What does lichen look like on a child's back? Basic broad spectrum ointments. Ringworm in a child is always a problem

Sometimes it happens that parents discover pink spots on their child’s skin, the origin of which they cannot explain. Most often, the cause is a common skin disease such as lichen. In this article we will figure out what kind of disease this is and how to identify lichen.

Ringworm is a general term for skin diseases, which may differ in their etiology. It consists of the appearance of rashes on the skin in the form of small itchy nodules.

It is worth noting several varieties of lichen, which differ in the type of pathogen that caused it:

In order to accurately identify this disease, you need to have an idea of ​​what lichen looks like in children. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • The appearance of spots, darkened areas and peeling on the child’s skin. At the same time, the child may experience itching on the skin, which usually leads to scratching. As the disease progresses, the affected areas spread throughout the body with increased itching of the skin;
  • When the scalp is affected, it may manifest as hair loss in that area.

There are several types of manifestations of lichen in a child:

  • Pityriasis versicolor, almost invisible at first glance and appears as flaky areas on the child’s skin;
  • Lichen ruber appears as severe itchy skin with the appearance of red bumps on the skin and mucous membranes, which later become plaques;
  • Ringworm is the most contagious. Mainly covers the scalp with the appearance of pink spots with ragged edges on the skin;
  • Pityriasis rosea is usually located on the back, arms and shoulders, as well as on the scalp. The cause of pityriasis rosea are viruses;
  • Herpes zoster is characterized by the presence severe pain, since the nervous system is affected, a burning sensation, skin soreness, itching appears and manifests itself in rashes on the skin with the formation of brown crusts.

How to determine

How to recognize lichen, this question was probably asked by every parent who observed any redness on the skin of their child. The main symptom of lichen in your child is the appearance of visible skin lesions. They can be on the stomach, arms and legs, as well as on the scalp. At the beginning of the disease, there may be only one spot, but over time, it can spread throughout the body.

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is very important not to try to wait it out or treat it yourself, but to send the child to see a dermatologist. The doctor, in turn, prescribes special studies and tests, which include the diagnosis of scrapings from the affected areas of the child’s skin and microscopic examination to determine the presence or absence of fungal cultures.

Additionally, to test certain antibodies, blood can be taken from a child’s finger and from it the doctor can determine how much the body is fighting the disease on its own;

It is very important to find out possible reason the occurrence of lichen in a child, because the correctness of the prescribed treatment depends on it, among other things.


If your child is diagnosed with lichen by a doctor, he is usually prescribed special ointments, and drying agents may also be recommended. With timely and proper treatment the disease may not manifest itself after a few days, but treatment should be continued in any case exactly as prescribed by the doctor, since there is a possibility of the disease reoccurring due to the fact that it was not treated.

Complete information about the condition of the disease can only be obtained from blood and the presence of antibodies in it, therefore, without a doctor’s decision, taking prescribed medications should not be stopped.

To treat pityriasis rosea in a child, as a rule, no special medications are prescribed. First of all, the child’s daily routine, nutrition and rest are reviewed.

The basic rule that is most applicable to all skin diseases is their prevention. It's enough to do not much simple rules, thanks to which you can avoid the appearance of most of them. Parents are recommended.

Most parents have to deal with the appearance of symptoms of a disease such as lichen in their children. Not always understanding what its features are, many begin to experiment, trying to cope with lichen on their own. Doctors warn that self-medication is most often useless and dangerous. First of all, it is necessary to establish the type of lichen. After all, children can become infected with diseases of different nature. To treat each of them, special drugs are needed. Following hygiene rules can reduce the likelihood of infection.


Ringworm and its features

Among the skin diseases that occur in children, the most common is lichen - dermatosis of fungal or viral origin. Pinkish spots on the skin or rashes can also appear with allergies and certain infectious childhood diseases (for example, measles). However skin manifestations in these cases, as a rule, disappear after the children recover. Ringworm is independent disease with characteristic features.

If parents see that the spots do not change their appearance within 2 days, there is itching, hair loss in the affected area, they should urgently consult a dermatologist. The danger is that lichen spots can spread throughout the body. The child is contagious to the people around him and should not attend kindergarten or school. The more advanced the disease, the more serious treatment will be required. The disease can progress to chronic form. Ringworm can be contracted at any age.

Children under the age of 5 years, whose skin is the most delicate, are at risk of contracting lichen and are more likely to be damaged. Hand hygiene small child harder to follow.

This disease is characterized by the appearance of oval-shaped pink spots with clear boundaries of different sizes. To distinguish lichen from dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, it is necessary to carry out laboratory test cells taken from its surface.

Video: Causes, symptoms and treatment of pityriasis rosea in children

Types of lichen and causes of illness in children

Depending on the type of pathogen and the nature of the manifestations, they distinguish the following types depriving children:

  • shearer;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • versicolor (pityriasis versicolor);
  • shingles;
  • lichen planus.

The causes and symptoms for each of these types of disease have characteristic features. But common provoking factors for the appearance of lichen in children may be reduced body resistance to infection, injury or other skin diseases, and softening of the skin during prolonged contact with water.

Infection among children is spreading by contact, so you can get infected anywhere public place, children's institution, in a hairdresser, children's clinic. A baby may get sick after playing with street animals. It is characteristic that lifelong immunity is not developed after an illness of any type, and if you come into contact with a sick person, you can get sick again.


This type usually occurs in children 3-8 years old. A child can become infected with this fungal disease from animals (cats, dogs, sheep, horses and other animals that he likes to pet or hand feed). The causative agents of lichen are transmitted to children by contact from a sick person (when using his personal belongings, comb, hat, towel, bed linen).

