The cat fell out of the window. What to do? The cat fell out of the window, what to do? What to do if the cat fell from a great height

They love to sit near the windows and watch what is happening outside the apartment. Unfortunately, the cute whiskered animals that live with people have no fear of falling from a height, because they do not have to face everyday life with the need to descend from a distance of more than 2 meters. At the same time, their hunting instinct is unusually strong and they can carelessly jump out of the window, trying to reach a butterfly.

The cat fell out of the window: the owner's first actions

If the cat owner still did not keep track, and his pet fell from the window, it is necessary to urgently take her to a veterinary hospital. Within a maximum of two hours after the fall, in most cases the cat's life can still be saved. If there is a suspicion that your pet may have fractures of the limbs or spine, then under no circumstances should you put it in a bag or carrier. You should place it as carefully as possible, without changing the position of the animal’s body, on a flat, strong, horizontal surface - for example, a wide board covered with a blanket - and then take it to the veterinarian.

If the cat is injured and there is open bleeding, then you need to treat the wound with any disinfectant solution and apply a tourniquet over the wound - if the wound is on a limb, of course. After this, immediately take the animal to the doctor. Even if visible damage no and she's just a little scared, she might have some bruises internal organs– any pathology can be excluded only through examination by an experienced veterinarian.

The most dangerous injuries to a cat that fell from a window

Often an animal that has fallen into the street from a window receives bruises and fractures - most often the front legs and spine are broken. The main danger is that if a cat receives several injuries, it will experience traumatic shock, which could lead to her instant death. In many cases, the consequence of a cat falling from a height is its divergence. upper sky. As a result, it appears between oral cavity and the cat's nose, which needs to be sewn up.

If the bladder of a cat that fell out of a window was full, it may rupture when it hits the ground. The result is peritonitis and rapid death of the animal from intoxication with nitrogen metabolism products.

In any case, responsibility for the cat’s safety lies entirely with its owners. They should take care in advance to install a strong mesh on the window or not open the windows at all if they do not want to be responsible for the painful death of their pet.


  • Why do cats fly

Tip 2: How do cats avoid getting killed when they fall? high altitude

When falling from a small height, cats can get much more serious damage than from a fall from a fifth floor window or higher. Why is this happening?

Cats are not at all afraid of heights - they are masters at climbing and jumping, and if they fall, they always land on their paws, which often helps them avoid bruises and injuries.

There are many known examples where falls from a height of more than five floors were painful, but not dangerous, but short flights more often ended sadly. To understand the reason for this, special studies were carried out, cat flights were filmed and every movement was carefully studied.

In order to protect himself in a fall, he makes a number of body movements to reduce his speed. To soften the impact when landing, she tries to arch her back, using her paws and elastic muscles instead of shock absorbers. chest. Landing on your feet helps avoid severe injuries. But if the cat jumped from a small height, there may not be enough time for these manipulations.

Unfortunately, cats do not have a fear of heights. Having become accustomed to sitting on a chest of drawers, a windowsill, or at most a closet, the pet gets used to this level and does not even suspect that there may be anything higher. Moreover, every cat has a hunting instinct and a flying bird or butterfly can become cause of lung and a swift jump. And it also happens that the pet simply slips on the eaves or railings of the balcony.

According to statistics, the majority of deaths and serious injuries in cats under 5 years of age occur as a result of falls from great heights. At the same time, in 1987 there was a very interesting research, during which 132 similar cases were studied. It turned out that animals that fell from a floor below the 7th had more severe injuries than those that fell from a higher one (above the 7th). The most dangerous floors were the fifth to seventh.

This is explained by the fact that if a cat fell from a higher floor, then a sufficient height, and therefore more long time flight allows him to turn over and fall down with his paws. The fact is that cats have wonderful vestibular apparatus, which gives her the opportunity to as soon as possible find the fastest and best option to turn over with your paws down.

