Pregnancy after a long time. How long after birth control pills can you get pregnant? You can’t abruptly interrupt the reception

When pregnancy occurs after stopping OC, how many months do you need to wait, what is the norm? By OK, as many have already guessed, we mean oral contraceptives. Tablets against unwanted pregnancy, which by changing hormonal levels do not allow it to happen. But in addition to the contraceptive function, pills are often used as a means of treating mild forms of infertility. The fact is that the likelihood of getting pregnant after withdrawal contraceptive drugs increases, this is called rebound effect.

But is it safe? Perhaps for the health of the child it is necessary to refrain from conceiving for 1-2 cycles after stopping the drug. No, if pregnancy is in your short-term plans, then this should not be done. Planning a pregnancy after OC should begin immediately. This is not at all dangerous for the child, since the drugs do not have a harmful, toxic effect on the body. And their hormonal effect ends with the end of their use, that is, before menstruation.

After menstruation, a new cycle begins. Since the pills are not taken, ovulation is certain to occur. By the way, pregnancy in the first cycle after withdrawal oral contraceptives in the case of regular sexual activity, it is very likely, since the ovaries rested while taking the drugs. There is a huge chance that the cycle will not be anovulatory.

If pregnancy does not work out immediately after stopping the OC, it is not a problem. Some people don’t get pregnant for a year. But in this case it’s hardly worth waiting for more. Probably, the OK problems have not been solved and an examination is necessary. And sometimes pregnancy does not occur for a very long time, while both partners are healthy. This kind of infertility is not uncommon. Usually the IVF procedure helps in this case.

It’s clear about pregnancy after stopping OCs, but what to do if conception occurred directly during the period of taking hormonal pills? Is it necessary to terminate such a pregnancy? Of course, oral contraceptives are very reliable, but sometimes conception is possible even against their background. For example, if a pill is missed or taken in parallel with contraceptives medicines, which reduced their effectiveness. Usually, a woman finds out about pregnancy when her period does not begin after finishing a package of pills. Doctors recommend not to start a new package, of course. If you plan to continue the pregnancy, no special examinations will be required. The woman is assigned folic acid for the prevention of neural tube pathologies in children. And at 12 weeks, blood is donated to check for the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities and an ultrasound is performed.

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Most women use oral contraceptives, which are one of the most effective and common methods of contraception, as protection against unwanted pregnancy. After all, if you apply, say, the practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, counting dangerous and safe days or use a condom, then cases of pregnancy occur much more often, this is due to the long-term viability of sperm. That is why most doctors advise their patients to use modern oral contraceptives, which contain a low amount of hormones, due to which the function of follicle production is not completely inhibited.

Taking birth control pills: impact on future pregnancies

When using oral contraceptives, many women have concerns about the effect of these drugs on future pregnancy and, accordingly, on the development of the unborn child. If we approach the issue from this point of view, it should be noted that, of course, there is some risk, and the possible consequences directly depend on the duration and frequency of taking the pills. Moreover, it must be taken into account that the reception birth control pills affects each woman differently, from which one woman may take them for several years and then experience no problems conceiving and carrying a child, while another woman may experience difficulties after only a few months of taking birth control medications.

“Pregnancy on cancellation”: rebound effect

In some cases, birth control pills are prescribed to patients by doctors to achieve the opposite effect - that is, to get pregnant. Yes, yes, precisely for the purpose of conceiving a child. The fact is that after taking contraceptive drugs is stopped, the so-called rebound effect may occur. This means that over the next three cycles after stopping taking the pills, the chances of conceiving significantly increase. In this regard, some doctors specifically prescribe oral contraceptives to their patients for a short period (2-4 months) in order to provoke a “pregnancy in withdrawal.” The thing is that during the period of using birth control pills, ovarian function is suppressed, which is why the onset of ovulation stops.

This “waiting” state of the ovaries continues for quite a long time, and as soon as the use of oral contraceptives is stopped, the ovaries begin to “catch up,” that is, to work with great diligence. In this regard, the tactic of taking birth control pills is widely used by gynecologists in the treatment of certain forms of infertility. Thanks to hard work ovarian pregnancy in many cases occurs in the first month after stopping the pills. But it should be noted that in some forms of infertility this method is ineffective, so sometimes a repeated course of use is prescribed hormonal drugs according to the scheme: they take contraceptives for three months, not for two months, then repeat the course again.