There are 2 types of fungi that can cause disease. Accordingly, such varieties may arise ringworm, like microsporia and trichophytosis. Only a dermatologist can recognize them by the nature of the spots. And to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to do bacteriological culture affected skin particles.

Round pink spots, covered with small scales and having a reddish border, appear most often on the head, face, neck, but can also appear on the shoulders, groin area and other parts of the body. The diameter of lichen spots is 1-10 cm.

Itching does not appear immediately, but after a few days, so lichen spots in a child may not be noticed. There is no itching on the head, but the disease is recognized by balding of the skin in the affected area.

The incubation period of the disease is 1-6 weeks.

According to the severity of manifestations, they are distinguished following forms course of ringworm:

  1. Superficial. The skin does not become inflamed, only isolated spots appear on it (usually on the face, neck or scalp). The course is mild.
  2. Chronic. Large ones remain on the skin dark spots up to 1 cm in diameter. Their boundaries are blurred, the skin flakes and itches in the area of ​​the lichen. Most often, the lesion occurs on the back of the head, temples, elbows, palms, and buttocks. Often the disease is combined with nail fungus.
  3. Deep (purulent). Large spots bright red in color, become lumpy, and purulent inflammation occurs. Healing occurs over several months. Scars remain at the site of the lichen. During an exacerbation, the lymph nodes become enlarged.

Note: It has been noted that chronic ringworm most often occurs in teenage girls, while boys of this age often heal on their own.

Pityriasis rosea (Gibera)

Most often, in children, lichen of this type occurs due to stress or hypothermia (sharp weakening of the immune system). Refers to viral skin diseases.

It is characteristic that with this type of disease there are no spots on the head. They appear on the back or stomach, shoulders, in the bends of the elbows and under the knees. First, several small spots appear in one place, which then spread to other parts of the body.

The itching gets worse if the child sweats or is bathed in hot water. Often with this disease, a child exhibits signs of ARVI (runny nose, sore throat, headache).


The causative agents of the disease are herpes viruses (including the virus that causes chickenpox).

Rashes most often appear in the area where the intercostal and lumbar nerves are located, move from the back to the chest, and very rarely even appear in front of the eyes (this can lead to significant deterioration of vision).

Upon recovery, the blisters become crusty, dry out, and then the skin cleanses. Darkish spots remain at the site of the lichen, and itching may occur. Manifestations vary in severity - from barely noticeable rashes to purulent inflammation and bleeding of vesicles.

Tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor)

Usually occurs in older children. The reason may be hormonal imbalance adolescents who have entered the phase of puberty have a reaction to a certain type of cosmetics. Sometimes occurs in teenagers with oily skin and large pores. The causative agents of the infection are yeasts. They reproduce especially quickly in conditions of high humidity and heat.

Unevenly shaped spots with this disease have a greenish, pink, brown tint. In winter it is darker, in summer it is lighter. In this case, lichen in a child occurs due to a disruption in the composition of the skin microflora due to the abuse of cosmetics.

Lichen planus

This form of the disease usually occurs in diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive system, leading to metabolic disorders. Sometimes appears with allergies, after infectious viral diseases, nervous stress. It occurs rarely in children.

It usually develops on the abdomen, back (in the form of bluish-red tubercles), as well as in the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals (pale pink plaques appear). At the locations of the nodes it is observed severe itching, inflammation.

Stages of disease development, degree of infectiousness

What all these diseases have in common is that they develop in stages. First, redness of the skin occurs in areas affected by microbes. Then itching and peeling of the skin appears.

The spots take on the appearance characteristic of each disease and spread throughout the body. In the absence timely treatment the temperature rises, the lymph nodes enlarge.

The most contagious types of the disease are ringworm and shingles.

Video: Causes of infection with various types of lichen. The danger of self-medication in the “Everything will be good” program

Treatment of children with various types of lichen

Before prescribing treatment, a diagnosis of lichen in children is carried out (seeding scrapings of skin particles from the affected area).

During treatment, ointments or tablets of antihistamine and antifungal drugs are used to relieve itching and get rid of the causative agent of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to follow general medical recommendations and do everything to prevent scratching of the affected areas of the skin.

The patient should not wear synthetic clothing; it is better to choose cotton that absorbs sweat well. The room where the baby is located must be wet cleaned every day. The room temperature should be no higher than 20°, air humidity – 50-70%.

Toys and personal items are often treated with disinfectants. It is necessary to walk with children suffering from lichen only at dusk, so that the sun's rays do not fall on the affected areas of the skin.

Contact with healthy people, especially other children.

Treatment for ringworm

The affected skin area is treated with a 5% iodine solution or a 3% solution salicylic acid, and then, after drying, the area is lubricated with antifungal ointment. For children infancy(over 1 month), you can lubricate the skin with Travogen cream (has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects). When treating lichen in children over 2 years of age, ointments such as clotrimazole, lamisil or mycoseptin are used. Sulfur-tar, sulfur-salicylic ointments, and Lassara paste are also used to lubricate lichen.

In the chronic form of the disease, when large areas of the skin are affected, drugs are prescribed in tablets (for example, griseofulvin). The dosage is calculated taking into account the age and weight of the baby.

Treatment is carried out for 1 month. Every week a scraping is taken to bacteriological research. After the analysis shows the absence of fungus, treatment is continued for another 14 days. After this, 2 more tests are carried out with an interval of 1 week, and after 2 months a control culture of scrapings from the healed skin is done. If the fungus reappears, another drug is prescribed.

To speed up the healing of damage and restore immunity when treating lichen in children, vitamins, means to improve blood circulation, and immunostimulants are prescribed.

To prevent the baby from infecting other family members, it is necessary to cover sore spot clothes (or a scarf, if the lichen is on the head) so that the infection does not get on various objects, toys, towels. After treating the affected area, the person caring for children should wash their hands thoroughly, preferably with tar soap.

