What to eat if you have a sick pancreas. How to correctly create a menu for diseases of the pancreas? Diet for those patients who often have pancreas pain

The pancreas is located near the stomach and has a length of 15 to 25 centimeters. Her work is closely related to gallbladder And duodenum. Into the latter, through ducts, it secretes enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This way it promotes digestion.

The hormones of this organ - insulin and glucagon - are necessary to maintain glucose balance in the body. Insulin suppresses blood sugar levels, while glucagon is responsible for the synthesis of glucose in the liver. Both of these hormones are actively involved in metabolic processes body.

Fact: Glucose is considered one of the main sources of energy. The effects of insulin promote its absorption by muscles and some organs.

The first signs of disease

Often pancreatic diseases are asymptomatic. They are often identified during routine medical examinations. There are many types of diseases of this organ, but they can all manifest with similar symptoms.

The very first sign of the presence of the disease is pain in the left hypochondrium. The pain can be aching, nagging, sharp, paroxysmal and depends on the type of organ damage. Painful symptoms often occur after eating fatty, fried or spicy foods, too much food, or after drinking alcohol. The pain may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, stool disturbances, and loss of appetite.

One of the most common diseases is pancreatitis (inflammation of the gland), which has acute and chronic forms. The acute form is characterized sharp pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. The chronic form is manifested by periodic discomfort in the upper abdomen, especially after eating, nausea and stool disturbances. Its exacerbation is often caused by non-compliance with the diet for pancreatic disease.

Other frequently occurring diseases of the gland are tumors and cystic formations, which may have different shape, degree of malignancy, location, etc.

Important! The development of diseases of this organ leads to disruption of the functioning of the gallbladder and duodenum, so their treatment must be carried out comprehensively.


Proper nutrition is an integral part of therapy for pancreatic disease in both women and men. Following a diet reduces the load on this organ, allowing it to recover faster. Nutrition is usually prescribed in such a way that the stomach can independently cope with the food taken, and the functions of the gland are performed at a minimum level. Thus, the energy that could be spent on processing food is spent on restoring the affected organ. That is why it is important to know what you can eat with a diseased pancreas.

With a more pronounced manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, everything is excluded more products. A strict diet for the pancreas can last a week. During this period, inflammation of the organ decreases and functions are restored. Chronic diseases imply maintaining a lifelong diet, the degree of restriction depends on the severity of the disease. It is necessary to include in the menu foods that are beneficial for the pancreas - seaweed, broccoli, some dried fruits.

Advice. If any discomfort occurs in the digestive system, the correct solution would be to refuse heavy food for the near future, followed by a medical examination.

A diet for pancreatic disease alleviates the patient’s condition and prevents the disease from worsening. It is best to steam food - this way it preserves greatest number useful properties and easier to digest. All dishes consumed should be warm and portions should be small. It is best to eat little but often if you have a diseased pancreas. At acute diseases All dishes must be ground to a pasty state.

Important. In severe cases of the disease (as a rule, this happens with acute pancreatitis), the patient is prescribed fasting. In this case they appoint special drugs, which are administered intravenously and saturate the body with substances missing due to fasting.

Your doctor should tell you how to eat after fasting if you have pancreatic disease. During fasting, the patient is allowed to take mineral water and weak rose hip decoctions with a temperature of about 36 degrees.

Important! Only a specialist should create a diet for a diseased pancreas, determine what can be eaten and what should be prohibited.

Permitted and prohibited products

Products that can be included in the diet for pancreatic disease:

  • soups made from vegetables (without cabbage) and cereals (except millet). When preparing meat soups, only lean meats are allowed; you can apply as follows: after cooking the meat, the broth is drained and fresh water is added, after which the remaining ingredients are added;
  • dried bread, crackers;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • steamed lean meat and fish;
  • It is better to prepare a steam omelet from eggs or boil them soft-boiled;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, milk;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • weak tea, drink made from rose hips, juices and fruit drinks made from non-acidic fruits and berries.

Advice. To restore the gland it is necessary large number water. Therefore, it is important to drink at least two liters clean water per day.

Prohibited products:

  • fresh bread, pastries;
  • thick soups, soups with sauerkraut, mushrooms;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, spicy;
  • canned food;
  • sausages, fatty meats, fish and poultry;
  • boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
  • dishes with millet cereals;
  • sweet products - cakes, chocolate, honey, jam, ice cream;
  • vegetables that promote gas formation and some others - sorrel, radish, radish, raw onions;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • grape;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee.

Advice. The menu should be varied and include foods that are good for the pancreas, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Menu examples

The diet must be composed correctly; the combination of products should not cause exacerbation of diseases. The menu for the pancreas can be prepared in advance, for example, you can create a menu for a week at once. Approximate options power supply:

  1. Breakfast - milk porridge with rice; second breakfast - pumpkin puree; lunch - oatmeal soup and weak tea; afternoon snack - biscuits with low-fat kefir; dinner - buckwheat puree; A few hours before bedtime you can drink jelly.
  2. Breakfast - weak tea with oatmeal or steam omelette; second breakfast - carrot pudding and rosehip drink; lunch - pumpkin puree soup and baked apples; afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole and weak tea; dinner - carrot puree with steam cutlets from chicken meat; at night - low-fat kefir.

