How long do French bulldogs live? How long does a French bulldog live?

Every owner is interested in how long French bulldogs live. Thanks to pleasant chores and experiences, the pet’s first year flies by unnoticed. During this period, it begins to seem that the Frenchman will always be your friend.

  • Unfortunately for owners, the lifespan of dogs is not very long. For a bulldog, it ranges from 9 to 12 years. The number of centenarians who have crossed the twelve-year mark is not so large. A miniature dog over 15 years of age is very rare.

But don’t be too upset, perhaps, contrary to statistics, it will be your baby who will break records and live up to 20 years.

Experts have found that height affects a dog’s lifespan. Miniature individuals live longer than their large relatives.

On this basis, we can assume that little Frenchies should live happily ever after, but this breed is endowed with many features that shorten their lives.

Firstly, the age of bulldogs is not very long. Secondly, animals with a shortened muzzle often suffer from difficulty breathing and heart ailments.

The breed's tendency towards obesity is also not in the best possible way affects the life expectancy of a French bulldog.

  • Additional troubles are caused by hormonal imbalances and genetic predisposition to the occurrence of diseases.

The likelihood of accidents with small pets is extremely high. These Frenchmen are endowed with a cocky character, so they rush at large dogs. Such fights can have the most tragic consequences for a bulldog.

It is necessary to have a complete understanding of the nuances associated with the life of a pet. You may be able to prevent the negative effects of these factors and increase your baby’s lifespan.

Influence of nutrition

Proper care– the main condition for a long life of a pet. Even with poor genes, proper care can significantly extend a dog's life.

Being an artificial breed, the French bulldog cannot use its primitive instincts and adjust its own nutrition.

Wrong organized diet negatively affects the functioning internal organs, disrupts stability immune system, reducing the ability to resist diseases and the rate of treatment.

Due to the rapid onset of obesity, dogs should be given moderate portions of food, monitoring their timeliness.

The health of an adult Frenchman, acquired, for example, at the age of two, is largely influenced by his past lifestyle. If previously he ate haphazardly, then he general condition a significant blow has already been dealt.

The pet will not be able to live as long as French bulldogs with a well-established diet live.

Conditions for the long life of a bulldog

Longer duration Life is characterized by cheerful and active dogs. But you shouldn’t overload your pet. physical activity in the form of multi-kilometer cross-country races.

The dog's energy level must correspond to the breed. It is quite easy to walk a bulldog, sometimes combining walks with games.

It is important to pay attention to the air temperature. IN extreme heat or frost, the classic hour allotted for walking is not allowed. At this time, play with your bulldog indoors.

Scientists have noticed that animals that have undergone sterilization live longer than their counterparts. The reason for this does not lie in physiological transformations.

The peculiarity of the breed is that French bulldogs, as long as they live, try to look for adventures outside the home. The life of sterilized pets is calmer and longer.

Veterinarians say that good teeth help increase the lifespan of bulldogs by about twenty percent. Proper oral care for your pet includes systematic cleaning, periodic examination, and timely elimination of plaque, stones and teeth that cannot be treated.

How to Care for an Aging French Bulldog

A bulldog that has reached the age of seven is considered senior. The pet's condition gradually worsens, and some diseases may appear simultaneously. Monitor your Frenchie's condition more closely and more often, as his body is weakened and cannot resist illnesses. Try to prevent the disease before it occurs and is detected.

Feeding an Elderly French Bulldog

The decrease in appetite of an aging pet is due to a dulling of the sense of smell and taste, so food should be heated. You can add a little water to dry food.

An older dog's metabolism and activity levels are at a minimum. Some pets increase in size while continuing to consume the same number of calories as when they were young.

  • Switch to special food that contains moderate doses of phosphorus and large number fiber.

To avoid pancreatitis and increased load on the kidneys, strictly limit fatty and protein food in the Frenchie's diet.

How to Improve Your Aging Bulldog's Sleep

Elderly friends constantly suffer from lack of sleep. Their frequent sleep too short and sensitive. Postpone your bulldog's dinner until later.

  • If milk is well digestible, add a small amount to the feed. Make sure your pet sleeps in a warm and comfortable environment.

