What to do if you have excessive sweating. Local treatment of excessive sweating. Types of hyperhidrosis disease

Every person has probably experienced a condition characterized by increased sweating. This can happen in different ways and in different periods time, both day and night. Sometimes similar phenomenon, which is called hyperhidrosis, can be the result of the periodic influence of temporary factors on the body, and in some cases, increased sweating acts as evidence of pathological changes in the functioning of the body. It should be noted that hyperhidrosis can be local and generalized - it is about the second type of impaired outflow of sweat and we'll talk in a specific article.

Possible Causes of Whole Body Hyperhidrosis

It is necessary to start with the fact that sweating is a natural process that allows you to regulate body temperature, as well as remove it from the body. harmful substances. Sometimes you can see pathological changes, namely an increase in the volume of sweat produced, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important to note that there are many reasons for this phenomenon, and in each individual case of hyperhidrosis, a person will encounter specific symptoms that determine the factor that provokes increased sweating.

  • At the same time, it is necessary to understand that this problem maybe as a result functional disorders, which will be described in more detail in the next paragraph, and also arise against the background general changes in the body of a non-pathological nature. Thus, you can notice how the intensity of sweating increases at a moment of strong excitement, fear, as well as an emotional outburst of a different nature. IN specific situation the nature of this phenomenon is based on an increase in speed metabolic processes, including thermoregulation.
  • Most often, the causes of hyperhidrosis in men and women are the same, however, there are also factors specific to each gender that provoke the development of the problem. For example, in women after forty, increased sweating may indicate the onset of menopause, at which time the body begins to rebuild, which is accompanied by strong hormonal changes. In this case, most often the provoking factor is thyrotoxicosis, that is, increased production of thyroid hormones.

Diseases that cause severe sweating

The description of diseases against the background of which increased sweating begins to develop should begin with ailments that interfere with work endocrine system. Hyperhidrosis, as one of the options systemic violations, occurs in people with diabetes. In this situation, the phenomenon is associated with pathological disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Neurological changes can be observed in both the parasympathetic and sympathetic system, which occurs due to a violation of the accumulation of fructose and sorbitol. If neurological changes occur during diabetes mellitus that lead to hyperhidrosis, then you can also notice associated symptoms in the form of heat intolerance and fatigue.

Hyperhidrosis of the generalized type is characteristic as a symptom of people with reduced level blood sugar. With a specific disorder, there is trembling of the limbs, a feeling of one’s own heartbeat, dizziness, disturbance menstrual cycle in women and of course increased sweat production. In a specific situation, a lack of glucose causes increased production of adrenaline, which is why a general picture of the disease with characteristic features is formed.

There is also a whole range of various endocrine diseases, the main or indirect symptom of which is hyperhidrosis. The described phenomenon in the context of these ailments is associated with metabolic disorders. Among the most striking diseases of this type are:

  • pheochromocytoma;
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly, etc.

It is also important to note that the described phenomenon also often occurs in infectious diseases. A specific situation is characterized by a triad of symptoms in the form of fever, chills and hyperhidrosis.

Increased sweating, which is caused by an increase in body temperature, is specific to all types of infectious diseases, acute or chronic form. Here it is necessary to note that it is the water removed from the pores that protects the body from overheating, performing a thermoregulatory function.

In this case, it is necessary to characterize the main infectious diseases in which profuse sweating most pronounced:

  • septicemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria, etc.

There are a huge number of other various diseases in which hyperhidrosis is quite common. These are oncological diseases, characterized by the development of tumors that innervate the secretion centers of the sweat glands. Often this symptom occurs when considering a variety of neurological disorders in the body. In most cases neurological problems characterized by impaired functioning spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system - in such a situation, hyperhidrosis is local, and generalized hyperhidrosis occurs when the central nerve centers are damaged. Other problems are also possible, for example, of a genetic type or associated with the side effects of drugs. Sometimes there is even a psychogenic factor that contributes to increased sweating.

What to do and how to treat excessive sweating

Of course, every person suffering from excessive sweating, with all his heart, wants to get rid of both heavy sweating under the arms and the whole body. In this case, it is appropriate to analyze your own condition, and if there are no obvious causes of hyperhidrosis, then you need to consult a doctor for help. To combat this situation, a huge number of therapeutic methods, which in most cases allow you to cope with the situation. It is for this reason that the most effective methods combating increased secretion of sweat glands, however, it is appropriate to use them only if they do not contradict the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

As part of the treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk remedies, two strategies can be used, each of which can be implemented separately or in combination. More specifically, it is possible to use external remedies and internal products.

  • Among the external ones, it is necessary to highlight baths with oak bark, for which a decoction should be prepared and then mixed with water while bathing. To create a healing component, you need to pour 100 grams of oak bark with a liter of boiling water, then cook the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, and then strain and cool.
  • For oral administration, it is recommended to use green tea with lemon balm, which helps normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. You can also brew sage in the following proportions: 2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused under the lid for half an hour, then strained and drunk twice a day, a third of a glass.


In some cases, pharmacological agents are used to combat excessive sweating. These drugs can be represented by medications of three main groups. For example, in certain situations, sedatives may be used, but if their effect does not allow achieving the desired result, tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Sonapax) are included in the treatment strategy.

