Elastic ankle bandage. How to properly apply a fixation bandage to the ankle joint? When to use an elastic bandage to fix the ankle

For various injuries and diseases of the ankle joint, it may be necessary to apply a fixing bandage to it. In what cases is it used, how to bandage the ankle correctly elastic bandage?

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    A fixing bandage on the ankle is needed to limit movements in the joint in case of injuries and diseases, as well as to prevent them. It is applied in the following cases:

    • for sprains,
    • with a broken leg,
    • in case of injury,
    • with subluxations and dislocations,
    • for arthritis, arthrosis,
    • for the prevention of damage to the ankle joint for people engaged in physical labor, spending a lot of time on their feet, and athletes.

    If you have a leg injury or joint pain, you should first visit a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis and get qualified assistance. Self-medication can be harmful: a bandage alleviates the condition, reduces pain, so you can waste time, while pathological process will develop.


    In some cases, applying such a bandage is contraindicated:

    • You cannot bandage a joint; if there are open wounds, they must be treated first.
    • Do not apply a bandage if there is joint deformity. In this case, you need to contact a traumatologist.
    • You cannot bandage your leg immediately after active movements; before bandaging, you need to be at rest for 15-20 minutes, raising your leg at an angle of about 30 degrees. This is necessary to relieve swelling.

    Figure-of-eight bandage

    Eight-shaped (cruciform) bandage on ankle joint almost completely limits the movement of the foot. It is applied for dislocations, sprains and ligament ruptures. A subtype of the cruciform bandage is the spica bandage; it differs in that each layer overlaps the previous one by half or a third.

    Due to fixation joint capsule is fixed in the correct position, further damage to the ligaments is prevented, healing of damage is improved, and pain is reduced. The bandage improves the outflow of lymph and, if applied correctly, does not interfere with blood circulation. In addition, the bandage fixes the dressing material, for example, cotton wool with a medicine.

    It is advisable that a traumatologist apply it for the first time and show how it is done correctly. In this case, an elastic or regular bandage 10-12 cm wide is used.

    If there is a small break in the skin, it needs to be treated before bandaging the leg. If the wound is serious and bleeding, seek medical attention.

    Elastic bandage

    An elastic bandage has several advantages over a regular bandage:

    • It can be used several times.
    • It stays on the foot better than non-elastic ones.
    • It replaces about 20 turns of gauze bandage.
    • Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle joint is much easier than a regular bandage; it can be done at home.

    However, it also has disadvantages.

    • Tightening the elastic bandage can cut off blood circulation.
    • An elastic bandage needs to be looked after, washed and dried properly, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

    This ankle bandage is used for dislocations, bruises and sprains, as well as for fixing the applied plaster. They begin to bandage the ankle a day after the injury, and if a plaster is secured with a bandage, then you need to wait for the latter to dry completely.

    The elastic bandage on the ankle is removed and re-wound every day. When the doctor allows it, after removing the bandage, you can do physical therapy exercises to develop the joint. The leg should be bandaged while the patient is moving. If the doctor does not give special instructions, then the bandage is removed at night. An elastic bandage can be used to secure bandages with medicinal ointments.

    You need to choose the right bandage. They happen varying degrees stretchability and different lengths. For a leg bandage, the length of the material should be 1.5-2 m. For fixing bandages, a bandage with medium or high elongation is used. Material with a low degree of elongation is used to bandage legs for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and after operations.

    There are certain rules for how to bandage an ankle with an elastic bandage:

    1. 1. The leg is bandaged from the narrowest part to the wider one.
    2. 2. The bandage is not unwound in advance, it is done gradually, and only on the surface of the body. If you unscrew it completely before applying it, you may tighten the bandage too much.
    3. 3. Each applied layer must overlap the existing ones; there should be no gaps between them.
    4. 4. The greatest tension should be in the lower part of the leg.
    5. 5. Wrap the bandage from right to left.
    6. 6. The injured limb should be elevated and in comfortable position so that the patient does not move it during bandaging.
    7. 7. After applying the bandage, the fingers should turn slightly blue, and after the patient begins to move, they should acquire a normal shade. A sign that the bandage is too tight is pulsation and numbness in the limb, cyanosis that does not go away after the start of movements. If there are such sensations, then the leg must be immediately unbandaged, raised, and light massage, and then bandage again.
    8. 8. You need to bandage carefully, avoiding folds.
    9. 9. It is better to put the bandage on the sock, this way there is less risk of tightening it too much.
    10. 10. It is advisable to bandage your leg in the morning, when there is less swelling.

    How to bandage an ankle?

    The technique for applying a figure-of-eight bandage is as follows:

    1. 1. The foot is placed at a right angle to the shin.
    2. 2. Make three turns around the shin above the ankle.
    3. 3. By back surface of the bandaged joint move to the outer part of the foot for the left leg and to the inner part for the right leg.
    4. 4. Make a circular tour (turn) around the foot.
    5. 5. From the side of the foot, the bandage is applied obliquely along the back of the joint to the ankle.
    6. 6. Make a turn around the ankle just below the first.
    7. 7. Such eight-shaped turns are repeated several times.
    8. 8. Complete the application with securing turns around the ankle. After this, it is fixed with special clamps.

