Lipid profile: screening. Lipidogram: the essence of the analysis, what it shows, the norm and deviations, how to take it

Cardiovascular diseases rank first in terms of mortality in the world. One of the reasons for this terrible disease is atherosclerosis, in which narrowing and blockage of blood vessels occurs.

For timely diagnosis of this disease and assessing the effectiveness of its treatment, a laboratory study of the blood composition for the content of fats and fat-like substances is carried out - lipid profile.

When diagnosing diseases, a biochemical blood test is usually performed. One of the indicators of such analysis is total cholesterol. However, when examining a patient for the presence of cardio- vascular diseases this indicator is not enough.

This is due to the fact that cholesterol and other substances in the blood fat-like substances exist in the form of lipoproteins, which are compounds of lipids (fats) and proteins. With the help of these lipoproteins, the blood carries out the necessary movement of insoluble fat-like substances throughout the body. Lipoproteins themselves are complex compounds that can have low (LDL) or high (HDL) density. The density of these compounds depends on the ratio of fat and protein in them. LDL contains more fat than HDL. It turns out that these two different substances have different effects on the formation of plaques in blood vessels, and, consequently, on the disease atherosclerosis.

LDL cholesterol is the main carrier of fats into tissues and organs. At the same time, it is the main source of cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels and the most dangerous from the point of view of atherogenicity, that is, the ability to form plaques in blood vessels, their narrowing and blockage. Moreover, the amount of such cholesterol is up to 65% of total number cholesterol in the blood.

HDL cholesterol prevents the formation of plaques, as it transports free fat-like substances from cells to the liver, through which they are removed from the body.

There are also lipoprteins in the blood especially low density(VLDL). At present, there is no reliable evidence of them negative influence on vessels, but often their number is also of interest in diagnosis cardiovascular diseases. Some scientists believe that VLDL, under some conditions, converts to LDL and thus increases the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

In addition to cholesterol in the blood contains fats - triglycerides(TG). These fats are a source of energy for cells. In the blood, TG are found in VLDL. Their excess can also negatively affect the appearance of plaques in blood vessels.

The presence in the blood of a very complex structure of fats for correct diagnosis requires a thorough analysis of the lipid spectrum.

Usually lipid profile includes determination of the following lipids in the blood:

  • total cholesterol (Koch);
  • HDL (α-cholesterol);
  • LDL (β-cholesterol);
  • VLDL;
  • triglycerides.

Based on the results laboratory research calculated atherogenic coefficient(Ka).
This coefficient is determined by the following formula:

Ka=(Koh –HDL)/HDL.

What preparation is needed for the analysis?

A blood test to obtain a lipid profile is performed by routinely drawing blood from a vein. In this case it is necessary do this fence on an empty stomach. In addition, during the day before donating blood, you must give up heavy physical activity, smoking, and alcoholic drinks. It is advisable to avoid emotional stress before donating blood.

Norm of indicators

The results of the lipid profile are compared with the acceptable values ​​of the corresponding indicators. The meanings of these boundary indicators are given in table 1.

Table 1

Example of a lipid profile obtained for patient N. (age -74 years, preliminary diagnosis - ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris 2 FC) are shown in table 2.

Table 2

Based on the results of this lipid profile, Ka was calculated:

Decoding results in adults

The results obtained are interpreted as follows:
When Ka< 3 риск development of atherosclerosis is small. The value of this coefficient from 3 to 4 indicates the presence of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease in the patient. When Ka > 5, there is a high probability of diseases of the heart, brain and kidneys. If the LDL value is > 4.9, then this indicates presence of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. With values ​​of this indicator from 4 to 5, we can talk about the presence of the initial stage of these diseases.

Meaning HDL indicator for men< 1,16 ммоль/л (для женщин – < 0,9) свидетельствует о наличии у пациента атеросклероза или ИБС. При расположении показателя в граничной области (мужчины – от 1,16 до 1,7 и женщины — от 0,9 до 1,4) можно диагностировать процесс появления этих болезней. При высоких значениях показателя ЛПВП риск появления атеросклероза очень мал.

Exceeding TG level 2.29 mmol/l indicates the patient has atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. With borderline values ​​of this indicator (1.9-2.2), one can assume initial stage development of these diseases. High value TG indicator is also possible if the patient has diabetes mellitus.

