Prescribed after medical termination of pregnancy. What you can and cannot do after an abortion: rehabilitation, discharge, sex life, pain, restoration of the cycle. General advice for women on recovery after medical termination of pregnancy

A lot happens in life, and sometimes you have to let go unwanted pregnancy. For a woman’s body, this is severe stress that cannot pass without leaving a trace. Most often, the abortion procedure violates hormonal background, which leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. This is primarily manifested by the fact that there are no periods after an abortion. What are the reasons for this condition, what to do, we will consider further.

Types of abortion

There will definitely be consequences for the body after an abortion, but the severity also depends on its type. Abortion happens:

After each type of abortion, the body’s recovery occurs with at different speeds, therefore, when menstruation begins after an abortion will depend on this.

Recovery after abortion

Many factors influence how quickly a woman’s body will return to normal:

When does your period start after an abortion?

Serious consequences are possible with any abortion; if your period does not come on time, then we can assume that the first consequences are already evident. But the question arises about how many days after an abortion the period should come.

If the pregnancy was terminated within the prescribed period, that is, up to 12 weeks, then recovery takes 4-5 weeks. During this period, the absence of menstruation is considered normal. Abortion for medical reasons up to 22 weeks requires a longer recovery, so when asked how long after an abortion menstruation begins, the doctor will answer that menstruation may be absent for up to 2 months.

If you miss your period for longer than the agreed period, then you should visit a doctor and find out the reason.

No menstruation after termination of pregnancy

Lack of menstruation after an abortion can be caused by a number of reasons:

If there are no periods after an abortion, then you should urgently visit a doctor to find out the reason and take the necessary measures.

Duration of menstruation after abortion

After a gross intervention in the hormonal balance of the body, not only the time of the onset of menstruation, but also its duration can change. When asked about what menstruation is like after an abortion, gynecologists often answer that they are practically the same as before. The duration is usually 3-5 days, but some reasons may affect the time frame, including the following:

  • Too much long recovery hormonal background.
  • Abortion with complications, such as fetal particles remaining in the uterus.
  • Damage to the endometrium of the uterus during curettage.

Each woman’s body is individual, so what is considered normal for one may be a deviation for another.

Menstruation after medical abortion

Termination of pregnancy using this method is carried out in the presence of a doctor. Medicines provoke bleeding, along with which the exfoliated fertilized egg is released.

If everything goes without complications, then your period comes according to the established schedule, the day of the abortion is considered the first day of the cycle. Some women noted a slight delay, but most often this happened if they had an irregular cycle before the procedure.

If menstruation does not come after 40 days, then there is a reason to visit a doctor. Moreover, you should not postpone your visit if your period has arrived, but is too heavy, or the following symptoms are observed:

  • High temperature.
  • Dizziness with nausea.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

Although medical abortion is considered the most gentle for the body, it is impossible to predict everything.

The onset of menstruation after a vacuum abortion

It is possible to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in this way up to 7 weeks, preferably, of course, up to 5, so that there are fewer complications and the procedure is completed efficiently.

Your periods will return to normal after interruption in 30-45 days; their intensity should not differ from normal menstruation. There may be a delay, but no more than 2 weeks. If more time has passed and there is no discharge, then you should not look for the answer to the question of how long after an abortion your periods come, but it is better to rush to the doctor.

Many gynecologists note the unpredictability of this method of termination of pregnancy based on the timing of the onset of menstruation. In young girls who have not yet given birth, its absence can be observed for several months; for those who have given birth, the rehabilitation period sometimes drags on for 3-4 months.

Instrumental abortion and menstruation

Most often, getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is carried out in this way. A woman is so carried away by problems and work that she forgets when her period was last, and when she remembers and visits a doctor, it is too late to do a vacuum interruption or medication.

You can get rid of pregnancy before 22 weeks. After surgery, bleeding can be observed for up to 5 days, since in this case the uterine mucosa is severely injured. After termination of pregnancy surgically Menstruation should normally come in 30-45 days.

If this does not happen, then the reason may lie in the following:

  • A woman has such a peculiarity of her cycle.
  • Patient's age.
  • There was a hormonal imbalance.
  • There are complications.
  • History of gynecological problems.

Menstrual discharge should not have an unpleasant odor or be accompanied by pain, otherwise this indicates the presence of an infection.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Most often, if there are no periods after an abortion, this is evidence of a hormonal imbalance. It is important to see a doctor for effective treatment. If the symptoms are ignored, then the development of fibroids, breast or ovarian cysts, or other gynecological pathologies is possible.

The timing of the abortion plays one of the important roles, the larger it is, the more serious complications maybe. Recognize the presence of a failure in hormonal system possible based on the following criteria:

If the listed symptoms are present, then there is no need to delay a visit to the doctor. In the absence necessary treatment the condition will only get worse.

What to do if you miss your period after an abortion

Most doctors are inclined to believe that cycle disruption after an abortion is the norm; the body has experienced severe stress and needs to recover. In addition, each woman recovers at her own speed. Diseases that develop after abortion cause great concern among gynecologists. reproductive system, for example, fibroids or polycystic disease.

At long absence menstruation, you must visit a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe effective therapy. It implies:

  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • A smear to rule out infection.