The likelihood of pregnancy after taking birth control pills

When oral contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is understood that the course of taking the drugs will be much longer than several months. Some women are concerned about the effect of how long they take birth control pills on their chance of getting pregnant after stopping them. It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. But some gynecologists believe that long-term, namely many years of taking oral contraceptives without breaks can lead to the body becoming accustomed to the constant supply of hormones that suppress ovarian function, which may reduce the production of their own hormones. Based on this, many doctors believe that taking oral contraceptives for six months will not lead to any serious problems female organs, but long-term use of drugs for two years or more significantly increases the risk of “slowing down” the production of hormones by the ovaries, after which problems with further conception may arise. As a rule, today gynecologists advise taking a three-month break from using birth control pills after each year of using them. But, unfortunately, many women prescribe hormonal drugs on their own, unaware of the possible consequences, and do not adhere to intermittent administration tactics. And only in the future do they greatly regret such indiscretion, when the need arises to deal with infertility.

Pregnancy after taking birth control pills: impact on the unborn child

There is no particular need to worry about the effect of oral contraceptives on the health of the unborn child. If you miss at least one or more birth control pills, your chances of getting pregnant increase significantly. If, however, pregnancy occurs while taking oral contraceptives, and you want to carry a child, then remember that the use of these pills will not affect the health of the unborn baby. Statistics show that the number of premature terminations of pregnancy or the birth of children with any abnormalities as a result of pregnancy during or immediately after discontinuation of hormonal medications does not exceed the usual level.

Many women mistakenly believe that after stopping long-term use of oral contraceptives, they should become pregnant immediately. In this case, the age of the patient should also be taken into account; the older the woman, the lower the chances of conceiving and bearing a child; this is also due to suppression of reproductive function. But there is no need to sound the alarm prematurely. You should contact an infertility specialist if, after stopping contraceptives, you cannot get pregnant within a year with regular sexual activity.

Note: After pregnancy, women, caring for the normal course of childbirth, are in search of good maternity hospital. In St. Petersburg, maternity hospital 18 offers women the service of a personal obstetrician-gynecologist who will conduct a qualified examination before pregnancy and will manage your pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum process.

Contraceptive hormonal pills and pregnancy: does taking them affect the possibility of having a child in the future; what if pregnancy occurs during a cycle of taking them; how contraceptives help treat infertility - the answers to all these questions are the topic of our article.

When we hear the phrase “birth control pills,” most of us are sure that we are talking about taking contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. And this is true. The manufacturers of these drugs claim that there is an almost complete guarantee that correct application contraceptives hormonal drugs will help you avoid pregnancy.

But this is only half the truth. After all, not everyone knows that there is also a diametrically opposite effect of birth control pills, which allows you to quickly get pregnant after taking them. This phenomenon is scientific name“rebound effect” or “pregnancy on withdrawal”.

The effect of birth control pills on pregnancy

Operating principle hormonal contraceptives based on their ability to suppress ovarian function. This is expressed in the fact that certain period(cycle of taking the drug) the process of ovulation, i.e., the release of the egg from the follicle, stops. And since there is nothing to fertilize, then pregnancy does not occur. But birth control pills only have an effect on preventing pregnancy while you are taking them.

After interrupting the use of the tablets, ovarian function is restored. After all, contraceptives, due to the minimal amount of hormones in them, do not affect the formation of the egg, but simply interfere with the ability to fertilize it. How long will it take for full recovery The functioning of the ovaries depends on several factors, including:

  • duration of use of contraceptives (if the use was carried out for no more than six months, pregnancy can occur almost immediately after discontinuation of the drug, if the period of birth control lasts several years, the same amount of time will be needed to restore completely suppressed sexual function);
  • The recovery period is influenced by the woman’s age (the older she is, the longer it will take).
Doctors advise taking a three-month break from taking hormonal pills after the end of each cycle of their use.

If you are taking contraceptives and then decide to have a child, do not stop taking them immediately after deciding to become pregnant. You should complete the cycle of taking them indicated in the instructions to avoid violations hormonal balance in the body.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Often, women whose numerous attempts to have a child do not lead to success, the question arises whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking contraceptive medications. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in certain cases, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed for the treatment of infertility. Many people wonder how you can get pregnant after taking pills called birth control.

The thing is that the probability of getting pregnant after taking the pills is higher than if you simply do not use protection at all. Another question is whether it is easy to get pregnant after taking birth control pills. It depends individual characteristics body. In some cases, it is enough to take the pills for three months and stop. Within about a week after this, you can get the long-awaited pregnancy.