Hearing and vision

The hearing and vision of older dogs are subject to negative changes. Check your pet's reactions monthly and record the results. Test your hearing for sounds of different pitches.

Sometimes a Frenchman hears low tones well and does not react at all to high ones. In this case, speak to your pet in a low voice.

If your hearing is significantly impaired, you should not move behind the dog. A frightened bulldog may suddenly bite a person.

If your dog suffers from blindness, you need to talk to it more. This way the animal will not feel deprived. Flag pleasant smell steps and doors. When there are people in the apartment that are unfamiliar to the bulldog, lock it in a separate room.

Bones and muscles of an aging dog

Older dogs lose a lot of muscle, their legs and tummies are weakened.

Clumsy and limping movements often indicate that an animal has arthritis.

This disease requires equipping the dog's place with a warm mattress and a wool blanket, the absence of extremely active games requiring sudden movements, and doing this with the dog. special exercises and use of anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

Give your pet calcium supplements throughout his life, which will delay the onset of osteoporosis in old age. Excellent health and many years life for your pet.

When purchasing a dog, its owners are almost always interested in how long their pet friend will be around. Some four-legged friends live to be over 20 years old, while others barely reach 9-10 years. Today we'll talk about How long do French bulldogs live?– stocky, snub-nosed dogs that are popular with active people, as well as families with children.

How long do French bulldogs live?

If we take the general figures, French bulldogs live at home for about 9-12 years. Moreover, French bulldog girls live longer than dogs of the opposite sex, with good conditions they can live up to 15 years, and maximum term The lifespan of boys is 12 years. It is believed that females are calmer and less prone to fights with other dogs, while males often get into trouble, which often ends in failure. By the way, bulldogs, which are brothers of the French ones, live longer - about 12-14 years.

What affects the lifespan of French bulldogs?

As we found out, the approximate life expectancy of a French bulldog is 9-12 years. At the same time, there are dogs whose lifespan is very short and is less than 9 years. What determines how long a French bulldog will live? Let's look at some factors that influence the lifespan of these dogs:
  1. Diseases. Most often, ailments such as oncology, heart failure and cardiomyopathy, strokes, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, problems with French bulldogs shorten their lives. respiratory system, due to their short muzzle. Also, this dog often suffers from obesity, which causes damage to the joints and internal organs. Some diseases are hereditary, so it is extremely important to be sure of the health of the Frenchie puppy’s parents before purchasing;
  2. Problems with the birth of puppies. Babies' heads are quite large, so French bulldog bitches almost always have to do C-section. Unfortunately, inexperienced owners often hope for chance, not having time to call a specialist to your home to perform the operation;
  3. Diet. Eating low-quality economy feed or unsuitable food (fatty, fried food from the table, bones, etc.) negatively affects. – ensuring health, strong immunity, good condition internal organs and appearance. Bad and low-quality food weakens the animal’s body, depriving it essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  4. Unforeseen circumstances. Although the heroes of our article are quite friendly dogs, they are not alien to excitement. They can easily chase a cat across a busy road. These dogs may even get into fights with other tailed animals. larger size, which is fraught with injury, and sometimes everything ends even worse;
  5. Motor activity. French bulldogs are small dogs, which is why some owners try to make them couch potatoes. And in vain! Without proper stress, the dog’s blood vessels and heart, its lungs, bones and muscles suffer, which leads to a weakening of the entire body;
  6. Emotional mood. Dogs that experience constant stress (for example, from shouting and punishment from the owner) are more susceptible to disease than their counterparts living in peace and quiet;
  7. Castration and sterilization. It is believed that such operations increase the life expectancy of French bulldogs. Bitches live longer after sterilization, because their body does not wear out after childbirth, it does not change hormonal background, as it happens during . In addition, sterilized girls are much less likely to suffer from cancer of the reproductive system. French bulldog boys live longer if they are neutered, thereby minimizing the risk of prostate and genital diseases. Neutered dogs are not subject to stress and are much calmer than their unoperated comrades.

Why do French bulldogs live short lives?

There is an opinion among dog lovers that the larger the animal, the shorter its life. On the one hand, this position is justified, because the heart, joints and active dogs wear out faster. On the other hand, French bulldogs have a number of diseases that are associated with the unusual appearance of these cute dogs, so they are unlikely to be able to live, say, up to 18-20 years, even despite their modest size.