At the same time, cats also have the ability to glide when falling. The fact is that there is quite a lot of skin under the pet’s paws, so when he falls, he spreads his limbs in different sides, then is able to glide like a flying squirrel. Thus, when falling from a great height, a cat has time to turn its paws down, relax and assume a glider pose. Well, when falling from a lower floor, she simply doesn’t have that much time for all this.

What are the possible consequences

For all its aviation abilities, the animal is not immune from fractures and severe bruises. It is believed that if a cat falls from a window or balcony, then most often it dies from traumatic shock due to polytrauma - a combination of several serious injuries. Traumatic shock is the body’s reaction to complex multiple injuries, in which a serious disruption of tissue blood flow occupies a central place. As a result of this situation, the regulation of vital important systems and organs.

Blind faith in a cat's ability to land only on its paws and live nine lives leads to the fact that owners become completely careless and do nothing for the safety of their pet. Especially if he has already sat on the window or balcony many times and has never fallen.

However, statistics on cat “flights” indicate that these animals are capable of not only falling from long-studied windows, but also receiving serious injuries. Most often, if a cat falls from a window, it breaks the forearms of both paws. Quite often, complete bone fractures are observed, which lead to severe tissue swelling and exclusion of the paw from support. A spinal fracture has even more dangerous consequences when there is complete paralysis or paresis of the pet’s pelvic limbs.

A fairly common consequence of a fall in a cat is damage to the upper palate, resulting in a communication between the oral and nasal cavities. It can be either barely noticeable or 5-7 mm wide. Typically, such a cleft can be noticed when the pet meows or yawns. If it is not sewn up, there is a risk that food will get from the mouth into the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

If before the fall the cat did not urinate for a long time, then the full bladder may simply rupture from the impact. As a result rapid development peritonitis and poisoning of the body with nitrogen metabolism products, the animal can die almost immediately.

Contusions of the liver, spleen, kidneys and other parenchymal organs can lead to either minor dysfunction or massive internal bleeding. A blow to the lungs can result in an accumulation of air in pleural cavity– pneumothorax. The presence of blood in the urine after a fall indicates a kidney injury or bladder. In this case, you need to take an x-ray to see if there is a rupture of the bladder.

If your pet’s mucous membranes turn pale or acquire a grayish tint after such an incident, this indicates progressive anemia, which is a consequence of internal bleeding. If the cat’s limbs become cold, and he himself takes a lateral position, then his condition is extremely serious. In such a situation, you need to immediately visit veterinary clinic, otherwise the pet may die.

First aid for a cat after a fall

Even if a cat fell from a balcony or floor, but after that it feels normal and walks using all four paws, this does not mean that everything is fine with it. In any case, the animal must be shown veterinarian and take an x-ray. Well, what about serious injuries, in general, you cannot waste a minute and you should go to the veterinary clinic immediately. If you do not see a doctor within an hour or two after the incident, your pet may remain paralyzed or even die. Remember! 1-2 hours is critical time, for which you can save your pet from death or disability.

What measures should be taken when providing first aid and how to deliver the cat to the clinic:

Actions 1. If you suspect your pet has fractures of the spine, limbs or skull, then there is no talk of any kind of carrying! Any movement should be kept to a minimum. It is necessary to very carefully, without changing the position of the body, place the cat on a dense, flat surface. To do this, you can use a large board, a sheet of plywood or very thick cardboard. But first you should cover it with a blanket, on which you need to put an absorbent diaper.

Actions 2. Examine the pet for superficial bleeding. If you the cat is coming a strong or even gushing flow of blood, then this is most likely venous bleeding. If the wound is on a limb, then it is necessary to apply a tourniquet - a tight bandage above the bleeding. It is applied briefly, in summer time The tourniquet can be kept for about 1.5 hours, in winter - about 30 minutes. Then it must be removed, but if bleeding continues, then after 15-30 minutes, it must be applied again.

Apply less to the wound itself pressure bandage, moistened with a disinfectant solution, for example, furatsilin, myromestin or chlorhexidine. This bandage should not be removed until visiting a doctor. In addition to disinfection, it will also restrain blood flow when you remove the tourniquet.