The example results of a lipid profile of a real patient (Table 2) are quite correspond to the above decoding. Indeed, despite the fact that total cholesterol and triglycerides are normal, HDL is quite low and is on the border of the acceptable range, and LDL is outside the acceptable range. Therefore, the patient is diagnosed presence of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which is confirmed small size HDL (1.04 mmol/l) and a high Ka value (3.94).

Desired indicators

In order for fat metabolism in the body was normal, we must strive for the following indicators:

  • total cholesterol - no more than 5 mmol/l;
  • LDL - no more than 3 mmol/l;
  • HDL - at least 1 mmol/l;
  • triglycerides - no more than 2 mmol/l;
  • Ka - no more than 3.

Lipidogram in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases

As a rule, a cardiologist prescribes a patient for a lipid profile. Thanks to the results of LH, it is possible to diagnose diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney disease and other diseases.

When found high content LDL, which is bad for blood vessels, your doctor can prescribe statin treatment(lovastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin). The presence of a large amount of TG also requires treatment with drugs. But if the patient's blood contains a large amount of HDL, then such treatment may be premature. In this case, sometimes you can make do with usual measures, including following a diet, increased consumption of seafood and fish, maintaining healthy image life without smoking and drinking alcohol.

Therefore, when diagnosing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, correct interpretation of the patient's lipid profile.

When treating already established cardiovascular diseases, PH is used as a marker with which the doctor checks the safety and effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

If statins are prescribed, after some time it is prescribed repeat lipid profile. Based on its results, the doctor determines the effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, makes adjustments.

Prices at Invitro

When a lipid profile is prescribed by the attending cardiologist at the clinic, the analysis is performed free of charge. In other cases, such a test can be done at various medical centers.

The cost of such an analysis is range from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

For example, at the Invitro company in Moscow such an analysis costs 1080 rubles plus 199 rubles for blood sampling, and in St. Petersburg the same analysis can be done at NML for 1,300 rubles.

I suffer from shortness of breath, even with little effort, sweat appears, I feel a rapid heartbeat and sleep poorly. They say you need to check your heart. Could this be related to him?

Dyspnea (feeling of lack of air) is a common symptom that accompanies various pathologies. Most often it occurs in diseases of the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems.

Shortness of breath should not be ignored; it can be a harbinger of life-threatening conditions (myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism).

Shortness of breath on exertion is usually associated with cardiovascular disease. It may be a symptom of heart failure, angina, hypertension, or a heart rate. Therefore, recommendations to check the heart should be taken into account.

Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and sweating can also occur due to excess production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland during thyrotoxicosis.

In your case, you need to contact a general practitioner who will clarify your complaints, conduct an examination and recommend appropriate examination and/or consultation with specialized specialists.

The examination plan may include: clinical analysis blood, determination of sodium, potassium, calcium, urea, cholesterol and its fractions, natriuretic hormone (BNP), hormones in blood serum thyroid gland(free T4, free T3 and TSH), measurement blood pressure(BP), electrocardiography (ECG), chest radiography.

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While on vacation on a hot day, I felt my heart squeezing for a few seconds and gradually increasing. Then everything happened again half an hour later. Could this be related to the heat or is it worth examining the heart? I have a lot of weight - 154 kg with a height of 192 cm.

In the heat, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and this can provoke unpleasant and even dangerous conditions. Due to excessive sweating and dehydration, blood viscosity increases and blood pressure rises, which increases the load on the heart. Due to fluid loss, there is a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the heart muscle. In your case, the situation is aggravated overweight bodies. The mutual influence of these factors was most likely the cause of pain in the heart area.

To find out true reasons if you feel unwell, it is better to visit a general practitioner as soon as possible. The minimum list of studies may include a complete clinical blood test, determination of total cholesterol, low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL), triglycerides (TG), blood glucose, resting ECG, and chest x-ray.

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I am 40 years old, diagnosed with hypertensive type VSD, blood pressure 150/100. What tests should be done to rule out hypertension?

There is a group of diseases with increased blood pressure. One of them is vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD) of the hypertensive type, which is based on functional cardiovascular disorders caused by impaired autonomic activity nervous system. These disturbances are usually temporary.

