What does a pediatric urologist treat? Diseases treated by a urologist. What does a child need?

Scroll narrow specializations doctors can lead the patient into slight confusion. Therefore, for any pathologies, you visit your local therapist so that he can figure out where to refer you next. Suspect pathology genitourinary system and the kidneys themselves are not difficult. The marker for this is unsatisfactory urine tests and certain complaints. For detailed examination and to clarify the diagnosis, you receive a referral to a urologist.

A urologist should not be considered exclusively male (this is a common opinion). A doctor of this specialization deals with pathologies of the genitourinary system, regardless of the person’s gender. Perhaps in separate group Only pediatric urologists can be identified who treat young patients. The division of all doctors into adults and children is due to physiological and anatomical features child's body.

Here is a list of diseases that are within the competence of a urologist:

  • All inflammatory processes genitourinary system – cystitis, urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Injuries and neoplasms localized in the area bladder and urinary tract.
  • Pathologies and defects of the genital organs in men.
  • Pathologies prostate gland.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Infertility.

The science of urology belongs to the category of surgical specializations. Therefore, you can receive emergency surgical care directly at an appointment with a urologist.

Classification of doctors

All urological specialties are divided into additional, narrower groups:

  1. Urogenicology. The doctor treats urogynecological diseases in women. Exists large number pathologies that can be equally considered both urological and gynecological.
  2. Andrology. An andrologist treats pathologies in men. This includes not only inflammatory diseases, but also congenital defects of the male reproductive system.
  3. Pediatric urology. Consultation pediatric urologist needed when birth defects genitourinary system, etc.
  4. Oncourology. Her goal is to find and cure oncological processes genitourinary system.
  5. Phthisiourology. Heals urological pathologies tuberculous nature.
  6. Geriatric urology. A fairly extensive and complex area of ​​urological science. Her contingent is elderly patients.
  7. Emergency urology. A doctor who specializes in emergency care surgical care in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs.

Preparing for your appointment

A urological appointment requires a little preparation, which varies slightly for women and men. In addition to a general visual examination and history taking, the doctor also performs other diagnostic procedures. We will tell you how an examination by a urologist goes a little lower, but for now we will focus your attention on the preparation that is required before an appointment with a urologist.

How to prepare as a woman

The same as when visiting a gynecologist. A gynecological chair is used to examine women. Therefore, do not forget to bring a diaper with you for examination. The day before your visit to the doctor, you should exclude sexual contact.

You should not douche before examining a urologist. There is no need to perform genital hygiene using disinfectant solutions (furacilin, chlorhexidine). The doctor will need to take tests, and after use medicinal solutions, the indicators may be unreliable.

How to prepare for a man

For men, in addition to the hygienic toilet of the genital organs, the following is required:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 2 days before being examined.
  • Cleansing enema. Cleaning the rectum is necessary so that the doctor can perform a digital examination of the prostate gland through the rectum. Do not be scared or embarrassed by the erection that occurs during such an examination - this is normal. It's worse if an erection does not occur. A cleansing enema can be replaced by taking a laxative the day before.

Appointment with a urologist

We understand that anxiety in front of a doctor’s office is common for men and women. What does the urologist do at the appointment, is the examination painful, what tests are required, how does the doctor carry out the diagnosis? These thoughts haunt you and do not allow you to enter the office calm and relaxed. And this is necessary.

Advice. If you are too worried, take any calming drops before visiting the doctor.

Nothing terrible happens in the urologist's office. The examination begins with a normal conversation. Answer the doctor's questions in detail, this will help accurate diagnosis. If there are chronic diseases, the doctor needs to know what medications the patient takes on a regular basis. Don't forget to mention them. At the same time, the doctor examines your outpatient card, looks through the tests, the results of which should be pasted in it. If it is an initial appointment and you have not had any tests, the doctor will definitely prescribe them. Patients take some tests directly in the office.

The next stage is a palpation (manual) examination of the abdomen and kidneys. It is performed on a couch, sometimes standing.

The doctor uses a gynecological chair to examine the female genital organs. In men, the doctor visually and palpably examines the external genitalia, after which he begins to examine the prostate gland. Anatomically, the prostate gland of men is adjacent to the bladder on one side and touches the rectum on the other. Therefore the only thing possible way determine the size and density of the organ - examine it through the anus. To do this, the patient is asked to lean on the couch, leaning forward. The doctor inserts a finger into the rectum and feels the prostate. For information, the same method is used to massage the prostate in men; samples of secretions from the prostate gland are also taken using finger pressure on the gland.

