Linex for infants instructions for use. Linex for newborns: instructions and objective assessment of effectiveness

Expectant mothers begin to prepare for the arrival of their baby long ago. In addition to clothes, a cradle and a stroller, their list of mandatory purchases also includes a baby first aid kit. Many of its components do not require explanation, but why buy Linex for newborns?

Today you will find out why a course of treatment with Linex is needed for infants, how to give Linex to newborns, what reviews pediatricians and parents give about it.

The article is for informational purposes only! Don't self-medicate! Does your child need this drug- only your local pediatrician can give the answer. Feel free to contact him for clarification. Do not consult pharmacists; it is profitable for them to sell a lot of drugs.

If you have Linux for children, dysbacteriosis is not scary

The digestive system of a newborn baby is sterile and contains absolutely no bacteria. After the first breastfeeding the intestines are populated by microflora, although not always useful. Not a single month is needed for a relative balance of microflora to be established in a newborn’s body.

Lactobacilli obtained from mother's milk gradually increase in quantity, which makes it possible to regulate the number of pathogenic microorganisms. It’s bad that such a process is accompanied by painful manifestations - dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis causes considerable discomfort in the child due to increased formation of gases in the intestines. The newborn has:

  • frequent abdominal pain - colic;
  • regurgitation or vomiting;
  • cases of fever;
  • change in stool - it becomes liquid, greenish in color with the presence of mucus;
  • but constipation is also possible.

All this is very painful for the baby. It’s even more difficult for his parents; it’s hard for them to watch the baby and not know how to help him. And there is help, and even a lot of it. Much is known folk ways to alleviate infant colic, and now Linex has also begun to be produced for infants, which helps with dysbacteriosis. Sometimes you hear that no one is immune from colic and there is no need to fight it. Incorrect statement!

In addition to discomfort, dysbiosis has a general negative influence on the growth and development of the baby. This:

  • poor absorption of calcium by the body;
  • weakened immunity;
  • slow closure of the fontanelle;
  • the appearance of diathesis;
  • delay in tooth formation.

Is it possible to give Linex to newborns?

Yes, but after consulting a doctor. Young parents should listen to recommendations pediatrician about the need to go treatment course Linexa for newborns. The drug is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis. Data from clinical studies allow its use from the first days of life.

If your child is not gaining weight well or is not developing as expected, normal indicators, then one of the obvious reasons could be poor absorption food. For recovery necessary processes V children's body Systematic administration of the medication is required.

How long should I take Linex? Only the attending physician can answer this question. Usually, the course of treatment must be continued until the intestines are completely normalized and populated with normal flora.

Linex for newborns - instructions

Reviews from most parents indicate that they are relatively short term note a significant improvement in the children's condition.

In newborns, stool normalizes and colic goes away, appetite appears and good sleep, children are much less likely to be capricious and anxious. The positive effect of the drug is obvious.

Reception can be started in the maternity hospital, where the mother learns for the first time how to take Linex for a newborn. Treatment usually lasts for the first 2–3 weeks of the baby’s life.

Most often, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day, 1 capsule at regular intervals. Since it is impossible to give a whole capsule to a child, it is opened and the contents are given in a teaspoon, after mixing with water or breast milk. Almost everything negative reviews regarding Linux - because of the inconvenience of its use.

The required dose and frequency of administration should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate! If the local pediatrician has not prescribed the child to take Linex, then without medical consultation It is not recommended to use it on your own.

Linex for newborns is given immediately before feeding. Since the powder does not have a pronounced taste or smell, taking it will not cause any difficulties. It is preferable to give the drug through breast milk when the baby is most hungry.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

You must understand that the instructions for Linex for newborns only give general indications. In each specific case, the treatment regimen may differ and be individual.

Linex is contraindicated for infants if:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition;
  • intolerance to galactose (milk sugar);
  • deficiency (intolerance) breast milk).

If a child is unable to digest mother's milk, it becomes necessary to transfer him to artificial feeding. For the same reason, lactose included in the drug does not allow it to be used by children with hypersensitivity to this component.

While taking the medicine, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician if the child has allergic rash on the body, increased temperature (more than 38° C), diarrhea that does not go away for more than 2 days, dehydration and abdominal pain. How should newborns be given Linex in this case? The drug is discontinued and the doctor prescribes another treatment.

