of animals.

Popular colors of Maine Coons

Maine cats abound in various colors, among which in the professional environment the main one is considered to be “wild” or “black tabby”, and all subsequent ones began to appear over time, gaining wide popularity among fanciers and breeders. Coon colors:

  • red Maine Coon is one of the most popular colors with cream, brick or red colored fur, diluted with streaks of light shades;
  • white Maine Coon - characterized by exclusively snow-white fur, without any additional shades;
  • black Maine Coon - implies an absolutely even black color with the absence of other tint inclusions;
  • Maine Coon black marble - a classic color, which is characterized by a design in the form of curls and continuous lines, made in a double color scheme;
  • Maine Coon black smoke - original color, where the roots of the fur are colored white, and the subsequent length of the coat is exclusively black.

The black Maine Coons in the photo turn out excellent, embodying grace and showing off the rich coat of a timeless color. Red coons are no less photogenic, always able to lift your spirits with their sunny color.

Maine Coon: character and cat habits

Maine cats are distinguished by their balanced character and easy-going disposition, they are very sociable and have absolutely no selfishness in them. They enjoy spending time in the company of people, love active games or just lie next to them, purring loudly. Maine Coons are also big fans of taking photos together with a person. They strictly monitor their claws and almost never let them out, so when combing the fur, you don’t have to worry about scratches in case you hurt your pet.

A remarkable characteristic of Maine Coon cats is their ability to get along with other pets, which makes life easier for the owner in the event of a new addition to the animal family. True, you should not strongly provoke and have parrots or rodents in the house, since in this case the cats will trigger a hunting instinct, which they simply cannot control. But they will get along well with another cat or dog, as confirmed by breeders and numerous videos on the Internet.

The habits of Maine Coons, judging by the reviews of the owners of these charming creatures, are very diverse and depend on the individuality of the animal, regardless of its affiliation with the Maine. Some of them are partial to the tap with cold water and, as soon as it opens, they admire the transparent streams with interest. Others, before drinking water, wet their paws in a bowl and lick the drops off them, and only then begin to lap them. And sometimes Maine Coons can learn to bring a certain object to their owner, such as a small light toy, if the owner has enough strength and patience to train the kitten.

Maine Coon Care

Since Maine Coons are very clean and constantly lick their fur, it is necessary to take care special pastes, promoting the removal of hairballs from the stomach. If you do not cleanse the body, the animal begins to suffer from constipation and cough, and the threat becomes acute intestinal obstruction. It is also useful to grow grass at home, by eating which the kitten can independently help remove fur residue from the digestive organs.

It will be enough to brush your pet’s fur 1-2 times a week, but during the shedding period you need to brush more often. When working with long fur, combs with fine teeth on a metal base or brushes made from natural materials. Brushing a Maine Coon cat can be seen in the photo, which shows different types combs Before the procedure, it is advisable to examine the kitten for possible tangles, so as not to accidentally cause pain to the animal. The most vulnerabilities Mains are located in the panties area, on the collar and on the sides. If matted hair forms, you can try to untangle it or carefully cut it out if you cannot separate the hairs.

Diet for Maine Coons

When it comes to questions about what to feed a Maine Coon, the opinions of breeders sometimes differ, since some prefer to feed exclusively food like Royal Canin, while others prefer natural nutrition. But no matter what food you prefer for your pet, the main thing to remember is variety and quality, because nutrition largely depends on good health pet. When calculating the weight of Maine Coons by month, try to meet the standards and do not give the animal large portions - this can harm its well-being.

When choosing food for your Maine Coon, preference should be given to high-quality varieties developed specifically for big cats. Many breeders try to organize Maine Coon nutrition using a variety of Royal Canin foods, which contain a full range of micro- and macroelements, as well as a vitamin complex, with which a kitten or adult cat will feel great. It is important to follow the feeding regimen, instructions for which can be seen in the pictures on the back of the food package. Balanced varieties of the Royal Canin line will provide large cats with a healthy shine to their luxurious fur, fill them with energy and help strengthen the immune system.

Making up your pet's diet from natural food It is necessary to remember that cats are carnivores; they need to be fed meat and fish regularly. Lean parts of chicken, turkey, rabbit or beef will become ideal option. Maine Coon kittens, like adult representatives of the breed, will never refuse a raw piece of meat, chopped into small pieces and scalded with boiling water. But fish can be given exclusively in boiled form, preferably low-fat species. Be careful that your pet doesn't get any bones, as they can get stuck in the throat and cause a lot of trouble.