Remedies for pityriasis rosea

When treating this type of disease, you cannot use antifungal and antiseptic agents, as the condition of the skin can sharply worsen and the rashes can spread over a large area. Are used only vegetable oils(St. John's wort, rose hips, sea buckthorn) has a softening and disinfecting effect. As an antiseptic, celandine tincture and romazulan solution are used ( antimicrobial agent based on chamomile).

To eliminate itching, the child is given antihistamines that are suitable for his age (from 6 months you can give Zyrtec, ketotifen). If the areas of skin lesions are large, the child’s lichen is accompanied by inflammation, for lubrication they are prescribed hormonal ointments(cortomycetin and others).

Warning: Any ointments, especially hormonal ones, are used in children only as prescribed by a doctor, since improper use will cause skin necrosis and affect general condition child's health.

Treatment for shingles

Children are treated for lichen for approximately 10 days. The skin is treated with antiseptics and lubricated with antiherpes ointment acyclovir. Oxolinic ointment is also used.

For extensive skin lesions, acyclovir tablets are prescribed. If a child has neuralgic pain, he is given painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen in the form of syrups or tablets, depending on age).

For purulent inflammatory processes arising due to the penetration of bacteria into wounds, antibiotics are prescribed. Physiotherapy methods are used to speed up healing (UVR, magnetic therapy, Sollux). For pain, reflexology and electrophoresis with novocaine are used.

Video: Treatment of herpes zoster

Treatment for tinea versicolor

Exoderil ointment or other antifungal ointments are applied to the sore skin once a day, the skin is cleansed antiseptic solutions. In severe cases, antifungal drugs in tablets are prescribed. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks or longer.

Folk remedies

As a means of treating lichen in children in folk medicine Birch tar is used. It is also present in pharmaceutical drugs(for example, Vishnevsky ointment). Propolis tinctures are used as natural antiseptics, as well as herbal ingredients, such as birch buds, burdock root, garlic, celandine. Apple cider vinegar has a disinfecting effect.

It is recommended to apply pumpkin pulp compresses. It is grated, squeezed, and then applied to the lichen. For compresses, you can use an infusion of horse sorrel (infuse 2 tablespoons of chopped roots in 1/3 cup of boiling water).


In order to prevent shingles, it is necessary to explain that you cannot pet a street animal. When coming from the street, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

If your pet dog or cat is sick, it should be taken to the veterinarian immediately.

Each family member should have a personal towel, comb and other care items. It is necessary to take care of strengthening the immunity of children.

Ringworm in children is not one disease, but a whole group of infectious dermatoses of fungal or viral nature, the appearance of which is quite easy to miss at first. If this suddenly happened, then every mother will be concerned with the following questions: How to treat lichen in a child? How to quickly cure lichen? And what to do next?

There are different types of lichen, but, fortunately, each type is characterized by specific symptoms and manifestations. In addition, in most cases, each age is characterized by the occurrence certain type lishaev. So, children under one year of age most often suffer from ringworm. When a baby goes to kindergarten, the likelihood of “catching” lichen simplex increases. Children of preschool and primary school age (approximately 4-12 years old) are more likely to develop pityriasis rosea.

Teenagers with weakened immune systems chronic pathologies(for example, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, vegetative neurosis) constitute a risk group for infection with lichen versicolor. Regardless of age group(although older children still get sick more often), a child can become infected with herpes zoster.

To understand how and what to treat lichen in children so that it goes away quickly, you need to learn to distinguish between it. To do this, you should consider the features of each type separately.

Ringworm (trichophytosis)

U infant who has just begun to walk and explore the world, upon contact with yard animals, infection with ringworm may occur. In addition, a baby can become infected through contact with an already sick child or adult or through household objects.

When infected from an infectious animal, the incubation period is short - 5-7 days, and after contact with a sick person, until the first appearance visible signs It can take from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

The worst course of infection and treatment is lichen infection from an animal. If the mother does not know what lichen looks like in children and cannot recognize its appearance in time, the disease can become chronic. This is due to the fact that microscopic fungal pathogens can affect not only the skin, but also spread through the lymph flow throughout the child’s body.

Every mother should remember that ringworm is a very contagious disease, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The disease begins with the appearance of a small, almost imperceptible pink circle or oval on the child’s skin.
  2. The number of spots gradually increases.
  3. Then, a swelling appears in the center of each spot and the skin rises slightly.
  4. After some time, peeling appears and the child begins to be bothered by itching.
  5. Since the anthropophilic fungi that cause ringworm love to infect hair follicles, ringworm most often appears on the child’s head.

Sometimes when ringworm Lymph nodes may become enlarged and body temperature may rise.

Ringworm simplex

Since the causative agent of this type of lichen is streptococcus, lichen simplex is considered one of the types of impetigo. Its occurrence is facilitated by:

  • insufficient skin hygiene;
  • chapping of the face;
  • poor drying of the skin after swimming.

The disease is seasonal (appears in spring and autumn), as well as the fact that entire groups of children can become infected and the disease becomes epidemic in nature.


  • lichen simplex appears on the face, its favorite places to localize are the cheeks, skin near the lips, chin, lower jaw;
  • Rarely, spots may still appear on the limbs and torso.

It is not difficult to identify lichen in a child, since the spots are quite specific:

  • pinkish or whitish lesions are round or oval in shape;
  • the presence of small scales on lichen spots is mandatory;
  • Symptoms of the disease may be relieved by exposure to sun rays.

Those affected by lichen simplex tan less easily, which makes the skin look mottled and therefore the disease requires differential diagnosis with vetiligo or seborrhea.