    You can wrap your ankle with an elastic bandage differently. In this case, circular turns are not performed around the foot, but the heel is grabbed:

    1. 1. The foot is placed at a right angle to the shin.
    2. 2. They also make several securing rounds around the lower part of the lower leg.
    3. 3. Move along the back of the joint to the lateral surface of the foot in the same way as the previous method.
    4. 4. The bandage is passed under the foot and from the opposite side of the foot is immediately applied obliquely along the back of the leg to the ankle, without making a tour around the foot.
    5. 5. Turn around the ankle once, then around the heel, leading to the opposite side of the foot.
    6. 6. Bring the bandage to the ankle, then again make a figure-of-eight tour around the foot.
    7. 7. Repeat these operations, after which they make a securing tour around the ankle and secure the bandage with a clamp.

    The ankle is bandaged in the same way with a gauze bandage, but more of it will be required.

An elastic bandage is a universal remedy that is used to treat and prevent diseases and damage to joints. To wind it, you do not need to have a medical education or special practice; it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations of the doctor and strictly follow them. If the technique is followed, the bandage does not slip off the ankle, does not unravel, and does not interfere with blood circulation in the limb.

Indications for use

An elastic ankle bandage is necessary in the following cases:
  1. injuries received (bruises and sprains);
  2. arthritis and arthrosis, accompanied by swelling and pain;
  3. high loads associated with sports.

In case of sprain and rupture of the ankle ligaments, the patient is given a plaster splint. An elastic bandage is used in tandem with it. It is tied on the second day after the incident, when the plaster has dried well. This design allows a person to easily remove the bandage and try to develop the injured limb.

For arthritis and arthrosis, it is applied together with ointments or folk remedies for external use. They are smeared under it, this creates a compress effect.

Intense sports activities carry a potential risk – microtrauma to the joint. If you wear an elastic bandage during training, the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

Important! Doctors recommend that people who are involved in sports or physical labor always have home medicine cabinet elastic bandage.

Advantages and disadvantages of an elastic bandage

An elastic bandage is actively used in the treatment of ankle injuries and inflammations

Thanks to the following advantages:

The disadvantages of an elastic bandage appear if a person has not mastered the rules for applying it to the ankle joint and other parts of the body. Errors made in the bandaging technique lead to impaired blood circulation in the injured limb, falling and unraveling of the fabric, its rapid deterioration.

To avoid adverse consequences, when bandaging, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

How to choose the right bandage

Doctors highlight following rules points to be observed when choosing a dressing:

  1. Length accounting

Bandages of different sizes are available for sale. The choice depends on which joint needs to be fixed. For the wrist area, options up to one and a half meters are used, for the ankle - from one and a half to two meters, for the lower extremities - at least five meters.

2. The right choice elasticity

To fix the ankle joint after injury, bandages with low and medium elasticity are used. Highly elastic designed for the treatment of varicose veins

Important! Some patients do not want to apply an elastic bandage as prescribed by a doctor, fearing that it will harm the skin. Such suspicions are unfounded: dressings are made from natural materials and are therefore absolutely safe.

How to wrap an elastic bandage: general rules

How to properly area and other joints:

  • It is best to bandage limbs in morning time, after a night's sleep. If there is a need to do this during the day, the patient must first lie down with the limb raised 30 degrees for at least a quarter of an hour. Failure to comply with this rule will result in swelling.
  • When bandaging, you need to move from a narrower place to a wider one. For example, you can work from the ankle area up the leg.
  • The bandage should lie as evenly and neatly as possible. Bandage the ankle without folds, gaps between layers of fabric and other “blurs”.
  • When bandaging a limb with an elastic bandage, reduce the tension as you move upward. The maximum compression should be in the narrowest area, the minimum in the widest area.
  • Bandage the joint by unrolling the bandage outward. Unfold it as close to the skin as possible, this will save you from folds and inaccuracies. Each subsequent turn of the bandage should cover the surface of the previous one by a third.
  • The damaged joint should be bandaged over a larger area than the area of ​​injury. Rewind an additional 10-15 cm up and down from it.
  • Secure the bandage and be sure to check that it is applied correctly. This is indicated by a simple test: the fingertips of the injured limb should turn slightly blue. This blue discoloration immediately goes away as soon as the patient makes a couple of movements with his arm or leg. If it does not appear, or it does not disappear due to movement, the bandage is applied incorrectly and needs to be redone.

Important! It is necessary to bandage a limb with fixing materials only if the patient makes movements with it. If he is going to be at rest or sleep, the bandage must first be removed.