A persistent increase in blood pressure may occur with hypertension or with secondary arterial hypertension. The latter most often accompany kidney disease, stenosis (narrowing) renal artery, primary hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and Cushing's syndrome. Mentioned endocrine diseases characterized by excessive production of adrenal hormones, which causes an increase in blood pressure.

To determine the causes of arterial hypertension, it is recommended:

  • 24-hour urine analysis for metanephrines and free cortisol, blood test for aldosterone-renin ratio, cholesterol and its fractions, glucose, rate determination glomerular filtration kidneys, general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • ECG, EchoCG, ultrasound of head and neck vessels, renal vessels, kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • consultation with a therapist, neurologist, cardiologist and ophthalmologist (for examination of the fundus).

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My test results: TG 2.07; cholesterol 6.39; HDL 1.39; LDL 4.06; atherogenic coefficient 3.6; glucose 6.4. She has no chronic diseases, she is a pensioner, her TG levels were previously elevated. Do I need to take statins or is dieting enough?

The decision to prescribe statins for cholesterol metabolism disorders is made by the doctor after examining the patient, assessing the examination results and risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Increased levels of TG, cholesterol and LDL indicate the need for dietary changes to reduce the proportion of saturated fats and increase physical activity to reduce body weight.

Glucose levels may indicate impaired glucose tolerance, which precedes the development of type 2 diabetes. To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin and consult an endocrinologist.

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To make a diagnosis of diseases from the category of cardiovascular, the main part of the study is necessary - a lipidogram (other names: blood for lipids, blood lipidogram, blood for lipidogram, lipid profile), which reveals using laboratory techniques detailed disorders of fat metabolism and the degree of risk of developing the disease in the patient.

A lipidogram is a table with values spectral analysis lipids in the blood. It is analyzed separately in men and women in comparison with standard indicators:

General lipid profile norms

Knowing the level of triglycerides, you can easily calculate the atherogenic index of plasma (AIP):


In the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, metabolism, lipid profile monitoring is prescribed, which shows changes in blood levels.

In order for the result to be accurate, you need to follow some rules for preparing to donate blood for a lipid profile:

  • do not radically change your diet;
  • if you are not feeling well, the analysis should be postponed until better times;
  • It is not allowed to do the test after an X-ray examination and physical procedures;
  • when treating atherosclerosis, you need to continue taking medications;
  • training should be postponed for a day, or even better - for several days;
  • do not drink alcohol for a day or two;
  • do not smoke immediately an hour before the test;
  • adjust yourself to calmness;
  • last meal – 8-10 hours before the procedure;
  • if thirst occurs on the eve of a lipid profile, you can only drink clean water in not large quantities. But instead, it is advisable to rinse your mouth.


Lipid profile analysis provides detailed information necessary for upcoming treatment, showing five main values.

Total cholesterol

This indicator is not a “horror story” for a patient undergoing a blood test for a lipid profile. This substance, essential for the body, is involved in the formation of tissue cells, cell membranes, sex hormones, human growth and development. Cholesterol is produced by liver cells, and a fifth of the total amount (subject to normal nutrition) enters the body through food.

A feature of cholesterol, like any lipid (fatty substance), is its inability to dissolve in a liquid medium and move in it. The function of cholesterol transport blood vessels performed by lipoproteins, which are able to combine with lipids due to a mixed protein-fat shell.

High density lipoproteins

These substances are called good cholesterol, or HDL, for short. In structure, they consist of 50% protein and are responsible for human health by transferring unnecessary cholesterol from the blood vessels to the liver, which is processed into bile. Thus, good cholesterol controls blood vessels from clogging with bad cholesterol - LDL.

Low density lipoproteins

Harmful LDL substances stick to the walls of blood vessels. The concentration of bad cholesterol creates an obstacle to the movement of blood to vital organs. This situation puts a person at risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Compared to HDL, the main component of LDL is cholesterol – 42%.

Three main indicators lipid spectrum according to age are presented in the table:

Very low density lipoproteins

The purpose of the fraction is to deliver neutral fatty substances (TG) from the liver to peripheral system. TGs predominate in the structure of transport substances of very low density and account for 55%.

