Why diabetes develops in magic. Diabetes mellitus - esoteric causes of the disease! Louise Hay - emotions, feelings, experiences and diabetes

You can agree or disagree with these observations, but it is better to connect your experience, remember stories from the lives of different people you know - then the picture will either be confirmed by examples, or not confirmed. Perhaps this is the only way to explore our world - from experience to generalizations?

Diabetes mellitus is a very exciting topic for me. I have not stopped studying the spiritual causes of this disease for nine years now - this was the diagnosis made to my daughter. This article is the quintessence of all accumulated knowledge and experience. You and I will take a conscious path into a completely unique system of cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of this disease. Let's look at diabetes as something holistic on an energetic level. And in order to put this puzzle together, I first propose to find out what modern medicine says about diabetes.

Traditional medicine describes diabetes mellitus as a systemic endocrine disease associated with the production of the hormone insulin. Paradoxical is the fact that type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and type II diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) are completely different in etiopathogenesis (a set of ideas about the causes and mechanisms of the development of the disease), but subsequently both types manifest themselves with the same clinical symptoms. In the first case, the islets of Langenhars (endocrine apparatus of the pancreas) die, which leads to almost absolute insulin deficiency. In the second case, hyperproduction of insulin leads to the cells' resistance to this hormone, which gradually leads to its deficiency.

Statistics show that out of 100% of diabetics, 86-88% have type II diabetes, and 12-15% have type I. The first type is mainly found in children and adolescents, and the second, as a rule, in middle-aged and elderly people. Both types lead to disruption of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.

Diabetes is a disease of love

To complete the study of the issue, you should also familiarize yourself with the works of the classics of spiritual philosophy, psychosomatics and bioenergy. They led me to a certain conclusion: diabetes is a disease of love.

Sergey Lazarev speaks of a lack or absence of love in a person’s soul.

Liz Burbo links diabetes to emotional redistribution. Typically, a diabetic patient is very impressionable and emotional, with excessive desires that mostly concern others.

Bodo Baginski And Sharmo Shalila They also talk about love. An acute desire for love is accompanied by a dual inability to accept it and let it into oneself. On this basis, “acidification” of the body occurs.

Valery Sinelnikov describes a diabetic as a person who develops a subconscious and conscious feeling that there is nothing pleasant or “sweet” left in life. Such people feel a strong lack of joy.

Sergey Konovalov names the following causes of the disease: longing for what has not come true, despair, deep grief. In addition, the reason may be deep hereditary sadness, an inability to accept and assimilate love. This is also what he says Louise Hay.

Anatoly Nekrasov writes that a person considers himself not entitled to the pleasures of life until his loved ones have them.

After reading hundreds of books, I asked myself, how can I explain this to myself, how can I put this puzzle together? After much intuitive research, I was able to draw this “diabetes map”, calling it “People Doing Good.”

How to recognize a diabetic

Portrait of a child (type I diabetes). Observing children with diabetes, I discovered an almost identical picture. Outwardly, these are bright and attractive children, radiant, kind, and gentle. It is impossible to pass by a child with diabetes - he shows with all his appearance: “I will do whatever you say, just love me.” Each of them tries to realize all their talents, in order to thereby say: “Look, I’m the best!” These inexplicably talented and bright children jokingly call themselves “sweeties.” But if we dig deeper, we notice how they withdraw into themselves and strive to retire.

These are children with huge lakes of eyes radiating sadness. Another distinguishing feature is some kind of inner wisdom of the soul. One of the physical manifestations in the outside world is visible independence, but only visible.

Portrait of an adult (diabetes mellitus type II). I would divide the second type into two groups: “beginner” and “progressive”.

Novice diabetic is a person who has a unique gift of persuasion. Manifested charisma (the strength of the soul in a person, his influence as a person) evokes a desire to love this person. Outwardly, these are soft, warm-hearted people who come to the rescue. Possessing wise knowledge, they often become good friends and advisers. These are very loyal people who try to take care of everyone who comes into their sight, and they blame themselves if other people's lives don't go the way they think they should. And these people, always in a hurry to live, try to take up all the space, to be needed at work, in the family, even in the garden. They are eager to realize their talents and desires - later, when there is time. But then... the next stage comes.

As we see, the external picture is this: these are people “doing good”!

Progressive diabetic(this type refers to long-standing diabetes types I and II) is already too tired of “doing good.” He wants to remain the same “needed by the whole world,” but he no longer has enough strength, so he has to “do good” using violent methods. And now what was previously kept in the secrets of the subconscious begins to appear.