If within half an hour after or another joint a person feels numbness in the limb, a clear pulsation is felt under the bandage, the bandage was applied too tightly and blocked normal blood circulation. It needs to be removed immediately. To normalize the situation, the patient should hold the affected limb in an elevated position for 10-15 minutes.

How to bandage the ankle area correctly?

Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle occurs only after checking that the ankle

the patient is dry and clean, there are no serious damage. Optimal position the patient - lying on his back.

To properly tie a bandage around the ankle, follow these guidelines:

  • Start the bandage just above the ankle, wrap the limb in a circular motion downwards.
  • You need to wrap an elastic bandage around your heel (a couple of turns) and around your foot.
  • Move crosswise: from the lower leg to the foot and back.
  • Secure the bandage to the bandage in the ankle area.

Avoid common mistakes. Applying an elastic bandage too tightly will impair blood and lymph flow. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the fact that the fingers will become cold and bluish. If you fail to bandage your leg tightly enough, the bandage will fall off the lower limb as you move, and your efforts will be in vain.


Video - Applying a bandage to the ankle joint

Caring for an elastic bandage

To properly fix a limb, it is not enough to master the technique. It is important that it is of high quality. To ensure that the consumer properties of the elastic bandage are preserved as long as possible,

  • Do not wash the bandage too often. The optimal frequency is once every five days.
  • Use regular soap to wash before applying. The use of aggressive chemicals is not allowed.
  • Do not squeeze the fabric too hard: this will cause the bandage to lose its elasticity. A couple of movements are enough.
  • To dry, lay the bandage horizontally on a thin natural fabric.
  • Never iron elastic fabric with an iron.

The elastic bandage should be stored in a specially designated cabinet or package. Direct ultraviolet rays, falling on the fabric, deprive it of the desired consumer properties.

An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is a recipe for many ills. It helps to immobilize the limb in case of injuries and inflammatory processes, eliminating the likelihood of injury during intense sports training.

To achieve desired result, follow the recommendations of specialists on how to care for bandages and how to properly bandage an ankle.

As a result of ankle injury, doctors recommend using a brace. After all, a fixing bandage on the ankle is used when mild degree ankle fracture and ligament damage. In addition to fixatives, it is possible to use an elastic bandage, especially for arthritis and arthrosis of the ankle joint.

People who constantly experience heavy loads on the ankle are recommended to use a soft fixing bandage. You can apply it yourself, the main thing is to stick to it correct technique its fixation.

Rules for using a fixing bandage on the ankle

Fixing bandages are used to reduce the degree of stress on the damaged area and speed up the recovery process after injury.

Athletes whose work activity is associated with frequent bruises and injuries, you should have fixing bandages on hand. Elderly people need fixing bandages to ensure the safety of the ankle joint.

An ankle bandage is considered an essential remedy for various types of injuries and bruises. If the ankle is injured, first of all, try to ensure that the leg is fixed in a secure position and the load on this area is minimal. Depending on the degree of injury, the bandages differ from each other.

Types of fasteners

The most reliable and more optimal form of fixation is considered to be a figure-of-eight bandage on the ankle joint. Usually it is applied only by a specialist, because there are special rules for its application; incorrect application of the bandage can contribute to harm to the health of the victim.

Learning to properly fix the ankle

A fixing bandage is applied to the ankle certain rules which must be strictly followed. If the bandage is applied incorrectly or is too tight, this can cause complications. To fix the ankle, you will need a fixing bandage and clamps. Place the victim on a flat surface with his leg on your lap. Usually the bandage is applied in this way emergency situations. Try to prevent the victim from moving, thereby ensuring that the bandage is applied correctly.

  • Applying a bandage to the ankle begins with circular movements in the shin area, making several turns, making sure that the bandage is applied evenly;
  • We place the bandage on the outside of the foot, do not overtighten, just carefully lay the end of the bandage;
  • Through the instep we take the bandage to inside ankles and make 2 turns around the foot, take the bandage to outside ankles;
  • We make a few turns and secure the bandage with special clamps. If the elastic bandage is applied correctly, it will effectively maintain joint mobility.

There are situations when a leg is injured on the road or where there are no conditions for seeking medical help. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to certain features for proper ankle fixation:

  • To avoid discomfort for the victim and to avoid overtightening the leg, it is better to apply an elastic bandage to the sock. After all, if you tighten the ankle with a bandage, blood flow to it will be obstructed, which will significantly worsen the victim’s condition.
  • If the victim has an open wound, then the ankle bandage is not applied. And it is necessary to get him to the hospital as quickly as possible. To prevent infection from entering the wound, it should be covered with a sterile bandage.
  • If present heavy bleeding, then you need to apply a tourniquet, cover the wound with a sterile bandage and seek medical help. An elastic bandage is applied when there is no visible damage ankle
  • If the victim has noticeable displacements in the ankle joint, then the bandage is not applied. Apply to the bruised area cold compress and an ambulance is urgently called.