With normal capillary bleeding you can use the same disinfectants. To stop bleeding, 3% hydrogen peroxide is suitable. A tourniquet is not needed in this situation.

Action 3. If your pet has a broken limb, it must be fixed. To do this you need to use a splint and bandages. It is important that the limb is immobilized, as bone fragments can seriously injure soft fabrics and cause the pet severe suffering. However, under no circumstances try to fix the bones yourself! This will only harm your pet. This can only be done by a qualified veterinarian.

Action 4. If your cat is breathing heavily after a fall, then most likely she has a lung contusion. In this situation, the animal must be placed in an oxygen chamber. Therefore, you should immediately go to the veterinary clinic. And on the way, you need to open the window of the car in which you are transporting your pet so that she has access to fresh air. And at a distance of 10 centimeters from the muzzle, hold a swab moistened with alcohol or vodka. This will help remove fluid from your pet's lungs.

Even if your pet doesn't have all of the above symptoms after a fall and only seems a little scared, that doesn't mean he's fine. Often state of shock a cat or cats can hide natural reactions for pain from fractures and internal bruises. Therefore, no matter how good your pet looks after falling from a window or balcony, you still need to consult a veterinarian and undergo anti-shock therapy.

“Prevention” of falls

To ensure that your pet does not have any the slightest chance If you fall from a balcony or window, you should definitely take precautions. Even if you live on the lower floors of the house, your pet can be seriously injured if it falls. That is why it is necessary to put bars on all the vents and windows that you open. A simple plastic insect net will do if you have a calm, not very large pet. However, if the cat is active, curious and strong, then he can push such a net out into the street or tear it with his claws.

The most reliable options are a metal mesh grille, which is used for rabbit hutches, or a thin metal mesh for country houses. The latter can be light and looks almost transparent, so it does not spoil the view from the window or the view of the apartment from the street, and it allows air to pass through well. It is very important to properly secure the screen to the window as cats may jump on it or push it. On plastic windows standard metal mosquito nets should be installed.

The balcony also needs to be secured; the tailed animals simply have a masterly ability to penetrate the balcony, unnoticed by you, literally in an instant. In addition, you should use a swing net for your balcony door if you open it in the spring or summer.

A cat falling from a window or balcony is always the fault of the owners. Unclosed and unbarred windows, open balconies are the main sources of danger for animals. But taking precautions is very simple, just install a simple mesh! Do not put your pet in mortal danger, take measures to protect it.

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An open window in summer brings long-awaited coolness into people’s homes and fresh air, but for cats it’s hidden mortal danger. Cats have no fear of heights. They love to climb higher and watch what is happening around them. They don't understand the difference between the height of the closet and the 10th floor level.

During the summer, falls from heights are the most common cause of serious injury and death in cats. It is believed that a cat receives the most serious injuries when falling from the 5th to 7th floor. Paradoxically, the higher the floor, the more chances the cat has to survive. During the flight, she manages to turn over with her paws down and group herself for landing.

Falling from a height is always swipe and state of shock. When falling on the front paws, fractures of the forearms and fractures most often occur. lower jaw and a crack in the sky. When falling on the side or onto objects, various injuries are possible: fracture of the spine, pelvis, rupture of internal organs, internal bleeding, fractures of limbs and ribs. When rib fractures occur, lung damage is possible - pneumothorax. Falling with a filled bladder is fraught with its rupture.

Contusions to internal organs (liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys) can cause mild dysfunction or massive bleeding. With fractures of the pelvis and spine, complete or partial paralysis is possible.

In any case, the first thing that occurs after hitting the ground is traumatic shock. Breathing is frequent and shallow. The cat is very restless or, worse, depressed and does not respond to stimuli. The mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth are pale pink or white. White mucous membranes may indicate increasing anemia due to massive internal bleeding. The pulse is frequent and superficial. The prognosis is poor if the cat's extremities become cold, she lies on her side, her body temperature drops below 37 degrees, from the mouth or nose there's blood coming out or foam with blood.

