Dream interpretation of why you dream of a broken mobile phone. Why dream of breaking a phone or screen - interpretation of dream books

Seeing a cinema screen in a dream - soon you will be invited to a party, which will smoothly turn into making love with one of the guests. A casual relationship will disappoint you.

Breaking the TV screen - if you do not show maximum patience, then you are in danger of a quarrel with your sexual partner. What makes you so nervous is actually not something indecent or forbidden - give your loved one pleasure, and you will see, you will feel good too.

If you saw in a dream a computer monitor screen with some important information, it means that soon your partner will surprise you with new caresses. The state of bliss will be overshadowed by only one thought - where did he learn this?

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Telephone

To meet insincere people.

Hearing the phone ringing is a sign of unexpected news.

Call on the phone and get through to the subscriber - you will meet a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, you can’t get through to a woman.

A woman dreams of a telephone conversation - she has many envious people, but they will not harm her.

You receive a long-awaited message by fax - you will have to make a lot of effort to complete the work you started.

Send a message by phone - you can quickly navigate the changed situation and find the only one the right way out.

Interpretation of dreams from

People believe that a dream carries enough information, which means that its meaning can be treated with understanding. Some people wonder what it means to see broken phone in dreams. If you really explain its purpose, then it’s just that it is next to a person throughout the day. Sometimes when this device breaks down, a person panics, since it contains a lot of information and the price was significant.

It is believed that in order to correctly understand the meaning of any dream, it is better to remember as many details as possible. What caused the breakdown, how did the person influence it, could it have been avoided?

Most often, this can talk about a person’s experience, namely the relationship between people. If you don’t go into more detail, then when you break an old phone in a dream, it’s all just getting rid of unnecessary things in reality.

As already noted, the phone often has enough information even if it is broken, lost or forgotten important information, resulting in problems. Some dream books explain this dream as a negative phenomenon, loss of communication with loved ones, broken dreams. Subconsciously, a person has a fear of losing something important.

Also, such a dream may indicate that in the near future you may lose contact with a loved one. Often in dream books I interpret a dream about a broken phone as an approaching serious quarrel. In addition, given the features and little things, this is unexpected news.
If you remember why this happened with the telephone set, then they will become the main ones for changing the real life. If the screen breaks, then a person needs to think about his actions in life, since something goes wrong and can become a hindrance. This may indicate problems at work or in communicating with people.

If the phone does not break, but becomes a pleasant gift, such a dream, as they say, changes in life are not far off, and drastic and pleasant ones at that. Thanks to such changes, life will become better and more cloudless. A stolen phone does not promise anything good or positive; if this happened in a dream, it is better to prepare for disappointments and unpleasant news.

If, on the contrary, the phone is found in a dream, then this good sign and you can begin new discoveries and endeavors, as everything will work out. There is a loss of a means of communication in the form of drowning; here there is a desire to part with loved ones or friends at the level of emotional arousal. All dreams carry something in themselves, but everyone approaches it in their own way.

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Dreams about the phone stationary type or mobile device occur quite often and in in a general sense talk about obtaining important information on everyday topics from a variety of sources.

These can be either publicly available information channels, such as radio and television, or personal connections. If you heard phone call– this is an additional signal; to pay attention to the information you have received, you need to act in accordance with this guidance. Let's find out why we dream about the phone, and what the coming day has in store for us?

According to the dream book, the telephone symbolizes in night visions a person’s need for communication and contact with other people. Greatest invention of humanity, telephone communication is capable of connecting people at any distance from each other, so it is clear why the telephone is dreamed of - the dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to become close to someone, to find a connection with the person he likes.

Why do you dream mobile phone? A cell phone is interpreted in much the same way as a landline, there is not much difference - the dream symbolizes communication, external connections, personal relationships. If in a dream you came across an unusual cell phone, remember how you saw him.

As the dream book explains, a bright-colored mobile phone portends pleasant changes, a successful period in life and, possibly, a business trip that will seem easy and exciting to you. A dark, pressing shade on the psyche warns of possible failures at work.

How did you see him?

In some cases, a telephone means unexpected news that you should receive any day now. Some interpreters believe that if you dreamed about a telephone, there are obstacles ahead or unforeseen difficulties that will suddenly appear on your way. Seeing a phone also means a life choice, since often we are left with a choice: answer the call or not pick up the phone. It’s interesting to know what a phone number means in dreams. If you saw or heard a number in a dream, expect new news.

A new phone that you buy in a dream means the need for a new source of information that will appear in your life. It is worth envying those lucky people who dreamed of a phone they bought in a dream - in reality they have real chance buy a new phone.

