Khabarovsk knackers are facing ten years in prison. Khabarovsk knackers were given real sentences

KHABAROVSK, August 25 – RIA Novosti. The court of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk on Friday sentenced to imprisonment in a colony all the defendants in the criminal case of brutal killings of animals in Khabarovsk, assigning them from 3 to 4 years and 3 months of imprisonment; the direct punishment for killing animals for each of the girls was 150 hours of compulsory labor.

A criminal case was opened in October 2016 after photographs and videos of massacres of dogs and cats appeared on the Internet. The suspects in the case were first-year student Alina Orlova and her neighbor Alena Savchenko, who took the animals "to kind hands" according to advertisements. Several owners recognized their former charges in the killed animals. At that time, the girls were 17 years old. The case received wide publicity.

In many cities of Russia, mass pickets and rallies were held demanding a real prison term for the perpetrators and tougher punishment under the article " ill-treatment with animals." Petitions posted on the Internet contained the same demands.

During the investigation of this crime, other details were revealed; Orlova and Savchenko were also charged under articles of “robbery,” “insulting the feelings of believers,” and “inciting hatred and enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity.” In addition, another accused appeared - their 18-year-old friend Viktor Smyshlyaev. In November 2016, all three were taken into custody.

The court hearings, which began on March 13, 2017, were held behind closed doors. The press was only allowed in for the announcement of the verdict on August 25. The judge announced only the introductory and effective part of the verdict, leaving the details of the case outside the hearing.

The Internet is watching you: how the Internet helped you find Khabarovsk flayersThe search for justice increasingly begins online, and online discussions have real consequences offline. Examples of how the Internet has changed the system are in the RIA Novosti material.

According to information announced on Friday by the official representative of the Russian Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko, the investigation and the court established that the two friends, from June to August 2016, “using sadistic methods, systematically and cruelly treated animals, mutilated them and killed them.”

In 2015 and 2016, one of the girls repeatedly posted images and texts on a social network page that offended the religious feelings of believers, and in 2016, together with an acquaintance, she produced and posted on the Internet “a video containing scenes of humiliation of the victim’s human dignity based on his membership in social group." In July 2016, the girls committed a robbery against a resident of the city of Khabarovsk.

The verdict was listened to calmly

In the courtroom, where the verdict was read out, there were more representatives of the press than participants in the trial. The defendants silently walked into the hall under escort. They did not answer questions from journalists about “why did you do this?”, “don’t you feel sorry for the killed animals?”, “do you repent of what you did?”, “why are you covering your face?”

Judge Galina Nikolaeva read out the court verdict, according to which Alena Savchenko was found guilty under articles of “cruelty to animals,” “robbery,” “insulting the religious feelings of believers,” and “inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity.”

For killing animals she was sentenced to 150 hours of compulsory labor, for insulting the feelings of believers another 150 hours of labor, for humiliation of human dignity - 1.5 years of imprisonment, for robbery - 3 years of imprisonment without a fine. Savchenko’s final punishment was 4 years and 3 months of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Alina Orlova was found guilty under articles of “cruelty to animals” and “robbery.” She was also sentenced to 150 hours of compulsory labor for killing animals, and 3 years in prison without a fine for robbery. Orlova’s final punishment was 3 years and 10 days in prison in a general regime colony.

Viktor Smyshlyaev was found guilty under the article “inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity,” and he was sentenced to 3 years in a general regime colony.

All three convicts will receive credit for the time served from the moment of their arrest until the court's verdict.

In addition, the court decided to recover from Savchenko and Orlova in favor of the victim Natalya Belova (the owner of the killed puppy) 10 thousand rubles each in compensation for moral damage.

The girls listened to the verdict calmly and told the judge that they understood it. The convicts did not answer journalists' questions whether they would appeal the verdict.

Animal rights activists called the punishment too lenient

After the verdict was announced, the chairman of the organization "Zoozashchita DV" Natalya Kovalenko told reporters that she considered the sentence too lenient.