Examination of the prostate in men can cause pain only in the presence of acute prostatitis. In other cases, the procedure is painless.

How to choose a good specialist

In order to get an appointment with a urologist, you just need to make an appointment with him at the clinic’s reception desk. If the patient goes urological examination recommended by another specialist - he prescribes additional tests for you. Many patients take them to paid laboratories in order to get results faster. Let's tell you a little medical secret. Any doctor, including a urologist, with whom you have to make an appointment, trusts the laboratory of the institution in which he works more. If necessary, some additional analysis using rare or expensive reagents, the urologist himself will advise you to sign up for tests in a private laboratory of a good level, in his opinion.

What if you don’t live in a metropolis, and you can’t find a urologist in your latitude? How to make an appointment, and most importantly, where to find a good specialist?

Finding a doctor these days is not difficult. The addresses of clinics and private medical institutions are easy to find on the Internet, and you can also make an appointment without leaving your home. But you want to get examined by good doctor, and not the one whose phone number caught your eye first! Therefore, we will risk giving you some advice to guarantee high-quality and competent service.

  • Find good urologist The easiest way is in a large clinic where there is a urology department.
  • Make an appointment with a doctor high class Insurance agents who provide individual health insurance can help you. They usually know the doctors well, not only personally, but also receive feedback from patients who have already used urological services.

We would not really recommend using the advice of colleagues and friends. Their experience was not necessarily successful, great importance has psychological aspect reception. If you still go to a urologist in a private institution, first check the availability of a license and diplomas of appropriate education. Serious honey. institutions do not hide them.

A pediatric urologist examines, treats, prescribes medications and tests for children aged from several months to adulthood - 18 years old, who have been found to have impaired functioning urinary tract and genitals. The doctor conducts an initial examination,, if necessary, gives a referral for tests, may perform an operation, and prescribe inpatient hospitalization drug treatment. First of all, the doctor asks about the symptoms and reasons for the visit.

You should contact a pediatric urologist if you have the following symptoms:

  • The child complains about painful sensations when correcting minor needs.
  • Frequent or, conversely, insufficient urination.
  • Cryptorchidism is a defect in which the testicles are not descended into the scrotum.
  • Swelling of the genitals and testicles.

A pediatric urologist performs an initial examination lymph nodes, then the genitals and testicles. If the doctor identifies any diseases, he can prescribe treatment, both in the hospital and at home. The examination is carried out only if one of the parents is present in the office. It is practically no different from examination by a urologist of adult patients. Of course, the procedure for examining the appendages and prostate gland is not entirely pleasant, but pediatric urologists are very attentive and courteous with children. They know how to work with little ones, since children aged 4 to 6 years are the most frequent patients see a pediatric urologist, it is at this age that pathology can be detected reproductive organs, or get an infection due to insufficient hygiene and contact with other children.

What diseases can a pediatric urologist detect in a child:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pathologies, congenital and acquired.
  • Tumor of the testicles or penis.
  • Narrowed urethra.
  • Problems with the functionality of the penis.
  • Infertility.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder, including cystitis.

If problems are detected, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound. It is possible that a disease cannot be detected by initial examination. Ultrasound is also performed by a professional urologist; the procedure is not dangerous and simple, painless for the child. After an ultrasound, the doctor can give a clear analysis of the disease, carry out treatment and prescribe medications.

What does a pediatric urologist treat:

  • Inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, such as cystitis, hydronephrosis and bladder exstrophy.
  • Redness and infection foreskin and penis, testicles - balanoposthitis.
  • Defects of the penis: congenital anomalies, as well as those acquired during injuries in the groin area, hypospadias - a displaced urethra on the head of the penis.
  • Varicose veins in the area of ​​the spermatic cord.
  • Cyst of the testicles and their appendages, cancer, tumors, benign and malignant.
  • Phimosis - boys may experience narrowness of the foreskin of the penis.
  • A defect such as fusion of the foreskin on the penis can be corrected surgically.

If necessary, it may also be necessary surgery. The mistake of most modern parents is to neglect the urological problems of their children. Even if you don't treat it on time simple infection, it can affect the future sexual health of the child.

