Pain in the forehead - causes, diagnosis, treatment. Acute frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. Bruise in the frontal area

The nature of a headache in the forehead can be very diverse: sharp, pressing, throbbing, stabbing.

It may not last long, occurring when the head is tilted, or may be painful. long time.

Finally, it appears independently or in a group of other symptoms.

Classification of causes

The causes of this type of headache can be classified as follows:

  1. Traumatic factors in the forehead area.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Infectious diseases.
  4. Deviations in the nervous system.
  5. Diseases of a musculoskeletal nature (osteochondrosis).
  6. Eye diseases.
  7. Oncology.

Trauma as a cause of headache in the forehead

Bruise in the frontal area

Trauma concerns only damage to soft tissue. The headache that occurs immediately goes away within a few days. Deep wounds require stitches. If a subcutaneous hematoma (bruising) appears as a result of a bruise, it will resolve on its own within a few days.

But there is a large hematoma, and even with suppuration. Then frontal pain intensifies, temperature rises. If you suspect a concussion, you should definitely see a neurologist.

Bone fracture

The blow can lead to a fracture of the frontal bone. This is a serious injury, accompanied by severe pain in the forehead area. Such injuries almost always lead to a concussion or bruise of the brain. At the slightest suspicion of a forehead bone fracture, a computed tomography and radiography is required. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is immediately admitted to the hospital.

Presence of inflammatory diseases

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses

In the depths of the frontal bone, under the nose, the frontal sinuses are located. Their inflammation is called frontal sinusitis. This is usually the result of complications from viral infections and respiratory diseases. Frontitis increases pain in the frontal area in the morning. Due to impaired capillary blood flow and swelling of the skin, the patient experiences swelling under the nose. The final diagnosis is made by an ENT doctor. Antibacterial and antiviral treatment is traditionally prescribed.


This is inflammation in the maxillary sinuses on the sides of the nose. The pain does not occur in these places, but in the forehead, left or right. The disease is diagnosed by an otolaryngologist. Conventional treatment consists of antibacterial drugs and physiotherapy. In especially severe cases, the maxillary sinuses are pierced.


This is the name for inflammation of the ethmoid sinus in the depths of the skull behind the nose. Pain in the forehead area appears periodically, accompanied by fever and runny nose. This condition is diagnosed by an ENT doctor.

Infectious nature of pain


Pain in the head in the forehead area with the flu is explained by the virus entering the bloodstream and general poisoning of the body. Flu is often complicated by frontal sinusitis. Pain from the forehead with this disease has some features:

  • occurrence in the first moments of the disease;
  • spreading pain to the brow ridges and temples.

Meningitis and encephalitis

Meningitis may be accompanied by pain concentrated in the frontal area. This serious illness consists of inflammation of the membrane of the brain, where many nerve endings are collected. Often meningitis is purulent - from the causative agents of meningococci. A very severe pain appears in the forehead. If there are other special symptoms, the patient is placed in a neurological hospital. Contact with it is very dangerous due to the possibility of infection.

Encephalitis caused by various pathogens also manifests itself with to varying degrees gravity. One of the symptoms of the disease is pain in the forehead area. The most severe degree is accompanied by hallucinations, delirium, and coma.

Pain from the forehead can be a manifestation of inflammatory diseases such as malaria, typhoid, fever.

Cardiovascular pathology

The cranial cavity is home to a huge number of vessels that deliver blood to the brain and brain tissues. Any disruption of blood flow inside the skull causes pain in the forehead area.

Intracranial pressure disorders

Increased pressure in the cranial veins and arteries irritates the nerve endings. As a result, throbbing pain develops in the forehead area. It is accompanied by:

  • dizziness,
  • rapid heartbeat,
  • pallor,
  • weakness,
  • increased sweating,
  • fainting.

Why does it rise

In turn, intracranial pressure may rise for the following reasons:

  • arterial hypertension,
  • cranial injuries,
  • tumors,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • congenital vascular and heart defects,
  • poisoning with drugs and toxins.

Identification of a specific disease requires:

These diseases are treated by a cardiologist or therapist.

Headache due to nervous pathologies


A chronic disease accompanied by intense, periodic, throbbing pain in the forehead area covering the left or right side of the head. The onset of a migraine attack is characterized by severe pain in the temple, spreading to the forehead, eye socket and back of the head.