  • Payphone - for fleeting acquaintances.
  • Telegraph - troubles in business.
  • Receive a message by fax - you will need maximum effort to successful completion affairs.
  • Sending a message by fax means you will quickly navigate a difficult situation and act in the only right way.

Let’s try to clarify the situation and understand why you dream of a broken phone. Seeing a broken phone of an old model means getting rid of outdated views and getting a new one. up-to-date information. Breaking a telephone means your level of aggressiveness and harshness will increase enormously, and you will try to throw out these emotions on others.

A broken screen means your insensitivity to other people, your inability to read their thoughts. A split screen also speaks of your instability and rudeness - try to behave more restrained so as not to lose friends. Many broken or damaged mobile devices- an unkind sign, but you shouldn’t expect tragedy, just stay positive under any circumstances, and all troubles will pass by.

Telephone conversations

Talking to someone on the phone is a favorable sign; outside help will soon come to you. Another source states that telephone conversation means that in real life you will be entrusted with important information, which you will use to your advantage or, in other words, you will reveal a secret to strangers, although this should not be done. You can predict the consequences yourself, since only you know how significant and secret this information is.

There are several interpretations of why the fair half of humanity dreams of a telephone.

  • For a young woman, talking in a dream means that there are rivals in her life who are tormented by a feeling of envy towards this woman.
  • Talking on the phone means that the woman’s chosen one cannot act exactly as she would like, but his feelings for her are sincere.

If a woman dreamed of a conversation with, or a loved one, it means that a conversation with him may actually take place in the near future. There is an invisible connection between lovers or loved ones that is not afraid of any distance; such a dream appears as a reminder of a person dear to the dreamer.

Hearing a bell in a dream means receiving some important information in real life. Calling someone, but not hearing an answer because the number was dialed incorrectly - in reality, you have not fully formulated your thought in order to convey it to someone. They call you in a dream, but you do not answer the call - right now you are not interested in communicating with other people, you would like peace. Seeing yourself as if from the outside and having a conversation on the phone - you are eager to communicate with the person you are interested in, or you want to reveal your potential.

One source states that an incoming call to your phone means that gossip awaits you in the future, which you yourself will spread, being a link in the chain of rumors. All this will not cause you trouble - rather, it will even bring you pleasure, which cannot be said about the subject on whose head these problems have fallen. Advice: think about those around you, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. There are many reasons to do something more valuable than small talk.

Lost or stolen device

Many people will be interested to know why they dream of a stolen phone? phone reflects the dreamer's fear of being alone. If your mobile phone is stolen, then separation or separation from your loved one is possible ahead. But at the same time, the theft of this thing speaks of a completed relationship that both partners are tired of. If your cell phone was stolen in a dream, don’t rush to get upset, now you have the opportunity to build new relationships and find true love.

Let's find out why you dream about a lost phone. The loss of this object in a dream often reflects our subconscious fear of losing communications with this world. Losing a telephone does not entail any fateful changes - most likely, the dream was caused by your fears or fear of losing this thing in reality.

Losing a cell phone in your vision or unsuccessfully looking for it in all places - you need to turn close attention on the information you receive: it is quite possible that this is suspicious and unsubstantiated information. Why do you dream of finding a phone? If you managed to find a phone in a dream, expect great luck in the future; your old friend will help you in implementing your plans.

There are a lot of dreams associated with it that predict changes in communication. In general, a telephone means communication, contact and social circle.

For many people, it also plays the role of an electronic wallet, which can be used to pay for purchases without cash.

Therefore, any plots with damage or its unsuitability mean negative changes both in your financial well-being and in communication with other people, including in love.

This is what dreams of a broken phone mean most often.

Step on it and ruin it

The dream book does not interpret stories in which, after purchasing a new smartphone, you sat on it, accidentally stepped on it, or someone else did it. Such pictures indicate that you are afraid of such a turn of events, but nothing like this will happen to your phone, neither in a dream nor in reality.

However, if you do not have any concerns about the integrity of your smartphone or mobile phone, but dreamed that it was damaged or broken, it means that your environment will soon change.

Pay attention to where and under what circumstances this happened. It happens that such dreams come true literally, exactly as they dreamed.

Breaking a phone by accident, without the intervention of hooligans, and collecting the fragments and parts is a sign of trouble. Most likely, the relationship with the person important to you will deteriorate forever, and you will no longer be able to restore anything.

For lovers, such a plot predicts a break in relationships and loss of connection with a loved one. It is possible that he has already made an important decision, but will tell you about it only in a few days.

Please note with whom lately you communicated and from whom you were expecting a call. It is with this person that your relationship can deteriorate forever.

What does a vision mean if in a dream you sat on your phone or broke it without the participation of hooligans and troubled persons? Most likely, you yourself will ruin your relationships with your loved ones and loved ones.

