How many years do mongrel dogs, Chinese crested dogs, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers, Alabais, Toy terriers, Jack Russell terriers, Belgian griffins, Pekingese dogs, Shepherd dogs, Spitz dogs live on average at home? Which dogs live the longest? Alabai - description p

Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog (also Turkmen Alabai and SAO, English Central Asian Shepherd Dog) is an ancient aboriginal breed of dog native to Central Asia. Local residents used Alabais to guard and protect property and livestock.

In their homeland, this is one of the most popular breeds; they are common in Russia, but are rare abroad. This popularity is deserved, because it is one of the largest, strongest dogs capable of surviving in the difficult climate of Asia.

Nothing can be said for sure about the origin and development of this breed. They were kept by steppe nomads, among whom there were few literate people, and writing was not held in high esteem. Add to this the scattered nature and constant movement, which does not add clarity.

One thing, one can say for sure, is that Alabai come from Central Asia, regions now located on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. They have been used to protect property and livestock since time immemorial, but it is impossible to say exactly which country was their homeland. The very first written sources mention these dogs, but they existed before them.

According to various estimates, the breed is 4000, 7000 and even 14000 years old.

There are two groups of theorists, some believe that these dogs originated from ancient Asian herding dogs, others that from. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, many breeds are in the blood of the Alabais, because they developed naturally at least 4000 years!

It doesn’t matter where or how they came from, because these dogs occupied an important niche in the life of nomadic tribes. They served as the eyes, ears, and swords of their masters, constantly on the lookout for potential threats. Although modern weapons and hunting methods have all but eliminated predators from Central Asia, it was once home to populations of wolves, hyenas, jackals, foxes, lynxes, bears, leopards and the Transcaucasian tiger.

Central Asian Shepherds looked for potential predators, drove them away or entered into battle. Moreover, this was often far from people, the service was continuous, and the herds were huge. Moreover, it was necessary to protect not only from animals; there was never a shortage of bandits, thieves and greedy neighbors in the steppe; wars between tribes lasted for hundreds of years.

Alabais took part in skirmishes, defending their own and fiercely attacking strangers. Add to all this the not-so-pleasant climate of the steppe. Central Asia has an arid climate, steppes and snowy mountains. The temperature there during the day can be above 30 C, and at night drop below 0 C. All this served as a natural selection for the Alabais; only the strongest, smartest, and most adapted dogs survived.

Finally, alabai played an important social function when tribes and clans gathered to communicate. Usually this was during holidays or peace treaties. Each tribe brought with them their dogs, especially males, for dog fighting.

The essence of these fights was different from what happens today in illegal fighting pits, where different dogs. What was important was not the death of the animal, but the determination of who was superior to whom. A typical fight consisted of displays of rage and posturing, and there was rarely blood. Even when the strength and ferocity of the dogs were equal and it came to a fight, one of them gave up and cost with little blood.

These fights were popular entertainment where bets were placed. In addition, for the tribe members, victory was a great achievement and a reason for pride.

But, latently, such meetings were an analogue of current exhibitions, where they determined best representatives breeds that were kept for breeding. After all, in order to protect they needed large, strong dogs. But the most important thing is that the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs had to not retreat in the face of any threat.

The harsh climate and remote location would make Central Asia one of the most isolated places on earth, if not for one thing. Central Asia borders four of the richest, most populous and historically important regions: Europe, the Middle East, China and India.

The famous Silk Road ran through its territory, and for hundreds of years only gold was more valuable than silk. To avoid thieves and for security, merchants bought alabai to guard caravans.

But the wealth of their neighbors fueled the greed of countless nomads, and their hordes constantly attacked their neighbors for the purpose of robbery. Natural horsemen, they learned to sit in the saddle before walking, instantly swooped in and retreated with prey. Hundreds, if not thousands of nomadic tribes have sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only names: Magyars, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Cumans, Mongols, Turks, Turkmens, Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans.

And although the horse was considered the most valuable thing for a nomad, it was the dogs that brought fear to the enemies. They say that even Molossians ( attack dogs Greeks and Romans), were inferior to them in battle. And, most likely, most of these fighting dogs were SAO or similar breeds. Most historians are confident that Europeans and Middle Easterners were so impressed by them that they took them for themselves.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has been formed on the territory of Central Asia for thousands of years. The advent of Islam has had a bad impact on dogs as they are considered a dirty animal. But not in Central Asia, where alabai played too great a role to be abandoned. It continues to live unchanged almost until the 1400th century.

By that time, the Russians will learn from their experience Western Europe, including firearms. No matter how fierce the Alabai were, they could not do anything against the guns. Ivan the Terrible in 1462 begins to push the boundaries, crushing the nomads. The lands are populated by settlers who are also impressed by the dogs. They call them shepherd dogs or wolfhounds.

But the First World War and the communist revolution had little impact on the region. The communists who have come to power are ready for war and are looking for a breed capable of guarding, patrolling borders, and guard duty. Someone's gaze turns towards the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, the number of exported dogs is growing dramatically. Since the authorities take away best dogs, the quality of the population begins to suffer.

At the same time, new breeds are arriving from all over the Soviet Union. These breeds are intensively crossed with Alabais to improve their characteristics. However, the breed is considered unpromising for military purposes, since Alabai are difficult to train. They are being removed from the army, but the popularity of the breed in the countries of the USSR has already grown, more and more people want to get a wolfhound for themselves.