“Specifically, under the article “cruelty to animals,” Orlova and Savchenko received 150 hours of work each. The main sentences associated with deprivation of liberty went under other articles. We believe that we will most likely appeal it,” Kovalenko said.

According to animal rights activists, those convicted of animal cruelty should receive at least 5 years in prison each. Kovalenko noted that 15 animals and birds became victims of the knackers.

The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, which is a party to the state prosecution in the trial, has not yet announced its intention to appeal the verdict.

“We are familiar with the verdict and are studying it. We cannot yet say whether we will appeal,” said a representative of the department.

The parties have 10 days to appeal the verdict.

Today, the Industrial District Court announces the verdict of two girls and their accomplice in the high-profile case of the Khabarovsk knackers. correspondents are conducting an online text broadcast from the meeting. Here you will be one of the first to find out what verdict the servants of Themis will make.

Alina Orlova, Alena Savchenko and Viktor Smyshlyaev, depending on the role of each of them, are charged with the following articles: “Cruelty to animals”, “Robbery”, “Insulting the religious feelings of believers” and “Inciting hatred or enmity”. The prosecution is asking the court for six years in prison for the girls and three years for young man. The defense, as well as the defendants themselves, ask that the three main defendants in the case not be imprisoned.

How the high-profile case ended read in the online text broadcast:

14:36 The defendants were taken out of the courtroom.

14:33 - The defendants understand the sentence.

14:32 The court decided to destroy the evidence included in the case materials.

The court hearing to announce the verdict for the flayers continues. Join the comments below the article.

14:28 The remains of animals seized from Savchenko’s apartment were ordered destroyed by the court.

14:22 The court gave Viktor Smyshleev 3 years in a correctional colony.

14:21 The court sentenced Alena Savchenko to 4 years and 3 months in a general regime colony. Alina Orlova was sentenced to 3 years and 10 days. The court decided to recover 10,000 rubles from Savchenko, and the same amount from Orlova in compensation for moral damage to Belova. Alina Orlova is crying.

14:16 The court began to announce the verdict. The girls hide their faces, do not answer questions, and refuse to talk to the press.

14:13 The accused were brought into the courtroom.

14:09 The victims and Alina Orlova's parents are already present in the courtroom.

14:07 Participants in the trial entered the hall.

14:00 The announcement of the verdict will take place in an open format. Media representatives took their positions.

13:55 FSSP officers are on duty in the corridor of the courthouse. Everyone is waiting for the meeting to start.

13:50 By this moment the lunch break in court had ended. Journalists and other meeting participants are awaiting invitation to the hall.

13.25 Animal rights activists said that they would not picket outside the courtroom. However, if any of the activists are able, they will attend the meeting.

13:20 At 2:00 p.m., a hearing will begin in the courtroom of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk, at the end of which a verdict will be passed on the defendants in the flayer case. The resonant process did not leave any of the country's residents indifferent. At this moment, media representatives are already gathering in the courthouse (both regional and federal media will cover the event), relatives of the accused, representatives of the prosecution and defense.

Let us remember that it all started in October 2016, when horrific footage of cruel massacres of animals hit the Internet. Two then-minor Khabarovsk women took dogs and cats “in good hands”, took them to an abandoned building, beat, stabbed, cut and killed. Later it turned out that the girls and their accomplice committed a robbery and edited a video aimed at humiliating human dignity.

Residents of Khabarovsk, and now all of Russia, have been excited for several days. In a city with a population of just over 600 thousand people, it happened scary story. There they caught two student girls who received the nickname “knackers from Khabarovsk.” The girls searched for animals on the Internet, took them from their owners and tortured them in an abandoned building. After which they took pictures with the dead animals and posted the photos on VK.

Student students from Khabarovsk tortured animals in an abandoned hospital

This spring, technical college student Alena killed a dog, according to preliminary data, a dachshund breed. She dealt with the animal in the abandoned building of the Navy Electronic Warfare Hospital. The girl’s friend Alina watched the murder. The girls liked the bloody massacre of animals. Since then they have become real serial dog killers.