This dream predicts changes in your life, as well as a possible break with those who are dear to you. It is possible that you yourself will change so much that you stop communicating with your friends, but you will not regret it.

After such a dream, betrayal, revelation of some kind of deception or intrigue is possible.

Hooligan prank

If your mobile phone is broken during a fight or attack by hooligans, beware of interference in your life or some kind of conflict. It is possible that such a plot will come true literally, exactly the same as you dreamed of it. Remember the place where it crashed so that you can avoid such trouble in the future. Although most often such a dream has a symbolic interpretation. It is possible that it is at this point that you find out that your loved one does not love you or that a friend has decided to stop all communication with you.

Pay attention to the gender and age of the bullies who are causing your phone to break. The dream book writes that a battle with children or teenagers who behave inappropriately predicts troubles for you due to conflicts with internal childhood problems and complexes.

Dreaming of a fight with young men symbolizes teenage fears that can ruin your mood and relationships with other people. Perhaps problems that occurred at a very young age of the dreamer, but have not yet completely gone away, can ruin your personal life.

If an unfamiliar girl or a group of female teenagers decided to break your phone, then the troubles may be related to teenage behavior dreamers.

Perhaps in some situation she will behave childishly - and therefore lose favor important person or groups of people.

What if your cell phone was broken by a friend, classmate or girl you know? She will be to blame for the breakdown of the relationship, fully or partially. It is possible that this person is gossiping behind your back.

If she handed you your broken phone, damaged by others, it means that you will learn the unpleasant news from her. If a guy damaged his smartphone or trampled on it, beware of jealousy as if it were your own young man, and a secret admirer.

Especially if you dreamed that you yourself witnessed an unpleasant scene of damage to your property.

Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Nowadays, it is the thing that few people leave home without, and which is always at hand. This determines some importance of your favorite device. Does this mean that a broken phone screen in a dream is a metaphorical image of losing something equally dear to your heart? Each dream book interprets a dream in its own way, but the quintessence of the descriptions will help you come to the right conclusion about a possible prophecy.

Did you break something in your dream? Why would this be?

When answering the question about why you dream of breaking your phone, you need to approach it step by step. And to begin with, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out why you dream of simply breaking something.

Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s internal uncertainty, that is, the subconscious directly indicates that it is precisely this trait that prevents him from achieving his goals. It is worth taking this hint from your inner self into account, becoming more decisive in your actions and choices, casting aside doubts - and perhaps this will be the key to future success.

What does a telephone mean in a dream?

Second important nuance, which needs to be addressed special attention when deciphering a dream about a broken phone - the device itself as such. What could he be dreaming about? What can be the interpretation of dreams? The phone is dreamed of when the dreamer has strong desire to contact someone, or vice versa - the same desire on the part of his loved ones, relatives, or even unfamiliar or even strangers.

Mobile phone

A cell phone appears in a dream when someone from the sleeper’s environment tries to attract his attention. This may also mean that some fact is escaping the dreamer’s attention, and he needs to concentrate and gather himself properly in order to notice that piece of the puzzle, without which he is not able to assemble the whole picture. A cell phone can also appear in a dream, foreshadowing a meeting with someone, and this someone will surprise you with their behavior or even shock you.

Why do you dream about breaking your phone?

Breaking a phone in a dream is not a very good sign. One interpretation says that the dreamer will face a series of minor problems. Minor troubles, of course, do not greatly poison life, but there is little pleasant in them either. At the very least, it is definitely within their power to spoil your nerves.

A broken phone screen symbolizes that life situation when things are decided at random, blindly. That is, the dreamer does not have sufficient, accurate or reliable information regarding his problem, task or person. Just as cracks on the screen make it difficult to see the image, the lack of data makes it difficult to understand the situation. But just as a phone can be repaired, reality can be changed if you direct your energy and actions in the right direction.

"According to Freud"

You can, of course, break your phone in a dream completely by accident. But it can also be done in a fit of anger. Then dreams indicate the dreamer’s raging rage, which he is trying to suppress and hide in his soul. In this case, the telephone is just an attribute, and in itself it means little. And I dreamed because in modern world, as mentioned above, this device is constantly present, deposited in memory and pops up at the first call of the unconscious. Meanwhile, the subconscious is worried about something completely different - aggression that needs to be directed towards something. Murakami also argued that feelings cannot be hidden inside, otherwise they will die. Anger is a negative emotion, which means this force needs to be used as soon as possible, and preferably in a positive way. This is such a paradox. And the dream book advises the healthiest and most natural option - sex.

But what if it’s an accident?