If your period comes within seven days, you will have to repeat the three-month cycle of taking contraceptives. Worry about whether someone will receive you contraception negative impact for the baby's health, it's not worth it. Numerous studies show that this will not affect the development of the fetus or the health of the baby after birth.

After stopping hormonal contraceptives, the chances of pregnancy increase. Doctors even use this property in the treatment of infertility - short-term administration of the drug and its withdrawal actually helps some patients conceive a child. But at the same time, many women are concerned the following questions: Will pregnancy proceed normally after birth control pills, will the hormones taken previously affect the child and are they safe for the reproductive system?

How common myths about the effects of birth control on pregnancy relate to reality

Without a doubt, taking hormonal drugs does not go without a trace. But it is important to separate the truth about their impact from speculation and rumors. Let's look at the most common myths about the effect of birth control pills on pregnancy and reproductive health women.

Myth one: multiple pregnancies are more common after hormonal contraceptives

This is true. The mechanism is easy to explain. Artificial hormones entering the body suppress reproductive function. After their cancellation, the ovaries begin to function in an enhanced mode, restoring their function.

During this period, the likelihood of simultaneous maturation of several eggs, and therefore the occurrence of multiple pregnancies, increases. This phenomenon is more typical for the first menstrual cycle after stopping birth control pills.

Myth two: after stopping birth control you can’t get pregnant for 3 months

This statement has some basis. But compliance with this condition is not always mandatory.

If the drug was prescribed to a woman for a short-term course to stimulate the ovaries, then pregnancy after birth control pills can be planned immediately after they are discontinued. In case of prolonged use of contraceptives, it is really better to abandon this idea, giving the body time to recover.

Myth three: long-term use of birth control pills negatively affects a woman’s reproductive function.

This fear is explained by facts from the past, when contraceptives were produced with quite high dosages hormones. Such drugs were more difficult for women to tolerate; they required mandatory breaks in use so that the body remembered its immediate function.

The drugs produced these days can be taken continuously. But you need to remember that long-term use requires mandatory restoration of the menstrual cycle before planning pregnancy.

Myth four: hormones can affect future children

It has been proven that the hormones included in oral contraceptives do not accumulate in the body. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the health of the future generation.

Even if conception occurred directly while taking the drug (this probability exists, although it is very small - about 1%), this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. In this case, contraceptives are canceled and further pregnancy occurs without any problems.

The course of pregnancy after contraception

Pregnancy after birth control pills proceeds just like any other - with its own risks and problems, depending on the age and health of the expectant mother. Information that artificial hormones taken previously can cause fetal deformities is unfounded. If pregnancy has occurred and is developing, taking hormonal contraceptives in the past will not affect its course in any way.

The only thing that birth control pills can affect is the conception of twins, triplets, etc. The risk of multiple pregnancy increases if a woman has been using oral contraceptives for more than 6 months. This effect lasts during the first cycle after discontinuation of the drug.

If after hormonal contraception pregnancy does not occur for more than one and a half years, you need to consult with specialists. Most likely the problem will be solved hormonal therapy and stimulating ovulation, but you should not hesitate to see a doctor. How formerly a woman starts treatment, the less time and effort it will take to achieve the desired pregnancy.

Useful video: the effect of hormonal contraceptives on conception and pregnancy


Today, most couples choose oral contraceptives to protect against unplanned pregnancy. However, after some time, thoughts arise about creating a full-fledged family. Then one of the main questions arises - is it possible to get pregnant after taking birth control pills?

It is also important to determine the right time to plan conception, and so that the consequences of oral contraceptives do not in any way affect the health of the mother and her unborn baby. Using birth control pills, a girl can be 99.9% sure that she will not get pregnant. When you stop taking oral contraceptives, the ovaries begin to overfunction, therefore, the risk of conception increases.

Birth control pills – harm or benefit?

Taking any contraceptives is permitted only after consultation with a specialist. Gynecologists advise you to start taking special tablets, in which there is no large number hormones (mini-pills). They in turn create a block for normal ovulation, without which conception is impossible.

The tablets are taken from the first day of the menstrual cycle, following the instructions. If you miss at least 1 dose, there is a high probability of an unplanned pregnancy.

The pills themselves do not harm the female body, except if taken without the supervision of a gynecologist and the drug is not suitable for the girl.