First aid if a cat falls from a height

A cat that has fallen out of a window should receive urgent veterinary care within 1-1.5 hours. This will increase her chances of survival.

Look for a fallen cat under a window or balcony. Remember that she can crawl several meters away in a state of shock. A cat can behave aggressively from fear and stress. Bring thick gloves with you.

If your kitty walks independently after a fall and looks cheerful, do not delay your visit to the clinic. The cat must be examined by a doctor. May be small internal bleeding, bruises of internal organs, cracked bones, etc. The cat needs an x-ray and anti-shock therapy.

cat in in serious condition carefully place it on its side on thick cardboard or a piece of plywood. Try to avoid bends in the spine. There is no need to carry her in your arms. Cover open bleeding wounds with a napkin soaked in chlorhexidine or furatsilin and bandage tightly.

Do not try to force the cat to drink, much less feed it.

If a cat manages to survive a fall, then in most cases it will have to long treatment and recovery. Get ready for the fact that now her life and health will completely depend on your proper and thorough care and compliance with all medical prescriptions. It is possible that at first the cat will need to be force-fed, bandages and injections given to it, wounds treated, and care taken so that it does not remove all the bandages. To do this, you need to put a protective collar on the cat's neck.

Spring and summer are the time for open balconies and open windows. Unfortunately, more and more often specialists from the DobroVet Center are forced to rescue cat paratroopers who have fallen out of windows. We will tell you how to properly provide first aid to an injured pet, and how doctors save “flyers.”

Why do cats fall from windows?

Most often due to the carelessness of the owners and the lack of protective nets on the windows. Cats are very curious animals, they love freedom and are important to the world around us and solar warmth.

What to do in the first minutes?

Immediately run after your pet. Place it in a carrier, in case of minor damage, or on a thick board (in case of a spinal injury) and urgently take it to veterinary center. During transportation, the animal must be provided with good access to air, rest, and warmth.

What will the veterinarian do?

Assess the general condition of the animal and collect anamnesis. In particularly severe conditions ( respiratory failure, traumatic brain injury) will begin oxygen therapy and further necessary manipulations:

Installation of an IV catheter and blood sampling;

X-ray examination (presence/exclusion of pneumothorax, fractures, diaphragmatic hernia);

Ultrasound abdominal cavity.

Once the pet's condition has been assessed, it may be transferred to the department. intensive care and resuscitation (with difficult cases) or perform infusion antishock therapy.

Why are IVs given in the first minutes?

In the first minutes after the pet arrives at the veterinary center, IVs are placed for:

Correction of hypovolemia (decrease in circulating blood volume);

Correction of acid-base balance;

Support blood pressure and tissue perfusion;

Eliminate detoxification;

Administration of medications.

What injuries does a cat most often get when falling?

The following injuries are most often recorded at VC DobroVet:

Fractures (from limbs and spine to cleft palate);

Traumatic brain injury (mild ataxia, mydriasis, severe neurological disorders);

Pneumothorax (presence of free air in chest cavity) due to contusion or rupture of the lungs;

Diaphragmatic hernia (the diaphragm ruptures and the abdominal organs penetrate into the chest cavity);

Rupture of abdominal organs (spleen, liver), this leads to large blood loss;

Bladder rupture leads to urinary peritonitis.

In most cases, if a cat falls out of a window, a general state of shock is observed; it develops as a response to injury and is accompanied by disruption of the nervous system, breathing, blood circulation and metabolism.

Why you shouldn’t “drag” an animal from clinic to clinic if it’s injured, choosing, in the owner’s opinion, best place for treatment?

The fact is that the doctor, in this case, is unable to fully find out what procedures were performed in the previous clinic, what kind of assistance was provided to the animal. Of course, the issue remains controversial - in some cases, “throwing” becomes a necessary measure for the owner, since the assistance is not always adequate or the equipment required for treatment is not available.

