Water fasting is the correct entry and exit from the diet. Water fasting - preparation, entry and exit from the diet, results

Proper fasting

Fasting - effective way bring your weight back to normal and cleanse your body. However, if you start it without being properly prepared, you can get a completely opposite result. And you need to prepare not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, preparation for fasting is the most important stage therapeutic fasting. The right attitude will help you freely endure a period of complete abstinence from food, so you need to set a goal and firmly decide to achieve it without giving up in the face of difficulties.

Planning a Fast

First you need to decide on the amount of weight that you need to lose during the fasting period. To somehow structure the process, even before starting the procedure, draw up a table that would reflect your current weight and figure parameters and those that you are trying to achieve. The main column, naturally, will be weight.

When preparing for fasting, you need to determine the desired result, and you should take into accountashi individual characteristics physique. Maybe the weight you want to be is genetically impossible for you. The goal must be realistic.

When should you fast?

The body tolerates fasting most easily in the summer: due to the heat, appetite decreases. But in winter, the body strives to stock up on energy, which is why a person’s appetite at this time is appropriate.

In addition, it is better to schedule the fasting period during your vacation, because combining work and fasting is very difficult. It is also better that there are no holidays during this period, otherwise there will be a great temptation to “jump off” and try some interesting dish at the festival. And this will immediately return you to the initial stage.

How should you start fasting?

Starting fasting without preparation is very dangerous for the body: first it needs to be brought to this. Start by gradually reducing your food portions.

About a week before the start of the fasting period, switch to, replacing meat and fatty heavy meals with vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of fiber, which will prepare your intestines for fasting. You should also avoid spices, seasonings and alcohol, as they increase appetite.

When preparing for fasting, experts recommend. You can use regular enemas for this. This procedure will make it easier for you to endure fasting, reduce intoxication and muffle the feeling of hunger.

And don't forget about a positive attitude! Exactly from psychological readiness depends on the ease of achieving the goal.

Effect of therapeutic fasting:

When you have already tried all the known diets, but the desired result has not been achieved, you can try on yourself a world-famous method that will help you lose weight and also cleanse the body. This method was proposed by American naturopath Paul Bragg. Fasting is, according to the author, the key to the health of the body and fast weight loss. Paul Bragg promoted the use of his own technique for health purposes and successfully applied it to himself. His teachings spread throughout the world.

It has long been proven that a person can live without food for about one month, so do not worry - you are not in danger of dying from hunger. Quite a lot has already been written about water fasting (7 days). The reviews and results, it must be said, are impressive. In the same article, the information will be discussed in more detail for those who are ready to fast in order to gain a slim figure.

What actually happens in a situation of food refusal with the human body? How to fast on water? How long does this diet last? How to get out of it correctly? We will answer your questions.

Water fasting (7 days): reviews, results

Don’t think that a day or two of fasting will immediately relieve you of extra pounds. If you stop eating for a short period of time, you can only lose a little weight. In this case, it will not be fat that will go away, but excess liquid, which is always present in large quantities in the body of obese people.

Two or three days of fasting will not have the same effect as a longer period of fasting (at least a week). Judging by the reviews, the weight comes off faster in the first two days, then the body adapts to the new conditions, and the fat reserve is used more sparingly. The number of kilograms that you will be able to get rid of cannot be determined in advance. Each person is individual, and it all depends on how long you can maintain such a diet. According to the results of people who have tried this method on themselves, it is clear that about one kilogram is lost per day.

How much water to drink while fasting

Home water fasting requires compliance with a special minimum water consumption per day - 1.5-2 liters. Thanks to this amount of incoming fluid, the body can cope with intoxication without problems, and general health will remain at the proper level. But you shouldn’t forcefully drink water; listen to yourself and the needs of your body.

What can you drink besides water?

Nothing. You can only drink clean water, preferably spring water. The consumption of juices is strictly prohibited herbal infusions, teas and other liquids, as they can interfere with the cleansing processes that occur in the body during fasting.

In hot weather, you can drink cool water, but in the cold season it is better to drink warm or slightly hot water. The thing is that a couple of days after the start of the hunger strike, the body begins to feel cold, and cold water only makes the chill worse.

