Necessary recommendations for brushing your dog's teeth. How to carry out a hygienic procedure and brush your dog’s teeth at home: a step-by-step algorithm of actions and the necessary means. Brushing a dog’s teeth with soda.

Beginning dog breeders often ask how to brush a dog’s teeth and whether it is necessary similar measure. It definitely needs to be cleaned, and done correctly.

Why brush your teeth

People brush their teeth every day, which affects the condition of their teeth and gums. Cleaning helps get rid of millions of bacteria, prevent tooth decay, and get rid of bad breath.

The dog is required to brush its teeth. Dogs eat constantly and food particles get stuck between their teeth. Dogs often pick up trash on the street. Many dogs' teeth become painful if they are not properly cared for. For example, the Mexican Hairless Dog has a predisposition to diseases and tooth loss; the oral cavity needs careful care.

Sick teeth lead to serious consequences causing the animal to suffer greatly. Against the background of diseased teeth, the pet develops diseases, for example, fistula or periodontitis.

How to train a dog to brush its teeth

Animals are not delighted with attempts to penetrate the mouth. These hygiene procedures begin to be performed at an early age, so that in the future the pet perceives the intervention calmly.

The procedure does not take much time - only 10 minutes. If the animal struggles and does not want to open its mouth, it will take more time.

Owners are wondering whether it is acceptable for a dog to brush its teeth the first time. Not recommended. First, you will need to accustom your pet to the fact that they will periodically find themselves in the dog’s mouth. foreign objects. The place of the brush is initially occupied by the owner's fingers.

  1. Prepare a delicious and aromatic meat broth.
  2. Dip your fingers into the liquid and place it in the animal's mouth.
  3. Repeat until the dog becomes accustomed to reacting to such a strange procedure.

If you plan to perform with four-legged friend at exhibitions, teach the dog the “Show your teeth” command. Members of the commission set the execution of the command prerequisite participation in competitions.

How to brush your teeth correctly

The pet reacts normally to the periodic appearance of fingers in the mouth, so it is recommended to begin traditional cleaning.

  • A simple option is to wrap your finger in a bandage, preferably 3-4 layers. Next apply special paste And light movements wipe your teeth. When brushing, do not apply force or press hard for fear of scratching the enamel and damaging your gums.
  • If the procedure is being performed for the first time, it may not be possible to clean all the teeth in one time. Long-term cleaning tiring for the dog. Perform the manipulation in a series of techniques.
  • No need to clean inner surface pet teeth. The dog can easily clean it on its own.
  • It will be necessary to create an environment (perhaps in the form of a game) so that the animal perceives the procedure easily. There is no need for cleaning to be associated with unpleasant sensations. During the process, it is recommended to speak kindly to the animal and praise it.

You should brush your teeth at least 2 times a week. In total, cleaning does not take too long, taking 10 minutes. When you have brushed your dog's teeth, carefully examine oral cavity. If you notice that your pet's gums are bleeding, treat with peroxide.

Gradually, the dog will begin to accept the cleaning process quite peacefully, as a matter of course, and the owner will get the hang of brushing the pet’s teeth correctly and carefully. Try replacing your own finger with a small baby brush. Or buy a special copy for dogs at a pet store.

When to get used to brushing your teeth

If with early age accustom the puppy to cleaning; in the future, the procedure, which is normally accepted by the dog, will not cause trouble. If an adult is being cleaned, you may encounter difficulties.

The young animal begins to be introduced to the cleaning process, starting at 2 months. In the future, the dog will get used to it and stop being negative.

It is also easy to train an adult pet to brush. Buy a brush with soft bristles and buy a special paste. The selection of pastes in pet stores is amazing. It is permissible to choose pasta with flavoring additives. The composition of the drug is safe. The dog does not have the opportunity to thoroughly rinse its mouth after cleaning and spit the remaining toothpaste into the sink.

