All about birth control pills and weight gain. How to lose weight after hormonal pills or with hormonal imbalance - diet and nutrition for weight loss

Normal hormonal levels depend on the balance of hormones in the body. From glands that produce various hormones, consists of the endocrine system, which plays a huge role in regulating the weight of every person. The functioning of the entire body depends on the activity of hormones, including the processes of losing and gaining weight, metabolic rate, appetite, the formation of fat mass, and even the emergence of a sudden desire to eat something tasty. But how can hormones affect a person’s weight? To answer this question, you need to know not only what this or that hormone is responsible for, but also how changes in its level affect weight.

Hormones and weight: leptin

Translated from Greek, “leptos” means slender. This hormone is mainly responsible for the feeling of satiety and our appetite; it sends information to the brain about whether there are enough fat reserves in the body. Therefore, if leptin levels decrease, the brain immediately sends a signal to the human body that fat reserves must be replenished. And that’s why we really want to have a quick snack.

The conclusion suggests itself - by increasing the level of this hormone, you can “convince” the body of satiety and solve the problem of obesity forever. However, people with overweight noted and tens of times more high level leptin than in lean people. This may be due to the fact that in the body full man Sensitivity to leptin is lost, due to which the body begins to produce it in increased quantities. As weight begins to decrease, leptin levels also decrease.

A decrease in leptin levels also occurs due to constant lack of sleep. Therefore, usually those whose night sleep is less than 7 hours, prone to obesity. In order for the level of this hormone in the body to be balanced, it is recommended to eat seafood and fish.

Hormones and weight: estrogen

This hormone is female as it is produced by the ovaries. It performs many functions related to regulation menstrual cycle and distribution of body fat.

Estrogen is the main reason that fat deposits in young women are usually located in the lower part of the figure, and in men and women after menopause - above the waist, in the abdominal area. It is believed that the set excess weight is associated precisely with the lack of this hormone in the body.

A decrease in estrogen levels in the body is natural and usually occurs about ten years before the onset of menopause. This often manifests itself in an increased love for sweets. Estrogen levels decrease and the body begins to obtain it from fat cells, which it has to store more and more of. At the same time, the female body also loses testosterone, which manifests itself in sharp decline muscle mass. Due to the fact that it is the muscles that are responsible for burning fat, the smaller they become, the more fat is deposited. Therefore, after 40 years it becomes much more difficult to get rid of excess weight.

In order for the body to produce these hormones in sufficient quantities, it needs a mineral such as boron, the amount of which is insufficient when supplied with food. This means that if there is a deficiency of estrogen and testosterone, additional intake of boron is indicated.

A dangerous decrease in these hormones also occurs during stress. And support muscle mass possible with strength exercises.

Hormones and weight: cortisol

In another way, this hormone is also called the “stress hormone”; it is considered a close relative of adrenaline, since it is also produced by the adrenal glands.

Essentially, this corticosteroid hormone is part of the human body's defense mechanism, as it is produced involuntarily during times of stress.

The effect of cortisol on the body is not clear. Being an anti-stress mechanism, it launches some protective processes and suspends others. Therefore, many stressful situations appetite increases, thus the body accumulates strength to withstand difficult life situation. At the same time, thanks to cortisol, the speed of the metabolic process decreases, for the same purpose - to preserve the energy that will be required to combat stress.

A person cannot influence the production of this hormone, therefore, if there is a tendency to “eat up” stress, one should try to avoid its sources. In addition, any methods of relaxation (dancing, yoga, meditation, etc.) are useful.

Hormones and weight: adrenaline

This cortisol-related hormone also affects metabolism, just in a different way. This is due to the fact that cortisol is the body’s response to stress, and adrenaline is a response to strong emotional arousal. So, when jumping with a parachute for the first time, a person experiences mainly fear, which means that the body produces cortisol. An experienced skydiver experiences an adrenaline rush at the moment of a jump, associated with emotional excitement.

Adrenaline also acts differently; it speeds up metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fats. Adrenaline increases body temperature, which is associated with fat burning. In addition, usually when adrenaline is released, appetite decreases. But the more a person weighs, the lower his body’s ability to produce adrenaline.

