Postpartum endometritis in a cat. Examination of the animal upon admission


Educational and methodological manual


Compiled by:

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor V.A. Orobets

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, assistant N.E. Orlova


Veterinary propaedeutics: educational manual / comp. V.A. Orobets, N.E. Orlova. – Stavropol: AGRUS, 2008. - p.



Life history. 4

History of illness (Information about the animal since the moment of illness). 5




Pathological changes in the skin. 7








CHEST.. 24



Female genitals. 43

Male genitals. 51


Somatic department. 58

Motor sphere. 58

Sense organs. 58



References.. 66



1. serial number (according to the journal for registering sick animals);

2. individual characteristics animal;

3. type of animal (cattle or small cattle, horse, pig, dog).

4. nickname, number, brand;

5. Gender (cow, bull, ox, stallion, gelding, mare, sheep, ram, vulkh, pig, boar, wild boar, goat, goat, male, female).

6. color, color and characteristics;

7. age (years, months, days);

8. date of birth;

9. breed;

10. fatness;

11. live weight;

12. owner of the animal (last name, first name, patronymic, household, institution);

13. detailed address of the owner and telephone number;

14. dates: admission of the animal to the clinic, departure from the clinic;

15. outcome of the disease. This section also includes the initial diagnosis and the final diagnosis at follow-up.


Life history.

This part of the history characterizes the animal until the moment of illness. It includes:

1. Where and when did this animal come to the farm or is it home-grown.

2. Characteristics of the premises in which the animal is kept (wooden or stone, reinforced concrete; dry or damp, light or dark; bedding, ventilation - sufficient or insufficient, presence of drafts, manure removal - regular or irregular, mechanized or manual), under a canopy, under open sky.

3. System and method of housing: tethered or loose (box). Care is impersonal or not. Exercise (active, passive or absent).

4. Feeding: quantitative and qualitative composition of the feed ration, good quality of feed, availability of mineral and vitamin supplements, feeding regimen. Type of feeding (general, group or individual).

5. Watering. Sources of water (pipeline, well, artesian well, river, lake, pond), quantity and quality of water (plentiful, insufficient; fresh, clean, poor quality, impurities), water temperature (cool, cold, warm), type of drinking (group or individual).

6. Purpose of the animal on the farm. The nature and duration of the work performed, load, productivity (daily and annual milk yield).

7. Use for reproduction. Pregnancy and childbirth (number of calvings, date of last calving and last fertile insemination, duration of the start and dry period, course of labor (successful or unsuccessful) and the postpartum period.

8. Conducted veterinary treatments and diagnostic tests (for glanders, tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.).

History of illness (Information about the animal since the moment of illness).

1. When and under what circumstances did the animal get sick (after feeding, during work, etc.).

2. What signs of disease were noted at the beginning of the disease and subsequently.

3. Has the animal been sick before (when, signs, diagnosis),

4. The presence of sick animals on the farm with similar or other signs. Have you had this type of disease before (when and for how long).

5. Was the animal treated (when, by whom and with what). The result of this treatment.

6. What diagnostic tests and preventive treatments has the animal undergone recently and their results?

It is quite clear that the above scheme for collecting anamnesis can be expanded, and sometimes a number of questions can be completely omitted.

To make a diagnosis, it is also important to know epizootological the state of the economy (favorable or unfavorable in terms of infectious and invasive diseases and which ones).



Animal body position:

voluntary, natural forced, standing or lying down, unnatural postures (throwing back the head, sitting dog, observer, etc.), forced movements (uncontrollable movement forward, backward, in a circle, clockwise, etc.).


strong (correct, good), medium and weak (incorrect, bad). Defects are indicated.


good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, exhaustion, obesity.


rough, tender, dense (dry), loose (raw). The type of constitution (in horses) is light (asthenic), heavy (pyknic) and muscular.


lively, phlegmatic (inert).


good, evil (aggressive).

When recording the results of a study of a sick animal in the medical history ( Status praesens) Students can use the following description of the body condition of a healthy cow as an example.

General research.

Temperature - 38.1°C, pulse - 62, respiration - 24.

Habit. The body position is natural - standing. Average build; individual parts of the body are proportionally developed. The nutrition is good. The constitution is dense. The temperament is phlegmatic, the disposition is kind.

The description of other organs and systems is carried out similarly.



(hair, wool, bristles, feathers, fluff) - located correctly (in flows), evenly adjacent, tousled (in which areas), glued together. Shiny, matte (dirty), long, short, thick, sparse, held firmly (well) or weakly (take into account molting), elastic, brittle. Sectioned hair, graying, cutting, baldness (specify where).

Skin color:

(on non-pigmented areas) - pale pink, pink, gray, pale (anemic), red, cyanotic (cyanotic), icteric.


preserved (elastic), reduced, lost (inelastic).


They are examined in symmetrical areas (the base of the ears, horns, limbs, the side surfaces of the chest, in pigs - the snout and ears, in dogs - the tip of the nose). The skin is moderately warm, equally expressed in symmetrical areas. General or local, increase or decrease (indicate where).


moderate, dry skin (hypohidrosis), increased (hyperhidrosis). General or local sweating(specify areas); sweat cold, warm, sticky, watery.


specific (moderately, sharply, weakly expressed), acetone, uremic, putrefactive.

Related information.