When children get sick, this is always another reason for parents to worry. However, it is much easier to treat your baby if you know which doctor to contact. specific situation. For example, it is clear that if you have a sore throat or runny nose, you need to contact an ENT doctor and a pediatrician, and if you have problems with your eyes, you should contact an ophthalmologist. But diseases of the genitourinary system, unfortunately, are also common in young children. And today we will talk about in what cases a pediatric urologist is needed.

Urology is a branch clinical medicine, studying the male genitourinary system. Of course, first of all, a pediatric urologist is a doctor for boys, but girls, especially during the period of active growth, need consultation with a urologist.

A pediatric urologist deals with a fairly wide range of problems - from psychological and physiological to genetic.

In other words, a pediatric urologist predicts the likelihood of developing pathologies that affect erection, spermatogenesis and the urinary system.

A pediatric urologist is necessary for both newborns and children under 18 years of age.

You should contact a pediatric urologist if you find the following problems in your child:

The appearance of bloody, purulent or mucous discharge from the genitals;

Problems with urination (painful, difficult, frequent, urinary incontinence or any other discomfort associated with urination);

Swelling, tenderness and redness in the genital area (scrotum, penis, groin area, labia);

Previous trauma to the genital organs;

Undescended testicles into the scrotum in newborns and other anomalies of the genital organs;

Transferred infectious diseases(piggy);

Inability to expose the head of the penis (phimosis);

Pain associated with the kidneys and bladder(pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen or lower back).

But remember - when something hurts, this is a signal that the disease is already in the acute stage. Therefore even if visible reasons There is no need to contact a pediatric urologist - you should show the baby to a specialist. It often happens that diseases of the genitourinary system, which are present in a child from a very early age, manifest themselves already in adolescence– when it is already more difficult to cure them. To prevent this development of the situation, immediately after birth it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric urologist. Pediatric urologist needed newborn for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and early detection possible developmental anomalies. The sooner certain diseases are identified, the easier it will be to get rid of them.

The most common diseases requiring consultation with a pediatric urologist

One of the very first urological problems diagnosed in newborns may be undescended testicles into the scrotum (cryptorchidism). If cryptorchidism is not addressed in time, it can lead to male infertility. The testicles may descend into the scrotum during the first year of life. And it is better if this happens under the supervision of a pediatric urologist. If by the age of one year one testicle has still not descended, active intervention of a pediatric urologist in this process is necessary. This usually occurs through surgery.

The second common problem in boys is early age is phimosis - narrowing of the opening of the foreskin and the inability to expose the head of the penis. In boys under 3 years of age this is physiological state, so do not worry if phimosis does not go away at one or two years of age. Typically, as the head of the penis grows, the foreskin moves back. By the age of one, phimosis resolves in 50% of boys, and by the age of three – in 90%. However, if the baby is very worried about the narrowing of the foreskin opening, or phimosis occurs even in the fourth year of life, a pediatric urologist is needed. Sometimes, with long-term persistent phimosis, an operation to circumcise the foreskin is performed.

Inflammatory diseases often occur in girls and boys, which require a pediatric urologist. First of all, these are cystitis and pyelonephritis. Cystitis is inflammatory disease bladder. The causes of cystitis can be infections, hypothermia or decreased immunity due to psychological stress or allergies. A timely visit to a pediatric urologist will help cure cystitis and reduce the risk of relapse.

Pyelonephritis – infectious inflammation kidneys, accompanied by fever, lower back pain, and urinary disorders. If you do not contact a pediatric urologist in time, untreated pyelonephritis can lead to the development renal failure. In addition, pyelonephritis is often a consequence of other kidney diseases, the presence of which can only be determined by a doctor - and in this case pediatric urologist needed.

Due to their age, young children do not take good care of their hygiene, so they are most susceptible to various kinds infections – including infections of the genitourinary system. The situation is complicated by the fact that if an infection is present, there may be no symptoms at all - with the exception of slight pain when urinating. But it is worth remembering that any infection of the genital organs and urinary tract develops along an ascending path and can affect the kidneys. In this regard, if the slightest discomfort appears in the genital area - and even more so if discharge and pain appear - you need to contact a pediatric urologist.

