Rachel and Nathan. The developers of Life is Strange talk about the complex relationship between Rachel Amber and Chloe and what awaits Max in the Dark Room. Why is Chloe so angry?

Rachel Amber(born July 22, 1994) is the second most important character in Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Born in Long Beach, California, she eventually moved to Arcadia Bay, Oregon.

She attends Blackwell Academy and is one of the most popular students and a member of the student theater group. After she saved Chloe from bullies at a punk club, the girls became close and became best friends. The plot of Before the Storm is dedicated to their relationship. The girls dream of leaving Arcadia Bay, and besides, according to Rachel herself, there is nothing holding her there.

It is almost impossible to say with certainty what Rachel Amber really was like. This is a real human chameleon - bright, colorful, trying to change its shape depending on the situation.

However, no matter what anyone says, there is only one conclusion: this girl was admired by her classmates, teachers, and parents. “Little Miss Perfect” succeeded both in her studies and in amateur artistic activities, and at the same time it was great to have fun, periodically getting into all sorts of troubles (creating new ones in the absence of any).

Rachel loves exciting adventures - the reason for this is her indomitable spirit.

Rachel doesn't have much control over her emotions, even if she tries. Is it a joke to start such a fire?!

Rachel's appearance in the game

Chloe first sees Rachel at the FireWalk rock concert wearing an unusual look: spiked clothes, hair in a high ponytail, black T-shirt; on the neck there is a black choker with three spikes, a green necklace with a silver pendant and a red stone.

Autobiography of Rachel

This is what he writes Chloe about Rachel in her diary.

How to describe Rachel Amber? I've been trying to find words since we first met.
The most crazy thing is that in theory I should hate her. Rachel gets straight A's and is adored by everyone at the academy - both teachers and students. She's into acting and works as a model on the side, I heard. And in this, she is undoubtedly supported by her prosecutor dad and housewife mom. It couldn't be worse.
But Rachel is not the privileged golden child she appears to be. She doesn't look like anyone at all. She is probably the most unusual person I have ever met. And not just because when we met, she helped me deal with a couple of freaks at a rock concert. She just makes me feel like anything is possible around her.
, it feels like I have a crush on her, right? I hope she reveals something terrible about herself soon. For example, he collects stamps or loves cat memes. Something to make her less... awesome.

Rachel's Relationships


  • James Amber - Rachel loves her father very much and trusts him completely. When Rachel witnesses her father kissing another woman, their relationship is completely destroyed and Rachel angrily tells Chloe that she never wants to see his f*cking face again. It's clear how strong their relationship was in the past, based on how devastated Rachel became after this. Rachel's father appears to show deep concern for his daughter, given his conversations with Principal Wells and the police, presumably regarding Rachel's disappearance.
  • Rose Amber - Rachel and her mother have a good relationship, considering how upset she is after finding out that Rachel is being deceived by her father.
  • Serah Gerhardt - At the end of Episode 2: "Brave New World", James reveals that Serah is Rachel's biological mother. Depending on the player's choices, Rachel may meet Serah, during which they will hug each other and be overwhelmed by their reunion.


  • Chloe Price - Rachel is sincere with Chloe. They went through many trials together, which brought them closer. They became best friends. As we know from Season 1 of Life is Strange, Chloe called Rachel “her angel” and tried her best to find her friend when she went missing. The plot of Before the Storm shows what their relationship was like. From the very first meeting, Rachel became a very special person for Chloe. If Chloe, during a quarrel at the landfill, says that she has more than just friendly feelings for her, Rachel is sympathetic to her words. Also, if after a joint performance in “The Tempest”, when Rachel asks what she can give Chloe, and she would like to receive a kiss in response, Rachel does not deny the girl her desire. At the end of the episode "Hell Is Empty", we are shown a scene of Chloe persistently calling Rachel, but she cannot answer because Mark Jefferson is photographing her in his darkroom.
  • Justin Williams - Justin briefly tells Chloe about Rachel, how she helped him with math and showed him how to do it better.
  • Blackwell Students and Staff - Most people at Blackwell are seen to like Rachel as Travis Keaton, Dana, and Hayden were fascinated by her.
  • Frank Bowers - Rachel has known him since she was 16 years old. When Frank protects Rachel from the Gopnik attack at the FireWalk concert, and she responds by running away and blowing him a kiss. During a meeting with Damon at the landfill, Frank and Rachel look at each other and are embarrassed when they meet eyes... From season 1 of the game Life is Strange, it is known that they became lovers. Perhaps after Frank rescues Chloe and Rachel's mother from Damon, they grew closer and Rachel fell in love with Frank, just as he fell in love with her. However, the girl did not tell her friend who she was dating...