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Postpartum endometritis in a cat

1. Registration(registration)

1. Type of animal (Species) - cat

2. Sex (Sexsus) - cat

3. Age (Aetas) - 5 years

4. Breed (Jenus) - outbred

5. Color - tortoiseshell

6. Body weight (Massa) - 3 kg

8. Owner and his address - Travnikova E.Yu., st. Mashinostroiteley 21, apt. 65

9. Nickname - Dasha

Initial diagnosis(Diagnosisprimaria)

Postpartum endometritis

Final diagnosis(Diagnosisfinalis)

Postpartum endometritis

Outcome of the disease(Exitusmorbid) and date

Partial recovery

2. Anamnesis(ANAMNESIS)

cat endometritis postpartum disease

1. History of the life of a sick animal (ANAMNESIS VITAE):

According to the owner, the animal came into the family as a kitten, lives in an apartment, and in the summer lives in the country. The cat had previously given birth 3 times, no complications were observed and no veterinarian was contacted. Vaccinated and dewormed annually according to plan.

2. History of the present disease (ANAMNESIS MORBI):

According to the owner, the cat's labor lasted about 3 hours, the kittens all survived. (4 kittens were born) after which the cat became inactive, the owners noted her feeling unwell, after giving birth, brown discharge appeared, this lasted 3 days, the cat was lethargic, ate without appetite. On the 3rd day, the owners turned to the Efa veterinary clinic for help.

3. Examination of the animal upon admission(statuspraesens)

Temperature: 39.3C

Pulse: 127 beats/min

Breathing: 27 bpm

1. General condition:

Average build; nutrition is good; body position in space is natural, sitting; lively temperament, good disposition.

2. Leather and its derivatives. In non-pigmented areas the skin is pale pink color. Humidity is normal. The hair is uniform, smooth and shiny. The hair is short, elastic, and holds well in the skin. Subcutaneous tissue is moderately expressed and evenly distributed. The skin is elastic.

3. The visible mucous membranes of the eyes are pale pink, intact, moderately moist. Bow and oral cavity pale pink, whole, moderately moist. The vaginal mucosa is bright pink, intact, and moist.

4. Muscles and bones. The muscles and bones of the skeleton are well developed, symmetrical, and consistent with the appearance. Muscle tone is moderate.

5. Joints are symmetrical and mobile.

6. Cardiovascular system.

Inspection of the cardiac area and palpation of the heart area:

When examining the chest, hair vibrations are visible in the area of ​​the heartbeat. The cardiac impulse is apical, localized, and well palpated. Warm, painful, tactile sensations are preserved.

Auscultation of the heart: the sounds are clear, rhythmic, loud.

7. Respiratory system. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is pigmented, intact, and moderately moist. Paranasal sinuses painless upon percussion and palpation. Examination of the larynx: the local temperature to the touch above the larynx is moderately warm, painless on palpation. Examination of the trachea: local temperature is moderately warm to the touch, painless on palpation, integrity is preserved. When auscultating the trachea, tracheal breathing is heard. The chest is anatomically correct in shape, breathing through the nose is free, 27 respiratory movements per minute. On palpation and percussion, the chest is painless. When auscultating the lungs, a vesicular noise is heard.

8. Digestive system. Oral cavity: the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in non-pigmented areas is pale pink, intact, moderately moist. The tongue is pink, moist, whole. Teeth with a yellowish coating. The bite is correct. Complete closure of the mouth and lips. Saliva is clear and liquid in moderate quantities. The pharynx and esophagus are painless on palpation. The abdomen is symmetrical, pain and tactile sensitivity are preserved, soft and painless on palpation. During auscultation, gurgling, iridescent periodic noises are heard in the area of ​​the small and large intestines.

9. Urinary system. On palpation, the kidneys are painless and bean-shaped.

10. Female genitals. The visible mucous membrane of the vagina is hyperemic, moist, and purulent-hemorrhagic mucus is released from the vagina. The mammary glands are developed evenly, in accordance with the species. The nipples are pale pink, cone-shaped, about 3 mm long. The skin around the nipples is clean and painless.

11. Nervous system. General condition is satisfactory. The bones of the skull are symmetrical, the spine is straight, the local temperature in the area of ​​the skull and spinal column is moderately warm, pain and tactile sensitivity are preserved. Motor ability is preserved. Movements are coordinated. Sense organs without visible disturbances. The placement of the limbs is anatomically correct.

4 . Study of local process (Status praesens localis)

1. Vaginal examination - no instrumental examination was performed

2. Rectal examination - not performed


Not carried out.

6. Diagnosis(Diagnosis)

Based on the clinical studies and medical history, the diagnosis was: postpartum endometritis.

7 . Treatment plan(PLANUMCURATIONIS)

Theoretical part

Anatomical and pathological certificate. The female genital organs are usually divided into internal and external.

Internal genital organs. They include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.

Ovaries (Ovaria, Oophoron) - the primary paired sex gland that performs reproductive and hormonal functions. The ovaries are ovoid in shape, somewhat flattened laterally, reaching a diameter of approximately 1 cm. During heat, the luteal phase of the sexual cycle and during pregnancy, their shape can be grape-shaped.

The ovaries are located in abdominal cavity behind and below the kidneys in the open ovarian bursa. The wall of the latter is formed by the mesentery of the fallopian tubes and is translucent (does not contain fatty deposits). Its lower edge does not form adhesions with surrounding tissues and is therefore easily removed from the surface of the ovary. With the help own ligament The ovary is connected to the apex of the corresponding uterine horn and is attached to the lumbar vertebrae by means of an accessory (suspensory) ligament. The accessory ovarian ligaments in cats are quite long and elastic, containing blood vessels, are practically devoid of fat and generally provide good operational access to the ovaries.

Externally, the ovary is covered with a single-layer cubic epithelium, under which there is a well-developed fibrous (albuginine) membrane. The ovarian parenchyma is represented by the medulla and cortex. The medulla consists of connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves and is localized inside the cortex. The connective tissue base of the cortex contains the follicular apparatus of the ovary (primary, secondary and tertiary follicles) and the corpus luteum.