Hormones and weight: insulin

Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for regulating glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. Under the influence of this hormone, excess sugar is converted into fat deposits. Disturbances in the body's production of insulin lead to diabetes. Simply put, this happens as a result of too intense activity of the pancreas associated with excess intake of human body starch and sugar. This means there is no need to overuse the products. white so as not to type extra pounds and do not put stress on the pancreas.

Minerals such as vanadium and chromium, as well as vitamin B3 (niacin), improve the functioning of the pancreas. Additional reception These substances in the composition of vitamin-mineral complexes contribute to both the prevention and treatment of disorders associated with the functioning of the pancreas.

Hormones and weight: thyroid hormones

The short names of these hormones, similar in nature, produced by the thyroid gland are T1, T2, T3, T4.

If these hormones are not produced enough, function decreases. thyroid gland, which leads to gaining extra pounds. Increased production of these hormones (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) also leads to disorders.

For balanced functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is needed, which enters the body with food in the form of iodized salt, as well as as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing supplements. Iodine in combination with selenium is also useful.

Those who have low thyroid function should exclude peanuts and soy products. It is important to know that stress negatively affects the balance of thyroid hormones.

Hormones and weight: ghrelin

This hormone is produced by the stomach and sends hunger signals to the brain. The production of ghrelin provokes increased calorie consumption. The production of this hormone is stimulated by fructose, which is especially abundant in corn syrup, fruit juices and carbonated drinks. Thus, regular consumption of foods rich in fructose leads to an increase in hunger and, as a result, overeating.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that overweight people and those who are not helped by diets are recommended to have a blood test for hormone levels. And if a deficiency of any of the hormones is detected, it is often enough to change your diet and lifestyle, as well as start taking vitamin and mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, you need to take care of the protective equipment in time. One of the most effective methods is taking hormonal pills. There is an opinion that such a drug affects weight. Is this true? And how to choose birth control pills that don’t make you fat at all?

How to choose birth control pills

You cannot choose such a drug yourself, otherwise you can not only get better, but also seriously harm your health. Side effects from birth control pills can be very diverse: from decreased libido to increased hair growth. If you don't want to use oral contraception affected your figure, and you didn’t have to lose weight later to restore your usual shape, the doctor should select the pills.

The body of a young girl at 18 years old is different from the state of a woman at 35. Modern drugs differ in the amount of hormones in their composition and other components, so contraceptive pills, which do not make you fat at a particular age, are prescribed by a specialist. The main factors that the doctor takes into account include:

  • age;
  • height;
  • condition of the mammary glands;
  • degree of pubic hair;
  • regularity of menstruation and cycle status;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

Which contraceptives do not affect weight

New generation hormonal pills have a diverse effect on the body. Hormones are prescribed not only to protect against unplanned pregnancy, but also to treat cycle disorders and various diseases. This suggests that if contraceptives were suitable for your girlfriend or sister, they may be completely contraindicated for you. However, when making the right choice they don't provide negative influence, do not disrupt hormonal levels, but normalize them. Therefore, the question of whether birth control pills make you fat disappears in itself.

Young nulliparous girls Often prescribed medications contain 21 pills with a small amount of hormones in a package. You need to drink them every day at the same time with a break of a week between blisters. Women over 35 are prescribed medications for 24 or 28 days. The effect after using the contraceptive occurs only after 10-14 times of use. If you choose and use the medicine correctly, you will be able to choose birth control pills that will not make you gain weight.

How do new generation birth control pills work?

The composition of the pills includes substances such as progestin and estrogen. The first is often called male hormone, the second – purely female. When the amount of the latter in the girl’s body reaches its peak, ovulation occurs. New series of birth control pills combined action allow:

  • control the level of estrogen in the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of ovulation;
  • make menstruation regular;
  • prevent ectopic pregnancy;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing diseases such as cancerous tumor breasts;
  • reduce rashes on the face;
  • the mucus located in the cervix becomes denser, preventing sperm from penetrating the egg.

