What is cutaneous lichen. How to remove pityriasis rosea. on the pubic part

Ringworm - this concept unites a wide group skin diseases, which may have a different nature of occurrence, but similar manifestations (rashes, itching). Based on these characteristic symptoms, one can confidently diagnose lichen, but determining the degree of its contagiousness and understanding what type of infection we are dealing with is much more difficult. Nevertheless, accurate diagnosis is necessary, the method of treatment and ways to eliminate the problem depend on this.

The causative agents of lichen are a variety of pathogenic fungi; in some cases, the disease is of a viral nature, and the impetus for its development is a weakened immune system. In any case, every person needs to know what lichen looks like at the initial stage in order to promptly seek medical help. Coping with skin diseases is not easy, therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of full recovery.

The course of lichen can be varied and largely depends on its type. In some patients, gradual damage to the skin can be observed, in others, rashes appear throughout the body in a short period of time. The disease can affect any part of the body, from the scalp to the genitals. Most often, the causative agents of lichen are microscopic fungi, which are conventionally divided into three large groups:

  • Anthropophilic. They only affect people and are transmitted through contact with a carrier and through the use of common household items.
  • Zoanthropophilic. They are found not only in humans, but also in animals. Animal lovers and children most often suffer from this type of lichen.
  • Geophilic. Infection occurs through contact with the ground, and is more common among people performing agricultural work.

In other cases, the development of lichen is caused by a virus that is present in the body of most people, but is activated and manifests itself as skin rashes only under favorable circumstances (decreased immunity, hypothermia, stress, serious illnesses).

Despite the variety of pathogens, skin diseases at the initial stage share common symptoms:

  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Characteristic rashes with clearly defined boundaries separating the affected skin from healthy skin.
  • Changes in pigmentation in the lesions.
  • Intense itching, irritation
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin

Therapy should be started at the first signs of the disease, since the initial stage of lichen is easier to treat. If the process of skin damage is not stopped in time, then the disease will progress to an advanced stage. With this development of events, the infection can spread throughout the body and result in a secondary infection and other serious complications.

What does lichen look like at the initial stage in humans (photo)?

Some varieties of lichen are extremely contagious, so if infected, it is necessary to minimize contact with others and remain in isolation for some time. Contagious infections include: ringworm, shingles and pityriasis rosea. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is transferred to a home regime or placed in a hospital; until complete recovery, the circle of contacts is limited, and individual dishes, household items and personal hygiene products are allocated.

Let's take a closer look at the most common types of lichen and tell you about them. distinctive features and treatment methods.

Trichophytosis of smooth skin appears on open areas of the body: on the upper and lower extremities, neck, face, and less often on the torso. The rash looks like red-pink spots with a clear border. The skin in the affected area is swollen, flaky, covered with small vesicles, which, as they mature, burst and become crusty. This process is accompanied severe itching. As they regress, such spots turn into rings with a clearly defined boundary.

  • Pityriasis rosea (lichen Zhibera)
    . This is a skin disease viral nature, the causative agent of which has not yet been fully studied. The initial stage of pityriasis rosea manifests itself by the appearance of a “maternal plaque,” ​​which looks like a red spot with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. After some time, general malaise is noted and pink spots appear throughout the body, the center of which is much paler than the edges. Along the periphery of such rashes, peeling is observed, accompanied by mild itching. The development of the disease is associated with seasonal decreases in immunity (spring and autumn).
  • Shingles. Caused by a virus chickenpox Varicella Zoster, which, after chickenpox in childhood, remains in the body in a “dormant” state and is activated under the influence of factors unfavorable to the body (hypothermia, chronic diseases, decreased immunity). The initial stage of herpes zoster is accompanied by worsening general well-being. Symptoms resemble manifestations colds. Appears general weakness, febrile conditions occur with increased temperature, chills, muscle pain, and enlarged lymph nodes. Simultaneously with these manifestations, burning and itching are noted in places where the virus moves along nerve cells. Most often, the area of ​​localization of lichen chooses the intercostal nerves; the process is usually unilateral. Red, inflamed spots appear at the site of the lesion, on which blisters filled with clear liquid form within 3-4 days. Their education is accompanied painful sensations, burning and itching. After some time, the blisters open, crust over, dry out and fall off, leaving behind spots of hyperpigmentation. Pain syndrome with herpes zoster may persist long time.