The most important disadvantage is the loss of time that will be spent on numerous repeated studies.

What injuries are incompatible with life?

It all depends on the severity of the injury:

At diaphragmatic hernia severe respiratory failure occurs, leading to fatal outcome if surgical care is not provided on time;

Traumatic brain injury leads to intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral edema and death;

Spinal fractures with severe displacement of the vertebrae compromise the integrity of the spinal cord(paresis, paralysis);

Damage to internal organs often leads to the rapid death of a cat due to heavy bleeding, pneumothorax. When the bladder or stomach ruptures, peritonitis develops; in this case, it is very difficult to save the animal.

What are the treatment methods and prognosis?

If a cat falls out of a window, the prognosis always depends on the severity of your pet’s condition. If the cat arrived at the veterinary center in a stable condition and without serious pathologies, then the prognosis is favorable.

If the cat is in a serious or extremely serious condition, then the prognosis will be from cautious to unfavorable. Even with quick implementation urgent surgical care and intensive care.

Treatment is prescribed according to the injuries and general condition animal. First of all, the animal is “brought out” of shock and emergency surgery is performed.

Can a cat survive a fractured palate?

If provided in a timely manner surgical intervention the injury is not life-threatening for the cat. But in the absence veterinary care the animal develops an oronosal fistula, feeding is difficult, and an infection of the upper respiratory tract and aspiration pneumonia.

What are the chances of life with a displaced spinal fracture?

If the spinal cord is seriously damaged, it has been crushed, then recovery normal functions organism in a cat is impossible. Even with a slight displacement of the vertebrae, compression of the spinal cord occurs; with prolonged compression, the tissue of the spinal cord changes irreversibly, the prognosis is unfavorable.

How much long period rehabilitation?

It all depends on the condition of the cat after the fall. May be required long stay animal in the hospital veterinary center.

What measures exist to prevent injuries and falls?

The most best prevention– attention of the owner and special window screens.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

If a cat once fell out of a window, then it will “fly” again and again

Cats instinctively grab everything that flies and moves, so you shouldn’t cherish the hope that they can somehow be weaned from doing this. This is why watching birds and insects often ends with the animal falling. If a cat falls from a second or third floor window, it usually lands safely. It happens that, even after flying from the 11th floor, some cats get away with only scratches and broken faces, the Diena newspaper writes. However, this is rather an exception to the rule. Sometimes even a fall from a small height can end very sadly - in cases where the animal lands on a hard surface, such as asphalt. Having fallen from a height of the fourth floor and landing on all four paws, the animal receives a fairly strong blow, and this often ends in broken limbs.

If a cat has already fallen out of a window once, then it will “fly” again and again, experts say. Therefore, it is important to take timely possible measures security. For example, the owner should install a protective net on the window - this is very effective remedy for the safety of pets.

If there is no such mesh, then you must close the windows before leaving. You should also not leave plastic windows exposed to so-called winter ventilation. After all, there are often cases when cats somehow climb into the gap between the window and the frame and die because they cannot get out of such a trap.

If your cat likes to lie on the windowsill open window, you should be wary of drafts. Because the window may suddenly slam shut, and a gust of air may push the animal out into the street.

If a cat falls from a window, then in any case - regardless of whether the animal lies motionless or can move - it is important to immediately take it to the veterinarian. Only a doctor can determine the condition of the victim; the owner is not an expert in this matter.

A fall can cause a concussion, broken bones, and/or damage to internal organs. In a state of shock, the animal may not feel pain, much less be able to show it.

Serious injuries may be indicated by vomiting, apathy, and uncontrolled urination. If a cat has fallen out of a window, is lying motionless, and there are suspicions of serious injuries, such as a spinal fracture, then a dense material must be placed under the animal - cardboard or a sheet of plywood - and in this form taken to a veterinary clinic.

Vita Elenina, Evia Trifanova/LETA

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