As can be seen from the example, the menu does not contain anything fatty, spicy or smoked, as these dishes can cause deterioration. During the feast, it is better to give up fatty meat dishes and gradually eat vegetable snacks and light salads, and also completely eliminate alcohol. Thus, you should not deviate from the prepared diet for the pancreas and do not make changes to the menu. In addition, it is not recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits on an empty stomach (such as citrus fruits) to prevent irritation of the stomach walls.


Diseases of the pancreas are very dangerous and lead to diseases of other digestive organs. Therefore, it is important to monitor your own health, eat right, regularly examine your body, and consult a doctor if the first symptoms of illness occur.

As soon as the pancreas makes itself felt, patients are advised to carefully review their diet, not only for the duration of treatment, but in general. Needless to say, the menu for pancreatic disease should not include fried, pickled, fatty or smoked foods.

Features of menu planning in the first week of treatment

Features of menu planning in the second week of treatment

In the second week of treatment, patients are allowed to switch from pureed food to regular food, since the gland has already recovered sufficiently, as evidenced by the absence of pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Therefore, as an example of a menu, the following can be given.

Attention! The menu for pancreatic disease should not include cabbage in any form.

Example menu

1 breakfast:

  • buckwheat or oatmeal porridge;
  • lean boiled meat or steamed protein omelette;
  • vinaigrette

2 breakfast:

  • dried fruits or pureed low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dry biscuits;
  • weak tea or rosehip decoction.
  • vegetable or rice slimy soup;
  • boiled or baked potatoes in foil;
  • boiled chicken or boiled meat dumplings;
  • fruit salad or jelly;
  • apple.

Afternoon snack:

  • cottage cheese or baked apples;
  • dried fruit compote.
  • carrot pasta or soufflé;
  • boiled or steamed fish;

Rosehip decoction - best drink for a sick pancreas

Features of nutrition in chronic pancreatic diseases

Since diseases of the pancreas often occur in a chronic form, patients should reconsider their diet and create a menu so that the food they eat does not overload digestive tract. Therefore, your diet should not include strong meat, fish or mushroom broths, as well as fried foods and sauces.

The menu should be designed in such a way that daily dose carbohydrates did not exceed 350 g, proteins - 100-120 g, and fats only 70-90 g. It is very important not to eat fats separately from other foods.

Tip: Instead of regular sugar, it is better to use fructose or xylitol.

Example menu

1 breakfast:

2 breakfast:

  • steam egg white omelette;
  • rosehip decoction.

You can also prepare cheesecakes, rice, semolina, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes or carrots, boiled fish and meat, salads, and doctor’s sausage for breakfast.

  • vegetarian soup;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • beef stroganoff from lean boiled meat;
  • dried fruit compote.
  • cottage cheese;
  • tea with milk.

You can diversify your lunch meal with cereal, fruit, milk soups, boiled chicken, veal, vegetables and cereals of any kind, jelly, fresh fruits and berries.

  • vegetable puree;
  • boiled fish;

In addition, for dinner you can eat vegetable puree, omelettes, porridge from various cereals, and cottage cheese.

What about vitamins?

Of course, the diet and, accordingly, the menu for pancreatic disease is rigid. The daily dose of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is strictly regulated, since exceeding it can lead to a sharp exacerbation of the disease. In such conditions, many patients forget that the pancreas needs vitamins no less than any other organ, and their deficiency can lead to weakness and disruption of the entire body. Therefore, it is extremely important to take care of getting all the necessary minerals and vitamins in your body. required quantities, A best helpers This will, of course, include vegetables and fruits.

So, what allowed foods contain vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the pancreas?

  • Tomatoes, lettuce, cherries, apricots, carrots, buckwheat, broccoli, parsley, gooseberries, and currants are rich in vitamin A.
  • Many valuable B vitamins are found in brewer's yeast, herbs, tomatoes, grains, and carrots.
  • A source of vitamin E can be grains, a variety of vegetable oils, lettuce leaves.
  • Zinc, which is essential for the body, is found in parsley, lettuce, pumpkin and its seeds, buckwheat, carrots, cucumbers, black currants, gooseberries, plums, raspberries, beets, and sprouted wheat.
  • Rich in cobalt walnuts, olives, beets, carrots, red currants, strawberries, chokeberry, peas, strawberries and so on.

Apples are very popular as a source of vitamins and minerals. But these fruits, when exacerbating pancreatic ailments, can become worst enemies person. Therefore, apples and the pancreas are compatible only during remission of diseases. It is recommended to consume only green fruits, no more than 1 per day, and initially they should be baked.