Another medicinal group consists of drugs such as belladonna alkaloids, the main active ingredient of which is atropine. Among these drugs, Belloid, Bellataminal or Bellaspon are most often prescribed. In some cases, you cannot do without blockers calcium channels, the main representative of which is Diltiazem.

Salon treatments will help get rid of the problem

If there is a problem such as local hyperhidrosis, some cosmetic methods can be used. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • non-operative effects, for example, the injection of Botox under the skin, which has not only a preventive, but also a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • surgery to remove the cause of excessive sweating, such as a blockage of the sympathetic nerve;
  • hardware methods, among which most often use electromagnetic influence on the subcutaneous layers in order to correct the activity of the sweat glands.

Other Ways to Combat Excessive Sweating

There are alternative approaches designed to locally combat the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. In this case, you can use caring cosmetics, blocking an unpleasant symptom and helping to save face.

Store products: deodorants, creams and gels

One of the most common types of hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the feet and armpits. In this case, it is important to use antiperspirants and other cosmetic products aimed at blocking excessive outflow of sweat. To carry out the care procedure, it is necessary to clean skin apply cream, gel or spray deodorant.

Among the manufacturers producing the most suitable means to solve the problem described, you need to highlight: Vichy, Green pharmacy, Algel, etc.

Pads for armpit sweating

In medicine, there is such a thing as hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. This phenomenon can be either an independent pathology or a symptom of a disease. Hyperhidrosis - common symptom diabetes, thyroid problems or an infectious disease. How do you understand when sweating becomes abnormal, and in what cases you need to deal with it?

Sweating is a natural process and normal reaction body, allowing it to be protected from overheating. The amount of sweat produced directly depends on what a person is doing or what temperature conditions he is in, because it is impossible to sweat the same way at noon in the desert and in the evening in the Arctic. Absolutely normal natural increase Sweating is caused by the following reasons:

  • high air temperature, unusual for the body;
  • physical activity, such as sports or heavy work;
  • state of excitement, stress, nervous tension, fear.

At the same time, profuse sweating may be an individual feature of a person that causes some discomfort and is not the most in the best possible way affects the psychological state, as it reduces the quality of life.

But this problem can be easily dealt with using modern means care and hygiene. Today there are many strong deodorants - antiperspirants that lock sweat in place. It is much more dangerous if sweating is caused by a disease, in which case it is necessary to look for the cause of hyperhidrosis and first of all treat the underlying disease.

Signs of hyperhidrosis

When can increased sweat production be considered abnormal? Doctors advise you to think about treatment if you sweat a lot regardless of weather conditions, physical activity or psychological state. At the same time, sweat is released so profusely that no deodorants or other hygiene products help, and you have to wash and change clothes several times a day. Another cause for concern is the unpleasant, pungent smell of sweat, which forces people around you to avoid communication or stay away from you.

Excessive sweating, from the point of view of doctors, there are two types: local and generalized.

Local pathology, that is, limited to certain areas of the body, is usually “prescribed” in the following areas:

  • palms, feet, ;
  • face, area above the upper lip;
  • groin area;
  • bends of legs and arms.

It is believed that the local form of excessive sweating affects from 1% to 3% of the population and the first manifestations of the disease occur as early as adolescence. Experts do not consider this condition a sign of a serious illness. In most cases, the local form of increased sweating is associated with minor disorders in the nervous system or hereditary predisposition.

From a medical point of view, a generalized type of hyperhidrosis is a manifestation of pathology. In this case, profuse sweating is observed throughout the body, which is associated with a number of diseases. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.

Excessive sweating does not require correction or treatment in the following cases:

  1. in adolescence, during puberty;
  2. during pregnancy;
  3. during menopause and the corresponding restructuring of the body;
  4. when changing the climate zone to a hotter one.

Also, doctors do not consider treatment of pathology justified in cases of diseases or dysfunctions of the body such as:

  • somatic;
  • endocrine;
  • neurological;
  • hormonal;
  • metabolic failures;
  • drug treatment

In these cases, as in a number of others, hyperhidrosis is only a symptom, that is, a consequence of some illness in the body; accordingly, the disease itself should be treated, and not its manifestation.

Increased sweating at night

When a person sleeps, all processes in his body slow down, so excessive sweating during sleep is an anomaly, and if it occurs, you should consult a doctor. Of course, provided that the appearance of sweat is not due to reasons such as an overly hot room, an overly warm blanket or nightmares. Excessive sweating at night can indicate the presence of a number of serious diseases, for example:

  • influenza or acute respiratory viral infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis of any kind;
  • vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • various malignant formations, tumors, including cancer;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • immune or hormonal disorders;
  • fungal infections;
  • all types of hepatitis;
  • HIV or AIDS.

This is an incomplete list of those ailments that may be indicated by excessive sweating during sleep. Travelers and tourists returning from trips to tropical countries (especially Asia or Africa) should be especially attentive to such a symptom. In this case, night sweats may be the first sign of infection with an exotic virus.