A timely visit to a doctor will quickly eliminate the consequences of an abortion.

Complications after abortion

It is clear that termination of pregnancy is stressful for the body, but abortion can also provoke more serious consequences:

It has already been noted that the longer the period at which the pregnancy was terminated, the more serious the complications can be.

After an abortion by any means, the body needs time to recover. The woman should help him with this. Follow all recommendations of the gynecologist and carefully monitor your condition.

If you stick to the following tips, then recovery will be faster and without complications:

  • A new pregnancy after an abortion is undesirable for six months.
  • After an abortion, you should not visit a bathhouse, sauna, or take a bath for a month.
  • Do not have sex for two weeks after termination of pregnancy.
  • Do not lift heavy objects or engage in excessive physical activity.
  • Rest more, keep your nervous system calm.

Abortion never leaves its mark on women's health. This insidious operation can have an impact many years after it is carried out. Women, take care of yourself, treat yourself with great attention and love, do not subject yourself to such tests. With such a variety of contraceptives, this is now quite easy to do, and then you won’t have to look for the answer to the question of when your period comes after an abortion.

Often, many of us believe that medical termination of pregnancy is the most safe way avoid subsequent problems. After all, it would seem that I took a pill and the issue was resolved. And no troubles and certainly no pregnancy. And no one ever thinks about what kind of pill it is, what it consists of, and how exactly it makes our life easier.

In fact, a medical abortion entails many consequences and, often, they are much sadder than an abortion performed using the instrumental method.

The essence of medication interruption

Medical termination of pregnancy is a method of expelling the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity using pharmacological drugs. They are usually based on mifeprestone, a synthetic antigestogenic steroid that blocks the action of progesterone (the female hormone responsible for pregnancy) and increases the contractility of the uterine myometrium. Let's look at how pregnancy occurs.

On the 14-15th day of the menstrual cycle, the mature follicle releases the egg into the cavity of the fallopian tube, after which the sperm penetrates it and fertilization occurs. At the same time, the level of the hormone progesterone begins to increase, which entails an increase and restructuring of the uterine endometrium for the attachment of a fertilized egg and subsequently for the germination of the placental membrane. It also blocks the effect of oxytocin on the myometrium of the uterus, which prevents its contraction and the attachment of the egg.

Thus, we see that mifeprestone acts on the main moments of the beginning of pregnancy - the attachment of the egg to the endometrium and preventing its expulsion from the uterine cavity.

There is another drug emergency assistance– postinor. Main active substance Levonorgestral interferes with the implantation of a fertilized egg and increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which inhibits the advancement of sperm.

It would seem that everything is logical, the drugs act as they should, the effect is achieved. But not everything is as smooth as it seems to us at first glance. After an abortion, a colossal hormonal disruption occurs, which in turn leads to a change in the menstrual cycle.

Questions arising after an abortion

Many questions arise:

How many days will menstruation last then? How often should they go? How many days should it take for the menstrual cycle to resume? How often can you take it? this drug? How long after an abortion is sexual intercourse possible? Will I be able to get pregnant after this?

These questions are most often asked by women. After hormonal changes, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation may for a long time do not appear at all, or, on the contrary, appear at an unusual time for them. Bloody discharge takes on the most varied character - it becomes very abundant and lasts for a long time (more than 2 weeks), or, on the contrary, spotting discharge lasts for a short time.

It happens that the discharge takes on a different color, not characteristic of blood, or an unpleasant odor. Of course, this should alarm you, because Normal periods last 3-7 days with moderately heavy bleeding and with a break of 28-32 days. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist in order to avoid sad consequences. After all, there are cases, no matter how sad it may sound, that even with a single medical termination of pregnancy, women remain infertile.

People who have taken these drugs experience a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, sometimes severe nagging pain that radiates to the pubis and perineum, general weakness, malaise, severe headache, dizziness, nausea, profuse vomiting, hyperthermia, chills. These symptoms may continue for several days.

Of course, you can object, say that everything was fine with you, that your periods came on time without visual changes, that there were no side effects after the pill, you drank it and forgot. Yes, I agree, an adverse reaction to the drug occurs in 1-2% of women who take it. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But, in any case, a hormonal imbalance occurred after an abortion, and its restoration takes long time. Sometimes, the numbers reach 12-15 months. And even after so long term, the likelihood of remaining infertile is high.

Before using these medications, carefully read the instructions on the package, all indications and contraindications, complications and expiration dates.

The ideal option is to carry out a medical abortion under the guidance of an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. After the procedure, carefully monitor your periods and after a while, visit the doctor again in order to protect yourself and your loved one. reproductive function. Be vigilant and take care of your health.

After a woman has decided to have an artificial termination of pregnancy and even gone through the abortion procedure, she first of all begins to worry about the question: “When will your period start?” The first menstruation after removal of the fertilized egg largely depends on the method of termination of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Periods after medical abortion also start at different terms, and there are no clearly defined boundaries and norms. Therefore, if there is any suspicion of a failed abortion, the patient should consult a doctor. In addition, the gynecologist will advise optimal method contraception.

What is medical abortion?