Primary follicles, or primordial, resting, are a 1st order oocyte surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells. Secondary follicles, or growing ones, are 1st order oocytes surrounded by two or more layers of follicular cells. At this stage of folliculogenesis, the egg actively grows and becomes covered with a transparent membrane. Tertiary follicles, or vesicular, cavity, graafian, contain a micro- or macroscopic cavity filled with follicular fluid. Their wall is lined from the inside with multilayered follicular epithelium, and on the outside - by the inner and outer layers of the connective tissue membrane (teca interna et externa). Follicular epithelial cells form an egg-bearing tubercle, in the center of which the 1st order oocyte is located. Tertiary follicles produce estrogenic hormones. The hormonal activity of graafian follicles depends on the degree of their maturity. The most endocrine-active ones are preovulatory follicles that have entered the final stage of their development. Their number can range from 1 to 8 or more. Shortly before ovulation they reach 2-3.5 mm in diameter. The fate of mature follicles can be different and depends on the presence or absence of sexual intercourse. When mating with a cat, the follicles ovulate (open and release an egg along with the flow of follicular fluid) and transform into the corpus luteum. In the absence of sexual intercourse, preovulatory follicles do not ovulate and after the end of sexual heat they become atretic (dissolve).

The corpus luteum is endocrine gland temporary secretion. Cells of the corpus luteum (luteocytes) produce progesterone, a hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy. There are corpora lutea of ​​the reproductive cycle and pregnancy. In cats, the corpus luteum of the reproductive cycle is formed after sterile intercourse or after injection of drugs with LH (lutropin) or LH-releasing activity into females during the period of estrus.

In structure and hormonal activity, the corpus luteum of the reproductive cycle corresponds to the corpus luteum of pregnancy and differs from the latter only in that it functions for a shorter period of time: on average 42 days, while the corpus luteum of pregnancy is 63-65 days.

Fallopian tubes (Tuba uterina, Salpinx), or oviducts, fallopian tubes, - paired organ in the form of a convoluted tube extending from the apical part of each uterine horn. The fallopian tubes are located in their own mesentery, formed by the internal layer of the broad uterine ligament. Their opposite end opens into the cavity of the ovarian bursa; the wall consists of mucous, muscular and serous membranes. The mucous membrane is folded, its epithelium is single-layer cylindrical and is represented by secretory and ciliated cells. Sperm mature in the fallopian tubes (capacitation), the egg is fertilized and the embryo develops to the stage of a 16-cell blastomere. Germ cells and embryos are transported to the uterus due to vibrations of the cilia of epithelial cells and contraction of smooth muscle fibers organ walls. Contractile activity muscle, the lining of the fallopian tubes stimulates estrogens and suppresses progesterone.

The uterus (Uterus, Histera, Metra) in cats consists of a cervix, body and two horns. The cervix and body of the uterus are short, the horns are long and serve as a fruit repository, diverging under acute angle, give the uterus the shape of a slingshot. The size of the uterine horns in cats depends on the age and physiological state of the body (stage of puberty, stage of pregnancy). For example, during the period of anestrus, the uterine horns are straight, reach 7-8 cm in length, and 0.3-0.4 cm in diameter; during the period of sexual heat they become longer, more convoluted and increase in diameter to 0.5-0.7 cm.

The wall of the uterus is made up of three membranes: the outer - serous (perimetry), the middle - muscular (myometrium) and the inner - mucous (endometrium). The muscular layer is represented by longitudinal and circular layers, between which there is a layer rich in blood vessels and nerves. The contractile activity of the body myometrium and uterine horns is stimulated by estrogens and suppressed by progesterone. The structure of the mucous membrane of the body and the horns of the uterus is quite complex. It is covered with a single-layer cylindrical epithelium; in its thickness there are numerous tubular glands, the ducts of which open into the uterine cavity. These glands produce what is called royal jelly, necessary for the nutrition of the embryo. The endometrium, like the myometrium, serves as a target tissue for sex hormones. Estrogens enhance the vascularization of the endometrium and stimulate the growth of endometrial glands. Progesterone causes branching of the tubular glands and stimulates the production of royal jelly.

During pregnancy in cats, as well as in other placental animals, a placenta is formed from the mucous membrane of the uterus and the choroid of the fetus, which in its macroscopic structure belongs to the zonal (zonal) type, and in its microscopic structure - to the endotheliochorionic type. During childbirth, only the baby part of the placenta falls off.

The cervix (Cervix uteri) is short, without clear boundaries with the body of the uterus and vagina; has a narrow channel, a thick wall with a well-developed muscle layer. The cervix acts as a sphincter of the uterus. Full opening of her canal is noted during childbirth, partial opening - during periods of estrus, sexual heat and postpartum. The opening of the cervix during childbirth is stimulated by estrogens and relaxin; during estrus - only estrogenic hormones. The epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​single-layered, cylindrical and is represented mainly by secretory cells that produce a mucous secretion with bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties. Unlike many other animals, the mucous membrane of the cervix in cats contains tubular glands.

The uterus is located in the abdominal cavity and is supported by wide and round uterine ligaments. The broad ligaments of the uterus are double sheets of peritoneum extending from the lesser curvature of the horns, the lateral surface of the body, the cervix and the cranial part of the vagina to the lateral walls of the pelvis. The round ligaments of the uterus in the form of cords extend from the top of the uterine horns and are directed to the internal opening of the inguinal canal.