Get used to cleaning gradually and carefully. Provide motivation in the form of treats for your pet. It can be offered before or after cleaning. Be sure to praise the animal if the dog remained quiet and calm during the procedure.

How to choose pasta

Choosing the right cleaning product is important. Cleaning pastes for animals are fundamentally different from human ones.

Do not use your own toothpaste to clean your pet's teeth. Dog breeders strongly discourage the use of mint pastes. Too strong a minty taste will negatively affect the spicy dog's sense of smell. It is undesirable to include fluoride in the paste.

It is advisable to choose a product that effectively removes tartar. It is acceptable to buy pasta that has the aroma of bacon or chicken. The developers claim that the pastes contain safe ingredients that are not harmful to health if swallowed. If in doubt, rinse your dog's mouth with a shower.

Strong teeth – good health

Remember your own feelings during a toothache - it’s just a disaster. A pet with bad teeth feels similar unpleasant moments, even if diseases appear much less frequently in dogs than in people.

Some dog owners believe that special means are enough to clean their teeth. It is absolutely necessary to brush your pet’s teeth; special bones sold in stores cannot cope with complete and thorough cleaning, acting only prophylactic.

Visit your veterinarian for regular cleanings, taking care to prevent pain and concomitant diseases. Don't delegate the task to special means. Brushing your teeth in ideal carried out daily or every other day. If you are short on time, do it in mandatory once a week.

For what brush the dog's teeth? Caring for your pet's teeth is best way which helps prevent the occurrence of dental diseases, as well as great way, allowing you to avoid bad breath. Oral Health – important condition the general condition of the animal, because diseased teeth can lead to other dangerous diseases! Teeth cleaning can be done either at home or with the help of a professional. But cleaning must be regular, so it is unlikely that you will be able to visit the vet that often.

Can you brush your dog's teeth yourself?

Not all dogs allow you to brush their teeth. Therefore, it is very important to teach your pet to brush its teeth from an early age. This procedure should be part of the animal's regular daily routine. However, adult dog You can also be accustomed to this hygienic procedure.

Brushing your teeth should be done slowly and very carefully. Be careful that the dog doesn't bite you. If you realize that your animal is categorically against brushing its teeth, it is best to contact a veterinarian. Perhaps he will advise you to resort to alternative way cleansing teeth and the entire oral cavity.

Alternatively, you may want to consider using a variety of mouth rinses. Now they are produced in the form of additives to water or pet food. Special ones are often used medicines, but their use requires the advice of a veterinarian. After all, any medicine can lead to stomach upsets.

Toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs

Before you implement brushing your dog's teeth you will need certain supplies. Never use regular toothpaste that you use yourself! This may lead to serious problems with the health of the pet. It is necessary to use only special toothpastes for dogs. It is important to choose a paste that the animal will like in terms of smell and taste. Like toothpaste, the toothbrush should be specifically for the dog. It can be purchased at any pet store or from your veterinarian.

How to brush your dog's teeth at home?

  • Plaque turns into tartar within 24-48 hours. Therefore, it is important to brush your dog's teeth daily.
  • Best brushing a dog's teeth at the same time as you brush your teeth. This will help streamline your pet's daily routine somewhat.
  • Before you start getting your dog used to brushing his teeth, ask your veterinarian to show him a few ways to do this procedure.

Procedure for brushing a dog's teeth:

Before starting the procedure, squeeze a little toothpaste onto the brush. Let your pet taste it. Next, slightly lift your pet’s lip and begin brushing with slow movements. outside teeth and gums. Special attention pay attention to the back teeth, however, dogs do not always allow you to do this. You need to brush your teeth first on one side of your mouth, and then on the other. If the dog is somewhat stubborn, then try to stop the procedure, but be sure to continue it a little later. In time your pet will get used to this useful activity.