Medical termination of pregnancy is the non-surgical removal of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity using special medications. Their main active ingredient is the substance Mifepristone, which belongs to hormonal drugs and is called an antiprogestin. The action of Mifepristone is based on changes in the body's hormonal levels, in particular on the suppression of progesterone activity , which is responsible for prolonging pregnancy.

During pregnancy, powerful hormonal changes occur in the body. Artificial termination of pregnancy, especially through pharmacological effects, causes changes in hormonal levels. In this regard, the timing of the onset of the first menstruation is quite difficult to determine. As a rule (in about 60% of cases), the first period begins after the usual period of time corresponding to the woman’s cycle. In this case, it is necessary to consider the first day of the menstrual cycle the first day when bleeding began after taking Mifepristone. After this, the duration of the menstrual cycle should be added to the date of the start of the abortion, which will be the date of the start of menstruation.

In some cases, deviations in the duration of the menstrual cycle are possible, up to ten days.

In exceptional and very in rare cases The first menstruation begins two months after a medical abortion. This is related to both individual characteristics body, and with possible hormonal disorders.

The nature of menstruation after a pharmacological abortion remains virtually unchanged. Sometimes it is possible to lengthen menstruation, increase the volume of blood loss (become more abundant) and the appearance or intensification of pain.

Factors influencing the speed of menstruation restoration

As noted above, restoration of the menstrual cycle and the body as a whole after a medical abortion depends on many factors. These include:

  • woman's age;
  • general health (presence of chronic diseases);
  • presence of gynecological diseases;
  • hormonal disorders(pathology thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.);
  • timing of termination of pregnancy (a slight delay in menstruation is optimal, when there are no reliable connection between the embryo and the uterine mucosa);
  • presence of physiological, uncomplicated childbirth before abortion;
  • professional qualities of a doctor;
  • quality of drugs used for pharmacological abortion.

Delayed menstruation

The effectiveness of medical abortion reaches 98%. If the patient notes a long (more than ten days) delay in menstruation In addition, if there are signs of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting), you need to take a pregnancy test, visit a doctor and have an ultrasound. In case of unconfirmed pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation where I would have to choose between pregnancy and my own health. I've been sick since childhood bronchial asthma, against the background of conception, attacks of suffocation became more frequent, and the doctor suggested terminating the pregnancy while it was still short with the help of pills. I only know that this method is the least traumatic, but I have not found any other accurate information, for example, when menstruation begins after a medical abortion or how a woman feels.

What is medical abortion?

Medication or pharmacological abortion is relatively safe option termination of pregnancy at a short period of time - up to 5-6 weeks on average, or, to be precise, up to the forty-second day, starting from the first day of the last menstruation. It is optimal to carry out a medical abortion for up to 4 weeks, when the fertilized egg is not yet properly attached to the wall of the uterus.

The procedure for pharmacological termination of pregnancy consists of a single dose of the special drug mifepristone (in the presence of a doctor and after the necessary examination). This blocks the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone and increases the sensitivity of the uterus to oxytocin, which promotes contractions. After 1.5-2 days, the woman takes another drug - misoprostol - in order to expel the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. After this, the doctor prescribes a control ultrasound examination to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure. There are frequent cases of unsuccessful medical abortion, when the fertilized egg does not leave the uterus on its own and one has to resort to vacuum aspiration or curettage.

When does menstruation normally start after a medical abortion?

The day when spotting begins after taking it is considered the beginning of the new menstrual cycle. Typically, this occurs 24-48 hours after the second drug for pharmacological abortion is prescribed.

If the procedure went without any problems, then menstruation after a medical abortion will begin 21-30 days later, depending on the usual duration of the menstrual cycle.

One should take into account the fact that termination of pregnancy, regardless of the method, is a serious stress and can negatively affect a woman’s hormonal levels, which will lead to disorders of the reproductive system.

When does your period start after a medical abortion, if something went wrong?

Often, after an abortion using pills, a woman complains of spotting that does not last for 6-7 days, but until the next menstruation. In this case, the development of inflammation of the uterus - endometritis - should be excluded if additional surgical intervention was performed, for example, curettage. It is likely that the reason prolonged bleeding is a failure of the menstrual cycle, which usually recovers within 3-4 months.

When do periods begin after a medical abortion, and what to do if they don’t happen?

A month has passed since the interruption, and there is still no menstruation - this situation occurs quite often, and naturally causes concern in the woman. Minor changes in the menstrual cycle are allowed, so if your period starts 10 days earlier or later, it’s too early to sound the alarm. However, reasons for concern can be both hormonal disorders due to abortion, and re-pregnancy if unprotected sexual intercourse took place. Sometimes it happens that pregnancy continues while taking abortion pills, as a result of which the woman does not have menstrual flow on time. Regardless of the reason for the delay, the first priority should be a visit to the gynecologist and ultrasound room to clarify the diagnosis.

One of the most gentle methods of abortion is medication. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy usually occurs on time or with a slight delay.

According to statistics, approximately 20% of women use abortion as a method of contraception. For a healthy female body, the most acceptable option is to use medical abortion to terminate an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy. This method is relatively safe for health, and it negative influence on the body in general and the woman’s reproductive system in particular is minimal. Complications that occur in very rare cases are fairly easy to treat. Agreeing to the procedure medication interruption pregnancy, it must be remembered that the shorter the gestational age, the less likely the appearance of complications in the body after the procedure.