Apples can be consumed by patients only after the start of remission

But unfortunately, quite often patients still fail to get everything from food. essential vitamins in the proper quantity. In such cases, they may be recommended to take special ready-made complexes, but still, before starting to take any medicines, even if it’s something as harmless as vitamins, you need to consult a doctor, since only a specialist can make the right choice and choose the right remedies for a patient with a pancreas.

The pancreas is an important organ of the human digestive system, involved in the process of digesting food. But she is extremely vulnerable, so even one good feast can lead to serious violations. To protect the organ from harmful factors need a diet for the pancreas. A weekly menu compiled by an experienced specialist will improve the functioning of the pancreas and the entire system. Read more about this and we'll talk in this article.

Diet for the pancreas - menu for the week

The main task of the pancreas is to synthesize certain enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats and proteins in the body. The resulting enzymes penetrate the duodenum, where they begin to fulfill their main task. The pancreas is also involved in the production of insulin, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the human body. Improper functioning of the organ leads to insufficient synthesis of insulin, which, in turn, contributes to the development diabetes mellitus.

As a rule, diseases of the pancreas are various tumor processes, pancreatitis (chronic and acute form) etc. All these pathologies are united by similar symptoms. It's about pain in the left hypochondrium and discomfort in the back. In most cases, the pain is chronic, that is, it worries the patient constantly. But sometimes the pain appears periodically, in the form of attacks. Discomfort appears after use alcoholic products, fatty or fried foods.

Note! There are also additional symptoms diseases of the pancreas, including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever. The patient may also lose appetite, but this happens extremely rarely.

Regardless of the type of disease, following a diet is important stage therapy. With the right approach to this issue, you can not only speed up the recovery process, but also prevent relapses.

The peculiarity of diet therapy is as follows:

  • the patient should eat only boiled or steamed foods. Such food will bring much more benefits to the body and nutrients;
  • you need to eat in small portions. The term “fractional meals” means frequent consumption of food, but in small portions. To avoid loading digestive system, you need to avoid overeating;
  • During the treatment period, all food consumed must be in ground or liquid form. This is an important condition;
  • It is not recommended to eat very cold or hot foods, regardless of their type or method of preparation. Only warm food can be beneficial;
  • Various types of porridges must be cooked in water, and after cooking, grind them for better absorption and relieve stress on the intestines and pancreas.

Many people underestimate the effect of a proper diet, but most of the violations gastrointestinal tract can be avoided or treated with nutrition alone. Therefore, if you have had to deal with diseases of the pancreas, then get ready for radical change your daily diet.

Authorized Products

There is a whole list of products that you can eat during the treatment period. These include:

  • sweet varieties of apples;
  • different types of porridges (pumpkin, buckwheat, etc.);
  • no fish fatty varieties;
  • stale bread;
  • quail and chicken eggs(whites only);
  • fruit compotes;
  • lean varieties of fish and meat;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • various fruit salads, for example, vinaigrette;
  • vegetable soups, borscht.

This diet is effective not only for the development of pancreatitis, but also for other pancreatic diseases. There are quite a lot of permitted foods, so you can add all sorts of variety to your diet in the form of one dish or another. In addition, there are a lot of recipes where even lean fish with vegetables it turns out very tasty.

Prohibited Products

It is extremely important to exclude from the diet all foods that can harm the gland and the entire body during the period of treatment. First of all, you need to give up the following products:

  • fresh bread, especially white;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, coffee;
  • various sweets (baked goods, muffins, chocolate in large quantities);
  • some fruits and berries (cranberries, grapes, bananas, pomegranates);
  • beans, peas and other legumes;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • rich broths;
  • lard, mushrooms;
  • hot seasonings, spices, sauces;
  • fast food (burgers, hot dogs, etc.);
  • canned foods, marinades;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fatty, fried and smoked foods.

Important! Experts recommend including steamed, low-fat omelette in your diet. fermented milk products, for example, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir. Make sure that the daily amount of carbohydrates is around 330-370 g. For drinks, you can drink mineral water and rosehip or chamomile tea.

How long should you limit yourself to food?

It is impossible to say exactly how long the treatment and, accordingly, the therapeutic diet may take. This all depends on many factors, for example, the severity of the disease, the patient’s condition, the effectiveness of the prescribed diet and the correctness of its adherence. As a general rule, the patient should adhere to all dietary recommendations until full recovery. The duration of this period can be from 2 to 4 weeks. If a person regularly experiences problems with the functioning of the pancreas, then he should avoid or at least limit the amount of junk food throughout life to prevent relapses of diseases.

As noted earlier, it is advisable to eat dishes that have been steamed. This allows products to save maximum quantity nutrients. If daily norm carbohydrates should be around 350 g, then fats should be no more than 80-85 g, and proteins should be 110 g. Try to count the daily amount of calories that you consume with food. It should be in the range of 2600-2900 kcal.

Description of menu items

Nutrition for the pancreas, first of all, should be varied. If necessary, you can add it to your diet various products or dishes with original taste. The amount of food a patient eats per day should depend on his lifestyle. That is, if a person works in a factory, spending a large amount of energy, then there should be more food. And if he has a sedentary job, then, accordingly, the amount of food should be less. Below is a nutrition plan for pancreatic diseases.

