Infectious hepatitis in dogs: treatment regimen and diagnosis. Hepatitis in dogs - description, treatment

Based on the cause of occurrence, infectious and non-infectious (toxic) hepatitis are distinguished.

Infectious hepatitis

It mainly affects puppies 2–6 months of age. The source of infection is sick animals that excrete contagium with excreta from all orifices of the body, as well as lifelong virus carriers. After infection clinical symptoms appear after 2–10 days. The disease occurs in following forms:

  • Lightning fast. Puppies that have not been immunized get sick and die within 24 hours after infection without the appearance of symptoms.
  • Spicy. Affects unvaccinated individuals. Pathology ends in recovery or death.
  • Chronic. Older puppies and adult dogs are affected.

Duration of permanent form infectious hepatitis lasts 5–21 days depending on the severity of symptoms and accuracy of diagnosis. The canine hepatitis virus is not dangerous to humans.

Toxic hepatitis

Pathology occurs by the following reasons:

  • Feeding errors. Unbalanced diet, feeding spoiled, moldy food, ready-made feed with expired shelf life, table waste, food not intended for dogs, cause intoxication. The liver neutralizes some of the poisons, but each detoxification session leads to inflammation, death of a certain number of parenchymal cells, and their replacement with scar tissue.
  • Poisoning from household chemicals.
  • Intoxication with helminth excreta and subcutaneous mites.
  • Drug intoxication. Poisons used to expel worms and arthropods, antibiotics and others medicines provide toxic effect. The liver protects the body, but dies itself. In addition, dog owners self-medicate their dogs, which leads to drug-induced hepatitis. A type is steroid hepatitis.
  • Allergic reactions. Products of tissue breakdown, as well as excreta of conditionally pathogenic microbes, are neutralized by the liver.
  • Mycotoxicoses. If a dog is fed grains contaminated with fungi, the poisons they secrete are neutralized by the liver, followed by chronic poisoning. Heat treatment does not destroy mycotoxins.


During the manifest course it is observed following signs diseases:

  • Yellowness of the mucous membranes and sclera.
  • Vomit yellow.
  • Urine is brown in color.
  • Feces are light-colored, liquid, with blood.
  • Anorexia.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Soreness of the abdomen on palpation.
  • Keratitis. Syndrome blue eye.
  • Nervous phenomena.

The permanent course is characterized by less severe symptoms.


The cause of the disease is determined based on the medical history, clinical manifestations, animal examinations, laboratory tests. Leptospirosis is excluded. They find out when and with what drugs vaccination, deworming and disinfestation were carried out, and pay attention to age. Infectious hepatitis is detected mainly in puppies, and toxic hepatitis is detected in older dogs. X-ray or ultrasound can determine the degree of liver enlargement.


The therapeutic strategy is carried out by eliminating the cause of the disease, as well as correcting its symptoms. If an infectious or invasive etiology is established, the underlying disease is cured, while simultaneously maintaining liver function with the help of hepatoprotectors. On the first day after infection viral hepatitis hyperimmune globulin Globcan-5 is effective, containing ready-made antibodies against the causative agent of hepatitis and other infectious diseases.

In the case of infectious viral hepatitis in dogs, as Wikipedia writes, you have to deal with viral disease, which affects the liver, central nervous system, digestive and respiratory tract.

Infectious hepatitis in dogs symptoms

The problem is similar to the infectious laryngotracheitis virus, and among the frequently occurring symptoms are the following:

high temperature animal body;
poor appetite or complete refusal to eat;
- thirst;
- diarrhea;
- vomit;
- lethargy;
- weakness.

IN in rare cases There is a coma, but it is no longer possible to get out of it.

Does hepatitis occur in dogs, can it be cured, prognosis

The problem can be acute, chronic, non-infectious or infectious. According to representatives of the VNB, every third dog has one of the known forms of hepatitis or hepatosis and one of the reasons is wrong diet nutrition and poor food.

If treatment is timely, there is a small chance of success, including in eliminating toxins from the body.

Treatment of infectious hepatitis in dogs: vaccination and vaccination

Polyvalent serums are most often used. As with canine distemper or parvovirus infection, it can be used either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. You need to look at the instructions for the drug. In some cases, 3 ml is enough for a four-legged patient weighing up to 5 kilograms, and above that, 5 ml is taken - this is to prevent the problem from occurring, and direct treatment involves doubling the dosage.

