Things to take to the maternity hospital for a caesarean section. What diapers are best to take to the maternity hospital for a child? What to take with you to the hospital

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Time is rapidly moving forward, and the ninth month of pregnancy is just around the corner. Coming soon significant event– the birth of your baby. It is during the last months of a wonderful and at the same time difficult condition that expectant mothers usually postpone all preparations. Today we will make a list for the maternity hospital, that is, we will carefully analyze what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, and what is not so necessary in perinatal center, and when you need to be ready to hit the road.

Things to take with you: 2017 list

There is an opinion that starting from the 34th week of pregnancy, expectant mother must be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any moment. It turns out that by this time it is worth packing things for the maternity hospital for mother and baby.

Why was this idea formed? The fact is that we are all very, very different. No matter what the doctors give us due dates, even they, as practice shows, can make mistakes, and the child may be born earlier or later than the due date set by the doctor. Confidence in the date of birth (plus or minus 1-2 days) is possible in the event of a planned caesarean section, and while we hope this is not your situation, we will address these circumstances below.

Despite the unified policy of the Ministry of Health in our country, each maternity hospital still has its own rules, or rather, peculiarities in the rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bag, you need to find out from the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth what you can take with you. We also recommend that you check with your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic what you may need for your newborn within the walls of this institution.

When preparing your bag, remember that in maternity hospitals, according to SanPin standards, things can only be carried in plastic bags. It is worth saying that for the maternity hospital it is most convenient to prepare 3 packages:

  1. things needed upon admission to the maternity hospital and the delivery room;
  2. things for the postpartum ward;
  3. things for checkout.

So, take a convenient bag and put things in it. Which? We talked about the need to find out in advance at the maternity hospital what you can take with you, now let’s together make a list of necessary things when entering the hospital. maternity ward. Package No. 1:

  • Documents

Namely, a general passport, exchange card, birth certificate or SNILS, compulsory health insurance policy, contract (if you entered into a contract for childbirth). Put everything in a folder or a convenient zip-lock bag (bag closing system) so that the documents are at hand. If the birth is a partnership, then add documents to your papers - passport, results necessary tests and examinations of the accompanying person. It may be worth making copies of some documents and putting them in a folder as well.

  • Phone and camera, as well as chargers.

There is such a wonderful item as a phone battery. It will help if your phone battery is running low, you are already in the maternity ward of the department, and there is nowhere to turn on your smartphone to recharge or you are not allowed.

By the way, if you plan to film the first moments of your little one’s life on a video camera, then make sure ahead of time that its battery is fully charged and there is enough memory for at least an hour of recording.

  • Drinking water.

During the birth process, you may feel thirsty, but, unfortunately, not all wards have water machines installed.

  • Slippers.

The most common washable ones. Which ones would you take to the pool? Take these. Don't forget about the accompanying person; he also needs replacement shoes.

Important! When you have already decided on the clinic where your treasure will be born, check the address, write it down and put it along with all the documents. Or enter the data in the navigator and create a route in your favorites. This will reduce time and help you get to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

You will need the first four points when entering the maternity hospital. The list is short, we are sure you won’t forget any of this.

In package No. 2 you should put things that are needed after delivery. It will be more voluminous. So, let's take:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • Comb and hair tie;
  • A soft shirt or robe;
  • A bra or T-shirt (preferably also breast pads so that the bra does not get wet from milk);
  • Liquid soap (it can also replace shower gel);
  • Towel (small);
  • Toilet paper, preferably damp (maybe you should also take disposable toilet covers);
  • Wet wipes, preferably for children;
  • Postpartum pads;
  • Cotton panties or buy special panties to hold pads in place, which you can then throw away;
  • Socks 2 pairs: simple and warm;
  • Money (200-300 rubles);
  • Cup, spoon, fork;
  • Postpartum bandage;
  • Disposable diapers 90×120;
  • Dry shampoo;
  • The bags are small (2-3 pieces).

For the baby

  • Diapers (take the smallest ones for babies 2-5 kg);
  • Cream (try to choose a universal one so that you can use it if you need to moisturize your face or hands);
  • Powder (useful to apply to a small butt under a diaper);
  • Pacifier (if you plan to use it);

Sometimes the question arises: what to take from food? Of course, for loved one who will support you all this time in the maternity hospital, it’s worth stocking up on a snack. These can be crackers, nuts, dried fruits, crackers, and bread. As for the woman in labor, we believe that she will not have time to eat at all during this difficult process. After the birth is complete, you can ask your loved ones to bring your favorite treats, but remember that the rules medical institution Some products may be prohibited from transfer. Check with health workers in advance what is allowed.

Rest assured, if you forget something at home, your family or friends will deliver what you need, because maternity hospitals are usually open to visitors.

In turn, the maternity hospital also takes care of the “guests” and provides many things necessary for a comfortable stay there: diapers, shirts, vests, dishes and others. Most likely, you will also receive a gift from companies involved in the production of children's cosmetics and other necessary for the child things. Such gifts may include samples of creams, powders, diapers, vests, diapers, etc.

If you are referred for a caesarean section

The first package is a universal set and you don’t need to add anything to it.

In the event that you give birth by caesarean section, then in the second package it is worth replacing a simple postpartum bandage for a special post-operative, add suture patches and compression stockings if you have a predisposition to varicose veins.

Important! Which pads to choose, are compression stockings required or can you just elastic bandages, and many other questions, address your gynecologist. Based on experience and observation of your health, he will answer them competently.

Home, home or what you need for discharge

Many expectant mothers are looking for an answer on Internet forums to the question: is it possible to buy things for the baby in advance, that is, when he is still in the womb.

We hasten to assure you that the taboo on buying things for an unborn child is a superstition. We recommend relying on your feelings and common sense. If it makes you feel safer to postpone the purchase until the days after giving birth, and therefore entrust it to someone close to you, then do exactly as you like. But even in this case, it’s worth going shopping in advance and choosing what to order for your child’s discharge. Make a list of necessary things for your assistant, so he won’t buy too much.

Be sure to remember that when a newborn is discharged, you need not only clothes, but also a car seat for the little ones.