One day of water fasting

Before the first day of the hunger strike, you should carry out a bowel cleansing procedure.

Breaking out of fasting

Very important point this diet - you need to know how to get out of fasting correctly. You should return to the normal regime gradually, for about the same number of days as the hunger strike itself lasted. That is, if you practiced water fasting for 7 days, reviews and results from other people claim that restoring your diet should last exactly a week. The gradual exit from fasting can be described as follows.

  1. On the first day after the end of the hunger strike, you can only eat natural juice. It is desirable that it be fruit and vegetable, diluted with water in a one to one ratio.
  2. On the second day, undiluted juice and vegetable and fruit purees in small quantities are allowed.
  3. On the third day, in addition to pureed fruits and vegetables, you can allow yourself to eat porridge cooked in water, with a small amount of bread, as well as some dried fruits.
  4. On the fourth day, in addition to all of the above, vegetarian soups using not large quantity vegetable oil.
  5. On the fifth day you can already afford some fermented milk products, for example, kefir or fermented baked milk.
  6. On the sixth day, you can add sour cream, a little cheese and salt to yours.
  7. On the seventh day, it is permissible to eat low-fat cottage cheese and eggs.

After a week of recovery, you can gradually begin to eat chicken, fish and other foods.

As you can see, with a diet such as water fasting, the solution turns out to be no less difficult for a person than the process of fasting itself.

Rules of conduct during fasting

If you are completely healthy, you will tolerate fasting quite well. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

In addition to compliance drinking regime, it is also necessary to do cleansing enemas every day. This procedure helps remove waste products from the rectum. If you refuse to do an enema, toxins will be absorbed into the blood, and this can cause self-poisoning of the body. An equally important point during fasting is taking a shower every day.

When refusing food, it is better to follow active image life, spend time outside more often, but under no circumstances lie on the sofa in a confined space. And, as already written above, do not forget that during fasting on water, a person will feel cold, so you should dress a little warmer than usual. Well, as with any other diet, you should avoid stressful situations if you practice water fasting.

7 days

Reviews, results and studies in the field of therapeutic fasting have made it possible to understand how effective a seven-day water fast is, and whether it is worth following a diet for more than this time.

When the week of the hunger strike is over, and after the acidotic crisis there is more than enough strength, many people think that they can calmly continue the hunger strike further. But especially if this is your first fast, it is better to start coming out of it, despite the fact that you have thoroughly mastered the theory and thoroughly prepared for changing your diet. You have enough time to properly exit fasting and evaluate the effectiveness of this method. How much did you manage to lose, did you achieve the desired result? Based on your own experience, after some time you will be able to dare to take this step again, if, of course, it is still useful to you.

Health effect

Water improves immunity, promotes healthy intestinal microflora, relieves chronic diseases, rejuvenates. If you do everything according to the rules and in no case allow amateur activities, the result will be truly stunning. Improved well-being and health status, as well as lost kilograms- a prize for the patience and willpower you showed during the hunger strike.


Important! Independent fasting at home is recommended to be practiced only absolutely healthy people, regardless of the reasons for which it was decided to resort to this method: to improve well-being or for the purpose of losing weight.

Therapeutic fasting completely contraindicated for people with diseases such as tuberculosis active form, with severe pathologies of the heart, blood, with malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus type I, bronchiectasis, thyrotoxicosis, thrombophlebitis, underweight, in the post-infarction period, during pregnancy and lactation.

Also relative contraindications have people suffering diabetes mellitus type II, gout, cholelithiasis, hypotension, peptic ulcer, chronic venous insufficiency, and are also in childhood or old age.

Negative and positive reviews about fasting

Even in ancient times, people knew about the absolute benefits of fasting on water. Doctors and specialists have studied and continue to study the mechanisms of this method. Considerable experience has been accumulated in using this diet to get rid of certain diseases and to normalize body weight. Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this method, following the instructions for preparing for a change in diet, and knowing how to get out of fasting, they were more than satisfied with the result.