The girls looked for victims using advertisements on the Internet. They took animals from their owners for maintenance, after which they took them to a room in an abandoned building, which was later dubbed the death room. They tortured and killed animals, and filmed what was happening with a mobile phone camera and took photographs. The female flayers posted their recordings in closed folders on the social network VKontakte.

Knacker brought to clean water one of their friends. He asked a hacker to hack into the account of one of them for money and was horrified by what he saw. The young man circulated the stolen information on the Internet, demanding that the girls be punished. Soon, animal lovers throughout Russia began their own investigations. They found out the girls’ personal information, after which the information spread to the media. The girls began receiving threats.

The flayers got scared. One of them asked the police to provide her with protection, while the other ran away from home and, according to media reports, wanted to hide in St. Petersburg.

Who are Khabarovsk girls-knackers

This is what the media writes about girls. According to some reports, one of them, 17-year-old college student Alena, was born into a dysfunctional family. Her mother was deprived of parental rights for drunkenness, and nothing is known about her father. The girl was raised by her grandmother. The girl has mental problems; in the past she tried to commit suicide and was in police custody.

The second girl, Alina, at least at first glance, has no motives for violence. Her family is quite wealthy, her father has the rank of colonel and serves as deputy squadron commander of the Khabarovsk Central airfield, and her mother works in the local prosecutor’s office, media say. According to some reports, the girl is 21 and studies at Tomsk State University.

Petition to punish the parents of knackers from Khabarovsk

It is worth saying that the public’s anger also fell on the parents of the flayer girls, especially the father. Activists posted a petition on the website in which they demanded that the regional leadership bring their parents, “especially the father of one of the girls,” to justice for the acts of the knackers.

“It is the father who must raise his daughter, and it is the father who raises his daughter. And if an active officer Russian army, colonel, raises his children like this - what can you expect from the army? If his child is a sadist who kills animals for fun and sexual gratification, then who is he? "- wrote the author of the petition Nina Guseva.

Guseva's petition is not the only one. also has

Flayers from Khabarovsk became participants in a criminal case

After the girls’ actions were made public, Alina asked for police protection. “Currently, I have contacted law enforcement agencies in connection with threats and reprisals against me, through a social network, regarding the massacre of animals, which I did not commit, please take into account that an investigation will be carried out and the identity of the persons who threatened me will be carried out (The author’s spelling has been preserved. - Ed.),” she wrote on VK.

Alena tried to escape from Khabarovsk to St. Petersburg. She was detained at Tolmachevo airport in Novosibirsk. A criminal case was opened against the girl under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of Russia. Her friend walks through it as a witness.

“The cruelty with which the suspects treated the animal causes indignation and disgust for such actions in a normal person. Investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee will take all measures to establish the full circumstances of the abuse of animals and bring the perpetrators to justice as provided for by law,” the report notes. Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Khabarovsk Territory.

Two 16 and 17-year-old residents of the regional capital took animals from shelters and kind hands, abused them, killed them, dismembered them and posted photographs of the corpses on social networking pages.

UPDATE October 28, 17:00 - “Marketing geniuses” of the regional capital began selling T-shirts, covers and underpants with images of dogs killed by Khabarovsk flayers. (full news)

Concerned and concerned netizens check photos and lists of Alina and Alena's friends to find all those responsible for the brutal murders of pets. One of these “suspects” was Evgeniy Sh. Anonymous users compared photos of his hand on a social network page with photos of several people holding internal organs animals. In both photographs ring finger The young man has a ring on his left hand. “Network detectives” are sure that Evgeniy helped the girls in the murders and personally photographed the corpses of animals. Will the young man be a witness or suspect in the “pet murder case”, on at the moment unknown.

Khabarovsk animal rights activists went out on single pickets to collect signatures for bringing the knackers to the strictest punishment and for tightening the legislation. Next, activists will send documents to federal, regional and city authorities.