In general, lactobacilli in the product are well tolerated by infants. Systematic administration of the medicine restores the necessary balance between beneficial and opportunistic microflora. The child gets rid of the unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis and begins to please his parents good mood. The baby begins to develop faster - it’s so wonderful!

Dysbacteriosis in newborns is common. The child suffers from discomfort caused by colic. Parents are worried about the health of the baby and strive to alleviate his condition, so the question arises - how to eliminate the symptoms? The drug Linex will help with this.

Product effectiveness

The drug for dysbiosis Linex is a probiotic agent. The medicine consists of a group of lactic acid bacteria that help form natural microflora. After taking it, beneficial bacteria begin to develop and populate the departments gastrointestinal tract.

  • improve milk absorption - bacteria help digest proteins;
  • provide better absorption of vitamins and nutrients;
  • produce specific proteins that negatively affect pathogenic bacteria.

The drug contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which change the intestinal pH as a result of lactose fermentation. The formed acidic environment prevents the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Types of drug and release form: capsules, powder

There are several versions of the drug, differing in composition:

  • Linex - contains 3 types beneficial bacteria;
  • Linex Forte - contains 2 types beneficial microorganisms, but their total quantity is much greater than in the standard form of the product. This helps to quickly populate the baby’s intestines with the necessary bacteria and allows you to give the drug less often.

Linex is available in the form of capsules that need to be taken orally, as well as in the form of sachets with powder (for babies).

Composition of the medicine

Linex and Linex Forte differ from each other in the active and additional components they contain, which affects the effectiveness of the products. Active ingredient Linexa is lebenin, which includes:

The active component of the drug Linex Forte is Probio-tek AB Blend 64 - a powder containing live bacteria:

  • bifidobacteria animalis BB-12 - restore beneficial microflora and inhibit pathogenic microflora;
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Additional components of the Linex product are:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • gelatin;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch.

Linex Forte includes:

  • potato starch;
  • hypromellose;
  • Beneo Synergy - powder containing inulin and a mixture of sucrose, fructose, dextrose;
  • iron oxide yellow;
  • dextrose anhydrous.

The basis of the drug Linex for children is a lyophilized powder that contains the previously mentioned bifidobacteria animalis. An auxiliary component is maltodextrin, which improves the absorption of the product.

Maltodextrin is obtained by processing starch. The substance is often used in food industry and pharmaceuticals to improve product solubility.

Indications for treatment: constipation, colic, bloating and other symptoms

The main indication for prescribing Linex is dysbacteriosis. The condition is dangerous for the child, since due to an imbalance of bacteria, the absorption of calcium is impaired, which affects the growth of teeth.

The medicine is prescribed as in for preventive purposes, and to eliminate dysbiosis accompanied by:

  • colic;
  • rash and itching;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • vomiting;
  • increased gas formation;
  • painful sensations in the tummy;
  • bloating and belching.

The medicine may be prescribed to infants who are artificial feeding. The fact is that the baby does not receive the necessary bacteria, so help is needed from parents and doctors.

Is Linex safe for newborns?

Before starting treatment, you need to examine the child, for which you must visit a doctor. It is not recommended to use the product if the baby has:

  • intolerance to breast milk or milk sugar;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Otherwise, Linex is safe for children; most children react positively. In some cases, a rash may appear on the baby's skin. The symptom disappears after stopping the medication.

The drug combines well with other medications. Linex can be simultaneously prescribed with antibacterial and other chemotherapeutic agents.

Instructions for use: how to dilute the powder, how many times to give the product

A small child is not able to swallow a tablet, so to treat a newborn with Linex, the capsule must be opened and the contents must be dissolved in liquid:

  • add powder to breast milk - you need to express it in advance;
  • dissolve the product in the finished mixture if the baby is bottle-fed.

The daily dose is divided into 3 parts. It amounts to:

  • for a child under 2 years old - 1 capsule;
  • from 2 to 12 years - 1–2 capsules;
  • over 12 years old - 2 capsules.

The duration of treatment is 10–14 days, and for the purpose of prevention – 7–14 days.

If you use the drug in powder, you need to open the sachet, mix the contents with liquid (kefir, breast milk, formula, tea). Children under seven years old are given one sachet per day, from seven to twelve - two.