VLDL particles have relatively large sizes and low density, therefore, when moving through narrow peripheral vessels, they barely squeeze forward and can disintegrate into several lipid fragments. These pieces settle on the walls of blood vessels, harden, becoming atherosclerotic plaque similar to LDL.


These are neutral fats that supply energy to the body's cells. Unspent TGs are stored as reserves, but in excess they are harmful to health. With increased values ​​of TG and LDL, the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders increases several times.

The norms for HDL, LDL and TG values ​​in women according to age scale are presented in the table (substance values ​​are indicated in mmol/l):

Number of yearsHDLLDLTG
Up to 140,91-1,90 1,61-3,61 0,31-1,41
15-20 0,92-1,91 1,54-3,55 0,43-1,49
21-25 0,87-2,04 1,49-4,12 0,41-1,54
26-30 0,97-2,15 1,85-4,25 0,41-1,49
31-35 0,94-1,99 1,82-4,04 0,43-1,64
36-40 0,89-2,12 1,95-4,45 0,43-1,69
41-45 0,89-2,28 1,93-4,51 0,46-1,92
46-50 0,89-2,25 2,06-4,82 0,50-2,15
51-55 0,97-2,38 2,29-5,21 0,51-2,43
56-60 0,97-2,35 2,32-5,44 0,58-2,64
61-65 0,99-2,38 2,60-5,80 0,63-2,97
66-70 0,92-2,48 2,39-5,72 0,64-2,70
After 700,86-2,38 2,50-5,34 0,59-2,70

Lipidogram of patients' blood age category over 50 years of age may deviate significantly from the norm. By these years, women gradually lose protection by sex hormones from atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

As for men, their body is not at all protected from the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and over the years, the stronger sex accumulates problems with lipid metabolism substances in connection with smoking, taking, fatty foods, exposure to stress. Therefore, people after 50 need to take negative changes in the body seriously.

The normal range of lipid spectrum readings in children in mmol/l looks like this:

In infants less than a month old, cholesterol levels in mmol/l should be in the range of 1.4-4.4; in children from 2 to 12 months – 1.7-4.9.

Atherogenic coefficient (AC)

This indicator is calculated by dividing the LDL value by HDL.

KA = (X – HDL) / HDL.

The numerator can be found by subtracting the HDL cholesterol value from the amount of total cholesterol.

The ratio of good and bad cholesterol, which is shown by KA, indicates the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease, as well as the stage of development.

In what cases is analysis prescribed?

Blood donation for a lipid profile is carried out for the following indications:

  • upon reaching 30 years of age and older - every 5 years;
  • lack of physical activity and, as a consequence, various degrees obesity;
  • diseases with symptoms of high cholesterol: diabetes mellitus, cardiac pathology, problems with cerebral vessels, hypertension, atherosclerosis, endocrine disorders– every six months;
  • smoking;
  • V for preventive purposes during mass examinations;
  • increased cholesterol value in the lipid profile;
  • taking medications to lower LDL;
  • hereditary diseases.

Donating blood for a lipid profile in a private medical center estimated at an average of 700 rubles. Depending on the quality of the equipment, the level of the clinic, geographical location and regional status settlement the cost of this analysis can range from 500 to 1500 rubles. Lipid spectrum tests are valid for up to 6 months.

What is being studied

In addition to lipid metabolism disorders, which were discussed in detail above, a lipid profile is used to study the degree of risk of a number of diseases with increased or decreased levels of substances in the blood. Such pathologies include heart attacks, strokes, kidney disorders, diseases with concomitant cholesterol deviations from the norm.

In progress laboratory diagnostics the patient’s risk group is determined taking into account gender, age, heredity, bad habits, overweight, cholesterol levels and other factors. Based on this, the cardiologist prescribes drug treatment with a strict selection of drugs and course of treatment.

What do deviations from the norm mean?

The results of spectral analysis for lipids indicate possible or actual disturbances in the functioning of the body. So, high cholesterol, within which the real reasons for the increase in value are hidden, can roughly report pathologies:

  • poor nutrition and lack of mobility, which sooner or later lead to cardiovascular problems;
  • heredity;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • diabetes mellitus, pancreatic disease;
  • renal failure;
  • acute inflammatory or infectious process.