Best teach your dog to brush his teeth without using a toothbrush. You can use your finger instead. When your pet gets used to it a little, you can move on to the brush. When using a toothbrush, never press too hard on your teeth and gums. It is necessary smoothly, without special effort, brush your teeth on one side, and then on the other. In the first stages, you should not try to clean back teeth. This can be done when the animal is already accustomed to cleaning.

Not long ago, domestic pet owners learned that to ensure the health of their pet, they, like humans, need regular teeth cleaning. And this is not just another fashion trend - it is a necessity, especially among small breeds. Let's find out how to brush your dog's teeth in order to cause him minimal inconvenience.

Why do dogs need to brush their teeth?

Before brushing your dog's teeth, let's make sure that this is really necessary. Not everyone knows whether this should be done at all. In small dogs - as well as most terriers, digestive system very tender, and therefore rough bones, and any hard food, are poorly digestible. That is why the owners protect them from all kinds of bones, which the dog could use to train their teeth well, while at the same time cleaning them. These dogs often experience Not pleasant smell from the mouth, and the teeth are yellow.

If you regularly brush your teeth at home, you can avoid many problems. It is advisable to start doing this as a puppy, although with the right approach you can cope with an adult dog. If the owner does not succeed for some reason, then he should contact a veterinarian for help. He will clean plaque, remove tartar using special equipment and tell you how to reduce its deposits.

How to brush your dog's teeth correctly?

Before you properly brush your pet's teeth, you should familiarize yourself with the brushing technique. Knowing how to brush a dog’s teeth and why it should be done, the owner can provide the animal with a comfortable life. After all, dental diseases cause big trouble And painful sensations animal, reducing its quality of life:

  • It is better to brush your teeth after eating;
  • placing the dog’s head on your lap (if its size allows), you need to open its mouth, raising its lips;
  • A special paste for animals is applied to the brush;
  • You should brush your teeth from the back ones, gradually moving to the front ones; When brushing, you need to pay attention to both lateral surfaces of the teeth;
  • Your dog’s teeth should be brushed in the same way as your own, making circular movements from the gums to the edges;
  • Paste for dogs does not require rinsing, and therefore, after treating the oral cavity, the teeth are considered clean.

How often to brush your teeth depends on their condition and the product used. There are medications that prevent microorganisms and pieces of food from settling on the teeth. If toothpastes are used, they are used 2-3 times a week, sometimes more often, and special professional gels are used much less frequently - about once a month.


How to teach a dog to brush its teeth?

Of course, every dog ​​will find it unnatural if the owner, out of the blue, tries to get into its mouth using a brush. Therefore, the process of getting used to cleaning should be gradual:

  • first, during games, as if by chance, you just need to touch the dog’s muzzle and lips;
  • after a while, you should lift your lips on both sides, examining your teeth and massaging your gums; the owner’s fingers will no longer bother the dog so much;
  • soon, using a silicone brush, which is placed on your finger, without paste, try massaging your gums;
  • After about a week of daily exercise, the dog will be ready to brush.

The owner of the dog needs to know how to properly clean his teeth. For this purpose they use various ways- from the simplest and cheapest to the most expensive. So, you can brush your dog’s teeth using:

  • gauze wrapped around a finger;
  • rubber fingertip with silicone needles;
  • a regular toothbrush;
  • special nylon double-sided brush for dogs of different sizes;
  • comfortable brush with a wide rubberized handle;
  • hand scaler;
  • laser cleaning.

Which pasta should you choose?

Modern stores offering animal care products have a very extensive range of products designed for cleaning teeth.

  1. Pastas.
  2. Gels.
  3. Sprays.
  4. Breath fresheners.
  5. Oral care kits.

The main thing is not to use pastes and powders intended for people. They taste pleasant to us, but dogs, who have a keen sense of smell, react to these chemicals very negative.

Products for animals, depending on the composition:
  • have no taste or odor or have an attractive meat/bacon taste;
  • do not foam;
  • do not contain fluorine;
  • soften tartar;
  • neutralizes bad breath;
  • destroy pathogenic microflora on teeth.