In addition to breathing problems, French bulldogs often have eye ailments: inflammation of the ocular mucous membranes, hyperplasia of the third eyelid. They weaken the condition of the animal. French bulldogs suffer and skin diseases, including allergies, dermatitis, and therefore, there is a possibility that the dog may catch an infection due to inflamed skin. In addition, French bulldogs often have problems with skeletal system. They have intervertebral hernia, atrophy of the limbs, vertebral curvatures. But this dog cannot live without movement.

Yes, and the most tenacious ones can be called dwarf ones. French bulldogs cannot be counted among them. However, there is no need to despair. If , then this is approximately 63 years. A 12 year old dog is equivalent to a 75 year old elderly person. And those lucky ones who live up to 15 years are long-livers by human standards: in our opinion, they are already 87 years old.

If you want a fearless friend who doesn't know what aggression is and loves affection and children, then the French Bulldog is perfect. This dog has an easy-going character and a cheerful disposition, so it can become a favorite for the whole family.


Description and characteristics of the breed

The French Bulldog is calm and balanced, but training is required to consolidate the natural qualities of this mini dog. He will be a combat comrade, a rodent hunter, and a decorative pet in the house. This is a classic Molossian breed, the only difference of which is its miniature size.


The word “French” in the name of the breed is not used because it first appeared in France. She is of English descent. Initially, this dwarf dog protected people from rats indoors (in factories).

After the scientific and technological revolution, many workers scattered around the world in search of work. Those of them who went to France also captured their smaller friends. The latter became the favorites of the local elite, since only they could afford it. The breed was officially registered in 1896.

Breed standard

  1. Frame. Square. There is a gradual rise from the withers to the lumbar girdle.
  2. Breast. In the shape of a cylinder, the ribs are barrel-shaped and recessed.
  3. Head. Large compared to the body. Bones upper jaws- shortened, the nose is tilted back.
  4. Neck. Short and muscular. There is no suspension.
  5. Ears. Wide at the base, but rounded at the tips. Located high, but at a sufficient distance from each other.
  6. Muzzle. Snub-nosed, black and wide.
  7. Eyes. Large expressive and round eyes(a sign of intelligence development)
  8. Limbs. Short forearms and pasterns, set vertically. An analogy can be drawn with the paws of cats: small, round in shape, with tightly closed black claws. The rear ones are stronger than the front ones. Placed vertically.
  9. Tail. Short from birth, long enough to cover the anus.
  10. Wool. Short and smooth without undercoat.
  11. Size. Height - from 27 to 35 cm (females up to 32 cm).
  12. Weight. Up to 14 kg (females - mostly 13 kg).


The following colors of the French bulldog are allowed by the breed standard:

  • from light fawn to red (presence of brindle or spots milky- optional);
  • brindle with white spots (possibly a mask on the face);
  • plain (black and blue);
  • completely white, but with one condition: black eyelids and nose.

The photo shows the colors of a French bulldog.

Frenchie black color White French Bulldog Spotted Bulldog Blue color Red color French fawn color

How long do French bulldogs live?

The lifespan of bulldogs is 9-12 years. This is due to the characteristics of the diseases of animals of this breed, which prevents them from surviving up to twenty years, despite their size.

The lifespan of French bulldog bitches is 15 years. They are calmer, not so prone to fights, which often become the cause premature death animal.

Character and behavior of dogs

Characteristics of French Bulldogs:

  1. Animals are great at building relationships with family. This is their versatility: he will become a friend not only for single individuals, but also in large families. Bulldogs are also peaceful and gentle with their owners. They love to play and be the center of attention. Although I don’t mind lying alone sometimes either.
  2. It can perfectly protect from danger and its modest size does not matter.
  3. He has a stable psyche, so the dog is not inclined to panic and is not afraid of anything.
  4. The French Bulldog is very touchy and reacts painfully to raising his voice or shouting.
  5. One of the pet’s favorite activities is traveling: he is hardy and will not cause any trouble in any transport.
  6. This dog has a negative attitude towards cats and his own kind. Therefore, it is better if he does not share the territory in the house with other pets.
  7. Raising this pet is easy, so it is recommended for inexperienced owners to get a dog.