Low cholesterol concentration gives a preliminary signal for diseases:

  • thyroid gland;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • blood;
  • sepsis;
  • joints;
  • lungs.

Also, deviations in cholesterol levels to a lower level can warn of diet abuse, basic starvation and lack of nutrition.

Scroll specific reasons in case of unsatisfactory results of the analysis, a decoding of the indicators following cholesterol is given.

HDL a little increased value guarantees the body protection against vascular diseases. If this indicator is abnormally high (more than 2.3 mmol/l), then it is associated with disorders fat metabolism, transmitted by inheritance; enormous physical activity, liver cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, cancer.

Basically, HDL deviates from the norm to a lesser extent and the following may be involved in this:

  • chronic diseases liver and kidneys;
  • endocrine pathologies, including diabetes;
  • acute viral infections;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart attack

Excess bad cholesterol, which is brought by LDL and indirectly by VLDL, notifies about the problems that have arisen:

  • pancreatic disease;
  • weakening of renal functions;
  • gout (accumulation of salts uric acid in joints, tissues, organs);
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • atherosclerosis of varying degrees.

Low LDL and VLDL values ​​are observed in isolated cases, indicating the following:

  • respiratory problems;
  • hyperthyroidism (abnormally active work thyroid gland);
  • acute liver failure(mainly in children);
  • anemia.

An increase in triglyceride levels occurs when:

  • kidney diseases;
  • hepatitis B C;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • gout;
  • hereditary thalassemia, which occurs when hemoglobin synthesis is impaired;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • excess calcium in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • suffered a heart attack.

Low triglycerides are present in people with disorders:

  • in the respiratory system;
  • excessive functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • in nutrition.

The atherogenic coefficient (AC) reflects the ratio of bad cholesterol to good cholesterol. Its value is directly proportional to LDL, that is, the higher bad cholesterol, the greater the atherogenicity coefficient. Having calculated the CA, we can talk about the development of diseases associated with the blood supply. A reduced rate indicates a minimal risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

Blood lipidogram – effective technique, providing information for diagnosis. An experienced specialist makes a conclusion by considering all the factors in the patient’s medical history.

Lipidogram - what is it? A lipidogram is a special study of cholesterol levels in the blood (specialists take blood from a vein). This analysis allows us to obtain a lot of useful information for further treatment information, it shows:

  • Cholesterol level;
  • Level of “good” cholesterol (HDL);
  • Level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL);
  • Triglyceride levels.

Must be taken this analysis regularly until doctors have an accurate result on which to base a diagnosis. You should also sign up for a lipid profile if you are at risk, but more on that later.

When is a lipid profile prescribed?

There are many indications for a lipid profile, and only a cardiologist can prescribe it.

Here are the main ones:

Preparation: what needs to be done before a lipid profile?

To obtain an accurate result, special preparation for the test is required; this is very important, because any deviation may be the basis for an incorrect diagnosis and erroneous treatment! You should change your lifestyle slightly for 1 week before your lipid test, but some things should remain the same.

What is being examined when taking this analysis?

The lipidogram includes 4 main indicators, which doctors rely on for further treatment:

1. Cholesterol (the second name is total cholesterol)

This indicator is one of the main ones. Doctors divide cholesterol into exogenous (entering the body with food) and endogenous, which is produced by the body.

Cholesterol is responsible for many processes, for example:

  • For the formation of tissues;
  • For puberty;
  • For the formation of cell membranes;
  • For general development the whole body.

2. “Good” cholesterol ( scientific name- high density lipoproteins)

This cholesterol does not harm the body; you should not try to get rid of it, as it does a lot useful functions. For example, “good” cholesterol transports all cholesterol to cells. It is itself excreted from the body through the liver, and deviations in its quantity can portend many diseases.

3. “Bad” cholesterol (scientific name: low-density lipoprotein)

This indicator is the most important, because this is exactly the cholesterol that many people suffer from! If your level of low-density lipoprotein is very high, then you should be seriously concerned, as there is a high chance of developing atherosclerosis and other diseases cardiovascular system.

“Bad” cholesterol is dangerous because it has the unpleasant property of lingering on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques that can even lead to death (if clogged).