Pityriasis rosea

As in the case of ringworm, the disease begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque on the child’s body, but in this case pink spot will be big. After about 5-7 days, smaller, oval, bright pink rashes resembling medallions appear in the skin folds. Itching is not typical and is very rare.

Learning to distinguish pink lichen of Zhiber:

  • mandatory presence of the first big spot followed by the appearance of smaller ones;
  • as the disease progresses, lichen plaques appear first in the skin folds, then on the abdomen and limbs;
  • spots have different sizes and never merge with each other;
  • Clear edges for each spot are required;
  • swelling and peeling appear in the center of the plaques.

Pityriasis rosea may be accompanied low-grade fever, headache, weakness and general malaise. After about 6-7 weeks, the lichen spots begin to disappear on their own.

When scratching the plaques, secondary infection with bacterial flora is possible, which complicates the treatment of lichen in children.

Tinea versicolor

This species is also called sun fungus or pityriasis versicolor. Lichen versicolor is characterized by damage to the epidermis within the stratum corneum, absence of inflammation and very little contagiousness. It mainly affects teenagers and adults; it practically never occurs in children under 7 years of age.

How to recognize pityriasis versicolor

The disease begins to appear in the mouth hair follicles non-inflammatory pinkish-yellow spots, the size of which gradually increases.

Features of stains:

  • merge with each other, affecting fairly large areas of the skin;
  • drainage spots have characteristic finely scalloped edges;
  • the color of the spots changes over time from pink to coffee or dark brown, which explains the name of this disease;
  • lichen plaques become covered with floury peeling, defining the second name of the disease;
  • the location of the spots is asymmetrical;
  • the skin on the chest and back is most often affected, very rarely spots appear on the stomach, sides, neck, shoulders and internal surfaces hands;
  • lichen versicolor is also detected on the scalp, but without signs of hair lesions.

In the puberty period, a feature of pityriasis versicolor is the extent of the lesion and the presence of spots in the armpits.

Like pink lichen, multi-colored lichen is susceptible to exposure to sunlight, which significantly speeds up healing, and previously affected areas of the skin do not tan, forming white spots (so-called pseudoleukoderma).

Tinea versicolor requires differential diagnosis with pink lichen of Zhiber, syphilitic roseola and syphilitic leucoderma.


One of the most insidious and dangerous forms lichen – shingles. Caused by the same herpes virus as chickenpox. Having had chickenpox, a child does not completely get rid of the virus - the infectious agent penetrates into the tropic ganglia, and waits for a lifetime for a favorable moment for reactivation.

If a person who has been ill in early childhood If the child's immune defense system is not weakened and works without failures, then there is no need to fear the occurrence of herpes zoster. When the immune system weakens, the virus begins to actively multiply and becomes the cause of shingles. How older age a person who has received primary infection, the more complex and severe the disease manifests itself.

In children, herpes zoster is characterized by:

  • periods of rashes accompanied by fever;
  • on the skin of the body, along the intercostal nerves, small blisters appear, which can have both transparent and hemorrhagic contents;
  • lymph nodes enlarge;
  • the child complains of weakness, pain in the affected areas of the body, and headache.

The course of the disease is usually severe. After about 10 days, the blisters on the skin burst, dry out, and form crusts. During this period, the child is contagious to others. After a few weeks, the disease recedes, and a stable immunity against this pathogen is formed.

Is it really ringworm?

If parents have even the slightest suspicion that their child has lichen, they should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Diagnosis of lichen is not difficult thanks to characteristic features clinical manifestations.

To confirm accurate diagnosis The doctor will definitely examine the affected areas of the skin with a special Wood's lamp and conduct iodine or aniline tests. A laboratory test of scrapings of lichen spots is required to identify the pathogen.

To confirm the diagnosis of herpes zoster and differential diagnosis of other types of shingles with other infections, a blood test is taken for serological diagnostics. The analysis is repeated after completion of therapy to ensure cure.

Knowing the characteristics of the symptoms of lichen, you can make a diagnosis yourself, but you should understand that the final word still remains with the specialist and without a doctor’s prescription you should not try to cure lichen in children on your own. Otherwise, seemingly harmless diseases can become serious chronic pathologies.

We treat children's lichen

Naturally, after the final diagnosis is made, parents will be interested in the question of how long to treat, and which remedies for lichen are most effective.

The main treatment for lichen in children is correct processing spots with special antifungal or antiviral drugs, as well as in the correction of immunity. Mainly, for all types of lichen, treatment is prescribed at home. The exception is damage to the scalp with ringworm - in this case the child is hospitalized.

Tablets for deprivation of children, as a rule, are not prescribed. Reception antifungal drugs Orally is strictly contraindicated for infants. All antifungal drugs are very toxic and can cause serious liver damage.

What to apply for ringworm depends on its causative agent, i.e. the medicine for lichen can be antifungal in the case of ringworm, pink or multicolored lichen, antiviral - in the case of shingles, lichen simplex requires the use antibacterial agents. In any case, only a dermatologist can determine how to treat lichen in a child at home.

Beloved by many opponents traditional medicine, folk remedies for lichen in children they can also be used, but they act exclusively symptomatically - they relieve itching and alleviate not very pleasant sensations.

For this purpose you can:

  • anoint the affected areas with a mixture of dry mustard and apple cider vinegar;
  • apply cabbage leaves;
  • treat lichen spots with a decoction of buckwheat or beets with honey.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, but to choose one method that is most suitable for you, which will effectively relieve itching and dry out the affected areas of the skin. Treatment is not stopped for another 8-10 days after the maternal plaque has disappeared.

Remember: ringworm cannot be cured with folk remedies!