His behavior is different programs:

  • manifestation of sacrifice (“Here I am sick, but I do this and that!”);
  • judging everyone around. He knows exactly which person is bad and which is good;
  • stubbornly imposing one’s knowledge and experience on everyone (“I’ve lived so much, but no one listens to me”);
  • imposing false goals on everyone around you due to a feeling of incompleteness. For example, he forces the child to live for himself, forces him to go to college, since he only has college behind him;
  • division of the world into castes: on the one hand, he denies, condemns, lectures people who are socially inferior to him and then stops communicating with them, not accepting the fact that all people are made “of the same clay.” On the other hand, people who are socially superior evoke his admiration and worship;
  • manifestation of envy due to unfulfilled expectations and desires, pickiness towards everyone around;
  • at the last stage - deep diabetes - the person stops liking anyone, everything irritates him, the pancreas functions worse and worse. A person withdraws into himself and begins to hate even his own family, thereby launching the karmic program of generic diabetes.

Is there a way out?

The pancreas “pays the price” for all the blocking emotional disruptions listed above. Ayurveda calls the main spiritual cause of type I diabetes the closure of one of the centers of the human energy information system - the third chakra, while type II diabetes first causes its hyperactivity and then blocks it. This chakra (manipura) controls the main vital energies - breathing and digestion, participates in the work of the adrenal glands, is responsible for the synthesis of ATP in mitochondria, that is, it provides the human body with the main vital energy.

This is the main energy center for managing interpersonal relationships between people and distributing the divine energy of life in the body. Through this chakra, a person’s individuality is manifested, which is called charisma, “personal magnetism.” When a person refuses to accept his unique individuality, his “magnetism” turns into manipulation of people. And where there is manipulation, there is a lack of love.

So why is all this happening? How is harmony broken? What do you need to realize? Let's look at everything in order.

Firstly, Soul. Being on the spiritual path, we accept ourselves and people as they are, without judgment and desires to “make the world a better place.” Each Soul is a unique piece of the whole mechanism of the Creator. The soul is the absolute unity of life energy, a harmonious unity with everything that exists.

When does this harmony collapse? When we accept the responsibility to decide everything for others, to make ourselves better, we strive to find our essential purpose.

We often “play around”, succumbing to the tricks of consciousness and group beliefs. We set false goals and look for false ideals, but we do not get the desired happiness, instead we “gain” pride, despair, loss of strength, and then the body gives us signals in the form of illnesses. Whatever place we occupy in society, we will not feel happiness until we realize the harmony of the world.

Secondly, Love. Unfortunately, our idea of ​​love is limited only to physical manifestations of care, patience, gratitude, and joy. In fact, love is an intangible substance for an ordinary person that fills our physical body. Love is the energy of life! There is nothing in the world except energy, which differs only in the speed of molecules.

If illnesses, problems and other troubles come, it is only so that a person thinks about where he is going, what he thinks, says and does, and begins to improve, takes the right path. There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. The pancreas is the organ that distributes the vital energy of love in the human body. Diabetes is a failure in the system that leads to the desire to be the best, to prove your importance in this world, in order to receive the love of others. And until a person “rips out” all the “weeds” from his head, the body will collapse.

Healing formula

The healing formula is simple:

  1. understand how it works;
  2. we identify the reasons;
  3. We carry out practical daily activities.

It is important to realize that the energy of the physical body and the spiritual are one and the same.

All living things require a continuous flow of energy to live. Energy is generated and used for all life processes, from digestion to muscle contraction. In the evolutionary process, plant and living organisms have developed a unique ability to store energy in the form of compounds.

The main place in this is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Metabolic processes involve the consumption and subsequent release of energy. It is ATP that is a functional energy converter, as well as one of the three most important elements of DNA and RNA. This is a kind of energy currency of our body! In 1939-1940 F. Lipman established that ATP serves as the main carrier of energy in the cell.

Sugars (carbohydrates) serve as structural material for building ATP. They are the main source of energy for metabolism in living creatures that receive energy from food. Naturally, if a person does not have enough carbohydrates, he feels an acute lack of energy, and therefore, love. Sugar entering the body brings a feeling of courage, as if it adds strength, and our mood improves. This courage balances fears, and the person feels false power.

The more fears a person has, the more sweets he eats. Soon there comes a time when sugars are no longer absorbed. A person begins to do good to strangers, thereby, as it were, “buying” their love, while he secretly (deep in the subconscious) wants others to decide important matters for him, that is, he transfers responsibility to others.

