Causes of pressure on the eyes from the inside and methods of treating pathology. Pressing pain in the eyes: causes, treatment and prevention Presses from the inside on the eyeball

Modern people are subject to a colossal load on the visual system. After all, modern technologies have filled almost all areas of professional activity. Also, every person has a computer or TV at home, the use of which negatively affects visual acuity and eye condition. What is evidenced by the malaise when the eyes hurt, as if they are pressing. The causes and methods of eliminating such pain should be considered in more detail.

Causes of pressing pain in the eyes

Most often, this symptom indicates a jump in blood pressure. At what pressure does eye pain occur? This occurs when there is a sharp increase in blood pressure. A person feels a throbbing pain that intensifies with the slightest movement of the head. Also, pressing pain in the eyes can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Pre-stroke condition. Usually this symptom is observed in people of advanced age. Minor movements at this moment, in addition to pain, cause severe dizziness.
  2. Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis. In addition to unpleasant sensations in the eyes, there is also a severe headache that radiates to the temple.
  3. Brain tumors. Painful sensations in the eyes are often accompanied by headaches and severe nausea leading to vomiting.
  4. Visual fatigue. Most often, the eyes become overtired from the computer or TV. Staying at the monitor for a long time leads to dry eyes, and a pressing sensation gradually arises.
  5. Incorrectly fitted glasses or contact lenses. In addition to the pressing sensation in the eyes, severe headaches occur.
  6. Emotional fatigue. Nervous overstrain causes sensations of pressure, and the picture before the eyes becomes cloudy.
  7. A sharp increase in blood pressure. In such cases, there is a strong desire to close the eyes, as the eyelids become heavy.
  8. Allergic reactions. They are also accompanied by itching and hypersecretion of the lacrimal glands.
  9. Glaucoma. This disease is also characterized by decreased vision and redness of the eyes.

Important to know! Many diseases of the visual system are accompanied by pain in the eyes of a pressing nature! Therefore, in order to avoid painful sensations, timely diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmological diseases is required.

Diseases of the visual system that cause eye pain

A pressing sensation in the eyes in some cases is caused by various diseases of the visual apparatus. The most common diseases are:

  1. Blepharitis. It is an inflammatory process or infection of the eyelid.
  2. Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the eye membrane, which occurs as an allergic reaction or as a result of infection. Accompanied by severe itching and redness of the white of the eye.
  3. Corneal injuries. Scratches or foreign bodies in the cornea create a foreign-object sensation, which results in pressing pain in the eyes.
  4. Keratitis. Characterized by infection in the cornea. It is usually observed in people who do not follow the basic rules of wearing contact lenses.
  5. Iritis. It is an inflammation of the iris of the eye. Accompanied by a feeling as if pressing from the inside.
  6. Neuritis. The disease develops when the optic nerve becomes inflamed. At the same time, vision is significantly reduced.
  7. Sinusitis. An infectious disease that is an inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. Causes painful sensations in the eyes, the patient feels pressure on the eyeballs from below.
  8. Barley. An inflammatory process that develops in the eyelids or at the base of the eyelashes.

Important to remember! The appearance of any disease of the visual apparatus requires immediate treatment! Indeed, as it develops, the patient feels many unpleasant sensations, including pressure in the eyes, accompanied by pain.

Eye exercises

If pressing pain in the eyes does not arise due to various diseases, but from overwork, in such situations it is useful to do gymnastics. The most effective exercises to relieve pressure and pain are:

  1. Look up and then look down.
  2. Look around, slowly moving your gaze.
  3. Visually draw geometric shapes. Carry out this procedure slowly, clockwise, and then in the opposite direction.

The above exercises will help to gradually alleviate the condition. Such gymnastics should be given 5-10 minutes of time.

Elimination of painful sensations

What to do with pressing pain in the eyes? If the cause of pressing pain in the eyes is increased intraocular pressure, the condition can be improved by using various eye drops. What drops are used for this purpose? The most effective medications are:

  1. Azopt. It is used for increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), as well as for the treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus. Has many possible side effects. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a specialist. He will prescribe the maximum safe dosage.
  2. Trusopt. Also prescribed to people suffering from glaucoma. Reduces intraocular pressure and relieves discomfort associated with this ailment. Helps normalize the production of intraocular fluid.
  3. Travatan. Normalizes intraocular pressure. Can be used for preventive purposes.
  4. Xalatan. Helps alleviate the condition of glaucoma and other diseases of the visual system.
  5. Timolol. Helps improve the condition of various forms of glaucoma.
  6. Betoptik. Reduces intraocular pressure, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

Important to remember! Before using a certain drug, you must consult a specialist! He will prescribe the most effective and safe dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

If pressing pain in the eyes is caused by visual fatigue, you can use alternative medicine recipes. They will help to significantly reduce discomfort. The advantage of this effect is the almost complete absence of contraindications. There are many recipes for treating the eyes.