Table. An example of a weekly menu for the pancreas.


1. Breakfast – 1/2 banana or pear with 200 g of cottage cheese. Make sure that the cottage cheese is low-fat.
2. Lunch – pasta with boiled brisket, berry jelly and some lean oatmeal soup.
3. Snack – egg white omelet, rosehip compote or dried fruit.
4. Dinner – compote and some cottage cheese casserole.

1. Breakfast – buckwheat, pearl barley or rice porridge, weak tea and omelet.
2. Lunch – chicken soup, pumpkin porridge and fruit jelly.
3. Afternoon snack – oatmeal with the addition of a small amount of fresh berries.
4. Dinner – fish pate, some mashed potatoes and fruit jelly.

1. Breakfast – steamed chicken, oatmeal and a glass of kefir.
2. Lunch – pumpkin or carrot puree, steamed fish and raspberry tea.
3. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole and banana.
4. Dinner - stew with boiled chicken and zucchini, tea or compote.

1. Dinner – buckwheat porridge, boiled fish and jelly.
2. Lunch – beef salad, cream soup, boiled pasta and fruit jelly.
3. Afternoon snack – chamomile or rosehip decoction, protein omelet.
4. Dinner – a little cottage cheese and weak tea.

1. Breakfast - jelly, boiled egg and a small piece of hard bread.
2. Lunch – vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast and some mineral water.
3. Afternoon snack – steamed beef cutlet, boiled buckwheat or rice.
4. Dinner – mashed potatoes, fish baked in the oven, kefir.

1. Breakfast – fruit mousse, weak tea.
2. Lunch – boiled potatoes, vegetable soup, fish cutlet, cooked in a slow cooker, tea.
3. Afternoon snack – pasta with salad, some durum wheat bread, compote.
4. Dinner – pearl barley porridge, a glass of low-fat kefir, a light salad.

1. Breakfast – boiled rice porridge, tea.
2. Lunch – milk soup, buckwheat porridge with meat soufflé.
3. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, weak tea.
4. Dinner – boiled beef, potatoes baked in foil, meatballs and a glass of kefir.

Note! If, by following a diet, you want to not only improve your health, but also lose some extra pounds, then during the first 5-6 days it is recommended to limit the amount of fat consumed. Throughout the entire therapeutic course from using salt during cooking various dishes should also be abandoned.

Video - Diet for cleansing the liver and pancreas

What diet should you follow for pain in the pancreas? This question may arise in a person who suddenly feels pain in the left hypochondrium.

People who have suffered acute pancreatitis know well where the pancreas is located and how it hurts.

The pancreas may become ill for the first time (this usually happens after a hearty feast With alcoholic drinks) or long-standing chronic pancreatitis may worsen - in both cases a therapeutic diet is needed, primarily aimed at reducing the secretion of this organ.

Diet for the acute phase of pancreatitis

Acute inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis - must be diagnosed by a doctor. Whenever severe pain in the left hypochondrium, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

If the arriving doctor suspects pancreatitis, he will have to go with him to the hospital, where they will immediately begin to save the patient’s life.

In the complex therapeutic measures Diet plays an important role against inflammation of the pancreas.

In the first days, the patient is not allowed to eat or drink at all, “feeding” only intravenous solutions.

Actually, the diet begins from the fourth to sixth day, when the patient begins to be given a little water, first, and then liquid food.

The diet for diseases of the pancreas should exclude from the patient’s diet foods containing coarse fiber and extractive substances.

This is necessary to give the pancreas time to rest and recover. Fiber and broths stimulate the gland and provoke new attacks of pancreatitis.

While on a diet for pancreatic diseases, it is very important to drink enough clean water, which will remove drug residues and toxins resulting from inflammation from the body.

You need to drink at least a liter of water per day, preferably it should be purified or mineral with an alkaline reaction (such as Borjomi).

They begin to recover from fasting with slimy soups (with rice, noodles) in vegetable broth, pureed porridges cooked in water, potato and vegetable purees.

At this time, the pancreas, liver and other organs involved in digestion respond very well to thin jelly made from fruit and berry juice, cooked with corn starch.

It is useful to drink rosehip decoction, since for any inflammatory processes The body especially urgently needs ascorbic acid.

Every day the menu is gradually expanding. An omelette is introduced into it, skim milk and cottage cheese, liquid milk porridge, then steamed meat and fish.

By the time of discharge from the hospital (approximately two weeks later), the patient’s diet is usually brought into compliance with the requirements of treatment table No. 5.

Such nutrition should continue after discharge home, until the pain and inflammation in the pancreas completely subsides.

Nutrition for chronic pancreatic diseases

In the chronic form of pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas and liver, nutrition should be gentle, so all broths except vegetable broths are still excluded from the menu.