In addition, during treatment it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • the product is given to the child during or after meals to avoid the destruction of beneficial bacteria by gastric juice;
  • Do not take the drug with hot drinks;
  • if the medicine is used during antibiotic therapy, it is given three hours after taking the antibacterial agent;
  • The suspension is prepared immediately before administration and cannot be stored.

Treatment of a small child is a responsible matter that requires increased attention. Linex is not suitable for therapy serious disorders. You should consult a doctor if your baby has signs of:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • high temperature (above 38 °C);
  • blood in stool.

Drug analogues - table

Name Release forms Active substance Indications Contraindications
  • live lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • kefir grain polysaccharide.
Dysbacteriosis caused by:
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • long-term antibacterial therapy;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • atopic dermatitis.
intolerance to the drug components
  • candles;
  • lyophilisate;
  • powder.
bifidobacterium bifidumtreatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis
dropsaqueous substrate of bacterial metabolic products
  • disturbances of intestinal flora;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea, flatulence, constipation;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • colitis;
  • salmonellosis.

Linux analogues - gallery

Acipol is able to cope with the manifestations of dysbacteriosis
Hilak forte has a positive effect on the balance of bacteria
Bifidumbacterin helps with dysbiosis in newborns

Doctors' opinion

Experts evaluate the drug differently. Some believe that the use of probiotics does not harm the small organism, and therefore the use of the medicine is completely safe. Others question the need to treat dysbiosis, pointing to other causes of colic and abdominal pain - inappropriate mixture or wrong diet nursing mother.

Famous doctor E.O. Komarovsky believes that Linex and other probiotics will not harm the baby, but you should not expect any benefit from them either.

Dysbacteriosis is not a disease, it does not have specific symptom, this is a microbiological term, and if something, in the opinion of the laboratory technicians, does not correspond to the norm, but the child feels well, then let those who do not like it be treated. The named medications cannot interfere, if you have nowhere to put the money, you can give it for at least a year.

E.O. Komarovsky

Neither adults nor children are immune from dysbacteriosis. Diarrhea is especially dangerous for a child's body due to dehydration.

To correct the situation, many mothers until recently had to take risks, choosing the least evil between side effects medicine and the consequences of the disease.

Linex for newborns allows you to quickly normalize the baby’s condition without causing harm. It should definitely appear in every young mother's medicine cabinet.

When should you not take medicine?

Many mothers worry about their baby when he has gas, problems with stool, or diathesis.

They want to immediately help the newborn feel comfortable, so most women practice taking Linex for newborns. How you can help your child cope with colic and gas, see the course Soft tummy >>>

The drug is positioned as absolutely safe from the first days of life. But the result they get is absolutely the opposite. By interfering with the formation of the gastrointestinal tract, the mother does not allow the baby’s intestines to learn to independently retain beneficial bacteria.

Composition of the drug

The preparation takes into account the characteristics of the delicate tummy, which helps to avoid weakening of the immune system, allergic reactions, and malfunctions of the digestive system.

The probiotic product contains live lactic acid bacteria, which are an essential part of healthy intestinal microflora.

Once in the intestines, Linex bacteria begin to immediately suppress negative microflora, increasing the efficiency of digestive enzymes.

Under the influence of the drug, the body synthesizes ascorbic acid necessary to strengthen the immune system. The absence of harmful elements in the composition of the medicine allows it to be given even to newborns.

The drug is unique in its resistance to most popular antibacterial drugs.

Important! Linex contains protein cow's milk Therefore, if you are lactose intolerant, use the drug is prohibited.

Indications for use

  1. First of all, the instructions for use of Linex for newborns recommend seeking help from the drug when prescribing a course of antibiotics or antimicrobials for your baby.

The general instructions contain information about acceptable dosages and method of administration.

For each individual child, the course of treatment is selected by the pediatrician, independently prescribing the most effective treatment regimen in this case.

  1. The medicine also helps with severe indigestion to avoid dehydration and loss of beneficial microorganisms.

Improper nutrition of the mother or prolonged inability of the child’s intestines to adapt to food (especially when feeding with formula) leads to delays in the child’s development:

  • Late teething;
  • Weight loss;
  • Slow overgrowth of the fontanel.