  • Multicolored ( pityriasis versicolor).
    It is caused by the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum, which, multiplying in the stratum corneum, infects the cells of the epidermis, causing pigmentation disorders. Appears as small spots various shapes, different in color from healthy skin. They may be paler than the main background of the epidermis, or, on the contrary, much darker. The spots tend to merge and form large scaly lesions. The main location of lichen is the chest, back and neck. As spots form, the patient becomes concerned increased sweating and mild itching. This type of lichen is not contagious; the mechanism of its appearance is associated with genetic predisposition and a combination of hormonal and immune disorders. Stains versicolor become especially noticeable on untanned skin in the summer, so this disease has another name - “Sun fungus”.
  • Lichen planus. The disease has not been fully studied; doctors suggest that this type of lichen is caused by a virus and occurs against the background of disorders immune system, allergies or severe stress. Ringworm is not considered contagious. Multiple rashes look like red or purple flat nodules that appear on the skin or mucous membranes. Their appearance is accompanied intense itching. As the disease progresses, the nodules merge into plaques with a mesh pattern. Most often, this type of lichen affects middle-aged and elderly women. The rash may have different shapes and appear as warts, rings, erythematous bumps or erosions.

  • Psoriasis (scaly lichen)
    . It is considered a non-contagious disease of an autoimmune nature, in the occurrence of which plays a large role genetic predisposition. This skin disease is still considered incurable. A characteristic symptom of psoriasis is red, dry spots covered with grayish scales that protrude above the surface of the skin. Small spots can merge into fairly large, dense plaques. Skin elements do not have a specific localization and can appear on any part of the body. Patients with psoriasis note general deterioration conditions, weakness, constant discomfort and incessant itching.

Treatment methods

When the first symptoms of lichen appear on the body, you should immediately contact a dermatologist for examination and treatment. At the initial stage, the disease is treated much easier and faster. Let us dwell in more detail on the methods of treatment of each type of lichen:


How to treat ringworm at the initial stage, will determine individually dermatologist. The treatment regimen will largely depend on the location of the lesions. If lichen appears on the scalp, then the affected areas are treated with local antifungal agents: ointments and creams Miconazole, Terbinafine, Clotrimazole. Hair is washed twice a week with special medicated shampoos (Nizoral, Dermazol).

To treat smooth skin affected by lichen, ointments with tolnaftate and terbinafine are used. In addition, in the morning the rash is treated with iodine, and in the evening sulfur-tar or sulfur-tar is applied. salicylic ointment. If they appear on the body multiple rashes, the doctor will prescribe the drug in tablets for oral administration (Griseofulvin). Since ringworm is very contagious, the patient is isolated for the entire duration of treatment.

Folk remedies

When treating ringworm, in addition to medicinal methods You can use traditional medicine:

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea does not require special treatment, in most cases it goes away on its own within 4-6 weeks. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines(Zyrtec, Loratadine, Suprastin), they will help get rid of itching. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to take immunomodulators and vitamin and mineral complexes. To eliminate flaking and soften the skin, you can use natural oils (peach, almond, sea buckthorn) or non-hormonal creams. Products containing salicylic acid or sulfur, it is better not to use it, as they greatly dry out the skin. During treatment, it is not recommended to be in the sun or indulge in water treatments.

Folk remedies

At home, pityriasis rosea can be treated with a homemade calendula-based composition. To do this, dry calendula flowers are crushed and mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mixture is well ground until smooth and lubricates the rashes on the skin. Procedures can be done daily, before bedtime. Medicinal composition should be stored in the refrigerator.


Since this type of lichen is viral in nature, the disease is treated with antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Valacyclavir). In case of severe pain, analgesics are prescribed for oral administration or an anesthetic gel with lidocaine for external use. The onset of the disease is usually accompanied by a deterioration in health and an increase in temperature, so the patient is recommended to take Paracetamol or other anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen). In some cases, when complications arise, antibiotic therapy may be necessary.

Folk remedies

Shingles, in addition to the main methods of therapy, can be treated with traditional methods:

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a fungus, therefore it is treated with local antifungal drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams, lotions, and sprays. If necessary, the patient is prescribed antimycotic drugs in tablets or capsules (Ketoconazole, Terbinafine). Part antifungal therapy is a tan. In the summer, a patient with pityriasis versicolor is advised to be in the sun more often, as ultraviolet rays help destroy the fungus.

Folk recipes

Lichen planus

To eliminate painful itching when red lichen planus use antihistamines (Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin), with skin manifestations fight with the help of corticosteroid ointments based on hormones, use solutions and mixtures with menthol and citric acid. If the disease progresses, antibiotics (macrolides, tetracycline) are used. A course of vitamin therapy (based on vitamin A) helps to alleviate the condition; such treatment normalizes metabolic processes and regulates the division of skin cells.

Folk recipes

  • If the oral mucosa is affected, traditional medicine advises the use of sea buckthorn oil, which is used to treat rashes. For rapid healing, applications with sea ​​buckthorn oil, applying them to the affected areas of the mucous membrane for 20-30 minutes.
  • On the skin, lichen planus can be treated apple cider vinegar. To do this, it is enough to wipe the rash with undiluted vinegar 4 to 6 times a day.


Scaly lichen is non-contagious and does not require isolation of the patient, but is considered an incurable disease. The course of therapy is aimed at eliminating external symptoms and prolongation of the remission period. For this purpose they use hormonal ointments(Klovate, Skin-cap) and special complex therapeutic measures based on general cleansing of the body, strengthening the immune system and general health.

Folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, a variety of treatments can be used at home. herbal teas, on the basis of which tinctures, extracts and decoctions are prepared for oral administration. Baths with sea ​​salt, celandine, string, soda, oat decoction, which help improve the condition and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms.

Skin diseases in humans, accompanied by an itchy rash with nodular formations, inflammatory process, the death of epidermal cells, have a common name - lichen.

The disease occurs mainly due to a viral infection or fungal infection of the skin. The doctor selects effective treatment depriving depending on its type.

Types of diseases and methods of their treatment

Dermatologists distinguish several main types of disease based on their signs, symptoms and course:

Literally every type of lichen has several subtypes that differ clinical manifestations diseases and treatment features.

How to treat lichen in a person is decided by a specialist, depending on the nature of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Pityriasis rosea

A fairly common disease that occurs in a person after a cold or when the immune system is weakened.

IN mild form does not require treatment; according to many dermatologists, Zhiber's lichen goes away on its own in 6-8 weeks.

If the lesion occupies most of the skin and lasts longer than two months, the specialist will prescribe treatment for lichen. An important component of therapy is measures that protect against the development of the disease:

To relieve itching, the doctor prescribes antihistamines: Zodak, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil. These medicines They do not treat lichen, but only relieve unpleasant symptoms.

A dermatologist may prescribe corticosteroid medications to apply to the skin. Advantan, Sinaflan, Betaderm ointments and creams are used. When a bacterial infection is attached - Triderm, C-Derm A.

These medications help quickly cope with the inflammatory process, but do not completely eliminate the disease. Glucocorticosteroids are used for a short period of time on small areas of the body.


This form of the disease is the most studied; a dermatologist always knows how to cure lichen that affects scalp scalp, smooth skin or nails. Griseofulvin tablets are prescribed orally.

The dosage of the medicine is calculated based on the patient’s weight, the drug is taken three times a day. The tablets work most effectively if you take them with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Local treatment is carried out depending on the location of the lesion. If lichen develops on the scalp, it is recommended to shave the hair to open the area for treatment with solutions and ointments. In case of defeat nail plate, you need to remove the affected parts of the nail and treat your fingers.

There is no quick cure for this disease. Every week the patient submits a skin scraping for examination. At negative result The dosage of Griseofulvin for oral administration is reduced. Treatment for ringworm may last longer than two months. All family members are tested to rule out an epidemic; children are not allowed into the children's group until they have recovered.

Pityriasis versicolor

With this type of disease, the doctor prescribes products that help exfoliate the affected skin and medications that effectively eliminate the fungus.

To cure pityriasis versicolor quickly, you need to frequently disinfect living areas. Wash the patient's clothes and bedding at a temperature of 90 degrees, iron with a hot iron.


The disease is characterized by significant pain in the areas of the rash.

You can quickly cure lichen by starting to take an antiviral drug on time, within 72 hours from the appearance of the first symptoms.

All medications must be taken under the supervision of a doctor; only a specialist knows how to get rid of lichen without complications.

Lichen asbestos

To quickly cure asbestos lichen, you need to take sulfur and retinol preparations orally. They help normalize the process of skin keratinization.

Subject to hygiene procedures, healing occurs quite quickly.

Lichen planus

This type of lichen is a chronic disease. Treatment is complex and depends on the timely elimination of the factors that provoked the disease.

You can cure lichen planus and avoid its exacerbations if you follow your doctor's recommendations and take the necessary medications.

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases that have common symptom: the appearance of a small itchy rash. Most of these ailments are contagious, but can be successfully treated at home.

Ringworm is the name for a whole group of skin diseases of a very different nature. Unites ailments external sign: rash in the form of small itchy nodules. As lichen develops, the rash turns into inflammatory spots and so on. The disease is not life-threatening, but causes significant discomfort.

What kind of disease is this

Ringworm is a polyetiological skin disease. There are contagious forms of it - these are the majority - and non-contagious ones. The causative agents of the disease are viral and fungal infections:

  • zooanthropophilic fungi– ensure the transmission of lichen from animals to humans. Ringworm, for example, falls into this category;
  • anthropophilic fungi– this pathogen exists only on human skin and is transmitted only through contact with a patient;
  • geophilic mushrooms- live in the soil. Both animals and people can become infected when contaminated soil comes into contact with damaged skin;
  • herpes viruses.

Some of the pathogens constantly live on human skin, for example, herpes virus type 6, which provokes the appearance of pityriasis rosea. It is activated when the immune system is weakened, during severe colds.

The actual mechanism of infection or formation of the disease is still unknown. It is believed that lichen appears due to a certain combination of all factors, that is, in the presence of a viable pathogen against a background of stress, disruption of the immune system, physical stress, primary infection and so on.

