How to find out if a cat is purebred. How to identify mixed breeds in a dog? Identification from photographs

Determine the cat breed to an ordinary person, who is not an expert or a breeder, is quite difficult, but you can still try. It is worth noting that an animal is only purebred if it has special documents for this: metrics or pedigree. The rest of the cats without a “passport”, even if they were born at least three times from champions, are simply beautiful and somewhat similar to their fellow tribesmen - representatives of royal blood.

Thoroughbred or not?

Only a specialist can determine the breed of your pet.

Despite this, many owners cherish the hope that their kitten is purebred, because it is so similar to that huge or that proud and independent Briton. Leafing through cat atlases or visiting prestigious exhibitions, some actually discover similarities and independently award the pet a loud aristocratic title.

In fact, the similarity is only a myth, because all cats are somewhat similar to each other and only a professional can determine the true breed. Some purebred cats differ from other equally purebred cats only by a modest set of characteristics. At the same time, the average person compares only external data, without paying any attention to details: the position of the ears, the shape of the eyes, constitution or character.

By the way, I had a cat who, in appearance, very much resembled a fluffy Thai, although in reality she was not one, but was only a cute cross between an ordinary yard pet and someone very purebred. True, the breed issue didn’t really bother me - she’s beautiful, loved and okay.

Cat classification

Cats are not diverse external forms, which cannot be said about dogs. Even despite their abundance and distribution throughout the planet, all cats are, in principle, very similar.

Active breeding work by felinologists began only at the beginning of the last century. And even at the present moment, when a clear gradation by breed has appeared, it is difficult to judge how many purebred cats there are in the world. It is worth recognizing that the majority of domestic cats are still ordinary “nobles,” that is, completely outbred.

By now cat world has about 60 breeds, which also include two hundred varieties. According to the current classification, cats are conventionally divided into 5 large groups, which differ from each other in the length of their fur and features of their body structure:

  • longhaired: Burmese, Persian, Turkish, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coon, Somali, Balinese, Siberian, Cymric;
  • shorthaired with a strong constitution: European, American, Burmese, exotic;
  • shorthaired with medium constitution: blue, Abyssinian, Burmese, Bombay, Korat;
  • shorthair with slim body: Siamese, Oriental, Singaporean, Tonkinese;
  • cats with deviations in skeletal structure and mutations: male, Scottish fold, bobtail, multi-fingered, sphinx, rex.

And yet how to determine the breed?

When trying to establish belonging to a particular breed, first of all they pay attention to the phenotype, that is, external signs cats: color, coat quality and conformation (body type).

For example, british cats And Russian blue has a similar color, but their constitution is different: the first are massive and stocky, while the second have a more elongated and graceful body. But let's take it in order.


Cornish Rex cats are distinguished by special shape ears.

So, in the first place in determining the breed are, perhaps, individual characteristics or mutations.

Unusual ears. The setting and shape of the ears can be different; they can be set wide or close, and they can also be different in direction. For example, if they are bent forward, it is a sign of a Scottish Fold, and if they are directed backwards, then most likely it is a Curl. In some cats, the hearing organs are like huge locators, while in others they are almost invisible.

It is the shape, position and size that indicate belonging to a particular breed. All signs in at its best are deciphered in a special atlas of purebred cats.

Tail. The same rules of breed identification apply to the tail. For example, in bobtails it is usually broken, while in Siamese representatives it is long and straight.


The next stage when trying to determine the breed is assessing the eyes: again, they look at their color, shape, and fit. Everyone knows that the British are one of the only ones whose eyes are orange, and purebred Siamese have squints, while the Turkish Angora or Turkish Van have multi-colored eyes.


When assessing a breed, do not forget to consider general view head and skull structure. Be sure to pay attention to size, width, shape, length. All these indicators are usually compared with the parameters of a purebred cat.

The forehead, cheeks, profile, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, nasal pads, degree of expression of the chin and bite are also assessed.


The next step in establishing a breed characteristic is color, because in some cases it is one of the determining factors in the attitude of cats to a particular breed.

Color, in turn, includes not only the color of the coat, but also the degree of coloring, as well as a possible pattern (tabby or agouti).