But there is also negative reviews. This is mainly due to the fact that mistakes were made during the diet, and the exit from fasting was carried out incorrectly. So before you try this method on yourself, it’s worth studying the theory better, which will help you do everything right in the future.

The water-only diet is a world-famous method that not only helps you lose weight from your body. extra pounds, and also cleanse the body. In addition, the technique is also used for health purposes to preserve youth and restore health.

Benefits of water fasting

Refusal to eat food in any form has a positive effect on many body functions. So, the benefits of fasting on water are undeniable, because during this period the intestinal microflora improves, the skin rejuvenates, and you get rid of many chronic diseases. If you do everything according to the recommendations, you will get excellent results: the frequent need for food will disappear and night snoring, your health, well-being will improve, and most importantly, you will quickly say goodbye to those hated kilograms.

This method therapeutic fasting can even change the functioning of human hormones: for example, fat is burned due to the fact that when drinking water alone, the insulin level decreases very sharply. It is also worth noting that during the fasting period the level of growth hormone can increase up to 5 times, which also helps reduce body fat.

How long can you fast on water?

When fasting, frequent headaches, a feeling of nausea, weakness, dizziness may occur, and may also occur abrupt change mood or appear bad smell body or mouth. Most of the symptoms will disappear if you regularly but correctly fast on water, strictly following all the recommendations for preparing for and exiting the diet. In general, cleansing with a fast can be carried out for either 1 day or a month - the doctor will create a regimen for you individually.

How to survive a water fast

When fasting, the basis is water, and you need to drink it constantly and in the quantity you want. It is worth noting that fasting on water will be even easier than when you consume a minimum amount of calories - not eating at all is easier than eating little by little. When you start to break down and try to eat something, remember your main incentive - to lose weight and help the body cleanse itself, so change your activity: walk, listen to music, read.

Preparing for a water fast

This stage is even more important than how many days you will fast. So, preparation for water fasting should be thorough, and not immediately after a hearty feast. A week before the diet, it is recommended to give up meat, and three days before starting to eat only fruits and vegetables. Immediately before starting a therapeutic fast, it is better to skip dinner and give an enema or drink a laxative in the morning.

One-day water fasting

A smaller belly is the result that you will notice after a hunger strike that lasts a day. After you start practicing one-day water fasting regularly for a couple of months, you will also receive healing effect: the body will be cleansed, rejuvenated, immunity will increase, and the intestinal microflora will improve. In addition, periodically refusing to eat for a day is an excellent preparation for a longer fast on the water.

Breaking out of a one-day water fast

Even after one day when you consumed only pure water, you need to properly switch to your normal diet. Yes, exit from one-day fasting on the water is no less important than preparing and following the diet itself. At the end of the hunger strike, you need to drink juices diluted with water, then replace them with whole fresh juices. On the 3rd day, you can introduce fruits, salads, vegetables, and then start eating your usual food, but for a few more days exclude salty, sweet and fried foods.

Three-day water fasting

If you want to start the internal fat burning mechanism, then during a fast, drink water without additives in the form of honey, sugar or juice. Three-day fasting on water - best way cleansing the body for beginners. The liquid must be consumed every three days, 1 glass every hour - this is the only way the process will be beneficial. It is imperative to do an enema the night before, which will remove from the intestines all secretions that can poison the body.

On the 2nd day, the acidity of the foods remaining in the stomach increases, so it must be rinsed with water in the morning. Whenever discomfort or if there is a smelly belching, you can do more washing. If on the 3rd day you want much less liquid, then do not force yourself, but drink as needed. With a three-day healing diet, you can do your daily work, but you should give up hard work.

Breaking out of a three-day water fast

It is recommended to take a drug in advance that helps restore intestinal microflora. In general, the recovery from a three-day fast on water will take twice as long, while the portion and variety will increase every day:

  1. On the first day, you need to drink juices every hour: two servings diluted with water, all subsequent servings should be 100 ml without water.
  2. Breakfast on the 2nd day will be 100-200 ml of juice. You need to drink it hourly before lunch, which will be liquid unsalted oatmeal, or bananas, or raw grated vegetables or fruits (except carrots, oranges). For an afternoon snack, you can drink juice or eat an apple. If you want to eat, then make it for dinner vegetable stew, soup, boil the potatoes. You can add a little to any dish sunflower oil.
  3. On days 3-4, limit yourself from fats, salt, sweets, animal food and orange fruits.
  4. On the 5th-6th days of release, observe fruit and vegetable diet, avoid confectionery, alcohol and animal food.