Low-dose drugs

Suitable mature women who lead an active sex life, as well as girls for whom microdosing is not enough. The action is aimed at preventing pregnancy and bleeding between periods, controlling the menstrual cycle. The pills can be used in medicinal purposes. In addition, dragees have cosmetic effect. Very in rare cases may cause malaise, increase appetite, and disrupt metabolism. With the right selection, you will find those birth control pills that do not make you fat, but keep you healthy.

Microdosed birth control pills

They are considered the most harmless and safe drugs. They contain a minimal amount of hormones, which is suitable for young girls who are just starting to be sexually active. After taking such pills, you will not lose weight or gain weight, since they have practically no significant effect on the body. If you are worried that birth control pills will make you fat, then it is better to choose pills from this category.


Progestin-based drugs are suitable for nursing mothers. During lactation, a woman can become pregnant, so it is necessary to protect herself during sexual intercourse. Mini-pills are contraceptive pills that do not make you fat at all; they do not affect the composition of milk and its formation in the body. They should not contain estrogens, because they are contraindicated during this period. It is necessary to drink the pills on an ongoing basis without a 7-day break, as with conventional hormonal contraceptives.

Prices for contraceptives that don't make you fat

Modern medicine offers wide list birth control pills. Contraceptives, which will prevent you from losing weight, are inexpensive. Considering that the tablets provide a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy and help solve some problems with women's health, you can take them on a regular basis. You can only buy high-quality pills at a pharmacy. The cost of a package of medicine starts from 300 and reaches 1000 rubles.

Which hormonal birth control pills are better?

To understand which birth control pills do not make you fat in your case, you need to make an appointment with a doctor for a consultation. Some drugs can cause changes in metabolism, retain water in the body, and lead to various violations. Among the popular and safe pills, the dosage of hormones in which does not exceed 20 mcg includes:

  • Claira;
  • Novinet;
  • Jess;
  • Lindinet-20;
  • Miniziston 20 fem;
  • Logest;
  • Mercilon.

Side effects from these drugs are minimal and easily tolerated by the body. They fight the appearance of rashes on the face and reduce pain during menstruation. If their dosage is not sufficient to eliminate bloody discharge between menstruation, you can buy more strong remedies. They are harmless to health, so the question of whether they make you fat hormonal pills, will be redundant. These include the following:

  • Yarina;
  • Lindenet-30;
  • Janine.

Video: why hormonal pills make you fat

Many representatives of the fair sex, whose choice fell on such a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy as oral contraceptives (OC), before starting to take the pills, they worry that this may negatively affect their figure. Almost every woman, when prescribed hormonal contraceptives, asks her doctor whether birth control pills make her fat. And their experiences are supported by the stubbornly persistent myth that taking hormonal contraceptives is certainly complicated by weight gain.

Reading reviews about OK on the Internet, you can identify a number of pressing questions: “Am I getting fat from birth control pills?”, “I got fat from birth control pills and stopped taking them...”, “Which birth control pills make you gain weight?” As a rule, those with new kilograms are in a hurry to attribute weight gain to oral contraceptive medications, but this is not at all true because modern hormonal contraceptives contain a much smaller dose of hormones that affect weight gain.

In what cases is it possible to gain weight while taking OK?

Which birth control pills make you fat? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each woman’s body is individual. Apart from a weight gain of 2-3 kilograms, a properly selected OK drug will not cause obesity and will not damage the waist and hips.

Such questions arose from the fact that previously OCs were used, which included large number estrogen (it is this hormone that causes weight gain). Modern drugs contain almost half the amount of this hormone: if the first contraceptives contained about 50 mcg of estrogen, then modern drugs contain about 30 mcg, and low-dose ones - 20-15 mcg. It is for this reason that modern OK can be used without fear of losing a slim figure.

Is it possible to get fat from the new generation of contraceptives? Significant weight gain can only be observed if a particular drug is selected incorrectly. Only some women gain weight from birth control pills in the first months of taking them (by about 2-3 kg), but this gain is reversible, because after a few months of taking them, the weight stabilizes.

Why do birth control pills make you gain weight within 1-2 months of taking them?