At the time when the USSR government became interested in Central Asian Shepherds, it was not a single breed. These were similar local variations, many of which had their own, unique names. All of them crossed both with each other and with other breeds. As a result of this, modern Alabai can be quite different from each other, more than others purebred breeds. Many breeders in Central Asia and Russia still keep the old variations, but more and more crossbreeds are appearing.

In July 1990, the State Agricultural Industry of the Turkmen SSR approved the standard for the “Turkmen Wolfhound” breed, but this is already the decline of the great country. With the fall of the USSR, they began to gain popularity in Europe. All more Americans and Europeans learn about the breed and begin to breed it. Most of them are interested in a massive dog for guard duty or participation in illegal dog fights, but there are also those who need guards for their herds. Alabaev is beginning to be recognized in many cynological organizations. The first is the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).


Quite difficult to describe clearly appearance alabai, due to the fact that they are very different from each other. There are literally dozens of variations of Central Asian Shepherds, most of which interbreed with each other. In addition, they interbreed with other breeds. They are similar to other large guard dogs, but are lighter built and more athletic.

There is one common feature for all Alabais - they are massive. Although this is not the largest breed in the world, it is quite large dog.

Males at the withers are at least 70 cm, females at least 65 cm. In practice, most dogs are significantly higher than the minimum figures, especially those living in Asia. The weight of males ranges from 55 to 80 kg, females from 40 to 65 kg, although among males one can often find Alabais weighing up to 90 kg. The largest Alabai, nicknamed Bulldozer, weighed up to 125 kg, and standing on its hind legs reached two meters. However, on at the moment already died.

Their sexual dimorphism is more pronounced than in other breeds; males and females differ significantly from each other in size and appearance.

The Central Asian Shepherd should be muscular and powerful, its appearance indicates that it is ready to face any opponent. However, it should not look squat and stocky.

The Alabai's tail is traditionally docked to a short stub, but this practice is now falling out of fashion and is prohibited in Europe. The natural tail is long, thick at the base and tapering at the end.
Late development is also characteristic; dogs develop fully physically and intellectually by the age of 3 years.

The head and muzzle are large, massive and impressive, but not as disproportionately huge as those of most mastiffs. The top of the skull and forehead are flat, the head blends smoothly into the muzzle, although the stop is pronounced. The muzzle is usually slightly shorter than the skull, but very wide. Scissor bite, large teeth. The nose is large, wide, usually black, although shades of brown are acceptable. The eyes are large, deep-set, oval in shape and dark in color. The general impression of most Alabais is dominance, strength and determination.

The Alabai's ears are traditionally docked close to the head, so that they are practically invisible. This is usually done for puppies, but ear cropping goes out of fashion even faster than tail docking. Natural ears are small, triangular in shape, drooping and set low, below the eye line.

The coat is of two varieties: short (3-4 cm) and long (7-8 cm). Both are double coats, with a thick undercoat and a hard outer coat. The hair on the face, forehead and front of the paws is short and smooth. CAOs can be of almost any color, but most often they are pure white, black, red, and fawn.


As with appearance, the Alabai's personality can vary significantly from dog to dog. There are four lines, each of which differs significantly in temperament. Anyone who wants to buy an Alabai should find out who their ancestors were and be thoughtful when choosing a nursery, as some lines can be extremely aggressive.

In general, these dogs are stable in character, but those lines that were bred to participate in dog fighting are often unpredictable. But even carefully selected dogs are very dominant, often aggressive, and given their size and strength... The combination of these factors makes Alabais one of the worst breeds for beginner dog owners. Content requires experience, patience and will.

Turkmen Alabais form close relationships with the owner, to whom they are endlessly attached. Most of them are defined as one person's dog, ignoring or negatively treating everyone except the owner. This attachment is so strong that most Central Asian Shepherds have difficulty changing owners. Moreover, many are so attached that they ignore other family members, even those with whom they have lived for years and spouses.

This breed is not suitable as a family dog ​​or for families with children. Most Alabais do not know that they are supposed to be gentle with children, and their brute strength can be a problem. Yes, they protect children and do not hurt them, but... this is a large and harsh dog. Even with decorative dogs, children should not be left unattended, let alone such a giant. Although they often get along well with children, they even allow them to ride on them. It all depends on the specific character and upbringing.

This is a guard breed, and most Alabais are suspicious of strangers, to say the least. Training and socialization are necessary from puppyhood, otherwise you will develop serious problems as you grow. Training can reduce the level of aggression, but some representatives of the breed may still experience it towards strangers. The owner needs to understand that even the slightest aggressiveness is serious problem because of the strength of the dogs.

Even the least aggressive Alabai remain highly suspicious and unfriendly to strangers. They are protective, territorial and always on the alert, one of the best guard dogs. And her bites are much worse than barking...

They are completely intolerant of anyone who tries to enter their territory unaccompanied, but always try to scare and warn first. Although they do not hesitate to use force.
Central Asian Shepherds are excellent bodyguards who will do anything to protect their owner. In past centuries, they went against tigers and bears, instilled fear in the Roman legionnaires, so that an unarmed person could not stand against them.

And participation in dog fights did not add to their love for other dogs. As you might expect, Central Asian Shepherds are aggressive towards other dogs and aggression comes in many forms: territorial, sexual, dominant, possessive. Socialization and training reduce its level, but it cannot be completely removed.