You can eat any soups made with vegetable broth, seasoned with cereals or pasta. Soups and other dishes can be eaten raw, but pureed food is still preferable.

You can eat meat and fish, but they must be steamed or boiled in water, prepared in the form of casseroles with minced meat or stewed.

The diet should consist of easily digestible foods that do not overload the pancreas and liver.

You cannot include in the menu foods that cause severe gas formation in a particular patient - fresh milk for lactose intolerance, cabbage juice, potatoes, peas and other legumes.

Advice: to prevent pea dishes from provoking the release of gases in the intestines, it is enough to drain the water in which the peas or other legumes were cooked for some time, pour fresh water into the pan and cook the dish until fully cooked.

Together with the broth, substances will be removed from the pan, fermentative in the intestines.

Very important element Any menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits. These products can be included in the diet of people with diseases of the pancreas and liver in remission.

Vegetables can be consumed finely chopped or finely grated when there is no diarrhea. Hard fruits, such as apples, should be grated on a fine grater; soft ones can be eaten without chopping them.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Oatmeal with milk, tea;
  2. Steam egg white omelette, rosehip decoction;
  3. Boiled meat cut into pieces with boiled potatoes, vegetarian soup from finely chopped vegetables, pureed fruit compote with sweetener;
  4. Cottage cheese with increased content calcium, tea with milk;
  5. Vegetable puree, boiled pollock, tea with milk;
  6. Kefir with one percent fat content.

The portion size in the diet is calculated so that the daily dose of net carbohydrates is approximately 350 g. Carbohydrates should not come from sugar, but from cereals.

Sugar can be left in the diet only in symbolic amounts if no necrotic foci have appeared in the pancreas as a result of the disease and it is still capable of producing insulin.

In more severe cases, sugar is completely replaced with sweeteners that do not require insulin for digestion: fructose, maltose, saccharin, xylitol.

Answers to popular questions about diet

Even though therapeutic nutrition with a diseased pancreas is described in detail in diet No. 5, people have many additional questions about the diet. Let's look at the most common ones.

Can I drink goat's milk? Goat's milk - too much fatty product, and anything fatty is prohibited for pancreatic diseases.

Goat's milk is twice as fat as cow's milk, so if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, it must be diluted with water.

Even healthy person This product can cause stomach upset and negatively affect the liver, so you should start drinking goat milk gradually, in small portions, and carefully monitor your digestion until your body adapts.

Can a person with a diseased pancreas eat salted lard?

The answer is the same as the previous question. During remission, lard can be included in the diet in a minimal amount, no more than two slices per day, making sure that there is no pain in the hypochondrium.

Are mild spices, in particular cinnamon, allowed in the diet? Natural cinnamon has little in common with the spice that is sold in hypermarkets and which is more correctly called cassia rather than cinnamon.

Why are gastroenterologists often asked specifically about cinnamon? There are myths that cinnamon can cure type 2 diabetes and restore the pancreas.

However, there is no scientific confirmation of this. Cassia can be consumed in moderation as an inexpensive and harmless substitute for cinnamon.

Regarding real spice- it provokes the production of digestive juices, so it should not be included in the diet of people with a diseased pancreas.

What happens if you drink coffee or eat chocolate? Chocolate is allowed in the diet in very limited quantities.

If you drink coffee, you can provoke a new attack of pain in the pancreas, so coffee is prohibited.

If the pancreas doesn't hurt enough already for a long time, then you are allowed to drink a little coffee occasionally, but always with milk.

Is it possible to eat offal? Diet No. 5 allows the consumption of offal (pork and beef tongue, cattle heart and liver and poultry), if they are cooked boiled or stewed.

Does a diet for the pancreas allow eating puff pastry? During the acute stage, you should not eat puff pastry products, as they contain a lot of fat.

During remission, a small amount of baking from puff pastry and butter dough is allowed, but care must be taken to ensure that there is not the slightest pain in the pancreas.

With unhealthy weaknesses in the diet, all organs of the human digestive system are susceptible to disease. The first organ to be affected is the pancreas. A diet intended for the acute phase of the disease can have the opposite effect. This type of nutrition presupposes rest, and also the most gentle organization of pancreatic function. For pancreatitis, a dietary diet is considered one of the main components of therapy. Specific tips allow you to remove foods that are not beneficial from your diet and correctly prepare acceptable foods.

A painful disease of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. The gland performs secretory work, producing glucose, glucagon, lipocaine. Its participation in digestion is aimed at the secretion of juice.

There are acute and chronic course pancreatitis. The acute manifestation is associated with the enzymatic self-digestion of the organ, and in serious situations, necrosis of its tissues and organs located nearby is formed.

The disease often appears as a result of taking medications; half of the cases occur during the formation cholelithiasis, while others are associated with excessive alcohol intake.

The chronic development of pancreatitis is considered to be long lasting and increasing, and can worsen. In the chronic phase of the disease, altered tissues of a persistent nature are capable of developing and causing exocrine inferiority. At the stage of formation, the painful phenomenon is represented by a restrained warehouse, and as the disease develops, the organ changes completely.