Don't neglect this device. Of course, ride in the arms of your mother or someone else loving person The baby may be calmer, but it’s much safer in a car seat. If such a chair was not purchased in advance, then rent it or borrow it from friends. Ask the person picking you up to figure out how to properly install and secure it, and how to harness your newborn. If you decide to use a taxi service, be sure to inform the dispatcher that you will have a newborn with you and you need a category 0+ car seat.

So, happy moment returning home is getting closer and closer, and now it’s time to get ready for the journey. Besides a car seat, what will you and your baby need for discharge? Much, of course, depends on the time of year, but the main thing remains the same. Collecting package number 3:

You will need this package on the last day, that is, do not take it with you to the maternity hospital right away. Ask those meeting you to bring it either on the day of discharge or the day before it.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is an extraordinary event, so treat it with due attention. When collecting things in the third package, think about how you would like to remain in the memory of your family and loved ones, how you would like to be captured in photographs or videos. Yes, it will probably be difficult for you to get yourself in order without those things that you need. large quantities Every woman has it on hand at home. But happy eyes are the main decoration of a young mother, and if they are also slightly tinted, then they are a sight to behold.

For now, you can wear whatever jewelry you want. A newborn baby does not yet have enough control over his hands to firmly grasp, break, for example, a chain or pull an earring.

When preparing things for discharge, be sure to think about yourself. How nice it is to see a well-groomed mother and a neat baby. This couple will involuntarily make everyone smile.

As for things for a newborn, often women who are expecting their first child do not yet understand what clothes are best to buy for the baby. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that any item for a baby should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. Imagine you are lying on your back in a blouse that has buttons on the back and these buttons cut into the skin, this is very unpleasant, but you can’t tell. Did you see a picture in your mind? A clear enough hint?

In maternity hospitals, nurses often help change babies for discharge. Don’t refuse, they do it deftly and skillfully, and in the meantime you can check if you have collected everything and straighten your hair again before leaving.


When collecting packages for the maternity hospital, think about the order in which you will get things. Of course, you can’t provide for everything, but documents and slippers should definitely be on top of the rest. When you pack your bag for checkout, place your shoes at the bottom of the bag. It may be worth separating your baby’s things from yours if it’s more convenient.

In a number of maternity hospitals, there is still a tradition of taking newborns into separate rooms and allowing the mother to rest and gain strength. If you already know in advance that you will be in such a maternity hospital, then take something with you that can entertain you. For example, a book, a magazine, a crossword, a notebook with pencils. Install a radio on your phone, download music or games. Part of the time you will sleep, but there will definitely be a time when there will be nothing to do and then all of the above will come in handy.

Check that your phone number's account balance is positive. Starting from the eighth month, do not go into the red on your phone bills so that mobile communications are always available to you.

When preparing for your baby's arrival, don't overstock diapers, baby wipes, or pacifiers. It happens that they don’t fit and you have to throw things away. To avoid this situation, buy a little, try, and when you find the right ones, then buy.

In conclusion, we would like to note that the most important thing you should take with you is a great attitude, faith in yourself and in your baby. May the birth be easy for both of you and long-awaited meeting joyful.

What did you take with you to the maternity hospital and what did you leave with?

If the doctor leading the pregnancy finds serious abnormalities in the woman or the unborn child, he may decide to perform a planned caesarean section. When the operation is scheduled in advance, the patient has the opportunity to properly prepare for it, including psychologically.

Who should have a planned caesarean section and at what time?

The timing of a cesarean section is determined strictly individually, but doctors try to bring them as close as possible to the time physiological birth, i.e. by 39-40 weeks. This allows you to avoid development in a newborn caused by hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of his lungs. When setting a date for intervention, several factors are taken into account, the main ones being the health status of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. A pregnancy is considered full-term when the gestational age reaches 37 weeks.

It is believed that perfect time To start a cesarean section, this is the period of the first contractions, but if the placenta previa is incorrect, they do not wait for them.

In case of multiple pregnancy or detection in the patient, the operation is performed at 38 weeks. With monoamniotic twins, cesarean section is performed much earlier - at 32 weeks.

For surgical intervention there are certain indications.

Please note

If there is at least one absolute indication or a combination of two or more relative indications, delivery naturally impossible!

TO absolute indications include:

  • history of corporal caesarean section;
  • previous operations on the uterus;
  • large fruit (≥ 4500 g);
  • monoamniotic twins;
  • complete placenta previa;
  • anatomically narrow pelvis;
  • post-traumatic deformation of the pelvic bones;
  • transverse presentation of the child;
  • after 36 weeks of gestation and weight > 3600 g;
  • multiple pregnancy with malpresentation of one fetus;
  • growth delay of one of the twins.

Relative indications are:

A planned caesarean section is mandatory if the unborn child is diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia, non-union of the anterior abdominal wall or teratoma, as well as in the case of fusion of twins.

Please note

In some situations, the operation can be performed without special indications at the request of the woman. Some expectant mothers prefer a caesarean section under anesthesia because they fear pain during natural birth.

The process of preparing for a planned caesarean section

If your doctor has informed you that a planned cesarean section is necessary, do not hesitate to ask him any questions you may have. Check the date of hospitalization and find out if everything is in order with your tests. A number of measures to improve the condition of the body must be taken in advance, i.e. during pregnancy.

Please note

During the examination, the expectant mother must consult a neurologist, an ophthalmologist (or ophthalmologist), a therapist and an endocrinologist. If necessary, carried out drug correction diagnosed disorders.

It is advisable to attend special courses for women in labor who are preparing for a CS.

Try to eat right and go out more fresh air. Be sure to take daily walks - physical inactivity can harm both you and your baby.

Get checked regularly at the antenatal clinic. Be sure to report any changes in your condition to your doctor.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital?

List of documents and necessary things:

Don't forget to bring diapers, diapers and baby powder for your newborn.

We recommend reading:

Preoperative preparation a few days before the CS

Be sure to check whether you need to shave your pubic area yourself. It is better to entrust this manipulation to medical workers (to avoid cuts, infection and inflammation), but some institutions recommend preparing this area in advance.

After admission to the antenatal department (usually 2 weeks before the intervention), a series of tests will be required so that doctors can objectively assess the condition of their patient at the present time.

List of required tests:

  • blood group and Rh factor;
  • vaginal smear.

Additionally carried out hardware examination– and CTG – cardiotocography.

