How to perform a vacuum abortion (mini-abortion) - how dangerous this operation is. How is a vacuum abortion performed and its consequences? How long is the vacuum performed?

From 4 to 12 obstetric weeks, doctors recommend that expectant mothers especially take care of their bodies. and do not subject it to additional physical stress: all internal resources are aimed at the formation of the fetus. Those women who have not previously exercised regularly should be especially careful; in this case, sudden physical activity will be a blow to the body and, accordingly, to the health of the fetus.

You should also not do aerobics with jumping and step elements, since the shaking that occurs during such training can cause embryonic detachment.

Intense strength and cardio training, running, and complex balance poses from yoga and Pilates should be completely excluded. Thus, in the early stages, only the lightest exercises are available to expectant mothers with large intervals between approaches and breathing exercises.

In the later stages

As in the first trimester, pregnant women should avoid excessive exercise in the last weeks. The body is busy preparing for an imminent birth, so there is no need to burden it with additional physical activity. Likewise, abdominal exercises, jumping and running workouts, and balance exercises from yoga and Pilates are prohibited.

At a later stage, you can’t do arm raises.. This muscle activity stimulates the abdominal muscles. Even if the expectant mother avoids direct stress on the abs, exercises for raising and lowering her arms will negatively affect the well-being of herself and her child.

Obviously, in the last stages of pregnancy, exercises with the starting position on the stomach are prohibited. Lying on your back for a long time should also be avoided; in this position, many expectant mothers experience extreme discomfort, and the fetus is exposed to hypoxia due to the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava.

Certain undesirable species


This is an exercise in a static position in which a person holds a straight, elongated body on his arms and toes.

The difficulty is not to allow the stomach and hips to “sag”, but to keep them at the same level. The plank puts a lot of stress on the muscles of the abs, back, legs and buttocks, which makes the body stronger and slimmer. Many women often perform this exercise in yoga classes or on their own at home, as it perfectly tightens muscles and shapes the whole body, not just individual areas.

It is precisely because of the heavy load on the abdomen that it is worth excluding the bar from the set of exercises in the early and late stages of pregnancy.

Overexertion of the press can cause a number of complications, including miscarriage: uterine bleeding, diastasis, and placental abruption in the early stages. In the later stages, doing the plank can lead to contraction of the uterine muscles and premature birth.

Overall this the exercise requires intense work of different muscle groups, which is undesirable in any trimester of pregnancy, when doctors recommend a gentle regime of sports.


This exercise is as follows: a person, in a lying position supported by his elbows or sitting, draws in his stomach as much as possible, strains his abdominal muscles to the limit and holds this position for about thirty seconds. Such actions allow you to burn fat in the abdominal area, make it more prominent and strong, and make your waist thinner.

However During pregnancy, the vacuum exercise is prohibited. Firstly, this exercise puts stress on the abdominal muscles. The negative consequences of such physical activity were mentioned earlier. Secondly, a vacuum implies a disruption of the natural rhythm of breathing, which will not benefit the expectant mother and fetus.

This restriction does not apply to special breathing exercises, which are recommended to be practiced throughout pregnancy for complete oxygen saturation of the mother and fetus.

Breathing problems during pregnancy can lead to a sharp deterioration in health the expectant mother, for example, to weakness and dizziness.

On the press

You can train your abdominal muscles in a variety of ways: lifting your body while lying on your back or stomach, raising and lowering your straightened legs, twisting at the waist while lifting your body, and many others. This muscle group can also be worked together with others, for example, when raising your arms. This list can be continued for a very long time.

Vacuum abortion is one of the most modern methods of terminating pregnancy. It is usually performed for special indications or in connection with a woman’s special desire. Doctors advise it to be carried out in the following cases:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • infections in the body;
  • rubella infection;
  • the patient's serious health condition;
  • embryo development abnormalities;
  • significant metabolic disorders;
  • hematological diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mental disorders;
  • drug addiction;
  • HIV, etc.

This method of abortion is performed using a special medical gynecological device. Vacuum abortion is considered the least traumatic and does not have too negative an impact on a woman’s health. It leaves behind consequences that are much less pronounced than with other types of interventions, and recovery occurs at a faster rate.

Advantages and disadvantages of mini-abortion

The main advantages of this procedure include:

  • efficiency;
  • minimally invasive;
  • simplicity;
  • painlessness;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • maintaining ability to work;
  • absence of significant damage to the uterus, etc.