Causes of excessive sweating

Increased sweating in certain areas often runs in families and is inherited. Local, that is, local, hyperhidrosis is divided into two types:

  1. taste;
  2. idiopathic.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis occurs after consuming any food or drink, and is localized on the face, usually above the upper lip or on the forehead. The most common culprits for this phenomenon are:

  • hot chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • heavy spicy food (for example, khash or solyanka);
  • spices such as pepper or curry.

The idiopathic type of pathology is mainly caused by severe irritation or initially high level activity of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, such sweating occurs between the ages of 16 and 30 years. This is the period of life when a person experiences the strongest emotional experiences. Typically, sweat is concentrated in three areas: on the palms, soles, and armpits.

Excessive sweating in women is additionally caused by the following reasons:

Excessive sweating in men has other characteristics and appears when:

  • sports or just physical activity;
  • heart diseases (including arrhythmia);
  • prolonged stress.

With generalized hyperhidrosis, the causes usually lie in a certain disease. Profuse sweating accompanies such “dormant” ailments in the body as diabetes mellitus, vascular pathologies, thyroid diseases. In addition, sweating throughout the body may occur under the following conditions:

  • infectious and colds;
  • all forms of tuberculosis;
  • malaria, synthecymia or brutellosis;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hypertension;
  • all kidney diseases, in which the body removes excess moisture in a “backup” way;
  • acromegaly - dysfunction of the pituitary gland, one of the symptoms of which is sudden sudden sweating throughout the body;
  • pheochromocytoma, insidious disease, which is often disguised as symptoms of hypertension and manifests itself as heavy sweating bodies;
  • oncological diseases are accompanied by increased sweating in the evenings, at rest (for example, when watching TV);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • illnesses affecting the nervous system, for example, Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis, strokes;
  • consequences of taking medications, for example, analgesics, insulin, aspirin-containing drugs if the dosage is incorrect or taken for too long;
  • psychosomatic disorders and disorders such as stress, panic attacks, depression, paranoia are often accompanied by severe sweating.

Let us separately dwell on excessive sweating of the feet, which is not always caused by any disease. Often the reason is completely banal - incorrectly selected shoes. The material from which the “clothing” for the legs is made is of great importance.

Synthetic shoes do not allow the skin to breathe and thereby create conditions for increased sweating. However, using foot deodorants will not have a positive effect. In addition, many people wear synthetic socks, which only aggravates the problem. Therefore, if you have hyperhidrosis of the feet, you need to wear only cotton socks and take care of finding high-quality shoes made of genuine leather that will provide the necessary ventilation and air access.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of excessive sweating, like any other disease, begins with a visit to a specialist. During the appointment, the doctor will ask whether the person sweats constantly or whether it happens from time to time, and whether sweating increases under stress.

During the conversation, the specialist should find out whether immediate relatives suffered from similar symptoms, at what time of day the person sweats, what areas are affected, and evaluate general condition patient to rule out infectious diseases.

Very often, the reason for the progression of hyperhidrosis is the person himself, as he begins to worry about his own sweat, experiencing discomfort in life and at work because of it. These thoughts and worries trigger psychosomatic mechanisms, increasing symptoms pathological condition.

Excessive sweating in a child requires special attention. If the baby is not predisposed to sweating and does not genetically suffer from allergies, and an older child has not yet entered puberty, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

In children heavy sweating is almost always a symptom serious illnesses(for example, heart disease). Therefore, if a child sweats profusely without objective reasons is an alarm that cannot be ignored.

Therapy methods

Modern medicine uses following methods And With remedies for excessive sweating:

  • drug treatment;
  • use of antiperspirants;
  • physiotherapy;
  • cosmetic procedures (Botox, laser);
  • surgical operation.

Medical antiperspirants are in steady demand for hyperhidrosis. One bottle of a product such as Maxim will be enough for intensive use throughout the year. Drydry deodorant is less economical, the package will last for six months, and Odaban is the strongest, the effect of one application lasts up to 10 days.

Most antiperspirants contain special components that prevent sweating. These are salts of aluminum, zinc, salicylic acid, ethyl alcohol. The effect of these substances is to narrow or completely block the excretory channels of the sweat glands, which helps reduce sweat production. However, regular use of such products can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions, or swelling and inflammation in the area of ​​blocked ducts.

Drug correction is widely used to stop excessive sweating based on drugs containing alkaloids (bellataminal, bellaspon, belloid). These drugs reduce excessive activity of the sweat glands and do not cause dependence on the intake.

If the cause of hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the nervous system, sedatives are recommended (valerian, motherwort, belladonna preparations), physical therapy or yoga classes. For people with an unstable, labile nervous system, the doctor usually prescribes tranquilizers that reduce increased excitability, help cope with stress and thus eliminate the cause of hyperhidrosis.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Good healing effect provide physiotherapeutic procedures. For example, hydrotherapy and the use of contrast showers and pine-salt baths have restorative effect and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

Especially beneficial influence provides electrosleep - a therapeutic method based on the effect of low-frequency impulses directly on the brain. Electrosleep sessions have a pronounced sedative effect, inhibit nervous excitement and strengthen the autonomic system.

Another common method is therapeutic electrophoresis, during which problem areas are exposed to a constant electric current in combination with medications. This exposure causes temporary dehydration of the area with increased sweating, and active ingredients medications penetrate the skin and prevent sweat production for up to 20 days.