The more a person desires to “do good” and be the best, the more his pancreas is affected.

The greater the internal protest against resolving your situations yourself, the faster insulin production decreases, until it stops. A person loses the power of love and looks for it everywhere - but not in himself! At the energetic level, he independently blocks his channel of communication with the creator, renouncing the due energy of love given to him by birth, and as a result of this failure, diabetes mellitus occurs.

Diabetes poses a clear task for the Soul - learn to control yourself! This is the solution to the issue. But more often than not, on the contrary, a person develops a strong desire to control everyone around him.

Root Causes

Causes of childhood diabetes type I. In the process of work, I discovered some common deep blocks.

  1. Generic reason. A child born into an unrealized creative family. This is when several generations of a family refuse to show creative talents (for various reasons: wars, deprivation, hunger). If we look into history, we will see that in times when tribal traditions were maintained, there were fewer diseases.
  2. Purchased program. Deep programs “gifted” to a child during life. The spiritual connection with his parents forces him to live not his own life, but his parents’ unrealized dreams. In this case, the will is blocked, and the child becomes “doing good” to his parents. Diabetes occurs in children who do not feel sufficient understanding and attention from their parents. Sadness creates emptiness in a child's soul, and nature does not tolerate emptiness. In order to attract attention, the child gets sick.
  3. Karmic connection. It happens that type I diabetes occurs when one of the parents cannot let go of the Soul of a departed beloved relative, as if yearning for love. The child then takes on the responsibility of returning this love to the ancestral DNA. It is important to know that before the age of 14, the child’s chakra system is formed and is closely connected with the mother. Therefore, before the child turns 14 years old, the mother needs to find all the reasons for the child’s illness in herself and change her life.

Diabetes, like any other disease, that is, a deviation from the norm, always has its spiritual (esoteric) root causes. Physiological and genetic reasons are already a consequence of worked out consciousness programs (beliefs working in the human Soul).

After all, not all people, even if they have a genetic predisposition to diabetes in their family, get it! Why does one person get sick, while another lives without problems, enjoys life and eats sweets as much as he wants?

Everything depends on the qualities of a person, on its problematic nature, that is, on those negative programs (misconceptions) that have become a person’s life ideas and attitudes.

It is also important for the reader to understand that everything we talk about in this article is not “reasoning on the topic...”, but conclusions, summaries based on in-depth research and many years of practice in . Much of what is described here is the positive experience of practicing Healers.

Is it possible to cure Diabetes without medication?

Yes, sure! If a person is willing to work on himself and change, diabetes can be treated very quickly, without insulin and strict restrictions on sweets. It also happens when a mother works with a Healer, changes something important in herself, and her child is cured in 1-2 days and the doctors completely remove the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

It is difficult to cure or not cure diabetes at all in people who are skeletal and hopelessly sad, who are not ready to change themselves, and in those who are generally unable to admit that they are wrong. Often these people believe that they know everything better than others, and at the same time they are constantly dissatisfied with everyone. In the hearts of such people there is always dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with life, others and themselves.

The main esoteric causes of Diabetes Mellitus

As a rule, main reason of this disease is a deep internal dissatisfaction with life, that is, lack of joy! Such people almost always have sad eyes, even if they are outwardly happy.

At the energetic level, two chakras are responsible for joy and contentment - this and. Accordingly, it is with these chakras that you need to work, eliminating negative influences from them and changing the programs in them. It is these chakras that the Healer will diagnose when working with a patient with diabetes.

It must be said that it is not always easy and quick to remove dissatisfaction and return joy to a person’s heart, especially if this dissatisfaction is rooted very deeply in the person’s Soul. And the Healer, working with a person, will remove precisely this deep root cause - why a person once lost the joy of life or did not find it at all.

Why is a person dissatisfied and loses the joy of life?

1. Lost or did not find the meaning of life, that is, a person simply does not want to live, life is not pleasant to him (for various reasons this can be).

2. Internal when a person is dissatisfied with himself in life, even if outwardly the person is doing well in life and there seems to be no reason for dissatisfaction.

3. When a person has had strong blows and serious stress due to fate(loss of loved ones, etc.), which left deep wounds in a person’s soul and he was unable to heal these wounds. Such blows, if a person is not trained to correctly undergo such tests, can destroy joy, contentment, love of life and other bright feelings living in a person’s heart. As a result, over time or immediately a person becomes ill with diabetes or another disease.