You need to give up solid food for 48 hours. On the eve of the CS, you cannot eat after 18-00, and on the day of the operation it is extremely undesirable to even consume liquid. In the morning before the intervention, you need to cleanse the intestines, using an enema if necessary.

The method of anesthesia is discussed in advance. Local anesthesia (spinal or) is recommended for those who want to see their child in the first moments of his life. Besides, It should be taken into account that anesthesia can negatively affect the baby’s condition. In any case, the procedure will not be associated with pain.

Please note

In most specialized maternity hospitals, mothers are allowed to hold their newborn for a short time immediately after the CS.

The patient is taken from the ward to the operating room on a gurney.

Already on the table, a catheter is inserted into the bladder. A dropper with a solution must be placed or a drug injection must be given.

The surgical field (lower abdomen) is carefully treated antiseptic solution. If it is expected that the patient will remain conscious, then a screen is installed in front of her at chest level, blocking the view (to avoid mental trauma).

After anesthesia, two incisions are made (most often transverse) in the lower abdomen. During the first one, the skin, the layer of fiber and abdominal wall, and in the second - the uterus. The baby is removed and, after cutting the umbilical cord, transferred to a neonatologist. The newborn's mouth and nasal passages are cleaned. His condition is assessed using the generally accepted ten-point APGAR scale.

Please note

If a caesarean section is not being performed for the first time, the incision is usually made along the line of the old suture.

The longest stage is suturing. It requires jeweler precision from the obstetrician, since not only the degree of severity will depend on the quality of suturing cosmetic defect, but also the healing process of soft tissues. Neat transverse seams are practically invisible in the future, because they are hidden under the hair.

The advantage of a horizontal incision above the pubis is that it practically reduces to zero the likelihood that the bladder or intestinal wall will be accidentally touched. In addition, the risk of hernia formation is minimized, and healing proceeds faster. An incision in the vertical direction from the navel to pubic bone more often done during an emergency caesarean section, when the need to save the mother and child comes to the fore, rather than aesthetic considerations.

At the final stage of a planned cesarean section, which in the absence of complications lasts only 20-40 minutes, the suture is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile bandage.

Postoperative period

The baby can be put to the breast immediately after the operation is completed.

At the end of the procedure, the woman is usually transferred to the intensive care unit, where she remains for 24-48 hours (provided there are no complications). However, now in many maternity hospitals, already 2 hours after the operation, a woman and a child are transferred from the operating room immediately to a shared ward.

Drugs are administered intravenously to the mother to stabilize and generally improve the condition.

A woman is allowed to get out of bed 12 hours after surgery(in the absence of complications).

Both general and spinal anesthesia negatively affect intestinal motility, so on the first day you can only drink liquids ( clean water); The recommended volume is at least 1.5 liters. On the second day, you can drink low-fat kefir or yogurt without chemical colors and flavors, and also consume chicken broth with crackers.

We recommend reading:

For at least 1 week you need to abstain from fatty and fried foods, as well as seasonings and spices.

It is necessary to take measures, since excessive straining increases the risk of sutures coming apart. It is advisable to consume foods with laxative properties, and if they do not give the expected effect, you will have to resort to laxatives.

The suture is cleaned and the sterile dressing is changed daily.

If the patient complains of pain, she is given analgesics as necessary.

Before healing and removal of sutures physical activity excluded. It is strictly forbidden to lift weight more than 3 kg in the next 2-3 months.

The recovery period after a CS lasts slightly longer than after a natural birth. The uterus returns to its physiological state after an average of one and a half to two months.

Please note

Resumption of sexual activity is permissible after two months from the date of surgery.

Possible complications after cesarean section

The technique of performing a CS has now been honed to perfection. The likelihood of complications when the mother in labor follows all the instructions of the attending physician is minimized.

IN in rare cases possible:

Please note

In severe cases (in particular, with massive bleeding), doctors have to resort to hysterectomy to save the mother’s life.

Previously, there was an opinion that a child born via CS does not produce certain hormones and protein compounds that are natural adaptogens. In this regard, disturbances in the process of the baby’s adaptation to environment and certain disorders mental sphere. This statement is now considered erroneous.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the suture can and should be disinfected independently, using solutions of hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. If a bloody or purulent discharge and/or “shooting” or “jerking” pain appears, you should urgently seek help from a doctor - these may be symptoms of the onset of an infectious inflammation.

Plisov Vladimir, doctor, medical observer

To make your stay in the maternity hospital as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, you should take care in advance of the bag that you will take with you to the birth. It is better to pack your suitcase already at 34-36 weeks of pregnancy, so that you do not have to hastily pack your things in case premature birth. In this article we will analyze in detail the composition of the bag in the maternity hospital, including for caesarean section.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that each maternity hospital has its own list of necessary things, and these lists in maternity hospitals do not coincide. In order not to miss anything, it is better to pack your things taking into account the recommendations of the selected maternity hospital. Often, a list of things for the maternity hospital is posted on the official website of the medical institution, and is also posted on the information stand in the maternity hospital itself. Below is an approximate composition of bags for the maternity hospital.

What should a mother take to the maternity hospital?

First of all, you should take documents:

  1. Passport + photocopy (pages with photo, registration, marital status).
  2. Compulsory medical insurance policy + photocopy (both sides).
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. SNILS + photocopy.
  5. Exchange card.
  6. Referral from the antenatal clinic for planned hospitalization to the pathology department.
  7. A copy of the sick leave certificate.