The vagina (Vagina), or vagina, is a thin-walled elastic tube extending from the cervix to the opening of the urethra ( urethra). It is located in the pelvic cavity and serves as an organ of copulation and the birth canal. The inside of the vaginal wall is lined with a mucous membrane, devoid of glands and covered with multilayer flat epithelium. Under the influence of estrogens during the period of proestrus and especially estrus (sexual heat), the number of layers of epithelial cells increases, the surface cells become keratinized, lose their nucleus, and keratin accumulates in their cytoplasm. The second membrane of the vagina is represented by two layers of muscles: longitudinal and circular (transverse). The cranial part of the vaginal tube is covered from the outside with a serous (peritoneal) membrane, the rest is covered with loose connective tissue, which, together with pararectal tissue, ensures fixation of the vagina and rectum in the pelvic cavity.

External genitalia. These include the vestibule of the vagina, labia and clitoris.

The vestibule of the vagina (Vestibulum vaginae) serves as the urogenital canal. Its mucous membrane is covered with stratified squamous epithelium and performs accordingly protective function. In the thickness of the mucous membrane there are paired vestibular glands that produce a mucin-like secretion during the period of sexual heat. The muscular layer is well developed. The border between the vagina and its vestibule is the opening of the urethra.

The hymen (Hymen) in cats is poorly developed or absent. The vestibule of the vagina passes caudally into the genital fissure (Rima pudendi), bounded by the labia vulvae, or vulva, genital loop. The upper corner of the vulva is rounded, the lower is pointed. IN bottom corner The genital slit contains the clitoris (Clitoris), a homologue of the penis. The clitoris consists of fibrous, adipose and erectile tissues, is rich in sensory nerve endings, and does not contain the genital bone.

Treatment for vaginal inflammation depends on the cause of its occurrence and the severity of the process. In mild cases, you can limit yourself to washing the vagina with herbal decoctions. If there is heavy purulent or bloody discharge, systemic treatment with antibiotics, immune drugs, local disinfectant solutions. If found out endocrine cause vaginitis, correction is carried out hormonal levels. Pyometra is treated surgically.

In this animal, the cat's owners refused surgical intervention; the following scheme was used for its treatment:

Gamavit - complex drug, which contains B vitamins, as well as amino acids that are necessary to maintain immunity. The drug increases the body's resistance.

Mastomethrin - contains homeopathic components indicated for inflammatory diseases and functional disorders reproductive organs and mammary glands of females.

Enroxil - Enrofloxacin, which is part of Enroxil, belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and has a wide spectrum antibacterial action, is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including Escherichia, Protea, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Bordetella, Campylobacter, Corynebacterium, Clostridia and Mycoplasma. Enrofloxacin is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract and penetrates all organs and tissues of the body. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved 1.0-1.5 hours after its administration and is maintained at a therapeutic level for 24 hours. Enrofloxacin is excreted from the body mainly unchanged in urine and bile. The drug has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals. Treatment of animals with infections of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, septicemia, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, streptococcosis, bacterial and enzootic pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, MMA syndrome and other diseases whose pathogens are sensitive to enrofloxacin.

Calcium borgluconate - has a desensitizing, antitoxic and anti-inflammatory effect; increases the blood level ionized calcium, stimulates metabolism, increases contraction of the heart muscle.

Ovariovit - prescribed for hormonal disorders in the area of ​​the female reproductive organs. It is effective for ovarian diseases, eliminates hormonal dysfunction (caused by insufficiency of ovarian and pituitary gland function) and restores hormonal balance in the body. Has the following effect:

1. Quickly restores ovarian function, triggers follicle growth and development mechanisms,

2. Restores and regulates the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system,

3. Eliminates mental disorders with hormonal abnormalities (for example, with false pregnancy)

8 . Analysis of medical history materials

1. Determination of the essence of the disease and its economic significance.

Endometritis is a disease that is caused by an inflammatory process in surface layer endometrium, the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body.

Traditionally, acute and chronic types of endometriosis are distinguished.

Endomyometritis is an inflammatory process localized in deeper tissues (basal layer of the endometrium, myometrium).

Endometritis is inflammation of the uterine mucosa. It occurs after childbirth, abortion, and can also develop when intrauterine diagnostic techniques are violated. 80 out of 100 cases of endometritis are associated with cesarean section.

Endometritis is a polymicrobial disease that is caused by opportunistic bacteria, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and viruses. The main causative agents of endometritis are opportunistic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, making up the normal microflora of the lower genital tract of a woman. Currently, the leading place in the etiology of the disease is occupied by a mixed viral-bacterial infection.

This is a sluggish inflammation of the mucous membrane of the body and the horns of the uterus. Mostly dogs that have reached the age of 7-8 years are affected, cats - starting from the age of 5.

Gonorrheal endometritis is damage to the uterine mucosa (endometrium) by the causative agent of gonorrhea. The infection enters the uterine cavity from the vagina through the cervix. The peculiarity of gonorrheal endometritis is that in severe cases, inflammation from the mucous membrane passes to the muscular layer of the uterus, which contributes to the occurrence of uterine ruptures during pregnancy.

The main ways of spreading infection in endometritis are:

ascending, which is associated with the presence of opportunistic microorganisms living in the vagina;



intraamnial, associated with the introduction of instrumental research methods into obstetric practice (amnioscopy, amniocentesis, cordocentesis).

A significant role in the occurrence and course of the infectious process in the postpartum period belongs to a decrease in immunological reactivity. It has been established that even in healthy early dates postpartum period partial weakening of immunity is observed.

Symptoms The disease occurs 15-45 days after the next emptying. Most characteristic feature- leakage of watery, cloudy (with catarrhal endometritis) or mucopurulent, gray-brown (with purulent-catarrhal endometritis) exudate through the genital slit. The animal is slightly depressed, less mobile, the appetite is impaired; loss of fatness is noted. A vaginal examination reveals hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the anterior part of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix, the application of exudate on them, slightly open cervical canal. Through the abdominal wall, you can feel the slightly enlarged, unevenly tuberous (or sausage-shaped) horns of the uterus.