Migraines are usually diagnosed and treated by a neurologist.

Cluster pains

They are also called cluster pain in the frontal region. They are paroxysmal in nature. They appear suddenly, as if for no reason, and just go away on their own. Cluster pain can be extremely severe. Some patients have difficulty withstanding it. The pain is one-sided, with short but frequent attacks (15 minutes each). Up to ten attacks can occur during the day. A neurologist treats this condition.

Mental disorders

From the outside nervous system pain in the forehead area can occur with mental disorders:

  • hysterical neurosis,
  • neurasthenia,
  • suspiciousness.

Treatment methods

To combat headaches in the frontal area, first of all, treatment is required primary disease. To identify it, you need the help of a specialist.

  1. Headache due to osteochondrosis, it is relieved with painkillers, dry heat, rest, massage cervical region spine, reflexology.
  2. Viral diseases require specialized treatment, after which the headache goes away.
  3. In case of frontal sinusitis and sinusitis, the issue is resolved by removing pus from the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
  4. Brain diseases need complex therapy. Their treatment is usually protracted and complex. The painful effect itself is relieved by painkillers.
  5. If the reason has mental character, That good help consists of a hot shower, relaxing head massage, tonic teas, antidepressants, and soothing infusions. But the most effective treatment- good rest.

It is not always easy to determine why a headache occurs, because there are a huge number of reasons. Sometimes this is simply the result of overwork, but this pain can also signal serious illness. Short-term, mild and one-time pain in the forehead area should not cause concern. Nice holiday and a calm environment solve the problem. But if there is severe pain that is systematically repeated, you need the help of a neurologist.

There is probably no person who has not experienced pain in the forehead at least once in his life. There are many reasons that create this painful sensations and here are some of the main ones:

Vascular diseases of the brain. Those suffering, for example, from venous arteritis, migraines or coronary artery disease experience aching or throbbing pain in the forehead. It often appears along with nausea, vomiting, and loss of coordination. A person becomes incapacitated for some time, since it is almost impossible to concentrate on anything, talking and moving is very difficult. Symptoms characteristic of intracranial pressure often appear.

Severe pain in the forehead can also manifest itself as a symptom of a bacterial or viral disease. It is observed in the patient along with high fever and chills during colds, and with meningitis, nausea is also added. Diseases such as frontal sinusitis and sinusitis always cause pain in the forehead. Sinusitis also causes discomfort to the patient because it affects the sinuses, makes it difficult to breathe through the nose, smells are bad, and there is an increased temperature. Pain in the frontal part of the head with frontal sinusitis is especially strong in the morning. Added to this are painful sensations in the eyes and fear of light.

When the muscles of the neck and head are tense for a long time, a person strains his eyes and frowns, and he experiences pain in the forehead. Persons who sit a lot at the computer or are for a long time driving a car.

Forehead pain, stress and nervous tension are closely related. Moreover painful sensations are localized throughout the head, last long and painfully, accompanied by a stabbing, throbbing pain in the temple area. It is sometimes difficult to move your head, because when you try to move, the pain in your forehead only intensifies.

Various head injuries also cause pain:

  • if there is a bruise in the forehead area, when they are damaged soft fabrics, pain in the forehead appears immediately after injury, and if suppuration does not occur subcutaneous hematoma, disappears after a few days. Otherwise, it intensifies, it hurts to touch the forehead, and the body temperature rises.
  • Quite powerful pain occurs in the forehead area when the frontal bone is fractured. In addition, deformation of the forehead is noticeable, attacks of dizziness and vomiting appear, mainly visual disturbances occur, and sometimes blood comes from the ears.
  • brain damage, such as a bruise or concussion, is accompanied by loss of consciousness (sometimes for a long time), disorder visual functions, attacks of vomiting, weakness of the body and, of course, pain in the frontal region.

Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine often manifests itself in the form of pain in the occipital region, but sometimes pain is felt in the frontal area (pulling, pressing, shooting or aching). With this disease, pain in the forehead can be caused by large physical activity, cold, long-term unchanged position of the head (therefore, in the morning the painful sensations are felt more strongly).

Painful sensations in the forehead area often appear with diseases of the visual organ: tumor eyeball, uveitis, astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, eye injuries.