Popular methods
  1. Botox injections. One of the most modern methods treatments for hyperhidrosis are Botox injections, which long term(up to 6 months) block the nerve endings in the sweat glands and prevent excessive sweating. You can inject Botox into a problem area in a beauty salon, but the procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist.
  2. Laser treatment. The latest development by experts in the field of cosmetology is a laser method for treating hyperhidrosis. The procedure is performed in outpatient setting using local anesthesia. The essence of the method is to use the thermal radiation of a neodymium laser, which destroys the sweat glands. In just one session, you can completely cure axillary hyperhidrosis. The procedure is practically painless, does not require preliminary preparation and does not cause complications.
  3. Surgical treatment. This is the most radical way combating hyperhidrosis, which is associated with a certain risk. Therefore, they resort to it only in especially severe cases and after conservative treatment did not bring results. There are both local and central methods surgical treatment. The specialist decides which one to choose after assessing the patient’s condition and possible risks. Most interventions are aimed at removing part of the sweat glands in order to normalize sweating processes.

Folk remedies

The traditional, popularly accepted methods of combating excess sweat include three areas:

  • hygiene;
  • sedatives;
  • measures against odor.

Body hygiene involves visiting a bathhouse, with a mandatory steam room and brooms, which should contain not only leaves, but also birch buds. This method, in addition to the pronounced hygienic effect, “drives” many ailments out of the body.

Recommended herbal teas from mint, lemon balm, motherwort and others medicinal plants, which have a calming effect and eliminate psychosomatic disorders. Measures aimed at combating sweat odor include the use of various natural deodorant substitutes, such as fruits or herbs with a pleasant, fresh smell, which can be used to treat the armpit area.

Rubbing tinctures have an excellent effect. problem areas, prepared on the basis of medicinal plants (chamomile, birch buds, mint, sage, oak bark). You can take pine baths two or three times a week, adding a few drops of a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

People use a mixture of talc and starch or powder to treat their feet. boric acid. It is enough to treat them with this powder every evening after washing your feet to reduce excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating of the body can be a sign of various ailments, an independent pathology, or simply an individual characteristic of a particular person. Anyway, solve this unpleasant problem It is quite possible that doctors have enough tools and opportunities for this in their arsenal.

Severe sweating of the whole body in women is called diffuse hyperhidrosis.

He may have varying degrees expressiveness:

  • mild - when sweating is higher than normal, but is not perceived as something abnormal, and does not particularly burden the person;
  • medium – if there are some inconveniences and embarrassment in communicating with other people;
  • severe - with a clear impairment of social functioning, when, for example, there is a strong odor of sweat and wet spots on clothes in literally interfere with life and isolate them from contacts.

Diffuse hyperhidrosis is excessive activity of the sweat glands over the entire surface of the body.

Persistent sweating requires careful clinical evaluation and diagnosis because... it may be a manifestation of a serious illness!

We understand physiology - everything is simple and clear

There are many reasons for body sweating in women. Most of them can be explained by the laws of physiology of the human body:

  • Factors environment – when the temperature rises, the secretion of the sweat glands is activated. This allows the body to cool down in the most suitable way for it. Some of the sweat evaporates immediately, while some flows down the face and torso. A person is always very hot when the air humidity is high, because... evaporation of liquid from the surface of the skin is difficult;
  • Anger, fear, anxiety– it’s all about special substances that are released during stress. They make the heart beat faster, increase blood pressure and body temperature. Irritation and resentment are normal emotional reaction, but only sometimes. If a woman is constantly nervous, this becomes a problem;
  • – Sweating during sports exercises is considered an indicator of their effectiveness. The body loses a lot of fluid at this time. You need to remember that you need to drink before, during and after training;
  • Fever - when sick, a person’s body temperature increases by several degrees, and cold and chills are felt. In this way, the body tries to cope with the infection. When the temperature drops to 37°C, it becomes warm and sweating occurs;
  • Spicy foods stimulate receptors that respond to temperature changes. This means that the body perceives spicy, savory food as a stimulus to activate the process of sweating;
  • Menopause - During menopause, estrogen levels decrease. The thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus responds to such hormonal changes. This is manifested by so-called hot flashes, which occur in women regardless of the ambient temperature. Small blood vessels expand, as a result of which the skin turns red, and the sweat glands actively produce secretions;
  • Side effects of drugs– this applies to antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihypertensive, antitumor and some drugs used for diabetes;
  • Falling in love is a wonderful feeling caused by the effect of hormones like adrenaline on the brain. That is why typical symptoms of falling in love are rapid heartbeat, wet palms, etc.;
  • Pregnancy - hormonal changes and increased metabolism in women during pregnancy may well cause sweating. Usually it disappears after childbirth, but not immediately, but within a few weeks.

Why is urgent medical examination sometimes necessary?

The cause of increased sweating throughout the body in women is often health problems.