The main signs of the disease include:

  • nausea;
  • painful outbreaks;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • increase in temperature;
  • rarely jaundice.

When the pancreas hurts, based on the symptoms, it will be prescribed complex treatment, an important component of which.

A healing diet for the pancreas is important at all stages of the pathology. Patients at a severe stage of the disease are given infusion treatment and fed formulas using a tube. Diet for patients who have mild degree and the average course of the disease, phasing is considered significant, which implies an imperceptible switch from a hunger strike to a full-fledged dietary meal under No. 5.

During an acute course, dietary food can suppress hyperfermentation of the organ, reduce stagnation in the channels and secretions of the stomach. Nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas allows you to improve the functionality of the gland, resume dietary changes and prevent recurrences of attacks.

After visiting a doctor with painful discomfort in the organ, at the appointment he will explain what diet is prescribed for diseases of the stomach and pancreas, what is useful for the pancreas during a given period of illness, what food to remove from the diet or reduce consumption.

If you follow proper nutrition for diseases of the pancreas, the organ will work as usual.

Principles of diet for illness

The gland is designed to relieve excess pressure on the damaged pancreas gland, for its speedy recovery.

When develops acute period pancreatitis, the pancreas requires complete unloading with a hunger strike for 3 days. Borjomi is allowed up to 1.5 liters per day or rosehip decoction up to 2 glasses.

Then, if the pancreatitis is not severe, then for the first time the 1st method of Diet No. 5 is prescribed - mashed. It involves intake: proteins 60-80 g, fats 50-60 g, carbohydrates 200-300 g.

After the aggravation in the gland subsides, the patient is prescribed the 2nd method of Dietary Table No. 5 - not ground. In this table, it is important to follow it regularly throughout the entire period of pathology and its transition into a stable phase of remission. The purpose of the treatment table is to prevent recurrences of the pathology and its intensification, and to correct the changes that have appeared in the body.

When disease outbreaks subside and due to chronic diseases dietary table suggests:

  • increased presence of proteins, so 110-120 g are required in the diet;
  • strict limit on fat consumption - up to 70 g;
  • cutting carbohydrates – up to 300 g.

Prepared dishes during the diet for pancreatic disease should be placed on the table, steamed, boiled, baked, to avoid irritation of the digestive organs.

Completely fried foods should be avoided. It is recommended to serve food warm, close to human body temperature.

What should you not eat if you have pancreatic disease? It is necessary to sharply limit the intake of carbohydrates that are easily digestible:

  • granulated sugar;
  • confectionery products;
  • freshly baked products.

What can you eat if your pancreas hurts? The amount of protein consumed needs to be increased by 30%, the main amount that is replenished with animal protein. Regarding fish and meat, it is allowed to consume dietary ones. Take fish - low-fat, river fish. Eggs are cooked by steaming, soft-boiled.

For inflammation of the pancreas, the diet is relatively fresh vegetables and fruits, means special care for those that have coarse fiber, because it additionally loads the organs of the digestive system. For this reason, products of plant origin are consumed pureed to a puree consistency or crushed. Based on the patient’s condition, after some time this ban is lifted.

The energy value of the consumed products should be suitable for the daily needs of the patient, relative to his body weight, age and employment. The amount of calories is divided into 5 approaches, 3 of which are basic.

Eating in the evening takes place 2 hours before bedtime. This is important for the body to fully process the food eaten.


If there are problems in patients who are sick chronic form pancreatitis, clinical symptoms of the formation of diabetes, the diabetic table can be adjusted, taking into account the altered carbohydrate process, approaching the maximum to a normal diet. In these situations, /9 is prescribed, including products that are excluded from the table:

  • promoting flatulence and fermentation in the stomach - cabbage, beans;
  • products formed during frying;
  • having a large volume of essential oils, and foods that irritate the mucous membranes - garlic, pepper, onion.

Dietary treatment in the presence of diabetes mellitus in terms of nutrient structure and energy significance is similar to dietary nutrition 5P, but the latter is more gentle.

Regarding the nutrient structure, then treatment tables 5P and 5P/9 are identical.

It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day, eliminating simple carbohydrates, more than 50% of fats are vegetable fats.

Thanks to multiple meals in diseases of the pancreas, the relationship between the presence of glucose in circulatory system and insulin ratio.

Diet for pain in the pancreas up to 50% of the daily energy requirement is covered by carbohydrates. For this purpose, sugar substitutes are used, taking into account individual intolerance.

  1. Xylitol.
  2. Sorbitol.
  3. Saccharin.
  4. Aspartame.

Products containing heavy carbohydrates are introduced into the diet:

  • bread;
  • cereals, vegetables;
  • fruits and berries;
  • The intake of vegetables and fruits, which contain from 5 to 10 g of carbohydrates, is limited.

A special table has been developed that contains the necessary information. When using it, the patient is guided in the selection of products. The presence of fats in dietary table for such patients, it is reduced relative to the norm, due to the refusal of fats and products that contain a large amount of cholesterol - in goose, duck.