Hormonal drugs are designed to suppress the functioning of the ovaries. Because reproductive system slows down its work, conception is impossible. Gestagens and estrogens - 2 hormones included in oral contraceptives, affect ovulation and prevent the formation corpus luteum. Instead of menstruation, menstrual-like discharge occurs.

The main reason for using oral contraceptives is considered to be to prevent unplanned pregnancy. However, gynecologists may prescribe the use of tablets for the treatment of polycystic disease or ovarian dysfunction.

Prescription of contraceptives is carried out based on the level of hormones in female body. To determine this, the patient needs to undergo certain tests.

But after a woman has taken birth control pills, no matter for what reason, she and her partner, who have come to a mutual decision to conceive a baby, are asked a question that worries them: how and when can you get pregnant after taking birth control pills?

Planning pregnancy after birth control pills

As soon as a woman stops using birth control pills, her ovaries start working from the very beginning of the cycle. It happens that 2-3 cycles pass out of habit, without the release of an egg, but it is possible that ovulation may occur in the first cycle.

How quickly a patient can get pregnant after taking birth control depends on her, or more precisely, on how her pregnancy is normalized. menstrual cycle. As practice shows, after the course of medication ends, a couple of irregular cycles. If fluctuations last about 6 months or more, you should consult a specialist to identify the cause.

Most likely, the doctor will advise the patient not to rush and wait up to six months until the body fully recovers after taking oral contraceptives.

  • adjust the rhythm of life;
  • provide a balanced diet;
  • start taking vitamins;
  • use folic acid.

In a few months expectant mother The body is preparing for the future birth of a new life:

  1. the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system is normalized;
  2. the menstrual cycle returns to normal;
  3. ovarian functions are improved;
  4. the endocrine system comes into order.

By the way, in medical practice Many patients are prescribed birth control pills to treat diseases with hormonal disorders. Rebound effect is a short period of time, about 3 months, when contraceptives are used to stimulate the work of the ovaries, which have been resting for some time.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control?

When visiting a gynecologist, women often ask when they can get pregnant after taking birth control pills. The specialist is obliged to advise the patient, telling her how to properly stop taking contraceptives, further actions, and how long it will take to wait for the desired result.

When a woman comes to the conclusion that it is time to stop taking pills, this should be done at the end of the menstrual cycle.

The effect of oral contraceptives is valid in the cycle in which they were used. It is possible to get pregnant after taking birth control even in the next month after you stop taking the pills. However, all experts say that this cannot be done. A test should be performed to determine your hormone levels.

Factors influencing conception

How likely it is to get pregnant after taking birth control, and how much time it takes for the body to recover, depends on many factors:

  • duration of use of OK;
  • girl's age;
  • previous pregnancies and births;
  • woman's weight.

When taking contraceptives for several years in a row, it will take a fairly large amount of time to normalize the menstrual cycle and restore ovulation. The older a woman is, the more time she needs.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Birth control pills, like most medications, have contraindications for use and side effects. When using pills, many women experience problems side effects, if they are clearly expressive, it means that oral contraceptives were prescribed incorrectly and you need to see the supervising doctor as soon as possible.

TO side effects include:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. irritability;
  4. increased “vegetation” on the body;
  5. small discharge.

Since oral contraceptives have quite pronounced and quickly manifested effects, they should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist. Unauthorized use of oral contraceptives can negatively affect the female body:

It is easy to get pregnant after taking birth control pills, the main thing is to follow the recommended dose. Correct technique, namely, daily intake at a certain time, is the key to positive result. If it so happens that there is a pause while taking the pills, you should follow the steps indicated in the instructions.

Statistics show that some women manage to get pregnant after taking birth control pills and give birth to twins. When the body is recovering, it needs help; for this you should drink a complex of vitamins. A correctly selected course and dose will have a beneficial effect on the development of future pregnancy.

For successful conception during the period when a woman has stopped taking birth control pills, she should do the following:

  1. Refuse bad habits– no alcohol or tobacco products.
  2. Review your diet; it needs to be balanced.
  3. The necessary vitamins should come not only in the form of tablets, but also as part of food.
  4. To restore ovulation, the patient may be prescribed Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Cyclodinone, Time Factor.

If we summarize all of the above, we can conclude that you can get pregnant immediately after stopping birth control. Only the specifics of taking the pills need to be discussed with a gynecologist. To conceive healthy child and don’t worry about his health and development; you should plan your pregnancy after 6 months.