I went to the picket because I don’t want to live in a society that releases murderers and maniacs, because these girls abused animals on purpose. I believe that thanks to our initiative federal authorities“We will be heard,” the activist shared.

The signatures collected by activists will be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor of the Khabarovsk Territory, the chairman of the investigative committee, the chairman Legislative Duma region, the head of the region and the mayor of the city. The documents will also be sent to deputies Irina Yarovaya, Yuri Berezutsky, Boris Gladkikh and Sergei Furgal.

UPDATE October 25 11:40 Alina has ceased to be a witness in the criminal case of “Murder of Pets” (full news)

Investigators of the Khabarovsk Territory decided to open a criminal case against the second suspect Alina, who until recently remained a witness. Over the weekend, she, together with law enforcement officers, went to the place where the brutal murders were carried out and spoke in detail about each knacker’s act.

According to a source in the Industrial District Court of Khabarovsk, an investigator of the Investigative Committee petitioned the court to impose a preventive measure against both suspects in cruelty to animals. However, the court only partially granted the investigation's request.

A decision was made against one of the girls to select a preventive measure in the form of house arrest. The court did not satisfy the investigation's request regarding the second suspect.

It also became known from reliable sources that the investigation prohibited the suspects’ lawyers from communicating with the press on this high-profile case.

UPDATE October 24, 17.00 Khabarovsk activists recorded a video message to the President of Russia (full news)

IN social networks information has appeared that on October 24 at 14:00 in the parking lot of the Erofey arena, activists will record a video appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to punish the knackers and tighten penalties under the article “Cruelty to Animals.”

We want the Russian authorities to hear us. The case of the Khabarovsk knackers should not be ignored. The government and the head of state, in our opinion, should review the law on “Cruelty to Animals” and make the most effective amendments to it so that people do not get away with such crimes. This article should be toughened, and the girls should be punished to the fullest extent, the organizer of the action shared.

At the appointed hour, dozens of concerned Khabarovsk residents gathered in the arena parking lot, who believe that it is impossible to remain silent in this situation. Some of them came with their pets. According to the organizers, the video message will be posted on social networks on the pages of the Kremlin and the President.

I found out about the campaign on social networks and decided to take part. I believe that it is impossible to remain silent in this situation, because this concerns everyone. Similar crimes occur in different cities of our country, however, in Russia the punishment for such acts is too lenient. Not one to a normal person“It wouldn’t even occur to us to abuse animals like that,” Anastasia, a participant in the action, shared her opinion.

The organizer of the action also said that such videos are recorded by caring people all over Russia, and under the photos they put hashtags in defense of animals. The incident also deeply touched the stars of domestic show business.

Following Alena and her friend Alina, other names of people began to emerge who observed the process of killing puppies and actively helped the main rippers in this. Some people admit this without hesitation, others deny their guilt. Khabarovsk resident Yulia, who appeared in photographs dated July 15, also came to the attention of users. Proving her guilt will be much more difficult, since there is no direct evidence in photos and videos.

Knacker Alena was delivered to Khabarovsk from Novosibirsk. The plane arrived in the Far Eastern capital at 6.50 local time. However, Alena, as expected, is waiting special welcome and police escort.

The girl was guarded on the plane by four police officers. According to one of the passengers on the flight flying from Novosibirsk, she was the last to be taken out of the aircraft and then put into a police UAZ. A company car with a flayer on board left the airport’s secure area at high speed without any inspection.

A company car brought the suspect to the investigative department in Khabarovsk. The minor flayer did not talk to reporters. She is currently testifying in a criminal case.

The curators of a group of volunteers who gave homeless animals into the hands of flayers identified the girls from photographs, thereby confirming their involvement in the killings of pets.

Let us remind you that Alena is flying to Khabarovsk tomorrow, after unsuccessful attempt hide in St. Petersburg.

UPDATE 18:00 Alina still denies her guilt and connection with the murders

To the commentator’s question: “Where did Alena get your tattoo on her arm?” the girl replied that it was a photomontage.