This is especially true for males, who often cannot stand other males. It is better to keep them alone or in company with a dog of the opposite sex. Owners must remember that CAO is capable of injuring or killing almost any dog ​​without much effort.

These dogs protected livestock, and if the Alabai grows on a farm, it becomes a protector for animals. But in general they are aggressive towards other animals, especially strange ones. Alabai will attack another animal to protect territory and family and will probably kill it, even if it is a wolf.

Raising and training Turkmen Alabais is a very difficult matter. This is not a dog that lives to please its owner; most of them are very stubborn and headstrong. In addition, they are dominant and they try to push the boundaries of what is permitted by a person.

Since the Central Asian Shepherd Dog completely ignores the commands of those whom it considers lower than itself on the social or hierarchical ladder, the owner must always occupy a dominant position. This does not mean that training an Alabai is impossible; it just takes more time, effort and patience. There are no difficulties only with the guard service, which is in their blood.

In the steppe they wander for days on end, often covering more than 20 km per day. As a result, they need serious physical exercise. The absolute minimum is about an hour a day, every day. Representatives of the breed that do not receive enough exercise can develop behavior problems, destructiveness, hyperactivity, bark endlessly, or be aggressive.

They are good jogging or cycling companions, but what they really need is a spacious yard. Due to their requirements and size, Alabai do not get along well in an apartment; they need a large yard or an aviary.

Central Asian Shepherds bark to warn their owner about the slightest changes. They know about disabilities humans and bark more often at night in response to unusual smells, sounds or events. If you have close neighbors, this will lead to complaints about excessive noise. The intensity can be reduced through training, but it cannot be completely eliminated.


What kind of care might be required for a dog living in the steppe and called the Turkmen wolfhound? Minimum. They don't need any professional groomer, just regular brushing. It is very, very advisable to accustom your puppy to grooming as early as possible. Otherwise, you risk getting a dog that weighs 80 kg and doesn’t like being handled. Alabais shed quite heavily. Most are moderate throughout the year and intense twice a year, but some are intense all the time. At such moments they leave behind just clumps of fur.


There is no exact data, since there have been no serious studies, and there are many different lines. But the owners claim that the Alabai is one of the most resilient and healthy breeds, and there is no reason not to believe it. They have a great gene pool, one of the best among large breeds. Central Asian Shepherds have excellent heredity. Their ancestors lived in harsh conditions, only the strongest survived. However, the situation was spoiled by later crossings with other breeds.

Life expectancy is 10-12 years, which is good enough for large dogs.

Nov 23, 2015 admin

The Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog has long gained popularity all over the world. Despite its calm nature, it is a serious dog that will always protect the owner and his property. The article gives a description of the breed, character, how long Alabai live, how to care for them, and what to feed them. In addition, video and photographic materials are included for clarity.

Origin story

The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world. It is impossible to say exactly how many years this breed was formed in the territory that stretches from China to the Caspian Sea and from Afghanistan to the Southern Urals.

In its pedigree, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog has such dog breeds as the ancient dogs of Asia, the fighting dogs of Mesopotamia and various breeds of nomadic herding dogs. Also, the Central Asian Shepherd is related to the Tibetan mastiffs. Over the entire period of their existence, Turkmen Alabais were used mainly as guards for caravans, livestock and houses of their owners, often being subject to natural selection.

Difficult living conditions and the constant struggle for survival have shaped the modern appearance of Central Asian Shepherds and influenced their character, making the dogs strong, fearless, and economical in their use of energy. Today the Central Asian Shepherd is used as watchdog or to protect livestock from predatory animals. Therefore, dogs have their ears cropped so that the beast does not injure them in battle. This is the most devoted and reliable guard.

Breed characteristics

The character and appearance of Alabais is the result of the development of the breed, and therefore is closely related to the territory of their origin and way of life throughout the world. The photo shows a black and white alabai.

Appearance and standard

The harsh climate in which this breed originated has left its mark on the appearance and characteristics of dogs of this breed throughout the world. Outwardly, dogs look brave and courageous, cropped ears give the image an additional intimidating appearance. The ears are cropped so that they do not interfere in battle. If dogs live in an apartment, you don't have to cut their ears.

The height at the withers for males is at least 70 cm, and for females - at least 60 cm - according to the standard. While maintaining a proportional physique, great growth is a plus. Outwardly, females look smaller than males. How much can such a dog weigh? The weight of a male in adulthood is about 55 kg, of a female - 40 kg. The heaviest weight a dog can reach is over 100 kg.

The appearance can be judged by the description of the breed and photos.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a strong build. The head is large, but proportionate to the body. The skull is wide, the forehead is flat with a smooth transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The dog's profile resembles a rectangle. The tip of the nose is predominantly black, but may be lighter in fawn dogs.

Dogs have a standard 42 teeth - this is the norm for an adult animal of any breed (although many are allowed to lack 1 or 2 premolars). Asians have a scissor bite, a straight or tight bite with no bite. The eyes are dark and almond-shaped. The ears are triangular in shape. The tail is thick at the base. Ears and tail are cropped. If the ears are not cropped, they are drooping. An undocked tail may remain curled.

The height of the dog at the sacrum is proportional to the withers. The back muscles are well developed, the neck is powerful and wide. IN chest ribs are rounded. Shepherd dogs Central Asian breed They have straight hair with a well-developed undercoat. The coat of fur can be either short or long. Judging by the descriptions and reviews of breeders, the color of dogs according to the standard in the world can be the most varied, often white. The photo shows a representative of the breed with a predominance of white color.