1 The essence of medical abortion

The main contraindications to the use of medical abortion are:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • if you are pregnant for more than 7 weeks;
  • renal or heart failure;
  • the patient has porphyria, a hereditary disease characterized by a pathological disorder in the liver;
  • the presence of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • pronounced anemia.

If a woman smokes or has hypertension, or if she has surgical scars on the body of the uterus, the decision about whether to use a medical abortion is made by the attending physician.

When performing a medical abortion, they use various drugs, which have a similar effect on the woman’s body. Such drugs are:

  • mifegin;
  • Pencrofton;
  • Mifeprex;
  • mytholian.

All these medications are based on hormonal substance mifepristone.

  • The action of the drug is based on blocking the receptors of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining the state of pregnancy.

2 Advantages and complications when using pharmabort

Medical abortion is performed in the early stages of pregnancy and is the safest for a woman’s health. The safety of this method of abortion lies in the fact that when used, minimal trauma to the cervix and reproductive tract occurs. female system generally. This allows you to plan pregnancy and carry the desired child without any problems in the future.

After medical termination of pregnancy, there is no need to leave the woman in the hospital. Before the procedure, the woman undergoes the required examinations on an outpatient basis. First you need to undergo an ultrasound and do urine and blood tests. Anesthesia is not used for medical abortion.

Despite the fact that this technique has clear advantages, pharmabortion, like any other termination of pregnancy, is a test for the female reproductive system and the body as a whole. The consequences of the procedure may include short-term weakness of the body, headache, dizziness, vomiting and chills. During the process of intervention in the female body, malfunctions of many organs occur. The ovaries are particularly strongly affected; after termination of pregnancy, disruptions in their functioning are observed. are not restored immediately.

3 Restoration of the menstrual cycle

The next menstruation after using a medical abortion occurs in accordance with the woman’s established cycle. Most often, menstruation occurs after 28-35 days. After a medical abortion, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is performed; if, as a result of the examination, no remains of the fertilized egg are found in the uterine cavity, then the likelihood of complications is minimized.

Some patients after pharmaabortion complain in the first months of the appearance of abundant and painful menstruation. Strong analgesics are used in certain cases to relieve pain.

The occurrence of heavy bleeding is triggered by hormonal imbalances or endometriosis. The cause of heavy bleeding during the period is determined by the gynecologist when examining the woman. Most patients do not experience significant cycle disruptions after pharmaabortion. Sometimes there are delays of up to 10 days. If there is a delay of up to 10 days, there is no cause for concern. Most often, stabilization of menstruation occurs already from the second cycle.

The speed is determined by a whole range of factors, the main ones being:

  • woman's age;
  • her state of health;
  • term of termination of pregnancy;
  • quality of medicines used;
  • level of competence of the medical specialist.

At a young age, with a short period of pregnancy and appropriate quality of drugs, the restoration of the female body occurs already in the first 1-2 months after the interruption.

4 Delay and bleeding after termination of pregnancy

A long delay in the appearance of menstruation after an abortion may be a reason to consult a doctor. If there is a delay in visiting a doctor, you should not hesitate, especially in cases where there is a rise in body temperature or the woman feels cramping pain in the lower abdomen. In certain cases, the delay is accompanied by the appearance of toxicosis. These signs most often appear during an unfavorable termination of pregnancy, when part of the fertilized egg remains in the uterine cavity. When visiting a doctor, the latter prescribes an ultrasound, which is performed to determine the causes of unpleasant consequences interference in the body. The absence of menstruation for 40 days is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

The first day of a new cycle after pharmaabortion is the day when the fertilized egg is detached in the uterine cavity. During this period, the woman experiences bleeding, which is caused by the release of the egg from the organ cavity. Heavy discharge that appears on the first day is gradually replaced by spotting. In most cases, a woman experiences bleeding for 7-10 days after pharmaabortion. During this period, detachment of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus occurs. Detachment does not occur simultaneously throughout inner surface organ, but gradually, which determines the duration of bleeding. After an abortion, a woman is recommended to observe bed rest. Bleeding during this period is not considered a complication or disruption in the functioning of a woman’s body. Concerns during this period should be caused by scanty discharge, which indicates a closed state of the cervix. A closed cervix greatly complicates the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the organ cavity.

A complication is prolonged and heavy bleeding; this condition requires seeking medical attention from a doctor.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems with Menstrual cycle? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • copious or scanty discharge with clots
  • pain in the chest and lower back
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with the chief gynecologist of Russia, Leila Adamova, in which she revealed the simple secret of normalizing the menstrual cycle. Read the article...

The recovery of the body after the abortion procedure directly depends on the method chosen by the doctors. In addition, the experience of the specialist who conducted the event is important. For example, after a medication interruption, the body quickly returns to its normal operating mode. But surgical intervention often requires more serious rehabilitation measures.

The procedure excludes sexual activity for 3 weeks. It is recommended to abstain from sex until the end of your first menstruation.

Sexual intimacy is especially dangerous after surgery, as it can cause complications, for example, bleeding, rejection of the uterine lining. In this case, sexual intercourse will contribute to the penetration of infection into the body.