  • Drew North - Rachel appears to sympathize with Nathan Prescott and was seemingly upset when Drew bullied him as a result. She deeply appreciates Chloe's action if she stands up for Nathan in a conflict with Drew. After Chloe tells Rachel about things between Drew and Damon, she seems to have bad feelings towards Drew. Thus, it can be assumed that their relationship becomes neutral.
  • Victoria Chase - Victoria treats Rachel poorly, being jealous of her. This explains the incident before the performance when Victoria pours a substance into her tea in order to perform the role instead of Rachel, since she is her understudy.
Rachel sincerely thought Victoria was good and when Chloe said about the substance in the tea, she didn't really believe it. However, after the deception is revealed, the relationship will become worse.

Interesting facts about Rachel Amber

  • Between the events of Before the Storm and Life is Strange (Season 1), Blackwell Academy introduces an additional training program for a period of two years, which explains why Rachel was still a student in the spring of 2013 (otherwise she would have graduated in 2012).
  • Rachel is ambidextrous (she writes with both her left and right hands), as she shows in the scene playing "Two Truths, One Lie" in the first episode.
  • During the game "Two Truths, One Lie", Rachel says that her zodiac sign is Leo. But her birthday, July 22, coincides with the transition from the constellation Cancer to the constellation Leo, so we can assume that Rachel specifically considers herself a Leo. Or maybe it was just a bug in the game, or maybe Rachel lied twice and didn't admit it. However, the fact is there, and she considers herself a Leo.
  • At the end of the first episode, Rachel screams at the fire and it becomes even stronger due to the sudden wind. It could even be some kind of ability, like Max had in the first season of the game.
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Official screenshot of the game Life is Strange

Episode 5 Life is Strange- this is the final chapter of the adventure story Max And Chloe. Edition iDigitalTimes talked to the game director Raoul Barbet(Raoul Barbet) and producer Luc Bagadoust(Luc Baghadoust) about the chaos unfolding in the fourth episode of Life is Strange, and what else will surprise the unexpected indie-hit.

[Article contains spoilers to the fourth episode of Life is Strange. And don't say you weren't warned!]

The fourth episode of Life is Strange shocked players with the fact that Rachel Amber was under their noses all the time - in the landfill. Chloe digs up Rachel's body, for which she is killed by Mr. Jefferson– Max’s favorite photography teacher. Now Max is in a dangerous situation in the Dark Room. You may have heard many fan theories about Rachel Amber's death. Some fans seriously doubted whether Rachel was buried in the landfill, since they did not see her face. Sorry guys, but Rachel is dead.

« This is her. No doubt about it. Many people online are saying, "We haven't seen [Rachel Amber], so maybe it's not her."“,” says Barbet, “ We didn't show it for many reasons. One of them is the age rating, which would be influenced by the appearance of a dead body» .

Bagadoust adds: “ The fact that Chloe recognizes her is enough. It’s just that this is how we decided to show this scene - with such music and such angles... We worked on it for a long time. It wouldn't be so nice [if we showed it]».

The discovery of Rachel Amber's body in a landfill is one of the most emotional scenes of the game for many Life is Strange fans, given that they don't know much about Rachel. Max's investigation into Rachel Amber's disappearance revealed how little Chloe knows about her and raised more questions than answers.

« [Rachel] is a mysterious person", says Barbet, " You don't know much about her, but the way Chloe is obsessed with her, you can feel how important she is to us. And you even see it when Max puts on Rachel's clothes and seems to live her life listening to Chloe».

Bagadoust adds: “ Rachel's thing is that Chloe thinks she knows her. WITH Frank but everything is different... We wanted to interest the player, and if you want to know more, you will find out. And you'll also discover that Chloe's head isn't simple either.».

You'll have to play Episode 5 of Life is Strange to find out if Max can use the rewind power to escape the Dark Room. Max may not be able to save Rachel Amber, but Chloe has a chance to survive. The decisions you make in Life is Strange are ambiguous in the sense that you don't know how they will affect the future. Perhaps something you did earlier in the game will help you get out of the Dark Room.

Time travel is an interesting part of Life is Strange. Max can't move too far. Her abilities are limited depending on the current situation, but sometimes she can take a snapshot from polaroid and go back years. IN