The Siamese cat population is characterized by color point coloring, that is, a combination of a dark muzzle, tips of the paws and tail with more light shades hair on other parts of the body.

Smoky, blue or silver wool is a sign of the British, Scots, Russian Blues, Nibelungs and other breeds.

The unusually bright, wild color also indicates the origin of the pet from bengal cat or savannas.

But you cannot rely on this sign alone. It's no secret that completely different breeds can have the same coat color: compare, for example, the British Shorthair and the Chartreuse. Isn't it true that the coloring is very similar? But the breeds are completely different.


Maine Coon cats have a muscular build.

Body structure is another characteristic of the breed. There are 3 types of exterior in cats:

  • stocky implies a dense build, a round head, short legs - bobtail, rex, American shorthair, British;
  • muscular exterior: average body parameters, average paw length, slightly rounded head - Turkish breed, American Curl, Maine Coon;
  • flexible exterior: cats of this type are mostly thin, the legs are long and thin, the head is narrow and wedge-shaped - Siamese, Thai, Oriental Bally, Angora.


There are long-haired, semi-long-haired, short-haired or completely hairless breeds.

The uniformity, elasticity of the coat, its adherence to the body, the density and development of the undercoat are assessed.

The hairiness of the tail says a lot about belonging to a particular breed. For example, an ostrich feather is typical for the Balinese, and a chrysanthemum is typical for the Japanese Bobtail.


Temperament also matters. Despite the fact that each cat has its own character, there are still characteristic features that distinguish one breed from another. So, gutta-percha, or, as they are also called, rag cats, ragdolls spend most of their time on the sofa, which cannot be said about the wayward and fighting Siamese pets.

Is it possible to return an aristocrat to his title?

It turns out that this is possible. If you suddenly picked up a kitten on the street and it seemed to you that it was very similar to some purebred cat, then you can show it to professional breeders who will conduct their own investigation. Based on their findings, they will recognize or not recognize the pet as purebred and will give it a special pedigree metric of the first generation.


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During the domestication of the dog, many breeds were developed. According to general estimates, the number today ranges from 350 to 400. Selected breeds have already been deleted from the register as extinct, the others are represented by several individuals. How to determine the breed of a dog among the known variety?

It is possible to use reference books of dog breeds. Each animal is accompanied by descriptions and photographs. Sources may be incomplete. Sometimes a found dog looks so unsightly that it is difficult to judge the breed by its appearance. The owners are looking for possible ancestors of mestizos. This difficult task. To simplify the search, special interactive programs have been created today. It is permissible to use the Internet, printed literature, ask dog breeders, dog handlers, veterinarians, and place an ad.

Why determine the breed of a dog?

There are several possible situations when it is necessary to determine the breed of a pet. Depending on the situation, it is possible to use by different means. A number of standard situations are considered:

  • Found on the street adult dog or a puppy, signs of thoroughbred are noticeable in appearance. It is not the animal’s fault that unscrupulous people took it, acquiring the right to find new home. It is useful to ask familiar dog breeders about the breed or take the animal to a dog handler. Their work experience will help determine whether the animal is purebred. Perhaps the dog is simply lost, you will need to post notices. Before inspection, it is advisable to wash and tidy the coat. Before looking for new owners, you need to make sure of your health and monitor your habits and character traits.
  • Buying a puppy second hand. This is a case when you need to pay close attention to determining the dog’s breed. Puppies often resemble yard dogs or can look more “pedigreed” as they grow up. The likelihood of buying a mixed breed is high. Only an experienced dog handler can accurately determine the breed of puppy on the market.
  • Find relatives of a beautiful, non-pedigreed dog. Perhaps a “designer dog” has settled at home, with the characteristics of the breeds mixed in its blood. Finding relatives is difficult, but is justified by trying to understand the characteristics of care and character. Messages on the Internet on the topic “help determine the breed of dog” will allow you to gather possible parents. It’s easier to discuss the situation with the person who sold the dog and look at photographs of the parents.