Tea brewing

The most popular and simplest method of treatment. Its essence is to apply cotton pads soaked in tea leaves to the eyes. The procedure must be carried out in a horizontal position. Keep the discs for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the strength of the pain localization.


To prepare the medicine you will need 3 tbsp. l. dried chamomile herb, which should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Place on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Then strain the prepared broth. Wait until it cools down a little, wet a cotton pad and wipe your eyes well.

Hawthorn and yarrow

These ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. Mix the herbs thoroughly. 5 tbsp. l. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the resulting mixture and cook for 15 minutes. Let it brew for about 1 hour. At the end of the time, strain the prepared broth and consume 1 glass 3 times a day. This medicine helps normalize intraocular pressure.

Aloe vera

Cut 1 medium-sized aloe leaf, chop using a blender or grind through a meat grinder. Add 1 cup of boiling water to the resulting slurry and leave to steep for 3 hours. Then strain the prepared medicine and treat the eyes 3 times a day.

Important to remember! When using traditional medicine recipes to relieve pressing pain in the eyes, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to certain ingredients!

Prevention of pressing pain in the eyes

In order to avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • promptly treat diseases of the visual apparatus;
  • monitor blood pressure;
  • spend a minimum amount of time in front of a computer or TV;
  • do gymnastics and eye massage after eye strain.

You should also remember to regularly visit an ophthalmologist for preventive examinations.

It puts pressure on the eyes, there is a feeling of fullness in the eyeballs, heaviness on the eyelids, dizziness and headache - all these are symptoms of overwork, stress or ophthalmological, vascular, neurological diseases. Unpleasant sensations have different intensity and frequency, which depend on the pathological processes in the body.

To determine why there is pressure on the eyes, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an examination.

Causes of pressing pain in the eye area

Pain in the eyes with sensations as if there is pressure on them from the inside, has a viral, infectious nature, and is a consequence of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, injuries or excessive fatigue.

Table “What causes pressing pain in the eyes and the nature of the discomfort”

Causes: diseases and external factorsDescription of painful discomfort
Increased (glaucoma)Severe pain in the eyes from the inside, a feeling of fullness. Vision deteriorates, everything becomes blurred, nausea and vomiting occur
High blood pressureHeavy head, pressing and throbbing pain above the eyes, in the temples and the back of the head. Additionally, there may be ringing in the ears, goosebumps before the eyes
Jumps in intracranial pressure caused by a tumor, stroke, cyst development, or impaired blood outflowThe head is spinning, the forehead hurts, there is a feeling of pressure above the eyes and on the side of the top of the head, goosebumps appear in front of the eyes, pulsation in the eyes is possible, drowsiness, heaviness in the eyelids, sometimes there are hallucinations
Cervical osteochondrosisViolation of the outflow of venous blood due to compression of the nerve roots leads to aching pain in the back of the head, which radiates into the eyes - a stinging sensation appears, a feeling of pressure inside the eyeballs
MigrainePressing pain radiating to the eyes, temples, crown, forehead, shooting into the ear. The person feels nauseous, discomfort increases with sharp sounds and smells, eyes sting from bright light
AnemiaA decrease in the number of red blood cells causes oxygen starvation of the brain, resulting in bursting pain in the frontal part of the head with pressure on the eyes, temples and back of the head
Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitisFeeling of fullness and tightness inside the head, above or below the eyes. Pathogenic mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses and puts pressure on swollen tissues
Viral pathologies (flu, sore throat, colds)The headache is observed on top of the skull and in the frontal area. Toxins released by pathogenic flora poison the body, resulting in an immune response, increased work of protective cells, swelling of the walls of blood vessels, and compression of them by surrounding tissues.
MeningitisSevere headache with a feeling of heaviness in the eyes. Unpleasant sensations are accompanied by nausea and chills. The meninges are inflamed, which irritates the nerve fibers and creates a feeling of heaviness and constriction in the head and eyes
OverworkLong-term work that requires eye strain (typing, viewing programs on a computer, working with a tablet) causes swelling and spasm of blood vessels, provokes a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, pain in the eyes, tearing, drowsiness appears, the eyes close, the person wants to sleep
Head and eye injuriesAching and pressing pain in the eye area
HypothermiaProlonged exposure to cold on the body provokes a sharp spasm of the vascular walls, and, as a result, the eyes, frontal lobes, and the back of the head hurt
Incorrect selection of glasses to improve visionPressing discomfort in the eyes, pain, blurred vision. Incorrectly selected accessories irritate the mucous membrane and affect the normal functioning of the visual system