According to medical data, all groups of the population are at risk of the disease, regardless of age. There is a greater susceptibility to certain types of illness in some groups. Thus, children under 10 years of age are much more likely to suffer from forms of contagious lichen such as ringworm, for example, while shingles is more often observed in older people.

What is lichen, the video below will tell you:

Types of lichen

The duration and nature of the disease are very different. Some illnesses of this kind go away on their own without drug treatment, some are prone to relapse, some are contagious. Accordingly, the course of therapy in the treatment of different types of illness differs markedly.

Types of lichen (photo)


– a mildly contagious skin disease; infections are rare even within a family. The disease is spread when using shared bath accessories - towels, sponges. Relapses of pityriasis rosea are rare, which indicates the development of stable immunity in the body.

  • Pityriasis rosea is classified as an infectious-allergic disease. The pathogen becomes active only under certain circumstances, the disease is seasonal - exacerbations are observed in spring and autumn. With such rashes, it is necessary to limit contact with water to a minimum, avoid the sun, and contact with synthetic clothing, which causes increased sweating.
  • The disease begins with the appearance of a single spot - the maternal one, with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. Within 2-3 days, the central part of the spot begins to turn yellow and, and after a week, new rashes will appear, located along the lines of maximum elasticity of the skin. The formation of spots is not accompanied by itching or pain.
  • Pityriasis rosea can go away completely on its own within 2 months. But since these spots also form on the face, as a rule, the disease is still treated with special ointments.


– its causative agent is a virus. Rashes appear upon repeated contact with the pathogen. The disease leads to inflammation of the nerve ganglia, so lichen forms along the nerve trunks. It is more often observed in elderly patients after nervous experiences or illness.

  • First of all, pain is felt along the nerve trunks. Rashes appear 3–4 days after the disease itself in the form of small vesicles or scaly spots. Depending on the severity of the disease, there are various symptoms intoxication.
  • Complicated forms of herpes zoster lead to damage to the central nervous system, so this disease should not be ignored under any circumstances. The disease is treated in a hospital setting under the supervision of a dermatologist and neurologist.


- or multi-colored. It got its name from its characteristic symptom: lichen spots are initially pink and change color, becoming darker or lighter than the skin. The spots tend to merge, which makes the patient’s skin mottled.

Pityriasis versicolor is contagious and is transmitted through household objects - a towel, a comb. Women, regardless of age, and young people suffer from it. The disease does not cause itching or discomfort and often goes unnoticed until it affects a large area.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that damages the top layer of skin. Relapse cannot be completely ruled out, so preventive measures before summer season you have to spend the rest of your life.


- or trichophytosis. An acute contagious disease, transmitted not only through contact with a sick person or animal, but also during water procedures with an infected person - in a bathhouse, swimming pool. The disease is caused by the microsporum fungus. Usually incubation period The illness lasts 5–7 days, but there are often cases when the disease manifests itself 2 months after contact.

On the skin, ringworm is hardly noticeable: it is round spots of pinkish-red color, flaky. On the scalp, lichen can be detected only after hair begins to fall out. Moreover, not only the hair is affected, but also the mustache and beard.

The mechanism is as follows: the mycelium of the fungus grows in the skin. If the hair follicle is damaged, the hair falls out and a short shaft remains in its place. They form spots characteristic of the disease. In this case, after hair loss, the mycelium is destroyed. The danger is that the disease can develop into a form. Pus also helps to destroy the fungus, but is also very harmful skin tissue. Ringworm is treated with antifungal ointments.

Treatment of lichen, prevention, folk remedies- you will find all this in this video:

Red flat

  • Lichen planus - damages not only the skin, but also hair, nails, and mucous membranes - in 40-60% of cases. The disease initially manifests itself due to injuries, infectious diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the hormonal system, however, there is evidence of its dependence on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, liver function. The mechanism of the appearance of lichen ruber has been little studied.
  • Disease rashes look like small, rough, scaly spots of red or pink color. The shape is polygonal, usually the center is below the periphery. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, causing.
  • Lichen ruber is a chronic and harmless skin disease. Its treatment first of all requires the elimination of provoking factors - foci of infection, strengthening the immune system. With adequate treatment, improvement is observed within 1–2 weeks, and after 1.5 months the disease completely disappears.

In children, due to the structure of the skin - large number blood vessels, the ability to retain water longer, the disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by swelling, the appearance of blisters and all signs of intoxication.