Care and maintenance

French bulldogs practically do not shed and do not have a specific odor. To maintain the shine of the coat, it is enough to care for it two to three times every seven days, combing it with a massage brush with soft bristles.

Wool is an indicator of the health of a French bulldog. It shines only in healthy dogs.

There are several main points in care:

  1. You can wash your bulldog only when necessary, no more than twice - three times per month. In addition, it is important to monitor the ears (clean with a cotton swab) and eyes (treat with a damp cloth every day).
  2. Taking care of teeth: bones should be given very rarely, and brushing should be a regular procedure. Special treats with a cleansing effect will help with this.
  3. The dog's nails are trimmed regularly. It is better to have this procedure performed by a specialist, since blood vessels in bulldogs they are located very close. Improper claw trimming can cause bleeding.

The first heat in bulldogs begins at about six months, but until at least one and a half years the dog is not ready to mate and bear offspring. In males, sexual activity begins at one year, but the dog will be able to produce healthy offspring no earlier than two years.

What to feed your dog?

As a rule, the best option is a more high-calorie menu:

  1. The basis is meat (approximately 70% of the entire diet). It is better to avoid pork and chicken. More often the meat is given raw. Only offal is cooked. Beef is calculated taking into account 20 g per kilogram of animal weight.
  2. The remaining 30% is cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), vegetables, fruits, herbs, fermented milk products. Porridges are cooked without salt; meat and vegetable ingredients are added at the end along with vegetable oils.
  3. Milk is poorly absorbed by the body of an adult animal. But kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese are important foods.
  4. Vegetables are boiled or not depending on the dog's preferences. Fruits are given as a treat.
  5. Fish, as a rule, can replace meat and is given no more than twice a week. Moreover, only river water is boiled.

Keep an eye on compatibility different types products. You should not give a meat dish and a fermented milk product at the same time.

When feeding dry food, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • the ingredients in the food should be natural and safe for the dog;
  • It is preferable to choose food designed specifically for this breed.

It is better not to feed French bulldogs the following foods:

  • any animal fats;
  • herring;
  • pickles and spices;
  • bones and strong broths;
  • fried meat and fish;
  • beans and potatoes.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The most common ailments in bulldogs associated with coat:

One more weak point dogs are eyes. It is important to monitor the area where your pet is walking, as branches or simply protruding objects can cause injury. The French often have conjunctivitis.


  • redness of the eyes;
  • swelling;
  • excessive tearing;
  • various unhealthy discharges.

It is better not to treat the eyes at home, since in bulldogs they have a thin retina and are extremely sensitive to medications.

A common defect in bulldogs is the appearance of wedge-shaped vertebrae (vertebrae in the shape of a trapezoid). They are found in tails, although they are also found in chest, and in the ridge. Their appearance is provoked by both heredity and an unfortunate fall. The consequence is problems with spinal cord, convulsions and complete paralysis.

A French Bulldog may experience seizures, their causes are:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • low blood sugar or calcium levels;
  • rabies;
  • various infections that have entered the body;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • intoxication;
  • improper functioning of the heart.

First aid is a few drops of Corvalol in the mouth and calling a veterinarian.

Any unusual behavior of the dog (lethargy, warm nose and dulling of the coat) is a signal of a violation of her health. You should not delay going to the doctor.

Training and education

You need to engage in the process of raising a French bulldog from the first day the pet appears in the house. Despite their intelligence, they are difficult to train due to their stubbornness. However, even adults can learn the main points of training if this process is organized correctly. To get a well-mannered dog, the owner must be persistent, consistent and not use unnecessary emotions.

Choosing a puppy

Select a puppy based on the following parameters:

  1. The puppy's parents must be healthy and have balanced behavior. It is imperative to see the puppy's father and mother.
  2. Observe the behavior of the puppy you like, but do not pick it up or pet it without the breeder's permission.
  3. When examined, the puppy should be distinguished by the shine of its coat, not bloated belly, neat skin and a small layer of fat, clean ears and eyes, without odor and discharge of various kinds.
  4. The nose is black, with the exception of dogs from three to five months old with a spotted color, in which an uncolored nose is allowed.
  5. Mucous oral cavity- pink, teeth - straight, and bite - strong.
  6. Paw movements are straight, coordinated and not stiff.
  7. General behavior of the dog. Healthy individuals are active, cheerful and ready for contact.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

On average, the price of this breed varies:

  • from forty thousand - standard colors;
  • up to one hundred and twenty - blue, tan, lilac.