Such advantages allow the patient to quickly regain strength and not have to issue a sick leave.

It should be noted, however, that mini-abortion also has some disadvantages. These include the fact that a woman will only be able to get pregnant again after six months. During this period, the structures of her genital organs will be completely restored and will become ready for a new fertilization, as well as the full bearing of a baby. Therefore, at such times, a woman should use proven means of protection. If she does not monitor the onset of conception, then her uterus will undergo a serious test, after which serious complications may already occur.

The disadvantages of vacuum abortion include cases when the fertilized egg does not come out completely. It is injured, destroyed and becomes a source of infection and severe inflammatory process.

It must also be remembered that such a procedure has a certain negative psychological effect on a woman. You should prepare for this in advance. On the recommendation of a doctor, you should take sedatives in advance.

Until what time is a vacuum abortion performed?

Another advantage of this procedure is that you can get rid of an unwanted pregnancy immediately, starting from the second day of absence of menstruation. If ultrasound and hCG analysis show its development, vacuum abortion is allowed. This is very convenient for those women who are planning various trips, events or treatment.

The maximum period when the procedure can still be carried out is five weeks. Some gynecologists do it even at fifteen weeks, but this information needs to be clarified, and, moreover, this period of pregnancy can already lead to incomplete suction of the fertilized egg.

The longer the period that passes after the onset of five weeks, the more possible complications can be observed. At this time, a vacuum abortion will no longer differ much from surgical intervention.

It is worth repeating once again that a period of four or five weeks is optimal for the woman’s health and the usefulness of the procedure. The embryo is still so small that it can be removed without any difficulty.

Stages of the procedure

Vacuum abortion is divided into different stages.

First comes the preparation. The gynecologist carries out a detailed examination, clarifies the timing of pregnancy and decides whether the patient has any contraindications.

At this time, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests:

  • HCG analysis;
  • VSK and DK;
  • clinical blood test;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
  • microscopy of female genital organs;
  • general urinalysis;
  • ultrasound examination.

They allow us to make a conclusion about the woman’s health status, her absence of inflammatory diseases or infectious processes of the genital organs.

At the next stage, the actual vacuum abortion is performed. The patient sits on a gynecological chair, her limbs are fixed. If she has not yet given birth, the cervix will be dilated using a special instrument. The doctor then administers local anesthesia. After this, he carries out the procedure using aspiration suction. When the device is turned on, negative pressure is created in the organ, as a result of which it is possible to remove the fertilized egg.

The doctor moves the tip of the device around the inside of the uterus until he is sure of complete success. He will see that the embryo has exited through the tube into the allocated container. Such a moment may be accompanied by severe spasms of the uterus and at this time the patient may feel some pain. Occasionally she experiences lightheadedness, malaise, and increased sweating. These are side effects of the procedure and do not pose a danger to the body. The whole process lasts about five to ten minutes.

The last stage includes monitoring by medical personnel of the woman’s well-being after a vacuum abortion. This lasts for about an hour. The patient is prescribed antibacterial and painkillers, as well as anti-spasm medications.

The very next day she can go to work. However, after fourteen days the woman must come to the attending physician for a check-up and undergo a series of tests.


As already mentioned, this procedure has a number of contraindications. This:

  • doubts about pregnancy;
  • diseases of the female genital area;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • period less than six months after childbirth;
  • infectious process;
  • period more than six weeks, etc.

These various factors can lead to the development of sepsis, severe inflammation or other serious complications.

Consequences, complications

After the vacuum abortion is completed, the woman usually begins to bleed quite heavily, often lasting up to two weeks. In addition, it is accompanied by characteristic symptoms of painful menstruation with discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back, the release of blood clots and mild malaise. This usually does not interfere with the performance of normal work duties, but it does create some inconvenience in everyday life.

The most severe complication after the procedure is, as already mentioned, incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. In this case, a severe infectious and inflammatory process may develop, requiring surgical intervention.

A sharp effect on the female body can lead to hormonal imbalance or disruption of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, difficulties with conception may be observed for some time, and in severe cases, problems with pregnancy and even infertility.

Recovery after a mini-abortion

After the procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of hygiene to avoid introducing infection into the wound surface.