Water fasting for 7 days

In order not to endanger the body, before a week-long fast, it is important to accustom the body to the fact that it knows how to eat little by going on a diet 1, and then 2-3 days a week. In addition to preparation, fasting on water for 7 days includes two more stages - the process itself and the exit:

  1. On the 1st day, you are allowed to drink only water, the total volume of which will be about 2.5 liters. Remember that the body will begin to feel cold, so it is better if the liquid is warm. You definitely need to do an enema.
  2. Daily diet on the 2nd and 3rd days it does not differ from the 1st day, but brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste is no longer recommended: you can only use gauze. In the evening it is worth repeating the enema.

Exit from a 7-day water fast

Day four – the beginning of the last stage therapeutic diet. So, the exit from a 7-day water fast should be gradual:

  1. After being on a diet for 3 days, you can start drinking unsweetened juices, which are diluted in equal proportions with water. The total volume of liquids drunk (including plain water) should be 2.5 liters.
  2. On the 5th day, the diet should also include undiluted natural juices, decoctions of chamomile or mint.
  3. On days 6-7, the lunch menu can include liquid porridge and a little boiled or baked vegetables (except cabbage). The amount of water cannot be reduced.

Water fasting 21 days

The main purpose of fasting is to treat certain diseases and regulate the chemical balance in the body. naturally, and eating food or even vitamins can contribute to disruption of this process. Fasting on water for 21 days is not an easy way to lose weight and, as the experience of some people shows, such a long fast can lead to mental disorders(bulimia or anorexia), exhaustion and many other problems.

You need to prepare carefully for a three-week fast, even if you have already practiced it. Beginners are strictly prohibited from switching immediately to 21 days. A week before the diet, give up harmful products, give preference light salads, fresh juices. When you decide to completely give up food for 21 days, remember that during this time you also need to forget about smoking, alcohol and coffee.

All three weeks you need to drink exclusively water, and it should be clean, preferably distilled. At first, you may have an irresistible desire to eat at least something, but if you endure it for several days, then your body will understand that it will not see food yet and will begin to use internal resources, enriching you with energy obtained from its own fat reserves.

Breaking out of fasting

The transition from such a long fast on water should be equal or greater than the diet itself. The correct way out of water fasting is to gradually restore the diet:

  1. Drink from day 1 to day 3 apple juices or from carrots, but in diluted form.
  2. For 4-5 days, drink only juices, but undiluted.
  3. On days 6-7, eat vegetables and introduce fruits.
  4. From 8 to 10, add more porridge with walnuts and seeds, puree.
  5. From 10 to 21 days, start introducing dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

Video: water fasting

Today we will tell you about what fasting (therapeutic) is, why it is necessary and how to adhere to it. In addition, you will learn how to properly prepare for such a procedure, whether it can be done at home, and how to get out of this state.

What is fasting?

Therapeutic fasting is a very powerful spiritual practice that has come to us from time immemorial. There is not a single religion that does not use complete abstinence from food for the purpose of self-purification.

According to experienced fasters, at such a time their body begins to work in an economical mode. And the longer the fast lasts, the stricter he is about energy expenditure.

Thus, having decided to use this technique to improve the health of your body, you must be prepared for such difficulties and sensations.

Problems when breaking fast

What is the difference between home and hospital fasting? A sanatorium or clinic that uses these techniques is good because the patient is under strict control and supervision of specialists. After all, when leaving such a state, there is also a mass unpleasant moments. So, after 5-7 days of complete refusal to eat, the human body has already completely switched to internal nutrition, and therefore accepted products may not be immediately absorbed and processed. In this regard, experts recommend that those who are fasting at home begin to eat food in small portions, chew solid foods well and dilute concentrated drinks. If you ignore these tips, you are guaranteed to have indigestion. It should also be noted that when long term fasting, sudden and large consumption of food can be dangerous to human life.