Recovery time physical health after an abortion lasts at least 2 weeks. Sports activities are prohibited during this time. This measure is necessary to ensure that the muscles in the abdominal area are at rest. Accordingly, you should not lift heavy objects. Successful physical recovery after such a procedure reduces the risk of complications.

You can postpone training for more long term if you don't have confidence in your abilities. In addition, a specialist will give recommendations on this matter during a routine examination.

To prevent bacteria or infection from entering the body, for some time they refrain from taking baths, swimming in pools and open bodies of water.

No less important during the rehabilitation period is proper nutrition. Similar procedures are severe stress for the body, so you need to saturate it with vitamins and microelements, as well as proteins and fiber.

Body temperature, blood pressure, and pulse are also regularly checked. It is necessary to constantly monitor the general condition of the woman. Any deviation from the norm may be a harbinger of a developing complication. Therefore, when alarming symptoms you need to see a doctor.

Strict adherence to personal hygiene eliminates the development of bacteria in the microflora of the genital organs. It is recommended to wash yourself several times a day. You should always wipe your skin dry. You may also need panty liners which should be changed every 3 hours. You should not resort to using tampons.

Recovery after an abortion is often accompanied by taking antibiotics. During this time, refrain from drinking alcohol. You should not use it for another week after finishing the medication course.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, the woman must follow a number of mandatory instructions:

  • Visit a gynecologist. 7-10 days after the procedure, go ultrasound examination small pelvis. This is done in order to identify the remains of fetal parts/exclude their presence. If complications occur, such as bleeding, ultrasound is performed earlier;
  • Visit to a mammologist. A specialist in this profile should also refer the patient for an ultrasound scan. In this case, the breasts should be checked;
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist. The doctor will help the woman restore normal hormonal levels, regulate the menstrual cycle, and give recommendations on physical rehabilitation;
  • Visit to a psychologist. Often a visit to to this specialist required to be applied to women who had to terminate their pregnancy due to forced measures. Often such patients do not cope well with what happened. Against this background, they experience depression, stress, nervous breakdowns. A qualified psychologist will give advice and help the woman recover on an emotional level.


Most often after an abortion procedure, incomplete release of the amniotic egg occurs. This situation requires intervention in the form of “cleaning”, which, in turn, increases the risk of damage to the lining of the uterus and its cervix.

As a result, bleeding may begin. If such a complication occurs, you must immediately contact the nearest medical facility.

The process of termination of pregnancy, after which fetal parts remain in the uterine cavity, leads to reproduction pathogenic organisms. IN similar situation the most favorable environment for the development of infection. If there is a wound to the mucous membrane, then in the absence necessary measures endometritis, salpingitis or purulent inflammation develops.

Such activities increase the risk of developing malignant tumors not only in the cervix and uterine cavity, but also in the ovaries, as well as the mammary glands.

Symptoms that require prompt medical attention and rehabilitation measures:

  • Heavy bleeding with blood clots;
  • High temperature that is not relieved by antibiotics;
  • Discharge that has a strong and unpleasant odor;
  • Severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • Signs of pregnancy - nausea, fainting, dizziness.

Restoration of the uterus and the body as a whole after an abortion must be accompanied by adequate rehabilitation measures. A woman should devote more time to herself and her health. After two weeks, you can begin to regain strength through minor physical training.

Restoring regular periods after an abortion

This procedure can be performed using different methods. The choice of one of these is based on the presence of contraindications and the duration of pregnancy. For example, the so-called mini-abortion (vacuum) is performed on early stages.

Full surgical intervention is carried out at later stages. It is also possible to terminate a pregnancy with the help of special medications. Each of these interventions assumes its own period of restoration of menstruation and the body as a whole.

Normally, the cycle lasts 21-35 days. It is regulated by hormones produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Returning to normal life directly depends on the onset of menstruation. The type of abortion intervention affects the restoration of the cycle. Surgical and medical interventions differ significantly in recovery time.

Types of medical abortions

The drug method is used when the period is no more than 7 weeks. Surgery is performed between 7 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. The latter is divided into two types: vacuum and curettage. The vacuum method is safer. It is worth noting that medication is also gentle.

But it should immediately be noted that self-administration similar drugs is fraught with complications, after which it is necessary to use vacuum aspiration. Curettage is used up to 5 months. The latter method of abortion is distinguished not only by the complexity of its implementation, but also by the number of possible complications.

When does the menstrual cycle resume after an abortion?

Mostly menstruation starts no later than 5 weeks later. Abortion is usually considered the first day of the cycle. If there is no menstruation, there is an infection or pregnancy. The gynecologist finds out the reason for the delay using an ultrasound.

The cycle after surgery may become shorter or longer, or shift. Recovery after a medical abortion also takes about a month. Usually, after two to three months, the cycle is completely restored, since pharmacological intervention is a gentle method and is carried out at an early stage.

After a mini-abortion, menstruation begins a month later, but may be painful and more abundant than usual. Infection is indicated by discharge from unpleasant smell or unusual color.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a great stress for the female body. Ideally, women should take care of their health and not end up in a situation where they need to have an abortion. But life is not perfect. A woman may want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy for the most various reasons. And that's her right.

Abortion negatively affects not only the physical, but also the mental state of a woman. Therefore, it is very important that she learns about what can be done before the procedure. postoperative period and what should be abandoned.