The same principles of skin treatment for lichen and for local medications– you cannot stop treatment after the rashes and spots have disappeared.

The timing of treatment and, most importantly, the appropriate drug is determined only by a doctor! You cannot treat your child’s skin with self-prescribed ointments!

Cream and ointment are different!

To treat lichen in children, the doctor may prescribe the following ointments:

To reduce unpleasant itching Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines. In addition, complex treatment of lichen includes the use vitamin preparations and immunostimulants.

How do you know if the lichen is going away? After just a few days of adequate therapy, the affected areas of the skin will begin to lighten and will soon disappear completely.

How to care for a child with lichen

Contagious types of lichen determine the rules that should be followed when caring for a child infected with lichen:

  • do not bathe the child to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body;
  • Under no circumstances should you smear stains with brilliant green, iodine or other dyes before visiting a doctor. antiseptics, as this will significantly complicate diagnosis;
  • transfer the child to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • carry out wet cleaning in the house three times a day;
  • Thoroughly disinfect combs and toiletries several times a day;
  • dress the child only in natural, cotton clothes;
  • change bedding as often as possible.

While walking, make sure that your child is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Preventive measures

The following rules will help you avoid getting infected with lichen:

  • maintain the child’s personal hygiene;
  • do not sunbathe with it on spontaneous and wild beaches;
  • do not allow contact with yard cats and dogs;
  • Do not under any circumstances allow the use of other people's things;
  • if your child has excessive sweating, contact a dermatologist to correct this condition;
  • in the spring you can wipe the skin of a child (over 1 year old) with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol;
  • Wash individual towels and change bed linens more often.

Prevention of lichen also includes eliminating various allergens and strengthening the child’s immunity.

Many parents have to deal with round or oval spots on their child throughout their life. About 80% of cases occur in children. The disease belongs to the group of infectious-allergic skin lesions. Symptoms of the disease often occur in children with weakened immune systems.

What is lichen

The term lichen in a child is understood as a collective concept meaning fungal and viral disease. The classification includes several types of pathology, differing in course, causes and external manifestations. Ringworm on the skin of a child occurs more often under the age of 14 years.

When the first unusual rash appears, parents should contact a dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, or pediatrician as soon as possible. This is due to the high degree of contagiousness of the disease. For this reason, sick children pose a great threat to the people with whom they come in contact.

Viral and fungal lichen requires timely initiation of treatment. Advanced forms are difficult to treat, and it takes a lot of time. Ringworm Depending on the variety, it may resolve on its own. Some variants of the disease return again with the same symptoms, while others become chronic.

The incidence rate increases significantly in summer time year and autumn. During this period there appear specific signs and treatment of lichen must be comprehensive, so that short terms eliminate manifestations.

Most favorable period for the development of the disease, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is a warm time, when optimal conditions are created for the reproduction and spread of infection. Warmth, moisture in environment, increased sweating contribute to increased permeability of the skin. This makes it easier for the infection to break through the protective barrier. Symptoms of lichen in newborns and older children appear when the body's defenses against pathogenic microorganisms are insufficient.


Of the total number of skin diseases, this disease is one of the 10 most common. The following types of lichen in humans are distinguished:

  • shearer;
  • pink;
  • encircling;
  • red;
  • pityriasis

Important! Each of these forms has its own causes, specific symptoms and treatment.

For correct setting diagnosis and treatment prescription must be distinguished in the photo pityriasis alba, pink from other skin diseases.


The disease is called differently depending on the type of microorganism, which is associated with the pathogen. It is a Microsporum fungus that can infect hair, nails, skin and eyelashes. Microorganisms are classified as dermatophytes due to their favorite localization - the skin. Ringworm is more common in children than in adults. This is due to frequent contact with animals. Another type of lichen in humans is considered trichophytosis. It is caused by fungi of the genus Trichophytos.

Their body is most susceptible to infection due to the structural features of the skin, which early age very thin and does not have a good protective coating. Due to insufficient development of the barrier, pathogenic microorganisms quickly penetrate the tissues and multiply in conditions favorable to themselves.

Reasons for development

The fungi that cause shingles are spread from animals. Depending on the source that infects the child, several forms of the disease are distinguished - anthroponotic and zoonotic. In the first case, humans are considered the root cause of pilaris, and in the second, animals.

Most probable path These are stray cats and dogs. Ringworm is also transmitted from sick people. Infection occurs through communication with it or contact with shared devices. Most often, towels, washcloths, bed linen, and dishes become intermediaries in the spread of infection.


For ringworm symptoms to appear, there must be special conditions facilitating penetration. Further development is possible only if one or more factors are present:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • chronic foci of infection;
  • acute diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • damaged skin.

Lichen manifests itself in several forms - superficial, chronic and infiltrative-suppurative. Each of the above has its own incubation period and specific course. If an infiltrative-suppurative type of lesion develops, then it will be possible to remove the lichen only after 2 months.


Flow incubation period in the superficial form it takes about 1 week. With infiltrative-suppurative microsporia, the process is delayed for 1-2 months. In case chronic disease canine and feline lichen constantly appears when insufficient treatment surface form.

After the end of the incubation period, specific symptoms appear that allow you to understand the diagnosis:

  1. Spots on the skin similar to lichen. The white scales that are located on the surface of these formations make the diagnosis easier. The size of the spots can be large or small.
  2. Ringworm on a child’s head looks like lesions with no hair. They do not fall out, but break off, which creates the impression of stumps in this place.
  3. Nails begin to peel, become dull and gray. Their defeat is rare.
  4. Some areas with spots tend to merge. These areas are very itchy.
  5. Inflammation is not typical except in cases where a secondary infection is associated.