4. The sources of joy in a person’s Soul are simply not revealed., that is, he is not trained to rejoice and enjoy life. Of course, you need to look for satisfaction, look for what can give you joy in life, otherwise why live?

Joy is the best cure for all diseases, not only diabetes!

If you yourself are able to find and remove the reasons for your dissatisfaction, that’s great! Most likely, this will help you recover from this disease. But, more often than not, it is difficult to remove these underlying reasons yourself, because the roots often need to be looked for in your past lives. Therefore, in most cases without help

In spiritual terms, the body and soul are a single mechanism. Therefore, there are spiritual causes of illness.

Despite the fact that psychology and Orthodoxy look at them differently, they are very similar.

Here are the reasons that may lie behind the occurrence of this or that disease.

Psychological causes of diseases

Psychologists look at the causes of illness differently than the church. According to psychologists, most diseases are caused by complexes, emotions that a person holds back and does not show.

For example, women's illnesses often turn out to be a manifestation of reluctance towards intimacy and hidden hostility towards men on the part of women. They often affect those who marry for convenience or are afraid of sexual relations.

Other diseases arise similarly: eye diseases - when the body protects itself from negative emotions caused by vision, ear diseases - when a person hears something that traumatizes him.

Throat diseases are considered to be associated with unexpressed anger and dissatisfaction, when one cannot openly express anger just like that.

However, the church does not agree with everything that is written. Many scientists who believe in Orthodoxy hold a different point of view about diseases.

Metaphysics of diseases

The body malfunctions if the outflow of energy is disrupted and something negatively affects organs and tissues. For example, a person wants to go to the toilet, but he has to restrain himself for a long time. If this happens quite often, intestinal and stomach diseases may develop.

Or a person experiences certain negative emotions. Some of them cause crying and suffering. As a result, the hormonal balance is disrupted and illness occurs.

It is never possible to say for sure whether the cause of the disease was physical or mental.

Sins and diseases connection - table

Orthodox experts write a lot about the relationship between sins and illnesses, but they advise not to trust too much of this relationship, since the exact causes of illnesses have not been fully studied, so you should not hope that by ceasing to commit some sin, you will get rid of a physical illness, addiction or mental illness diseases.

Table of possible connections between sins and diseases (click to enlarge)

Therefore, it is worth not committing sins and leading a correct lifestyle. After all, diseases arise not only as retribution for sins, but also as a violation of the usual rules of hygiene and health, consumption of the wrong foods, abuse of fatty, spicy and fried foods.

And yet there is some relationship between diseases and sins. For example, if a person violates his freedom and becomes addicted, for example, to drunkenness, then his lungs and heart may become ill.

Melancholy destroys the heart, as do conflicts with others. And anger often causes heart attacks and strokes.

But the causes of illnesses do not always lie on the surface in Orthodoxy, therefore the church has a negative attitude towards interpretations associated with the sinful causes of illnesses, unless this is proven from a scientific point of view and calls for treating illnesses with official means of medicine, and not just confessing and saying prayers.

Spiritual causes of diseases according to Torsunov

Oleg Torsunov writes that some behavior patterns cause the following diseases. In the church, many of them are called sins.

Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov - specialist in the field of family psychology and personal growth practitioners

This is how he interprets the relationship between illnesses and emotional states, including sins:

  1. Greed often causes cancer, bumelia, and excess weight.
  2. Anger – peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, insomnia and gastritis.
  3. Dejection – lung diseases, inflammatory diseases.
  4. Depressive state can provoke diseases that destroy the lungs.
  5. Envy – mental disorders, cancer, heart disease and strokes.
  6. Anger – sore throats, pharyngitis, loss of voice, stomach diseases, increased acidity.
  7. Condemnation - arthritis, liver and kidney diseases, inflammation of the pancreas.
  8. Perjury - allergies, alcoholism, decreased immunity and fungal infections, various skin inflammations.
  9. Depravity – women's diseases, metabolic disorders.
  10. Hatred and intransigence - various heart diseases, strokes, oncology and much more.
  11. Touchiness – diabetes, cystitis and chronic diseases.

Right Healing Thoughts

The first thing you need to do is to sincerely repent and reconsider your life. Only in this case will you be able to free up energy to give your body the strength to fight the disease.

To begin with, think through the completely earthly reasons that could lead to illness. For example, gluttony, smoking, abuse of spicy foods and much more.

Very often, illness is caused by excess in food and drink, which are sins (drunkenness, gluttony).