Looking for a breed by appearance

A simple and unambiguous way to identify a dog is to examine appearance. You will need to create a description of the pet, as in the standards, then look for what you need. To determine the breed of a dog by description, follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Determine the characteristics of the dog. Breed-specific traits will need to be identified. They start with the dimensions of the animal. Measure weight and height at the withers. Depending on the type of case: square or rectangular. A tape measure is used to measure height. You need to measure the distance from the floor to the withers - the protruding part of the shoulder blades. The body format is the ratio of height to body length. Then they examine the shape of the skull - flattened or pointed. Mark the position of the ears: set, hanging or erect, bent. They look at the tail: curved into a ring, saber-shaped, docked, raised above the back or lowered. Assess the properties of wool by running your hands into the cover. Focus on sensations: hard, soft, silky, long or short, straight, curly. The color of the animal is noted: monochromatic, spotty.
  2. Character is an important trait of the breed. The character was formed according to the required goals. For example, hunting dogs are always cheerful, with a reserve of energy, while decorative dogs are distinguished by their phlegmatic character and laziness. It is difficult to narrow down the search based on the mentioned criteria, but it is better to take it into account.
  3. Find complete guide. Once a description of an unknown dog has been compiled, look for a reputable source of information. The printed literature presents dogs that are common and characteristic of the area where people live, but on the Internet there is incomplete information. It is acceptable to try to determine the breed of a dog from a photo using special services. The photo should fully show the characteristic features of the animal. There are many special services where you can roughly simulate the appearance of a dog.
  4. Finding the right traits. If found from the picture similar dog, try to carefully study the description of the standard. The pet's mixed blood greatly complicates the search. Representatives of the “nobility” and mestizos have many relatives.
  5. Data verification. Once a standard has been determined, it is worth checking guesses in other sources of information. A simple survey of friends and a consultation with a veterinarian will clarify the breed.

Each standard is just a set common signs. Slight deviations are always possible. Dogs that do not match the stated description often end up on the streets and are considered mongrels. You will have to be patient to find your pet's relatives.

Determining the puppy's breed

Determining the breed of a puppy is not an easy task. A list of subtleties is expected. Firstly, if a puppy does not have a code or chip, documents, the dog cannot be considered a purebred dog. Under such conditions, it cannot be guaranteed that there are dogs of the same breed in the family.

It's best to take him to the vet. An experienced doctor, in addition to helping in identifying the breed, will vaccinate and use an anthelmintic. Taking care of your health comes first. Question precise definition thoroughbred will have to be postponed until adulthood. Breed standards describe adult dogs; puppies often do not resemble their parents.

There is no clear solution to how to determine the breed of a dog based on a puppy. It is possible to try to guess the characteristic features of the skull and the quality of the coat, although the dog begins to change its puppy coat only after a year. Finally, you can try posting a photo and description on special forums. Perhaps someone will find out characteristic features puppies of certain breeds. The main thing is to find the differences. For example, the absence of wool will significantly narrow the range of breeds; there are few similar ones. But “wild color” and unkempt fur will make it much more difficult to identify. Often purebred dogs at first glance they look like mongrels.

A puppy of any breed or outbred requires love and care, remaining a pet. The lack of purebredness does not make the dog less intelligent and understanding, hooligan and ugly.

Here are examples of methods that simplify drawing up a portrait of a dog and finding parents. When there is no longer any hope that the breed exists at all, it is permissible to use a DNA test. The research is carried out for a small amount of money, but not too many breeds have been included in the database yet. However, analysis will make the task much easier.

The second secret of how to determine the breed of a dog is to conduct psychological tests. To understand the breed, you will need to test natural instincts. They check the dog next to the herds for attempts to herd, and offer to take it to conditions close to hunting ones. If nothing interests the dog, the animal looks like a fluffy ball, there is a decorative breed.

The veterinarian is a treasure trove of information. If the doctor has not seen a similar breed before, there is a better chance of identifying it.

When it is not possible to establish relatives, it is concluded that the dog belongs to the second generation of domestics, in whose blood so many breeds are mixed that it becomes extremely difficult to identify ancestors.