Types of termination of pregnancy

Before we talk about what not to do after an abortion, you need to learn about the types of this procedure.

Doctors today practice 3 types of abortion:

  • Drug.
  • Vacuum.
  • Instrumental.

This method of artificial termination is considered the most gentle, since it is not associated with surgical impact on the woman’s body. Its essence lies in taking certain drugs that block the production of progesterone in a woman. Without this important hormone the fertilized egg cannot develop. The lack of progesterone causes the cervix to dilate and the embryo to be released.

The medication method has the following features:

  • This method can only be used if the time frame is less than 7 weeks.
  • This method has some side effects.
  • This method involves the use of drugs such as mifepristone, mifegin and mifiprex. Their use always causes a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, which must be compensated for by taking other medicines.

Vacuum abortion

People also know it as a mini-abortion. This intervention is more gentle in comparison with instrumental abortion, since there are much fewer consequences after it.

An interruption using a vacuum apparatus is carried out without dilating the cervix. To remove the embryo, a special probe connected to a vacuum pump is used. It is inserted into the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg is literally sucked out.

This type of abortion has the following features:

  • It can only be performed if pregnancy does not exceed 8 weeks.
  • After such an abortion, the patient’s rehabilitation time is much shorter than with a surgical one.

Instrumental interruption

This is the most old look abortion. Doctors consider it outdated, but at the same time it is the most common in our country.

This type is carried out using special tools. They dilate the cervix and scrape out the organ cavity. The curettage procedure is painful, so it is performed under anesthesia. Before the operation, the woman is warned about this.

This type has the following features:

  • During the procedure, all actions of the gynecologist are monitored using an ultrasound machine.
  • The procedure can be performed during pregnancy up to 12 weeks.
  • During a surgical abortion, it often occurs mechanical damage organ walls, infection and rupture muscle tissue cervix.

Which type is the safest? According to the overwhelming majority of doctors, women tolerate pharmaboration most easily. This kind of abortion became widely used in 1990. It has the following advantages:

  • It is possible to get rid of the fertilized egg before the embryo is formed. That is, the pregnancy is terminated at the earliest stages.
  • This type of abortion takes place without damaging the endometrium of the uterus, which increases the likelihood of another pregnancy.

Instrumental abortion poses the greatest danger, since curettage often causes various negative consequences.

What should you not do after an abortion?

Regardless of the type of abortion After the procedure, the woman must adhere to the following rules:

Alcohol after medication interruption

Is it possible to drink alcohol after an abortion?, if he was medicated? Many women ask this question. The answer is obvious: alcohol is prohibited for a certain time, since it can cause quite unpleasant consequences.

Mifepristone is most often used for pharmaabortion surgery. This drug greatly disrupts the mechanism of pregnancy, causing it to be terminated. In this case, the medicine affects not only the uterus and fertilized egg, but also the entire woman’s body, causing a general systemic failure. It is for this reason that Mifepristone and alcohol are incompatible. The risk of development is too great various problems with health. In addition, alcoholic drinks can neutralize the effects of the drug, which can cause an incomplete abortion.

Even if an interruption is considered gentle, this does not mean that it is completely safe for a woman’s body. Such a procedure still remains a gross intervention in the body, which is not without consequences. Therefore, after any abortion, a woman needs time and energy to recover. Drinking alcohol reduces the immune system and takes away the necessary strength.

Alcohol causes not only physiological, but also psychological harm.


Alcohol entering the human body causes vasodilation. Because of this, there is a rush to the uterus more blood, which can enhance uterine bleeding which always happens after using Mifepristone . This can lead to massive blood loss and life threatening.

Alcohol can also reduce the effect of the drug. As a result, there is a risk of incomplete termination of pregnancy. In this condition, surgery cannot be avoided. If curettage of the uterus is not carried out in time, a source of infection may appear in the cavity of the organ. Even if it can be dealt with, with a high degree of probability the woman will no longer be able to have children.

Very often after an abortion for preventive purposes women start taking antibiotics. As is known, this group of drugs is incompatible with alcohol, as it can cause problems with the liver and kidneys.


No woman experiences joy after such stress. But everyone is familiar with the feeling of loss, regret and sadness. For many women, alcohol becomes a way to temporarily get rid of negative emotions. And here lies the main danger. The fact is that alcoholic drinks can hardly improve your mood. They only aggravate negative emotions, which become stronger during the hangover period. As a result, starting with small doses of alcohol, the woman gradually increases them. How the result arises alcohol addiction, which is extremely difficult for women to cope with.

Doctors strongly advise women not to resort to alcoholic drinks to combat emotional problems. It's better to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist. The latter may prescribe antidepressants.

Decoctions of motherwort or valerian can be a worthy replacement for medications. They are able to calm a woman down.

When can you drink alcohol after a medical abortion?

Considering that the main effect of Mifepristone occurs in the first 3 days, but at the same time it affects the body for at least 2 weeks, we can talk about an acceptable return to drinking alcohol. after three weeks after the intervention by medication. But even in this case, you need to remember that alcohol can be a factor that provokes the development of any complications.