Pressing pain in the eyes lasting 2 to 3 days, or occurring at regular intervals, should not go unnoticed.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have eye pain, you should first consult an ophthalmologist

Measuring eye pressure is one of the first steps in diagnosing pain.

  1. Measuring eye pressure, performing ophthalmoscopy.
  2. Instrumental studies of the brain - magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalogram, computed tomography.
  3. Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx.
  4. Laboratory tests – urine and blood tests (general and biochemical).

Based on the results obtained, the specialist makes a diagnosis and selects the most suitable drugs.

What to do if there is pressure on your eyes?

Medicines, traditional recipes and special exercises help eliminate pressing discomfort in the eye area. The main thing is to carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.


Goal of drug therapy– eliminate the underlying disease, alleviate the patient’s condition. Depending on the cause of eye pain, several groups of pharmaceutical drugs are used.

Ibuprofen can be taken as a pain reliever

  1. Pain relievers and inflammation relievers– Analgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.
  2. Antibiotic drugs– Cephalexin, Amoxicillin.
  3. Diuretics– Furosemide, Diacarb.
  4. Sedatives– Novopassit, Fitosed, Valerian.
  5. Eye drops:
    • to reduce the production of intraocular secretions - Bitoptik, Azopt, Timolol;
    • for stable outflow of fluid and constriction of the pupil - Pilocarpine;
    • to reduce inflammation - Diclofenac.

Medicines are selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient - weight, age, presence of chronic diseases.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can relieve the condition of pressing headaches that radiate to the eyes using traditional medicine methods.

Herbal compresses

Using herbal infusions will relieve eye pain

Combine equal amounts of nettle, chamomile, lily of the valley, pour boiling water (2 tablespoons of raw material per 1 liter of water), simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cool. Soak cotton pads in the strained broth and apply to eyes. The duration of the procedure is 3–5 minutes.

Melissa tea for migraines

You can drink lemon balm tea to relieve migraines.

Brew 2 tsp in 400 ml of boiling water. chopped herbs, leave for 10 minutes. Tea helps to subside a migraine attack and relieves pressing discomfort in the eyes.

Collection of herbs for washing eyes

Herbal collection including golden mustache for washing eyes

In equal quantities (1 tsp each), take golden mustache, chamomile, aloe leaves, place in an enamel container and pour 1 liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 7 minutes. Rinse your eyes with the cooled broth. Therapeutic actions are carried out with a cotton pad soaked in the prepared decoction. Do at least 4 procedures a day.

Compresses with essential oils

Dissolve chamomile and peppermint oils (3 drops each) in 500 ml of warm water, moisten a towel in the liquid and apply to the eyes for 10–15 minutes. The temporal area is treated with essential extracts - the procedure soothes and relieves pain.

Healing potion with honey and wine

Wine can be consumed with honey to relieve eye inflammation

Dissolve 5 tbsp in 1 glass of red wine. l. honey and 20 ml aloe juice. The product is drunk three times a day, 1 tsp.

Golden mustache tincture

Grind the leaves of the plant, fill a small jar (0.5 l) 2/3 full with the raw material, pour in 400 ml of vodka. Close the liquid tightly with a lid and leave for 10 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. The medicine is taken 35 drops before meals 1 time per day.

Potato lotions

Grind 3 peeled potatoes, spread the resulting pulp on the frontal area, covering with a cloth and cellophane. Keep the compresses on your head for 15–20 minutes. The product quickly relieves pain and reduces the feeling of squeezing in the eyes.

Potato pulp compress relieves eye strain

Traditional recipes are auxiliary methods in the complex fight against the underlying disease that provokes eye pain. Their use enhances the therapeutic effect of pharmaceutical drugs.