It is advisable to divide bags to the maternity hospital into packages: prenatal + na and postnatal. So, the composition prenatal+delivery package:

  1. Compression stockings with open toes so that the doctor can evaluate the color of the nail plate if necessary.
  2. Electronic thermometer.
  3. Personal hygiene items (liquid soap, toothbrush and pasta, toilet paper, disposable toilet seats, shampoo and conditioner, facial care products, comb and scissors, as well as face and body cream).
  4. Diaper on the chair.
  5. Underwear or disposable panties - at least 5 pieces. After a natural birth, the first few days will be copious discharge, so you can take old underwear that you don’t mind throwing away, or disposable panties that you can buy at the pharmacy. According to reviews from mothers in labor, disposable panties are preferable because they hold the pads in place better.
  6. Slides must be washable in order to shower in them. Additionally, you can take soft indoor slippers.
  7. Socks.
  8. Razor.
  9. Hygienic lipstick. After childbirth, lips often dry out and crack, so you can’t do without hygienic lipstick.
  10. 1 liter of water without gas.
  11. Dishes. Be sure to bring your own cup, fork and spoon.
  12. Cotton towels.
  13. Robe. When choosing a robe, you should evaluate the air temperature in the room. For summer, you can take a thin robe, and in winter, a warm terry robe. When choosing a robe for the maternity hospital, you should give preference only to natural fabrics. In addition, the robe should be comfortable and functional. After giving birth, a robe should be comfortable not only for resting, but also for feeding the baby. Additionally, the robe should have large and comfortable pockets, because you will have to constantly carry a lot of small things with you, such as mobile phone, money or wet wipes. The length of the robe should be medium. A long robe will be uncomfortable, and a robe that is too short will have to be pulled constantly.
  14. Nightgown.
  15. Disposable diapers. If earlier it was customary to put oilcloth on the bed and cover it with a sheet, now there is a more convenient and comfortable way to protect bed linen and mattress from leaks. It is best to use disposable diapers measuring 60 by 90 cm.
  16. Phone and charger.

Package in postpartum ward:

  1. Cotton shirt - 2-3 pieces.
  2. Underwear or disposable briefs.
  3. Postpartum or urological pads- at least 10 pieces. We'll talk about how to choose them below.
  4. Antibacterial liquid soap.
  5. Set of towels. Be sure to take a separate towel for your face, legs and body.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. Bra for nursing mothers. In case of leakage, it is recommended to take two bras.
  8. Breast pads. As a rule, the first few days after birth the amount of milk is small. However, just in case, take a pack of breast pads to the postpartum room to prevent leaks.
  9. Breast pump. Expressing milk by hand is quite long and painful. Therefore, just in case, take a breast pump to the maternity hospital. Even if you don’t need it in the hospital, you can use it after discharge when your milk supply increases.
  10. Ointment for cracked nipples (Bepanten, Purelan, etc.).
  11. Thermal water - saves in case of heat.
  12. Book or magazines. After the baby is born, there will be practically no time to read, but if the baby sleeps constantly, then let you have a book so as not to get bored in the ward.
  13. Ballpoint pen and notepad.
  14. Additionally, you can take a camera.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a caesarean section?

If you have a planned caesarean section, the list of things will be slightly different from what is needed for a vaginal birth. Remember that after a natural birth you will only have to stay in the maternity hospital for a few days, and after a cesarean - a week, so the amount of clothing and personal hygiene products should be doubled.

Here detailed list what will be useful in the maternity hospital after a caesarean section:

  1. Disposable panties in quantity of at least 5 pieces. It is not forbidden to take your own underwear, however, disposable panties are preferable, as they are softer and allow the skin to breathe, which is important after abdominal surgery. It is better to take panties with shorts - they do not press and do not rub along the seams.
  2. Self-adhesive postoperative dressing 25 cm by 10 cm - 3-4 pieces.
  3. Cotton nightgown.
  4. Postpartum or urological pads.
  5. Post-operative bandage to help support the abdomen. After a caesarean section, the abdominal muscles take much longer to tighten, so the bandage will help you feel much more comfortable.
  6. After surgery, most women will need laxative suppositories or tablets.
  7. Compression (anti-embolic) stockings or elastic bandages (2 to 5 meters).
  8. Still water 1-2 liters.
  9. Kefir 1%; 0.5 liters.

What pads should I take to the maternity hospital?

IN postpartum period You will need to use postpartum pads. How to choose the optimal ones?

Postpartum pads can be:

  • Regular night pads are optimal for small discharge, according to reviews of women in labor, they may well be replaced by postpartum ones. Their advantage and at the same time disadvantage is their small volume. On the one hand, some may find them more convenient, but on the other hand, they may leak. If you have opted for night pads, take ones with a fabric covering - they are more pleasant to the skin in case of tears and seams and are less irritating.
  • Urological pads or urological underwear. Using urological panties can be very convenient after childbirth, but it will also be more expensive.
  • Special postpartum products - they are quite voluminous and do not allow leaks.

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

Each expectant mother begins to prepare clothes and personal items for her child in advance. In addition to the things that the child will need after arriving home, it is necessary to collect things for the maternity hospital.

In the maternity ward, the baby will need:

  1. diapers, socks;
  2. wet wipes;
  3. 2 hats without ties;
  4. 2 vests;
  5. 2 diapers;
  6. sliders;
  7. children's hypoallergenic liquid soap with dispenser.

In the postpartum department you should take:

  1. baby diapers in an amount of at least 6 pieces;
  2. . During your stay in the maternity hospital, you will need about 30 diapers;
  3. 3 pairs of socks;
  4. 3 hats without ties;
  5. sliders - 3 pcs.;
  6. vests - 3 pcs.;
  7. small blanket;
  8. protective gloves against scratches;
  9. special cotton swabs for newborns;
  10. scissors for newborns;
  11. clothes for discharge.

What to take to the maternity hospital for your baby in winter?

If the birth of a child is planned for the cold season, you should prepare things in advance that will help the baby feel comfortable. First of all, the baby should be taken for discharge warm option envelope. You will also need it later when you walk with your child.

You can also purchase a beautiful winter overall for discharge and further walks. Don't forget about a warm hat and socks. It is also recommended to take warm flannelette diapers instead of cotton ones. For a comfortable stay in the ward, the child must wear a flannel cap and also take a warm baby blanket with him.

Don't worry that you might forget some things at the maternity hospital. Future dad and other relatives will always be able to bring the missing things. In addition, cosmetic and hygiene products you can always buy it at the pharmacy.

Useful video

If you're having a planned C-section, the list of items you'll need for labor and delivery is slightly different than what you'll need for a vaginal birth.

Check in the selected one what things you need to have, according to the rules adopted there.

You'll likely stay in the hospital for four to six days after a C-section. Our list will help you not forget anything when you get ready for the hospital.

According to the rules, you cannot bring bags into most Russian maternity hospitals: everything must be put only in plastic bags. A couple of clean, durable bags will do just fine.

It is advisable to have your maternity hospital bag already assembled for about 10 minutes, so that when labor begins, everything will be at hand. Just in case, tell and show your loved ones where your “maternity” bag is, then they will be able to quickly bring you everything you need. Remember: your body does not know that you are scheduled for a C-section. Labor may begin earlier than expected.