In this case, Linex is used as prophylactic, promoting growth beneficial microflora in the intestines of a newborn. About proper nutrition for a nursing mother >>>

At what age can the medicine be given?

Instructions for use of Linex for newborns allow you to use it from the first days of life. However, pediatricians recommend refraining from taking it unless absolutely necessary until the child reaches three months.

This advice is due to the fact that at birth the baby’s intestines are sterile; he needs time to form his own microflora. By helping the child cope with colic or gas formation, the mother “inhibits” the growth of necessary bacteria.

Side effects

As a result individual characteristics The newborn's body may react to the drug with constipation or allergies. If any of the unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately see your attending physician.

You should not experiment with the medicine in cases where the newborn is bottle-fed with lactose-free formulas.

How to give the drug to a newborn?

As a preventative measure, the medicine is used in a dosage of 1 capsule per day for a month.

Baby in infancy unable to swallow a capsule with medicine. It will require opening the shell and extracting the powder.

Reviews from mothers about the drug

Linex for newborns has different reviews about their effectiveness, often directly opposite to each other. Some parents are completely delighted with the medicine, while others consider it an absolutely useless purchase.

Elena 26 years old, Ekaterinburg

At six months my daughter caught a cold in her ears, she didn’t pay attention. In combination with a teething problem, the condition was simply terrible. She was exhausted herself and was driving me crazy. An antibiotic was injected to treat the ears, and as a result, problems with the tummy began.

We had to go to the pediatrician again for advice, we were prescribed Linex (capsule 3 times a day). But my girl couldn’t drink it; as soon as I gave her the medicine, she vomited within a few minutes. I had to look for a replacement for Linux. I tried to drink it myself - the same reaction.

Natalya 30 years old, Krasnoyarsk

The pediatrician advised me to replace formula milk when my son Maximka was 4 months old. I was completely bottle-fed. Three days later they came to her to ask permission to eat their first mixture due to constipation. She didn’t allow it, she prescribed Linex one capsule a day and drink it for 2 weeks.

We drank immediately before meals and not during the first feeding, so as not to be too hungry. On the second day of taking Linex, my son pooped without any massage, no colic, no gas, began to sleep more calmly and smile more often.

Marina 21 years old, Borodino

I was advised to give my daughter Linex while still in the maternity hospital. As soon as we were discharged, we immediately bought it and drank it for 14 days. The baby slept peacefully, tolerated the medicine calmly, and had no problems with bowel movements.

In conclusion

In cases of severe diarrhea and acute allergic reaction Linex for newborns turns out to be indispensable, but it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise it can cause an effect that is exactly the opposite of what was expected.

The first year of a child’s life is difficult not only for parents, but also for the baby himself. In addition to the fact that he needs to adapt to a new life, there are also various problems, such as colic and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This condition is the norm, because the baby’s intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria, along with which pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body, which cause all these unpleasant sensations.

Therefore we have to use special medications to improve the child's condition. Today we will talk about Linex, which is often recommended for the treatment of dysbiosis and other pathological conditions of the newborn’s intestines, and also, based on the instructions, we will learn how to give Linex to infants.

This is a remedy that helps restore the balance of intestinal microflora, due to the fact that it contains special bacteria that inhabit the intestines and normalize its functioning. According to the instructions, it is not medicine, but refers to dietary supplements.

When not to take medicine

There are various shapes release of this product, which contain various components, so many people have a little confusion.

We need to understand the following:

  • The dietary supplement for children, which is available in the form of drops or powder, does not contain any obvious allergens. However, the instructions for use indicate possible adverse reactions, such as skin rash and itching. If they occur, it is not worth continuing to give it to the newborn.

But the probiotic in the form of capsules, according to the instructions for use, contains lactose and residues milk protein. If a newborn has lactase deficiency or galactose intolerance, then you should not take this medicine, but it is better to use other forms or possible analogues.

Also, do not use the supplement for infants who are allergic to dairy products.

As a rule, Linex capsules are not prescribed for newborns; it is advisable to recommend it to children over 2 years of age. One thing parents need to remember important rule: before using any drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use and pay attention to close attention for contraindications and adverse reactions that may occur.