Ringworm spots on the body look like spots that are flaky and have a pink tint. The formation is considered vesicular, which is associated with the formation of a small vesicle in the center. Then it bursts and the area becomes covered with a crust. Lichen can be identified by a spot surrounded by a bright red ridge that is raised above the skin level.

It is not uncommon to appear on the back, face, limbs, and neck. additional education smaller diameter. This feature is called “ring within a ring.” To have a complete understanding of the disease, you need to know what lichen looks like in a person in the photo.

When microspores penetrate the layers of the skin of the scalp, bald patches form various sizes, but with clear edges. If it is cat lichen or was transmitted from a dog, then the areas will look large - up to 10 cm in diameter. When fungi enter after contact with a sick person, the lesions look much smaller in size. In the photo of the child's lichen, upon examination, bald patches and small stumps with dull broken hair are clearly visible.

Pityriasis rosea

The disease also has a second name - Zhiber's lichen. It belongs to a group of viral infections in which the main factor for development is considered to be hypothermia or allergies. Most often occurs in children under 12 years of age.

The initial stage involves the presence of red spots on the skin of the abdomen and limbs. Their shape is most often oval. The first elements are called maternal plaques. IN in rare cases Parents note a deterioration in general health before the appearance of rashes. After 1-2 days, the red areas begin to peel off. Then, after a few more days, lichen appears on the body, face, and chest. New areas affected by the fungus appear smaller.

Most often, elements appear in skin folds, which is considered their most common location. As scales form, the center of the spots becomes yellow, and the edges acquire a red tint. Due to this type of elements, they are called medallions.

In some cases, instead of a red spot, blisters form on the neck or other part of the body. Full recovery happens after 2 months. The disease is transmitted by contact from a cat to a person or spreads between people. For this reason, isolation of patients is required for the entire period of illness.


The disease is caused by the herpes virus. Children over the age of 12 are prone to it. Symptoms of herpes zoster appear only in those who have already had it chicken pox. From this moment on, type 3 virus remains in the body for life. A number of predisposing factors contribute to the appearance of the disease:

  • frequently ill children;
  • newborns;
  • with oncology;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases;

As soon as immune defense The herpes virus, which is in a dormant state, becomes insufficient and begins to actively manifest itself.


It is not immediately possible to recognize herpes zoster in children. Elements often appear on the leg and torso. The following signs are characteristic:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. Chills.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. Burning, stinging or itching in the areas where the rash appears.
  5. Decreased appetite.

At the beginning of its development, the first signs in the form of ARVI may appear. Ringworm after 1-2 days of development nonspecific symptoms begins to actively manifest itself. Along the course of the nerves ( frequent place localization of rashes becomes intercostal spaces) blisters appear pink color. Gradually they merge. After a week, the elements dry out and the surface becomes covered with crusts.

Knowing everything about lichen, parents should exclude the possibility of scratching the elements on the child’s skin. At an older age, he needs to explain this. The presence of an open wound in an infant when scratching will lead to a secondary infection. Against the background of reduced immunity, it will begin to actively multiply, which will result in the addition of concomitant pathology.


The presented form is not often found in childhood. Its etiology is varied and in some cases, it is not possible to determine the source. The causes and treatment are closely related. Medicines are prescribed after identifying the factor that provoked the development of the disease. The etiology of lichen planus consists of the following options:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • drug intoxication;
  • autoimmune factors;
  • allergic lichen;
  • neurogenic form;
  • viral infection.

There are several forms along the way - acute, subacute and chronic.


The onset of the disease occurs differently in each child. Lichen planus appears after 7-10 days against a background of general malaise, weakness and loss of appetite in the form of a rash. For other patients, this form of development of the disease is not typical and they develop specific elements without affecting their well-being.

The most favorite places for rashes of red lichen are identified:

  • lower abdomen;
  • on the fingers;
  • in the lumbar region;
  • on the butt;
  • elbow bends;
  • on the feet;
  • axillary fossae.

Ringworm most often does not appear on the head, which becomes one of the main distinctive features. The rash consists of papules that do not have a cavity inside. They have an umbilical depression in the center of their elements and a polygonal shape.

Pityriasis versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a disease that is not infectious in nature. The main cause is considered to be microorganisms that are represented in the body by opportunistic flora. Ringworm is characterized by spots that have brown and yellow shades. Only the stratum corneum is affected.

Important! The disease is not a contagious form, unlike those listed above.

Treatment and relapse prevention are important for children. Complications after past illness does not arise. Many parents begin therapy for their children for aesthetic reasons. The reason is noticeable spots on the skin that spoil it appearance. Therefore, treating patients with this form at home is not prohibited.

The following factors create favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms:

  • Increased sweating.
  • High ambient temperature.
  • Wearing warm clothes.
  • Taking antipyretic pills.
  • Rashes most often appear on the stomach, back, and torso. Rarely there are children with localization of pityriasis versicolor peeling on the face in the cheek area, under the eyes, on the scalp. In addition to the appearance of scales, mild itching may bother you.


    Before starting treatment for lichen, the pathogen against which the therapy will be directed is identified in the child. For this purpose an analysis is performed. A scraping for lichen from the area of ​​skin affected by the elements is performed in the laboratory. After confirming the diagnosis, antilichen drugs are prescribed depending on the variant of the disease.

    Treatment of ringworm

    A pediatric dermatologist prescribes medications for local treatment of affected areas and oral administration. Parents should know how to treat lichen and follow all recommendations to prevent relapse of the disease. It includes:

    1. Preparations for local application.
    2. Forms for oral administration.
    3. Supportive therapy.
    4. Traditional medicine.