If you manage to get sick and survive, then the vaccine will not be needed, but here it is worth making a vaccination schedule and getting vaccinated as the veterinarian advises.

Is viral hepatitis in dogs contagious to humans, is it transmitted to humans?

Any member of the canine family can get sick, including raccoons and foxes. People have nothing to worry about.

Hepatitis in a dog in old age - treatment at home

Alas, in most cases you should immediately prepare for the worst.

Chronic hepatitis in dogs: how and how to treat it

If the blood test and series specific factors If they point out exactly this problem, then there is no need to worry too much, since the dog can live with it all its life, but constant treatment will be necessary.

IN similar situation the use of polyvalent serum and the use of immunomodulators and Essentiale are practiced, as well as vitamin complexes And balanced diet. Blood and gastric lavage may also be one of the components of the course of treatment, which is decided by the veterinarian after examining the patient.

Toxic hepatitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

The problem may occur due to an overdose of drugs or toxic substances. The viral and toxic forms are similar, therefore precise definition and the choice of treatment is beyond the power of a non-specialist.

Vaccination is used as a preventative measure, and treatment will be similar to that mentioned earlier.

Acute parenchymal hepatitis in dogs and cats

It's about inflammatory process, which may manifest as loss of appetite and fever. Constant constipation, alternating with diarrhea, is not uncommon. Urine tests show increased levels of urobilin and bilirubin. In the case of a cat, there may be bloody fluid coming from the nose.

During treatment, attention is paid to dietary nutrition with complete protein and virtually no fat. Subcutaneous insulin solution and glucose can be used.

Every year, illness affects a huge number of dogs. One of the most serious diseases is hepatitis, which affects the liver and brings enormous suffering to your beloved animal.

Hepatitis – serious illness, as a result of which the liver is affected, and subsequently the entire body. This disease is very dangerous for a dog, since if the diagnosis is delayed and not proper treatment May be death.

Most often, hepatitis is caused by viruses or toxins accumulated in the body. The process is accompanied by inflammation of the liver, disruption of its functions, death of the parenchyma, and a powerful flow of blood to the diseased organ. The liver stops working normally, and the dog’s body is subjected to severe intoxication.


There are several types of disease:

Infectious (viral)

Viral liver disease (Rubart's disease). The signs resemble the plague, it affects respiratory tract, nervous system, liver, kidneys, eyes.

The causative agent of the disease is adenovirus. Incubation period lasts 1-8 days. The disease is most dangerous for older dogs and unvaccinated puppies.


In this case, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves especially clearly and suddenly. Puppies with this form of the disease can die very quickly, so it is very important to quickly begin the correct treatment to save the pet’s life.


An advanced disease can progress to chronic stage with weak severe symptoms. It is impossible to completely recover from this form of the disease, but with the use of maintenance therapy, the liver begins to function stably.


Occurs as a result of poisoning of the dog’s body with toxins after uncontrolled intake medicines. The disease can also develop when feeding your pet low-quality or expired food or moldy food.

Household poisoning can also trigger the disease. chemicals, bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

When treating this disease with toxic drugs, it is necessary to additionally take hepatoprotectors that support the liver.


This disease is caused by uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs.


There can be several reasons for hepatitis in a dog. Here are some of them:

  1. helminths in the body;
  2. drug poisoning;
  3. inflammation of the liver and bile ducts;
  4. poisoning by toxins;
  5. pancreatic or gallbladder disease;
  6. tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.


Recognize hepatitis in pet possible if the following signs are detected.

  1. The dog's behavior has changed, she has become lethargic, refuses to play and lies down all the time.
  2. Appetite has worsened.
  3. There is a rapid heartbeat.
  4. High temperature (up to 40 degrees).
  5. The appearance of vomiting, diarrhea.
  6. Urine becomes dark in color.
  7. The liver enlarges. Upon palpation, the animal feels pain and begins to whine.
  8. Intermittent breathing and shortness of breath appear.
  9. There is clouding of the eyes.
  10. The mucous membranes and whites of the eyes turn yellow.
  11. The excrement becomes light color streaked with blood.
  12. The dog is thirsty.
  13. Itchy skin appears.

A sick pet should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible and treatment should begin.


Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the disease veterinary clinic. Diagnosis requires a visual examination of the animal, blood, urine, feces, ultrasound, and radiography. In severe cases, a liver biopsy is necessary.

The symptoms of the disease can easily be confused with other diseases, so it is necessary comprehensive examination dogs.

Forecast and consequences

If the diagnosis is made correctly and quickly, and the cause of hepatitis is eliminated, the prognosis is favorable. The dog has every chance to live a long life.

If the disease is the result of an immune-mediated disease, survival ranges from several months to several years.

If the animal is already affected by cirrhosis and ascites, then it will not live long.

Consequences of hepatitis in advanced form:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • eye glaucoma;
  • renal failure;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • septicemia.

Is it possible to get infected?

Other animals

A dog with hepatitis can infect a healthy animal by contact with it. The disease is transmitted through the saliva, excrement, blood, and urine of a sick dog. Sharing toys and utensils can also be a source of hepatitis infection.

Is it transmitted to humans?

A sick animal poses no danger to humans. Human body Resistant to viruses that cause hepatitis in dogs.


Hepatitis in dogs can be successfully treated. To receive positive results treatment is carried out comprehensively. The following medications are used in therapy:

  • antiviral;
  • antihistamines;
  • symptomatic;
  • antibacterial.

Hepatoprotectors are also used to normalize liver function. As a result of illness and treatment, the animal’s immunity decreases and the intestinal microflora is disrupted, so it is necessary to use hyperimmune serums and preparations containing lactobacilli.

Antibiotics are administered to the dog by injection 2 times a day. Caricef, penicillin, kefzol, ampicillin and others are used.

To exclude allergies, it is necessary to use antihistamines. You can give suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol.

Ascorutin is used as vitamin injections, ascorbic acid, vitamin B or vikasol.

Depending on the situation, antipyretic, analgesic, and antiemetic medications are also used.

If the body is intoxicated, the animal is prescribed Ringer's solution, Ringer-Locke solution for treatment.

To cleanse the intestines, your pet needs to do enemas with medicinal herbs or furatsilin. During illness, the dog should be placed in warm room without bright light. Give her peace.


To a sick person four-legged friend definitely required dietary food. On the first day of illness, it is better not to feed your pet at all, just give him clean water.

During the diet fatty foods contraindicated. Broths are allowed only from low-fat varieties meat and fish. You can add it to a cup of water herbal infusions, which have a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive system.

Breed Predisposition

Some dog breeds are genetically predisposed to hepatitis, these include:

  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Bedlington Terrier;
  • West Highland White Terrier;
  • Skye Terrier;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • standard poodle;
  • cocker spaniel.

Shar Peis and Bulldogs are very susceptible to hepatitis. These dog breeds need to be kept under control and have their blood tested for biochemistry once every 6 months.

Males get sick less often than females. Moreover, the disease is most dangerous and occurs in severe form in dogs under the age of one year.

In pregnant women, lactating women and puppies

Particularly dangerous for puppies acute form a disease that can manifest itself as convulsions and paralysis of the limbs. If you do not immediately go to the clinic when the first signs of illness appear, the baby may quickly die. Timely vaccination of your puppy will help save his health and life.

Pregnant and lactating dogs pose a threat to their baby, as they can infect him with hepatitis in utero or through milk.


One of the most important measures to prevent hepatitis is animal vaccination. The first vaccination is given to the puppy at the age of two months. Revaccination is carried out after two weeks. The next vaccination is given when the dog turns one year old. Then you need to repeat the procedure annually.

The following drugs are used for vaccination:

  • nobivac;
  • hexadog;
  • vanguard;
  • eurican;
  • kanvak etc.

An experienced veterinarian will help you choose the right drug for your four-legged friend.

Other methods of prevention

In addition to vaccination, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures from hepatitis, namely:

  1. Feed your pet properly and completely.
  2. Monitor the dog’s contact with surrounding animals, especially homeless ones.
  3. Regularly disinfect your pet's places in the house.
  4. Maintain animal hygiene.
  5. Do not overuse strong medications.
  6. To ensure qualified control of your dog’s health, visit your veterinarian regularly.


Beloved sick pets really need the help of their owner; they cannot cope with the disease on their own. Timely consultation with a doctor and proper treatment will save your four-legged friend from terrible disease– hepatitis. And a healthy animal will give you more more love, attention and devotion for many years.