With a purpose differential diagnosis carry out a study of smears-imprints of the contents of the uterine cavity. The cytological picture is characterized by large number acidophilic stained epithelial cells, dead leukocytes of the neutrophil group and microorganisms.

Pathological picture. The uterine vessels are injected, the wall of the horns is unevenly thickened, the mucous membrane is congestively hyperemic, edematous, dull (due to the death and rejection of the integumentary epithelium), part of the uterine glands has turned into retention cysts ranging in size from millet to wheat grains.

2. Etiology

Chronic endometritis is often a continuation of acute postpartum endometritis. However, the inflammatory process often occurs after the end of the postpartum period due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus through the cervical canal or by way. transition of the inflammatory process from other organs.

The occurrence and development of the disease is facilitated by an imbalance of sex steroids (estrogens, progesterone) in various ovarian lesions; this, in turn, disrupts the mechanism of local protective reactions. This is confirmed by the fact that endometritis is usually preceded by a discharge with certain abnormalities or the use of sex steroids to normalize it.

3. Pathogenesis

Fever, general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, thin, purulent leucorrhoea. The chronic course is accompanied by thickening of the uterus, disorder menstrual cycle, miscarriage.

Complications: In the absence timely treatment With endometritis, the infection can spread to the fallopian tubes or deeper layers of the uterus, which can subsequently cause infertility, sepsis, or even death. Endometritis often leads to pyometra, so affected cats have to be excluded from breeding. If endometritis is suspected or this diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy and bacterial culture valuable cats can be urgently bred at the same time as antibiotics are used wide range actions.

4. Clinical picture and diagnosis.

The main symptoms of the disease are manifested by depression of the general condition, decreased food excitability, stiffness of movements, vomiting, the animal lies more, loses weight, has difficulty getting up, and polyuria (polydipsia) is noted.

5. Treatment

Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterus, which primarily affects its mucous membrane. Primary cause endometritis in cats is infection of the organ cavity under the influence of various microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, Escherichia coli, Klepsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic fungi) during childbirth.

According to our observations, this disease in cats manifested itself 3-5 days after birth. The clinical picture of the disease was characterized by general weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, thirst, increased body temperature to the upper limit of normal (39.5 °C) and 0.5-1 °C above normal. Sick cats refused to feed kittens.

9 . Epicrisis (Epicrisis)

The date of admission of the animal was April 14, 2013, the diagnosis was made on the basis clinical trial and history of postpartum endometritis.

The treatment was successful, the animal’s health improved, and clinical signs of postpartum endometritis were not observed. The prognosis at the time of discharge of the animal is favorable. The animal must be kept in a dry and warm room, fed with high-quality feed according to the instructions on the package.

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The beginning of the development of clinical diagnostics dates back to ancient times and is closely connected with the history of medicine and veterinary medicine. Looking closely at domestic animals and their diseases, a person acquired the rudiments of deep empirical knowledge, which was based on superficial observations of the manifestations of external signs of diseases - coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions.

Egyptian doctors back in the 24th century. BC, when recognizing diseases, diagnostic techniques such as palpation were used.

In ancient Greece, Hippocrates (V-IV centuries BC), describing a clinical study of patients, wrote: “You should know that judgments are made through the eyes, ears, nose, hands and other methods known to us, i.e. by sight, touch , hearing, smell and taste." Hippocratic diagnosis is rich in subtle judgments. Many of his diagnostic methods for recognizing diseases are still used today.

The Renaissance brought with it the greatest progress in science with the flowering of creative thought.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, outstanding discoveries were made in the fields of anatomy, histology and physiology. In 1628, Harvey established the patterns of blood movement in the body of higher animals, which served as an impetus for the study of physiology, pathology and diagnosis of diseases of the circulatory system.

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In 1816, the French physician Lennec introduced the stethoscope into practice, which served as the beginning of modern auscultation. To listen to noises, he made a wooden tube 33 cm long. Later form The stethoscope has changed and improved. Lennek developed in detail the doctrine of mediocre auscultation. The physical basis for auscultation was given by Skoda in 1839. On the issues of auscultation of animals, the works of Marek, published in 1901, should be considered the most valuable.

The invention of the microscope and thermometer contributed to the rapid development of clinical diagnostics.

The foundations of modern diagnostics were laid in the second half of the last century. A brilliant achievement of microbiology was the discovery of the most important pathogens of infectious diseases in humans and animals. The use of physical and chemical methods has made available laboratory tests of blood, urine, exudate, transudate, gastric contents and feces. Clinical diagnosis was enriched by fluoroscopy and graphic methods of examination (electrocardiography, radiography).

The development of clinical diagnostics was significantly favored by the physiological teachings of I. P. Pavlov (physiology of blood circulation, respiration, digestion and central nervous system, united by the common idea of ​​nervism).

A major role in the development of domestic clinical diagnostics was played by the luminaries of Russian science S.P. Botkin, G.A. Zakharyin, A.A. Ostroumov, and in the diagnosis of invasive and protozoal diseases - the schools of Academician K.I. Scriabin and Professor V.Ya. Yakimova. Other scientists have also made major contributions to veterinary clinical diagnostics.


Type of animal - dog. Paul is a bitch. Nickname - Mira.

Age - 4 years

Color - white.

Breed - outbred.

Live weight - 20 kg

Animal affiliation Olga Varazdatovna Asatryan

Owner's address - Amur Region. Zeya st. Smirnova, 9

Clinic address - Partizanskaya, 43

The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Initial diagnosis - pyometra

The diagnosis at follow-up was pyometra.