Experienced fasters claim that recovery from cleansing should last the same period as the technique itself.

Recovery period

Having completed the fasting process, human body does not immediately return to its original state. So, within 1-2 months various changes may occur in it. It is precisely this time that you need to be extremely careful and not break the rules of nutrition, slipping into regular gluttony. Otherwise, the beneficial things that fasting gave a person may simply be lost. In this regard, it is recommended to make some efforts for self-control.

Losing weight by fasting

During fasting, the human body completely switches to reserve nutrition, the basis of which is its fat deposits. For a normal existence during the day, with a complete refusal of food, 300-400 grams of fat is enough for a person. When such a quantity of accumulation is broken down, glucose is formed, which is the basis of the body’s vital functions.

Let's look at the approximate values ​​of how a person's weight will decrease during water fasting:

  • from 1 to 7 days - about 1 kg per day;
  • from 7 to 10 days - approximately 500 grams per day;
  • from the 10th day and the entire subsequent period - about 300-350 grams per day.

Let's sum it up

When starting the process of fasting, a person must clearly understand that this is not a simple entertainment procedure, but a very complex, difficult, and sometimes even unpleasant activity, for which one should prepare in advance (both physically and mentally).

Despite all the difficulties that await the hungry on such a path, this is a very worthwhile endeavor. If you're not afraid complex tasks and you enormous strength will, then you can safely start fasting. After all, it is this technique that allows you to restore youth, beauty and health. The main thing to remember during the fasting process is that everything good in life only happens when people put their best effort into it.

A great way to lose weight is water fasting. Many people use this method alternative medicine perceived as a diet. Scientists have long established that hunger not only helps to improve the health of the human body, but also to lose a few extra pounds. There are many ways to lose weight on water, which differ in duration and procedures. For those who decide to try this technique for the first time, a short-term course is recommended. After all, it is not easy for beginners to withstand fasting on water.

Basic principles of water fasting

By drinking large amounts of water and refusing to eat, the body cleanses itself of harmful substances who pollute it. Such fasting is indicated in the treatment of pancreatitis, as well as some other diseases. digestive system. It is also used during preparation for or after surgery.

Basic principles water fasting the following:

  • since during therapeutic fasting a lot of liquid enters the body, this technique can be used to prevent dehydration;
  • with a large volume of water, salt breakdown products are removed from the kidneys;
  • when water enters the stomach, a signal of saturation is sent to the brain, so the feeling of hunger subsides for a while;
  • Fasting on water does not lead to sagging skin, which happens when you lose weight too quickly.

Thus, water fasting, like a diet, helps to lose weight. overweight and at the same time cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Note! Since therapeutic fasting on water has not only advantages, but also has contraindications, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Benefits and harms

Like all diets, water fasting causes stress in the human body. Therefore, in addition to the benefits, it is necessary to consider the possible harm of this technique.

The benefits of water fasting are as follows:

  • weight loss;
  • increased immunity, which occurs as a result of cleansing the body of harmful components;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • eliminating snoring at night;
  • improving the condition of hair and nails, as well as skin;
  • restoration of functions reproductive system, which is achieved by improving the condition of the pancreas and normalizing blood sugar levels.

Despite obvious advantages, in some cases, a water hunger strike can harm the human body. As a result, the following conditions and symptoms occur:

  • anemia;
  • deficiency of valuable components, which negatively affects the development of the central nervous system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • anorexia;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise.

If your health worsens during a water fast, it should be stopped. If there is no improvement, you will have to consult a doctor.

Note! It is not recommended to stick to a water diet for too long. A long period of fasting must be combined with your usual diet. That is, adhere to the so-called cascade diet, when periods of fasting and meals of regular food alternate.

Types of water fasting

Depending on the duration there are the following types water diet:

  • one-day;
  • for a week;
  • for 21 days.

For beginners, you should try the first option of fasting on water, since you can withstand long period lack of food will be difficult for the body.