Composition of the drug

This supplement is a third generation probiotic, which includes:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus ( Lactobacillus acidophilus). These bacteria are present in the human gastrointestinal tract and maintain an acidic environment due to the formation of lactic acid. This is a kind of protection, because many harmful bacteria unstable to acidic environment and die in it.
  • Bifidobacteria ( Bifidobacterium infantis), which are also present in the human intestine and love an acidic environment.
  • Enterococci ( Enterococcus faesium). These bacteria ensure the fermentation process of food without emitting gases and create the necessary acidity of the environment. They also have high endurance.


It also includes excipients, depending on the form of release. Linex drops additionally contain:

  • sunflower oil;
  • sucrose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • antioxidants: sodium ascorbate, citric acid, DL-alpha tocopherol.

Linex also contains maltodextrin in powder form.


The drug, produced in capsules, includes several excipients:

  • lactose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, such a probiotic is prescribed if a child is taking antibiotics or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which are accompanied by:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • colic;
  • indigestion, etc.

In addition, Linex can be prescribed for poisoning and various gastrointestinal infections.

Sometimes doctors prescribe this supplement as a additional source beneficial bacteria if:

  • the newborn was born prematurely or by caesarean section;
  • the baby is bottle-fed;
  • the child has an unbalanced diet;
  • the baby was for a long time in the maternity hospital;
  • if the baby has immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

At what age can the medicine be used?

For newborns and infants, probiotics are mainly used in the form of powder or drops. These are special forms that are made just for children and are sold in every pharmacy. This supplement, according to the instructions, is allowed to be used from the first day of birth until 12 years of age.

Side effects

Biologically active additive is tolerated by the child’s body quite well and in most cases does not cause any adverse reactions. However, if a newborn has a tendency to be allergic to some of the components that make up Linex, it should be taken with caution or it is recommended to select a suitable analogue.

To avoid causing adverse reactions in children suffering from lactose and galactose intolerance, you should not use probiotic capsules.

If a newborn is prescribed a probiotic, you first need to decide in what form Linex should be purchased. According to the instructions for use:

  • It is given in drops to a newborn during meals, 5-6 drops per day. It is important that the milk or mixture into which the drug will be added corresponds to body temperature, but not higher, otherwise the microorganisms will simply die without ever reaching the intestines. The duration of such treatment is at least 28 days.
  • If Linex is recommended to you in the form of a powder for suspension, then the newborn is given the powder from one packet during meals, 1 time per day. It can be diluted in water, a small amount of breast milk or formula. The contents of the powder must be used immediately after opening.
  • If we're talking about about capsules, then the newborn is given the contents of 1 capsule 1 time or 3 times a day (depending on the situation), during meals.

The instructions for use also indicate that if a child is taking antibiotics, the probiotic should be taken no earlier than 3 hours later, otherwise its effectiveness will be reduced.

Linex for newborns with colic and dysbacteriosis - reviews

We bring to your attention reviews from some mothers who gave this dietary supplement to their babies.

  • Natalya from Omsk shares her story: her baby had dysbacteriosis, which was additionally accompanied by colic. This situation lasted from birth to 6 months. They tried a wide variety of probiotics, which did nothing to help cope with this problem. The doctor advised me to try Linex and the results were not long in coming. Already on the third day the baby showed noticeable improvements, and later the colic stopped bothering him. She advises everyone this remedy, although it is not cheap, it works and really helps.
  • User Zerkana from Ukraine shares the following: at 3 months old, her child began to have problems with her tummy: constipation lasted for 6-7 days, her stomach hurt, and the baby was restless and slept poorly; moreover, tests revealed staphylococcus and a small amount of beneficial bacteria. Prescribed a long-term complex treatment, which included taking this probiotic. We used Linex in capsules (since it contains several types of beneficial bacteria) as follows: She expressed some breast milk into a teaspoon, poured out the contents of the capsule, stirred and carefully let the baby drink. After about 3 weeks, the result was noticeable, and by the end of the week all the alarming and unpleasant symptoms disappeared, the baby began to feel good and the stool returned to normal, so this supplement is effective, especially in complex treatment.
  • Elistina from Moscow writes that her daughter, at about three months old, began to appear and grow red spots all over her body, then changes occurred in her stool: it was liquid, with a greenish tint and had bad smell. We completed a course of antibiotics, everything seemed to go away, but recently the sore returned again, and another one appeared unpleasant symptom: the skin on the palm cracks and does not heal. A friend recommended Linex to Elistina and improvements appeared in just a couple of days: the wound on her palm began to heal. After the treatment, the child stopped itching. Now they are undergoing tests to determine the main problem, but the drug has really helped them at this stage. Despite the fact that the drug is expensive, it works, so she recommends this remedy to those who are faced with a similar problem or the problem of dysbiosis.
  • Irina from Buturlinovka writes that the pediatrician diagnosed her newborn baby with dysbacteriosis; it is not uncommon, especially in children of the first year of life. They were prescribed Linex, and they began to drink it. Within a week, the baby’s condition improved, so she recommends this drug as effective remedy from bacteriosis.
  • Ekaterina from Teraspol (Moldova) I found out about this supplement after the birth of my son. He started having problems with his tummy; his stools could not return to normal for a long time and were green in color. They tried various probiotics, but they did not work, and then the doctor advised them to try Linex. Within a week, the problems with stool disappeared, and the baby began to feel much better. Now this drug is constantly in their possession. home medicine cabinet, because it is given not only to children, but also to adults.