Urinary incontinence in young children - common occurrence. But for some, urinary incontinence accompanies them right up to school time. There are three reasons for this: illness, congenital anomaly or psychological trauma(stress). If periodic urinary incontinence is observed in children under 5 years of age, this can be considered normal. But at the age of 5 years and older, urinary incontinence is a direct signal that the child needs a pediatric urologist. Treatment of such a problem requires an integrated approach - and it is better to start it as early as possible.

Remember: genitourinary problems can be difficult to recognize, but if they are accepted running form– it will be much more difficult to cope with them. In this regard, do not neglect consultations with a pediatric urologist, even in cases where the problem seems insignificant to you.

Most patients turn only to “popular” doctors, such as a surgeon, therapist, ophthalmologist, or gynecologist. But when the time comes to visit a urologist, they are completely confused and try to find answers to many questions.

The main questions, of course, are questions about what a urologist does, how to prepare for an appointment and where to find a competent specialist. About this and much more today and we'll talk in our article.

Most often, when ailments occur, patients go to see a therapist - he knows exactly which specialist to send the sufferer to for further consultations and treatment. But knowledge about narrow specialists is most often limited.

For example, about what a urologist does at an appointment e, many people don’t even realize. But in reality, everything is simple - a urologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the human genitourinary system.

A urologist eliminates problems such as:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • pathologies and defects of the genital organs;
  • infertility;
  • diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • injuries of the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms (tumors, cysts,) of the genitourinary system, and so on.

A urologist, contrary to popular belief, treats not only men, but also women. Some people immediately ask the question , What does a urologist do when visiting women?

At the appointment, a specialist examines women, just like men, collects a medical history, prescribes tests and diagnostics, and then makes a diagnosis.

In addition, sometimes a specialist should be visited both during pregnancy and during pregnancy. childhood– sometimes to correct problems, sometimes for consultation.

But do not confuse the work of a urologist with a gynecologist - they have various directions work, although often their activities overlap or even flow from one direction to another.

When should you visit a doctor?

Of course, many people visit a doctor only for a medical examination - when applying for a job or for at will. Others are forced to visit a specialist due to health problems.

So, you should definitely visit a doctor if you have the following ailments:

  • And frequent urge to him, especially at night;
  • change in the color of urine, the appearance of blood or mucus;
  • incontinence;
  • discomfort in the navel and lower abdomen - stabbing, cutting, nagging pain and so on;
  • discharge of unknown origin, etc.

In addition, if there is any discomfort in the kidney area, stones or other neoplasms are detected, you need to consult a urologist.

Only timely contact a specialist, quality treatment And full examination will allow you to quickly eliminate the disease initial stages, preventing it from spreading and developing into a complicated form.

Preparation for examination by a specialist

In order for the examination by a doctor to be quick and comfortable, you should prepare for it in advance, both men and women.

Personal hygiene comes first

Women should prepare in the same way as for a gynecologist - wash their face the day before the appointment. warm water, take a diaper and socks with you. In some cases, the examination is carried out on a gynecological chair. In addition, the day before the examination you should abstain from sexual intercourse.

It is recommended not to use soap or shower gels when washing, and also avoid douching and using disinfectant for washing, such as chlorhexidine and the like.

Men need to mandatory the day before, do a cleansing enema or take a laxative.

You should also abstain from sexual activity for at least two days before taking it.

Both men, women, and children should take shoe covers to the appointment, as well as your documents - insurance policy, passport, birth certificate, medical card, health book and so on.

If you are very worried before taking it, then it is best to drink a light sedative (valerian, motherwort, hawthorn). This is the only way you can accurately paint a picture of the disease and not forget anything important.

What does the doctor do at the appointment?

The question of what a urologist does at an appointment for men, and what a urologist does for boys, can be answered in exactly the same way as the question at an appointment with a urologist, what do they do there?

At an appointment with a urologist, diseases of the genitourinary system are treated, patients are consulted, certain types of diagnostics are prescribed, and so on.

In general, at an appointment, a urologist does the same thing as all other doctors - both general practitioners and highly qualified specialists, namely:

  • collects anamnesis of the disease;
  • asks the patient about his health, symptoms, sensations;
  • tries to determine the time frame for the onset of the disease;
  • conducts external inspection if necessary;
  • appoints additional diagnostics, if necessary - ultrasound, blood, MRI and much more;
  • based on all the data received, makes a conclusion about the patient’s condition, prescribes appropriate treatment and explains to the patient possible forecasts course of the disease.