In addition to treatment with medications and folk remedies, perform special exercises for the eyes. Its task is to strengthen the eye muscles, relieve tension, fatigue, and heaviness.

Eye exercises that should be performed even in the absence of pain to prevent fatigue

Complex gymnastics consists of 5 exercises that are performed in a sitting position (head straight, only eyes moving).

  1. Move your eyes from side to side 7–10 times. Lower your eyelids, exhale and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Alternately raise and lower your open eyes 6 times. After a 5 second break, close your eyelids and perform a similar manipulation.
  3. Relax, close your eyes. Try to mentally draw wavy lines towards yourself, away from you and to the sides with your eyeballs. Do 5-7 movements in each case.
  4. With your eyes (first open, then closed) draw a figure eight in the air in a vertical and horizontal position - 7 times.
  5. Draw a circle with your eyes, starting from the right corner of the room, then draw a circle in the middle of the room, finish the exercise by drawing an imaginary triangle.

The positive effect of eye exercises is achieved only if the exercises are performed regularly. Daily exercise helps to quickly and permanently eliminate unpleasant discomfort.

Possible complications

Prolonged ignoring or self-medication without diagnosis of pressing pain in the eyes leads to a number of serious complications.

Our eyes are a rather fragile organ: just rubbing them with dirty hands can cause an infection that can cause inflammation. In addition, the eyeball has its own pressure, which is called ophthalmotonus. If it increases or decreases, this indicates the presence of pathology and requires treatment.

In this article

Ophthalmotonus is the pressure that the contents of the eyeball (vitreous body and ocular fluid) exert on its walls, as well as on the cornea and sclera. When intraocular pressure, or IOP, is normal, nothing bothers a person. But there are situations when ophthalmotonus decreases or, conversely, increases, and such jumps are dangerous for eye health. In the case of increased IOP, the most common consequence is the development of glaucoma, a dangerous disease that leads to blindness. This disease is a real “eye plague” of the 21st century, which the whole world is actively fighting. How can you find out what pressure is inside the eye? We will tell you in our article what it depends on and how to ensure its normal condition.

Iphthalmotonus standard

The constant accepted norm of pressure inside the eyes in an adult lies in the range from 10 to 22 mm Hg. Art. (on average, for most people these indicators are 15-17) and is characterized by constancy. During one day, the pressure fluctuates only within 3-4 mmHg. Art. — in the morning it is usually higher, decreasing slightly in the evening. Consistency is necessary for the stable functioning of the inner membranes of the eye, especially the retina, and depends on a number of physiological mechanisms responsible for regulating the filling of the vessels inside the eye with blood, the influx and outflow of aqueous humor. In addition, normal ophthalmotonus is important for maintaining the optical properties of the retina.

What pressure values ​​indicate the presence of pathology?

In a situation where IOP has elevated values, this is a sign to sound the alarm, since its increase indicates the presence of glaucoma at different stages. Here is a table that can help you find out how dangerous you are from this disease
1. A value from 10 to 22 mmHg is considered normal. Art. (usually 15-17).
2. A pressure of 22 to 25 mmHg may indicate primary signs of glaucoma, in which case a thorough examination should be performed.
3. The figure 25-27 mmHg most likely confirms the presence of the initial stage of glaucoma.
4. When the ophthalmotonus level is 27-30 units, we can say that glaucoma is actively developing.
5. IOP value is above 30 mm Hg. Art. means a severe degree of development of the disease.

We remind you that the change in pressure inside the eyes during the day should not exceed the norm of 3-4 mm Hg. Art. - higher in the morning, lower in the evening. What factors may prompt you to contact a specialist to check your eye pressure?

Symptoms indicating the presence of elevated IOP

So, doctors advise paying attention to the following phenomena, which may indicate increased ophthalmotonus. People who already have relatives with glaucoma in their family should be especially attentive to eye health:

  • pain in the temples and above the eyebrows when raising the eyes upward, especially in the evening;
  • frequent headaches and the inability to get rid of them even with the help of medications;
  • burst blood vessels on the white of the eye;
  • severe eye fatigue in the evening, discomfort when looking up or to the sides;
  • blurred vision after a night's sleep, when it takes time for it to return to normal;
  • rapid eye fatigue during visual work;
  • decreased clear visibility when moving from a bright room to a darker one.