  • - essentially the same disease, but atypical shape. Represents the growth of warts. The rash initially looks like red or brown shiny plaques with a specific cellular surface. prone to merging and forming large formations. This form is very difficult to treat.
  • – a form of lichen ruber, which forms against the background of sclerotic changes. In place of ordinary papules, skin cells are replaced by connective tissue cells and lose their functions. The atrophic form can be primary or secondary. It looks like rounded grayish spots located at skin level or below.
  • Blistering is another form that is possible with the rapid development of dermatosis. It usually occurs in women over 50 years of age. It appears as having a serous filling, quickly appearing on reddened or unchanged skin. After the bubbles open, and appear. In the oral cavity, blisters open very quickly.
  • Erosive-ulcerative is one of the most severe forms of lichen ruber. It affects the mucous membranes: the oral cavity - most often, the entrance to the vagina, the head of the penis. Looks like ulcers and erosions irregular shape. Ulcers are extremely painful. The disease is prone to relapse and is difficult to cure.
  • Ring-shaped - more common in men. The spot that appears grows, then fades from the center and forms a ring. Localization – inner thighs, on the genitals, on the mucous membrane.


Squamous lichen – . A non-infectious chronic disease that usually appears in the area large joints. It has several forms: plaque, teardrop - observed in children under 18 years of age, intertriginous - appears in the folds of the skin, and pustular. The latter is the most dangerous, as it affects large areas of the skin and is accompanied by fever and general intoxication of the body.


– observed on the scalp. It has the appearance of whitish-gray scales that make up dense formations.

  • Under the weight of the latter, hair often falls out.
  • The disease is accompanied by itching of varying intensity.
  • The etiology of the disease is unknown, usually asbestos lichen is considered as severe form.

Ringworm scrofulous

– lichenoid. Chronic disease, developing against the background of existing pulmonary tuberculosis. There is localized and diffuse skin tuberculosis. The disease looks like small nodules of a grayish-red color, painless and not itchy. Quite often - on the face, on the sides, on the buttocks, the rashes are located symmetrically. When tuberculosis is cured, lichen scrofulus disappears without a trace.

Limited neurodermatitis

Limited neurodermatitis - has a neuroallergic origin and is rather conditionally related to lichen. Neurodermatitis is limited in nature - 1 or several lesions, occupying a small area. Most often it appears on the neck, in large folds of skin. The rashes have a bright red color and are accompanied by severe itching. The disease is provoked by both the allergic reaction itself and dysfunction of the nervous system.

Tropical lichen

Tropical lichen - caused by the action of various fungi. There are white, yellow and black tropical lichens, distinguishing them by the color of their spots. The ailments are united by conditions of manifestation: climate with high humidity, difficult cramped living conditions, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.


The localization of different types of lichen is different. Some "prefer" skin folds, some - the joint area, some - the scalp. This is determined by the mechanism of the disease itself, as well as by the pathogen.

Thus, pityriasis rosea is provoked by fungi that live on human skin. Lichen spots, accordingly, can appear on any area, but under favorable circumstances: excessive sweating, maceration of the skin. Ringworm almost always appears on the scalp, regardless of the place of contact with an infected animal or person. Shingles is “associated” with the nature of the disease - inflammation of the nerve ganglia, and manifests itself along the nerve trunks.

General signs

A common symptom of any form of the disease is the appearance of a rash. However, the shape and type of spots, their location differ to a fairly large extent. Moreover, the localization in children and adults is almost the same. But in general, the intensity of symptoms and the speed of development in children are always higher. There is more in the baby's skin blood vessels, so infections or fungus spread faster.

The general signs are:

  • rashes– as a rule, the disease begins with the appearance of 1 spot, or a pair of symmetrical ones. Then, as the disease develops, the rashes spread to a certain area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane. In some cases, the lichen has a clear localization and does not spread - asbestos lichen. In some, spots may disappear and appear during the development and treatment of the disease;
  • itching does not always accompany a rash. At pityriasis rosea, for example, itching is practically absent, with neurodermatitis or lichen planus it greatly affects the patient’s condition;
  • spots may disappear spontaneously as a result of self-healing or when changing location, or may transform into papules;
  • the disease is caused by fungal and viral infections, affecting only the top layer of skin, so in the vast majority of cases, treatment of lichen requires the use of ointments and creams with an antifungal effect.

Diagnostic methods

Ringworm is very diverse, and the nature of the rashes does not always have specific features. Diagnosis of the disease almost always includes methods to determine the fungal origin of the disease and distinguish it from other skin diseases.

  • Visual inspection and collection of complaints – initial examination by the nature and location of the spots it helps to determine the type of disease.
  • – a sample is taken from the surface of the affected area. The material is examined under a microscope. In this way, the causative agent of the disease can be accurately identified.
  • – used in primary diagnosis. When wiping the affected areas with an iodine solution and subsequent treatment with alcohol, the surface becomes looser, which allows it to be examined more thoroughly.
  • – ultraviolet lamp with long-wave radiation. It differs from ordinary glass using nickel and cobalt oxides. When irradiated with such a lamp, damaged skin, depending on the nature of the disease, is colored different colors. For example, lichen planus produces a brownish-yellow glow, while lichen planus produces a dull yellow glow.