Often accompanied by pain in the forehead, tumors: frontal bone; pituitary gland; paranasal sinuses; vascular tumors or located in the cavity of the orbits.

What to do if there is pain in the forehead?

Forehead pain has many causes. Sometimes it appears as a consequence of overwork, and sometimes it is a harbinger of pathology. If the pain appears briefly and once, it is most likely that tension headaches have manifested themselves and you should just rest. But if the disturbing painful sensations are quite strong and often repeated, it is worth visiting a doctor.

Treatment of forehead pain

Pain in the forehead, the treatment of which should be applied immediately, can be a consequence of head injuries, infectious diseases, diseases of the cervical spine, etc. Therefore, in order to prescribe treatment, the doctor must conduct a conversation with the patient to clarify the nature of the pain, the frequency of its occurrence, the degree intensity, etc.

If pain in the frontal region is a consequence of infectious diseases, then the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy using anti-inflammatory drugs. It is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own in order to avoid complications that can lead to a worsening of the situation.

If pain in the forehead is a consequence of stress, depression, nervous fatigue, then in this case the patient should calm down by taking a medicinal herbal tea, drinking tincture of valerian or motherwort, lying quietly for at least half an hour. Usually the pain subsides quickly.

Pain in the forehead is often a sign of sinusitis or pharyngitis. To eliminate the pain syndrome, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe an opening of the frontal or maxillary sinuses to remove purulent contents.

Hirudotherapy has also proven effective in treating this type of pain. Several leeches are placed on the forehead area and after some time they are removed. The patient undergoes several such sessions until he feels that the ailment has ceased to bother him.

If you ask the population what symptom occurs most often, most people will answer that it is a headache. It occurs due to many reasons. In some cases it is ordinary fatigue, and in others it is serious neurological and infectious pathologies. More often discomfort noted in the forehead, eyes and temples. Based on the location of the pain, its prevalence and nature, you can make a list of ailments for treatment. differential diagnosis. The doctor will also be helped by information about what precedes the onset of unpleasant sensations and how they are relieved. It will be possible to establish a final diagnosis for pain in the forehead thanks to an instrumental examination.

It is worth noting that the occurrence of discomfort in the head is rarely associated with organic damage. Most often, pain is a sign of intoxication syndrome or changes in atmospheric and blood pressure. The most common causes include sinusitis, migraine and hypertension.

Why does pain appear in the forehead?

The frontal region is the part of the head that is in contact with almost all structures of the skull. It is adjacent to the orbits, temporal and nasal bones. Under frontal bone are the membranes of the brain. Also in this area there are blood vessels and cranial nerves. In this regard, complaints that the head hurts in the forehead and there is pressure can mean many various violations. Determining the cause of such a common symptom can be difficult.

Often people complain that they periodically have a headache, forehead or other nearby areas. Some don't give it a second thought of great importance and do not seek help from doctors. Indeed, rare and mild pain does not indicate pathology at all. They can also occur normally. For example, when there are differences atmospheric pressure, intoxication of the body due to a cold, hangover, etc. Such discomfort goes away on its own and does not affect health. However, if a person constantly has headaches, forehead and eyes, it is worth thinking about the presence of disorders. The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations include the following groups of factors:

  1. Infections.
  2. Inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses or nerves.
  3. Vascular disorders.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Head injuries.
  6. Increased intracranial or eye pressure.
  7. Tumors of the brain or its membranes.

Each of these groups of factors includes many diseases accompanied by pain in the forehead. Only a doctor after an examination can identify the source of the problem. It is worth noting that acute pain syndrome often indicates serious pathological condition, requiring the provision emergency care. If the discomfort is not severe, then treatment can wait until an accurate diagnosis is established. However, you should not delay contacting a doctor.

Pain during infectious processes

Patients often complain of pain in the forehead and eyes. This symptom occurs both in infections and in acute inflammatory processes. Similar pains can appear with flu, sore throat, respiratory viral infections. In these cases, discomfort does not mean that there is any structural abnormality in the head. Pain syndrome develops against the background of intoxication and is relieved after eliminating the underlying pathology. The exception is infections that affect the membranes and substance of the brain. Examples include diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis. These inflammatory processes are accompanied by severe headaches and neurological disorders. To identify them, special clinical and laboratory diagnostics. Meningitis can be suspected if the patient complains that he has an unbearable headache, forehead, or orbital area. Symptoms are accompanied severe intoxication and meningeal signs. When brain matter is involved in the inflammatory process, neurological disorders.