The next stage is putting the spirit in order. In the church, it is considered a sin to violate any law of love, including one’s love for oneself. Even priests sometimes ask during confession whether you have harmed your health.

Therefore, you should try to forgive your offenders, not disrupt your daily routine, and take care of your body. Correct thoughts are love for yourself and your loved ones, forgiveness of sins for yourself and others, spiritual growth.

What is a sin for spinal diseases?

Most often, spinal diseases are based not on spiritual, but on physical causes - injuries, falls, improper carrying of heavy objects, for example, backpacks. Therefore, such diseases are rarely associated with sins.

But in any case, to give the body a chance to recover, you need repentance and a healthy spirit - only in this case can the disease be defeated.

1. DIABETES- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Sadness over missed opportunities. The desire to have everything under control. Deep sadness.

Every moment of life is filled with joy. I look forward to today with joy.

2. DIABETES- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

A burning desire for what could have been. Huge need to control. Deep regret. There is no sweetness or freshness left in life.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience and experience the sweetness and freshness of today.

3. DIABETES- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas, a very important organ that performs many functions. These functions include the production of insulin, a hormone necessary to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Diabetes usually begins when the pancreas stops producing enough insulin. In some cases - such as obesity - diabetes can be caused by the body's resistance to insulin.

Emotional blockage

The pancreas is located in one of the energy centers of the human body - the solar plexus. Any dysfunction of this gland is a sign of problems in the emotional sphere. The energy center in which the pancreas is located governs emotions, desires and intellect. A diabetic patient is usually very impressionable and has many desires. As a rule, he wants something not only for himself, but also for all his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their piece of the pie. However, he may feel jealous if someone gets more than him.

He is a very dedicated person, but his expectations are unrealistic. He tries to take care of everyone who comes into his sight, and blames himself if other people's lives don't go the way he planned. A person with diabetes is characterized by intense mental activity, as he constantly thinks about how to implement his plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love.

Diabetes occurs in a child when he does not feel sufficient understanding and attention from his parents. Sadness creates emptiness in his soul, and nature does not tolerate emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, he falls ill.

Mental block

Diabetes tells you that it's time to relax and stop trying to control absolutely everything. Let everything happen naturally. You no longer have to believe that your mission is to make everyone around you happy. You show determination and perseverance, but it may turn out that the people for whom you are trying want something else and do not need your benefits. Feel it sweetness present instead of thinking about your future desires. Until today, you chose to believe that everything you want is not only for you, but also for others. Realize that these desires are yours first and foremost, and acknowledge everything you have achieved. Also think about the fact that even if you failed to realize some big desire in the past, this does not prevent you from appreciating the smaller desires that manifest themselves in the present.

A child with diabetes must stop believing that his family is rejecting him and try to take his own place.

4. DIABETES- (Guru Ar Santem)


Contempt for inferiors while admiration for superiors.

If a person exhibits only one of these qualities, then he will not have diabetes. This is a disease of people who are hierarchical in their vision of the world. Diabetes is the scourge of India. In the 20th century, India ranked first in the world for this disease. This is the only country where casteism is still so strongly manifested in our time. The untouchables are despised there - this is the norm - but they are worshiped before the owners, which creates fertile ground for diabetes. It is interesting that in different societies the hierarchy is built according to different laws - wealth will not always be the main thing. Somewhere they value strength, somewhere they value intelligence, creativity, etc. Let's take a chess club - the ability to play chess is valued there. If a club member despises those. Anyone who plays worse than him and bows down to the best players may well develop diabetes. Resentment often comes from those who are despised, from those who are stamped with inferiority.

Monday, October 24, 2011 22:47 + to quote book

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Psychological reasons

the occurrence of diabetes mellitus.

Here is a list of psychological causes of diabetes, as indicated by the authors who have studied this issue. All of them are listed in the table of psychological causes of diseases http://heatpsy.narod.ru/05/psychosomatika.html First, we will consider them, and then we will carry out an analysis based on these and other data.

1) Longing for something unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There is nothing pleasant left.
2) Diabetes can be caused by a need to control, sadness, and an inability to accept and process love. A diabetic cannot tolerate affection and love, although he craves it. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level he experiences a strong need for it. Being in conflict with himself, in self-rejection, he is unable to accept love from others. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to accept love and the ability to love is the beginning of recovery from illness.
3) Attempts to control, unrealistic expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the point of hopelessness that this is not feasible. Inability to live your life, because it does not allow (does not know how) to rejoice and enjoy your life events.
4) A strong lack of joy and pleasure from life. You need to learn to accept life as it is, without complaints or offense, just as you learn to walk, read, and so on.