Heavy sweats, night sweats, or the development of a strange odor are a signal. various diseases, for example:

  • febrile conditions– activation of sweating occurs in response to an increase in body temperature;
  • obesity - in all people who are overweight, any movement is accompanied by tension, which contributes to rapid overheating of the body, and, accordingly, active sweating;
  • increased thyroid function– characterized by sweating, which increases during the day. Weight loss (despite a preserved appetite), fatigue, nervousness, emotional lability, palpitations, hand tremors, and, in severe cases, bulging eyes are also observed;
  • neoplasms lymphatic system – leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease are primarily manifested by lethargy and lack of appetite. Skin they look pale, enlarged lymph nodes are palpable, and profuse night sweats are typical;
  • tuberculosis - the main symptoms are heavy sweats at night, prolonged cough, weight loss, physical weakness, low-grade fever or temperature fluctuations;
  • diabetes mellitus – in situations where the amount of glucose in the blood drops rapidly (this is called a hypoglycemic state), profuse sweating occurs. The skin turns pale, the heart rate accelerates, muscle tremors, lethargy, lightheadedness and an acute feeling of hunger are observed;
  • malignant tumors of the pancreas– symptoms are similar to diabetes mellitus – sweating, nervousness, hunger pangs, trembling;
  • defeats central departments nervous system– in such cases, hyperhidrosis is asymmetrical, i.e. observed on one half of the body or manifested in patches;
  • Parkinson's disease– characterized by slowness of movement and profuse sweat with an intense odor. Stiffness and trembling progresses;
  • acromegaly is an endocrine disease that involves increased production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. As a result, there is a thickening of the phalanges of the fingers, growth of the feet, skull bones, as well as an increase in sweat glands, which is naturally accompanied by sweating;
  • myocardial infarction– varied in its manifestations, but the main symptoms are burning pain in the chest area, heavy sweating, a feeling of fear, anxiety, difficulty breathing, nausea, etc.

If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that increased sweating of the entire body in women is due to a specific disease, the next step will be to draw up a treatment plan.

Only by addressing the underlying cause can you successfully combat symptomatic diffuse hyperhidrosis!

Basic methods to reduce sweating

First of all, you need to pay more attention to body hygiene:

  • wash more often, at least twice a day;
  • love contrast showers;
  • Regularly shave your armpit hair;
  • use deodorants, antiperspirants, anti-sweat powders and creams;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes
  • eat less hot, salty and spicy foods, and also limit caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol to a minimum.

Choose clothes and shoes carefully:

  • give preference to underwear and clothing made from natural fabrics. This is especially true for the hot season;
  • wear only cotton socks with minimal artificial content;
  • shoes should be made of leather, because... this material allows air and moisture to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe.

Always dress appropriately for the weather, do not overheat!

Try safe folk methods:

  • baths with sage, oak bark, pine needles, willow. They reduce the activity of sweat glands, disinfect and relax. Do them for 30-40 minutes once a week;
  • wiping the body with mint infusion (pour 1 tbsp of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain and wipe the skin);
  • apply compresses or rubdowns cool water(temperature no higher than 16-18ºС). The procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes. Cold helps to narrow pores, reducing the secretion of sebum and sweat.

How can a woman deal with the symptoms of menopause?

For many representatives of the fair sex, the problem of sweating begins to bother them precisely during menopause.

That is why I would like to dwell on this topic and consider it in more detail.

Symptom complex that manifests itself during the period hormonal changes, exhausting both physically and psychologically:

  • tides;
  • profuse sweat;
  • nervousness, tearfulness;
  • headaches;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • palpitations, etc.

Hot flashes, i.e. paroxysmal sensation of warmth in the head, face and chest (or throughout the body), accompanied by profuse sweating. Their duration is only a few minutes.

Hot flashes usually occur in the morning or evening, but they also occur at night. Most women experience such conditions for several years.

There are medications that help overcome the painful symptoms of menopause. For example, “Phytoclimax” tablets containing only natural ingredients:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin E;
  • ginger;
  • royal jelly;
  • sage;
  • oregano;
  • saffron.

They have a complex effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the autonomic system;
  • stabilizes emotional state;
  • improves memory;
  • gives energy;
  • improves the condition of skin, nails, hair and bones;
  • reduces sweating;
  • balances appetite, digestion process, etc.

We must not forget about such a beautiful and simple means like mint. It affects the symptoms that accompany excessive sweating:

  • has a sedative effect;
  • relieves irritability and nervousness;
  • improves sleep;
  • reduces heart attacks.

1 tsp Steam mint leaves in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then strain. Take the infusion orally 40 minutes before breakfast.

It is better to drink it for at least a year. Your heart and nervous system will be normal.

Sweating is an individual characteristic for everyone. It depends on the number and location of sweat glands, the composition of the blood and the human nervous system. The onset of some kind of disease is indicated not by the fact of sweating itself, but by a sharp change in the amount of sweat or its smell.

Sweating is distinguished by several signs.

  • There is general sweating, when a person sweats throughout the whole body, and local sweating, when only part of the body sweats: legs, palms, armpits.
  • Also heavy sweating may be congenital or acquired.

These characteristics and accompanying symptoms are the most important arguments in determining the causes of excessive sweating.

You won't be able to stop sweating at all. Sweat is secreted by the human body for several purposes:

  • cooling the body in hot weather
  • removing excess fluid from the body
  • removal of excess minerals and toxins

Violation of any of these functions can lead to serious illnesses, so you need to deal with sweating in moderation. How to understand when profuse sweating still does not exceed the norm? Proper sweating is physiologically justified. It must fulfill its function. Causes of sweating in healthy person may be: sports, rich food, hot climate, unexpected fear.