Alabai training is an extremely important component of care, since without proper attention, according to reviews from breeders, the dog may develop increased aggression towards others. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has good endurance, self-confidence and lack of fear, which is due not so much to its character as to the presence of a protective instinct.

The video gives advice from “Dogs in the Frame” on training and raising a Central Asian Shepherd.

Alabai training should begin from the very early age, puppies should be socialized.

The Central Asian Shepherd gets along well with other pets living in the same house and lives in peace with them. Since this breed has an extremely developed protective instinct, they behave very carefully in the presence of strangers. According to owners' reviews, Alabai get along well with small children and provide them with protection from external threats.

Conditions for keeping at home

Living a Central Asian Shepherd dog in an apartment, albeit a large one, can become a problem for both the owner and the dog. This is due to the fact that Alabai all over the world are accustomed to open space. A wonderful place for keeping a dog there will be a large courtyard of the villa, with a large enclosure or a spacious booth in a shaded place where you can keep and feed a respectable dog.

Dogs of this breed have all the characteristics of an ideal watchdog, as they are very loyal and stern. As for their content, we should not forget about mandatory exercise (different for different ages) and diet.


If you want to have an easy-care dog, then Alabai puppies will be an excellent choice. According to owners, they require minimal care and are easy to feed. They love to sleep on the ground and at the same time, even having white wool, do not get dirty or shaggy - mainly because of the peculiar wool. To keep the alabai clean, it is enough to wash it at least 2 times a year.

If your dog has a white coat and lives in an apartment, you may need to wash it more often. It is also necessary to comb out during the spring molting period. If there are twigs, leaves or thorns in the wool, they must be removed in a timely manner.

Maximum program for caring for Alabai:

  • clean your ears;
  • trim claws;
  • comb out the fur.

Ears should be checked for pustules. Visits to the veterinarian are often infrequent and occur mainly for the purpose of vaccination.

Optimal diet

The ideal body type for Central Asian Shepherds is when the ribs are palpable so that you can count how many there are. But they shouldn't stick out.

Possible diseases

This breed of dog is characterized by good health, so they get sick extremely rarely. But diseases still occur, as with all dogs in the world, for example, dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints, which is characteristic of large breeds. Basically, this disease is hereditary, so Central Asian Shepherd puppies begin to suffer from it from birth. This disease can occur in different ways, but in the most severe cases, dysplasia affects the animal’s bones so severely that the shepherd becomes unable to move independently.

Today, the disease is considered incurable, and all treatment methods are aimed at relieving or neutralizing pain, as well as slowing down the disease. You can prevent or slow down dysplasia at home by balancing your diet, since overweight has a detrimental effect on joints. Alabais are prone to obesity, so you should monitor their weight and let the dog walk as much as she wants.

Improper rearing of this breed leads to the development of the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendonitis.

The consequence of these diseases is disruption of the cardiovascular system.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog often has genetic abnormalities that can appear due to mutations of genes and chromosomes. It happens that puppies are born with abnormalities. Alabai males may suffer from cryptorchidism, and females may suffer from infertility.

The Turkmen Alabai may have disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, which entails changes in hormonal balance animal body. Also in dogs with disorders endocrine system growth slows down, the quality of the coat deteriorates, and the skin becomes covered with a rash.

Photo gallery

Which breed of dog lives the longest? You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

For many people pet- is an equal member of the family, true friend and personal psychotherapist. But animals are not given a human life, and I really want them to live longer and please their owners with a perky wagging of their tail and a loving look. So it's no surprise that many people wonder: How long do dogs live?

  • It is difficult to answer this question right away, since it all depends on the conditions of detention, on what you feed the dog, and how you treat it.
  • Also, the lifespan of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, prevention infectious diseases(vaccination).
  • In this article we will look at how long representatives of this or that breed live, which dogs live longer and what is the world record for the life expectancy of an ordinary mongrel. Read interesting information below.

I really want it to four-legged friend was there for as long as possible. But this is impossible, since dogs have their own life span. How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

  • Domestic dogs without breed or mongrels can live 9 to 12 years. Some of them, with good care and nutrition, live up to 20 years.
  • Life expectancy of yard dogs not much different from the lifespan of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal eats normally and does not become infected with any disease.
  • Mongrel on a chain will live less, since she moves little, and, as a rule, she is fed to her full capacity. The dog must move, run. If she is on a leash all the time, then her life will be short-lived.

In yard mongrels, even those that run a lot, the eyelids can also be short. Their lifespan is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, the presence of diseases from which they can quickly die.

Interesting to know: How smaller dog in size, the longer its lifespan.

Read more about each breed below.

Chinese Cresteds - beautiful dogs medium size. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average? Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 13 years. But, if you take care of your pet: feed it properly, take it for walks, then it will live 15 years or more.

Important to know: This dog breed requires skin care due to the fact that it has little hair. Therefore, in winter the dog needs to be dressed, and in summer the skin must be lubricated with special creams. This will help prevent acne and flaking.

Even though the dog chihuahua breed has a fragile body, she is very hardy. Depending on the size of dogs of this breed, life expectancy may vary. How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

  • Standard size dogs range from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live on average 10-16 years. But with good care and excellent heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Mini Chihuahua weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this only applies to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. This is because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they are also at additional risk of injury during walks or due to careless actions of the owners.