Possible consequences of drinking alcohol after a medical abortion

Every woman decides for herself whether or not to drink alcohol after an abortion. Outsiders cannot influence such a decision. However, they should try to convey to her information about possible consequences wrong decision. Doctors call the main consequences of drinking alcohol:


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, a woman must limit herself in many ways in order to maintain her health and also have the opportunity to become a happy mother in the future. And first of all, one should give up alcohol. Not a single woman has yet managed to drown out the feeling of guilt and become healthier with the help of alcoholic beverages. It's hardly worth experimenting on yourself.

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For more than 25 years, it has been possible to non-surgically terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The use of special medications makes it possible to perform an abortion even in the earliest stages of pregnancy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of medical abortion?

What is medical abortion: a brief description of the procedure

(or abortion without surgery) is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy without surgery, but with the help of special drugs.

The idea of ​​terminating pregnancy with the help of drugs was nurtured by doctors and scientists for a long time, but it was only in the 70s of the last century that it appeared real opportunity do this effectively and relatively safely for the woman. At this time, France developed medicinal substance Mifepristone, which is an antiprogestin. In the early 80s, large-scale studies of mifepristone as an abortion drug began in Geneva, and already in the late 80s in France they began to use the method of medical termination of unwanted pregnancies using mifepristone, prostaglandins and other drugs.

As social and medical research conducted in European countries, women prefer medical abortion for various reasons. On the one hand, there is fear of surgery. And secondly, it is easier to hide a medical abortion from loved ones if a woman does not want her relatives or friends to know about this procedure.

What are the main advantages of medical abortion over surgical abortion?

In addition to the lack of need for surgical intervention and the ability to hide the abortion from your loved ones, medical abortion has many advantages, including:

  • Medical abortion can be performed in the earliest stages of pregnancy: from the first day of missed menstruation until 6-7 weeks. At this time, the fertilized egg is still quite poorly attached to the uterus, and pronounced hormonal changes not yet observed. After a set period, the effectiveness of medical abortion decreases markedly. Terminating pregnancy at a very early stage allows you to minimize hormonal stress on the body.
  • With a medical abortion, the risk of infection, development adhesive processes, injuries to the uterine cavity, the development of endometritis and other gynecological complications that occur during surgical abortion.
  • Medical abortion - painless procedure(especially for women who have given birth). U nulliparous women Minor pain may occur that does not require anesthesia.
  • Eliminates the risk of infection with severe viral diseases(for example, hepatitis or).
  • The risk of developing secondary infertility is eliminated.
  • Medical abortion is very similar to heavy menstruation, and the woman psychologically perceives it as a natural process.
  • To have a medical abortion, a woman does not need to go to an inpatient department.
  • Medical abortion is also suitable for women at a young age who are forced to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

How does medical abortion occur - description of the procedure

Medical abortion is a procedure that mandatory should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor after all necessary examinations. A medical abortion takes place in several stages, including:

  1. Preliminary inspection. After pregnancy is detected, the woman goes to a gynecologist for a preliminary examination. The doctor examines the patient and performs an ultrasound to determine the gestational age and establish the fact that the fetus is developing in the uterus. Then the patient must confirm her desire to terminate the pregnancy and sign the appropriate documents.
  2. Analyzes. After establishing the pregnancy period, a woman should undergo blood tests (for blood type, Rh factor), Wasserman reaction and a smear for flora. If the tests are normal and there are no contraindications, then the doctor gives the woman the drug to drink (usually 3 tablets of 200 mg each). You should not eat food 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking mifepristone.
  3. Second visit to the doctor 36-48 hours after taking the drug. The next stage of medical abortion is the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterus. To do this, women are given prostaglandins and clearly instructed about all possible sensations which can occur when the fetus is expelled from the uterus. Typically, the woman is asked to remain in the clinic for 24 hours to monitor her condition. Sometimes a woman is allowed to go home provided that she strictly adheres to all recommendations, and if severe pain- be sure to contact your doctor or take the permitted ones.
  4. First control ultrasound. 3 days after taking the drug, the woman should appear for the first control ultrasound. If remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterus, the doctor decides how to proceed.
  5. Second control ultrasound and examination. The second time, the woman should appear for a second examination 7-14 days after taking the drug (the doctor will inform you exactly about the timing). If necessary, the doctor will refer you for various analyzes, in particular, the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Medical abortion: pregnancy periods at which it is permissible to terminate the pregnancy

Medical abortion can be performed up to 42-49 days from the first day last menstrual period. The effectiveness of medical abortion increases when it is performed in the early stages. After the allotted 42-49 days, the effectiveness of medical termination of pregnancy decreases markedly, due to which there may be a need for other methods of termination of pregnancy (vacuum aspiration, surgical abortion).

After taking mifepristone, a woman should take prostaglandins 36-48 hours later. Then, after 3 days, you need to come for a follow-up examination. Another examination is carried out 7-14 days after taking mifepristone.

Consequences of medical abortion

What happens during a medical abortion? After taking 600 mg of mifepristone, a process is launched aimed at the death of the fetus. Mifepristone binds to progesterone receptors, thereby blocking the action of the hormone, which stimulates endometrial growth. In this case, the woman restores the sensitivity of the myometrium to the hormone oxytocin. The myometrium begins to contract intensively, which leads to termination of pregnancy.