When an animal eats specialized food, its body receives all the vitamins necessary for development, but when the animal eats homemade food, you definitely need to pick him up vitamin complex in addition to the diet. And also indulge in various cereals, vegetables (they can be mixed with meat), low-fat cream and kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt or cheese.

Good nutrition will allow the fur to be beautiful and shiny, and the pet to be healthy. Pay attention to meal times and do not try to make larger portions, guided by the Maine Coon weight chart by month. Big cats Maine Coons, whose photos delight many onlookers, can often suffer from obesity, which is dangerous for any animal. Feed cats fully and in moderation, then the answers to questions about how long Maine Coons live will coincide with realistic deadlines and the pet will be able to delight you with its presence from 12 to 15 years.

How much does a Maine Coon kitten cost?

Becoming the owner of a Maine Coon kitten is quite an expensive pleasure, since it involves costs not only for its purchase, but also for its further maintenance. The minimum cost of Maine Coons is about 45,000 rubles. If we talk about kittens that can take part in specialized exhibitions, the amount can rise to 120,000 rubles. In cases where the pedigree of a Maine cat is not particularly important, the animal can be purchased from numerous advertisements selling cats for 16-18 thousand rubles or even lower.

Of course, the purchase will be quite risky, since many sellers are focused on breeding for the purpose of sale, and therefore may not take special care in caring for the parents and the kitten itself. As a result, future owners face poor health small pet and instead of joy they get trips around veterinary clinics. If the kitten is inexpensive, be careful when making a purchase and follow the description of the breed to avoid a mixed litter. Look at the photo of the Maine Coon cat breed, compare external characteristics with the kitten they offer you to buy, and feel free to buy a new furry friend for the whole family. After all, photographs of beautiful large cats do not leave anyone indifferent and, looking at a big bundle of joy, you immediately want to become the owner of this great happiness, no matter how much it costs!

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats amaze at first glance with their combination of restrained power and external nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with long fluffy hair, tufted ears like a lynx, and a long and beautifully furred tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection; people have nothing to do with its appearance: Maine Coons remain the way nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention

The Maine Coon cat breed is a large, long-haired animal, weighing on average 4-8 kg for females and 8-12 kg for males, body length can be more than 1 m. Distinctive features This large breed has ears with peculiar tufts and a beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon, tail.

A Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, a female cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians who live more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, rib cage wide, neck of medium length. Characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard:

  • medium-length, strong paws;
  • massive large head;
  • vertically standing pointed ears;
  • long coat with thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • Acceptable colors: black, white, red, tortoiseshell, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: origin of the breed

The similarity with a lynx and a raccoon has given rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: the alleged crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons - with a lynx or raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed remains in its name. In North America, the homeland of this breed, large domestic animals were called Manx raccoon cats. Maine - the name of the state of Maine, considered the birthplace of the breed, coon - a particle from English name raccoon - raccoon.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, with a wide chest and a medium-length neck.

First a large domestic cat in farms ah of New England helped the owners protect the harvest from pests by catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals began organizing exhibitions of their pets in the mid-1850s. Representatives of the breed began to move from farms to homes big cities America, competing in popularity with Angora and Persian breeds cats.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around exotic breed went into decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons began only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Breeders Club was opened, and later the Maine Coon Breeders Association appeared. Official breed nurseries began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has aroused enormous and unflagging interest.

Maine Coon cats: features of the breed (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

Maine Coon character and behavior

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need space to play, active image cat life.

This is not a couch cat. She, obeying her natural hunting instincts, will happily tirelessly track down and catch a toy mouse or ball. Playing with a Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have an easy-going character and get along well with their owner’s family and other pets. Aggression is not inherent in this breed, but cats identify strangers unmistakably and maintain a distance of distrust in their attitude.

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are different developed intellect. They remember not only a person’s words and intonations, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside, it seems that the cat understands the owner not just from one word, but from one glance. The Maine Coon cat enjoys learning a variety of tricks, especially if this training itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have very sensitive hearing: being somewhere at the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the owner’s call, be it a soft command or a conventional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never similar to the piercing screams of cats of other breeds. This is a quiet musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purring has a very individual tone; it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring in the same voices. They emit not only the characteristic cat purr - it can sound something similar to a bird chirping, squeaking or trilling.