Operation ovariohysterectomy.

The outcome of the disease is recovery.

Disposal date: 02/22/2013

Completed by Lyudmila Varazdatovna Asatryan

Checked - Kovalev L.I.


Life history

Dog of the World. 4 years. She was purchased in the city of Blagoveshchensk in 2009, at the age of 2 months. The puppy has had all his vaccinations up to date. From the age of 2 months to the present day, the dog is kept in a city apartment, the dog is walked 2 times a day, fed with ready-made dry and canned food and water ad libitum, vaccinated annually against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus infection, leptospirosis, rabies. Throughout its life, the animal had irregular estrus, with intervals from 4 to 8 months, the first estrus - in 1 year 2 months, the last - 1.5 months. back. There were no matings. The owners claim that the dog had not suffered any diseases before this incident.

Data about the animal’s life were recorded from the owner’s words.

Medical history

On February 12, 2013, the owner of the animal contacted veterinary clinic“Veterinarian” with the fact that her dog has been experiencing gradually increasing discharge from the vagina for 2 weeks, weakness, apathy, refusal to feed, polyuria, polydipsia. Over the past two days, purulent discharge mixed with blood has been observed. The general condition of the dog is satisfactory. Data on the appearance of the animal’s disease were also recorded from the owner’s words.

Examination of the animal upon admission

General research

Status praesens communis.

Rectal temperature (T) 39.3 0 C.

Pulse (P) 190 beats per minute.

Breathing (D) 24 respiratory movements per minute.

The general state is depressed - apathy. The eyeballs and eyelids are without pathological features, eye movements are natural.

The perception of sound stimuli is not impaired. Taste perception and sense of smell is normal.

The dog is reluctant to move and takes a lying position during the examination.

The constitution is loose, the physique is average, there is significant obesity. Temperament is phlegmatic. The coat is thick, harsh, with a well-developed undercoat, dull, lies unevenly, and the hair is not held firmly.

The skin in non-pigmented areas is pale, without pathological changes and damage, skin elasticity is slightly reduced. Sensitivity is normal.

The subcutaneous tissue is highly developed, without pathological changes.

Submandibular, inguinal, superficial cervical lymph nodes not enlarged, poorly palpated, dense, mobile relative to the skin and underlying tissues, painless, local temperature is not increased.

* This work is not a scientific work, is not a final qualification work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material for self-study educational works.


1. Preliminary information about the animal

1.1. Animal registration

1.2. Anamnesis

1.3. Life history Anamnesis vitae

1.4. History of the disease Anamnesis morbi

2. Own research

2.1. General examination of the animal

3. Methods for clinical examination of animals

4. Laboratory research

5. Literature used


1. Preliminary information about the animal

1.1. Animal registration

Species: dog;

Gender: male;

Age: 7.5 years;

Breed: Collie (long-haired);

Color: marble;

Live weight: 20 kg;

Nickname or number: Robin, brand OAV 013;

1.2. Anamnesis

The dog is kept in a city apartment, the living conditions and microclimate correspond to the norm and provide comfortable conditions existence in this environment.

Daily routine: 07:00 walk, 7:30 feeding, wakefulness, sleep, second walk at 19:00, second feeding 23:ºº sleep. Access to water is free.

Life history (Anamnesis vitae)

Date of birth 08/26/2003, animal origin: nursery. Preventive vaccinations: the first vaccination was given at the age of 9 weeks against canine distemper, the second was given 2 weeks later. The animal is vaccinated once a year. Every six months the dog takes anti-helminth medications.

Feeding conditions: in the morning the dog is given dry food Pedigree 300 g. In the evening, oatmeal porridge with meat. Diet: oatmeal porridge, buckwheat, meat, vegetables, dry food, raw chicken egg, free access to water. Boiled water is provided.

History of illness (Anamnesis morbi)

In the fall of 2008, the dog had otitis media. The animal constantly scratched its ear and shook its head. The temperature was elevated auricle The inside was scratched due to scratching, there was hyperemia and pain.

Treatment:1. ear drops Otoferonol-gold, 2. Analgin (at night), 3. Amoxicillin.

In the spring of 2011 I had lichen. The dog had areas of baldness, accompanied by itching and hyperemia. Refused food.

Treatment: 1. Vaccine Polivac - TM (against dermatomycosis of dogs). 2. Fungoterbin.

2. Own research

2.1. General examination of the animal

The condition of the animal during the study was healthy. Body temperature (rectal) - 38.7 C0, pulse - 70 beats/min, respiration - 18 breaths/min.

Constitution - weak;

Fatness - satisfactory;

Pose - natural;

The constitution is delicate;

Temperament - lively, disposition - kind;

Study skin and skin

Skin - hair is located correctly, shiny, long, thick.

Skin examination:

Color - gray;

Elasticity - preserved;

The skin is moderately warm, the temperature is equally expressed in symmetrical areas;

Humidity - normal;

The smell is specific;

Horny skin formations

the form is correct;

integrity - not broken;

surface - smooth;

consistency - hard;

shine - no (dull);

local temperature is normal.

Examination of mucous membranes

Mucous membranes of the eyes:

color - pale pink;

humidity - moderate;

integrity - not broken;

swelling - absent.

Nasal mucosa:

color - pale pink;

humidity - moderate;

integrity - not broken;

swelling - absent.

Oral mucosa

color - red-pink;

humidity - moderate;

integrity - not broken;

swelling - absent.

Lymph node examination

Lymph nodes (inguinal) - not enlarged, bean-shaped, smooth, mobile, elastic, dense, painless. There is no increase in local temperature.

Study of muscles, bones, joints

The muscles are poorly developed and symmetrical. The tone is normal. There is no muscle pain on palpation.