Triglycerides are practically not found in blood plasma, but they are found in large quantities in adipose tissues.
This indicator is important to control, because triglycerides that are not converted into energy turn into “bad” cholesterol.

Some experts also calculate the very low-density lipoprotein index, but its effect on the development of the disease has not yet been proven, so it is often not found in tests.

Decoding: what do deviations from the norms mean?

It is worth focusing on deciphering deviations from the norm in various indications.

1. Disorders associated with normal cholesterol levels

If you find a low level of total cholesterol in the blood, this may warn you of the development of:

  1. Fever;
  2. Various lung diseases;
  3. Hyperthyroidism;
  4. Anemia.

In addition, such a decrease can be caused by severe physical exhaustion or starvation.

If your cholesterol is high (this happens much more often), then you may have:

There are also more simple reasons increased cholesterol levels, such as obesity, pregnancy or alcohol abuse.

2. Disorders associated with “bad” cholesterol

If you have low “bad” cholesterol, you may develop:

  • Any disease of the respiratory system;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • Tangier syndrome.

If you have high “bad” cholesterol, you may have:

Do not make preliminary conclusions before consulting a specialist, because you may be consuming too much junk food, and the problem is solved by an ordinary diet!

3. Disorders associated with “good” cholesterol

Unlike previous indicators, “good” cholesterol is often not enough, the reason may be:

Dangerous diagnoses! And the reason for the increase in “good” cholesterol may be:

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Alcoholism;

4. Triglyceride disorders

If you notice that as a result of the analysis you have reduced level triglycerides, then you should think about:

  • Dangerous chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Diet-related disorders.

And the reason higher level triglycerides can become:

Let's sum it up

A lipidogram is a popular method for diagnosing many diseases of the cardiovascular system; for example, cardiologists are able to accurately assess the risk of a heart attack or other diseases that appear due to high level"bad" cholesterol.

The specialist must classify you as a risk group; the frequency of subsequent preventive measures lipidogram!

Here are common diseases that can be avoided if this analysis is carried out in a timely manner:

  • Liver diseases;
  • Heart attack;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Atherosclerosis.

These diseases can be prevented without any problems if you are careful about your health.

Lipidogram: the essence of the analysis, what it shows, the norm and deviations, how to take it

Cardiovascular diseases lead in the number of cases worldwide, and their main cause is considered to be disorders of fat metabolism with atherosclerosis affecting the vascular walls. Helps to objectively assess the degree of risk laboratory examinations, including a lipid profile.

You can find out about the amount of total cholesterol from a biochemical blood test, but this indicator alone does not make it possible to reliably judge the presence or absence of pathology. The study of the lipid spectrum involves determining the concentration of not only cholesterol, but also other fatty fractions of the blood. These indicators are very important in assessing the degree of risk of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, therefore they are indicated for people predisposed to atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, and diabetes.

A sample is taken for analysis venous blood, and the patient should know some of the features of preparation for it and conditions that may affect the result. The lipid profile is deciphered by a general practitioner, cardiologist, or endocrinologist.

Lipid profile indicators

The pathology of fat metabolism plays a key role in the genesis of the most various diseases and, above all, - vascular lesions. There is no longer any doubt about the influence of lipid metabolism disorders on the development of atherosclerosis, and this disease is the path to, dangerous defeats aorta, renal vessels, limbs.

Timely detection of abnormalities in cholesterol and lipid fractions is necessary not only for early diagnosis pathology of the cardiovascular system, but also for prevention severe complications atherosclerosis.

Many people know that the level is the most important indicator fat metabolism, so its increase is always a concern. However, this indicator alone is not enough for correct conclusions, because cholesterol can also increase in absolutely healthy individuals without provoking atherosclerosis. To assess fat metabolism, it is important to establish the concentrations of lipid fractions, the fluctuations of which are more characteristic of pathology or normality.

A lipidogram with the study of all fatty components of blood plasma makes it possible to more accurately assess the risk of atherosclerosis. The analysis may reveal abnormalities even when the total cholesterol concentration is within normal limits.

Cholesterol is an integral component of cell membranes; it is part of bile, necessary for proper digestion, and is a precursor of sex hormones, without which development, puberty and functioning of the adult body do not occur. In plasma, cholesterol is found bound to lipoprotein proteins.