Now, the question of what a urologist does during an appointment should no longer worry you. After carefully studying the material, you will know exactly how the appointment takes place, what diseases the doctor treats, what the urologist does when visiting a woman, and how to properly prepare for the appointment.

By the way, pregnant women often think: what does a urologist do during pregnancy and why should he be visited?

Is a gynecologist not enough? There is no clear answer here.

Sometimes, observation by a gynecologist is enough, but in other cases, you should definitely visit a urologist. It is important to understand that no one will just prescribe a doctor’s consultation for you, much less treatment.

If your therapist or gynecologist insists on visiting a urologist, or you yourself feel unwell, then it is better not to delay your visit to the doctor in order to avoid complications.

Who can replace a urologist?

Patients often ask: if there is no urologist nearby, who can replace him? Can, for example, a therapist or gynecologist perform its functions? In general, yes, maybe, but not as high quality as a specialist.

Also, the urologist can be replaced by other specialists in this field:
  • andrologist– a doctor who treats pathologies in men. The so-called “male” gynecologist;
  • urinogynecologist– a specialist with extensive knowledge not only in the field of urology, but also in the field of gynecology;
  • oncourologist– a specialist who “works” exclusively with tumors, cysts and neoplasms. However, he can easily perform general consultations and treatment of uncomplicated diseases;
  • urologist emergency care – can perform emergency surgery, as well as prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis for urological problems;
  • some general practitioners– a specialist who has completed special training courses with a duration established by law.

As you can see, many doctors can replace a specialist, but only a urologist can provide integrated approach to treatment, and therefore the fastest and highest quality results.

How to choose a competent specialist?

Health is something that should be taken care of extremely responsibly. Visiting any doctor is stressful for a person, no matter how confident he is. This is why it is important to find a good specialist.

There are a lot of advertisements online about specialist doctors who are ready to see you at any time. Most often this applies to commercial clinics. But are the doctors there really that good and should you trust them?

At an appointment with a urologist

What is included in the concept of “good”? Everything is simple here: the doctor has the appropriate education, extensive work experience, knows how to listen to the patient and find an approach to everyone, tries to apply medical supplies when treated in a minimal amount, and so on.

It is in this situation that you will be satisfied with the doctor’s work, and he, in turn, will be able to quickly and without problems, as well as reliably establish a diagnosis and prescribe objective treatment.

You can also rely on the recommendations of friends, colleagues and relatives when choosing a doctor - as you know, the earth is full of rumors.

You will be able to find out reliable information about a specialist first-hand.

In addition, you can look for a doctor in large clinical centers where there is a urology department, you can hear experience, many doctors and “reviews”.

Video on the topic

Video about who a urologist is and what he does:

Otherwise, it’s up to you to decide which doctor you trust with your health. Your knowledge about urology and the urologist has been replenished thanks to today’s article, but let this knowledge be necessary for you only for general development and will never be useful for treating the disease.

The reproductive and urinary systems have some features in different periods a man's life, so the boys are treated by a separate doctor.

When to contact

In a child genitourinary system disorders In terms of distribution, they are on the same level as acute respiratory infections. The problem of diagnosing diseases of the genital organs and urinary tract is that children often long time hide the problem.

Parents of boys, and especially teenagers, should be extremely careful, noting any changes in the behavior and condition of their child.

You should contact a pediatric andrologist if your child has the following symptoms:

You should also undergo examination by an andrologist children with genetic diseases , since most often they are found hormonal imbalances and backlogs in physical development. Planned appointments are held for boys whose illnesses can resolve on their own. For example, such pathologies include hydrocele. In this case, the andrologist adheres to a wait-and-see approach, examining the disease over time.

Features of the reception

All pathologies that can be treated pediatric andrologist, require specific examinations. However, seeing a doctor starts with a standard conversation and survey. Next, the child will have to undergo several examinations, which the andrologist considers necessary.

The most common diagnostic measures:

Once the final diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is developed. It may include taking medications, surgery, physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes you have to wait some time to determine the prognosis of the disease in order to decide exactly how best to treat the child.

Parents of boys need to know who this is - a pediatric andrologist. Ignoring genitourinary problems in childhood can develop into serious disorders reproductive function in the future, and lead to some psychological disorders.