One more common reason Pain in the forehead is sinusitis. These include sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis. All these pathologies are characterized by the penetration of microbes into the paranasal sinuses. The mechanism of pain syndrome is the accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the sinuses and pressure on their membranes. This is accompanied by an increase in temperature and impaired mucus outflow. In some cases, inflammation spreads to nearby structures, in particular the facial and trigeminal nerves. This happens in the absence timely treatment sinusitis. The headache is accompanied by impaired sensitivity and facial asymmetry. Eliminate inflammation paranasal sinuses only possible with the help antibacterial drugs. In severe cases, surgical procedures are required.

Features of unpleasant sensations in the forehead during migraine

The cause of a headache in the forehead and eyes may be a migraine. This is a common disease, the pathogenesis of which is still not clear. It is believed that migraine is associated with genetic characteristics of the body. Sudden attacks severe headaches appear due to dysregulation of tone small vessels. Identify migraine through laboratory and instrumental studies almost impossible. Often the diagnosis is made based on clinical manifestations. These include:

  1. Typical location of pain.
  2. Sudden onset of an attack.
  3. The presence of a specific aura that precedes discomfort.

In most cases, migraine attacks are preceded by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, flashes of light in front of the eyes (photopsia), general weakness, tinnitus. Patients complain of sudden and unbearable pain in the head, forehead, eyes, and back of the head. Typical localization is one half of the face and skull. The pain is difficult to relieve with medication. Usually the discomfort goes away on its own after 30-60 minutes. Aromatherapy and massage are used to relieve discomfort.

Pain due to cerebrovascular accident

Often, at a doctor’s appointment, a patient complains that his forehead hurts and there is pressure on his eyes. This is often associated with increased intracranial pressure. Hypertension occurs for many reasons. Most often this is the result of a head injury. Intracranial pressure increases due to stagnation of cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal cord or brain. In this case, pain receptors located in the meningeal membranes and blood vessels are irritated. To alleviate the condition, a spinal cord puncture is required.

Patients with arterial hypertension also often complain of headaches and pressure on the forehead, temples and eyes. The pathology is common among older people, but can also develop in young people. Hypertension is associated with many causes. Among them: kidney disease, heart disease, endocrine glands. In addition to pressure in the forehead, symptoms such as tinnitus, nausea and dizziness are noted. Systematic use of antihypertensive drugs helps to cope with the pathology.

An unbearable headache that appears suddenly is one of the symptoms acute disorder cerebral circulation(stroke). The causes of this condition are arterial hypertension and vascular thromboembolism. The disease requires immediate surgical treatment. In addition to severe pain, the pathology is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as neurological manifestations (paralysis, convulsions, blurred vision). Poor blood circulation in the brain can also be chronic. In such a case, it is called discirculatory encephalopathy (DEP). Symptoms of the pathology: headache, memory and sleep disturbances. To reduce the manifestations of encephalopathy, regular monitoring and treatment by a neurologist is required.

Other causes of pain

In addition to the listed ailments, there are many reasons why a person’s forehead and eyes hurt. Among them are neurological, endocrinological, oncological and other pathologies. In some cases, headaches and pressure on the eyes occur due to ophthalmological disorders. These include: astigmatism, myopia, glaucoma. Other reasons include:

  1. Chronic fatigue. Due to disruption of sleep and rest patterns, overstrain of the nervous system often develops. In addition, it may be associated with stress. Neurosis is accompanied by constant headaches, disturbances in sleep, nutrition and emotional control.
  2. Brain tumors. Regardless of whether there is benign education in the head or cancer, this affects the patient's condition. Any tumor of the brain or its membranes causes irritation of pain receptors. In addition, symptoms of the neoplasm are seizures, visual disturbances, facial asymmetry, mental and neurological manifestations.
  3. Head injuries. These include bruises and concussions. Injuries are accompanied by nausea, impaired consciousness and coordination. Discomfort in the forehead area usually comes later and can bother a person for a long time.
  4. Chronic alcoholism and other intoxications. Constant exposure harmful substances on brain neurons leads to their death. In addition, toxins cause damage to the vascular system. As a result, chronic pressing pain develops that is difficult to treat.
  5. Frequent watching TV, listening to music and working on the computer. All this leads to overload of the organs of hearing and vision, resulting in excessive nervous tension and headaches.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the forehead. In addition to them, there are other harmful factors: accumulation toxic substances, consumed as food, hypoxia, changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, etc. Mental pathologies can be distinguished separately.