Animals of all breeds are susceptible to foodborne hepatitis. The disease is especially hard on the following breeds: boxer; bullmastiff; Mastino Neapolitan; english bulldog; french bulldog; Shar Pei; pug; Doberman; whippet. Foodborne hepatitis is not infectious inflammation liver, caused by poor quality feed or unnatural additives in the animal’s diet.

Foodborne hepatitis in dogs - symptoms and signs

The disease begins with depressed state animal. The dog lies curled up in a ball. Refuses food and water. He gets up with difficulty, his breathing is heavy. After a few hours, the disease manifests itself with severe vomiting, first with food, orange and yellow flowers. Diarrhea appears within 24 hours. The stool becomes liquid, light mustard color with pungent odor sauerkraut. Inner surface the mouth takes on a yellow tint. The animal's breath becomes foul. The stomach is constantly tense. Movements are constrained due to pain in the right side of the abdomen. At the beginning of the disease, the temperature fluctuates between 38.5 - 39 degrees, and the next day drops to 37.

The disease begins with a depressed state of the animal

Foodborne hepatitis of dogs - causes and development

  • adding smoked meats and sausages to your dog’s food;
  • an attempt to season the animal’s usual diet with sauces, incl. tomato, mayonnaise, etc.;
  • loss of quality of dry food during storage outdoors, under the influence sunlight and high temperatures;
  • low quality of animal feed components and mixtures.

The components of these products contain substances that are safe for people, but poisonous for dogs. Once in the stomach, the food decomposes into chemical components. Toxins in food are released and their absorption into the blood begins.

The vessels carrying blood from the stomach and intestines pass through the liver. They are only partially neutralized; a significant part ends up in the blood. The functioning of blood vessels and the heart, brain and kidneys is disrupted. The animal's body tries to remove toxins. Substances neutralized by the liver enter the bile. At the same time, the release of bile into the intestines increases, leading to diarrhea. Some of the toxins return to the stomach along with the blood flow. Subsequently highlighted together with gastric juice. Then it provokes vomiting and is partially expelled. The rest are thrown into the intestines.

Another part of the toxins enters the kidneys and is excreted in the urine. However, the vast majority of toxins remain in the body and bind to substances in the blood. The resulting compounds affect the brain: they cause and intensify vomiting. The described mechanisms operate for about two days. Loss of water and minerals due to vomiting and diarrhea causes the blood to thicken. The metabolism between blood and body tissues slows down. Removal of toxins is not possible during this phase.

Death occurs on the fourth to sixth day as a result of dehydration and (or) cardiac arrest. If you do not contact specialists in a timely manner, the mortality rate from foodborne hepatitis reaches 20%. Without treatment, death occurs in 95%.

Food hepatitis in dogs - treatment

It is advisable to treat foodborne hepatitis in a clinic. The procedures are aimed at restoring fluid loss in the body, the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys.

Water losses are restored by introducing solutions (trisol, disol, etc.) through droppers. The composition of the solution depends on individual mineral losses. Solutions are administered only intravenously. Medicines administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly are not absorbed on the first day of treatment. Hence, therapeutic effect they don't give it.

The dose and daily number of droppers are determined according to the condition of the animal and the approximate amount of losses.

The animal's body tries to remove toxins.

To stop vomiting, metoclopramide or cerucal is usually used. Because of severe vomiting tablets are not used. The tablet is expelled from the stomach before the medicine is absorbed and begins to act.

Heart function is supported by administration of mildronate and cocarboxylase, or similar drugs. Administered intravenously or in a dropper. Essentiale, B vitamins, and glutargin are used to restore liver function.

The body's strength will be supported by a dropper with a 5% glucose solution. It will also speed up the elimination of toxins. Special means It is almost never used to stop diarrhea. Sick food hepatitis by the end of the second day the animals have nothing to defecate with. With proper treatment, the urge to diarrhea goes away within 4 hours.

Typically, a course of IVs lasts 3 days, injections - 5. B within three day the dog begins to drink and eat. However for full recovery Carsil is prescribed to the liver for 2 to 3 months. For the same period, it is advisable to give the dog only medicated dry or canned food for animals with hepatitis. Similar foods are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

A signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian is a deviation from the dog’s normal behavior and refusal to feed.