Gels and sprays are applied directly to the teeth from a distance of 10-15 cm. After using some of them, after about 20 minutes, you should give the dog a special cleaning bone for animals, and with the help of these two products, the tartar is easily separated from the enamel.

But you shouldn't rely entirely on home cleaning teeth, since old tartar cannot be removed by any drug. To eliminate it, you should visit a veterinarian once a year, who will use a laser scaler to make the dog’s teeth clean.

Brushing your teeth is the key to good health

By understanding how to teach your dog to brush its teeth from a very early age (2-3 months), you can avoid many problems with its health. This applies not only to dentistry (gingivitis, periodontal disease, tartar, caries), but also gastrointestinal tract, and also general condition(wool, mood). After all, if the teeth are loose and hurt, the dog cannot eat normally and swallows unchewed food, which is poorly digested. This results in stomach pain, dull, falling out hair, a dull mood or even anger.

In order for the dog to be healthy, every owner must take the time to perform this simple ritual - brushing his teeth, and then the pet’s playful mood will be the best reward for his efforts.

Our four-legged pets suffer dental diseases, just like people. As a result poor nutrition, lack of regular examination by a veterinarian and sedentary lifestyle During the life of a dog, microbes and bacteria can form and become infected, affecting organs gastrointestinal tract. All this causes the pet some discomfort. Therefore, the owner must monitor the oral hygiene of his pet. How to brush your dog's teeth at home? Let's try to figure this out.

Why does a dog need to brush his teeth?

Periodically, the owner must bring his pet to an appointment with a veterinarian, who examines the oral cavity and its mucous membrane, assesses the condition in which they are. If necessary, the doctor prescribes medical procedures, and also gives advice on how to properly care for a dog’s mouth and with what means.

If you do not pay attention to it in a timely manner poor condition pet teeth, this can subsequently cause them to fall out. A problem in your pet's oral cavity can be detected by the following signs:

  • bad breath;
  • change in tooth enamel color.

Teaching your pet to take oral care

How to brush your dog's teeth at home? To do this without problems, they are taught this procedure from puppyhood, rewarding perseverance and patience. You can reward her with a treat, which will make the process enjoyable for your pet. It is recommended to clean primary canines plain water, without paste. But the dog’s molars are cleaned using a special paste or gel.

In order not to cause any negativity in a pet, it is necessary to develop in it a normal attitude towards the fact that a hand is put into its mouth. It is not recommended to do this forcibly, as this will cause the dog negative emotions. Therefore, you can dip your finger in something tasty and then plunge it into your mouth. After the puppy gets used to fingers in the mouth, you need to accustom him to pastes and gels.

Toothpaste for dogs

Animal hygiene products are best purchased at pet stores. Not for brushing teeth pet use paste intended for humans, because the dog will definitely swallow some part of it, and this can cause digestive upset in the pet. Manufacturers of pet products have taken this into account, so they produce paste with harmless ingredients, and make the smell and taste pleasant for the pet.

Brushes for cleaning teeth

Since the structure of the jaw in an animal is different from that of a human, the jaw structure for dogs is completely different from that intended for humans. It is distinguished by its rigidity and shape - at its end there are two heads with bristles that look into the different sides. Thanks to this, several adjacent teeth are cleaned at the same time. In addition, such a hygiene item can also be intended for massaging the gums.

Other preparations for cleaning teeth

Manufacturers of products for oral care for animals also produce gels. With the help of this product, teeth are cleaned, gums are soothed, breath becomes fresh and the formation of tartar and plaque is prevented. Gel for cleaning teeth in dogs is applied directly from the bottle. In this case, a brush and subsequent wiping with a special napkin are not required.

Your pet should definitely be given special sticks, the use of which reduces the likelihood of gum and tooth disease several times. This remedy does not treat, but is used in for preventive purposes. If you give dogs teeth cleaning sticks every day, this will help improve the composition of saliva, which will be a good preventative measure.