In addition to cholesterol (CH), a lipid profile - a blood test for lipids includes indicators such as high, low and very low density - HDL, LDL, VLDL. They make up the total cholesterol, but their role is different, so the disease is not judged by total cholesterol. Based on the content of these components, it is determined plasma atherogenic coefficient, which serves as a prognostic factor for cardiovascular diseases.

Cholesterol is formed by liver cells and enters the body from the outside with food, and its excess is excreted. VLDL is not saturated with cholesterol and is able to bind it, becoming LDL. High-density lipoproteins capture excess cholesterol from the blood and deliver it to hepatocytes, where cholesterol is converted into fatty acids or is included in the composition of very low density lipoproteins, thus being “neutralized”.

High-density lipoproteins are classified as anti-atherogenic fractions, that is, these components prevent atherosclerosis, removing “bad” cholesterol from the circulation. When they decrease, the likelihood of atherosclerosis increases.

The bulk of blood fats are LDL, which are endowed with the ability to “stick” to the walls of blood vessels and participate in the formation of fat-protein plaque. They account for up to 70% of total cholesterol. If these substances do not go beyond the normal limits, then the risk of pathology is minimal, because the exchange occurs in the right way. In cases where LDL is elevated and settles on vascular walls, we can talk about high probability atherosclerosis, even if total cholesterol retains normal values.

Triglycerides are a normal component of the blood; they are considered natural metabolites that are part of VLDL, come with food and are excreted by the liver. Their main volume is concentrated in fatty tissue; they are the main energy substrate in the body. Being an integral part metabolic processes, they, at the same time, can cause serious harm when normal concentrations are exceeded.

It has been established that TGs increase with atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, excess weight, hypertension and play an important role in the genesis coronary disease hearts, vascular changes brain

So, a lipid profile consists of the definition:

  • Total cholesterol;
  • Triglycerides;
  • HDL;
  • LDL;
  • VLDL.

The atherogenic coefficient, which makes it possible to quantify the risk of atherosclerotic damage to the vascular endothelium, is calculated using these indicators: the sum of the values ​​of VLDL and LDL is divided by the level of HDL. (Normally – up to 3.5).

For correct decoding lipid profiles, it is necessary to take into account some other conditions:

  1. Age;
  2. Heredity in relation cardiovascular pathology;
  3. Presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  4. Presence and degree of obesity;
  5. Blood pressure level;
  6. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Only objective assessment lipid spectrum, taking into account these factors, gives the most accurate prognosis regarding atherosclerosis and heart and vascular diseases.

When is it necessary to study the lipid spectrum?

The study of the lipid spectrum aims not only to determine the risk of heart and vascular diseases, but also to assess the effectiveness of treatment for an already established diagnosis. It is important for dynamic monitoring of patients on and taking medications to lower cholesterol.

Indications for a lipid profile are:

  • Survey within preventive measures for people over 20 years old – once every five years;
  • Increase in total cholesterol with biochemical analysis blood;
  • Presence of changes in cholesterol concentration in the past;
  • Unfavorable heredity, when among close relatives there are patients with severe atherosclerosis, hereditary forms of fat metabolism disorders;
  • Presence of risk factors - smoking, diabetes, overweight, arterial hypertension, age over 45 and 55 years for men and women, respectively;
  • Treatment with lipid-lowering drugs, prescription special diet(control of effect).

How to take the test correctly and what affects the result?

When going for any research or analysis, we all want to get the right and most reliable result, and in the case of a lipid profile, as with other tests, you need to know and follow some rules so as not to distort the indicators.

The blood lipid spectrum is very sensitive to external conditions. This doesn't just apply to food intake. The result can be influenced by anxiety, excessive physical effort, taking medications, recently performed other tests, infections, etc., so all these factors must be kept in mind.

It is recommended to take blood samples for lipid levels in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 12 hours after the last meal. Half an hour before the test you should exclude physical activity and psycho-emotional experiences, as well as smoking. The test should not be performed on patients with acute heart attack myocardium and during the first 3 months from the moment of its occurrence.