It is best to purchase a puppy from trusted breeders, information about which can be obtained from the nearest kennel club. If you buy bulldogs from private breeders, it is important to carefully study the reviews about it.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing, the main attention is paid to the following points:

  • availability of all necessary documents and brands;
  • veterinarian's certificate of absence genetic diseases from parents;
  • conditions for keeping dogs;
  • staff attitude towards their work and animals;
  • bulldog nutrition;
  • reputation of the establishment.

On the channel The Adventures of Venya the Bulldog - the secrets of choosing a puppy of this breed.

Pros and cons

After analyzing the reviews of the owners of this breed, we can talk about the pros and cons of the bulldog.

Its advantages:

  • small dimensions, which allow you to keep the animal in small apartments;
  • short hair that does not require attention special attention;
  • quiet behavior (you can rarely hear them bark);
  • ears and tail do not require docking;
  • no aggressiveness or fear;
  • friendly attitude towards all family members;
  • active and positive.

Unfortunately, it must be admitted that they are not without their drawbacks:

  • difficult to perceive high and low temperatures;
  • need frequent cleanings ears and eyes;
  • require special attention to the skin;
  • conflict with other animals;
  • snore.

Photo gallery

Trimming French Bulldog Nails Brushing your teeth Clothes for a bulldog in winter


All about the French Bulldog breed on the ZooMisto channel.

However, this statement does not apply.

Many dog ​​breeders do not think about the life expectancy of their pets while they are mischievous and active.

But as soon as dog breeders begin to notice that the pet has become less mobile, they want to know how many years the dog will live and how to extend its lifespan?

We will talk about this in the article.

To begin with, it is worth saying that this breed of dog is distinguished by its miniature size.

Her height often does not exceed 30 centimeters, and does not exceed 14 kilograms.

These dogs are suitable active people, because the pets themselves are very playful and playful.

Despite their small size, French bulldogs are very athletic and have well-developed muscles.

These parameters allow the dog to stand up for the owner in case of danger. This fact should be taken into account when walking dogs - do not think that this dog is not capable of showing aggression.

Dogs of this breed are easy to train, they are smart, but at the same time quite stubborn.

More full description French bulldogs read.


Dog handlers say that pets sense their owner’s mood. And if you don’t like a certain person, then the dog will behave warily around him.

Lifespan of dogs

Experts say that French bulldogs live on average 9-12 years.

Moreover, girls can live several years longer - up to 15 years, but this is only possible with proper maintenance.

But a boy usually does not live longer than 12 years.

This difference in life expectancy is usually due to the fact that females behave more calmly.

While their brothers of the opposite sex, due to their activity and display of aggression, can harm their health - fight with other dogs or get hurt.

How to extend the life of a pet?

The lifespan of dogs depends on many factors, and some of them do not depend on the wishes or capabilities of the owners.

We list several factors of keeping a dog that will help prolong the life of your pet at home:

  • In female dogs, you need to monitor how, and then childbirth. Since this procedure may have death for mom. Therefore, experienced dog breeders prefer not to allow natural birth, and perform a caesarean section.
  • You can’t leave it to chance and rely on the dog’s immunity. At the slightest manifestation of the disease, you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe the correct treatment.
  • Monitor your dog's activity. Many owners want to raise their French bulldog into a real plump couch potato that can be touched by them. However, this should not be done under any circumstances. It is necessary to load the dog in accordance with its age.
  • Proper care includes an annual examination of your pet by a specialist. A visit to the veterinarian is necessary even if the dog is in good health.
  • Emotional mood. It has been proven that dogs that are constantly scolded and even beaten live shorter lives, since stress reduces immunity.
  • Spaying and neutering will also help prolong the life of pets. The body of a sterilized bitch does not wear out during pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, her hormonal levels do not change. In addition to this, female French bulldogs have a reduced risk of developing cancer diseases. Castrated boys are less likely to suffer from diseases of the prostate and genital organs. It has been proven that such males are less susceptible to stress.