When trying to contact the girl’s classmates through third parties, they replied that they would not give comments, since the classmates of the Khabarovsk flayer had such instructions from the university management. The students categorically refused to make contact.

University management asked not to comment on the situation. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is already looking into it, the source said.

Residents of the regional capital demand the government of the Khabarovsk Territory to deprive the father of one of the knackers from his position. To do this, citizens collect signatures on the specified website. The townspeople are shocked that the colonel's daughter decided to kill domestic animals.

It is the father who must raise his daughter, and it is the father who raises his daughter. And if an active officer of the Russian army, a colonel, raises his children like this, then what can we expect from the army? If his child is a sadist who kills animals for fun and sexual gratification, then who is he? And what lengths is he willing to go to protect such an offspring? One can understand that a father protects his child by any means, but everyone must understand that this has crossed all the boundaries of morality on which humanity rests, the author of the petition, Nina Guseva, writes in the description.

A correspondent for the website talked with a practicing lawyer specializing in criminal cases, Yuri, who said that, most likely, the girls will be assigned compulsory labor as a punishment.

This crime is classified as minor. If we turn to the practice of considering such cases in courts and analyze it, we can conclude that convicts are often sentenced to compulsory work Yuri reported.

As part of a high-profile case, one of the girls is a suspect in the case, and the other is a witness. Yuri also talked about how this could affect the course of the case and the punishment.

Not everything is as simple as many people write on the Internet. Although, for example, I also have questions about the fact that a criminal case was opened against only one girl. Why, it would seem, with clear evidence indicating the involvement of both girls in the crime, one has the status of a witness and the other a suspect? But, as they say, the investigation will sort it out. There are probably aspects of the case that remain closed to the media and are a secret of the investigation.

The lawyer noted that if both girls had appeared as suspects in the criminal case, the classification of the crime would have been different.

According to Part 2 of Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, when two or more persons participate in the abuse and killing of animals, the maximum sanction is limited to two years of imprisonment. In the practice of criminal cases, the status of a witness often changes, often he becomes an accused, the lawyer continues to comment.

The specialist said that the most common reasons for the torture of animals are psychological trauma received in childhood and the inability to cope with aggression. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a child receives such deviations in the family due to improper upbringing by parents or in a defective family. As far as we know, Alina Orlova is being brought up in a complete family, and she has a younger brother and sister.

For example, a girl had a younger brother who pulled her, bit her, broke toys, she tried to hit him back, and her mother said that she shouldn’t offend her he was still small. The girl’s aggression goes inside, she doesn’t live it out. Subsequently, not having learned to correctly express aggression, she accumulates it and begins to take it out on those who are weaker, who cannot fight back, whom no one will protect, commented psychologist Evgenia.

A common cause of psychological trauma is difficult relationships child with mother. As you know, Alina’s mother could not find a common language with her daughter. The girl developed hatred towards her parent.

How much will they give if you kill your mother? She spilled sugar - she raised a pig daughter, wiped it off the table - she folded the rag ugly. He swears in front of small people, and when I make a remark - oh fuck the sperm teaches. Who needs me, a pig and a klutz, Alina wrote on one of the social networks.

As for the second person involved in the terrible events, she was raised by her grandmother; her mother was deprived of parental rights. The girl has no father.

When a child is left without a mother, whether her parental rights are deprived or she passes away, this is a colossal psychological trauma. Even if a child is raised by his own grandmother, this cannot replace maternal love. The consequence of this life situation There may be deviations in human behavior, said Evgenia.

According to the expert, the punishment of knackers by law may entail dangerous consequences. The reasons for the behavior will remain, and anger will be added to them. In such cases, it is recommended to work with a psychotherapist, then it is possible to eradicate the causes of cruel behavior. But results can only be achieved if the Khabarovsk knackers repent and want to change themselves. If they don’t want to change anything, not a single psychologist will help.