Determining the breed is a difficult task. In fact, this is done only if the “foundling” gets into good hands. Pedigree influences the character of the animal and its susceptibility to certain diseases. Even a “noble” breed deserves careful handling; a dog is the only animal that loves its owner more than itself.

If you adopted a kitten from random people and want to determine its breed, then this is quite possible. The owner will need a detailed encyclopedia or a competent list of breeds with photographs for a visual comparison. Then you need to try to consider your pet's traits by following some basic rules. Our very simple test can help you determine the breed of your cat.

Test to determine cat breed

Physical examination:

  • a large round head with a flattened nose combined with a massive, even somewhat stocky body. A similar combination is typical for Persian and exotic shorthair breeds;
  • the second option assumes an elongated muzzle shape and a wedge-shaped head. The second type has a long body and beautiful graceful legs. Similar features are inherent Siamese cats, Angora, Oriental Shorthair and Balinese Longhair, Oriental, Javanese.

Cat fur classification:

  • long curly hair: Bohemian Rex, La Perm, Selkirk Rex;
  • long straight coat: Persian;
  • curly short hair: Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, German Rex;
  • Wirehaired: American Wirehaired;
  • practically hairless: Sphynx (Canadian, St. Petersburg, Don), Minskin, Ukrainian Levkoy.

Unusual color:

  • Siamese with a dark muzzle, tail and paws - Siamese, Thai, Balinese, Himalayan, Neva Masquerade breeds;
  • Siamese color variant, but with white paws - Burmese, Ragdoll, Snowshoe breeds;
  • blue color - British Shorthair, Chartreux, Korat, Russian Blue, ;
  • sand tones - Abyssinian, Somali;
  • brown shades - Tiffany Chantilly, Havana Brown;
  • natural (wild color with stripes and spots) colors: Bengal, Egyptian Mau, Siberian, Kuril Bobtail, Safari, Serengeti.

Pronounced differences in the structure of the ears, limbs and tail:

  • short legs - munchkin, minskin.
  • forward-curved ears: Highland Fold, Scottish Fold;
  • very short tail or its complete absence: American bobtail, Kurilian bobtail, Japanese bobtail, pixie bob, toy bob, Manx, Cymric.

How does breed affect character?

It has long been noted that representatives different breeds differ in nature. Observing your pet will also help you find out the cat's breed. Almost no one can convict the Canadian Sphynx of unjustified aggression. They don't touch your furniture's upholstery, are highly trained, and aren't afraid of dogs. Maine Coons love to play with children and are well trained, but they need to be walked in nature often and for a long time; they cannot stand confinement in an apartment for a long time. The snub-nosed muzzle of the Persians looks displeased, but this is only an external deception. They love affection and attention, like all cats, and are able to make strong friends with any person. Exotics are more inquisitive than their Persian relatives and a little more active. Moving to a new owner will not be a problem for a cat of this breed, which indicates their ability to easily adapt. Siberian cats are deservedly famous as the most skilled mouse hunters. If she gets into the company of others furry pets, he always tries to lead them, because Siberians are born leaders. Approximately the same description can be given to other representatives of these beautiful animals, which will help the owner to easily determine the breed of her favorite cat.

you took four-legged friend from a shelter or picked up on the street? Perhaps you inherited a dog from relatives or friends? If you are interested in knowing what breed your new pet, use the recommendations on how to determine the breed of a dog.

How to find out the breed of a dog?

  1. Determine the parameters of your four-legged friend. To determine, weigh the dog. If your pet is small, weigh yourself first, and then with the dog in your arms. Subtract the first number from the second number, this will be the weight of your dog. Using a centimeter, measure the dog's height at the withers, the length of the croup, paws, and tail;
  2. Observe the dog's habits. The behavior of your four-legged friend can say a lot about his breed. For example, service dog will protect you and your home with all its might, and the hunting dog will tirelessly run and hunt for toys. Record your observations;
  3. Socialization. Take a closer look at how your new four-legged friend reacts and communicates with other animals and strangers. Friendliness is the main thing distinguishing feature companion dogs;
  4. Coat type. A dog's coat can be short or long, hard or soft, dense or thin. Take a closer look at the color and texture of the wool. These parameters will significantly narrow down the search for the breed;
  5. Do your research. Having determined all the necessary characteristics of your four-legged friend, look for similar breed on the Internet, consult a dog handler or veterinarian. To more accurately determine the breed of your pet, do a DNA test that will show exactly what kind of blood flows in your dog and how purebred it is.