In pet stores you can also purchase ready-made kits designed to care for the animal’s oral cavity. It includes the following items:

  • special toothpaste;
  • two finger brushes;
  • toothbrush for dogs with two working surfaces.

If you can’t buy a special paste, you can make it yourself. To do this, mix white chalk, soda and lemon juice. Instead of a special brush, take a regular bandage and wrap it around your finger. Dipping it into the resulting composition, perform the same manipulations as when using a brush.

How to properly brush your pet's teeth?

It is important to comply correct technique cleaning, as this will help not injure your pet’s gums and tooth enamel. Before starting this procedure, you need to let the dog taste a small amount of gel or paste from your hand. Toothpaste should be applied to the brush along the entire length of the bristles. After this, the animal is placed on your lap or turned over on its back.

How to brush your dog's teeth at home? It is best to start the cleansing process with the back teeth. To do this, use your fingers to spread the pet’s cheeks and lift the lip above the place where the cleaning will be done. The brush is advanced with light massage movements.

The side surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. They begin to process lower jaw, performing movements from bottom to top, and the top - from top to bottom. First, the dog's molars are cleaned, gradually moving towards the canines. During the procedure, you should not press the brush too hard, as this will cause pain to the animal. It is advisable to speak kindly to your pet during the process and praise him for his patience.

After brushing your teeth, you need to massage your gums using a special brush placed on your finger. This procedure is carried out carefully and carefully so as not to injure the oral cavity. Massage stimulates metabolic processes and the condition of the gums improves. After all manipulations, it is recommended to rinse the dog brush under running water. Pastes intended for animals do not require rinsing the mouth after cleaning.

Use of ultraviolet

If the owner was unable to brush the dog’s teeth on his property, this can be done at a veterinary clinic. The doctor injects the animal with anesthesia and, using special equipment, removes stone and plaque, and also covers the enamel. special solution from fluorine.


Thus, if the question arises of how to brush your dog’s teeth at home and whether this is necessary, you can answer that this must be done. A neglected oral cavity in an animal after some time leads to the appearance of various diseases. For preventive purposes, you should regularly visit a veterinarian and monitor oral hygiene. For the procedure, they are sold in pet stores various devices, or you can buy a ready-made teeth cleaning kit for dogs.

Not every owner knows how to brush a dog’s teeth correctly, and most owners even believe that this procedure is unnecessary. In fact, caring for your pet’s oral cavity is necessary and should become a regular ritual. Yes, a dog does not need to brush its teeth like a person - several times a day, but two to three times a week you need to do this to avoid various dental diseases.

Today we will tell you what actions the owner can carry out at home, consider toothpastes and cleaning devices dog teeth, and also talk about the ultrasonic cleaning procedure, which is carried out in a veterinary hospital.

Many dog ​​owners believe that brushing their dog’s teeth is not necessary, and that nature intended that the animal’s oral cavity will always be in order. This is actually not true. Wild animals clean their teeth by eating rough, fibrous food, but they also have dental problems and suffer from them. Domestic dogs most often eat dry food or soft food. natural products, therefore self-cleaning of teeth when eating food does not occur.

Since the dog is not capable of brushing its own teeth, responsibility for this procedure falls on the owner. If you do not pay enough attention to dental and oral hygiene, plaque will soon form on your pet’s teeth, which will later turn into dense tartar, and even later will begin to affect the gums and provoke inflammation, mobility of the teeth, periodontitis, gingivitis and other unpleasant diseases.

If the owner brushes the pet’s teeth from puppyhood, then the animal will not be afraid of dental ailments, and the dog will live until a very old age with the same white-toothed mouth as in his youth. The main thing is to accustom your dog to cleaning from a very young age, so that in the future the procedure does not cause fear or discomfort in the pet. However, an adult dog can also be taught to be patient; the main thing is to act gently but persistently, praise the pet, and treat the pet with a treat upon completion of cleaning.