Here are the main symptoms of so-called eye hypertension, which doctors advise you to pay attention to, especially if you are predisposed to glaucoma. If they recur regularly, then this is a reason to contact a specialist for a thorough examination of the visual organs.

Risk factors that may cause increased IOP

An increase in pressure inside the eyeball can also be caused by some common human diseases. That is why the doctor collects in detail all the data about your lifestyle, hereditary diseases, and even what activities you like to do in order to accurately establish the clinical picture. For example, an increase in ophthalmotonus can provoke disturbances in the functioning of internal systems or organs.

1. Diabetes mellitus. This is a group of endocrine diseases characterized by increased blood sugar, as well as the inability of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. The body experiences constant jumps in sugar from normal levels to high or, conversely, low. In this regard, problems begin with the condition of the blood vessels, causing an increase in arterial and intraocular pressure.
2. Vegetovascular dystonia. Persons suffering from VSD may complain of interruptions in heart function, decreases or surges in blood pressure, as well as headaches and dizziness. At the same time, the functioning of many body systems is disrupted. VSD can also cause an increase in ophthalmotonus.
3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Their list is quite extensive. These may be atherosclerosis, congenital heart disease, impaired elasticity of blood vessels, varicose veins and many other ailments that affect the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
4. Kidney diseases. Severe and long-term glomerulonephritis, as well as a wrinkled kidney, can lead to retinal lesions and increased eye pressure.
5. The presence of uveitis, astigmatism, farsightedness and some other disorders can also cause an increase in IOP.
6. Post-traumatic glaucoma. Occurs after mechanical or chemical damage to the organs of vision.
7. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor. Research by scientists has long confirmed the fact that prolonged exposure to a screen and intense visual work can provoke an increase in ophthalmotonus. The eyes are under constant tension, the person begins to blink several times less often, a headache may occur and the IOP may increase.

We have listed several factors that can cause increased intraocular pressure. In addition, people over 40 years of age are at risk, since the older the age, the more common the disease. However, increased eye pressure can also occur in children, so parents should be vigilant. If he has any visual impairments (myopia, astigmatism, lazy eye syndrome, etc.), then this is a reason to keep eye pressure readings in children under control.

How is eye pressure measured?

At home, the patient can use only one method available to him - palpating the eyeball through the eyelids, determining by touch the degree of its density. If the pressure is normal, then with gentle pressure you should feel a moderately elastic round ball under your fingers. With an increased IOP it will be quite hard and not prone to deformation, but with a decreased IOP, on the contrary, it will sag. Of course, this method does not give correct readings and can only be used to understand the approximate condition, although people suffering from elevated IOP acquire the necessary skills over time. The exact data can be found in the doctor’s office, where he will conduct an examination using special instruments and also examine your fundus.

Tonometric measurement method. This is done using a tonometer. There are several types of them, but the most famous and common are Maklakov tonometer and Goldman tonometer. We will not go into technical details and a description of the measurement procedure, the only important thing is that these methods will help determine the exact intraocular pressure.
Non-contact blood pressure monitors. Sophisticated electronic devices that are used more and more often today, as this method gives even more accurate readings. If, with the help of the first two tonometers, a direct effect is made on the eye, drugs are used to anesthetize the cornea, since there is a physical effect on the organ of vision, then with the help of a non-contact tonometer, measurements are carried out using a stream of air directed at the cornea.

What other consequences can occur with high blood pressure?

In most cases, an increase in IOP leads specifically to glaucoma, but there are cases when it also provokes the following disorders:

  • retinal detachment is the process of separation of the retina from the choroid. In a healthy eye they are in close contact. As a result of retinal detachment, a noticeable decrease in the quality of vision occurs;
  • Optic neuropathy is the partial or complete destruction of the nerve fibers that are responsible for transmitting images to the brain. This can lead to distorted color vision.

These two eye disorders, along with glaucoma, if untimely intervention lead to blindness in almost 100% of cases. This is why it is so important to monitor the pressure inside the eyes, especially after the age of 40.

Treatment of high eye pressure

Today, the most common and accessible way to reduce increased ophthalmotonus is the use of special drops that normalize it. But it is also necessary to take into account the reasons that provoked the increase in IOP, and, if possible, eliminate or treat them.
In addition to drops, there are also several other methods of combating high eye pressure. An ophthalmologist can prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures (vacuum massage, color pulse therapy, etc.), which are carried out in a hospital setting.