To do this you need:

  • toilet the genitals at least two to three times a day;
  • wash only in the shower;
  • do not use tampons;
  • Choose pads with an average level of absorbency and change them every two to three hours;
  • refuse to take a bath for thirty days;
  • forget about saunas, steam rooms and baths;
  • do not visit pools and beaches for a month;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • limit consumption of chocolate, foreign fruits, seafood, etc.
  • carry out only daily exercises;
  • stop doing fitness and sports for two weeks;
  • cancel hours-long flights or long train journeys.

All this is required because after a mini-abortion, an open wound surface remains in the uterus, where pathogenic microflora can easily penetrate. It is necessary to keep the external genitalia clean, change pads more often, as they contribute to the spread of infection, and avoid significant stress on the body.

Bleeding that begins immediately after the procedure is suggested by some experts to be considered the first menstruation. Other gynecologists are of the opinion that full periods, which are part of the cycle, usually begin no earlier than a month later, and sometimes later, after a vacuum abortion.

It resumes only after ninety days for those women who already have children and after six months for those who have not given birth.

The first menstruation, which began thirty to forty days later, is usually scanty. If they have not resumed, then after the allotted time it is necessary to take tests for hCG and the level of homones in the blood in order to determine their absence. The cause may be incomplete expulsion of the ovum or an ectopic pregnancy.

In cases where laboratory and instrumental studies do not reveal any pathologies, it is permissible to wait another couple of weeks.

As the most effective contraceptives after a mini-abortion, it is recommended to use low-dose ones containing gestagen.

The best of them is Regulon. It suppresses, increases the concentration of mucus in the cervical canal, and also prevents the attachment of the egg to the inner surface of the uterus. Moreover, it helps the full restoration of the uterine epithelium after the procedure.

You should not immediately begin regular sexual activity after a vacuum abortion. The first intimate contact can be made no earlier than fifteen to twenty days. And even then, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse using a condom to avoid infection.

Of course, it is better to be careful when using contraception, of which there is a huge amount these days. However, if conception does occur, a mini-abortion is a very gentle procedure compared to a surgical one. If we compare different methods of abortion, it is preferable due to the least harm to the female body. And yet it should be remembered that even it disrupts the normal functioning of the sexual sphere, taking it out of its normal equilibrium state for a long time. Therefore, if a representative of the fair sex wants to become a mother, she needs to be more responsible about her daily sex life.

One of the gentle ways to terminate a short-term pregnancy is a vacuum abortion. Vacuum abortion is prescribed:

  • if a woman had an unsuccessful medical abortion;
  • if there are deviations (defects) in the development of the fetus;
  • if the mother is unable to bear a child (chronic diseases);
  • if a woman herself wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Description of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out for short periods (up to three months). The shorter the period, the faster and easier the whole procedure is.

The average duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. After an abortion, the woman remains under the supervision of doctors for some time to ensure the success of the operation.

This method is called gentle because the amount of damage caused to the uterus is insignificant. In the process, only the mucous membrane is damaged.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

Like any procedure, the vacuum method of abortion has its own contraindications:

  • The fertilized egg is outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). Abortion by vacuum in this case is simply impossible. After all, it is possible to cause incurable damage to the mother’s body.
  • If a woman is sick (acute infectious diseases). There is a huge risk of infection in the uterine cavity.
  • Physiological characteristics (poor blood clotting).
  • If a woman gave birth less than a year and a half ago.

Pain during vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, no pain is felt during the procedure.

The consequence of such a surgical intervention, as with any type of abortion, is nagging and cramping pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They last about 2 days until the uterus restores its previous size.

The process of performing a vacuum abortion (mini abortion)

Using an electric vacuum pump, negative pressure is created in the uterus. Under the influence of the apparatus, the fertilized egg is detached from the walls of the uterus and sucked into a prepared container. The process does not use metal dilators, thanks to which the cervix is ​​not injured. The risk of infertility after a vacuum abortion is minimal.

Before starting the process of terminating a pregnancy, a woman undergoes a consultation with a gynecologist and undergoes the necessary tests. Standard blood and urine tests, blood clotting tests, ultrasound, hepatitis and HIV tests are standard.

After a thorough check of the tests, the patient is allowed to have a vacuum abortion. The entire process is carried out by a qualified doctor in a specialized institution (hospital).

The vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic, and anesthesia is injected into the cervix. If necessary, in cases where the woman has not given birth before, the cervix is ​​dilated for further insertion of a rigid tube. The fertilized egg is sucked out using a tube.