You can extend the life of a Chihuahua if you follow a few rules:

Important: The lifespan of dogs of this breed is affected by castration. A sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that a castrated animal does not accumulate hormones that can contribute to the growth of various tumors.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

Another representative of the small dog breed. Their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 3 kg. These dogs also seem fragile, but they have a much better lifespan than the Chihuahua. How many years do toy terriers live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs occurs due to inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has proper care, good food, she will lead active image life and walk regularly, then her life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

The longevity of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and the ability to quickly recover from illness.

Yorkshire Terrier is another representative of the dog breed small size. This decorative lap dog is a real flower of the dog world. She needs to be protected, protected, cared for and cherished. Yorkies are very kind, love children and will never hurt them. How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

  • On average, dogs of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner monitors the quality of his pet’s diet, then in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. This disease in itself is not dangerous, but due to tooth pain, the dog may refuse to eat and then be sick for a long time.

Take your pet to the doctor at the veterinary clinic in a timely manner. This will help avoid undesirable consequences if your dog is sick.

This breed is more than 5000 years old. It was originally intended to protect caravans and homes. She has thick fur that protects from the cold, thick and strong skin that protects from insect bites and impressive size, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think of getting inside the living space. How many years do Alabai live on average?

  • On average, representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabai breeders warn that you need to walk this dog all day long, and if you are not ready to do this, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If a dog does not run a lot, its character may deteriorate and it will begin to age quickly.

But, if you take the time to walk your pet a lot, he can live up to 20 years and will always be in a positive mood.

Video: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Turkmen Alabai

Mobile, active dog on short legs, will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventure. This dog does not sit still and will be the favorite of all family members. On the street, he will demand active games from the owner, but will not tolerate training, since he does not like it. Good care necessary for any dog, but especially for this terrier. These dogs are generally in excellent health, but some individuals may suffer from hereditary diseases.

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? Thanks to good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, a dog of this breed can live more than 15 years. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally to be confident in their puppies.

The expressive appearance of griffins suggests that this decorative dogs. These gentle pocket animals were bred to hunt rodents, but they took root well in people's homes and became their friends. How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually associated with reproductive function. Female dogs cannot give birth, and if they become pregnant, complications during childbirth are possible. They often undergo caesarean sections.
  • Small puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not cause much harm to health (cataracts, glaucoma), but they prevent the dog from living a full life. She can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any sound.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that this dog does not tolerate heat well. Short hair does not protect against the cold either. Therefore, the Brussels Griffon will have to be protected so that it lives longer.

Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds on our planet. Owners must monitor not only the dog’s proper nutrition, but also its coat: wash and comb. It is the fur that causes discomfort to such a dog, since it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can become overheated and tired, which will lead to dehydration and the dog will die. But, if you monitor your health, how many years do Pekingese live on average?

  • If the dog is not sick and has quality care and proper nutrition, then she will be with you for 16-18 years.
  • This breed also had long-livers, living up to 22 years.
  • Genetics also plays a big role in life expectancy.

To extend the life of their Pekingese, owners must monitor the health of this pet: visit the veterinarian, get tests and vaccinations.

Advice: When purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was given so you know when to get the next one.

The German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful handling and proper care, but also good psychological climate in the house where she lives. If a dog lives in stress, does not fully rest and suffers from physical inactivity, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed, if treated well, proper diet and daytime exercise will delight you with its presence for 10-13 years.

Pomeranian Spitz— a beautiful fluffy baby is a real bundle of happiness for his owners. The main condition for the long life of these furry “bears” is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love and spend time playing with it all the time. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years do Spitz live on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, then the Spitz will delight you much longer with his cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance.

As mentioned above, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. How many years do large dogs live and small breeds? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds - from 12 to 16 and even more.

Some people choose a dog based on its appearance, the length of its fur, or the lack thereof. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, as they want their pet to please them for as long as possible with its cheerful disposition, kindness and love. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 long-living dog breeds:

  • Chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years old
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • Pekingese - up to 20 years
  • toy poodle - up to 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years old
  • Shin Tzu - 20 years old
  • Lhasa Apso – 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years
  • beagle - from 16 to 18 years old

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Thanks to their mobility, they live a long time and delight their owners.

From the facts described above, it is clear that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how long can dogs live at most? History knows the fact about a dog that ran with shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he was able to live to 29 and a half years. Scientists attribute this to several factors: the fresh air of the Australian meadows and good physical activity a dog that ran after the shepherds across the green grass every day.

Video: How long do dogs live | At home | On average.

Lifespan: 12-14 years old

Litter: 5-7 puppies

Group: Mixed

Recognized by: FCI, UKC, ANKC, NKC, APRI, ACR.

Coat color: white, black, gray, brindle, piebald, red, brown, spotted, fawn.

Wool length: long, medium.

Shedding: light, moderate

Size: Giant

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is also known under other names: Alabai, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Its appearance has its own characteristics depending on the region where this shepherd was bred.

In general, the Central Asian Shepherd is a very large dog, similar in appearance to a mastiff and with a well-proportioned body. She obeys commands well. At first glance, it may seem that the Central Asian Shepherd is a cross between a St. Bernard and a mastiff.