On our website you will find a list of things for the maternity hospital that you can print.
Remember that it is not necessary to bring everything you bought to the maternity hospital - large packs of diapers, breast pads - you can calculate approximately the amount that will be needed in the first 3 - 4 days after birth, and leave the rest at home.

Documents for the maternity hospital

The most important documents for pregnant women later It is recommended to carry it with you at all times, so that in case of an urgent trip to the maternity hospital there will be no problems with registration. Documents required upon admission to the maternity hospital:

  • Passport
  • Exchange card. Issued at the antenatal clinic for a period of 30 weeks.
  • Birth certificate. If you give birth for free.
  • If you are giving birth under a contract.
  • Money. In some cases, the maternity hospital may need money. For example, if you want to thank someone from the medical staff or buy something at the pharmacy at the maternity hospital.

Childbirth: a celebration of meeting a newborn

If your hospital has a prenatal shaving policy, you may need a disposable razor. The maternity hospital can also provide a machine, but many people prefer to bring their own. It is advisable to check with the maternity hospital in advance for the list of things that you can take with you to the birth, since each maternity hospital may have its own requirements and nuances. Usually there are few things allowed, you will find them useful:

  • Washable slippers. In these slippers you can take a shower before giving birth, and then go to the delivery room.
  • Compression stockings. Special stockings are used during childbirth on the recommendation of a doctor for prevention.
  • Water. You may need it while you are waiting to be transferred to the postpartum ward. The water should be still, and it is convenient if it is a bottle with a so-called “sports” neck.
  • Mobile phone. Allowed in most maternity hospitals. Necessary remedy to notify happy relatives about a new addition to the family. Don't forget to take a charger for your phone, but if the phone is not completely discharged, it is not necessary to take a charger to the delivery room.
  • An elastic band or hair clip. This item is relevant for owners long hair. Interestingly, there are different views on pinning hair during childbirth. Some doctors and women in labor prefer to let their hair down so that nothing “holds” the woman back. Some people, on the contrary, find it more comfortable to give birth with their hair tied up.

After childbirth: happy moments

There will already be two of you in the postpartum ward! This means, first of all, you need to provide everything necessary for the baby. You will need:

  • Baby clothes. In some maternity hospitals, it is allowed to use only “maternity hospital” clothes and diapers for the baby, and you bring your own things only for discharge. In others, they allow you to dress the child in your own clothes. may include caps, knitted overalls or pants with vests, socks, as well as diapers and a blanket. The quantity is calculated approximately based on one set per day, plus a couple of sets in reserve. If there is a shortage of clothes, you can usually use the “maternity hospital” clothes or ask relatives to bring more.
  • Disposable diapers. Buy the most small size(marked “3–7 kg”, “up to 5 kg”, “newborn”). In the maternity hospital, your diapers may be placed in a “common pot” for the children’s department, or they may be used only for your baby. The rules can be found in a specific maternity hospital.
  • Disposable diapers. They will come in handy to put on the changing table, and also to put in your bed in case of heavy postpartum discharge.
  • Wet wipes for children. It is recommended to wash the baby at every diaper change, but napkins will still come in handy: firstly, you can dry the baby before taking him to the sink, and secondly, napkins are convenient for wiping your hands or wiping the changing table.
  • Special children's detergent. It is necessary for washing the child, as well as for your own hygiene.
  • Diaper cream. A baby's original stool (meconium) is very sticky, and even if you don't plan to use diaper cream in the future, it will be very useful in the first days.

After giving birth, you will have to regain your strength and establish breastfeeding. In order for these processes to take place comfortably, let your maternity hospital bag contain:

Clothing, linen in the postpartum department

  • Robe and nightgown. You can use those given at the maternity hospital, or you can take your own. A nightgown in the postpartum ward is preferable to trousers and a T-shirt. The elastic from the bru can put pressure on the seam. In addition, you will often have to change pads, go to procedures and see a gynecologist. You can purchase a special shirt with slits for feeding. The advantage of “maternity hospital” clothes is that they are changed for clean ones every day.
  • . Fortunately, today almost all maternity hospitals allow the use of postpartum pads. You can buy special ones, or you can use night ones. Please note that the surface of the gaskets is “breathable” and not mesh.
  • Holders for gaskets. They look like panties made of elastic mesh. A very convenient thing for the first days after childbirth. They are usually sold together with postpartum pads.
  • Comfortable briefs. If you do not take pad holders, you need to take care of suitable panties. Firstly, they must be made of cotton, and secondly, they must be of a comfortable model: thongs are excluded. Calculate the quantity with a margin: washing in maternity hospitals is not encouraged. The elastic band of the panties should not injure the postoperative seam.
  • Breast pads. They absorb milk, which often leaks in the first days and even months of feeding. The pads are disposable and reusable. Disposable ones are easier to use, but reusable ones are more economical.
  • Nursing bras. An irreplaceable thing for a nursing mother. For the first time it is recommended to use special underwear for feeding both day and night.
  • Socks, slippers.
  • Postpartum bandage. Consult with your doctor which bandage is preferable to use after a cesarean section.

Hygiene, cosmetics in the postpartum department

Each woman will have her own list, but probably everyone will need:

  • Towel. In the maternity hospital they give out government ones, but their own is nicer.
  • Toilet paper. Unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals still have this necessary item.
  • Toothpaste and brush.
  • Shampoo, shower gel, washcloth.
  • Deodorant.
  • Comb, hairdryer.
  • Cosmetics, mirror.
  • Cream for the skin of the abdomen after childbirth.
  • Nipple cream. Unfortunately, or irritation is a frequent companion in the first days of feeding. It is advisable to choose a cream that does not need to be washed off before. Some nipple creams and ointments are also suitable for lubricating your baby's irritated skin. These may be products containing panthenol or lanolin. Consult your doctor before using any creams or ointments.
  • Cotton swabs, napkins.
  • Glasses, contact lenses and accessories to them.
  • Nail scissors. By the way, some babies are born with long nails. Scissors can be useful for these too.