One of the alleged knackers, Alena, who tried to hide from the authorities in St. Petersburg, was detained by police in Novosibirsk and spent the night in a center for helping children without parental care. It became known from a reliable source that a minor from Khabarovsk was planning to commit suicide, so law enforcement officers do not leave the girl unattended. Early in the morning of October 22, Alena will be taken by plane to the Khabarovsk airport, from where she will be taken to the police station for further investigation of the criminal case.

Information appeared on social networks that on October 20 at 10:00 at the main entrance to the Pacific state university A rally “Against Cruelty to Animals” will be held, which will bring together concerned university students. However, the picket did not take place.

A correspondent for the website found out that one of the knackers turned out to be a student at Tomsk State University. The girl was a first-year student majoring in Journalism.

Further, information began to spread on social networks that on October 20 at 10:00 a rally “Against cruelty to animals” would be held at the main entrance to Tomsk State University. However, the university management sincerely does not understand what the university has to do with the high-profile case.

On the eve of the rally, information was sent to university students that the picket was not authorized and would be prevented by the city authorities. Students were advised to get off at the next stop after TOGU and enter the university through the left wing. Also, students seen at the rally were threatened unpleasant consequences.

Warn your students immediately! There will probably be police on duty from the stop to TOGU. Enter the university through the left wing. Those on the bus get off at Avtodor. The police will not figure out who and where to take! says one of the messages.

At the expected time of the rally, TOGU security was on duty in the alley in front of the university. No police were seen. Let us note that the picket itself at 10:00 did not take place. A representative of PNU said that he does not rule out the fact that the rally was organized by university students.

UPDATE 12:45 A criminal case has been opened against Alena, and Alina is still a witness

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Khabarovsk Territory reported that a criminal case has been opened against Alena, who escaped from Khabarovsk, under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The teenager will be returned from Novosibirsk to the regional capital in a few days. Alina the second Khabarovsk resident, suspected of knackering, is currently involved in this case as a witness. The police officers stated that this decision not final and the criminal investigation continues.

According to a university representative, TNU management cannot expel the girl because of the public outcry. The fact of the existence of a criminal case is required.

All the facts that we saw on the Internet, of course, need to be verified. I understand that the public outcry is enormous. What we saw is terrible, but an investigation into this fact must be carried out and a criminal case initiated. We cannot expel a girl just like that, only if there is a criminal case,” noted a university representative.

As noted in the leadership of Tomsk State University, the terrible things that the Khabarovsk woman did took place before the girl entered the educational institution. At the moment, the police are investigating the circumstances of the case. The university representative also said that the authorities are given ten days to decide whether to initiate criminal proceedings.

UPDATE October 20, 11:00 investigation into how the whole country learned about the Khabarovsk student flayers (full news)

This spring, technical college student Alena, for unknown reasons, decided to kill a dog, presumably a dachshund, which she brought to the abandoned building of the Navy Electronic Warfare Hospital. She called her friend Alina to the “bloody deed,” who agreed with pleasure. The first victim appeared in the place that later became the “death room”.

After the first murder, Alena and Alina realized that this activity would be great entertainment, and the abandoned hospital would be replenished with new corpses of pets. They selected victims from advertisements on the Internet. Animal owners, not seeing anything suspicious in the faces of Khabarovsk women, gave their pets up for maintenance.

In the fall, one of the girls’ acquaintances asked a hacker to hack into the account of the alleged knacker for his own personal purposes for money. Having gained access and paid money, the stranger opened a tab with correspondence and saw dozens of photographs with mutilated animals, the process of dismemberment, as well as videos of girls dismantling their victims in cruel ways. What he saw shocked the user. He posted the materials on well-known image boards with a request to deal with the flayers and make all the information received public. A few minutes later, hundreds of concerned residents of our country decided to conduct their own investigation, establishing the identity, phone numbers and home addresses of the rippers. Less than an hour later, the information hit the media, and it was no longer possible to stop the spread of photographs on the Internet.

A few hours later, an anonymous user who posted photographs of the alleged attackers posted videos on social networks that recorded facts of the direct killing of pets. The video captured voices, tattoos, clothing and other evidence linking the girls to the murders.