    Ringworm ointment for children is used only after 2 years of the child’s life. Mycoseptin, Clotrimazole, and Ketoconazole are effectively used. It is recommended to smear the affected areas of the skin salicylic ointment, sulfur-tar and sulfur ointment for lichen. In the pharmacy, according to a prescription, special medicines are prepared for some children - Vidal's milk and Lassar's paste. Treat stains with iodine and salicylic acid.

    Knowing what lichen looks like in children with timely treatment, local therapy is most often sufficient. At running forms The scheme also includes system tools. For this purpose, anti-lichen tablets are used. Griseofulvin is considered effective. The dosage is prescribed depending on age and severity.

    With a mild course, it is important to be able to distinguish lichen from dermatitis. To understand the diagnosis of a child, additional research, which allow you to accurately determine the cause of the rash.

    Treatment of pityriasis rosea

    Treatment of pityriasis rosea should begin with the following groups of drugs:

    1. Antihistamines (“Suprastin”).
    2. Antibiotics (“Erythromycin”).
    3. Systemic interferons (“Ridostin”).
    4. Systemic glucocorticoids (“Prednisolone”).

    Ointment for pityriasis rosea is used only after a doctor's prescription. When the first rash appears, it is not recommended to start treating the child on your own. Appointed zinc ointment for treating stains and Vishnevsky ointment and water-zinc mash. Antihistamines must be used. Calcium gluconate is used in 3-5 injections.

    The duration of therapy depends on the severity. The effectiveness of a remedy for lichen is judged by the positive dynamics of the condition and the reverse development of the rash. Physiotherapy is used. PUVA therapy aims to slow down the proliferation of cells in the spots. Ringworm in an infant is treated in this way for no more than 10 sessions.

    If a child has weeping lichen, then corticosteroids are included in the regimen with local application. Such patients must be given an individual dose. antihistamines. This is due to the possible allergic reaction for hormones. Lichen can be treated with retinol-based medications, which eliminate the itching sensation.

    Treatment of herpes zoster

    Antifungal ointments will not be effective in this case. Acyclovir is a drug aimed at fighting viruses. The course of treatment for herpes zoster is 10 days. When pain Ibuprofen is used. If it is not possible to cure lichen and a secondary infection occurs, then antibiotics are necessary. Levomekol ointment is used locally.

    During the treatment of shingles, antiseptics are used as needed. Helps cope with itching effective ointment with anti-inflammatory effect "Sanaflan". It is important to remember that washing with shingles is not recommended, but depending on the severity of the condition, the attending physician may recommend hygiene procedures.

    Treatment of the color variant of the disease

    Ringworm on the arm, leg, face or torso can be treated comprehensively. Spots appear in open areas that become noticeable to others. The affected areas are treated with antiseptics. Applicable antifungal ointment from lichen on the skin. Clotrimazole is considered the most effective. Yam ointment has an antifungal effect, which will help get rid of lichen. Salicylic ointment is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Treatment of pityriasis form

    For treatment, antifungal drugs are mainly prescribed for lichen. It is advisable to simultaneously carry out local and systemic therapy. This approach will reduce the frequency of relapses. On the recommendation of a doctor, the use of folk remedies for lichen in children is allowed.

    The child's immune system is not sufficiently developed. For this reason, prevention is important to protect child's body from fungi and viruses. The main danger is the development of complications or the addition of a secondary infection. Timely seeking help and treatment will allow the child to quickly begin to fight the disease.

    Watch the video - treatment of lichen:

    Visual examination using a Wood's lamp is one of the main methods of copying for lichen. Why? Because dermatological disease, affecting the upper layers of the skin, is characterized by a special type of rash. Having an idea of ​​the shape of the formations, you can make a preliminary diagnosis.

    With lichen, a change in skin pigmentation is observed. The affected areas acquire a pinkish, red, brown tint, and less often - white. The edges of the spots are usually characterized by a deeper, more saturated color compared to the central part.

    Manifestations itch. Itching is present in almost all types of the disease. Combing leads to loss of integrity skin, wound formation. In atypical forms of eczema, weeping formations occur.

    Itching is accompanied by baldness. Hair falls out only from the affected area. In some cases, they break off at the roots. The remaining parts acquire a whitish tint. This is most noticeable in cases of ringworm, where the head becomes the focal point.

    The spots are not prone to growth. Usually they reach 4-5 cm. Then the disease attacks a new area of ​​skin, and another formation appears. Association is typical only for some forms of pathology.

    Attention! Bald spots on the head are an exception. They can grow up to 10 cm.

    No film is formed. There is no glossy shine. Instead, peeling is observed. It is impossible to tear off or remove lagging pieces with tweezers.

    Other symptoms:

    • increase in temperature;
    • moodiness caused by itching;
    • malaise;
    • enlarged lymph nodes.

    The list is not universal and may be supplemented by other symptoms. The list of manifestations depends on the type of disease.

    Types of illness

    It is impossible to say for sure what lichen looks like. The reason lies in the fact that several diseases are hidden under the general term:

    Each variety has its own localization and shape of the rash.


    Risk group:

    • children of preschool and primary school age;
    • persons caring for homeless animals;
    • owners of cats and dogs.

    Localization: affects the occipital temporal part head, groin and axillary area, neck. Less commonly affects arms and legs.

    Transfer method: contact. During tactile interaction with the patient, his things, clothes, hats.

    Flow: At first a slight swelling appears. Then a light red or pink spot appears at the site of the swelling. Dandruff and itching appear, but not in all patients. Spot baldness begins. A crust forms, the scales fall off and are replaced by new ones.

    Baldness is a sign of ringworm

    What the formations look like: round shape. Dimensions vary within 10 cm. The edges are clearly outlined. Middle more light shade, often covered with scabs.