During the procedure, the woman may feel cramps, which stop immediately when the tube is removed. During removal of uterine tissue (abortion), symptoms of nausea, weakness and excessive sweating are possible.

The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes, after which the patient rests in the ward where her condition is observed.

Upon discharge, antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent inflammation, as well as painkillers if the pain is too intense.

Sex after a vacuum abortion

Intimacy (sexual intercourse) is prohibited for a month after an abortion. During this time, injured uterine tissue heals, and sexual activity can cause inflammation. After complete healing of the genital organs, you should begin having sex using condoms.

Consequences of a vacuum mini abortion

Any abortion, even a mini abortion (vacuum) is an invasion of the natural process of the body. Any invasion, especially surgically, has its consequences. This is stress throughout the body, which is clearly expressed by tangible symptoms.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Bleeding begins immediately after aspiration. This is a natural reaction of the body to such interference. Many women think that these are ordinary periods, but this is not the case.

The duration of bleeding should not exceed 10-14 days. Abundance should decrease with increasing time after abortion.

Bleeding is not normal if:

  • accompanied by unbearable pain;
  • the abundance of discharge does not decrease;
  • blood clots are present.

If you have such indicators, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain after vacuum abortion

Pain in the lower abdomen is expected after a mini-abortion. Associated with uterine contractions. Lasts about 3-5 days. They are not subject to treatment.

Pain and swelling in the vagina are also normal and disappear after a few days.

Chest pain usually does not bother patients, due to the fact that a mini-abortion is performed for a short period of time. But they can rarely be present; it depends more on the woman’s physiology.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

It is impossible to say exactly when your period will begin, because this process is individual. From the day of the mini-abortion, about 40 days pass before the start of menstruation.

Full restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman has given birth before or not. For those who have given birth, this period is shorter (about 3 months). For others, this process can take a long time (up to 6 months).

During the first menstruation, discharge may be scanty. If the menstrual cycle has not returned within a couple of months, you need to consult a gynecologist.

If you don't have your period for a long time after an abortion, take a pregnancy test. The result is positive - the vacuum abortion was not successful or you have an ectopic pregnancy. If the result is negative, you should wait a little longer.

Complications after vacuum abortion

Complications after a vacuum mini-abortion are quite rare, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Perforation of the uterus . With a vacuum abortion, it can only occur due to mechanical expansion of the cervix with a special instrument.

Incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. It manifests itself in heavy bleeding and incessant pain in the lower abdomen. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Cervical spasm. The cervix closes quickly and blood remains in the uterine cavity. This causes constant pain and fever. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Ectopic pregnancy. If during the vacuum procedure the pregnancy was in the tubes, then it remains. Symptoms include abdominal pain and pain during intercourse. Surgery is required.

A woman after a mini-vacuum abortion should visit special support groups or consult a psychologist. After all, abortion not only causes physical harm, but also emotional harm. It is necessary in any way to prevent the occurrence of depression, which will only slow down the process of recovery of the body.

The video will tell you in more detail about the consequences of abortion.

Vacuum abortion (or vacuum aspiration) is a minimally traumatic method of terminating a pregnancy. It can be used in the early stages - until the 12th week.

Compared to other methods, with such an intervention the likelihood of complications developing is lower, but they are still possible.

What is it?

The mini-abortion procedure involves removing the contents of the uterus using an electric vacuum pump. The device creates in the cavity negative pressure zone, as a result of which the fertilized egg peels off and is sucked out.

To carry out the operation, metal dilators are generally not used, due to which the cervix is ​​not injured.

Preparing for an abortion

Before the operation begins, the woman must undergo consultation and examination to confirm the fact of pregnancy and determine its timing. Preliminary analyzes include:

Based on the results of the tests, the characteristics of the body and the presence (absence) of contraindications to vacuum aspiration are identified.

In what cases can a vacuum abortion not be performed?

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy– with it, the development of the embryo occurs outside the uterine cavity, which poses a threat to the woman’s life.
  2. Presence of acute form infectious pathology. Carrying out aspiration in this case can cause infection on the genitals and provoke an inflammatory process.
    In these cases, the disease is first treated with medication.
  3. Low blood clotting— sometimes it is possible to perform the operation on an individual basis.
  4. Mini-abortion is not prescribed after childbirth(within 6 months).

How do they do it?

Video about how a vacuum abortion is performed, what the fetus feels and more...

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis. It doesn't last any longer 5 minutes.