Usually the Maine Coon chooses a secluded place where it will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere close to the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, constantly watching what the owner is doing for hours. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the most unexpected place, in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that a small Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this time his future place of residence should be equipped for him and the following should be prepared:

  1. A bed measuring at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or built with your own hands).
  2. Spacious litter tray (for a kitten, the cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the litter that was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the size of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and spacious enough.

Maine Coons need regular walking outside. It’s good when this happens on the territory of a summer cottage. Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In urban environments, you need to find a safe place to walk and take your pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all necessary vaccinations have been completed.

Caring for the gorgeous Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. You need to comb the coat 1-2 times a week, and daily during shedding. To bathe Maine Coons, they use special shampoos for long hair. Unique wool is capable of self-cleaning, for this reason the bathing procedure is not carried out very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a solution soaked in boiled water tampon. Dental care is carried out with a special brush and paste; earwax is carefully removed from the ears using pharmaceutical cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and kittens of the Maine Coon breed (video)

What and how to feed a Maine Coon

First of all, you need to learn information about what you should absolutely not give to your pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any seasoned foods, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coons can be fed natural or prepared industrial feed. Ready food selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra-premium food for large breed cats is preferred; they contain at least 50% meat in their composition.

Natural food does not imply that this breed of cat eats from a human table - this is unacceptable and dangerous for the health of the pet. Healthy eating cats consists of:

  • daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or frozen for 5-7 days);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea ​​fish given no more than 2 times a week, raw or boiled).

Fermented milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) are alternated instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in the daily diet - this can cause Maine Coon obesity; they are given 2-3 times a week.

The diet must contain vitamins and minerals; which ones and in what proportions are prescribed by the veterinarian. Drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

One type of food is used for feeding kittens, and another for adult cats. In the first 9-12 months the kitten needs more nutrients For rapid growth. After reaching one year of age, they are transferred to food for adult cats. Kitten food is used to feed pregnant and lactating cats.

Health, diseases and vaccinations

The most big cat different good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dysplasia hip joints and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat may not be in the mood and may react to weather changes. But it should be shown to a doctor if:

Vaccination for Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is given at 2 months, the second at 3 months, the third at 1 year, then annually. 10 days before vaccination give anthelmintic drugs. In some cases, you need to provide proof of vaccination (a note about it is entered in a special column veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in the exhibition, placement in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • The Maine Coon is a unique animal, adapted by nature itself to live in severe frost conditions. This is confirmed by appearance: a special design of paws that allows you to walk in the snow, a thick fluffy tail in which the cat can wrap itself up like a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from bodies of water, but the Maine Coon cat is able to voluntarily give herself a bath.

Attention, TODAY only!

Affectionate purring fluffies are the dream of every child and a way to relieve stress for any adult. Cats are the only domesticated animals in the world. at will. Their grace is captivating, and their love of freedom and rebellious disposition are attractive. Even despite the characteristic nature of this animal, cats live in almost every family, and their warmth and softness is tempting to touch.

Cats are not record holders in size among animals, and this is of no use, because then they would not be so common, but at the same time, the impressive uncharacteristic dimensions of pets attract even more. The most large breeds Today Maine Coons and Ashers are officially recognized as domestic cats, but their representatives are not the only record holders.

Weight record

The fattest cat in the world Himmi's pet is rightfully recognized. His weight was 21 kg, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records, but, unfortunately, posthumously. The fact is that the cat was too lazy, and this provoked such weight gain. He died at the age of 10 from respiratory arrest, because before that he simply could no longer move on his own. The fat man's waist circumference was 84 cm. Himmi's record-holder predecessor was the cat Spice, who weighed 20 kg.

The officially registered record holder for length among cats is representative of the Maine Coon breed. A cat named Stewie measures 132 cm from the tip of his nose to his tailbone, which allowed him to get into the Book of Records at the age of five. According to the animal's owner, American Robin Hendrickson, her pet is the most gentle and affectionate creature, despite its impressive size.

Record size

For a long time, representatives of the breed held records for the size of domestic cats. Maine Coon. They are also called:

  • Maine cats;
  • Maine raccoons.

This is caused by the fact that outwardly the first cats of this breed had a characteristic color - black tabby. Adults can reach a weight of 10 kg, and are similar in appearance to their wild forest relatives. The characteristic tufts on the ears and the structure of the skull will not allow the Maine Coon to be confused with any other breed, and their majesty and look visually increase the real dimensions of the representatives of the breed.