It is necessary to ensure that the victim lies down and does not stand on the affected leg, much less walk, as this can cause minor injuries and undesirable consequences. It is important to know that if the ankle joint is damaged, only a doctor can provide proper medical care and choose a bandage for fixation.

Rules for taping the ankle joint

It’s worth saying a few words about taping; tapes are elastic patches that are applied over skin surface and are additionally held in place by a bandage applied in a certain way. This method is widely used among athletes and active people, to prevent joint injuries, as well as for the rehabilitation of previously damaged ones. Before you start taping, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  1. Elastic bandage or sports tape;
  2. A tape pad is a material that is applied before taping;
  3. Shock-absorbing pads under the foot and heel;
  4. Petrolatum.

Before starting taping, you need to make sure that the ankle area is dry, clean and undamaged. The foot must be placed at an angle of 90 degrees. It will be best if the patient lies on a flat surface.

Taping must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, compliance with which is mandatory:

Apply to the instep area thin layer Vaseline, and apply 2 shock-absorbing pads
The pads are applied in such a way that the entire damaged area of ​​the ankle joint is covered.
Apply three or four strips of tape around the shin. It is important to know that any strip of tape must cover the other, no less than half, overlapping itself (overlapping)
The next three strips are applied to the ankle in the form of a stirrup, overlapping the previous bandage
To apply the next row you will need 7-8 strips. They are applied starting from the top of the bandage, moving towards the foot and thereby covering the stirrup. Try to cover the previous dressings halfway. The strips are overlapped and the row ends on the side of the foot. The stripes don't meet here
In the area of ​​the instep of the foot, another 2-3 strips are applied. Taping is not done too tightly
Attach the tape to the instep of the foot and move it across the foot to the sole, placing it under the heel. Make sure there are no folds on the tape. Next, you should circle the tape around the heel and secure the strip on the side of the ankle where you started in the instep area. Tear the strip off the roll
Finally, we fix the heel. Without tearing the tape off the roll, we fix it on the instep of the foot. The tape is applied across the foot and, after passing the sole, is wound behind the heel
Make sure that the tape is applied evenly, without dents or folds
The tape should end at the instep of the foot, only after that it should be torn off from the roll
Taping completed

In conclusion, I would like to say that joint problems bother almost everyone. And here the main thing is to notice it in time and prevent the disease from developing further.

Therefore, at the slightest injury to the ankle or ligaments, you need to seek medical help; if this is not possible, then apply a fixing bandage yourself. Thus providing fast recovery joint and recovery.

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An elastic bandage for the ankle joint is one of the types of medical supplies that is prescribed to the patient for use (by applying it) for various injuries and damage to the joint.

Elastic bandage: advantages and disadvantages

An elastic bandage has a huge number of advantages over ordinary models, the main ones being the following:

  1. Elastic bandages can be used repeatedly, and an ordinary gauze bandage can be deformed after the first use.
  2. Once applied to the articular surface, the elastic bandage does not deform or slip. It tightly fixes the affected joint. An ordinary bandage requires frequent re-bandaging, as it periodically slips off the joint.
  3. The bandage is universal because it fits any joint.
  4. Good fixation of the limb for a long time.
  5. The bandage is easily removed and applied quite simply (no need for special training patient).
  6. One elastic fiber bandage can replace 20 ordinary ones. gauze bandages, which is quite profitable and rational.

However, despite everything positive aspects When using this type of product, the use of elastic bandages also has some disadvantages. Among them are the following:

  1. Impaired blood flow due to improper application of an elastic bandage.
  2. Poor quality fixation of the limb due to violation of the bandaging technique.
  3. To apply a bandage, certain skills and abilities of the patient are required.
  4. Poor care of the bandage can lead to its premature deterioration.

Most often, an elastic bandage is prescribed in cases of bruises and sprains. The applied plaster splint can be additionally secured with an elastic bandage. Fixation is performed on the second day after injury, since on the first day the plaster must dry thoroughly.

Thanks to the elastic bandage plaster cast You can remove it daily and try to develop movements in the injured joint in this way. However, it should be noted that therapeutic exercises joint should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor. It is not recommended to do this yourself.

Can be applied together with an elastic bandage medicinal ointments on the joint and special compresses.

Elastic bandages are indispensable assistants for people involved in various types sports, since it is precisely among athletes and people who are interested in sports activities, a large number of joint injuries occur.

Description of the properties of bandages

Length of elastic bandage. As a rule, it directly depends on which joint the bandage will be applied to in the future. Depending on the length they are distinguished the following types material:

  • bandage for wrist joints, the length of which reaches 1-1.5 m;
  • for ankle joints, the length ranges from 1.5-2 m.

Other articular surfaces this requires 2-3 m of elastic bandage. To secure the lower extremities, it is recommended to purchase 5 m of elastic bandage, and for the upper extremities - 4 m.

Extensibility of an elastic bandage. To reliably fix a limb after injury, bandages with a medium or high degree of extensibility are used. After surgical intervention To avoid the development of varicose veins, low-elastic bandages should be used on the legs.