Video: all dog breeds. Introduction to Canine Science

There are so many dogs in the world today that it is not surprising that a significant part of them are mongrels, mongrel dogs. This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them; They're just not purebred animals. To identify the personality traits your pooch will acquire over time or just out of curiosity, you can identify the breeds that were involved in your dog's ancestry. It's a bit of a frustrating but totally worthwhile task.


    Take a close look at your dog's personality. This will help you identify the traits inherent certain breeds. Especially try to note:

    • Color, length, color features
    • Size, proportionality and position of the ears
    • Head shape
    • Body proportions
    • Tail length
    • Height at withers
  1. Pay attention to your dog's personality. Is she lazy and can lie outside the house all day, or does she have endless energy? Is she playful? Is she guarding the house? Or is it just a small and fluffy dog? All of these qualities can help determine which breed groups are present in your pooch's blood, such as a working dog, a small lap dog, or a hunting dog. This won't help much, but it will narrow down your search.

    Find a dog breed directory. This book and the Internet are very valuable resources. Keep in mind that online reference books will likely contain less information than an actual book, but for the sake of convenience, they should not be discarded. However, they do not describe breeds of mongrels; for example, poodle hybrids, which are becoming popular among dog lovers. The problem with mongrels is that they come in an extreme variety of varieties and are therefore quite difficult to classify.

    Look for characteristic features. If there are no pictures of dogs in the directory, click on the link. You can follow a link to a dog that is almost similar to your dog by clicking on the appropriate breed at the bottom of the page.

    Check the data. Most dogs are a cross of some breed and have owners, although some do come from animal shelters. If you know the owners or breeders of your dog, try to at least talk to them by phone. They can tell you who the mother was, and whether the father belonged to them or was a stray animal. If you were able to speak with the previous owner/breeder in person, he or she may be able to show you your dog's parents or photos of them. If the parents were crossbreeds, they will have more of the same traits as their original breeds. If the dog is adopted from a shelter, it will be harder to find out its history, although there will be a little useful information. In most cases, shelters have accounts about previous owners, as required by law. Some owners give up their dog and give it up to a shelter. In this case, the Rescue Center can contact them and find out if this dog was born to them, and if not, if they know the origin story of this dog.

  2. Interview people. Submit your dog's information to an information directory or local veterinarian. Ask for any information about your dog. Maybe someone knows your dog or is an old owner and can tell you about it.

    • If you are unsure of the breed, or if you think your dog is a cross between two breeds, seek advice from your veterinarian. They know a lot about various breeds dogs. But even if they do not know this breed, they are able to identify it.
    • If after all this you can't find out anything, but really want to know, you can test your dog's DNA. The life sciences company Metamorphix provides DNA testing for sixty-five dollars. The downside is that they only identify DNA from thirty-eight breeds, not all breeds. Thus, you are unlikely to identify all of your dog's characteristic traits.
    • Various tests can help identify your dog's personality type. If the dog is energetic, find someone among your friends with a horse or two. Get permission and let your dog out around the horses. This is dangerous for a dog if he has not herded anyone before, but if he tries this, he probably belongs to a group herding dogs. If your dog is small and furry, you probably shouldn't do anything at all; decorative group mainly bred from the dog types mentioned above.
    • If you cannot determine what breed your dog is, it most likely means that he is already the second generation of mongrels. There's a lot mixed in there various dogs, so you can no longer tell what breed she is.


    • When finding out the breed of your dog, you may receive some negative information about it. Before you decide to find out anything about your dog, make sure you are prepared for both good and bad news. Your dog may be affectionate with you, but his previous owners may have been mean.
    • It can be difficult to determine the breed of even some purebred dogs, so don't get too upset.
    • Before you decide to find out anything about your dog, make sure you really want to do it.