Diagnosis for headaches

Evaluation for headaches includes examination by specialists such as an otolaryngologist, an ophthalmologist, and a neurologist. Standard methods diagnostics are considered:

  1. Electroencephalography.
  2. X-ray of the skull and paranasal sinuses.
  3. Ophthalmoscopy.
  4. Ultrasound examination: neurosonography (NSG) and EchoEG.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.

The diagnostic search begins with simpler research methods. If the source of the headache cannot be identified, an MRI of the brain is performed. It will help identify organic pathology, if there is one. In the absence of structural abnormalities, careful laboratory diagnostics are required (to identify toxic effects). If the cause cannot be determined, more complex examinations are prescribed. These include PET-CT, examination by a psychologist, etc.

Differential diagnosis for headaches

Headache is such a common symptom that identifying the cause of its occurrence can be very difficult even for experienced doctors. First of all, the therapist clarifies the features of clinical manifestations. These include: the nature of the pain, its duration, localization and irradiation, associated symptoms. Based on the survey and examination, the doctor puts forward a presumptive diagnosis and prescribes an examination.

The presence of signs of infection indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease. In such cases, radiographic examination of the sinuses is recommended. Most often, pain in such cases is associated with sinusitis or sinusitis.

When increasing blood pressure It is required to perform ultrasound and Dopplerography of cerebral vessels. Revealing atherosclerotic plaques in the arterial bed indicates chronic hypoxia and the development of encephalopathy.

Violation motor function and consciousness convulsive syndrome, changes in the pupils are indications for urgent brain tomography. Sudden pain without visible reasons often indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia or migraine.

Providing assistance at home

Not all patients experiencing pressure in the forehead seek help from a doctor. You can also relieve pain at home. To do this, apply moistened water to the head. cold water towel accepted warm baths With aromatic oils. If similar measures If they don't help, you can take a painkiller. To similar medicines include medications “Ketone”, “Analgin”. When lowering blood pressure, drinking sweet tea or strong coffee, as well as the drug Citramon, helps. However, if the pain recurs, an examination is required. Symptomatic therapy provides only temporary relief and leads to addiction. However, the cause of the pathology remains undetected.

Forehead hurts and presses: what to do?

Treatment of pain syndrome includes etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. To influence the cause of the pathology, antihypertensive, antibacterial and neuroprotective drugs are prescribed. The selection of medications depends on the source of pain. In case of severe sinusitis, it is necessary to puncture the paranasal sinus and clear it of accumulated purulent exudate. Surgical treatment may be required for acute ischemic circulatory disorders, brain tumors and intracranial hypertension.

Headache prevention

It is impossible to predict the occurrence of a headache. However, to protect yourself from this symptom, you should spend more time on fresh air, take a break from work, get enough sleep and do not over-watch TV. If you experience unpleasant sensations, you should try to avoid stress. If all measures have been taken and pain persists, you need to seek help.

Forehead This is a part of the body on a person’s head, located from the eyebrows at the bottom to the base of the hair at the top. The sides of the forehead are limited by the temples. Forehead pain can be caused by the most for various reasons. Your forehead may hurt due to inflammation:

  • allergies,

Main causes of forehead pain

Head tension pain, spreading from the neck to the back of the head, temples, eye area, on one or both sides. May be accompanied by:




Can be felt pain points in the back of the head and neck area. The pain is dull, monotonous, pressing, squeezing or bursting. Localization of pain: usually felt around the head, in the forehead and eyes, temples, under the back of the head, sometimes reminiscent of tightening the head with a ribbon or a tight cap. Usually provoked mental stress , fatigue.

Reasons: combination strong voltage scalp muscles, neck muscles with exacerbation of pain sensitivity. Appears in the background nervous exhaustion or strong mental stress. The reason is usually psychological problem: excessive efforts that do not lead to the desired result and outcome, anxiety or depression.