The bones are proportional to the skeleton, there is no deformation, there is no curvature of the spine, there is no pain.

Joints - without pathology.

Research of the cardiovascular system

Study of the cardiac region

Cardiac impulse: Localized in the 5th intercostal space, below the middle of the lower third of the chest (better expressed on the left), rhythmic, moderate. The cardiac region is painless on palpation.

Heart percussion: 3-6 rib. The lower border is the chest bone, the upper border is the glenohumeral joint; absolute dullness in the 4th-6th intercostal space, its anterior border begins from the middle of the sternum parallel to the caudal edge of the 4th rib. It runs vertically to the costal symphyses, and the dorsal border runs horizontally into the 5th intercostal space and reaches the 6th intercostal space, forming a curve curved backwards; caudally, without a sharp boundary, it passes into the zone of hepatic dullness, and from the midline of the sternum into the right-sided cardiac dullness in the 4th intercostal space of the dorsal top edge of the sternum, in this case one merging zone of bluntness is formed on the ventral part of the chest, well defined in a sitting position.

Heart sounds: loud, clear, clear without changes.

Vascular examination

Arterial pulse: 70 beats/min, rhythmic, medium, hard, full, uniform, strong.

Respiratory system examination

Upper section

No nasal discharge;

Exhaled air is moderately warm, odorless;

No cough;

The nasal mucosa is pink, moist, without cracks or rashes;

When percussed, the paranasal cavities give a boxed sound, which indicates the absence of exudate.

During auscultation of the larynx and trachea, the sound of a guttural knock is detected, without pathological noises, no wheezing is detected; upon external examination, the physiological position of the head and neck is not forced; Palpation revealed no deformation, pain or increased temperature in this area; Upon internal examination of tissue edema, there is no increase in volume.

Chest examination

The shape of the chest is sharply narrowed;

The number of respiratory movements per minute is 18;

There is no pain on palpation, the local temperature does not differ from the temperature of the surrounding tissues, and no vibration noises are detected. Percussion borders of the lungs: the posterior border of the percussion field crosses the macular line in the 11th intercostal space, the line of the ischial tuberosity in the 10th intercostal space, the line of the scapula - shoulder joint in the 8th intercostal space; The percussion sound is clear, pulmonary;

Vesicular breathing is intense and sharp in nature; it is close to bronchial breathing; There are no additional breath sounds.

Digestive system examination

Appetite - good;

Feed intake - eats willingly; swallows food poorly chewed;

Reception of water is free;

Belching - absent;

Swallowing is free (not impaired);

Oral examination

The oral cavity is closed. The lips are compressed, overlaps, rashes, swelling, scratches, abrasions, wounds, ulcers are absent. There is no pain.

The smell from the mouth is specific;

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is pink in color, humidity is moderate; Drooling, swelling, plaque, rash, foreign bodies- No.

Gums - no violations;

The tongue is moist, clean, pink. Movement is free;

Teeth - there is no deviation in the number of teeth, there are deviations in size and shape (uneven, unequal), they are usually worn out, dental disease (caries, loss) has not been detected.

Pharynx examination

An internal and external examination and external palpation of the pharynx were carried out: the head and neck are located in a physiological relaxed position. No swelling was found in the pharynx area; palpation did not cause pain. The temperature in this area does not differ from the temperature of the surrounding tissues. On internal examination, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils are pink without swelling or redness.

Salivary glands: no swelling or tenderness was detected on palpation.

Esophagus: the passage of food coma and water is free. The size of the esophagus is not increased; There is no pain, swelling, or foreign bodies.

Examination of the abdomen: When examining the abdominal area, no changes in volume and shape were detected; palpation revealed no accumulation of fluid and no pain. On percussion, the sound in the intestinal area is tymponic. On auscultation, characteristic peristaltic noises are heard in this area.

On palpation: the stomach is empty, no pain is detected, there are no foreign bodies, percussion sound is dull - tympanic.


Palpation revealed no abnormalities.

The liver is located on the right and left, adjacent to the costal wall and located almost in the center of the anterior abdominal cavity. The liver is not accessible to palpation. Not enlarged. The area of ​​hepatic dullness occupies a stripe from the 10th to the 13th rib on the right, and reaches the 12th rib on the left.


Not enlarged, the surface is smooth, the consistency is dense.


The posture is natural, the act of defecation is free, the passage of gases is rare,

The amount of feces is moderate, the shape is sausages, the color is brown, the smell is specific, the digestibility of the feed is good.

Rectal examination

The tone of the anal sphincter is moderate, there is no pain, the filling of the rectum is moderate. The mucous membrane is warm, moderately moist, not painful. No integrity violation was detected.

Urinary system

The kidney area is painless, the position is normal, not enlarged, the shape is round, the consistency is elastic, there are no stones.


Located in the pelvic cavity. The shape is pear-shaped, the filling is moderately filled, the consistency is elastic, the contents are urine, there is no pain.

There is no redness. Consistency - hard. There are no neoplasms or stones. Temperature is moderately warm, cross-country ability is free.


The frequency is normal, the posture is natural, the process of urination is free and painless.

Nervous system

The general condition of the animal is satisfactory.

The shape of the bones is without deviations, symmetrical, there is no curvature of the spinal column, pain sensitivity is not changed. Percussion sound- blunt.

Somatic department examination:

deep sensitivity is preserved.

Superficial reflexes: cutaneous, ear, abdominal, caudal, anal, plantar - preserved;

Mucous membranes: corneal, cough, sneeze - preserved.

Deep reflexes: knee, Achilles tendon, elbow - preserved.

Motor sphere:

muscle tone - moderate;

muscle motor ability is normal, movements are coordinated.