When starting to take OK, a woman may notice some changes in her usual way of life:

  • increased appetite is the main reason for weight gain; in the first months, women are advised to follow a diet with a partial restriction in carbohydrates and a restriction in fats;
  • delay excess liquid- an analogue of progesterone, which is contained in OCs, provokes a slower removal of fluid from the body; if edema is detected, you can use modern diuretics with a minimum side effects or drink herbal diuretic teas;
  • violations hormonal levels- if weight gain is observed while following a normal diet motor activity and the absence of edema, then weight gain while taking OCs may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance, in such cases it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist.

Which birth control pills don't make you fat?

Long-term clinical trials Other OCs have shown that drugs containing 20 mcg of estrogen do not provoke weight gain, and tablets containing 30 mcg of estrogen only maintain existing weight.

In some cases, women may be prescribed for therapeutic purposes those contraceptive pills that make many people gain weight. These drugs contain about 50 mcg of estrogen.

If earlier every second woman gained weight while taking high-dose OCs, now these outdated drugs are prescribed extremely rarely. Medium (up to 30 mcg) and low (up to 20 mcg) dose of estrogen contained in modern contraceptives in 99% of women it has no effect on body weight. This effect is especially pronounced in monocomponent OCs, which contain only a progesterone analogue (unfortunately, these drugs are not suitable for everyone).

Which contraceptives can you gain weight on purpose?

In some cases, if women are too thin, they want to find out if there are birth control pills to gain weight. Such a desire is generated, as mentioned above, by the established myth that taking OCs will certainly lead to weight gain. Let us emphasize once again that the use of modern drugs almost completely eliminates such illusory hope. Any doctor will answer the question: “Do people gain weight on purpose from birth control pills?” - the answer will be negative.

Preparations with high content estrogen-like substances (for example, Anteovin, Ovidon) are prescribed only according to therapeutic indications and are used extremely rarely in the practice of a modern gynecologist; in addition to weight gain, they have a number of very negative side effects. OCs with an average estrogen content (Regulon, Silest, Janine, Diane-35 Chloe, Microgenon, etc.) can cause weight gain only against the background of a deliberate desire to gain weight, they can also “maintain weight” within the limits in which it was initially (at the time of the start of data reception OK). In other cases, weight gain can only be observed by those women for whom one or another drug was incorrectly selected to protect against unwanted pregnancy or treat a gynecological disease.

Gynecologists and endocrinologists recommend that women not torment themselves with questions about whether it is possible to gain weight from contraceptives. Follow all doctor's recommendations when prescribing hormonal OCs. A competent doctor will definitely warn his patient about possible emergence those symptoms that indicate possible error in drug selection. If they are detected, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of the occurrence of certain side effects and decide whether to cancel or replace the OC with another drug.

Hormonal drugs- a timeless medical horror story. There will always be a colleague, an aunt or a stranger in line who is ready to vehemently speak out against the fact that unwise doctors are prescribing these terrible pills. One of the main side effects associated with popular consciousness with hormonal therapy, this is an almost inevitable weight gain. Well-known nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov told about why people gain weight from hormonal medications, which specific medications cause the appearance of extra pounds, and what to do about it.

Losing weight after taking hormonal drugs is no different from any other weight loss, the secret of which is in combination proper nutrition And optimal level physical activity. However, it is much more important to pay careful attention to the individual prescription of the drug and not to neglect yourself during the course of treatment, discussing all doubts and problems with your doctor in a timely manner.

To whom and why are hormonal drugs prescribed?

Professor Alexey Kovalkov

IN endocrine system there are seven main people endocrine glands, in addition, there are many cells scattered, for example, in gastrointestinal tract, which also have the ability to produce hormones. The hormones themselves, biologically natural active substances There are several dozen produced by the human body.

There are many hormonal medications that can be prescribed to women for one reason or another. And it is wrong to combine them into one frightening whole, overgrown with myths and superstitions. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor and the patient takes it correctly, there is no point in raising the question of the advisability of treatment. There are situations when hormonal therapy is irreplaceable.