Proper nutrition

there are two types:
  • traditional natural products;
  • feeding dry food.

If a dog breeder decides to go with the first option, he should know what products should be included in the dog’s diet for full development and long life:

  • Lean meat - every day.
  • Fermented milk products - 3-4 times a day.
  • Rice and buckwheat porridge- daily.
  • Fresh vegetables every day.
  • Meat by-products - every two days.
  • Fish - 2-3 times every 10 days.
  • Egg - once every seven days.
  • Berries and fruits - once every 10 days.

Meat and fish must be given raw.

To do this, just mix these products with boiled porridge. But before use raw foods needs to be frozen for a long time.

You need to remove all the bones from the fish.. And choose rough meat, with a large number veined, but without fat.

Meat by-products must be boiled first. Vegetables are also doused with boiling water in advance.

It is better to avoid legumes altogether, since the stomach of French bulldogs is not able to digest them.

Egg shells are crushed and added to the main dish. And the protein is given to the dog in boiled form.

Dogs are not fed this type of yolk. Better to give preference quail eggs, since they do not contain pathogens of intestinal infections.

In addition to listed products, you can add greens to your French Bulldog's diet fresh, fish oil, as well as olive or sunflower oil.


Large bones are given only under the supervision of the owners. Once all the veins have been eaten away, the bone is collected from the dog.

If a dog breeder is more accustomed to feeding his pet dry food, then this product must be chosen correctly. You need to start from the height, weight and age of the dog.

In a high-quality food, pellets should consist of meat (or offal), cereals, mineral and vitamin supplements, vegetables and fats.

Quality maintenance and care

  • Even though these dogs are short-haired, they still need to be brushed. This must be done 4-5 times a week.
  • Bathe special shampoo for dogs only once a season. The rest of the time, the dirt is washed off with the pressure of warm water.
  • The folds on the face should be regularly wiped with wet wipes and then moisturized with baby cream. The same applies to the area near the tail.
  • Do not forget to periodically examine your genitals for inflammation.
  • Check your oral cavity once every 10 days, and also visit your dentist once a year for preventive maintenance.
  • Before cleaning the ears, slightly warmed drops should be applied. vegetable oil, and then wipe with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  • After each walk, check that the dog has not been crawled by insects.
  • Wipe your eyes with a weak tea leaves twice a week, and also trim your claws.

“The French Bulldog is a good breed overall. But it is suitable only for those who are ready to constantly not only raise a dog, but also monitor its health. Therefore, in order for the dog to live as long as possible, you need to visit the veterinarian often, and also monitor the pet on the street. Because he can eat any thing lying on the ground, or get into a fight with other dogs.”

Caring for an older dog

After seven years, dogs are considered elderly, so their maintenance changes slightly:

  • The place to sleep and rest should be soft so that the muscles do not swell.
  • Vitamins and mineral complexes must be mandatory.
  • The load should become moderate. Avoid sudden movements of the dog.
  • You can give dogs aspirin to reduce painful sensations in the joints. But before that, consult a specialist.
  • The skin becomes thinner, so it needs to be lubricated with moisturizer even more often; you should not blow-dry your dog or put heating pads on it.
  • Calluses may appear on the nose, elbows and paw pads - they should be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Try not to change the usual way of life for older French people. This can be very stressful for them.

Conclusion and conclusions

French Bulldogs are a difficult breed. Therefore, you need to treat them with full responsibility.

Such dogs will live long life only with proper care for them, which includes not only walking and feeding, but also many hygiene procedures, training, as well as regular consultations with a veterinarian.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the French Bulldog breed:

Dog owners who get used to their pet and are emotional enough to love the dog, think about the lifespan of their pet. In general, a dog's age is short compared to a human's. Bye little puppy funny moves his legs and learns to live or a young dog prances, knocking his owner off his feet, this question is not so relevant. But over time, when a person begins to appreciate a dog as a friend and companion, and not as a cute toy, he thinks about how long his dog will live. How long does a breed like a French bulldog live? This question is very relevant for their owners.