The entrance to the vagina and its internal walls are pre-treated with an antiseptic solution.

To carry out the procedure mainly no cervical expansion required except in cases where the woman has not given birth. If the vagina is narrow, the cervix is ​​enlarged with the help of special preparations and metal dilators to allow the insertion of abortifacient instruments.

A solid tube (cannula) is inserted into the cavity, after which the necessary pressure (0.5 atmospheres) is created in the inner part. The operating gynecologist carefully guides the cannula along all the walls so that the hole touches the mucous membrane. As a result peeling of the fertilized egg occurs, which is then drawn through the tube into a separate container.

Due to the removal of uterine tissue, a spasm of its walls occurs, which stops after the tube is removed. Some unpleasant sensations are possible in the form of nausea, weakness, and increased sweating.

How much does a vacuum abortion cost? Prices for such a procedure generally start from 2.5 thousand rubles and can reach up to 6-7 thousand depending on the clinic, region, and characteristics of the operation.

Postoperative period

What is the danger?

At any stage, artificial termination of pregnancy causes great harm to a woman's body regardless of the methods used. A vacuum mini-abortion reduces the consequences to a minimum, but does not eliminate them.

  1. Most common incomplete abortion. With it, the fertilized egg is not removed, i.e. the pregnancy is not terminated. There may also be cases of incomplete removal.
    In this case, tissue remnants can cause infection, sepsis and infectious-toxic shock.
  2. Possible pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual. They are a consequence of uterine contractions. In such cases, antispasmodics are prescribed.
  3. Violation of the monthly cycle– mainly due to ovarian dysfunction. Often leads to infertility.
  4. Hormonal disorders - from the moment of conception, the body begins to synthesize hormones to maintain it and prepare for bearing a fetus. Artificial termination of pregnancy provokes a hormonal crisis.
  5. Bleeding– develops in case of damage to large vessels. If it cannot be stopped, the uterus is removed.
  6. Pneumoembolism– one of the most dangerous complications. It is a blockage of the lumen of large vessels by an air clot and develops as a result of a medical error when, instead of negative pressure, positive pressure is created, leading to air entering the vessel. This is the state ends in death.
    Fortunately, it is very rare. Thanks to the use of new generation vacuum aspirators, it is impossible to supply air into the uterine cavity.
  7. Perforation of the uterus and damage to adjacent organs- happens during probing of the uterine cavity using a probe.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy is desired. For various reasons, a woman may not want to give birth to a child, and she has the right to do so. Of course, most of the media promote contraception - it is better to protect yourself than to get into an unpleasant situation with pregnancy. But what to do if an unplanned conception occurs? How to perform surgery with the least possible damage to health? The traditional intervention to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is abortion. This method is widespread in the countries of the former Soviet Union. But progress does not stand still, and a modern woman has many more opportunities to terminate a pregnancy. Vacuum abortion is considered a gentle option to avoid the birth of an unwanted child.

Vacuum abortion: the essence of the procedure

Vacuum abortion is also called mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. This is a method of ridding a woman of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages. The name itself contains a description of the procedure - the fetus is extracted using a vacuum pump. The mechanism of action is quite simple - a special device is inserted into the uterine cavity to separate the fertilized egg and remove it. With the help of this device, negative pressure is formed in the cavity, and the fertilized egg flies out of the woman’s body. The pregnancy is over.

Mini-abortion is performed using a vacuum pump

Several types of interventions can be used to terminate a pregnancy. During a surgical abortion, the fetus is scraped out of the uterus using special instruments. Vacuum abortion has many advantages over traditional abortion. During this procedure, the walls of the uterine cavity are not scraped, as with the surgical method of terminating a pregnancy. Therefore, this type of abortion intervention is easier for a woman to tolerate. At the same time, a medical abortion (by taking pills) is less painful for a woman than a vacuum abortion.

Indications for intervention

Among the main reasons for mini-abortion are the following:

  • the woman does not want to continue the pregnancy;
  • the pregnancy is frozen, that is, the fetus stops developing and dies;
  • the fertilized egg has defects;
  • a woman cannot become a mother for medical reasons;
  • the patient was taking medications that have a negative effect on the fetus, that is, medications that in almost any case will lead to deformities in the child;
  • the expectant mother has diseases that negatively affect the fetus and can lead to congenital diseases (syphilis, HIV, rubella and cytomegalovirus).