As a rule, hormonal drugs are prescribed in order to compensate for the insufficient formation of some hormones in the body, or in order to suppress their excess production. Some types of hormonal drugs, such as glucocorticoids, are prescribed for diseases that are not directly related to the endocrine system - for example, bronchial asthma, severe allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

One of the diseases for which hormones, in particular the hormone insulin, can be prescribed is diabetes mellitus. The most commonly prescribed groups of hormonal drugs are synthetic thyroid hormones in the form of levothyroxine sodium alone (for example, L-thyroxine and Eutyrox), in the form of a combination of levothyroxine and liothyronine, that is, T4 and T3 (Thyreotom, Novotiral) or in combination with iodine ( Yodtyrox, Thyreocomb). These drugs are used to treat hypothyroidism or underfunction of the thyroid gland.

A large number of women periodically or constantly use hormonal agents with a contraceptive effect. Gynecologists can prescribe such pills not only for family planning, but also as a treatment for certain gynecological diseases. Contraceptives are also prescribed to change the level of estrogen in the blood in estrogen-dependent diseases, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Sometimes, with the help of progesterone preparations, they compensate for their own deficiency of this hormone in case of widespread reproductive problem, known as insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle (impaired function corpus luteum, which can interfere with the desired pregnancy).

But drugs for replacement hormone therapy when lost hormonal functions restored with the help of pharmacology, they are still used quite rarely in our country. Although in European countries the prescription of such medications has long been practiced with success.

Why does weight gain when taking hormonal drugs?

“People” have a strong opinion that as soon as you start taking these insidious “hormones”, in any form, you will definitely get better. And, it must be admitted, such a view cannot be called fundamentally wrong.

When using glucocorticoid drugs for a long time (we are talking about months and even years), for example, due to systemic disease connective tissue, or bronchial asthma, patients get better because glucocorticoids increase glucose levels, which, that is, indirectly contribute to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue.

Weight gain is also common among sufferers diabetes mellitus with an overdose of insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, that is, it stimulates the processes of utilization and storage of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, and at the same time inhibiting the catabolic processes of breakdown of glycogen, fats and proteins.

But the use of thyroid hormones in itself cannot provoke weight gain. These hormones speed up metabolism, increase heat production by the body, and increase work activity cardiovascular system, that is, they cause processes that are associated with weight loss.

If you are participating in a discussion about the fact that a friend, acquaintance, colleague from the next office, or a TV celebrity has gained weight “on hormones,” do not rush to apply this information to yourself. Starting to take hormonal medications does not automatically mean that it’s time to buy clothes to grow.

The first question that arises when you hear about “hormonal” weight gain: how did the woman eat? Body weight cannot increase in the absence of excess nutrition. In any case, if the drug was prescribed to you by a doctor after thorough examination and strictly according to indications, and you cannot not take it, you must first of all take a close and honest look at your table and the degree of physical activity. If you are sure that you are eating right, moving enough, and the weight continues to “gain”, you should understand the reasons individually and together with your doctor. Under no circumstances should you cancel and replace treatment on your own, go on a strict diet, and especially starve. Just like using other people’s experience of losing weight after taking hormonal drugs.

These high-calorie contraceptives!

Contraceptives can be called the most “massive” of all hormonal drugs; accordingly, the lion’s share of the discussion of the problem of losing weight “due to hormones” is associated with their use.

There are three main reasons why women who use hormonal birth control for a long time may gain weight:

  • 1
    Progesterone, one of the hormones found in contraceptives or pills hormone replacement therapy, promotes some fluid retention in the body.
  • 2
    Taking hormonal pills may affect the change eating behavior, namely, to increase appetite.
  • 3
    Relatively new data: if a woman gains weight when prescribed contraceptives, then most likely at the time of prescription she had subclinical hypothyroidism, which “worsened” with changes in hormonal levels. When thyroid function decreases, weight gain is common.

No hormonal drugs have their own calorie content. Accordingly, they themselves are not incapable of causing weight gain. If this happens, the reason lies deeper, and one should get rid of the consequences of its manifestation under the supervision of a specialist, without rash experiments and haste.

Do outdated hormonal hormones make you gain weight, and new ones make you lose weight?

Also, we must not forget that the drug is different from the drug. The first artificially synthesized female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - were obtained in 1929 and 1934, and the first contraceptive pill appeared on the market in the 60s of the last century. Since then, the doses of hormones in the drugs have been significantly reduced, and the active ingredients became bioidentical. For example, the latest generation of contraceptives uses estradiol valerate, which is converted in the intestine into estradiol, identical to its own.