The most drastic way to normalize blood pressure is surgery. There are also several types of them: goniotomy, trabeculectomy and the most advanced method - laser surgery. With the help of a laser beam, the outflow pathways of intraocular fluid are opened, as a result of which the ophthalmotonus decreases. But, unfortunately, in order to undergo the operation, the patient must meet certain requirements, and not everyone fits them. In any case, the treatment method is selected individually depending on age, severity of the disease, and individual characteristics of the body.

Preventing ocular high pressure

What to do if you are at risk? First of all, adjust your diet, thus promoting IOP stability. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of salt, sugar, fast carbohydrates and include the following foods in the daily diet: dark chocolate, nuts, eggs, red vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to maintain a sufficient amount of vitamins E, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene in the body.

In addition to nutrition, you also need to follow simple recommendations from doctors, adhering to a healthy lifestyle: spend more time in the fresh air, give up smoking and alcohol, do not eat foods containing high amounts of cholesterol, do not spend long periods of time looking at gadgets and computer screens, and do special exercises for the eyes.
The eyes are our window to the world; with their help, a person perceives up to 90% of the surrounding information, which is why it is important to maintain their health in order until old age. If you experience discomfort in your eyes, you should not hesitate and make an appointment with a doctor. We wish you good health and good vision!

Uncontrolled use of medications and ignoring medical assistance leads to aggravation of the problem. Pain in the frontal part of the head and eyes may become regular. The condition can be cured by conducting a full examination and accurately finding out the cause.


A condition in which the eyes and frontal part of the head hurt, accompanies many diseases. Initially, symptoms manifest as tension in the eyeballs, then discomfort increases in the forehead area. Or everything happens the other way around, and pain occurs in the upper part of the head. Experts identify several main reasons for this condition.


An eye disease caused by increased intraocular pressure. accompanied by pain in the frontal part of the head and eyeballs. Seeing a doctor is mandatory so that the disease does not progress to an advanced stage. Sometimes excessive pressure leads to complete loss of vision.


A pathology of a neurological nature, which manifests itself as compressive pain in one half of the skull (less often in two). The disease is not associated with injuries, oncology, surges in blood or intraocular pressure. Although the patient feels as if something is pressing on the eyes from the inside.

Pain in the frontal part of the head and eyeballs occurs in paroxysms, radiates to the neck and upper jaw, and intensifies when exposed to external stimuli.

Myopia (nearsightedness)

A visual dysfunction in which the image is formed in front of the retina rather than on it. If left untreated, it progresses, causing complications such as bulging of the sclera, retinal hemorrhages or retinal detachment. These conditions may be accompanied by pressing pain in the eyes.

High blood pressure

A feeling as if something is pressing on the eyes occurs when intracranial pressure increases. This happens less frequently when blood pressure rises. Discomfort increases in the evening and at night, when the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull is difficult. Sometimes accompanied by vomiting, bruises under the eyes, and a severe headache.

If left untreated, vision decreases, a feeling of protrusion and pain appears above the eyes and inside the apples. With hypertension, the pain is less pronounced, “floaters” appear before the eyes, dizziness and pulsation in the temples.


The main reason why something from the inside puts pressure on the eyes and forehead is a concussion. In this case, medical intervention is needed, because a concussion in the future will provoke headaches, vascular and neurological disorders, and high blood pressure.


It can be mental or physical. Chronic fatigue, pressure on the eyes, decreased performance are signals that the body needs rest.

Pain in the eyeballs and frontal area can be eliminated independently by ensuring proper sleep, limiting stress, and stabilizing the psycho-emotional state.

Cluster pain

For this reason, the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes with such intensity that the sensation is similar to piercing apples with knitting needles. The attacks last for hours and occur over weeks and months. First the ear gets clogged, then the nose, sweating increases, and blood rushes to the face.

Eyes and forehead hurt most often seasonally, in spring or autumn. The body experiences disruptions in the control of biological rhythms (sleep and wakefulness), so pain occurs at the same time of day.


A cold, flu or meningitis causes a feeling of something pressing hard on the eyes and forehead. The latter disease is the most dangerous and can be fatal. If there is a pressing sensation in the forehead and eye sockets, especially against a background of high fever, nausea and dizziness, you should urgently consult a doctor.