Medicines for home treatment

As a rule, treatment of shingles is carried out at home, with the exception of severe cases - shingles with complications, for example. The course of medication is accompanied by additional measures that must be taken.

  • Ringworm - sulfur-tar ointment is used for treatment, as well as antifungal drugs local action. The disease is contagious, so it is necessary to ensure that the patient is isolated.
  • Pink – often goes away on its own. To relieve itching, and speedy recovery appoint antibacterial drugs and ointments - for example. Contact of the affected area with water should be excluded or at least minimized.
  • For herpes zoster, the treatment course includes antiviral drugs. Immunoglobulins may be needed.
  • Treatment of pityriasis requires individual approach. It is also based on antifungal ointments, but the composition and dose are selected by the attending physician.
  • The scaly form is incurable, but ointments are prescribed to suppress symptoms.
  • Treatment of red lichen planus more difficult. This will require hormonal ointments, corticosteroids and antihistamines.

Ringworm is a group of common skin diseases that are usually contagious. Their main causative agent is various fungi. Treatment and its duration are determined by the nature of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of lichen are described in this video:

Ringworm is a collective concept that includes the following symptoms:

  • inflammatory spots on the skin;
  • peeling;

These symptoms are accompanied by completely different causes of the disease, and accordingly, there are different types of lichen in humans:

  • scaly lichen.

Some of them are extremely contagious, for example, trichophytosis. But, at the same time, there are types of lichen in humans that are not caused by microorganisms at all and cannot be transmitted from person to person, for example, psoriasis.


Also called ringworm, scab, dermatomycosis is a skin infection caused by three types of microscopic fungi:

  • microspores;
  • trichophytes;
  • epidermophytes.

Infection occurs from infected animals, when fungal spores come into contact with wool, as well as from person to person, through close contact, using care items, or wearing clothes of an infected person.

Children are most susceptible to the disease; in adults, this disease is much less common.

Forms of trichophytosis

Distinguish following forms trichophytosis:

  • superficial trichophytosis of the scalp;
  • superficial trichophytosis of smooth skin;
  • chronic;
  • infiltrative-suppurative.

Superficial trichophytosis of the scalp

This type of lichen appears in humans approximately a week after infection. Spots with a diameter of 1–2 cm that do not tend to merge appear on the scalp, which can increase to significant sizes. In the area of ​​the spots, the skin is swollen with pityriasis-like peeling of a gray-white color.

A characteristic feature is hair damage in the area of ​​trichophytosis foci. They are twisted, broken off at a distance of 2 - 3 mm from the skin, dull, lifeless.

Superficial trichophytosis of smooth skin

This form of the disease is most often localized in open areas of the body: hands, forearms, feet, legs, and elements may also appear on the torso.

On smooth skin, ringworm appears as pink-red round spots with a clearly defined border. The skin in the affected area is swollen with small vesicles and peeling. The vesicles burst and become crusty.

Regression of the spots occurs from the center, so they subsequently turn into rings with a clearly defined boundary.

Chronic trichophytosis

In its chronic form, the disease most often occurs in adults, mainly in women (80% of cases).

Chronic trichophytosis is characterized by scant symptoms. There is no swelling of the skin or peeling in the spot area. Suspect this form The disease is only possible by the presence of broken hair in the form of black dots on the scalp.

To clarify the diagnosis, a Wood's lamp is used, in the light of which the affected areas glow from yellow-green to red-brown. This method used for all forms of trichophytosis, but is especially valuable for chronic ones, as it allows you to identify subtle lesions.

Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis

This form of trichophytosis is characterized by a rapid, but relatively short-term (up to 2 months) course of the disease.

Are amazed how smooth skin, and hairy parts of the body: head, beard, mustache.

On smooth skin the disease occurs in the form of spots, often large sizes, tubercles form on their surface, which subsequently melt, turning into pustules.

On the hairy areas of the body, infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis manifests itself in the form of red-bluish nodules, which, melting, turn into ulcers. Also develops in the affected area purulent lesion hair follicles, accompanied by hair loss. Dilated and filled with pus hair follicles create a picture of a “honeycomb”, which is characteristic clinical sign this form of trichophytosis.

The outcome of infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis is complete recovery with the formation of scars in the affected area.


A viral disease caused by the varicella zoster virus, which, after initial contact with childhood may be in a long time nerve ganglia without causing any symptoms.

The disease begins with the activation of the virus, and the development of general symptoms: general weakness, hyperthermia, enlarged regional lymph nodes.

Almost simultaneously with general manifestations, itching and burning occurs on the skin in the area where the virus moves through the nerve cells.

The most common location of herpes zoster is intercostal nerves, and the process, as a rule, is one-sided.

Subsequently, erythematous spots appear on the skin, on which tubercles form within 3–4 days, quickly turning into blisters filled with clear liquid. Opened blisters become crusty and heal, leaving behind areas of hyperpigmentation.

Skin manifestations are accompanied by severe pain and itching.