Video about Linex in drops for newborns

Useful information

Pregnancy is a special time in the life of every woman, which is associated not only with joy, but also with various experiences. There are situations in which it may arise.

Often there is a condition such as or another pathological condition, namely, therefore each to the expectant mother need to know about possible symptoms in order to notice them in time and seek help from a doctor. To figure this out, you can also read this information.

Dysbacteriosis in newborns is a common and unpleasant phenomenon. It manifests itself as bloating, colic, pain, loose stools greenish in color with mucus or severe constipation. The cause of this disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is considered incorrect formation microflora.

At birth, the baby’s intestinal tract is sterile and the microflora arises thanks to mother's milk, which contains active bacteria. In this regard, doctors recommend giving preference to breastfeeding.

Often mothers prefer to feed their babies artificial formula. This decision may cost infant wellness in the first weeks of life, since mixtures do not so actively populate the baby’s gastrointestinal tract with the necessary bacteria. Such feeding becomes the first step towards dysbiosis and other digestive disorders.

The microflora is difficult to form in children who were born as a result of cesarean section. premature babies. With a lack of information, parents treat dysbiosis as temporary unpleasant phenomenon. In fact, such disruption of the body’s functioning can lead to serious problems:

  • reducing the baby's weight;
  • the occurrence of rickets;
  • the formation of foci of putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • the appearance of diathesis;
  • decreased immunity.

The probiotic product Linex is considered a medicinal solution for neutralizing dysbiosis and restoring normal microflora. The drug has a beneficial effect on the balance of microorganisms in the intestines and is based on living bifidobacteria. It is safe to give Linex to newborn babies.

Linex for infants is produced in the form of a powder, which is contained in a sachet, one such stick contains 1.5 grams active substance. One package contains twenty sachets of medicine. It contains bifidobacteria in the form of a lyophilized powder in a volume of at least 108 CFU per gram. An additional component of the main substance is the prebiotic maltodextrin.

A newborn baby can also take a probiotic. In this case, bifidobacteria, which are the basis of the drug, enter the stomach and multiply, creating a strong microflora. At the same time, they are able to neutralize foci of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which cause harm and contribute to stagnant processes in the intestines. Thanks to these microorganisms, the action of enzymes is enhanced and the digestive process. Taking Linex for newborns is recommended in the following cases:

  • if the baby was born by caesarean section;
  • if immediately after birth, instead of breast milk, you are fed artificial formula;
  • when switching from natural to artificial nutrition;
  • if the baby was born with low weight;
  • when the baby was born prematurely;
  • in case of diathesis;
  • at prolonged diarrhea or constipation;
  • at the first symptoms of childhood rickets;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • with vomiting and frequent regurgitation after feeding;
  • when teeth are being cut and this process is accompanied by digestive disorders;
  • when taking antibiotics;
  • for preventive purposes.

How to give the remedy

The dosage method for Linex for young children is clearly indicated in the instructions that come with each package. In some cases, individual treatment methods are recommended. The classic version of administration involves the baby using powder from one sachet once a day. In this case, the required volume of medication should be diluted in one teaspoon of breast milk or ready-made artificial nutrition. It is possible to prepare a suspension based on boiled water. In this case, the powder should be added to a liquid with a temperature of no more than 35 degrees.