Rules for applying a bandage:

Technique for applying a fixing bandage to the ankle

  1. Elastic bandages must be applied in the morning or after resting in a horizontal position with the limbs raised (the angle of elevation of the limb is 30°). You need to rest for at least 15 minutes. This is done to avoid swelling of the lower limb.
  2. An elastic bandage is applied from a narrow area damaged joint to a wider one. Example: the ankle is the beginning of the bandage, the knee joint is its end.
  3. The bandaging process must be carried out carefully and carefully. The appearance of any folds is unacceptable.
  4. The elastic bandage is unrolled outward and directly on the skin surface. This way you can avoid overstretching the bandage and unacceptable compression of the tissue.
  5. Each subsequent turn of the elastic bandage should cover 1/3 of the layer that came before it.
  6. Prosvetov skin There should be no bandages between the applied layers.
  7. The greatest tension of the bandage should be observed in lower section. Gradually rising higher, the tension needs to be weakened (for example, the ankle joint has greater tension, and higher, in the area knee joint, the tension weakens).
  8. It is recommended to apply the bandage 15 cm above and below the affected area. The ankle joint must be fixed, starting from the phalanges of the toes and ending with the middle of the shin.
  9. An elastic bandage is necessary only when the patient is actively moving. If the person is at rest, it is recommended to remove the bandage. In this case, you should carefully massage the area of ​​the affected joint (from the foot to the knee, from the hand to the elbow joint).
  10. To determine whether the elastic bandage is applied correctly, it is recommended to use next advice: after bandaging, the phalanges of the fingers should turn slightly blue. When active activity returns, they are quickly restored to a physiological state. Do not wrap elastic bandages too tightly, as this can cause blood flow problems and swelling.
  11. If 30 minutes after applying an elastic bandage, the leg or arm goes numb and a pulsation is felt under the bandage, it means that the bandage is too tight and needs to be removed urgently, after which it is recommended to lie on the bed and raise the injured limb on which the bandage was applied, and perform a light massage .

Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle joint

The rules for applying an elastic bandage directly to the ankle joint include the following steps:

  1. The bandage starts above the ankle, while the bandage moves circularly.
  2. Then it is recommended to wrap the heel with a bandage.
  3. Then grab the foot with a bandage twice.
  4. Next, the bandage moves, positioned crosswise. It is applied from the foot to the shin, then again to the foot. A visible cross appears on the front surface of the bandaged joint.
  5. Next, the bandage is returned back to the shin. In this way, several circles are made around the ankle, after which the bandage is secured.

Caring for a bandage involves following these important recommendations:

  1. Washing the bandage should be done only when necessary (this is approximately 2 times in 10 days).
  2. Washing the bandage should be strictly manual without any use of surfactants. Wash regular soap. There is no need to twist the bandage. It is enough to squeeze lightly. Drying of the bandage is carried out on a fabric backing in an unfolded form.
  3. Elastic bandages should be stored rolled up and away from exposure sun rays. Ironing of the material is strictly prohibited.

Orthosis: description, classification and method of use

Orthosis for protecting an injured joint from re-injury

An orthosis is a special device that follows the contours of a joint. It is applied to the affected joint. The appearance of the ankle orthosis is a sock, knee socks or boot. The toes should remain open. The ankle orthosis can be secured using special fasteners or Velcro. The orthosis is made of cotton fabrics, metal, plastic or wood.

Types of orthoses:

  1. Models for prevention. They are necessary to prevent damage to the ankle joint.
  2. Medical models. Are used to provide medical care in case of injury in the area of ​​a particular joint.
  3. The models are functional. They are used constantly for irreversible changes in the joint.

Degrees of orthosis rigidity:

  1. Semi-rigid ankle orthosis. It has straps that replace an elastic bandage. In addition to belts, inserts made of metal, plastic, and cords can be used.
  2. Soft ankle orthosis. It reminds appearance removable fabric bandage.
  3. Rigid orthosis. Has plastic inserts and elastic tires. This ankle joint is perfectly fixed.

Indications for wearing an orthosis:

  • arthritis or arthrosis of the joints;
  • sprains or tears of ligaments and tendons;
  • recovery after a fracture of the ankle, leg, foot;
  • flat feet, overweight bodies, hallux valgus deformity finger;
  • partial paralysis of the leg and foot;
  • prevention of injuries for people actively involved in sports.

Benefits of using an orthosis:

  1. High-quality stabilization of a damaged joint.
  2. Reducing the mechanical load on the articular surface.
  3. Strengthening muscles and ligaments.
  4. Resorption of edema and pain relief.
  5. Expanding the range of motor activity in the joint.

It is not advisable to use the orthosis when open wounds and damage. It must be applied only after the bone fragments have fused. Most important point in purchasing this type of device - this is the right choice.