During a one-day fast, you should remove all foods from your diet. Its basis is plain water, but without gas. Moreover, the greatest efficiency will be achieved when using natural rather than distilled water. During periods of hunger, the body requires trace elements that are present in springs and other natural sources.

Long-term fasting is suitable for people who have tried a short-term water diet. It is advisable to carry it out under the supervision of a doctor.

Note! If it is difficult to withstand a complete refusal of food, you can introduce decoctions or infusions of herbs into your diet, adding to them lemon juice and honey

To get exceptional benefits from a water fast and avoid harm, you must follow all the recommendations, as well as enter and exit the diet correctly.

Proper water fasting

The course of therapeutic fasting on water consists of three main stages:

  • entrance;
  • the fasting procedure itself;
  • exit.

Preparation for fasting, which is carried out at the first stage, is very important. Without it, the body will not be able to avoid stress. Preparing for fasting allows you to adjust the gastrointestinal tract to the diet and not harm it. No less important is the final stage, which helps you exit the diet correctly and maintain weight.


Events on initial stage fasting makes it possible to reduce the volume of the stomach, which in the future will help you get enough of small portions. It is worth noting that entering the diet is required even if its duration is only 1 day.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting on water consists of the following activities:

  • exclusion of meat products;
  • avoidance of fried and other heavy foods;
  • consumption of vegetables, fruits and dairy products in limited quantities is allowed;
  • it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed.

The duration of the first stage is several days. IN last 24 hours no need to have dinner. In the morning, you should do a cleansing enema, which will help remove toxins from the body without obstruction through the intestines.


The duration of the next stage depends on the desired result, well-being and doctor’s recommendations. During this period, eating any food is prohibited. You need to drink only clean, still water.

Note! Useful properties melt water is different. It is easy to prepare it at home. To do this, you need to fill a container with water and place it in the freezer. When it freezes, you need to take it out and leave it at room temperature until it thaws completely. A small ice cube forms in the center of the liquid white. It must be thrown in because it contains salts and other impurities.

Drinking water during therapeutic fasting is necessary in accordance with the following rules:

  • drink water in small sips only at those moments when the body is thirsty;
  • in winter drink hot or warm water, in summer it can be at room temperature;
  • The exact volume of water has not been established, but you need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

It is advisable to drink water without adding honey and lemon juice.

Quitting the diet

To maintain the results obtained and not gain excess weight during short term, you need to get out of the diet correctly. The duration of this stage depends on the duration of the fasting period. For example, it will take three days to break a one-day fast. First, they begin to consume liquid foods (vegetable and fruit juices), then fresh juices are introduced into the diet, then gradually move on to eating solid foods. However, it is advisable to avoid fried, salted, smoked and starchy foods altogether or limit the consumption of such foods.

Additionally, you will need to take a drug containing beneficial microflora. It restores intestinal function.

The correct way out of fasting on water is presented in the table.

Results of a week's fasting: before and after photos

After a week of fasting on water, the body is cleansed, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, excess weight disappears, and lightness is felt throughout the body. The fact that the diet was beneficial is also evidenced by the absence of bad breath.

After just 7 days of fasting on water, you can achieve the following results:

  • extra pounds disappear;
  • the body is partially healed by cleansing it of waste and toxins;
  • the functioning of internal organs is restored;
  • the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves;
  • aging processes slow down;
  • networks of small blood vessels disappear on the body;
  • signs of flatulence are eliminated;
  • Snoring at night disappears.

The results of a week-long water fast are clearly presented in the photo.


Before you begin cleansing the body using this method, you must carefully study the list of contraindications so as not to harm yourself. Fasting on water is prohibited if you have the following conditions:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • low body weight, severe exhaustion;
  • diseases of an infectious nature occurring in the acute stage;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • malignant formations.

It is forbidden to fast during pregnancy and lactation, when the child’s development depends on good nutrition mother. This diet is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age.

Thus, water fasting is highly effective if you strictly follow all the recommendations of experts. However, it is important to first study the list of contraindications so as not to harm your own health.

Video: how to fast on water correctly

To get acquainted with the features of fasting on water, it is worth watching the following videos.