Exterior features: large, elongated body; powerful sloping shoulders; large, curved limbs (similar in shape to those of a cat); slightly arched back; spine forming a straight line; short muzzle; dark eyes, looking very wary and giving the dog an intelligent look; usually - cropped (but this was banned) ears; the shape of the head is like that of a bear; The nose is large and dark, regardless of color.

There can be many differences between Central Asian Shepherd dogs bred in Afghanistan and in Russia. In some regions the tail is docked, while in others it is left long.

The Central Asian Shepherd has big breasts, wide back, powerful thighs and strong bones.

Depending on the type of coat, there are long-haired and smooth-haired Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. There are different colors.

Description of wool

There are long-haired and smooth-haired Alabai. The Shepherd Dog, which is bred in Russia, has two layers of thick coat: an outer coat and an undercoat. She has such a heavy coat all year round.

Another type, characteristic of Afghanistan and areas close to it, is distinguished by less dense wool, but also consisting of two layers.

History of the breed

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs were developed by crossing breeds common in Central Asia: Tibet, Iran and the Great Silk Road.

There is a theory that the Central Asian Shepherd is the ancestor of all dogs. According to genetic testing, the Tibetan mastiff descended from this shepherd, and not vice versa.

It is important to note that the Central Asian Shepherd is the most ancient breed from Molossians.

The remains of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog have been found in almost all regions of Central Asia. Hence the name. Each country or nomadic tribe called this breed differently. This has led to some discrepancies regarding the breed standard. Since it was bred with other breeds common in the regions.

The main purpose of the Alabai was to be a guard breed to protect herds of animals and the settlements of their owners. She has been an excellent caretaker for thousands of years. The Central Asian Shepherd always remained outside to guard its owners. Therefore, the breed has become more hardy, healthy and frost-resistant. The Central Asian Shepherd is very independent.

In Russia and in a number of other countries this breed is bred as a guard dog. It is becoming increasingly popular around the world. The AKC has not yet officially recognized the Alabai. But she may well take part in exhibitions with the assistance of the American Association rare breeds in the USA.


The Central Asian Shepherd is a dominant breed by nature. She is very calm by temperament, never fussing or getting in the way. She has true fearlessness and courage.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is not as ferocious and cruel as its close relative the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This breed will be very aggressive with other dogs. Therefore, training must begin at an early age by getting to know other animals. At home, the shepherd gets along calmly with pets: cats and dogs.

She must remain on a leash to prevent her from running away.

Since the Central Asian Shepherd is an excellent guard breed, it will behave extremely warily with strangers. In relation to children, the shepherd becomes their personal bodyguard. No stranger will approach them. But it is better not to leave children unfamiliar to the dog near it. Consistent training will help minimize this problem.

Despite everything, the Central Asian Shepherd gets along well with children. As the shepherd grows up, it stops being playful and becomes an excellent personal bodyguard.


The Central Asian Shepherd is a breed with excellent health. You, as the owner, must be very attentive and periodically take your pet for examination to the veterinarian. This breed has a certain tendency to problems with the elbows and hip joints (from time to time it will be necessary to take x-rays to make sure everything is in order). For most mastiffs, obesity is a big problem, and this breed does not have a predisposition to it.

Hereditary dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints– the only serious problem for the Central Asian Shepherd, like many other large breeds. Only a veterinarian can check this. Dogs suffering from this disease should not breed.


The Central Asian Shepherd does not require intensive care. Garbage, small twigs, specks, dirt, having dried in the wool, fall out of it. This does not cause the fur to become tangled.

The coat always looks clean and well-groomed, even if no care has been taken.

The shepherd sheds especially heavily in the spring, and throughout the year the shedding is light. Brush your pet's coat regularly to remove dead hair and keep your home fur-free.

But you will need to trim your dog's nails once a week to prevent them from growing too quickly. You can easily do this if you teach your pet to sit or lie down. To do this, purchase special nail scissors for animals at a pet store. Try to do everything carefully without injuring the animal. If you are unsure about the best way to do this, consult your veterinarian.

You will need to clean your dog's ears periodically, especially if he suffers from bacterial infection, allergies or has a wound. Drip a little baby oil onto a cotton swab and wipe the ear without penetrating deep into it, otherwise you may damage the ear canal. Do everything gently and carefully. If your pet is scratching her ears or shaking her head more than usual, take her to the vet for a check-up.

The Central Asian Shepherd is a very agile and attentive dog with a slow and clumsy gait. Guarding its territory, the shepherd sits in place. However, she could become an excellent companion for joint runs and walks.

This breed needs regular exercise and intense training to keep it in good shape.

A home with a large, well-fenced backyard would be ideal for a Central Asian Shepherd. She loves to be on fresh air, becomes more active. Even during training, she will guard “her” family. If your area is poorly fenced, then the shepherd will try to expand “its” territory as much as possible.

If you live in an apartment, then you should have enough rooms so that the shepherd dog can guard them, patrolling from time to time.

Adult shepherds are less active than puppies. Therefore, you will have to develop a special training program so that your pet does not gain excess weight.


Consistent training of the Central Asian Shepherd will give positive results. Since this breed is very independent, teach this breed to obey and get along with other animals from an early age. Be determined and calm while studying.

You need to create a daily routine and accustom your Central Asian Shepherd to it. You need to walk her 2 times a day: before work (morning) and before bed (evening). This will allow your pet to better guard your home while you are away.