A woman has the right to independently decide to terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks. Vacuum abortion is used only within these time frames. If more than 3 months have passed, then the procedure cannot be done. At the same time, most clinics offer vacuum abortion only to patients up to 7 obstetric weeks. This is due to the fact that at this time the fertilized egg has not yet strengthened in the uterus, which means it is easy to remove. The ideal time for vacuum aspiration is 4–6 weeks of pregnancy.
4–6 weeks of pregnancy is the ideal period for a vacuum abortion

From the 7th to the 12th week of pregnancy, a mini-abortion can theoretically also be done, but it is much more complicated. Firstly, the cervix will have to be dilated (at earlier stages this is not required), and this adds to the woman’s discomfort after the operation. Secondly, there is a risk of tissue damage in the uterine cavity, and this threatens the patient with serious complications (development of inflammation, bleeding).

Thirdly, there is a risk of insufficient fetal extraction. And with this scenario, the woman is at risk of an inflammatory process, after which she may remain infertile. About 10% of patients encounter such problems. All these reasons determine the reluctance of doctors to use mini-abortion after the 6th week of pregnancy. At such a time frame, the doctor will most likely recommend another way to solve the problem - most often a surgical abortion. And, naturally, it is better for a woman to listen to the opinion of a specialist.
If you have a positive pregnancy test, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible

Many women are concerned about the question - how to calculate these weeks? How can you determine how much time has passed since conception? There is a clear answer to these questions - you need to count the time from the first day of your last menstruation. Doctors cannot always determine the date of conception, so all dates are calculated in obstetric weeks - from the first day of the last menstruation. From the perspective of modern gynecology, pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks. A woman usually finds out about conception after a delay in menstruation - that is, at a period of 4–5 obstetric weeks.

For example, a woman had her period on January 1st. After 4 weeks, she experienced a cycle disorder. On February 1, she can take a pregnancy test, and if the result is positive, she will already have 4 obstetric weeks. If she took the test on February 7, that is, a week after the delay, then the pregnancy will already be 5 weeks.

Therefore, if a girl is not ready to become a mother, she needs to carefully monitor her cycle and consult a doctor as early as possible.


The main thing is health. Therefore, under no circumstances should a woman go to dubious places to terminate a pregnancy, much less try to get rid of the child on her own or with the help of underground specialists. Long gone are the days when abortions were prohibited in Russia, which means you need to resort to the services of competent doctors. It is better to come to a clinic with a good reputation, and the best option is to contact a gynecologist whom the woman completely trusts.

Before a vacuum abortion, it is better to consult a reliable doctor

But not everything depends on the choice of doctor. Sometimes a vacuum abortion does not allow the woman’s health condition. There are two types of contraindications to this operation - relative and absolute.

Relative contraindications can be overcome. These include genital infections and colds.

Only a doctor can determine what specific problems in a woman’s health do not allow her to have a mini-abortion. And only a specialist can prescribe treatment for these changes in the body or recommend another way to get rid of the fetus.

Before a mini-abortion, a cold must be cured

Among the absolute contraindications are:

  • adhesions (connective tissue compactions);
  • oncology;
  • long gestational age;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

But it is also better for a woman to trust the opinion of a specialist. Doctors make their verdict in each case individually, based on the characteristics of each specific patient. Therefore, you should definitely seek medical help and not try to solve the problem yourself.

How is the procedure performed?

It is important to know how to properly prepare for a mini-abortion and what to expect from this procedure.

Preparing for a vacuum abortion

After choosing a clinic and a doctor, determining the timing of pregnancy, the woman is concerned with the question of how best to prepare for the operation. The most important condition for this is an examination by a gynecologist. Girls should not worry - not a single clinic will undertake termination of pregnancy without consulting a specialist. During the appointment, the following tests are usually taken from the woman:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood for infections (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis);
  • vaginal smear for microflora.

All women undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the gestational age as accurately as possible and determine the structural features of the uterus.
An ultrasound is required before a vacuum abortion.

Additional tests may be recommended by the doctor, taking into account the results of the examination and the individual characteristics of the patient. For example, if there is suspicious discharge, the doctor may prescribe tests for sexually transmitted infections. If a woman has a congenital heart defect, she may be recommended to have a cardiogram.

It is important to understand that if a doctor prescribes any tests or examinations, it is better not to refuse. This is done to reduce risks as much as possible, and not at the whim of medical personnel.