Application of bandages

Ankle bandage is the most effective way restoration of an injured joint. The use of a bandage is justified in the following cases:

After a ligament injury, a hemotoma appears

Any injury can occur as a result of the patient receiving bruises, direct blows, falls, twisted legs, or wearing high-heeled shoes. Most often the human ligamentous system is affected.

An ankle brace is a kind of elastic belt that has special straps and fasteners. An ankle brace can be worn not only in case of joint injury, but also during pregnancy for support lumbar region spine and after surgery.

An ankle brace has the following positive properties:

  • promotes rapid fusion ligaments;
  • restores the muscular system;
  • fixes the damaged joint;
  • has a compression effect;
  • eliminates numerous swelling;
  • normalizes the production of synovial fluid;
  • eliminates the possibility of hemorrhage;
  • significantly warms the joint.

The bandage is made of rib inserts (then it is rigid), elastic fibers, and an anti-allergenic coating that warms the joint. It is necessary to select a bandage according to the size of the foot, otherwise it can cause discomfort and severely rub the foot.

Many people think about the cost of a bandage. The range of bandages is quite extensive. There are also budget options for this orthopedic device. But it is better to purchase a bandage at average price. The cost depends on the region of residence and the elements used in the bandage.

Tutor and features of its use

The splint helps keep the limb in the correct position. Indications for using a splint:

  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • paralysis, etc.

This orthopedic product is put on a special cotton stocking. Next, it is recommended to put the injured limb in the correct position, and then carefully and carefully put on the splint. The splint has fastening elements. The splint should not exert any pressure on the protrusions of the bones. The device is worn on the limb at night or during nap. Walking in it is strictly prohibited. The inside of the splint can be treated with a damp, soapy cloth. It is necessary to prevent water from getting on the metal, as it will be damaged. The splint must be worn daily, combining it with special exercises developed by the orthopedist. Adjustment of the splint fasteners is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

The splint can be washed, but it must be dried away from heated objects. To wash it, you will need a special bag.

The advantage of using a splint is the ability to fix damaged limb elements in the required position.

The splint completely immobilizes the injured joint

In order to prevent damage, sprains and dislocations of the ankle joint, it is recommended to strengthen it, in ideal ways are the following:

  • walking on logs;
  • walking on pebbles;
  • walking barefoot on grass or water.

The best method of walking on a log is recognized. In this case, the log used should not be thin. It should lie on the ground. You must move around it barefoot or in sports sneakers.

It has been established that, when trying to maintain balance on a log, a person will strain the muscles of the ankle joint, and this, in turn, helps to strengthen them.

On your feet every day heavy load, the ankle is especially often injured. Therefore, an ankle brace for sprains and other injuries is first aid. Such bandages (or) are necessary in order to immobilize the joint and prevent the development of complications. If measures are not taken in time, ankle deformation may occur, accompanied by an intensifying inflammatory process.

In what cases is a retainer required?

Orthoses are used for the treatment and prevention of ankle diseases in both adults and children. An ankle brace may be required in the following situations:

  • when stretched or , ;
  • at increased load on lower limbs(during sports training or performing heavy physical work);
  • when receiving a foot injury;
  • for rehabilitation during the postoperative period;
  • during the treatment of joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.).

Wearing a brace is prescribed by your attending physician. You should not make such a decision on your own, as you could harm your health. A fixing bandage is prescribed not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

The main purpose of the bandage is to fix the ankle. That is, the joint can move without deviating to the side. Using a bandage has a number of advantages. Firstly, the possibility of ankle injury is significantly reduced (if we're talking about about prevention). Secondly, they decrease painful sensations. In addition, the healing process is much faster. An ankle brace also helps prevent re-injury to the joint.

Selection of retainer

When choosing an ankle brace, you need to take into account certain parameters:

Bandages can be presented in soft, hard and semi-rigid form. Each of the dressings is used in a specific case. Besides, soft bandages, in turn, are divided into several subspecies.

  1. Soft (elastic). This option is used for the prevention of diseases, as well as the treatment of minor injuries. The brace fits the ankle well, providing reliable protection from possible damage. Elastic bandages will help people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet, as well as professional athletes (during training or competitions).
  2. Protective. One of the types of elastic bandages used for... The bandage prevents germs from entering the wound and has an antiseptic effect.
  3. Drug. This elastic fastener helps fast healing wound
  4. If the patient suffers from hemarthrosis, a compressive elastic bandage is used. It quickly stops the bleeding. There is also a corrective brace used to treat ankle pathologies, such as clubfoot.
  5. Semi-rigid. This fixator is often used for minor injuries or sprains. Thanks to special straps, the bandage can be securely fastened to the ankle.
  6. Hard. This bandage is used especially difficult cases. The brace is equipped with rigid side inserts (plastic, metal, silicone) that allow you to fix the ankle in one position. In addition, such a bandage is equipped with belts or laces. Similar products are used after fractures, when the plaster has already been removed. Only a traumatologist can prescribe such an immobilizing bandage.