Headache with increased intracranial pressure

This type of headache occurs in people prone to low or high blood pressure. Symptoms manifest themselves in pain of moderate intensity. Severe pain may be present in the forehead, temples, back of the head, or the entire head.

During a headache attack, a decreased or increased blood pressure. Often provoked for the following reasons:

  • overwork;

    mental stress.

Causes of this type of pain: arterial hypertension, vascular dystonia , malfunctions thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, heart. Also affects the intensity and manifestation of pain psycho-emotional stress, overwork. In this case, pain of a squeezing or bursting nature in the forehead can be combined with pressing pain in the eye area.


Sinusitis is inflammation mucous membrane, sometimes the bone walls of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus; often occurs as a complication of influenza. Manifestations: pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, congestion of the corresponding half of the nose, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose

At sinusitis there is a feeling of tension or pain in the affected sinus, nasal breathing disorder, nasal discharge, disturbance of smell on the affected side, photophobia and lacrimation.

The pain is often diffuse, vague or localized in the forehead, temple and occurs at the same time of the day. Body temperature is elevated, often observed chills.

Causes of inflammationfrontal sinus, as a rule, the same as for inflammation maxillary sinus. However, this disease is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses.


Frontit it inflammation of the frontal sinus. The disease can be unilateral or bilateral, and be accompanied by damage to other paranasal sinuses. With frontal sinusitis the following are noted: symptoms:

    pain in forehead in the morning;

    violation of nasal breathing;

    discharge from the corresponding half of the nose.

The pain is often unbearable and becomes neuralgic character. In severe cases - pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after the sinus is emptied and resumes as the outflow becomes more difficult. When about stroma influenza frontitis body temperature is increased, sometimes color changes skin above the sinuses, there is swelling and swelling in the forehead and upper eyelid, resulting from local circulatory disorders.

The headache subsides after the sinus is emptied and resumes as the outflow becomes more difficult. In acute influenza frontitis body temperature is increased, sometimes the color of the skin over the sinuses is changed, swelling and swelling in the forehead and upper eyelid are noted.

Pain in the forehead is most often associated with inflammation of the membranes of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, with the development neuralgia or neuritis first branch trigeminal nerve. Neuralgic pain paroxysmal, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or mucus discharge from the nose. During an attack the following symptoms are possible:


    redness of the forehead;

    sharp pain when pressing on the eyebrow.

At infectious diseases The location of pain can vary, but the most common is headache. This is the most common complaint of many patients infectious diseases. It occurs with any increase in body temperature and intoxication. The pain is usually dull and localized mainly in the forehead.

Severe headaches occur with acute meningitis, also manifested by vomiting and meningeal syndrome (meningitis triad). Influenza headaches are localized in the forehead, brow ridges and temples. It appears at the beginning of the disease and is combined with the following symptoms:

  • muscle pain;

    feeling overwhelmed and weak.

Eye movements are painful, photophobia is severe. Patients note “scratching” behind the sternum with tracheitis, which also occurs cough. Common pain syndrome is observed with fever dengue. Retro-orbital headache is especially severe with it, as well as pain in muscles and joints. Due to pain in the muscles and joints, a gait on unbending legs appears (the gait of a dandy). The face is hyperemic and puffy, the sclera is injected, possible hemorrhagic rash. Muscle and joint pain persists for up to 3-8 weeks.

Burning unilateral pain, pulsating, radiating to the forehead and eyes (at the same time it turns red and watery), the so-called cluster, or beam. The vast majority of patients are men over 30 years old and smokers. Attacks can begin with a cigarette, even a small dose of alcohol, sharp climate change.

They are always painful - a person in literally he grabs his head, cannot sit still, the pain comes at night, and painkillers only help for a short time. Nature cluster pain little has been studied, but doctors classify it as vascular - like migraine, the old evil companion of many women.


Migraine manifested by strong, pulsating, sudden onset, one-sided pain in the forehead and temple, radiating to the orbit and back of the head. Similar attacks recur periodically. There is a family predisposition.

Range of reasons causing pain in the forehead, more than wide, so to establish the truth, the help of a doctor is usually required. Moreover, in some cases a consultation consisting of family doctor, dentist, otolaryngologist and neurologist. And although you need a specialist to determine the cause of the pain, you can do a lot yourself, in any case, relieve the pain in the first moments of its appearance.