How to teach a dog to brush its teeth?

Despite the fact that baby teeth, which change by four to six months, do not need to be cleaned, puppyhood is the very time when the dog needs to be taught hygiene procedures. It is best to start brushing your pet's teeth in the evening, before bed. It is necessary for the puppy to have a good walk, run around and play enough, have dinner and be ready to go to bed. A tired, well-fed and happy puppy will resist less.

Before the procedure, you need to purchase a special toothbrush and zoopast for the dog (we’ll talk about the choice below). The animal should be allowed to smell both the brush and the toothpaste (usually they have a neutral or attractive smell for the dog) so that the baby understands that these items are not dangerous.

All the time you need to talk kindly to the puppy, praise and encourage him, so that the baby understands that the owner likes the procedure, and if the dog tolerates it calmly, then the owner is happy with it. It is best to start teaching brushing teeth together - one person will hold the puppy in his arms, the second will brush the teeth.

At first, you can do without a toothbrush by lifting the dog’s lips with your fingers, and then index finger with the other hand, apply a little paste and rub it over the baby’s gums and teeth. After the puppy recognizes the taste of toothpaste and understands that the procedure does not cause pain, you can praise him and stop experimenting until the next day.

So, for several days you can continue to brush your puppy’s teeth with your finger, and when he gets a little used to the manipulations, introduce him to a toothbrush. If the dog does not resist, you can immediately begin a thorough brushing - clean the teeth from the outside and inside, completely passing the entire dentition above and below.

If the puppy resists, you cannot stop trying. Cleaning should still be carried out daily, increasing the procedure time every day by a couple of seconds, constantly praising the dog. It is impossible to fix the puppy’s mouth “tightly” and brush its teeth by force - the baby will be scared and will forever identify a toothbrush in the hands of the owner with discomfort and fear.

Often, owners refuse to brush their dog's teeth if the dog is stubborn or perceives the procedure as a game, trying to bite a person's fingers or toothbrush. You can't do this. They talk to the dog kindly and calmly, stopping attempts to take the toothbrush or break away. If it is impossible to brush all the teeth at one time due to the animal’s excited state, brush as much as they can before the puppy begins to worry and struggle. The brushing time is increased with each procedure until all the teeth can be cleaned at once.

Video – Dog Oral Hygiene

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste for your dog

In any modern pet store you can find a significant selection of toothbrushes and toothpastes for dogs. Note that you can also purchase a human toothbrush by choosing the softest bristles. This option is suitable for large breeds, because a human toothbrush simply will not fit into the mouth of small dogs and can injure the oral cavity.

You should definitely buy dog ​​toothpaste, since the composition of any human product is not suitable for dogs. The flavoring agents included in human toothpastes are too strong for a dog’s sensitive sense of smell, and if a pet swallows human toothpaste, it can cause digestive upset and even poisoning.

Toothbrushes for dogs

There are several types of toothbrushes for dogs, and the owner can experimentally determine which one is more convenient for his pet. You can purchase two or three options at once, combining them. So, some owners like finger toothbrushes; they are usually made of silicone or thin rubber. One end of such a brush is put on your finger, on the other side there are soft bristles.

The bristles of such a toothbrush can be made of the same material as those on human brushes, or they can also be silicone or rubber. In the second case, the brush will be more delicate and will not injure the dog’s tender gums, even if the owner touches them with a careless movement. These brushes are convenient to purchase for large dogs, when you can easily access the furthest teeth by opening your pet’s mouth more cleanly.

Another option is a long-handled dog toothbrush, usually double-sided. There is a larger cleaning surface on one side and a smaller one on the other side to clean large molars and small front teeth. This brush is convenient for cleaning the teeth of small dogs when access to them is difficult.

Dog toothbrushes with a long handle can come in different configurations - from the simplest, straight, made of plastic, to curved, to make it easier for the owner to clean the oral cavity, rubberized and non-slip. The shape of the cleaning surface can also be different - which one is best for the dog can only be found out in practice.