Today The largest Maine Coon lives in Australia. The cat named Rupert is 3 years old and already weighs about 9 kg. It will seem to many that such a weight is within the acceptable range for the breed and there is nothing special about it, but Maine Coons gain weight for more than one year. Most likely, the pet is subsequent years will increase his weight by half, which brings him significantly closer to the record and this is without progress on obesity. The fact is that the impressive size of Rupert's cat is just a natural constitution and well-developed muscle mass.

Recognized record holders

Together with Maine Coons, they are recognized as the official record holders among domestic cats. representatives of the Ashera breed. They appeared relatively recently thanks to the efforts of American geneticists under the leadership of the English entrepreneur Simon Brodie. Leopard cats , as the breed is also called, were obtained by crossing the Serval and the Asian leopard predator. Since the purpose of the experiment was to create an ideal creature, the resulting animal was named after the goddess.

The appearance of the largest cat is exotic and menacing, although its character is very affectionate and peaceful. The cost of such a pet today exceeds 20 thousand dollars, but with the kitten itself, each owner receives:

Tallest cat

Despite the fact that Ashers are officially recognized as the largest cats, they can also compete with him. representatives of the Savannah breed, which in reality weigh more than 15 kg. This breed was developed back in the 80s by crossing a wild African cat and a domestic cat. Absolutely all representatives of the breed are very active, despite the fact that they eat little.

The record holder in height is a representative of the Savannah breed named Trumble - the cat's height is 48 cm, but she weighs only 9 kg. Trumble was entered into the Book of Records at the age of three and lives with her owner in the United States of America.


Domestic cats are distributed all over the world thanks to people who never cease to improve them, constantly breeding new breeds. Large and small representatives of the species have been living next to people for more than 10 thousand years, but their character is still fully understood. The skilled furry hunters number 256 breeds worldwide today, but who knows how many there will be in 10 years and what they will look like.

The Maine Coon is one of the largest domestic cats, a real “indoor lynx”. The predatory image is complemented big ears with tassels and a characteristic gait.

This is where the predation ends: the Maine Coon is an extremely friendly, even shy breed that is suitable for an owner of any age.

The unusual appearance is not the last mystery of the Maines. Their story is based on not one legend, but three.

History of the breed

First legend about Maine Coons - the most incredible.

She claims that once an ordinary farm cat from Maine and a raccoon, “having fallen in love with each other,” gave birth to the first Maine Coon kitten. This story probably arose from the characteristic tabby coloration. This is how the breed acquired the name “Maine raccoon cat.”

Second legend touches on the times of the French Revolution.

Hoping to escape to America, Queen Marie Antoinette handed over her most valuable possessions to her lover, Captain Clu, including her six favorite Angora cats.

Unlike the owner, the cats were lucky: in Wiscasset, Maine, they and the cats there formed a new breed - the Maine Coon.

By the way, the word “kun” in the title says third legend. A certain captain Tom Kuhn released his pets - an angora and a Persian - ashore at each port. This is how long-haired kittens gradually appeared in cities.

One way or another, current felinologists believe that Maine Coons are the result of crossing short-haired cats from Maine with imported long-haired cats - Angoras, for example.

The Maine breed was registered in 1860 and since then has gained recognition by leaps and bounds:

    • 1865 G. - " Best breed» agricultural exhibitions in the northeast of America;
    • 1895 G. - " Best cat» exhibitions in Madison Square Garden - Maine Coon named Cozy;
    • 1897 g. – winner of the Boston Cat Show – Maine Coon King Max.
    • 1953 g. - opening of the Central Maine Coon Club in America;
    • 1967 d. – approval of the breed standard;
    • 1968 g. – The Association of Maine Fans opens in the USA.
    • 1976 d. – official right from CFA to participate in competitions North America;

An adult male Maine Coon can reach a size of 1 meter in length and a weight of up to 15 kg.

  • 1970 -e – the breed “puts the whole of Europe on notice”;
  • February, 1988 g. – Maine Coons are officially recognized ruling council in London;
  • 1996 g. – the breed was brought to the territory of Ukraine.

In the same year, 1996, Maine Coons took prizes at exhibitions in Britain, the USA, Poland and Czechoslovakia. And sales of Maine Coon kittens in the 90s broke all records, exceeding the ratings of other breeds twice as much.


Maine Coons have always been strong, agile and hardy cats. It costs them nothing to run a race with the neighboring dog for half a day, and in the evening to catch all the mice in the house and play with the owner.