Sense organs

Vision is preserved.

Eyelids - correct position, swelling, loss of integrity, pain - absent; palpebral fissure - normal; eyeball- the position is normal.

Iris: surface - smooth; the drawing is devoured.

Pupil: size - normal; the form is characteristic.

Hearing organs - hearing preserved.

Sense of smell is preserved.

Musculoskeletal system

The placement of the limbs is anatomically correct.

Movements are free.

Endocrine system research

The location has not changed, there is no pain, no seals have been identified. Physiological development corresponds to age. No signs indicating endocrine disorders were identified.



During writing course work for clinical diagnostics, I examined a collie dog named Robin using general and special methods studies (general examination, percussion, palpation, auscultation, thermometry, etc.).

After the clinical studies, we can conclude that the dog is in good physical fitness, her health is normal. This can be observed in many clinical indicators. The healthy condition of the animal is ensured good conditions maintenance, proper care, properly selected diet.

The dog is kept in favorable sanitary conditions. Receives necessary examinations and veterinary procedures regularly and on time. Based on the above, we can conclude that the dog is healthy.

3. Methods for clinical examination of animals

Inspection gives an idea of ​​the habitus. They determine the physique, fatness, position of the body in space, the condition of the skin and coat. And inspection of the painful area.

The examination was carried out during the day, in natural light. First, the head was examined, then the neck, chest, abdomen, pelvic part of the body and limbs. The examination was carried out alternately from the right and left sides, as well as from the front and back.

The examination revealed the animal's habit, the condition of the mucous membranes, hair and skin, the animal's behavior, etc.

Palpation is a palpation method that helps determine the condition of both external and internal organs.

Were studied by palpation physical properties tissues and organs (size, shape, consistency, temperature, etc.).

Palpation was carried out with light and sliding movements of the hands, comparing the results of the areas.

Superficial palpation was carried out with one and both palms placed freely, feeling the area with almost no pressure. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, cardiac impulse, chest movements, circulatory and lymphatic vessels. The tissues were also stroked, while the hand smoothly glides over the area under study. Stroking was carried out to determine the shape of bones, joints, diagnose fractures, etc.

Sliding palpation was used to examine organs located deep in the abdominal and pelvic cavity. Gradually penetrating deep with your fingertips, during the relaxation of the muscle layer that occurs with each breath and reaching a sufficient depth, sliding, consistently feeling the area under study.

Bimanual palpation (palpation with both hands) makes it possible to grasp the organ on both sides and examine it ( bladder, part of the intestine, kidney) and determine the shape, consistency, mobility, etc.

Percussion is a research method carried out by tapping any part of the body.

Percussion established the boundaries of organs and thereby revealed the magnitude and quality of percussion sound, physiological state organs.

Loud percussion sounds were obtained by percussion of organs and cavities containing air (lungs, nasal cavity). Dense organs (kidneys, heart) made a quiet sound.

Direct percussion was carried out with the tips of 2 fingers bent at the second phalanx. Short, jerky blows were applied to the surface of the skin of the area under study. Used for percussion of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

With mediocre percussion, blows were applied to a finger pressed to the surface (digital percussion).

Auscultation - listening to sounds produced in functioning organs (heart, lungs, intestines), as well as in cavities (thoracic, abdominal).


Temperature was measured in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. Before measurement, the thermometer was lubricated with Vaseline. The temperature was measured for 5 minutes.

4. Laboratory research

Blood test

In the dog, blood was obtained from the saphenous vein of the forearm. The anticoagulant sodium citrate was added to the blood to prevent it from clotting.

Erythrocyte counting was carried out using the tube method. 4 ml of 0.85% sodium chloride solution is added to the test tube, and then 0.02 ml of blood is added with a pipette from a Sali hemometer and mixed. A Pasteur pipette is used to draw blood (1:200 dilution) and charge the counting chamber.

Red blood cells are counted 3-5 minutes after filling the chamber under a microscope (objective *10).

Counting cells in a large square begins with the upper left small square and continues in the second, third and fourth squares. Having counted the red blood cells in the upper row, move on to the lower row. All red blood cells that lie inside the small squares, as well as on the bottom and right sides, are not taken into account. The number of red blood cells is determined by the formula.

Hemoglobin content was determined by the hematin method. A 0.1% solution of hydrochloric acid is added to the graduated test tube of the GS-3 hemometer up to the “2” mark. Using a capillary pipette, 0.02 ml of blood is collected, the tip of the pipette is wiped from the outside with cotton wool and, without causing the formation of foam, the blood is blown to the bottom of the tube. The contents of the test tube are mixed and kept for 5 minutes. During this time, the mixture becomes brown due to the formation of chlorhematine. Add distilled water drop by drop, stirring with a glass rod until the color of the liquid becomes the same as the color of the standard. The amount of hemoglobin (g/100 ml of blood) is determined by the division of the scale with which the fluid level coincides. To convert to g/l, multiply by a factor of 10.

Urine examination

The method of obtaining urine is waiting.

Physical properties of urine:

Color - determined in a cylinder on a white background. The tested urine is yellow, transparent, liquid, with a specific odor. Density - 1.04.

5. Literature used

1. Belov, I.M. diagnosis of internal non-contagious diseases of agricultural animals / I.M. Belov. - Kolos, 1975.

2. Smirnov, A.M. Workshop on the diagnosis of internal non-contagious diseases of agricultural animals / A.M. Smirnov, I.M. Belyakov, G.L. Dugin. - Kolos, 1986.

3. Usha B.V. Clinical diagnosis of internal non-contagious animal diseases / B.V. Usha, I.M. Belyakov, R.P. Pushkarev. - Kolos,