The course of treatment lasts from 14 to 30 days, depending on the severity of the disease. But this technique is more useful for preventive purposes. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, in case of prematurity, diathesis and others serious problems If you have health problems, your intake may differ from the recommendations in the instructions for use.

For diseases, the dosage involves taking Linex three times a day at regular intervals. In this case, the capsules are opened and the powder is diluted in one or two teaspoons of milk or mixture. The course of treatment lasts 2 or 3 weeks, and sometimes a month. At the same time, for premature babies and small babies, it is recommended to drink the drug from the first days of life.

Some sources contain information about what Linex can be given to a baby during feeding. Clinical studies confirm the least effectiveness of this method of administration, since the medicine begins to act more slowly, since the process is complicated by the presence of food in the stomach and the activation of bifidobacteria, as well as their reproduction, occurs more slowly.

To achieve a favorable result, the medicine should be given at least half an hour before feeding; in an empty ventricle, the effect of the powder begins almost immediately. The benefit of this method of use is that when the child is hungry, he happily absorbs the mixture of powder and milk offered to him. An improvement in the baby's general condition is noted after the third dose. A more pronounced reaction of the body can be expected on the 3rd–4th day of treatment.

At the same time, we should not forget that medicine can be given to a newborn only after consulting a doctor, who will develop a dosage regimen and duration of use of Linex powder, taking into account the baby’s health condition.

Side effects and contraindications

Linex is considered one of the safest drugs because it has no contraindications. The main advantage of the powder is that it does not contain lactose, which is strictly contraindicated for infants suffering from individual intolerance.

Lactose in Linex is replaced with maltodextrin. This substance is neutral and suitable even for children with lactose intolerance. If the infant's treatment includes an antibiotic, the bifid drug can be given at least 3 hours after taking the antibiotic medication. The use of the powder is not recommended without consulting a pediatrician.

Storage Features

In terms of storage principles, Linex also has many advantages in comparison with other drugs created on the basis of bifidobacteria. After all, products can be stored at a temperature no higher than 5 degrees.
Linex powder is stored at a temperature that should not exceed 25 degrees and does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. The prepared diluted mixture cannot be stored. After dilution, it should be given to the child immediately.


Linex has many analogues, which have advantages and disadvantages. You can replace this medicine with another drug only after consulting a pediatrician.

  • Almost identical to Linex - Bifiform, the composition of which differs only in that the drug is enriched with lactose. This medicine should not be given to infants suffering from individual lactose intolerance.
  • also similar in composition to Linex. But, like Bifiform, as additional component contains lactose and is noted in a number of its contraindications individual intolerance of this filler.
  • Normoflorin is a complex complex of active bacteria, its use is relevant in the case of serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hilak Forte - produced in drops and created on the basis of active bacteria and is able to restore the intestinal microflora. Its use by newborns is not allowed without a doctor's prescription.
  • Acipol is a multifunctional mixture of lactobacilli and fungi grown on a kefir base. This remedy can be prescribed for children after one year. For infants it is used only with the advice of a doctor.

Today, Linex is considered the most practical and safe drug, incapable of causing harm to health small child, up to a year old. It is given to newborns even for preventive purposes, which helps strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. The advantages of the powder mixture also extend to the price, because Linex is cheaper than its closest analogue, Bifiform. In addition, it does not cause allergies, is perfectly combined with other drugs and has wide range actions.

It takes some time for the microflora to fully form. You should not silently watch as a baby suffers from gas or intestinal colic. It’s enough just to undergo a course of treatment with Linex and such serious violation how dysbacteriosis will bypass a newborn.

If parents notice a decrease in the baby’s weight, a delay in the eruption of teeth, loose greenish stools, severe diarrhea in the form of a mucous mass or bloating, you can’t do without Linex. Don't forget that from correct formation microflora depends on immunity, development and general condition your baby's health. The pediatrician will always tell you how long the treatment will last and how many sachets to use for a single dose, based on the child’s age and the severity of the negative manifestations.

Pediatrician Komarovsky has his own view on the problem of dysbiosis. You can find out more about the opinion of the pediatrician in the video.