In some cases, after recovery pain syndrome may persist for a long time.

Pityriasis versicolor

This type of lichen in humans is caused by yeast-like fungi Pityrosporum, which, multiplying in the stratum corneum of the skin, disrupt its pigmentation.

Pityriasis versicolor is predominantly localized in the back, neck and chest.

It manifests itself as small, non-inflammatory spots of hypopigmentation with slight peeling. The spots can be located either separately or merge into one large hypopigmented area.

In addition to spots, itching and increased sweating may be a concern, but most often they are mild and do not attract attention.

On untanned skin, spots may not be visible, appearing only in beach season, in connection with which pityriasis versicolor is often called “sun fungus”.

Pityriasis rosea

An infectious disease, the exact etiology of which has not yet been established. Some authors indicate the cause of this type of lichen in humans is the activation of herpes viruses types 6 and 7.

Pityriasis rosea is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. Its development is associated with seasonal immunodeficiency states, especially after acute respiratory infections.

The disease begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque on the skin - a pink spot with a diameter of 2 - 4 cm.

Then a large number of oval spots appear with a bright corolla in the center and peeling along the periphery. The location of the rashes along Langer's lines (tension lines of human skin) is characteristic.

The disease does not require any specific treatment and goes away on its own. Moreover, the spots regress from the center to the periphery and leave no traces behind.

Psoriasis (scaly lichen)

This type of lichen in humans is of a non-infectious nature and is associated with autoimmune damage to skin cells, the development of zones of inflammation and hyperproliferation in it.

The main clinical sign scaly lichen is the presence on the skin of “paraffin lakes” - spots rising above the skin, white, gray or silver in color, reminiscent of frozen drops of wax. Their formation is associated with excessive proliferation of skin cells and their saturation immune cells(macrophages, T-lymphocytes). When such a plaque is scraped off, a surface covered with small droplets of blood is released - a symptom of “blood dew”.

Skin diseases are not uncommon today. One of the most common ailments is lichen in humans. This is an infectious lesion of the skin caused by microscopic fungi and viruses.

Specialists know the following pathogens:

  • zooanthropophilic fungi - transmitted from domestic animals;
  • anthropophilic fungi - transmitted from person to person;
  • geophilic fungi - transmitted through contact with contaminated soil;
  • viruses living in the human body until the favorable moment of provoking the development of infectious infection.

So the myth that lichen is transmitted only from cats and dogs has now been debunked. It is difficult to treat lichen in humans, especially if we're talking about about areas of the body covered with hair. However, it can be removed with the help of medication.

It should be noted that lichen is not an isolated disease; it can be a consequence of the development of a whole “bouquet” of highly contagious skin infections. Therefore, in some cases, treatment of this disease takes a long period of time.

Reasons for development

The manifestation of lichen rash is associated with factors such as:

  • decrease or absence immune defense body – this can occur after illnesses that weaken the body’s internal reserves;
  • unformed immunity in children;
  • experienced stress and anxiety;
  • heredity;
  • infection with infectious diseases;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • increased sweating;
  • seborrhea of ​​the head;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • close contacts with a source of infection;
  • herpes virus;
  • hepatitis virus type 3;
  • ailments of the digestive system;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases;
  • the body's reaction to medications.

The mechanism of infection with lichen is still unknown; children, elderly and sick people are primarily at risk. Cases of deprivation of the disease cannot be excluded absolutely healthy people. Also, lichen differs from others in its seasonality; in spring and autumn there is a high probability of catching it. To many types of this disease, a stable immunity is formed in the body.

Signs of lichen on the skin

Ringworm in humans can be easily recognized by the following symptoms:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • pale spots on the skin;
  • excessive peeling of individual areas;
  • superficial itching;
  • blisters, small and large rashes;
  • skin redness;
  • clearly visible circles;
  • hair loss;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • painful sensations.

In the initial stages of manifestation, lichen is very similar to diathesis, allergic rashes. But its distinctive feature is the formation of round or shapeless blurry spots various sizes on affected areas of the skin.

Ringworm does not go away on its own in humans. Itchy spots spread all over the body if left untreated curative therapy and prevention. Infected skin may become covered with bubbles and small scales.

First of all, lichen affects exposed areas of the body - head, face, arms, legs. Skin rashes can be localized along the nerve columns - in the area of ​​the ribs, back, abdomen.

Types of disease

Practitioners mean more than one thing by lichen: typical disease, and a whole group of dermatoses with various etiologies development. Ringworm can be quickly cured, or have a chronic form - manifesting itself sporadically. Below is a list of types of dermatoses classified as lichen group of diseases, as well as a photo of lichen in humans.

Lichen planus

This disease is a consequence of nervous shock and a predisposition to allergic reactions.

It appears most often:

  • in female representatives;
  • in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This type of lichen is recognized by multiple purple and red nodules. Characterized by strong itching. However, it is not contagious and manifests itself against the background of decreased immunity.