If you suddenly dream that the phone is broken by pure chance, and the dreamer is not at all to blame for this, then the interpretation of such a night vision will be completely different. It is difficult to call such a dream a dream - it will rather be upset by what you saw. Unfortunately, the same feelings will arise in reality.

Let's look through the dream book some more. Broken phone - pretty interesting symbol, and such a dream can tell you a lot.

Telephone as a symbol of communication

From some point on, the pace of life began to intensify, the rhythm began to accelerate, telephone communication became the norm, and sometimes even more so. a common occurrence than live face-to-face conversations. That is why the mobile phone clearly symbolizes the dreamer’s relationship with his environment.

Seeing a phone in a dream, and even more so breaking it, means worrying about a possible misunderstanding with your friends. The dream book advises: what needs to be said will be said, which means there is no need to worry and spoil your nerves, in vain. Frankness in this matter - best helper. She is close friend understanding and trust.

What the dream book will tell you about: a broken phone

There are several more interpretations that bring closer the disclosure of the exciting secret. Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Such a dream may mean problems with perception hidden information. The dreamer is recommended to work more on his ability to read between the lines.

You can break a phone in a dream even when in reality you need to get rid of “junk” in your life, unnecessary things that only bring stagnation and hinder your progress. Such night vision is a sign, a call to action.

Mobile phone is a storehouse of information

Modern smartphones give their owners the opportunity not only to call other people and communicate via SMS. Functions such as a camera, player, and Internet access contribute to the fact that the phone becomes a repository of a huge amount of information in a wide variety of formats, all kinds, shapes and sizes. What does all this lead to? The dream book is based on the fact that each person puts a part of himself into the device. In addition, he doesn’t bother to remember many things, because they are already in the smartphone. That's why, if you dreamed of a broken phone, one of the possible interpretations will be as follows: the dreamer will forget or lose something very important, and problems will arise because of this. To avoid such a development of events, it is recommended to rely more on yourself, but at the same time be more prudent, set priorities and protect what comes first more than everything else. You may even have to be careful and play it safe for a while.

Negative sign or just unconscious fear?

The above interpretations can hardly be called positive. However, just seeing a phone in a dream does not mean at all that fate hastily began to prepare for you unpleasant surprise. And even if so, it is not a fact that this bad thing will actually happen. If you dreamed of a broken phone, then most likely such an image simply symbolizes some subconscious fears of the sleeper.

For example, such a dream may mean that in reality a person is simply afraid of losing something very expensive, and not at all the fact of loss itself. As soon as the one to whom the described dream appeared in the darkness of the night realizes his true feelings, copes with them and with possible impending problems, life will become much easier for him.

And troubles with loved ones may even turn out to be imaginary. It is always worth considering the fact that everything that a person sees in a dream are echoes of what he has already seen, knows, or is thinking about. The dreamer may be mistaken in his conjectures, and if he relies on night visions, this will not lead to anything good. After all, in essence, it’s just a vicious circle. Pouring from empty to empty.

Other meanings

A broken phone screen in a dream is often associated with scandals and quarrels in reality. There is also a well-known interpretation that talks about some unexpected news. Whether they are good or bad - the dream book does not specify this. And, unfortunately, this is not something that the dreamer can control. In this case, it is better to rely on the principle that says: what is supposed to happen will happen anyway.

Coming changes - that's what else a phone that crashes in a dream can promise. In order to more accurately unravel such a vision, you should remember the dream down to the smallest detail. The part where the device crashes is very important: remember why this happened? And in reality, try to avoid such situations.

The next meaning of a dream in which the phone broke indicates that it is time for the dreamer to learn to take responsibility for his actions, because his rash actions cause harm to both him and those around him. It's time to grow up and become more prudent before relationships with loved ones are completely ruined.

In conclusion

So, why dream of breaking your phone? The interpretation of such a night vision (or day vision) is influenced by a sufficient number of factors: under what circumstances it happened, what emotions it was accompanied by and what consequences it turned out to have. The question of what and whose phone it was was also important. It is impossible to take into account all the nuances. The most probable interpretations of such a dream are described above, but to be completely sure, the dreamer should clarify the details of the dream and look in the dream book what they mean.

So, for example, if you break a phone in a dream that is not yours, but someone else’s, then the meaning of the dream will probably concern the owner of the device. And if, despite the obvious unfavorability of the event, it only caused positive emotions(after all, dreams are sometimes very strange and illogical), then in reality you should expect something good. Even if we take into account that most interpretations are still negative.

And one more important point. Remember who broke the phone? The dreamer or his environment? Depending on this, control over further events in life is determined.

The last version of the interpretation is very logical and extremely simple: maybe the dream only means that even the subconscious is striving for a new device, because the old device is already pretty tired?