Other useful little things that you can take to the maternity hospital

  • Charger for mobile phone.
  • Notebook and pen. In the maternity hospital you can get useful recommendations to care for the baby, as well as meet new people and exchange contacts. A notepad and pen will be useful for this.
  • Camera. A newborn baby changes literally every hour! And every moment can be captured for history. Also take care of the charger or batteries for the camera.
  • Water and food. Of course, in the maternity hospital you will be fed and watered. Besides, healthy products Relatives can bring it to you. But just in case, you can take still water in advance and have something to snack on, for example, dried fruit or green apples. This will be especially true if you give birth in the evening or at night.
  • Books, player, laptop. These points most likely apply to those women who will give birth in a maternity hospital with the mother and child staying separately. In this case, they will have enough free time to read or listen to music. If you stay together, there will be less free time, but it will still be there, since newborns sleep almost constantly. Some young mothers take to the maternity hospital a book about baby care and breastfeeding, as well as notes from courses for expectant mothers.

If you arrive at the maternity hospital during contractions, you will have to leave your bags in reception department, taking with you only the essentials during childbirth. The nurse will then bring you bags with the rest of your things to the postpartum ward. Therefore, you need to provide the opportunity to label the packages, or better yet, attach tags with your name to them in advance.

And don't worry if you forget something. Firstly, there are people working in the maternity hospital, and they will help if you need anything. And secondly, transfers are allowed in any maternity hospital, and relatives will be able to buy or bring from home everything you need.

What to take to the maternity hospital in case of a planned caesarean section - advice from moms BabyCenter

“Ask your relatives to bring you something so you can eat. For example, muesli, prunes or anything with high content fiber, because after surgery you will be hungry. It's even better to start eating lean, fiber-rich foods three to four days before your C-section. Going to the toilet after surgery will be very painful at first, but eating this way will make the process easier.”
“Bring a player, books or anything that will help you relax. Recovering from a caesarean section can be painful, and you’ll want to take some time off.”

“Get cheap disposable flip-flops for the shower or toilet. Hospital floors don’t inspire confidence.”

“Sanitary pads! No one will tell you this, but the maternity hospital gives out giant rags that are a hundred years old. So take one pack of long, thick pads with you.”

“I used hospital underwear, pads and socks. In order not to stain my shirt or gown, I simply wore hospital clothes underneath. Like most women, I have had heavy discharge, and I didn’t want to spoil my things - I took care of them until I returned home.”

“I took a couple of nursing pajamas with me, but I never wore them. The robe was much more comfortable. Plus, after the C-section, I didn’t want to go back and forth too much.”

“My stepsister gave me silk pajamas with a drawstring under the bust. She made a U-shaped cutout at the bottom to prevent the fabric from rubbing against the seam. I felt divine in these cozy pajamas and wore them at home for a long time. To quickly feel attractive again, you can take cosmetics and shower gel with you. After all, after giving birth you don’t feel like a beauty.”

“One thing I didn’t provide for was nipple cream. It was hard for me to breastfeed my baby because my nipples were cracked! I had to look for someone to buy me cream.”

“Bring children’s nail scissors and a nail file with you. In the maternity hospital where I gave birth, they didn’t give me scissors - they didn’t want to take responsibility. As a result, my son scratched his face when he was not even 12 hours old.”

“I had both a vaginal birth and a caesarean section. I only regretted one thing: that I didn’t take long dress for discharge after cesarean section. I put on loose trousers, but despite their elasticity, it was a little painful when they came into contact with the seam.”

“When I was discharged from the maternity hospital, I took maternity clothes, I thought that after giving birth these things would fit me quite loosely. How wrong I was! When checking out, wear a loose dress or robe. No pants!

“I felt great when I was discharged wearing overalls. And I had three planned caesarean sections.”

Indications for a cesarean section can be identified both during pregnancy and directly during childbirth (even if the pregnancy proceeded without complications). Thus, any pregnancy can end with an operation for one reason or another, and every expectant mother should be prepared for the fact that the baby will be born as a result of a cesarean section. Having information about the indications for surgery, types of pain relief, the surgery itself and recovery after it will help a woman overcome her natural fear of a cesarean section and interact consistently with doctors. In this case, the recovery period is also easier.

When is surgery needed?

Caesarean section is surgery, in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterus and anterior abdominal wall. Today, in various maternity hospitals, the frequency of cesarean sections ranges from 10 to 25?% of total number childbirth

This operation can be planned or emergency (if complications arise directly during natural childbirth, an emergency caesarean section is performed). If indications for a cesarean section are identified during or before pregnancy (this may be a pathology not directly related to pregnancy, such as eye disease), the operation is performed as planned.

The patient is referred for a planned caesarean section by the obstetrician-gynecologist leading her pregnancy, or by doctors of other specialties (general practitioner, ophthalmologist, neurologist). The final decision on the need for a planned cesarean section and the timing of its implementation is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist at the maternity hospital.

Some expectant mothers ask the doctor to perform a caesarean section at their request (for example, a woman is afraid of complications of natural childbirth or painful sensations). In fact, during this operation, the mother in labor is exposed to the same risk possible complications, as with any other abdominal operation, and strict indications are required for a cesarean section. Therefore, at present, at the request of a woman in the absence of any medical indications this operation is not executed.

Indications for caesarean section are divided into absolute And relative.

Absolute readings– these are situations when a child cannot be born through natural birth canal or it will endanger the mother's life:

  • transverse or stable oblique position of the fetus;
  • placenta previa (the placenta completely or partially blocks the exit from the uterus) and its premature detachment;
  • discrepancy between the sizes of the woman’s pelvis and the fetal head, when the baby’s head is larger;
  • significant narrowing of the mother’s pelvis;
  • severe degree of gestosis (complication of the second half of pregnancy, manifested by increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, edema), if drug therapy ineffective;
  • failure of the uterine scar - thinning of the uterine wall at the site of a previously performed operation (previous cesarean section, myomectomy - removal of myomatous nodes);
  • tumors of the pelvic organs that make childbirth difficult (for example, large fibroids, significant ovarian tumors);
  • expressed varicose veins veins of the vulva (external genitalia) and vagina;
  • diseases various organs(for example, pathology of the fundus, in which the ophthalmologist gives an opinion on the exclusion of the period of pushing).