Dietary table 5P/9 includes a complex of vitamins in the required volume, namely vitamin B1, which can actively contribute to metabolic processes, micro and macroelements.


The diet for the stomach and pancreas includes these types of healing foods.

  1. 5P - the first technique, prescribed when available acute manifestation, in case of exacerbation chronic pancreatitis. The duration of such a table is up to a week.
  2. 5P is the second method, this table is prescribed after 7 days and until complete remission.
  3. 5P/9 - prescribed if symptoms of diabetes appear in the presence of chronic pancreatitis.

It is worth considering what the pancreas likes and dislikes when pancreatitis changes. Although most of the usual products need to be eliminated from everyday table, in a home environment pain discomfort In iron, the diet can be diversified by combining dishes and methods of preparing them.

Authorized Products

To reduce the pressure on the organ, therapeutic nutrition is attributed, it introduces dishes that can be eaten with inflammation of the pancreas. This table is aimed at preventing the formation of individual problems and normalizing the condition. It is based on the fact that foods for the pancreas with an increased presence of proteins - up to 130 g, in addition to foods that are rich in potassium.

What foods does the pancreas love?

  1. In terms of meat, the table is replenished with turkey, chicken, lamb, and lean veal.
  2. For fish, you can eat perch, cod, and pike perch.
  3. Bird.
  4. Flour products – bread, crackers, biscuits, regular bagels.
  5. Dairy products - you can have 30% hard cheese, 1% milk, 0% yogurt.
  6. Drinks – banana juice, strawberry juice, dried fruit compote.

IN therapeutic diet from healthy products For the pancreas, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridges prepared in water are distinguished.

What else can you eat if you have inflammation of the pancreas? Boil and puree potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots and other approved vegetables. Make steamed puddings from carrots and pumpkin. If we consider how many carbohydrates are in these vegetables and their nutritional value, then zucchini has fewer carbohydrates, as well as nutritional value - carbohydrates 5.99 g, calories 30.56 kcal. Vegetables, for example, such as cauliflower 4.72 g / 33.99 kcal, carrots 12.06 g / 41.07 kcal, potatoes include - 19.81 g / 85.57 kcal. After some time, it is allowed to include peeled tomatoes and grated cucumbers in the table.

To which finely chopped vegetables or well-cooked acceptable cereals are then added. To season soups, use butter, cream, and sour cream.

From fermented low-fat milk products, milk is chosen, which is recommended to be added to food, since patients tolerate whole milk worse. It is also allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese, make puddings with casseroles. If a person has a calcium deficiency, then it is better to fill the deficiency with calcined cottage cheese. Sour cream is used as a seasoning. Cheese is introduced into food grated.

Meat products are replenished with beef, rabbit, and chicken. It is allowed to eat meat dishes only as soufflés, meatballs, meatballs, and steamed cutlets. You can eat cooked rabbit and chicken meat in pieces.

It is allowed to prepare sauces using vegetable broth, seasoned with sour cream and milk. From fruits, the patient’s table with gland pathology is replenished with marshmallows, mousse, jelly, and jam. In a limited amount, it is allowed to eat berries with fruits that need to be ground in advance. Steam omelette and other dishes and side dishes are also allowed.

Fully or partially limited products

If you have pancreatic pathology, you should not eat foods that break down food. This leads to the fact that the enzymes that are produced by the stomach are released in large volumes, due to this.
From harmful products For the pancreas, there are soups that are cooked with meat, mushroom, and fish broth, as well as okroshka, beetroot soup, and borscht. And also excluded from the diet:

  • meat - pork, lamb;
  • duck;
  • salo;
  • smoked products;
  • conservation;
  • sausage products;
  • fish – salted, fatty varieties;
  • freshly baked bread.

What else does the pancreas not like from food:

  1. Strong tea.
  2. Whole milk.
  3. Fried pies, pancakes, pancakes and cheesecakes.
  4. Fat cottage cheese.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Cocoa.
  7. Coffee.
  8. Cranberries.
  9. Spinach.
  10. Salad.
  11. Turnip.
  12. Radish.
  13. Vegetables and fruits in raw form. Fruits that contain simple carbohydrates that can lead to bloating - banana, grapes, dates.

It is unacceptable to eat the following food if you have pathology of the pancreas: chicken eggs that are hard-boiled or fried, flour and confectionery sweets are excluded, green onions, garlic, soda, ice cream, any type of dough, completely exclude fatty cheeses, cold dishes.

It is allowed not to completely exclude certain familiar foods for the pancreas from the diet, but only to limit their intake.

  1. Salt – up to 10 g per day is allowed
  2. Butter.
  3. Egg yolks – 2-3 pieces for 7 days.
  4. Millet groats.
  5. Sugar.
  6. Jam.
  7. Sweet pastries.
  8. Vanillin.
  9. Cinnamon.