In these cases, avoiding synthetic fabrics and proper regulation will help reduce sweating. temperature regime indoors.

Innate tendency to sweat

If a person sweats a lot during childhood, it is called congenital sweating. In this case, the cause of increased sweating is an increase in the number of sweat glands and their greater responsiveness to stimulation from the nervous system. Such people sweat more often under stress and strong emotions, and sweat a lot during physical activity.

Knowing this physiological feature, they need to wear loose-fitting clothes and only made from natural fabrics - this will help them sweat less. You shouldn't overuse antiperspirants at all. This type of deodorant clogs the ducts of the sweat glands and sweat is forced to accumulate in the duct and is partially absorbed back into the skin. You still won’t be able to stop sweating completely, and the accumulation of sweat is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes and inflammation.

Hormonal changes

Excessive sweating can occur when the body experiences hormonal changes: adolescence, during pregnancy and menopause.

All these processes force the human body to adapt to new conditions. And if adaptation is complicated by stress, illness or an unhealthy lifestyle, one of the complications may be an increase in the responsiveness of the sweat glands to irritants.


During adolescence, increased sweating is caused by hormonal changes in the body and increased stress levels.

Sensitive teenagers often feel nervous - at the board, during an exam. A characteristic sign of sweating nervous soil- wet palms. In this case, in order to sweat less, you need to be less nervous. The easiest option is to drink soothing tea with mint and lemon balm, or herbal tablets such as "Persen" or "Novopassit". Much best way reduce youthful passions - yoga, dancing or any other hobby that calms the child.


Excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen and an increase in the amount of progesterone, which provokes a deterioration in metabolism. This way, excess fluid can come out with sweat. To sweat less, you need to avoid synthetic fabrics in clothes and styles that fit your figure. It is also better to avoid hot shoes and shoes with rubber soles for a while.


With the cessation of menstruation, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s blood drops and the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone increases. These changes lead to the appearance of "hot flashes" -sudden attacks heat followed by profuse sweating all over the body.

This creates especially many problems when it is cold, since a damp body can easily become hypothermic. You can stop sweating only by contacting a gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary corrective treatment, most often hormone replacement therapy.

Physiological reasons

The most natural cause increased sweating - high ambient temperature. When it’s hot outside and in the house, a person sweats to cool down. The main thing is to support correct mode drinking - from 2 liters of liquid per adult. It is advisable to drink water mineral water and fruit drinks with minimal sugar content.

Hypersweating is also natural when playing sports. When muscles work under load, they produce heat and warm the body very much. In cases of sports, getting rid of sweating is a completely bad idea. Just the opposite, if you sweat a lot, you work well. And a shower after a good workout will not leave any traces of the smell of sweat.

Synthetic clothing and shoes are the most common causes of excessive sweating. Shoes with rubber soles and synthetic fabrics do not dissipate heat at all, causing the body to overheat and sweat. If you wear such shoes constantly, fungi will begin to develop in the damp environment of the sneakers, and in addition to the unpleasant odor, there will also be a problem with the feet. To avoid sweating, you need to choose breathable shoes made of leather or suede. AND open shoes for the warm season.

When to start worrying

When sick, a person sweats differently than he did all his life before. Depending on the type of illness, sweating may occur constantly or occur only periodically. However, any change in the amount of sweat produced and its smell is a sign that you should pay attention to. It may hint at an endocrinological disorder - such as diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism. Or, together with a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, talk about kidney disease.


Due to the increase in blood sugar caused by diabetes, the fibers of the peripheral nervous system - the same ones that innervate the sweat glands - suffer. As a result, the stimulation of the glands increases and more sweat is released.

Heavy sweating may indicate diabetes mellitus if at the same time a person experiences constant thirst. Also important symptoms- increased frequency of nighttime urination and poor heat tolerance. If these symptoms appear, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or endocrinologist.

Second endocrine disorder What causes excessive sweating is hyperthyroidism - excessive production of hormones by the thyroid gland.

In addition to body sweating, the patient will be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • nervous excitability, irritability
  • enlarged thyroid gland
  • weight loss
  • trembling hands
  • heat intolerance
  • exophthalmos - protrusion of the eyes

Hyperthyroidism will not go away on its own. All these symptoms are corrected hormonal therapy, or surgically - as prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Kidney diseases

If a person sweats a lot, you need to pay attention to the amount of urine. A reduction in the volume of urine excreted, the appearance of sediment, foam, and a change in its color are symptoms of kidney disease. They are also characterized by swelling. It starts under the eyes and then goes down.

With kidney disease, their ability to filter blood deteriorates, and fluid is retained in the body. In this case, increased sweating is an attempt by the body to get rid of excess moisture.

If any of the listed symptoms are present, you need to go to a therapist, or better yet, go straight to a nephrologist.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Sometimes sweating is a symptom emergency. If a rush of cold sweat is accompanied by chest pain and fear of death, this may be myocardial infarction, and you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If profuse sweating is accompanied by high temperature, these are symptoms of infectious diseases.