This is a pathological expansion of the lumen of the cerebral artery, causing hemorrhage and damage to vital functions. During an exacerbation, the forehead hurts and puts pressure on the eyes, the person feels nauseous, and part of the face goes numb. Hearing is also impaired, vision deteriorates, photophobia and weakness occur. The condition can only be relieved in a hospital setting.


Inflammation of the frontal sinuses, the first sign of which is chronic nasal congestion. Then pressure is added to the eyes and forehead due to stagnation of purulent mucous discharge in the sinuses. The temperature rises, weakness develops, and general health worsens.

Brain Oncology

Neoplasms in brain tissue are considered the most dangerous cause of pain in the forehead above the eyes. Ophthalmic symptoms allow cancer to be diagnosed at an early stage. These include deterioration or blurred vision, headaches in the forehead, bridge of the nose and eyes, and inability to read or write.

With brain tumors, visual impairment is observed in 90–92% of patients.

Other reasons

In addition to the listed diseases, the feeling as if something is pressing on the eyes and the frontal part of the head hurts is provoked by several other reasons. These include the consumption of certain foods - tea, strong coffee, nuts, processed foods, over-salted, fried, smoked foods, foods rich in animal fats.

Headaches also occur due to vasoconstriction. The condition occurs due to alcohol abuse or smoking.

Schoolchildren or students experience pressure on their eyes during tests or sessions. At this time, the brain processes a large amount of information, and the eyes become very tired. Therefore, rest from intense mental activity, walks in the fresh air and a good night's sleep are required.

It also puts pressure on the forehead and eyeballs as a result of prolonged exposure to bright sun or strong wind. Irritation can be caused by debris or dirt getting into your eyes.

Worrying associated symptoms

Non-dangerous conditions, such as chronic fatigue or mental stress, often go away on their own. If over time there is more and more pressure in the forehead and eyeballs, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

These signs will indicate that you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • intense headaches radiating to the eyes, neck and jaw;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • frequent vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • temperature increase to 39–40 o C;
  • weakness, sweating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • blurred vision, impaired hearing and coordination in space.

These symptoms may indicate an aneurysm and subsequent cerebral hemorrhage, concussion, high intracranial pressure or hypertensive crisis. Infection with meningococcal infection is also possible.

Which doctor should I contact if my forehead and eyes hurt?

When your forehead or eyes hurt, you should first contact your local physician. He will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis and make a preliminary diagnosis. The doctor will evaluate the clinical symptoms and refer the patient to specialized specialists. This could be a neurologist, ophthalmologist, infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist, oncologist.

In case of increased intraocular pressure, myopia and glaucoma, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required to prevent optic nerve atrophy and complete loss of visual function.


List of diagnostic procedures in situations where there is pressure on the eyes and pain in the frontal part of the head:

  • tonometry – measurement of intraocular pressure using the Maklakov method, which is also carried out in a non-contact manner;
  • electrocardiogram – if a hypertensive crisis is suspected;
  • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels - to assess the patency of capillaries;
  • computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain - if there is a suspicion of an aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage and oncological tumors;
  • X-ray of the skull – in case of traumatic brain injury;
  • rhinoscopy or endoscopy - to confirm sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid tests - if meningococcal infection is suspected.

The exact diagnosis will depend on the symptoms in each specific case. The need for additional research is determined by the specialists to whom the patient was referred with pressing pain in the eyes and head.

What to do?

In case of vague paroxysmal discomfort, when the eyes and forehead hurt, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to find out the cause.

Before this happens, you can alleviate the condition yourself in the following ways:

  • take a warm, relaxing bath with the addition of salt, chamomile, mint or lemon balm infusions;
  • limit the time spent in front of the TV or computer;
  • do a relaxing head massage in a circular motion starting from the back of the head, moving towards the neck and shoulder blades;
  • drink soothing lemon balm tea;
  • limit the amount of table salt in dishes and enrich the diet with foods rich in proteins, fiber, and vitamins;
  • ensure access of oxygen to the room, ventilate it more often;
  • Do not wear tight clothes, do not tighten your tie too much.

Such measures will help if the patient has problems with intracranial or blood pressure, or the forehead hurts and there is pressure on the eyes due to excessive physical (mental) stress. An ambulance should be called immediately if the patient experiences loss of consciousness, convulsions, high temperature, or disturbances in visual and speech function.