Cephalgia is a common pain syndrome that not only brings painful and debilitating sensations, but also partially limits a person in his usual activities.

Headache in the forehead area manifests itself with varying intensity, has a heterogeneous character (pulsating, squeezing, squeezing, drilling, sudden, monotonous), lasts for a short time or for a long period.

Pain in the frontal part of the head is provoked by a variety of factors, sometimes not related to the processes occurring in the cranial cavity. To successfully overcome a headache in the forehead area, it is necessary to carry out thorough diagnostic measures and determine the root cause of the formation of cephalalgia.

The leading causes of headaches in the forehead area are conventionally systematized into several groups according to the factors that provoke them:

  • Group 1. Pain in the forehead, manifested as a result of traumatic brain injuries (in particular: contact injuries to the soft tissues of the head);
  • Group 2. Pain in the forehead resulting from chronic vascular pathologies or acute intracranial hemorrhage;
  • Group 3. Pain in the forehead accompanying infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, toxic poisoning, tumor formations;
  • Group 4. Pain in the forehead, adjacent to psycho-emotional disorders, of a psychogenic nature;
  • Group 5. Pain in the forehead area chronic course, corresponding clinical signs migraines;
  • Group 6. Pain in the forehead resulting from prolonged overload of the body;
  • Group 7. Pain in the forehead area due to other reasons.

The treatment regimen for headaches in the forehead area is selected individually, taking into account provoking factors. Let us consider in more detail the systematization of the reasons and indicate possible options treatment.

Group 1 - traumatic brain injuries

Factor 1: Pain in the frontal part of the head is caused by mechanical effects on the brain and bones of the skull: “landing” on the head, blows from heavy objects, bruises from sudden braking of a car, injuries from fights, damage from a blast wave. Impact on the soft tissues of the forehead in mild degree lead to the formation of a hematoma (bruise) and are accompanied by minor discomfort.

Therapy: First aid for a hematoma on the forehead - apply cold compress. Ice will have a constricting effect on blood vessels, prevent swelling, and reduce discomfort. Indovasin gel is used, which has pronounced analgesic activity.

Factor 2: When strong impact a fracture (violation of integrity) of the frontal bone may occur. Such a severe injury is often associated with concussion (concussion) of the brain or contusion (bruise). In this case, an intense, sharp headache occurs in the forehead, nausea and profuse vomiting, dizziness, and lightheadedness (sometimes with loss of consciousness) may occur. When a bone fracture is localized in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eye sockets, the pain syndrome is accompanied by sensory visual defects: doubling of objects, inability to focus the gaze. In some cases, bleeding from ears and nasal passages, swelling on the forehead and bridge of the nose due to the accumulation of air under the skin.

Therapy: The patient is urgently and mandatory must be delivered to medical institution for timely implementation diagnostic measures. Based on the results of computed tomography (CT), radiography, and electroencephalography (EEG), the severity of the injury is determined and a treatment program is selected.

Group 2 - chronic vascular diseases

Often the reason why a headache in the forehead area is due to the presence of chronic vascular diseases in the patient.

Factor: The culprit of cephalalgia is the syndrome vertebral artery. The headache in the forehead area is sharp, throbbing or burning, spreading all the way to the occipital area. Pain in the forehead worsens with head movements, after a long stay in a supine position.

Discirculatory encephalopathy (narrowing of cerebral blood vessels) is a common cause of headaches in the forehead. This condition develops against the background arterial hypertension(persistent increase in blood pressure) and/or atherosclerosis (formation of focal deposits on the walls of the arteries of the brain). Headache in the forehead area is constant, manifests itself with varying intensity, and intensifies with overwork.

Among the possible provocateurs of headaches in the forehead of vascular origin:

  • Giant cell (temporal) arteritis, manifested by debilitating dull headache in the forehead and temporal areas.
  • Cerebral ischemia occurs with frequent attacks of headache, a feeling of heaviness in the head, and dizziness.
  • Neurocircular dystonia is accompanied by headache of a compressive, squeezing nature.
  • Transient ischemic attacks, in which intense headache occurs, temporary loss of vision, speech impairment, and sensations of numbness or tingling in the body are observed.