To correctly determine the size of the bandage, certain measurements should be taken. The first step is to measure the length of your foot. Next, determine the coverage of the shin, ankle, and ankle. These indicators must be compared with the information provided by manufacturers on finished products. Each manufacturer may have a unique sizing chart, so you need to check the source data with the table provided.

When purchasing a retainer, remember that it cannot be worn around the clock. It is recommended to remove the bandage at least several times a day, treat the surface of the leg with an antiseptic, and only put it on again after 30 minutes.

The orthosis must be put on in a sitting position. Getting used to the fixation bandage may take several weeks (and weaning too). If a brace is being used to treat an injury, gradually increase the weight on the injured leg until it is back to normal. As long as your leg heals, wear the brace.

If you are recommended for a semi-rigid or rigid brace to wear under your shoes, purchase comfortable sneakers that are several sizes larger. This way you will be as comfortable as possible. The health of the musculoskeletal system is the key to a quality life full of interesting events, so even minor injuries require timely treatment.

Three bones—the tibia, fibula, and talus—form the ankle joint. Its functionality is ensured by the ligamentous apparatus - three groups of connective tissue cords that fix the bones to each other. Ligaments maintain the stability of the joint, somewhat limiting the mobility of its components. They also “control” the rotation, abduction and adduction of the foot.

When the range of motion of the foot exceeds the permissible range, the ankle ligaments can become torn. Popularly, such an injury is called a sprain.

An ankle sprain occurs when the permissible range of motion of the foot is exceeded.

The ligaments that run along the outer ankle are most susceptible to it. Why does ankle sprain occur, how long does it take to heal, and what measures will speed up recovery?

Doctors call the leading cause of sprains a twisted leg, when the ankle suddenly moves outward and the heel turns inward. This situation is familiar to almost all lovers of high heels. If an unsuccessful “start” in high-heeled shoes is accompanied by a crunching or cracking sound, a complete rupture of the ligament or bone damage should be suspected.

Tucking your legs in high heels is one of the most common reasons sprains

Sometimes the tendon-ligamentous system is weakened already from birth, or there are congenital changes in the configuration of the foot - then the slightest traumatic impact is fraught with spraining the ligaments.

And only in 6 patients out of 1000, damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint occurs during sports battles. More often urgent Care required for skaters and skiers who, during sudden braking, high speed an inward rotational movement of the foot occurs, followed by stretching of the ligaments.

Among other reasons for “tear” of the ligamentous fiber are: overweight, heavy lifting, excessive motor activity, caused professional necessity, as well as a number of diseases - flat feet, arthrosis and inflammation in the joint.

Aw, it hurts!

Depending on the extent of damage - complete or incomplete rupture - there are 3 degrees of ankle sprain, each of which is characterized by symptoms:

  • Degree 1– delamination of ligament fibers. Swelling and tenderness in the ankle, slight. the victim limps;
  • For ankle sprains 2 degrees soft tissue swelling is pronounced, the victim experiences severe pain, a hematoma forms in the joint area. Movement is difficult;
  • Symptoms of an ankle sprain 3 degrees indicate a complete rupture of the ligaments: the injury is accompanied by severe swelling with extensive hematoma and hemarthrosis; local hypothermia or increased body temperature. Sharp pain does not allow you to stand on your foot or take a step, but the foot is unnaturally mobile.

What to do if you sprain your ankle?

In the event of a significant injury - if the victim cannot lean on his leg - an ambulance should be called and the victim should be given first aid, which, in the case of a sprained ankle, consists of maximum immobilization of the joint by applying a splint from "improvised" means.

For this purpose, a narrow board is used, which is bandaged, covering the lower leg, ankle and knee.

For mild sprains of the ankle joint, a figure-eight bandage is applied. It is secured by making a coil at the level of the ankles, and gradually, in eight-shaped coils, it is lowered onto the foot.
Be sure to apply ice to the injured area and give the victim an anti-pain medication.
Sometimes a complete tear requires a cast.

How to treat a sprained ankle?

Having received qualified assistance from a traumatologist or surgeon, the victim continues treatment for a sprained ankle at home.

How to fix your foot

Within 7 days, the injured ankle needs to be fixed and completely unloaded. Fixatives - a bandage or tape (an elastic bandage held in place) - should not be left in place for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the cyanosis will increase.

Taping for ankle sprains will help stabilize the foot

Taping the ankle joint when spraining the ligaments is correctly performed as follows:

  • The patient is laid down; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The instep of the foot is lubricated with Vaseline and 2 shock-absorbing pads are placed on it, covering the entire damaged area;
  • 3-4 strips of tape are wrapped around the shin. The strips must be overlapped;
  • From the next 3 strips, a “stirrup” is formed that covers the bottom bandage;
  • Close the “stirrup” by making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. The strips are laid overlapping;
  • The foot is wrapped with 2-3 strips of tape and, having secured it on the instep, it is moved across the foot to the sole and placed under the heel;
  • Place the tape around the heel and secure it in the part of the ankle where you began to fix the instep. The strip is torn off;
  • The heel is fixed by placing a new strip of tape across the foot and passing it through the sole;

More affordable and universal remedy fixation is an elastic bandage - indispensable in cases where treatment of an injury is accompanied by the application of a plaster cast.