The most common causes of pain in the forehead and eye sockets are arterial and intracranial hypertension. In these cases, the patient is prescribed diuretics, drugs from the adrenergic and beta blocker groups, as well as calcium channel blockers. The treatment regimen will be determined by the doctor.

What to do if your eyes and forehead suddenly begin to hurt? Pay attention to accompanying symptoms - nasal congestion, chronic fatigue, overexertion, fever, dizziness. If you suspect a hypertensive crisis, stroke or cluster pain, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. Consultation with a specialist will facilitate diagnosis and speed up the development of a treatment regimen.

Useful video about pain in the forehead and eyes

If your eyes hurt and there is pressure on them from the inside, you need to urgently look for the causes of this condition. Pain syndrome never just happens. This may be a sign of serious illness. Almost every eye-related ailment can cause pressure inside the visual organ.

Pressing pain can indicate various pathologies, not only of the eye, but also of other organs. Next, we will talk in detail about which doctor you need to see.


Very often, this symptom is provoked by glaucoma. With this disease, ophthalmotonus increases due to the accumulation of intraocular fluid. It is this that causes aching pain and a pressing effect inside the eyes. But to make an accurate diagnosis, diagnostic tests are necessary. And only after this will it be possible to begin any treatment. This is due to the fact that the eyeball can hurt for other reasons. To make an accurate diagnosis, a specialist measures intraocular pressure using a special medical device - a tonometer. And if necessary, he prescribes additional examinations - biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy. The normal intraocular pressure is considered to be 18-28 mmHg.


Pressure inside the eyes can also occur as a result of complications from viral respiratory diseases. For example, such as FLU or ARVI. The patient develops sinusitis. This is a pathological condition in which an inflammatory process begins in the nasal cavity. All this is accompanied by severe swelling, which makes it very difficult to breathe. The pain syndrome can radiate not only to the eyeballs, but also to the teeth, cheekbones, and cheeks.


Pressing pain in the eyes, temples, and cervical spine may be the result of osteochondrosis. If you suspect this disease, contact a neurologist or orthopedist.

After the diagnostic measures have been carried out, the specialist will make an accurate diagnosis. If osteochondrosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe therapeutic massage sessions to eliminate the pressing pain. He will also suggest special gymnastic exercises.


Diseases of the vegetative-vascular system most often arise due to the patient being in frequent stressful situations. Constant worry and anxiety can cause pressing pain in the eyes.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, this pathological condition can cause a stroke or heart attack. The patient may also completely lose vision. In order to get rid of the disease, medication intervention, as well as a course of sessions with a psychotherapist, can help.


Severe diabetes mellitus often causes pain and pressure in the eye. This is due to the fact that with this pathology, the structure of small capillaries is disrupted. Because of this, blood circulation in the eyes is disrupted and ophthalmotonus increases.

Pressing pain inside the eyes is observed in 90% of patients with diabetes. If you are one of them, then you need to see an endocrinologist. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy. In order to eliminate pressure in the eyeball, it is necessary to recover from the disease that causes it.

Other reasons

In addition to the listed diseases, the cause of pain and pressure inside the eye can be:

  1. Eye fatigue occurs due to severe stress. People who spend most of their time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen very often complain that they have pressure on their eyes from the inside and at the same time have a severe headache.
  2. Reading and writing in poor lighting.
  3. Incorrectly selected optics.
  4. Dry air, dirt and dust.
  5. Having bad habits. Everyone has long known the negative impact alcoholic drinks and smoking have on the body. The visual apparatus is no exception. Alcohol and nicotine cause an increase in intraocular pressure. And you don’t even have to smoke yourself. Simply being in a room with cigarette smoke is enough.
  6. Weakness of the immune system. That is why it is very important to monitor your health. Eat healthy foods and take essential vitamins and minerals. And also play sports, often walk in the fresh air.
  7. Frequent migraines can cause pain and pressure in the eyeball. In order to bring ophthalmotonus back to normal, it is enough to get rid of headaches. To do this, you need to get enough sleep and rest more. Long walks, at least two hours a day, also help with migraines. If all this does not give an effective result, consult a therapist. After examination and diagnosis, he will prescribe you medications that will help get rid of pain.

If all of the above symptoms occur, you should promptly consult a therapist. If treatment is started on time, the pain will go away very quickly and the intraocular pressure will return to normal. If no action is taken, the pain syndrome can develop into a chronic one and cause a huge number of complications.