Since the Central Asian Shepherd is a guard breed, it is very important to teach the dog to obey your commands. If you want to teach your shepherd something, then give it treats as reward. This will be an incentive for her.

If you have difficulties with learning, you can always turn to a professional.


Although the Central Asian Shepherd feels more confident outdoors, but will be able to live well in an apartment if you take long walks every day. She was bred for cold climates, so she has a very difficult time high temperatures in summer.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) is a large, proportionally built dog with voluminous muscles. According to international classification The breed belongs to the Molosser type. The ancestors of the Alabai took part in gladiator fights and protected the lands from wolves. Dogs have a balanced and calm character, which makes them wonderful friends and protectors for the whole family.


Description and characteristics of the breed

Alabais are one of the largest dog breeds. Due to their gigantic dimensions, energy and need for exercise, keeping these dogs in an apartment is problematic.

The Central Asian Shepherd has very strong instincts, so the animal should not be allowed to dominate. These pets are different independent character and most standard commands will not be executed.

Freedom-loving, extremely strong and fearless animals will stand up for human protection without hesitation. One can only be surprised at the recklessness of such dogs - neither armed men nor hungry wolves will scare them.

Alabai will fight to the last, and it will not be easy to defeat him. Dogs of this breed have very thick skin and dense hair, which is difficult to grasp. Central Asian Shepherds have long been valued for their power, courage and determination, and good puppies They cost like thoroughbred horses.

This breed has many other names such as:

  • Asian;
  • alapar;
  • tobet;
  • Turkmen wolfhound;
  • sagas of dahmard.


Researchers believe that the breed originated more than 5 thousand years ago. Alabais are the result of mixing herding dogs belonging to the nomads of Central Asia with Tibetan mastiffs and Mongolian shepherd dogs.

The dogs were formed naturally without the intervention of specialists. In the USSR, work with alabai began in the 30s of the last century. The International Canine Organization recognized the breed in 1989.

The world's largest Alabai, nicknamed Bulldozer, lives in the Stavropol Territory with breeder Alexander Khudyakov. The dog's weight reaches 130 kilograms and its height is 2 meters.

The world's largest Alabai, nicknamed Bulldozer. Filmed by State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Stavropol" for the VESTI program.

Breed standard

The following features are considered the Alabai breed standard:

  1. The head is large and wide, triangular in shape with developed cheekbones and a weak transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  2. Height above average, well-developed muscles, the weight of an adult Alabai reaches 60–70 kilograms.
  3. Temperament is phlegmatic, balanced and calm.
  4. The muzzle is voluminous.
  5. The ears are triangular in shape, usually cropped, medium in size, not erect.
  6. The eyes are round in shape and small in size. Eye color – brown of different shades. A stern look.
  7. The nose is black with a large nose. If the coat is white or fawn, the lobe may be a lighter color.
  8. The jaws are powerful, wide, 42 teeth with a scissor or straight bite.
  9. The neck is short and muscular with dewlap, set at an angle of about 30 degrees.
  10. The skin is elastic and thick with possible folds.
  11. The back is wide and oblong.
  12. The chest is wide and developed.
  13. The loin is short, slightly convex.
  14. The tail is in the form of a sickle or ring, located high. Usually docked, but undocked is also allowed.
  15. The gait is balanced, soft and smooth.
  16. The coat is hard, abundant, and has undercoat. The length of the coat is 3 – 10 centimeters. On hind legs, ears and tail, the hair forms fringes.

Varieties of Alabaev

There are several varieties of Alabai, which are distinguished:

  • by body type and coat quality;
  • by color.

By body type and coat quality

Depending on the structure of the body, the length and quality of the wool, there are several types of Alabai:

  1. Mountain. Such dogs are distinguished by a strong physique, which makes this animal stocky and hardy. The angle of the hind limbs of the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs is the same as that of the Tibetan Mastiff. The coat of this type of Alabai is long, thick, and can withstand severe frosts.
  2. Steppe. Leaner, lighter and faster. They run well, and their movements are elastic and free. Wool medium length, with a thick undercoat and coarse guard hair.
  3. Oasis-desert. Smaller in size than other varieties, but faster. Possess lightning-fast reaction, learn better. The coat is short and close-lying.

By color

Various colors of the Asian Shepherd are allowed, except black, brown and blue. The ban on blue and black-backed colors is explained by mixing with Great Danes or German Shepherds. Brown color Turkmen Alabai prohibited for unknown reasons, although this color is quite common in the dog population.

Each color of the Turkmen Alabai has its own internal lines and types.

Alabais come in the following colors:

  • white;
  • gray;
  • black;
  • brown;
  • red;
  • fawn;
  • brindle color.

Photo gallery

Photos of Alabai of various colors.

Black alabai White alabai Brown alabai Red alabai Gray alabai Tiger alabai

How long do Central Asian Shepherds live?

The lifespan of this breed at home depends on the following factors:

  • proper nutrition;
  • good care and living conditions;
  • prevention of possible diseases;
  • level of physical activity;
  • lack of stress;
  • good rest.

The average life expectancy of Alabai dogs is 11–15 years.