However we're talking about about a large, if not huge, cat, and its playful nature does not prevent it from looking quite intimidating:

    • medium head, flat skull, wide nose;
    • long muzzle with strong jaws and chin;
    • muscular neck of medium length;
    • the ears are large, wide at the base, set high and distinguished by tassels at pointed ends;
    • large, thoughtful, wide-set eyes;
    • eyes can shimmer in all shades of green or gold, light-colored individuals can have blue or different colors eye;
    • The cat's body is muscular, long, with a wide croup and a strong back;
    • the limbs are strong, of medium length, the paws are rounded, large, with hair between the toes;

Click on the picture to find out how to choose the right one.
Check if you are bathing your kitten correctly by reading.
Read everything you need to know about Sphynx cats at this link:

  • The Maine Coon's tail is thick at the base, long, and very fluffy;
  • The coat is heavy, silky, with abundant undercoat.

A healthy cat should look strong and strong, but keep in mind: Maine Coons fully develop at around 4-5 years of age.

Breed colors

The Maine Coon coat can come in an incredible number of shades, hence the complex classification colors However, let’s highlight the main ones:

  • tabby– “striping” of wide variations and spectrum of colors – from pale blue to bright red;
  • solid– plain (white, cream, black, blue, red);
  • Smokies– smoky (black, blue, smoke, chinchilla, shading, cameo, silver);
  • with whites marks;
  • tortoiseshell(random spots on the body);
  • calico– rare large spots on a white background, and others.

There is an opinion that cats with black hair are especially easy-going, tortoiseshells, on the contrary, are restless and temperamental, and tabby cats are more independent than their spotted “colleagues” - homebodies.


The predatory appearance of the Maine Coon is manifested not in aggressiveness, but in the icy calm of the king of beasts.

    1. This breed is noble, reserved, self-confident.
    2. Despite the poise Maine cats love to run, jump, and most importantly, learn new tricks!
    3. Maine Coons are great with children, are loyal to strangers (up to the first familiarity), but really need personal space. They love to fall asleep in unexpected places and positions, and also quietly watch their owner, sitting somewhere nearby while he cooks or works. By the way, mainkeys don’t ask to be “handled”.
    4. The Maine Coon breed is unusually delicate and is sensitive to her family, perfectly senses a person’s mood and always shows patience. These cats have an excellent memory: they remember words and intonations, understand the owner by a fleeting glance or gesture.
    5. They also get along well with other cats, and when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, they behave as if they have lived there for more than one year. This breed even loves to play hide and seek with dogs.
    6. Maine Coons usually don't destroy the apartment, do not steal from tables and do not beg - this is beneath their dignity. However, they are more hunters than any other breed. Therefore, it is better to limit them from proximity to fish or birds.

Below the picture you will find an interesting article about what it is like.
At the same time, learn from how to dissuade a cat from causing mischief in the apartment.

  1. These cats have a melodic, chirping voice., which they serve quite rarely, preferring to calmly and silently look at their surroundings.

The Maine Coon is a big cat, hence the maintenance costs.

Maine Coon food

Pet with early age You can’t feed him only dry food - he won’t grow big. The Maine Coon's diet should include:

  • premium/super-premium food;
  • quality milk;
  • low-fat beef, chicken, fish (boiled);
  • cottage cheese and quail eggs;
  • high quality canned food;
  • delicious delicacies (don’t forget to pamper your pet occasionally) - seafood;
  • plenty of fresh water.

Amazingly, every Maine Coon cat has a unique voice.

Cat menu must not include pork or consist only of meat– the animal’s fur may darken and begin to fall out. The food should be warm.

For feeding choose ceramic dishes or stainless steel - a bowl 15-20 cm in diameter, with a wide bottom and a rubber rim. It’s better to even buy a drinking fountain - Maine Coons love to carry a bowl around the room and drown toys in it.

Maine Coon Care

Despite the luxurious coat, the Maine Coon does not require any special procedures. Enough brush the coat once a week, wash when dirty. After walks, treat your pet with insect repellent.

For eye and ear care Maine Coon, buy good caring cosmetics. Don't forget about a nail clipper with a limiter.

It is better to buy a closed toilet for the Maine Coon, as for small dogs - ordinary trays like this big cat won't fit. Use clumping litter and place a “mat” in front of the toilet.

This breed loves to hold toys in its teeth., - give your pet a ball. Or better yet, a special house for the Maine Coon with a scratching post.