Therapy: After determining the diagnosis, pharmacological treatment with drugs is prescribed various groups. People who have pain in the frontal part of the head are prescribed medications that improve brain nutrition, for example: Cavinton. Nootropics are used, for example: piracetam (Pyracetamum). They resort to vitamin therapy.

Group 3 - viral attacks, infectious diseases, neoplasms

Factor 1: Severe headache in the frontal part of the head occurs during viral attacks and infectious diseases. For example, with influenza or ARVI, together with the classic phenomena: hyperthermia - increased body temperature, chills, adynamia, a person often complains of painful sensations in frontal lobes.

If a severe, bursting headache in the forehead occurs with high body temperature, nausea or vomiting, this condition may indicate the development of extreme dangerous illnessmeningitis. Constant pressing cephalalgia, concentrated in the forehead, with slight hyperthermia in combination with persistent sleep disturbances may be evidence of encephalitis.

A symptom of acute frontal sinusitis are sharp pains in the forehead, which intensify with pressure on the anterior wall of the frontal sinus and in the orbital area in combination with photophobia, lacrimation, and difficulty in nasal breathing. One of the main signs is severe monotonous or throbbing, deep, systemic pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose.

Often pain in the forehead indicates trigeminal neuralgia. With this disease, the pain sensations are incredibly painful; they are burning, stabbing, cutting in nature. Pain in the frontal part of the head in many patients is spontaneous, but an attack can be triggered by cooling the upper part of the face, for example, when washing with cold water.

Therapy: After a thorough diagnosis, the main treatment program is aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation and overcoming the effects of viruses.

Factor 2: It is worth noting that often a headache in the forehead appears after intoxication alcoholic drinks or due to inhalation of volatile toxic substances(compounds of mercury, arsenic, acetone vapor, benzene, etc.).

Therapy: Antidotes are used that counteract the corresponding poisons.

Factor 3: In some cases, a headache in the forehead indicates the formation of tumors in parts of the brain.

Therapy: Treatment is selected by the oncologist on an individual basis.

Group 4 - psycho-emotional pathologies

Factor: In some cases, various psycho-emotional pathologies (depression, neuroses, neurasthenia, anxiety disorders) or post-stress conditions manifest themselves as cephalalgia, which does not have a clear localization. Psychogenic pain in the forehead is dull, squeezing, squeezing (“head feels like it’s in a vice”) or, conversely, bursting (“head is splitting”).

Therapy: Despite the fact that this type of cephalgia is harmless and often does not bring much suffering to a person, completely overcoming it is a long and difficult process. They use various groups of drugs depending on the underlying disease, including: antidepressants, sedatives, tranquilizers, vitamins, nootropics, antipsychotics.

Group 5 - migraine

Factor: Migraine (hymecrania) is a chronic disease in which the manifestations of pain are pulsating in nature and localized unilaterally in the temporo-frontal-orbital region. At the beginning of the attack, the pain in the forehead is mild, and as the crisis progresses, its intensity increases.

Therapy: Based on established diagnostic criteria, the attending physician selects an individual treatment regimen, including analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, serotonergic drugs of the triptan group, glucocorticosteroid hormones, beta-blockers.

Group 6 - long-term overload of the body

Factor: Pain in the forehead (tension headache) occurs as a result of emotional overstrain, under the influence of stress factors, or manifests itself from physical stress muscles of the head and neck due to incorrect position bodies. This type of cephalgia is more common in people who neglect physical activity, lead a sedentary lifestyle. Among the main reasons provoking severe pain in the eyes with irradiation to the frontal region, doctors highlight prolonged stay in the vicinity of gadget monitors. A person complains of squeezing, squeezing, constricting sensations in the occipital region, frontal lobes, and parietal zone.

Therapy: This type of cephalgia can be eliminated by adjusting your lifestyle to a more active one, adhering to a strict work-rest schedule. Pharmacological treatment provides a combined program including: NSAIDs, for example: Nurofen, antidepressants, for example: amitriptyline (Amitriptylinum), benzodiazepine tranquilizers, for example: diazepam (Diazepamum).

In cases where the pain syndrome was not initially caused by the factors described in the above groups, the person needs to short term contact your doctor.

Only a medical specialist can evaluate clinical picture illness and determine why the headache in the forehead area hurts, recommend the necessary research, and choose adequate ways to overcome the problem.