36-48 hours after taking mifepristone, a woman takes prostaglandins, under the influence of which the uterus begins to contract vigorously, which leads to the expulsion of the fetus from its cavity.

Complications of medical abortion

Medical abortion is considered the most safe method termination of pregnancy, and at the same time it is not without its drawbacks. In particular, when taking medications (especially large doses prostaglandins) are possible adverse reactions, among which the following most often occur:

  • Painful sensations. During a medical abortion, various painful sensations are possible that require pain relief. In this case, everything will depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body, her emotional state and pain threshold. The doctor will first tell the woman about possible pain and recommend antispasmodics and analgesics. It is strictly not recommended to take medications on your own.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Pregnancy itself, which causes toxicosis, can lead to such symptoms. However, prostaglandins prescribed by your doctor can also cause nausea and vomiting. As a rule, such side effects occur extremely rarely. They go away on their own, but in some cases the use of antiemetic drugs is also acceptable.
  • High temperature. In some cases, prostaglandins prescribed to a woman to enhance contractile activity uterus, contribute to the body. As a rule, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees and lasts for several hours. If high temperature lasts more than 4 hours, then this, as a rule, is not associated with taking medications, but rather is a consequence of an infectious-inflammatory process. You should tell your doctor about these symptoms. Special treatment may be required.
  • Diarrhea- occurs relatively often, but is short-term in nature and when taken antidiarrheal drugs doesn't need it.
  • Heavy bleeding. As with, medical abortion is accompanied by heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding perhaps in cases where a woman has problems with blood clotting.
  • Hematometra. This is an accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity, which can occur after a medical abortion. This condition develops due to spasm of the cervix, and hematometra can be eliminated using medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for medical abortion

There are some circumstances in which medical abortion is contraindicated:

  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases female genital organs;
  • impressive size;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • extragenital pathologies of severe forms;

After a medical abortion

Immediately after a medical abortion, a woman should start using contraceptives, since a subsequent pregnancy may occur before her period appears.

It is worth keeping in mind that in very rare cases, after a medical abortion, the pregnancy is not terminated. And if a woman then decides not to terminate the pregnancy, then she must understand that the fetus may have some congenital pathologies while taking medications for medical abortion. In particular, there are known cases teratogenic effects prostaglandins to the fetus. According to statistics, for every 1,000 births after an unsuccessful medical abortion, there are 10 congenital defects.

Pregnancy is a wonderful state in a woman’s life that brings joy if it is planned. But, unfortunately, there are cases when a woman is forced to terminate her pregnancy through abortion.

Then, the most gentle option is to carry out medical abortion. In medicine there are many drugs that lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Any abortion is risk to preserve reproductive function in the future. Therefore, the topic of pregnancy after medical abortion worries many women.

Most women Those who have an abortion sooner or later regret it. And if they then manage to get pregnant again and give birth healthy children, then we can consider it luck. Many women after abortion they remain infertile forever.

There are cases when medical abortion is necessary medical indications, for example, when infected with some infectious diseases(tuberculosis, ) or malignant neoplasms when urgent radiation or chemotherapy is required.

Then, important so that the termination of pregnancy takes place with least complications and in the future allowed a woman to fulfill her main function.

Since medical abortion is considered the least traumatic for the body, pregnancy after it can occur almost immediately.

On the ability to get pregnant after a medical abortion, the ability of the female body to quickly restore its hormonal levels, which were suddenly disrupted by artificial intervention, is affected.

Some hormonal balance returns to normal by the next menstrual cycle. And other women repeat unsuccessful attempts for several years.

Each organism is individual, and no one will give an exact answer about the possibility of getting pregnant after a medical abortion.

Let's go into more detail let's focus on the recommendations, compliance with which will quickly bring the body into normal condition and prepare him for the planned conception.

Firstly, after any abortion, including medical abortion, female body should rest at least 6 months.

During this period, hormonal levels are restored and the injured uterine mucosa returns to normal. Then new pregnancy is more likely to be able to persist and will proceed favorably. That's why, within six months For protection, it is necessary to use a reliable method of contraception.

If pregnancy occurs unplanned and early, then very high risk or occurrence.

Also, if the body has not recovered after a medical abortion, fetal malformations may develop, and many other pathological conditions.

If this nevertheless happened and you became pregnant after a medical abortion ahead of time, then it is necessary consult a doctor immediately and undergo a full medical examination.

Often in such situations women have to remain under hospital observation for a long time to maintain pregnancy.

Proper planning is the key to success

To have a successful medical abortion, you must follow some recommendations.

Firstly, after six months of recovery It is imperative to undergo examination again, both for the woman herself and for the future father of the child.

Particular attention should be paid tests for hormones and hidden urogenital infections. The latter often bloom magnificently after an abortion and are an additional unfavorable factor for conception.

For successful pregnancy after medical abortion it's important to exclude everything bad habits , stick to healthy image life, if possible, get rid of excess weight.

Additionally a woman must cure all her chronic foci of infection, protect yourself from infection with viral and bacterial seasonal infections.

Important establish proper nutrition and ensure sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in food.

The correct production of estrogens, that is, those hormones that are responsible for conception, depends on them. For the same reasons Stress and overwork should be avoided.