The question of a pet's life expectancy mainly arises for the owner when his pet becomes less active, moving into the category of older dogs. However, it is better to collect full information about the breed in advance, even before the appearance four-legged friend in the family

Lifespan of a pet

According to statistics, the life expectancy of a French bulldog is from 9 to 12 years. Not many dogs live up to the maximum level. And very rare individuals are able to cross the 15-year mark. There may be exceptions, and very in rare cases There are long-livers of the bulldog tribe who can live up to 20 years. But this is rare.

It is believed that the smaller the dog, the longer it can live. Based on this truth, it would seem that small French bulldogs should live a long life, but this is not the case. Mainly due to the specifics of the breed, the features of which significantly shorten the dog’s lifespan.

Why is the French Bulldog's age so short?

This dog, although small, is still a bulldog. And these dogs are not long-lived. In addition, most dogs with a shortened muzzle suffer from heart and vascular diseases and have problems with the respiratory system. This cannot but affect the length of their stay with us.

French Bulldogs are prone to fat accumulation and disorder metabolic processes, change natural level hormones in the blood, and a whole range of hereditary diseases, which negatively affects the situation. Unnatural causes of the dog’s death cannot be ruled out, for example as a result of a fight. These dogs are cocky and tend to bully their larger brothers. Such dog fights need to be prevented. Will help a lot proper upbringing dog, developing in him the ability to obey the owner.

Bulldogs can get along well with other dogs, cats and any type of animal. To prevent a dog from getting into fights, the owner should not encourage his aggression.

Nutrition as a factor in extending a dog’s life

Good care and proper nutrition- the key to a long life for a dog. Any breed bred artificially has a number of disadvantages and is deprived of the immunity of its wild ancestors, as well as their ability to adapt to external conditions. negative factors and digest almost anything they can swallow.

Many dogs can eat a lot - much more than they need. Pets, like people, are not very good at recognizing what their bodies need and want. For example, chocolate is strictly not recommended for dogs, but they eat it with appetite if they find it.

Therefore, you should feed your French Bulldog according to the recommendations. experienced dog breeders. Dogs need to be fed correctly from puppyhood. In other words, if you feed your pets whatever you have to, and then, when any diseases are discovered, balance the diet - this will only minimize the harm caused, or get rid of even more harm, but will not correct the situation completely. Properly fed (both in terms of components and quantity), active and cheerful dogs live longer and longer. full life than their deprived or overfed relatives. Obesity, both in the case of a person and in the case of a bulldog, significantly reduces his time in this world.

Prevention of obesity in dogs should begin from the very beginning. small age, because it is then that basic eating habits are formed. It is highly not recommended to feed your dog from the table, as this spoils its character and makes it dependent on the flavor enhancers found in human food. These even include sugar, salt, seasonings

Care that prolongs life

  • timely vaccinations;
  • insect treatment;
  • proper nutrition;
  • activity mode;
  • Regular examination by a veterinarian.

These are the main indicators good care for the dog. Veterinarians believe that compliance with these points can increase the duration of life cycle bulldog by a couple of tens of percent.

The principle “it will heal like a dog” is not for artificial breeds.

If you have doubts about your pet's health, it is better to show it to a doctor. Yes and preventive examination will not be superfluous. Timely identified violations are easier to correct than to treat running form diseases.

High-quality care and human love work wonders. They, coupled with the care of a specialist, can prolong the life of an animal even with poor heredity.

Dogs need vaccinations no less than humans. Mass of insects, vectors infectious diseases, which are difficult to notice and remove, can bite a dog, causing serious illness or death of the animal.

The activity of the animal is selected according to its breed. For the French Bulldog, a walk with games, not too long, at average temperatures is enough environment. If it is extremely hot or very cold outside, it is better to play with your dog at home.

It is believed that castrated animals live a longer period of time. This is not entirely true. They are simply less cocky and less likely to seek adventures in the area of ​​their tail (they do not fight for females, and do not try to prove their dominance to other dogs). Castration does not improve a dog's health.

It is within the power of a good owner to extend the time a pet stays in the family, of course, for a limited period of time. Most dog breeds are loyal animals that do not tolerate quarrels in the owner’s family, human betrayal, and many other stresses. French bulldogs are no exception in this matter. Take care of your dog if you love it. And she will stay with you longer.