And if there is drooling and abdominal pain - poisoning with organophosphorus chemistry or muscarine.

Infectious diseases

One of the symptoms infectious diseases There may be a high temperature, and profuse sweating is associated with it. Of course, in the case of infections, other symptoms will be clearly expressed. But sweating is a striking feature of the five infectious diseases.

Poisoning and drug use

These are aspirin, insulin and pilocarpine. Painkillers such as morphine and promedol also cause sweating.

This side effect, to which almost no attention is paid when reading the instructions, and then they mistakenly perceive it as a symptom. If sweating has become completely intolerable, you should consult your doctor about switching to another drug.

Excessive sweating may also be associated with poisoning from organophosphates and fungi.

If there is severe lacrimation, increased drooling, constriction of the pupils, watery diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of poisoning, with which you urgently need to call an ambulance.

Treatment and prevention

It is customary to combat excessive sweating using cosmetics and antiperspirants. This is bad because instead of curing sweating, antiperspirants clog the sweat gland duct. Microbes accumulate there and inflammation develops - hidradenitis. It manifests itself in swelling of the sweat glands, most often in the armpits, pain and itching. Hidradenitis is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
Treatment of sweating, as a rule, consists of treating the causes that caused this symptom.

If hyperhidrosis occurs from birth or due to hormonal changes, then this is part of the normal physiology of the body and cannot be “improved.” All you can do is follow simple rules:

  1. To prevent your feet and body from sweating, wear clothes made from natural fabrics and breathable shoes appropriate for the weather.
  2. To prevent your palms from sweating, be less nervous and drink sedatives.
  3. To prevent your face from sweating, avoid very hot and spicy foods.
  4. Take a contrast shower once a day.
  5. Take care of yourself and avoid drafts

And remember, sweating is not a symptom, but a normal reaction of the body to overheating. Sweating in the heat or during sports, or from excitement is not a shame. This means that the person is healthy and all his systems are working perfectly.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Adhikari S. General medical practice according to John Nobel / [S. Adhikari et al.] ; edited by J. Nobel, with the participation of G. Green [et al.]; lane from English edited by E. R. Timofeeva, N. A. Fedorova; ed. trans.: N. G. Ivanova [and others]. - M.: Praktika, 2005
  • Mikhailova L. I. Encyclopedia traditional medicine[Text] / [auto-stat. Mikhailova L.I.]. - M: Tsentrpoligraf, 2009. - 366 p. ISBN 978-5-9524-4417-1
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich ENT diseases: learning from other people's mistakes: a guide with a reference book of medicines: dozens of case histories, medical errors, pharmaceutical reference book, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, diseases of the ear, diseases of the pharynx, diseases of the larynx and trachea, medical documentation, anamnesis of mordi and vitae / V. T. Palchun, L. A. Luchikhin. - M: Eksmo, 2009. - 416 p. ISBN 978-5-699-32828-4
  • Savko Lilia Universal medical reference book. All diseases from A to Z / [L. Savko]. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 280 p. ISBN 978-5-49807-121-3
  • Eliseev Yu. Yu. Complete home medical reference for the treatment of diseases: [clinical manifestations of diseases, methods traditional therapy, unconventional methods treatments: herbal medicine, apitherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy] / [Yu. Yu. Eliseev and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2007 ISBN 978-5-699-24021-0
  • Rakovskaya, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases [Text]: [ detailed description the most common diseases, causes and stages of development of diseases, necessary examinations and treatment methods] / L. A. Rakovskaya. - Belgorod; Kharkov: Family Leisure Club, 2011. - 237 p. ISBN 978-5-9910-1414-4

Sweating is the body's natural reaction to overheating. Sweating when the ambient temperature increases, intense physical activity, nervous tension and excitement is the norm. In this way, the body is saved from overheating, since when sweat evaporates, the skin surface cools and the temperature decreases. In some cases, heavy sweating is a symptom serious illnesses that require adequate drug therapy.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating is local (local or limited), when a person sweats only the face and head, or the lower and lower parts sweat. upper limbs– palms, feet, armpits.

The generalized form is represented by severe sweating of the whole body. Typically, this picture is observed in infectious and febrile pathologies. To establish the exact cause, an in-depth diagnosis is necessary.

Hyperhidrosis can be of a secondary or primary nature. In the second case it is observed in puberty in adolescence, diagnosed in approximately 1% of people; secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of many diseases of somatic, endocrine, and neurological origin.

Hyperhidrosis is classified according to severity:

  • Light type, when sweating practically does not cause discomfort to a person, and sweat stains on clothes are no more than 10 centimeters;
  • The average type is characterized by large drops of sweat, there is a pungent odor, and the size of the spots is up to 20 centimeters;
  • The severe appearance is accompanied by a “hail” of sweat, wet spots over 20 cm.

For your information, when sweating, each person experiences an odor of varying intensity. The severity of the “aroma” is influenced by toxic substances, from which the body is released through the sweat glands, as well as bacteria that penetrate from the outside and contribute to the decomposition of the protein components of sweat.

Causes of local sweating

Practice shows that the local form of hyperhidrosis is familial. There are several types of severe sweating, which is limited to certain areas of the skin.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis – sweating associated with eating

This type of pathological condition occurs due to the consumption of certain foods. These include hot drinks - black tea, coffee, liquid chocolate; spicy dishes, seasonings, sauces, etc.