Relative readings occur when the birth of a child through the vaginal canal is possible, but may lead to serious complications from the mother and fetus. In this situation, several factors are taken into account:

  • incorrect insertion of the fetus - the head is inserted into the pelvic cavity in such a way that it can get stuck when passing through the pelvic bones;
  • long-term infertility;
  • in vitro fertilization(ECO);
  • the age of the first-time mother is over 35 years;
  • breech presentation of the fetus (the pelvic end of the fetus is adjacent to the exit from the uterus - the buttocks, knees, feet of the baby);
  • burdened obstetric history (past history of miscarriages, abortions, uterine malformations);
  • multiple pregnancy with transverse or breech first or both fruits;
  • mild gestosis or medium degree;
  • large fruit (more than 4? kg);
  • heavy chronic diseases(For example, diabetes mellitus, diseases cardiovascular system, kidney, hypertension);
  • chronic hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus, intrauterine growth retardation.

The following complications may occur during childbirth:

  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • threatening or incipient uterine rupture;
  • anomalies labor activity(discoordination, weakness) with ineffective conservative therapy;
  • acutely developed intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus;
  • prolapse of umbilical cord loops due to unprepared birth canal (undilated cervix).

In these cases, even with a normal pregnancy, doctors will perform emergency surgery.

Preparing for surgery

At approximately 34–36 weeks, the issue of indications for elective caesarean section is finally decided. The gynecologist at the antenatal clinic sends the pregnant woman to the maternity hospital 1–2 weeks before the expected date of surgery, if necessary drug treatment identified changes in the health of the mother and fetus (for example, correction of fetoplacental insufficiency), and a preoperative examination is also prescribed.

In number additional examinations performed in the hospital include ultrasound, fetal cardiotocography (monitoring the heartbeat), Doppler (study of fetal-placental-uterine blood flow). The expected date of birth is specified and the day closest to the due date is selected. If there is no need to stay in the maternity hospital in advance (for example, with a transverse position of the fetus), then a preoperative examination can be completed at the antenatal clinic. After this, the woman must visit the doctor at the maternity hospital, discuss the date of the operation with him and go to the maternity hospital on the eve of the expected date.

Before a planned cesarean section, a pregnant woman is sent for the following tests:

General blood test and coagulogram(study of the blood coagulation system). Determination of blood group and Rh factor is necessary for possible blood transfusion during surgery in case of large blood loss.

Ultrasound, Doppler(study of fetal-utero-placental blood flow) and cardiotocography (CTG - study of fetal cardiac activity) to assess the condition of the baby.

After consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist and anesthesiologist, the patient gives written consent to the operation and pain relief. On the eve of the operation, you need to take a shower, you can drink a sedative (only on the recommendation of a doctor). In the evening, a light dinner is necessary; On the morning of the operation you can no longer eat or drink.

2 hours before the operation, a cleansing enema and shaving of the perineum and, if necessary, the lower abdomen, where the incision will be made, are performed. Immediately before the start of the caesarean section, a catheter is inserted into the bladder, which is removed a few hours after the end of the operation. This measure helps prevent injury to the filled bladder during surgical intervention.


To date, the most safe method regional (epidural, spinal) anesthesia provides pain relief for both mother and fetus. In modern maternity hospitals, more than 95% of operations are performed using these types of anesthesia. With epidural anesthesia, painkillers are injected into the epidural space (the space between the hard membrane spinal cord and vertebrae) through a catheter, and for spinal the medicine is injected directly into spinal canal. The puncture is made in lumbar region. Thus, the anesthetic anesthetizes the spinal nerves that innervate the pelvic organs and bottom part torso.

During the operation, the woman is conscious and can communicate with the medical staff, and also hears the first cry of her baby and sees him immediately after birth. With this type of anesthesia, drugs do not enter the circulatory system mother and the fetus are not exposed to drugs.

General anesthesia is used much less frequently, when the woman is under anesthesia throughout the entire operation: this occurs in cases where there are contraindications for epidural or spinal anesthesia or when it is necessary to perform an emergency caesarean section and there is no time for regional anesthesia.

Epidural anesthesia begins to take effect 10–20 minutes after administration medicines, and spinal – after 5–7 minutes, whereas in general anesthesia woman dives immediately after intravenous administration drugs. This is important, for example, when urgent surgery is necessary in case of heavy bleeding(placental abruption) or in case of acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus - this condition threatens the baby’s life. In addition, a woman may have contraindications to epidural or spinal anesthesia: low blood pressure(this type of anesthesia further reduces blood pressure, which can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the fetus and feeling unwell mother); severe deformities lumbar region spine (hernia, injury), in which it is impossible to accurately perform a puncture and trace the distribution of the drug. Minus general anesthesia is that anesthetics penetrate into the mother's blood and can have negative influence for the fruit.

Progress of the operation

After pain relief, the woman’s abdominal skin is lubricated with an antiseptic and covered with sterile sheets. The woman does not see the surgical field itself, as well as the doctors who will perform the operation, since a barrier is installed at chest level.

An incision is made in the skin top edge The pubic hairline or straight line is slightly higher. After retracting the abdominal muscles, a transverse incision is made on the uterus (this incision heals better), then it is opened amniotic sac. The doctor inserts his hand into the uterine cavity, removes the baby by the head or pelvic end, then crosses the umbilical cord between two clamps placed on it.

The baby is handed over to the midwife, who measures and weighs him, after which the child is examined by a pediatrician. Then the doctor removes the placenta by hand, and the incision on the uterus is sutured with thread, which resolves after 3-4 months. Next, the abdominal wall is restored layer by layer. Sutures are placed on the skin, and a sterile bandage is placed on top.

Currently, the so-called cosmetic stitch, when a self-absorbable thread passes intradermally and is not visible from the outside. Such a suture does not need to be removed, and the scar after a caesarean section is almost invisible: it is a “thin thread”.

The duration of the operation is on average 20–40 minutes (depending on its technique and complexity), and the child is removed within 5–10 minutes.

Upon completion of the surgical intervention, an ice pack is placed on the lower abdomen for 2 hours: this helps to contract the muscles of the uterus and quick stop bleeding.

An emergency caesarean section follows the same procedure as a planned one. Sometimes during emergency surgery not a transverse, but a longitudinal incision is made on the skin - from the navel down to the pubis: this speeds up the process of entering abdominal cavity. In addition, in this case, better access to the pelvic organs is provided, which is necessary for some complications during childbirth. But a transverse incision on the skin is preferable, since the scar forms better and heals faster.