According to my personal observations, people with diabetes have this character trait: not to notice difficulties and difficulties. Moreover, it’s not easy to pretend to others that “everything is fine, it’s okay, we’ll live like this,” but to convince ourselves of this, to the deepest layers of the psyche. Probably, one can express the psychological attitude of patients with diabetes in this way: “it’s useless to be indignant and fight, you won’t change anything anyway, the main thing is to maintain peace of mind” (this means equanimity). It is precisely this “maintaining mental balance” that such people misunderstand. They try to achieve peace of mind through misunderstood dispassion. I explain: to achieve correctly understood dispassion, a person needs to experience and experience a lot in his life in order to calmly relate to the vicissitudes of fate from the height of such experience. To do this, one must achieve wisdom and gain deep foundations for equanimity. And for misunderstood dispassion, a person only needs to decide that he has already achieved wisdom, which is not accessible to everyone. Some degree of pride. This leads to the fact that a person finds an easy way, adjusting himself and his life to such an ideal of dispassion and equanimity. And this can only be achieved by suppressing feelings (I recommend reading the article at the link). Suppressing negative feelings leads to a tendency to suppress any feelings. What then follows from this is a lack of deep, real feelings. And the inability to experience the real joy of life, which was discussed in the reasons for the development of diabetes.

These are my personal observations. For greater objectivity, I will cite three excerpts from different authors.

First excerpt from the book: Bräutigam V., Christian P., Rad M. Psychosomatic medicine:
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that develops either when insulin secretion is impaired by the b-cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas and/or when there is relative resistance of peripheral organs to insulin. Today, the following types of diabetes are distinguished: type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).
The significance of mental factors and psychophysiological interaction is discussed at three levels: as an etiologically significant factor, as a cause of acute metabolic disorders, and as a reaction to the disease and the need for self-treatment.
The etiology of type 1 diabetes includes genetic, immune and infectious factors (genetic predisposition - viral infection - destructive autoimmune reaction), which ultimately lead to the destruction of b-cells. There is no sufficient evidence of the psychological cause of the disease.
Genetic factors also play a role in type 2 diabetes, but mental factors mediated through eating disorders (excess body weight) and lack of exercise are also important.
The previous hypothesis about the existence of an etiologically significant “diabetic personality” was not confirmed.
Mental factors can directly and indirectly affect sugar levels in patients with diabetes.
Evidence suggests that mental stress directly affects blood sugar levels through the autonomic nervous system. Baker et al. (1969) were able to demonstrate how, during an interview regarding a previously described individual conflict in the family, the blood sugar level sharply increased in a sensitive patient with labile metabolic processes. No significant changes were noted during the follow-up interview.
The indirect influence of mental factors on blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus is manifested by their pliability.

Second excerpt from the book: Vitorskaya N.M. Causes of disease and origins of health:
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is recognized by WHO experts as a non-infectious epidemic and represents a serious medical and social problem. Currently, 146.8 million (2.1%) of the world's population suffers from type II diabetes, and according to forecasts by the International Institute of Diabetes Mellitus, by 2010 their number may exceed more than 200 million or 3%.
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease characterized by a constant increase in blood sugar, caused by insufficient production or action of insulin, which leads to disruption of all types of metabolism, damage to blood vessels (angiopathy), the nervous system (neuropathy), as well as other organs and systems.
The main cause of all metabolic disorders and clinical manifestations of diabetes is a deficiency of insulin or its action. Insulin promotes the utilization (use) of glucose in cells and the formation of glycogen (energy reserve). Activates the biosynthesis of protein, DNA, RNA. Suppresses the breakdown of fats. Violation of the production or action of insulin leads to a shift in the acid-base balance towards increased acidity.
The endocrine function of the pancreas is to convert glucose into cell energy. Glucose, first of all, is necessary for the full formation and functioning of the nervous system. For example, for the formation and differentiation of nervous tissue in an embryo, it requires twice as much as for cardiac tissue.
A person, receiving support, help and participation from the surrounding world, develops his inner potentials, reveals himself as a person, returning the energy invested in him in the form of creative deeds. Sugar (a symbol of “sweet life”) is the energy of love that the world around us gives us for creative activity. It is important to use it not only for your own pleasure. “In reality, pleasure is not the goal of our aspirations, but a consequence of their implementation.” You need to be able not only to accept love, but also to show it in your environment, which requires responsibility and self-sacrifice.
The word diabetes is of Greek origin and means “to pass through.” In diabetes mellitus, glucose literally flies through the body without being included in the metabolism and is eliminated in the urine. A diabetic has a weakened creative processing of reality and creative participation in surrounding events.
Mental causes of diabetes include:
. the desire to have fun, to revel in the “sweet life”, to satisfy one’s own desires, at all costs;
. emotional lability, expressiveness, impulsiveness;
. lack of internal discipline, control of desires on the part of the mind;
. emotional approach to solving life problems;
. inability to cooperate, increased demands on others while being lenient towards one’s own weaknesses and shortcomings;
. the habit of blaming other people for one’s failures, negativism;
. resentment towards the world around us, lack of understanding of current events;
. reluctance to build constructive relationships, give and receive love.