Power Mode Menu

The menu, on the advice of a doctor, for pancreatic disease is drawn up for 7 days, so that this week includes full list required products. The volume of daily calories and the hour of food consumption are taken into account.

The main menu is designed to eat 5 times a day. If the menu is chosen correctly, after 14 days the inflammation in the pancreatic gland will go away and it will recover normal operation. The patient will feel much better, the disease will recede.

In case of prolonged remission of pancreatic pathology, a general dietary table will help.

To prevent attacks acute course, exacerbation of the pathology of the pancreas, they stick to this diet all their lives.
Diet for the pancreas, menu for the week.

On Mondays.

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, steamed omelette, jelly cooked with dried fruits.
  2. Second breakfast - boiled pumpkin, pureed, rosehip drink.
  3. Lunch – soup from pearl barley, beef pate, tea.
  4. Afternoon snack – vegetable puree, fruit juice.
  5. Dinner – ground buckwheat porridge, diluted with milk, pike perch baked in the oven, kefir.
  6. The second dinner is jelly.

On Tuesdays.

  1. Breakfast - rice porridge cooked in water, meat dumplings, unsweetened tea.
  2. Second breakfast – curd pudding, drink with fruit.
  3. Lunch – buckwheat soup with vegetables, boiled chicken fillet, boiled carrots, tea.
  4. Afternoon snack – curdled milk with biscuits.
  5. Dinner – semolina, plum drink.
  6. The second dinner is rosehip decoction.

On Wednesdays.

  1. Breakfast – curd pudding, rice porridge, strawberry drink.
  2. Second breakfast – omelet with jelly.
  3. Lunch – oatmeal soup, boiled fish and carrots, sour milk.
  4. Afternoon snack – cookies, weak tea.
  5. Dinner – mashed potatoes, steamed chicken cutlet, jelly.
  6. Second dinner - kefir.

On Thursdays.

  1. Breakfast – semolina with water, cheese, apricot juice.
  2. Second breakfast – carrot soufflé, rosehip infusion.
  3. Lunch – soup from oatmeal and boiled pumpkin, baked apples, kefir.
  4. Afternoon snack – bagels, compote.
  5. Dinner – boiled carrots, fish fillet dumplings, currant broth.
  6. The second dinner is milk jelly.

On Fridays.

  1. Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with water, calcined cottage cheese, peach drink.
  2. Second breakfast – steamed egg white omelette, compote.
  3. Lunch – vegetable soup seasoned with sour cream, chicken meatballs, noodles with a piece of butter, boiled beets, tea.
  4. Afternoon snack – cookies, dried fruit decoction.
  5. Dinner – vegetable stew, fish fillet with sour cream sauce, milk jelly.
  6. Second dinner - kefir.

On Saturdays.

  1. Breakfast - carrot cheesecakes, oatmeal porridge with milk, plum drink.
  2. Second breakfast – bagels, compote.
  3. Lunch – vegetable soup, boiled chicken, rice porridge, fruit drink.
  4. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese, jelly.
  5. Dinner - boiled zucchini and pumpkin, pureed, meat cutlets, semolina with milk, tea.
  6. The second dinner is yogurt.

For Sunday.

  1. Breakfast - noodles, boiled piece of meat, boiled pureed carrots, juice.
  2. Second breakfast – fruit jelly, cottage cheese casserole.
  3. Lunch – soup with dumplings, vermicelli, meat roll baked in the oven, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – crackers with tea.
  5. Dinner – rice porridge with butter, fish fillet dumplings, tea.
  6. The second dinner is acidophilus.


Doctors believe to lead healthy image life you need to eat right, excluding fatty and fried dish with disease of the pancreas. The following recipes are allowed to be included in the nutrition of the gland.

Cream soup with milk and chicken fillet

The chicken is boiled, the meat is minced using a meat grinder, and then ground. A thick mixture of boiled rice mix with prepared meat, salt to taste. Then boil the soup. Season the cooled soup to 80 degrees with a mixture of eggs and milk. Then add butter.

Baked fish fillet

For the dish you need:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • chicken broth - a tablespoon;
  • boiling water - a glass;
  • flour - 3 large spoons;
  • low-fat milk - a glass;
  • salt;
  • paprika;
  • pepper.

A filleted piece of fish is placed in a baking vessel and seasoned with spices. Then the broth is mixed with water, flour, then milk is added and everything is mixed. Next, the fillet is poured with sauce and baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 250 degrees.

For children

Children's dietary ration almost no different from the diet of adult patients. In young patients, the time for aggravation of the pancreas often passes faster. In case of pathology of the pancreas, therapeutic nutrition still remains for a long period and is suitable age category sick.

At the appointment after the prescribed diet for the pancreas, the doctor will tell you what can and cannot be given to the child when the organ hurts.

The dietary table for a child with pancreatic disease largely includes soups, as well as carefully boiled porridges. Cooking takes place with diluted milk or using water. Children's body Pureeed vegetables and baked apples are better suited. Fats and sweets should be kept to a minimum. Dishes from meat products should be light.