How to apply an elastic bandage to an ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Having covered the heel with a bandage, grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved in a cross-shaped motion: from the foot to the shin and again to the foot;
  • Once again returning to the shin, wrap the ankle several times and secure the bandage.

You will learn how to apply a bandage correctly from the video:

In addition to an elastic bandage and tape for the ankle, when spraining ligaments, special fixatives are used - elastic therapeutic, suspending inflammatory process, or rigid, providing maximum immobilization in case of serious injury.

For basketball fans, special sneakers with a lock are also produced.

How to relieve swelling

A bruise and sprain of the ankle with swelling puts the victim to bed for several days.
To reduce swelling of the feet, it is recommended to lie with your legs raised up.

On the first day, ice compresses are applied to the injured area covered with gauze. They are done by holding for 15-20 minutes, then a half-hour break - and sore spot cool again.

The next day, they move on to warming procedures. A hot heating pad and warm baths relax muscles, speed up blood flow, promoting healing.
In the absence of bone damage, swelling will go away by the 3rd day, and a hematoma, even a large one, will go away after 4 days.
If, after 14 days after an ankle sprain, the swelling still does not go away, you should visit a doctor, who will recommend detailing the consequences of the injury through an X-ray examination and MRI.

How to relieve pain

Anti-inflammatory therapy is an essential component of treatment for ankle sprains.

On the first day, severe pain will be relieved by injections of ketanov, analgin, and renalgan. On the second day they are replaced with tablets.

From the third day, the treatment is made more intense by connecting to it - in case of ankle sprains, these are drugs that promote pain relief - Nicoflex, Finalgon, as well as blood outflow and “resorption” of the hematoma - Troxevasin, Dolobene, Lyoton, Indovazin.

Ointments will relieve pain and help relieve swelling

Is it possible to walk with a sprained ankle?
You can walk if it doesn't hurt. If there is pain, orthopedic doctors and traumatologists do not recommend “loading” the ankle, or advise moving using crutches.

How to restore “stretched” ligaments?

A minor injury allows you to begin rehabilitation within 3-4 days.

This early start will prevent joint stiffness and muscle atrophy.

Exercise therapy

Simple gymnastics will speed up the recovery of ankle ligaments after a sprain:

  • Flexion and extension of the ankle is very effective, incl. with little weight; spinning it;
  • Carefully move around the room, bending and unbending your fingers and fingering them;
  • Shift from heel to toes and back;
  • Hook your toes on the leg of the chair and pull it towards you.

You will learn more exercises for ankle sprains in the video:


It is started with a favorable course from 2-3 days. When spraining the ankle joint, the massage begins with stroking and kneading the area just above the injury site. Then, grasping the adjacent muscle tendons and trying to penetrate the fingers deep into the joint, they stroke and rub the ankle itself.
The massage effect promotes the outflow of exudate and the resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, and accelerates the fusion of ligaments.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It is prescribed to relieve pain, in combination with exercise therapy and massage. For ankle sprains, physiotherapy includes laser and paraffin treatment, diadynamic therapy and UHF. Magnetic therapy is also used to accelerate lymphatic drainage and increase vascular tone.

Read more about physiotherapeutic treatment methods

Folk remedies for ankle sprains

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of ankle sprains at home with natural remedies.

The best of them - various lotions and compresses - will help you quickly cope with swelling when you sprain your ankle and relieve pain:

  • Soak a bandage or gauze in vodka and apply to the damaged area. Cover the top with cellophane film and cotton wool (you can woolen fabric). Leave for 6-8 hours. Compresses are made in the same way warm milk. Already on the second day the swelling subsides;
  • Pass 2 onions through a meat grinder, mix the pulp with 1 tbsp. salt. Place a layer of gauze on the ankle, apply the mixture on top, and cover with gauze. You can mix onion gruel with a mixture of two grated potatoes, cabbage leaf and sugar;
  • Pain and inflammation can be significantly relieved using a compress diluted to 50%: if the ankle sprains, apply it for an hour for 15-20 days;
  • An excellent effect is obtained by combining 50 ml of a diluted drug with 30 ml of water and a 2% solution of novocaine with the addition of 1 ampoule of hydrocortisone solution. Leave the compress on for 40 minutes.

More recipes folk remedies for the treatment of sprains, you will learn from the video:

Instead of a conclusion

The most unpleasant consequences sprains of the ankle - if you do not pay attention to it, the joint may become “loose” and high probability re-injury in the future.

Therefore, do not neglect the doctor’s advice, and be healthy!