Third excerpt from the book: Luule Viilma “Pain in your heart”
Particularly serious harm is caused to the pancreas when a person forbids himself something good that he greatly needs. Sometimes a person greatly needs a small evil so that, having mastered it, he can learn to avoid the big one. He who educates himself in the spirit of excessive decency does not allow himself the slightest sin. And even more so for children.
Damage to the pancreas is caused not only by food prohibitions. It is harmed by the prohibition as such. After all, desires stem from needs. Needs turn into desires out of fear. He who lives in accordance with his needs is content with little. For those whose need turns into desire, give more and more. Suffering from this himself, a person begins to limit himself. As a result, the suffering gets worse. Learn to release desires, and instead of prohibitions, ask yourself: “Do I need this?” And you will feel what is needed and what is not needed. In life you need everything your soul desires, but only in moderation.
The prohibition is expressed in the words: “Don’t you dare. It is forbidden. Don't do it." And also many other options in which the particle “not” appears. The less often these phrases are repeated, the better. If the child does not understand the prohibition the first time, then the second time it must be taught in a decisive spirit so that the child understands that they are not joking with him. If the parent himself is not sure whether it is possible or not, why it is possible and why it is not, then one should refrain from prohibitions. The child recognizes a meaningless prohibition and will not fulfill it, but, nevertheless, the energy of the prohibition settles in the pancreas.
The more good a person one wants to raise from a child, the more all bad and small good things are prohibited in order to obtain great good things.
A child feels especially helpless when he is begged in a friendly manner not to do this or that, because it is even shameful to protest against this. The child gets the feeling that he is not allowed to do anything, while other children are allowed to do everything. You can even protest.
When a child is fed up with his own decorum, his self-defense erupts in protest: “Do it yourself!” Do your own good, and since I did good for you, now do good for me. The more a person keeps to himself the desire for others to improve his life, and does not bring it out in the form of screaming, noisy scenes, illnesses and tears, the faster sugar disease arises. A person with diabetes is forced to forbid himself a lot, which means that he keeps the disease on a leash. Diabetes can only go away when a person learns to replace prohibitions with permissions in such a way as not to harm himself.
An adult limits himself and others with prohibitions out of good intentions. Tears well up, as you think, there is so much in the world, and a person forbids himself all this. It doesn't matter for what reason. What is important is what prohibits. Instead of prohibiting, you should explain to yourself, as well as to your children, why exactly it is forbidden. What does it mean you can’t, and what danger does it pose?
A ban is the reverse side of an order. That is, we are dealing with fundamentally identical energies. One must do good and one must not do bad—they serve the same purpose. Both are coercion. The difference is only in external form. Why do people give orders with such pleasure? Because the order makes you feel good. It happens that a person does nothing else but give orders left and right and therefore considers himself a good person.
By ordering oneself or others, a person strikes the exocrine pancreas, which leads to the release of digestive enzymes. When there are enough digestive enzymes, food is digested quickly and thoroughly. The blood is saturated with necessary substances, including glucose. Thus, the order causes a feeling of saturation. When there is a feeling that there is enough of everything, a person feels especially good. As soon as he thinks that something is missing, he gives another order, and again everything seems to be more than enough. A person who constantly orders himself begins to believe that he has enough of everything.
A person who gives orders to himself and others becomes inspired and becomes active.
A protest is born in the person who is ordered. Someone who is constantly being pushed, at some point feels that the limit is coming. Enough. I'm fed up with it. A person can even get fed up with himself.
Commanding increases blood sugar. A short-term increase in its content in the blood has a beneficial effect on the brain and nerve cells in general. Overdoing it with orders causes protest, as well as oversaturation of the blood with substances that, due to protest, do not get from the blood into the cells. Protesting orders blocks the release of insulin and blood sugar levels do not decrease. On the contrary, it increases with each meal. This is how sugar disease occurs.
Sugar disease occurs when a person is fed up with the orders of others and, following their example, begins to give orders.
What happens to the pancreas when a person hears a ban? A person would not have any desires if he did not feel the need for something...