If the budget allows, the owner can purchase an electric, ultrasonic toothbrush for his pet. This toothbrush is powered by batteries or a rechargeable battery, and works on the same principle as electric brushes, intended for people. The nozzle itself cleans the teeth, and a special generator next to the bristles produces small ultrasonic waves that effectively clean plaque. All a person has to do is to smoothly move the nozzle around the dog’s mouth.

Note that you should use an electric toothbrush when the dog is already accustomed to brushing its teeth and does not resist. The fact is that if a pet bites the attachment of such a brush, then the expensive device will most likely fail, and in addition, the dog may receive an electric shock.

Toothpastes for dogs

The choice of zoopastes that can be used to clean your dog’s mouth and teeth is also great. Eat various options for any budget, differing in volume, structure, smell and taste. Let's look at the most popular options that veterinarians most often advised to owners.

Table 1. Comparisons of Dental Zoopastes for Dogs

NameDescription, propertiesApproximate cost

An unimaginative toothpaste suitable for use with an ultrasonic brush. It has a taste that is pleasant for dogs, eliminates caries, inflammation in the oral cavity, and stops bleeding gumsAbout 700 rubles for a 75 gram tube

Contains extracts of calendula, propolis and sage. Relieves inflammation, freshens breath well, is effective against plaque formationAbout 120 rubles per 60 gram tube

Tooth gel with silver ions, calendula, propolis and sage. Freshens breath, removes plaque from teeth and protects well against the formation of tartarAbout 170 rubles for a 75 milliliter tube

Destroys bacteria, protects against the formation of plaque, stone and carious cavities. Provides a pleasant odor from the dog's mouthAbout 400 rubles per tube of 92 grams

The paste has a mild mint aroma and a neutral taste for dogs. Actively fights the formation of plaque, caries, and unpleasant odorsAbout 140 rubles for a tube of 100 milliliters

The toothpaste has the taste and aroma of liver pate, which is attractive to dogs. Eliminates bacterial plaque in the oral cavity, preventing the formation of caries and tartarAbout 450 rubles per 100 gram tube

A dental whitening gel that strengthens gums and protects the oral cavity from bacteria. Reduces the risk of tartar and caries. Has a berry tasteAbout 1200 rubles for a 59 milliliter tube

It comes in three flavors: mint, chicken or liver, which are attractive to dogs. Destroys bacteria and pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, freshens breath, and is a preventive measure against the occurrence of diseases of the gums and teethAbout 400 rubles for a 50 milliliter tube.

Ultrasonic cleaning of dog teeth

If the owner does not pay enough attention to brushing his pet's teeth, plaque and tartar can form quite quickly. You won’t be able to deal with them with just a brush and paste; you will need the help of a veterinary dentist. In order to return your dog's teeth to their original cleanliness and whiteness, ultrasonic cleaning may be required - a procedure that is done in the clinic.

For such cleaning, a small ultrasonic device called a skiller is used, and the procedure itself is carried out under light sedation. Simply put, the dog is immersed in a shallow anesthesia, the effect of which ceases almost immediately after cleaning. This is necessary in order to carry out the cleaning calmly, since the animal may become frightened, behave aggressively, or even refuse to lie still and wait patiently until the doctor finishes all the manipulations.

Using ultrasonic waves, plaque and tartar are removed from dogs’ teeth without damaging the enamel. The ultrasonic cleaning method is non-contact, so it is possible to remove deposits even from the sensitive border between teeth and gums. No special preparation is required for such cleaning, except that it is not recommended to feed the dog several hours before the procedure.

Conduct ultrasonic cleaning often not recommended, optimally once a year. The rest of the time, the owner must maintain clean teeth and healthy oral cavity by regularly using toothpastes and brushing. There are also special drops that are added to drinking water dogs. They contain antibacterial components that protect the animal’s oral cavity every day.