Varieties of gestagens have appeared that are part of contraceptives and drugs for hormone replacement therapy. These substances, for example, drospirenone, have the property of removing excess fluid from the body. Also, to reduce the risk of side effects, you can ask your doctor to prescribe progressive contraceptives: for example, a gel applied to the skin that is minimally involved in metabolic processes"inside" the body.

Research the latest drugs containing female sex hormones demonstrate that medications latest generation not only does not contribute to weight gain, but also reduces fasting glucose levels and insulin resistance, and also improves the condition lipid profile, reducing the level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipids.

It is important for women of any age to know about this: correctly selected drugs for hormone replacement therapy during menopause will help avoid the sad and unpleasant manifestations characteristic of this period metabolic syndrome, including not only weight gain and the appearance of fat deposits in the abdomen, but also hot flashes, thinning hair on the head and facial growth, the risk of osteoporosis, vascular pathology, atrophic processes in organs.

But! With all the advantages of properly prescribed hormonal therapy, it is necessary to remember that hormones cannot be started until at will only because the wonderful pills helped someone around me. All, even the most modern drugs, have contraindications. Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a doctor strictly individually, and when long-term treatment You must visit your doctor at least twice a year. This is the only way you can achieve safe medication use and avoid unwanted consequences.

Have you ever taken hormonal medications?

I took it and got better. I took it and my weight did not increase. I am against hormonal drugs. You can always find an alternative and not take risks. There was no need, but if indicated, I would start taking it without hesitation.

Many girls planning to start taking hormonal medications wonder: “Will I gain weight?” The worst side effect of taking hormonal birth control pills is considered inevitable weight gain. Surely every girl has one in her arsenal shining example how some slender young lady, after taking hormonal drugs, turned into a “terribly fat woman.”

Reasons for weight gain while taking hormonal medications

Now, of course, we will never understand who and when began to invent scary stories about the inevitability of weight gain, but it can be assumed that this is due to the fact that the first hormonal preparations contained quite high dose The estrogen hormone is almost twice as much as in the medications that are available in pharmacies today. Because of this, various metabolic problems arose in the female body, in the form of metabolic disorders, which led to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and, in fact, to weight gain.

With the development of pharmaceuticals, the study of the effect of hormonal drugs on the female body continued, the dose of estrogen was reduced, and, at the same time, the number of possible side effects decreased. Recent scientific research found that modern drugs have no effect on carbohydrate metabolism female body, and, therefore, do not provoke unwanted weight gain.

Provoking factors for weight gain on hormonal contraceptives

To understand how not to gain weight on hormonal drugs, consider the reasons why birth control pills, which do not contain any calories, can upset us when we weigh ourselves with unnecessary kilograms:

fluid retention in the body. Any hormonal drug contains a progesterone analogue, which can contribute to slight fluid retention in the body. This is associated with the appearance of edema, which may be perceived as weight gain, but in reality it is excess fluid. To avoid gaining weight, you can buy drugs in pharmacies that have a slight diuretic effect, which helps avoid the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

Increased appetite. Any hormonal pills, unfortunately, increase appetite, which can cause weight gain. If you maintain a balance between the consumption and expenditure of calories, they will be easily converted into energy, but if you lead a passive lifestyle, they can be deposited in additional kilograms. Therefore, women should follow a diet, limiting themselves in fats and, partially, in carbohydrates.

Endocrinological disorders. If, while taking hormonal medications, you eat properly, maintaining a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you lead active image life, but you are still gaining weight, then this is a good reason to contact an endocrinologist to examine thyroid gland, a decrease in function of which may be manifested by an increase in body weight. Other symptoms of hormone imbalance may also include a tendency to get infections and increased fatigue.

How to avoid gaining weight on hormonal drugs?

From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: a woman with normal health who eats properly and rationally, leads an active lifestyle, can safely start taking hormonal medications to prevent unplanned pregnancy, without fear of ruining her figure extra pounds.

The main thing is that before you start drinking OK, you need to consult a gynecologist who will advise optimal solution and may order some preliminary tests.