...The pancreas is an organ of the human personality. If we are filled with faith in our undertakings, then we are not subject to outside influence, and our pancreas is in order. Faith and self-confidence are different things, different facets of a single whole.
The pancreas produces insulin, a protein hormone that regulates blood sugar and goes directly into the blood. Any type of sweet entering the body brings courage from the outside, which balances fears. The less courage a person has, the more he craves it. True courage is energy that flows unhindered. We consume apparent courage every day along with sugar. But there comes a time when sugar stops being absorbed and does not reach the cells. It doesn’t even turn into fats because there is no insulin.
Insulin is like a security guard who comes to the rescue when he sees that a person is trying to improve his life in a decent way, even if he makes mistakes. As soon as he sees that a person is doing good to others so that he himself can feel better, but soon becomes disappointed and begins to demand that those around him start improving his life, the help from insulin stops. Sugar disease occurs so that a person understands that what is truly good is what a person creates at the behest of his heart with his own hands. When a person does things for others, he always secretly wishes that others would do his own things for him. Working for others is a kind of advance, which is paid in anticipation of the future. The more we engage in other people's affairs, the sooner the wrong side is revealed.
From the moment a person begins to demand reciprocal gratitude from others, he begins to develop diabetes.
If, for example, a woman tries to prove that she is a good wife, then the husband does not notice the care and does not accept it as the wife would like. In her hearts, the wife makes a 180-degree turn and declares: from now on I will not lift a finger for you. You don’t love me, live as you please, but kindly take care of your family. The slave who deserved love became a mistress, emphasizing her rights. They are both wrong. What's the end result? If previously their child constantly lacked sugar in the blood, now the sugar level exceeds the norm. Before it was impossible to drag him away from sweets, but now he can’t stand sweets...

...Once I studied the reaction of a teenager to the praise of his parents - he’s been such a good guy from a very young age! — and felt that his attitude was preventing him from recovering from diabetes. There was a sense of pride in the boy that seemed to say: “I could have been bad like other boys, but I became good, as you wanted, and for that you should be grateful to me.”
Can this teenager recover from diabetes? It cannot, because the cause has not been eliminated. The reason is that the parents turned the need to correct the mistakes of their own lives into a desire to correct the child’s life.
In such blindness from good thoughts, it can be very difficult to understand what is good and what is evil. It all happened because the parents, when a crisis arose in their relationship, rushed to prove to the child that they were positive in order to hide the feeling of crisis from each other. The child had everything he wanted, but did not learn to value anything. If a child does not create something every minute with his head and hands, he is not able to appreciate what is given to him. He ceases to be a creator and begins to demand more. Diabetes is a natural extension of this attitude towards life.
While it is still possible to explain the essence of diabetes to a healthy person, it is almost impossible for a sick person, because his understanding is blocked by the fear of being guilty. Any explanatory word is perceived by him as a reproach, and this touches his pride to the quick. Wounded pride deprives the ability to think, and therefore a diabetic patient, regardless of his age, will never understand that it is necessary to understand his stresses for his own good.
When a small good thing is prohibited in order to obtain a big good thing, the pancreas gets sick, because it cannot tolerate the prohibition. If a small child who knows nothing is denied is forbidden some trifle, he may instantly get a stomach ache. If this happens several times and the parents notice that this happens immediately after the ban, then they begin to scold the child, since complaints about a sore stomach are perceived as blackmail in order to get their way. After all, nothing is forbidden to a sick child. In fact, the child really has a stomach ache, since the pancreas is an organ that is very sensitive to pain. This means that the person has an easily vulnerable personality.
Prohibitions and orders in the name of good are a sign of good parents. We don’t order people to do bad things, they say in their own defense. Thus, parents who have become accustomed to their role and ideals begin to order the child to do what he is already doing, and protest awakens in the child. This protest can be expressed in an effort to do better than before. The main thing is that it is done as ordered. The desire to surpass oneself grows into egoism - the knowledge that I am better than everyone else. The personality is affected by selfishness, selfishness, and the pancreas becomes ill. It cannot remain healthy because a healthy pancreas correlates with a perfect personality.