If the operation is performed under regional anesthesia, when the woman is conscious, then after the baby is born, the midwife shows her the baby and satisfactory condition leans the newborn against the mother's cheek. This is how the first contact between mother and baby occurs.

Recovery period

In the maternity hospital

Monitoring the woman's condition. After a caesarean section, the patient is transferred to the ward intensive care (intensive care unit), where her condition is monitored around the clock throughout the day: blood pressure is measured, breathing and heart rate are monitored, general health women in labor, efficiency of uterine contraction, amount of discharge from the genital tract, condition postoperative suture, the amount of urine excreted.

A few hours after the operation, you are allowed to move a little in bed, bend your knees, and turn slightly on your side. After 6 hours, you can slowly get out of bed: with the help of medical staff, the woman first sits down, then gets up and can stand for a while. And after the postpartum woman is transferred to the postpartum ward, 12–24 hours later she can move slowly.

Child care. On the first day the newborn is in children's department. If there are no complications, after 24 hours the baby is transferred to a ward with his mother. Early activation of a woman after a cesarean section is very important for better uterine contractions and restoration of intestinal motility (contractions). In addition, in a shared ward, a woman can feed and care for her child.

In the first 2-3 days after the operation, the young mother feeds the baby with colostrum - a very valuable and useful product for the child, which completely provides his body with all necessary substances. A few days later (usually on the 4th–5th day after surgery), the woman begins to produce milk. With a caesarean section, milk usually comes a little later than in the case of a natural birth, when it appears on the 3rd day. This is due to the fact that the hormone that triggers lactation is released into the blood a little later due to the lack of early breastfeeding (during a natural birth, the baby is put to the breast a few minutes after birth - in the absence of contraindications). But this does not affect the child’s health in any way - colostrum completely meets his energy needs.

The most comfortable feeding position for mother and child during this period is lying on its side: this reduces the pressure on the postoperative suture. Almost all modern maternity hospitals are focused on the joint stay of a woman with a child, which is extremely necessary for the establishment of full lactation and the psychological connection between mother and baby. If there is no such opportunity in the maternity hospital, the baby is regularly brought to the mother, and she has the opportunity to feed him.

Drug therapy. After the operation, painkillers are prescribed; their dosage and frequency of administration depend on the intensity pain women, they are usually required in the first 2-3 days after surgery. Drugs are also administered to promote intense contraction of the uterus. Antibiotics are prescribed according to indications. Also, saline solution (0.9?% NaCl solution), since a woman during a caesarean section loses more blood than during natural childbirth. All administered drugs are compatible with breastfeeding. On day 2, a cleansing enema is prescribed to improve intestinal motility and better contraction of the uterus: after the operation, the intestines function poorly, become overcrowded, which interferes with normal contraction uterus and the passage of blood clots.

Seam processing. Every day, the nurse treats the postoperative suture with an antiseptic solution (iodine, potassium permanganate) and applies a sterile bandage. In addition, the woman is sent to physiotherapeutic procedures to speed up the healing of the suture. The skin scar forms 5–7 days after surgery, so if non-absorbable sutures are placed on the skin, they can already be removed at this time. If a cosmetic suture has been applied, it is not removed. An ultrasound scan is performed on days 3–4, less often 4–5, after cesarean section; it helps to clarify whether the uterus is contracting normally and what is the condition of the postoperative suture.

Wearing a bandage. It is necessary to purchase a bandage in advance: it will greatly facilitate movement around the ward and reduce pain in the area of ​​the postoperative suture, and will also help restore stretched abdominal muscles. It is recommended to wear the bandage for at least 1 month after surgery for several hours a day.

Nutrition. On the first day after a caesarean section, doctors only allow you to drink mineral water without gas. In the following days, it is recommended to use fermented milk products(kefir, fermented baked milk), as they well restore intestinal function, as well as boiled meat, vegetable broths, and cereals. Should not be consumed raw vegetables and fruits, as well as products that are a source of allergies in the child (honey, nuts, chocolate) and lead to increased gas formation in the intestines of mother and baby (cabbage, grapes, radishes, flour products and sweets).

After discharge

If mother and baby have no complications, they are discharged 6–8 days after surgery. During the first month, a woman may be bothered nagging pain in the area postoperative wound and lower abdomen. This is due to contractions of the uterus and healing of the uterine and skin scar.

If discharge, swelling, redness and swelling appear in the scar area, a woman should definitely consult a doctor at the antenatal clinic or maternity hospital where the operation was performed. These seam changes indicate possible development inflammatory reaction as a result of infection, which requires compulsory treatment. In addition, consultation with a specialist is necessary if excessive or cloudy discharge With unpleasant smell from the genital tract, increased temperature, sharp pain lower abdomen: all this may indicate development postpartum endometritis(inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus). After cesarean section, endometritis occurs more often than in the case of natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that the uterus contracts worse after surgery than after natural childbirth, since there is a suture on it. It can cause retention of blood clots in the uterine cavity, which are a favorable breeding ground for the proliferation of microorganisms, causing inflammation inner layer of the uterus.

At the antenatal clinic or medical center a woman after a caesarean section is regularly monitored by a gynecologist for 1–2 years.

At home, if possible, you should limit intense physical activity - heavy lifting (more than 2 kg), sudden bends. Until the seam is completely healed, you can wash it in a warm shower with soap, but under no circumstances rub it with a washcloth. It is also not recommended to take a bath in the first few months. This is due to the fact that in postoperative period the uterine cavity is a wound surface, and taking a bath can provoke infection and the development of endometritis. After 6–8 weeks, new cells in the uterine lining will form and the woman will be allowed to take a bath.

You can apply sterile dressings to the seam area - then the clothes will irritate the seam less. At home, it is recommended not to use a bandage to allow the seam to “breathe.”

Sexual intercourse after surgery can be resumed after 6–8 weeks, after consulting with a gynecologist.

On the uterus, a full-fledged scar is formed 2–3 years after the operation; by this time, general recovery body after childbirth. Therefore, plan next pregnancy It is recommended within this time period. The possibility of spontaneous childbirth after cesarean section is decided individually, but in lately Women are increasingly giving birth through the vaginal birth canal (in the case of a well-formed uterine scar) under the strict supervision of specialists.