If a girl takes a responsible approach to preparing for a mini-abortion, most likely everything will go without complications.

After passing all the tests, the doctor sets a date for the operation. In some cases, the procedure can be performed immediately on the day of treatment if the research results are already ready. In general, it depends on the clinic the woman goes to. Naturally, everyone is interested in the operation taking place as soon as possible. Therefore, no one will delay the analysis. Doctors will do everything possible to perform a mini-abortion as early as possible.

Duration of the procedure

On the appointed day, the woman comes to the clinic. Mini-abortion is performed only in specialized medical institutions and under the supervision of specialists. Many people are concerned about the duration of the operation. A mini-abortion is done in 1–5 minutes. This once again confirms the effectiveness of this intervention - the woman does not have to endure discomfort for a long time.

Progress of mini-abortion

To perform a vacuum abortion, the patient sits in a gynecological chair. Her legs are fixed in stirrups so that she does not interfere with the progress of the operation. To eliminate the possibility of infection, the woman’s genitals are treated with antiseptic agents.
Vacuum abortion is performed on a gynecological chair

Many patients are afraid of pain during a mini-abortion. However, in modern conditions this is excluded. Without anesthesia, no doctor will begin an operation. When performing a vacuum abortion, two types of anesthesia are used:

After pain-relieving procedures, the doctor begins to dilate the cervix. However, this is not necessary for all women. If the patient has already given birth to a child, no manipulations are performed with the cervix.

Next, the doctor inserts the tip of the electric vacuum pump into the uterus and turns on the device. Negative pressure is created in the uterus, the fertilized egg slips out of the uterine area and enters a special compartment of the pump. After this, the uterus begins to actively contract.

In modern clinics, a mini-abortion is performed under ultrasound control, that is, the doctor has the opportunity to control the completeness of the extraction of the fertilized egg. It is with the help of ultrasound that the effectiveness of the operation can be assessed. If everything went well, the fertilized egg will be completely removed from the uterine cavity.

Reviews from women

Most women note that there was no severe pain during a vacuum abortion.

It hurts a little when the cervix is ​​dilated, like during menstruation. The device operates max. 2 minutes, a little painful, the same as during menstruation. You need to take a good sedative, you've worked yourself up so much that even a simple touch will make you squeal. Ask for a triple dose of lidocaine and ketonal (I did this).

Old wallet

This is not scary, but it is advisable to do it under ultrasound control, this is when the fertilized egg is visible with a sensor and it is completely removed, under anesthesia it is painless


When can I go home?

Every woman wants to know when she can return home after an abortion. If a vacuum abortion is performed, the patient will be released from the clinic within a few hours. After the operation, she is given the opportunity to lie down and rest. During this time, the doctor monitors the woman’s condition. If severe dizziness, loss of consciousness or nausea occurs, the patient will under no circumstances be allowed to go home until these symptoms have resolved. You can return to your normal life only with the doctor's permission.
A couple of hours after the mini-abortion you can go home

If the outcome is favorable, the next day the woman can return to her normal life, for example, go to work.

Visiting a doctor after a mini-abortion

Doctors strongly recommend that women who have undergone a vacuum abortion consult a gynecologist two weeks after surgery. First of all, this is done to ensure that the fertilized egg is completely removed. For this, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound, which makes it possible to verify the fact of termination of pregnancy. If for some reason a woman is still carrying a child, it is important to take action as soon as possible.
2 weeks after the mini-abortion you need to visit a gynecologist

And also during a visit to the doctor, a woman undergoes tests that make sure there is no inflammation. Do not forget that vacuum abortion is an intervention in the female body. Despite the treatment of instruments, the risk of infection is always present. Therefore, patients are prescribed a blood test, smears are taken and other necessary manipulations are performed.


Despite its apparent simplicity, vacuum abortion is a serious operation. This method of abortion can have dire consequences. Every girl should clearly understand this and think seriously before having a mini-abortion. Perhaps in some cases it is better to keep the child and give him a chance to be born.

Among the most serious consequences of a vacuum abortion is infertility. That is, a woman may never become pregnant again. There may also be problems with bearing children, that is, the likelihood of miscarriages increases significantly. These consequences often appear many years later, when the girl no longer even thinks about the mini-abortion. Of course, the risk is lower than with traditional intervention. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And this is important to understand before having an abortion.
Vacuum abortion can leave a woman infertile