  • skin;
  • nail plates;
  • mucous membranes.

The main forms of lichen planus:

  • ring-shaped rash;
  • warty, shapeless formations on the skin;
  • erytomatous tubercles;
  • erosive and ulcerative rashes.


The so-called weeping lichen is a consequence of:

  • weakened immunity;
  • genetic and allergic predisposition;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • professional activities with harmful chemicals.

Ringworm affects:

  • hands;
  • forearms;
  • cheeks;
  • chin;
  • ears;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • soles of feet;
  • elbows;
  • knees.

Eczema is not contagious; today the following varieties are known:

  • idiopathic - characterized by swelling of the skin, rash of blisters, after opening of which painful wounds form;
  • microbial - manifests itself in areas of the skin affected by chronic infections, characterized by a bluish-purple rash;
  • occupational - this type of eczema directly depends on a person’s contact with an irritant that causes allergic reaction organism, characterized by the appearance of a very itchy rash, the formation of pustules;
  • seborrheic – affects the sebaceous glands, is a scaly itchy layer;
  • callous - appears on the palms and soles, the resulting rashes thicken the skin, forming seals similar to calluses;
  • children's - characterized by profuse rashes on the face in children, is a consequence of diathesis.


Squamous lichen is also non-contagious and manifests itself in full force after:

  • experienced nervous shocks;
  • stress;
  • decreased immunity;
  • genetic abnormalities.

Psoriasis is the only type of lichen that cannot be cured. This chronic form, which tends to recur. Psoriasis is recognized by a profuse rash that develops as a tough, flaky crust. It can form on:

  • elbows;
  • knees;
  • scalp;
  • back;
  • shins.

Wounds that form where the crust is bent can fester and be a source of proliferation of other infections.


Versicolor or pityriasis versicolor begins to develop due to:

  • profuse sweating;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • oily skin type;
  • long exposure to sunlight.

This type of disease is contagious and excites it fungal infection. It is transmitted through household appliances, personal hygiene products, and close contact with a sick person. It is characterized by the formation of spots of various sizes on the body, which unite and cover large areas of the body.

Ringworm affects:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • stomach;
  • breast.

The resulting spots tend to change from their original light pink tint to greenish and dark brown.

Pityriasis rosea

This type of disease is also contagious. Called viral infection. Recognized by round spots with a pronounced pink rim and a pale center.

develops on:

  • back;
  • stomach;
  • breasts;
  • sides.

It can be transmitted both from close contact with infected people and from pets. The initial stage of tinea versicolor consists of the growth of the maternal spot to a diameter of 4-5 cm.


This type of lichen often affects adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. The causative agent is the chickenpox virus. An itchy rash of small blisters is localized in the intercostal space.

The course of shingles is characterized by severe pain. This type of dermatous disease is one of the most insidious.

Delayed treatment can provoke:

  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • paralysis of facial muscles;
  • muscle weakness throughout the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

It is contagious and spreads from person to person.


The causative agents of this type of infectious disease are fungi - trichophytons. The disease is transmitted from both people and animals, through household and personal items. Infection from pets has more serious consequences; the disease is severe.


  • scalp;
  • beard and mustache for men.

Characterized by the appearance pink spots with white scales along the edges. Ringworm causes hair loss and hair becomes brittle near the roots. Both adults and children are at risk of infection.

Treatment methods

  • Treatment of non-contagious types of lichen comes down to the prescription of antihistamines, vitamin therapy, immunostimulants, physical and psychotherapeutic measures. Along with this, corticosteroid ointments are used externally.
  • Treatment of eczema takes a long period of time. The patient is prescribed hormonal medications in the form of ointments, antihistamines, immunomodulators.
  • Ringworm is treated with external and oral antifungal drugs. The patient is recommended to take measures aimed at strengthening the body’s immune system, avoiding harmful products food - smoked meats, pickles, sweets.
  • Shingles can be overcome with the help of antiviral drugs, effectively affecting herpes infection. Also, due attention should be paid to taking immunostimulants and painkillers. Treatment of shingles is not complete without reflexology and ultraviolet irradiation of the skin.
  • Ringworm requires isolation of the patient; if the disease is complex, he is subject to mandatory hospitalization. Drug therapy consists of taking antifungal medications, treating the rash with iodine, sulfur-salicylic or tar ointments.

Prevention of the disease

The main preventive measures aimed at preventing lichen infection are as follows:

  • limiting any contact with people and pets sick with lichen;
  • keeping everyday clothing clean and tidy;
  • mandatory observance of personal hygiene rules;
  • disinfection of clothing in case of obvious manifestations of seborrhea and profuse sweating;
  • avoiding overwork and hypothermia;
  • minimal emotional stress;
  • balanced diet;
  • immune support with immunostimulants;
  • annual completion of fortified courses in the spring and autumn.