Sweating in this form is concentrated on the face, in particular, in most cases, sweat accumulates on upper lip and on the forehead. The etiology is due to severe viral, infectious and bacterial pathologies salivary glands or surgical intervention on them.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Very strong sweating is associated with high tone parasympathetic division central nervous system. In most cases, this form is diagnosed at the age of 15-30 years. Strong discharge sweat appears on the palms and soles. Sometimes the pathology resolves on its own without the use of medications.

It is noted that women are more susceptible to the disease, which is based on constant hormonal changes in the body - puberty, pregnancy, labor, menopause.

Worth knowing: men who exercise at least three times a week are recommended to take additional magnesium supplements. Research shows that increased sweating due to exercise reduces the concentration of magnesium in the blood to a critical level, which leads to loss of strength and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of severe sweating of feet

Sweaty feet are quite common. The problem does not threaten health, but it causes a lot of discomfort to patients, as it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor that cannot be hidden from others.

Causes of excessive sweating of the feet:

  1. Too tight shoes, thick socks made of synthetic material, as a result of which the process of sweat evaporation is disrupted due to poor ventilation.
  2. Long walk.
  3. Some chronic diseases.

If left untreated, due to lack of oxygen and increased sweating, a bacterial infection develops, which leads to complications. Sores, cracks and blisters may appear.

Generalized increased sweating: causes and factors

Medical experts say that the causes of severe sweating throughout the body in 85% of cases are due to genetic predisposition. Pathologies that are familial include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis.

Increased sweating may be suspected somatic diseases, nervous and mental pathologies. Often hyperhidrosis is a consequence of taking certain medications. After antibacterial therapy Intestinal dysbiosis may occur, which is manifested by profuse sweating.

Infectious diseases and poisoning

Almost all acute and chronic pathologies of a viral or bacterial type, poisoning (food or toxic) provoke an increase in body temperature, as a result, severe chills and sweating are observed. Brucellosis, malaria and other diseases are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

Endocrine disorders

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus of any type, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemic state, in addition to the main symptoms, appear profuse sweating. Women often suffer from hyperhidrosis during menopause and while pregnant. According to statistics, the generalized form is observed in 60% of patients with impaired pituitary gland functionality.

Other reasons

IN medical practice There are many reasons for increased sweating of the whole body and in most cases they are a symptom of some disease, sometimes they are the only sign that allows one to suspect a malfunction in the functioning of the whole body.

Pathological conditions leading to increased sweat production:

  • Sweating in cancer is often accompanied by weakness and general malaise. The appearance of lymphomas and the development of Hodgkin's disease are complemented by fever, fluctuations in body temperature, and a high degree of fatigue. A person sweats profusely day and night;
  • If kidney function is disrupted, a disorder in the processes of formation and natural filtration of urine is detected, so the human body tries to get rid of excess fluid through the sweat glands;
  • CNS lesions. These include neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease, stroke, nerve root damage;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by many clinical manifestations, one of which is generalized sweating;
  • Psychosomatic disorders develop due to chronic stress, nervous overload, depressive syndrome, aggression. All these conditions give rise to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to hyperhidrosis;
  • Severe pain leads to the release of cold sweat.

Some medications provoke profuse sweating - insulin, analgesics (Morphine), Aspirin, antiemetics - in case of overdose or prolonged use.

Treatment for excessive sweating

To determine the causes of the pathological condition, you need to contact medical specialist. After the diagnosis, the attending physician will tell you what to do and how to treat the existing problem.

Fact: Heavy sweating can happen physiological feature a person that does not pose a threat to life, but causes significant psychological discomfort. There are no uniform assessment criteria, just as there are no devices that determine sweating in accordance with normality or pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about hyperhidrosis as a disease in cases where sweating negatively affects a person’s quality of life.

If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any pathology, then therapy is aimed at eradicating it; accordingly, by eliminating the original source, it is possible to get rid of its symptom.

When hyperhidrosis appears as an independent disease, the following treatment methods are proposed to mitigate its manifestations:

  1. Use of antiperspirants. Good facilities– this (effectiveness up to 10 days), “Dry Dry” (the bottle lasts for 6 months).
  2. Conservative treatment. Medicines with the addition of belladonna (Belloid) are used. Belladonna helps reduce sweat production and does not lead to addiction. For local therapy, Formagel is used.
  3. Calming therapy helps normalize the emotional background, as a result of which sweating decreases. Tinctures based on valerian and motherwort are recommended; yoga classes, meditation.
  4. Physiotherapeutic manipulations. These include baths with the addition of medicinal herbs, electrophoresis, electrosleep, etc.
  5. Laser helps treat excessive underarm sweating. The procedure helps destroy up to 70% of the sweat glands.
  6. Botox injections help reduce sweat production by long-term blocking the nerve endings of the sweat glands.

Medical procedures such as laser and Botox are extreme measures and are used only in cases where other methods have failed. positive result. These methods are actively advertised, but have many contraindications and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the entire body, which helps eliminate toxic substances. Intervention in natural reactions may be unsafe, which will lead to various complications in the near future.