    Signs of the chronic form: the spots become a deeper, more saturated color. They may turn black or blue. Scars are visible on the damaged area. Localization has shifted. The disease spreads to the buttocks, back, affects the nail plates, and elbows.

    Ringworm - diagram

    At the last stage: pus forms under the crust, the color of which changes to brownish-yellow. From the outside it looks like a blister. The temperature is elevated. Lymph nodes increased. Nail plate wears out.

    Attention! Most often, children suffer from this particular type.


    Risk group:

    • frequently ill children;
    • those who experience excessive sweating;
    • persons who spend a lot of time outdoors during the cold season.

    Localization: back, stomach, chest, knees, elbows, shoulders.

    Transfer method: the issue has not been sufficiently studied.

    Flow: maternal plaque appears. After a week or two, small pinpoint rashes form next to it. Signs persist for 4-6 weeks. Then they disappear.

    What the formations look like: There is always 1 large spot. The remaining rashes are smaller: 1-2 cm in diameter. The shape is oval, slightly elongated. In the center of the lesion, the skin peels off. Along the edges there is an edge of a more saturated deep shade.

    Other symptoms: fever, refusal to eat, fatigue, headache.

    Attention! Pityriasis skillfully disguises itself as a cold. Patients sometimes complain of a sore throat and runny nose.

    Video - Folk remedies for lichen


    Risk group: persons over 10 years of age, those who have problems with immunity. Sometimes occurs after chickenpox.

    Localization: intercostal space, rib cage. Less commonly, the area next to the eyes.

    Transfer method: the disease is caused by infection entering the body.

    Flow: the first 2 days there is weakness, thirst, high temperature, chills. Then blisters appear on the skin. The affected areas hurt and itch. There are radiating pains of the neuralgic type. After 2 weeks, the wet areas dry out. A brown or yellow crust forms. The remission period does not last long. Soon the rash returns. The disease has a wavy nature.

    What the formations look like: their contents are transparent. They are small: less than 0.5 cm. The blisters are located next to each other. Form a chain. The trajectory of the spread of the disease can be easily traced. They do not have a chaotic character.

    Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral infection that causes pain and skin rashes


    Let's take a brief look, since the disease is rare in children. More often diagnosed in adolescents puberty who abuse cosmetics and do not know how to choose the right body care products. Affects the back, face, chest, shoulders. The spots can be green, gray brown, white, red. In summer they become lighter, in winter they become darker. Tend to grow and unite.

    Attention! A child can also get lichen planus, but it is diagnosed in children extremely rarely. Affects mucous membranes, folds, and bends of the limbs. The only form of pathology in which the rashes have a waxy coating.

    Ringworm and allergies: how to distinguish ailments

    Parents often confuse these diseases. The table will help you decide.


    RashThe rashes are blurry. They do not have a clear localization and tend to unite. It affects different parts of the body at the same time.Clear edges of spots. Located at a distance from each other. Localization is pronounced.
    FeverExtremely rare. Only in infants.One of the main symptoms.
    ItchingOne of the main symptoms.May be missing.
    Lymph nodesNormal condition.Enlarged.


    To hold the event you need:

    • identify the source of infection;

    • carry out a visual inspection. Determine localization. More often the disease affects the abdomen, genitals, shoulders, area below the armpits, lower limbs, shoulder blades, the part of the head on which hair grows. Pay attention to the edges of the rash. Boundaries should be clearly defined and not blurred;

    • measure the spot with a ruler. If the size of the largest rash exceeds 5 cm, we are not talking about lichen. Its manifestations are characterized by a small diameter;
    • measure temperature. The typical form of lichen is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

    Important! There may be no source of infection. Some varieties of the disease are multi-colored and red lichen planus− develop against the background of decreased immunity, diabetes mellitus, leukemia, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections. The impetus for the appearance of pityriasis rosea can be a common cold.

    First aid at home

    If you suspect that a child has lichen, you should not panic. With proper treatment, the pathology will not leave behind scars or marks, and will not become chronic. To avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend that parents take a number of actions.

    1. Contact a specialist. Don't ignore the situation or try to deal with it on your own. Having visited medical institution, the baby’s representatives will not only contribute speedy recovery their child, but also protect his environment from infection. The kindergarten group and class will be quarantined.

    2. Limit the number of contacts. The patient should remain at home. Visits from outsiders are inappropriate.
    3. Throw away old combs and washcloths. Buy new ones.

    4. Refuse to take a bath. Body hygiene is carried out by rubbing. In this case, affected areas should be avoided. Wet the stains, rinse them off medicinal products not recommended.
    5. Wash with detergent toys, furniture, horizontal surfaces. Rewash clothes, bed linen. Iron them.

    6. Provide the patient with a separate towel, comb, and linen.
    7. Review your daily routine, change your lifestyle. Make a schedule for airing the room. Carry out daily wet cleaning using disinfectants, unless household members are prone to allergies to chemicals or suffer from diseases respiratory tract. Diversify the menu. Set aside time to do the exercises. At acute course Exhaustive training is not recommended for the disease. They start with minimal loads, focusing on the systematic nature of the classes. These measures will help solve problems with immunity - one of the causes of lichen.

    8. Take care of your nails. Trim the protruding parts of the plate in a timely manner. This measure is aimed at combating scratching of rashes and will help avoid a number of other ailments.

    9. Check every family member for infection. Don't limit yourself to self-diagnosis. Make sure that all relatives living in the same area as the patient are tested. A visit to the veterinarian is required for pets.
    10. Isolate outbreaks. For ringworm, a headscarf made of lightweight natural fabrics is recommended. For other forms, closed clothing is selected.

    11. Review your clothes. Temporarily exclude woolen wardrobe items. Remove forever things that are predominantly synthetic.
    12. Make sure that the child does not overheat.