The result may change:

  • Infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • Eating, alcohol, smoking shortly or immediately before the analysis;
  • “Hungry” diet, exhaustion;
  • Concomitant diseases with damage to the liver, kidneys, endocrine glands;
  • Pregnancy.
  • Many medicines may cause an increase or decrease in both total cholesterol and its fractions, therefore, if you are taking any medications, you must notify your doctor about this.

    Total cholesterol increases during treatment with beta-blockers, by the way, often prescribed for pathology of the heart and blood vessels, which at the same time serves as a reason for a lipid profile. Hormones and some diuretics and tranquilizers also increase total cholesterol.

    Decrease in total cholesterol observed in individuals taking lipid-lowering drugs (,), as well as when prescribing estrogen, androgen, allopurinol and others.

    Corticosteroid and sex hormones cause an increase not only in total cholesterol, but also in HDL and LDL. Hormonal contraceptives increase cholesterol, LDL and reduce HDL.

    The ability of many drugs to influence lipid profile parameters makes it necessary not only to take it into account when interpreting the results, but also to closely monitor patients taking such drugs, because their risk of developing vascular and heart pathologies may be increased.

    Normal or pathological?

    When deciphering a lipid profile in adults, a specialist first assesses whether there are deviations in the numbers of specific indicators. It is believed that the risk of atherosclerosis is increased if total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and TG exceed normal values. Pathology is also indicated by an atherogenic coefficient of more than three and a reduced content of high-density lipoproteins.

    The following values ​​of lipid spectrum indicators are considered the norm:

    • Atherogenic coefficient – ​​2.2-3.5;
    • TG level up to 2.25 mmol/l;
    • HDL – 1.03-1.55;
    • LDL up to 3.3;
    • VLDL – 0.13-1.63 mmol per liter;
    • Total cholesterol – up to 5.2 mmol/l.

    For high-density lipoproteins, different normal values ​​are provided for women and men. Thus, an increased likelihood of atherosclerotic lesions and cardiovascular pathology is indicated by HDL levels below 1 mmol per liter of blood in men and less than 1.3 in women. Low risk determined for people of both sexes if HDL exceeds 1.55 mmol per liter.

    The atherogenicity coefficient can also serve as a prognostic indicator. If it is below three, then the risk of atherosclerosis and vascular lesions is minimized. A coefficient level within 3-4 may indicate increased risk atherosclerosis, and when its value is 5 and higher, patients usually already have certain manifestations of atherosclerosis - coronary heart disease, discirculatory encephalopathy, kidney pathology, impaired blood flow in the extremities. With such numbers, vascular complications are quite likely.

    A positive lipid profile result, that is an increase in its atherogenic indicators can be observed in a variety of pathologies:

    1. Family, hereditary forms ;
    2. with atherosclerotic changes;
    3. Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
    4. Pathology of the urinary organs;
    5. Decreased production of thyroid hormones;
    6. Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, diabetes);
    7. Overweight.

    A physiological increase in cholesterol is possible during pregnancy.

    Reducing total cholesterol and its fractions is possible with:

    • Malignant tumors;
    • Pulmonary pathology;
    • Thyrotoxicosis;
    • Infectious diseases, sepsis;
    • Burn disease;
    • Fasting.

    High-density lipoproteins usually decrease in coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, diabetes, and stomach ulcers.

    The nature of the food consumed has a great influence on the indicators of fat metabolism. Even if there is no atherosclerosis yet, changes in the lipid spectrum already create a risk of heart and vascular diseases. Abuse of quickly digestible carbohydrates, animal fats, fatty and fried foods, alcohol creates an excessive load of cholesterol, which the body is not able to metabolize. Over time, increasing concentrations of its derivatives are deposited in the vascular endothelium.

    If the doctor notices in a biochemical blood test high cholesterol, then he will refer you for a study of the lipid spectrum to exclude metabolic disorders. Patients whose cholesterol is normal still need this detailed analysis if exposed to risk factors. Persons with unfavorable heredity for dyslipidemia are examined regularly, at least once a year, regardless of age.

    The price for studying the lipid spectrum depends on the level of the clinic and the locality, varying between 500 and 1500 rubles. The analysis is quite common, so there are usually no difficulties in finding a clinic or laboratory where it can be performed.