Information about the detention of 16-year-old Alena was confirmed. The girl is currently in the Novosibirsk police department.

Police have collected evidence from the crime scene and are conducting an examination. Photos and videos are also verified for authenticity.

17-year-old Alina, who is currently under police protection, according to unofficial information, confessed to filming the torture of pets on camera, but did not directly take part in the murder.

UPDATE 24:00 Khabarovsk woman tried to escape to St. Petersburg

According to unconfirmed reports, Alena, who fled the city, was detained at Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport. She tried to get to St. Petersburg, but at a stop in Novosibirsk she was detained near the check-in counter. Alina is currently at home under the protection of operatives.

On October 20 at 10:00 at the main entrance to TNU there will be a rally “Against cruelty to animals”, which is organized by concerned students of Khabarovsk.

A correspondent for the website talked with the girls’ classmates. They said that they began to notice changes in the behavior of the girls around the time they entered educational institutions.

Before that, they were quite decent and cultured girls. However, after entering college, Alena began to dress in a gothic style, she got characteristic tattoos, and she began to behave more aggressively towards her friends. The aggression was clearly visible in the correspondence on social networks. Moreover, for some time she got together with a drug addict guy, said Ekaterina Gedert.

The girls also confirmed the information that Alena’s mother was deprived of parental rights for drunkenness, but at the same time she lives with her daughter with her grandmother.

UPDATE 2:50 p.m.

The puppy, who was crucified on one of the walls of an abandoned hospital, was taken from the curator public organization"Mercy". The flayers found the dog through an advertisement on a social network and agreed to adopt it.

We usually check the owners and visit the place of residence in order to have an idea where and with whom the pet will live. The problem is that residents of Khabarovsk post their own advertisements in a social network group and anyone can adopt a puppy, comment from Irina, moderator of the “Mercy” group on the social network.

The girls came together to get the puppy. They introduced themselves as good and responsible housewives, so the owner gave the pet into the hands of strangers without any problems.

The owner identified the attackers from photographs posted on social networks and confirmed that it was these Khabarovsk women who took the puppy for themselves.

UPDATE 14:00

The police decided to send photographs of Khabarovsk women killing and butchering domestic animals for examination.

UPDATE 12:44 official position of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khabarvo Territory

Employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Khabarovsk are identifying the persons who disseminated information about animal cruelty on social networks, as well as persons who were directly involved in these events.

A Khabarovsk woman turned to the duty station for help. The woman reported that her daughter was receiving death threats.

Unknown people suggested that it was her child who became a direct participant in the abuse of animals.

By this fact an inspection is being carried out, based on the results of which a procedural decision will be made.

UPDATE 12:34 p.m.

The second girl previously studied at a technology college. However, she was unable to complete the first year and was expelled from educational institution for failure. In addition, there is information that she currently lives with her grandmother, and her mother has been deprived of parental rights.

UPDATE 12:10 p.m.

A correspondent for the website contacted Yulia Prokofieva, a specialist in the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Khabarovsk, who provided the following information.

Employees of the Russian Internal Affairs Directorate for Khabarovsk are currently identifying the persons who disseminated information about animal cruelty on social networks. In addition, a Khabarovsk woman turned to the duty station for help. The woman reported that her daughter had received death threats. Unknown people suggested that it was her child who was a direct participant in the abuse of animals. Currently, this fact is being investigated,” said Yulia Prokofieva.

A search is also being carried out for persons who threaten Alina with violence. The unknown people who spread information about the flayers on social networks are also wanted.

UPDATE: 11:20

The TSU administration is conducting an investigation into the case of one of the alleged attackers, who is a student at this university.

On the morning of this day, the police took Khabarovsk resident Alina under round-the-clock protection, who asked for help after social network users accused her of cruelty to animals.

Horrifying photographs of torn to pieces pets appeared on the Internet and instantly caused a resonance among society. Two Khabarovsk women did terrible things in an abandoned electronic warfare hospital of the fleet.

They adopted dogs and cats from shelters, and sometimes found advertisements on the Internet and adopted animals for foster care.