Character and behavior of dogs

Alabais exhibit the following character traits:

  1. Aggressive attitude towards other dogs. Despite this distinctive feature, the animal coexists peacefully with pets who have lived with it in the same house since birth.
  2. They attack strangers only if there is an objective threat.
  3. The main character traits of Alabais are the absence of unnecessary aggression and confidence in their strength, which they show with their calm appearance.
  4. Alabais are independent, self-reliant, proud, but at the same time they are absolutely not fussy or hyperactive.
  5. Reaction to various stimuli long-term: they can be distracted only by eliminating the cause or switching to a stronger stimulus.
  6. Alabais have highly developed social instincts: they quickly find their place in the house in the hierarchical ladder and easily form flocks.
  7. As a rule, they choose one master, to whom they obey.
  8. Can't stand it physical punishment and may react to assault in a way that is not the most pleasant for a person.
  9. Unpredictable, stubborn and not so easy to train.

Care and maintenance

  1. Alabai wool is resistant to dirt, so the pet’s appearance will remain well-groomed even with irregular cleaning. You need to brush your dog about once every two weeks, preferably outside.
  2. Nails should be trimmed twice a month and ears should be inspected and cleaned regularly.
  3. It is better to trim the ears of puppies before they are 10 days old, when the nerve endings in the ears are practically inactive. In this case, the sections do not bleed and heal quickly.
  4. The best conditions for keeping this breed would be private house and the presence of a spacious enclosure, since the Alabai needs a lot of walks.
  5. It is better to have dogs of different sexes. Nature has decreed that females are calmer, so they get along well with males.
  6. Asian needs permanent job. A pet lying idle soon turns into an apathetic animal with a disturbed psyche.

What to feed the Alabai?

Basic rules for eating Alabai:

  1. The presence of two bowls - for water and food.
  2. Bowls should be placed on a special stand at a height convenient for the dog.
  3. Food should be fresh, high quality, and at room temperature.
  4. The pet must always be provided for clean water for drinking. Ideally, you can put two bowls - one with plain water, the other with salted water.
  5. Dogs should be fed at the same time every day. Immediately after eating - should be cleaned up before next appointment food.
  6. Do not give dogs sweets (especially chocolate) and long bones. Among baked goods, those made from wholemeal flour are useful.
  7. Alabai should not be given pork, preferring beef and veal.
  8. By-products should not completely replace meat.
  9. You can cook soup with the addition of cereal. A dog should not eat more than 2 liters of soup at one meal.
  10. It is better to choose buckwheat and oatmeal from cereals.
  11. Include in diet sea ​​fish, eggs and dairy products.
  12. When switching your pet to a new food, this should be done gradually - over 6-8 days.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The most common diseases among Alabais are:

  1. Joint diseases. Alabais are, but as representatives of large breeds, they are prone to dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints. For prevention, you should feed your dog properly, and never overfeed your pet.
  2. Allergic reactions. In addition, Alabai are prone to allergies, so you should constantly examine the dog’s skin and comb out its fur.
  3. Obesity and cardiovascular diseases(heart attack, arrhythmia). A sedentary lifestyle for a dog kept in an apartment can lead to a heart attack or arrhythmia. For prevention, you should walk your pet more often, take it out to the countryside or to dog parks, where the dog can run around to its heart’s content.
  4. Genetic diseases: fusion of the eyelids, cryptorchidism in males or infertility in females, as well as diabetes mellitus or albinism.
  5. Parovirus enteritis - severe viral disease, which leads to the death of the dog in 6–8% of cases.
  6. Skin diseases. The most common infections are demadecosis, ringworm and fungus.
  7. Piroplasmosis is a disease caused by the mite Babesia. At the first signs (lethargy, dark urine, refusal to eat), you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The poison released by the insect into the dog's blood can kill it in a few hours.

Training and education

Alabae puppies look like fluffy bears, but have a very complex character. Raising a Central Asian Shepherd requires experience, patience and proper training from its owner.

When training Alabais, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Initially, the puppy must be socialized, otherwise the Alabai will grow into a nervous, wild and dangerous dog.
  2. Training an Alabai should take at least 20 minutes a day. It is necessary to begin training, in which all family members should take part, from 3 months of age. By 9 months, a young dog should be able to carry out basic commands from its owner.
  3. In raising Alabais, it will be more effective to use the method of motivational training or imitation training.
  4. When training, you should remember that Alabais are touchy dogs. You should not constantly scold them, otherwise contact with your pet will be lost.
  5. The most important thing in raising Alabais is to ensure that commands are followed. It is important to train your pets not to react to stimuli. The best way There will be walks in different places.

Choosing a puppy

It is necessary to choose an Alabai puppy based on the purpose for which the dog is purchased.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

It is better to buy Alabai puppies in nurseries or from reputable breeders. Prices vary depending on the dog’s parents: from 10 to 40 thousand rubles.

Choosing a puppy

After deciding to purchase an Alabai puppy, you should choose the right one and follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Do not take a puppy from a litter with more than five babies. In this case, there is a risk of serious diseases in the dog.
  2. The puppy's owners must show both parents and provide their documents confirming the purity of the breed.
  3. The puppy's mother must not be older than eight years.
  4. Check your puppy to ensure it meets the breed's standards.
  5. A good sign is the puppy's playfulness and mobility.
  6. Don't rush to take the first puppy you come across. Consult your veterinarian.
  7. A puppy's bloated belly and ruffled fur may indicate the presence of worms.
  8. The ears should be free of discharge, clean, and the nose should be moist.
  9. There should be no bald spots or suspicious spots on the coat.
  10. The puppy's paws should be strong and powerful. The delivery of the limbs is smooth, straight, without clubfoot or inversion.