The girls then took the pet to an abandoned building and tortured it in every possible way. They gouged out their eyes, cut them, trampled them underfoot, strangled them with ropes, getting pleasure from it. They recorded the entire process on video and photos.

After the murder, young Khabarovsk women dismembered domestic animals, gutted them and abused their corpses in every possible way.

One of the residents of the regional capital found the flayers and spoke about them on social networks. He collected all the facts together and posted them on the Internet. Residents of Russia, seeing the horrific images, conducted their own investigations. The names of the attackers, residential addresses and numbers were established mobile phones. According to unconfirmed information, the flayers are graduates of the Khabarovsk Lyceum "Vector", one of them is now a first-year student at Tomsk State University, the second at a technological college.

Three teenagers in Khabarovsk received up to 4 years in prison for torturing animals. More than a year They regularly posted videos on the Internet in which they tortured and killed animals, until their videos attracted the attention of animal rights activists.

There is no crowd at the entrance to the Khabarovsk Industrial Court. There was a whole line of journalists alone - the case of the knackers is widely covered not only by the Russian press, even popular foreign publications wrote about them, reports. The process took place behind closed doors. At the time of the crimes, all participants were minors. But television cameras were allowed to attend the announcement of the verdict. While the trial was ongoing, the accused turned 18 years old. Alena Savchenko, Alina Orlova and their accomplice in one of the episodes, Viktor Smyshlyaev, enter the courtroom absolutely calm. And if Orlova at least tries to hide her face, then Savchenko and Smyshlyaev behave as if they have nothing to be ashamed of.

They ignore all questions from journalists, although previously they were simply eager to become famous and gladly posted their monstrous exploits on the Internet. It is impossible to look at the footage of the massacre of dogs, cats, birds and other animals without shuddering. And most of what the girls broadcast online was not for broadcast. They took animals from private shelters or through “I’ll give them to good hands” advertisements. But they were not carried home to soft bedding and beds, but to an abandoned building in the Industrial District. What happened next was carefully recorded by the knackers on camera. Dogs and cats were gutted, showing their still beating hearts, nailed to the wall, and their eyes gouged out. According to investigators, at least 15 animals became victims.

During the investigation, it turned out that the Savchenko and Orlova girls showed such cruelty not only towards animals. One of them published images and texts on the Internet that offended the religious feelings of believers. And together with Viktor Smyshlyaev, she mocked a man whom the couple considered a homosexual.

“From March to October 2016, she, together with an acquaintance, made and posted on the Internet a video containing scenes of humiliation of human dignity of the victim based on their membership in a social group, and on July 28 of the same year, the girls committed a robbery against a resident of Khabarovsk,” - said the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko.

The Khabarovsk flayers fully admitted their guilt. At the last meeting they regretted what they had done and asked the court to impose a punishment that did not involve imprisonment. Since their detention, animal rights activists have regularly held rallies, fearing that the criminals will get away with it. During the entire process, those who followed him did not see a drop of remorse on these faces. Savchenko, although tensely, smiles even on the day the verdict was announced. And Smyshlyaev defiantly grimaces at the television cameras.

The enumeration of the articles under which the defendants are accused takes up almost an entire sheet of the court record. There is cruelty to animals, extremist crimes, and robbery.

The term is assigned in aggregate, by partial addition of the imposed punishments.

Savchenko received four years and three months without a fine, to be served in a general regime correctional colony. Alina Orlova - 3 years and 10 days in a general regime colony, as well as a fine of 10 thousand rubles for moral damage caused to the victims. Viktor Smyshlyaev was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

The trio will appeal the court's decision. Animal rights activists are also somewhat confused. On the one hand, the flayers have never received such sentences before. On the other hand, the decisive factors for sending the defendants in the high-profile case to the colony were not the abuse of animals, but the more serious charges imputed to them. The country has still not adopted a law that would guarantee the protection of animals from the likes of “Savchenko” and “Orlov”.

Liliya Akinshina, TV Center.