Special flicker. German vitamin complex special dragee Merz

For every woman, hair health is an important component of her health. Bad habits, diet with insufficient quantity vitamins, weak immunity, frequent colds negatively affect the condition of the strands. Facing various problems associated with them, one has to resort to various methods their elimination. In addition to a variety of external products, it is important to nourish your hair from the inside. Dietary supplements come to the rescue with this. And Merz dragee is one of them.

Briefly about the drug

Merz special dragee is a complex of vitamins that was developed back in the 60s of the 20th century. Due to its composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and the whole body.

The dragee comes in the form of biconvex circles. Their surface is smooth and shiny, the color is light pink. The drug is packaged in a bottle placed in a cardboard package in quantities of 60 or 120 pieces. The average cost of a vitamin complex is 657-720 rubles (60 pieces) and 1050 rubles for 120 pieces.

Open packaging should be stored at room temperature (no more than +25 degrees) away from children. Shelf life: 3 years.

Composition of the vitamin complex

Merz dragees contain a lot useful vitamins and elements:

Cystine is an amino acid that promotes the synthesis of keratin, which is the basis of hair.

Yeast extract is a storehouse of B vitamins, which improve the condition of the skin, hair, and mucous membranes.

Iron is involved in the process of blood formation. With a lack of this mineral, hair begins to fall out.

Vitamin A is responsible for the integrity of the epithelium, improves blood circulation, restoring elasticity to the skin.

Vitamin C – does vascular walls less permeable.

Vitamin E – improves tissue respiration and is a good antioxidant.

B vitamins are responsible for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism and are needed for the normal process of hematopoiesis.

Biotin is a beauty vitamin. With its deficiency, it develops seborrheic dermatitis, and hair falls out.

Beneficial properties and effects on hair

About this Swiss drug, buyers mostly give positive reviews. It is noted that hair loss decreases, ends do not split, smoothness and shine appear. New hair growth is also observed, making it thicker. Observations show that By taking special Merz tablets, you can delay the appearance of gray hair.

The effect of the drug was studied by scientists through special studies. 21 women participated in the experiment. For 6 months, each took the pills according to the instructions. Testing has shown that this dietary supplement reduces dry scalp by 78%, eliminates split ends by 74%, and strengthens hair by 18%.

Thanks to its components, the Merz vitamin complex has the following effect on the hair and scalp:

  • Improves blood circulation to follicles, strengthening and preventing hair loss.
  • Promotes the synthesis of keratin - the building material of strands.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes, restoring the structure of damaged hair.
  • The Merz complex is useful for those whose curls are often exposed to high temperatures, dyes. It protects them from destruction.
  • They nourish the roots and shafts with microelements, which ensures healthy hair.

When is it still necessary to take Merz tablets:

  • When there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which causes vitamin deficiency.
  • During recovery from serious illnesses. Then the body needs an increase in the amount of nutrients.
  • After reception antibacterial drugs and a course of chemotherapy.
  • During heavy physical activity.
  • As prophylactic to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug should not be used if:

  • An allergic reaction to some components of the supplement may occur.
  • With an excess of vitamins in the body (hypervitaminosis). Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition by taking Merz.
  • Pregnant and lactating women should take the drug with great caution and under the strict supervision of a physician. Taking pills can negatively affect a child's development.
  • The product should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.

As side effect from the drug Merz an allergic reaction may occur in the form of itching, rash, and swelling. In this case, you should stop taking this drug.

Instructions for use and dosage

Each package contains instructions for the drug with a detailed description and dosage. Average duration The average course duration is 2 months. You may need to use the complex for a longer period of time, depending on your health condition and the desired effect. But The duration should be determined only by the attending physician.

How to take special dragee Merz? Daily norm The drug is 1 or 2 tablets twice a day. It is better to take it after meals (after 20-30 minutes), drinking plenty of still water. It is advisable to drink a lot of water throughout the day while taking vitamin complexes. This allows the components to be better absorbed and penetrate into the cell structure. One package of 60 pieces is enough for a month of use on average.

You should be very careful not to exceed permissible dosage. This can lead to hypervitaminosis, and medical intervention will be required. Women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be especially careful when taking the drug. Excess vitamin A can provoke a teratogenic effect.

Attention! The composition of Merz dragees provides the body's daily need for vitamins. Therefore, it is not advisable to take it at the same time as other multivitamins!

During the period of using Merz dragees, it is better not to dye your hair with aggressive coloring compounds. Influence must be avoided ultraviolet rays, destroying the structure of the strands. In parallel with taking vitamins, you should enrich your diet with healthy foods, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and walk in the fresh air more often.

It will take time to completely heal your hair. Typically, the results of using Merz dragees can be observed after 2-3 months.

Effective analogues of the drug

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of multivitamins that are analogues of Merz dragees. Their action is aimed at replenishing the deficiency necessary for the body elements. They allow you to restore hair, strengthen it, and restore shine.

  • Complivit Radiance is a complex of vitamins and minerals with the addition of green tea extract. Application this drug contributes to improvement general condition hair, nails and skin.
  • Revalid – In addition to vitamin-containing substances necessary for the health of curls, this drug contains wheat germ extract. This additional source lecithin, sterol and silicon for the body. There are 30 tablets in a package. It is recommended to take the complex 3 times a day.
  • Alerana – the composition is almost the same as that of its analogues. The advantage of this product is its affordability. You can get beautiful, healthy hair for little money.
  • Phyto– this one is biological active additive belongs to the expensive category. But its effectiveness is very high. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition of the drug includes antioxidants and fatty acids, which the body does not synthesize itself. The course of treatment is usually 1 month.

Merz special dragee – vitamin and mineral complex with high content necessary for hair substances. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and not exceed the permissible dosage. Reception of any medicines requires mandatory supervision by a specialist. Treatment of hair from the inside in combination with external procedures will make hair healthier in a fairly short time.

Review of the use of Merz dragees against hair loss in the following video:

Fresh, glowing skin, beautiful strong nails, thick and healthy hair - let your beauty bloom! The special MERZ dragee and MERZ BEAUTY dietary supplement (Merz, Germany) will help with this!


Secret natural beauty lies within the woman herself. Only this beauty needs to open up, just as a flower bud opens under the warm and gentle rays of the sun. A unique opportunity to remove the veil from your beauty is provided by the special MERZ dragee and the dietary supplement MERZ BEAUTY.

Special dragee MERZ -
This is a medicinal complex:
for healthy, fresh skin;
for thick ones, shiny hair;
for beautiful, hard nails.

Dietary supplement special dragee MERZ BEAUTY
developed using special technology
for colored and permed hair;
also improves the condition of nails and skin.

Healthy and fresh skin gives your appearance a natural beauty that suits every woman. The skin serves as protection for the body from environment. To ensure the full functions of skin cells, the body must constantly supply these cells with restorative substances, but it is not able to accumulate and store them.
MERZ products specifically help keep the skin smooth, elastic and fresh.

U healthy hair natural shine and elasticity. In order to have these properties, hair must receive the necessary nutrients from the body.
MERZ products successfully support biological processes that help maintain the full structure of hair. Thanks to this, your hair will become elastic, shiny and thick!

Nails are beautiful when they do not flake or break off. To keep your nails in order, it is not enough just to take care of them. appearance. Brittle, uneven surface, too soft or too brittle nails indicate painful processes in the body.
MERZ products contain components that are especially good at helping to maintain healthy nail structure.
Your nails will become hard, elastic, and they will maintain a beautiful and smooth surface.

Special dragees MERZ and MERZ BEAUTY -
These are balanced complexes of vital substances.
For beauty.
For health.
To become more confident.

To maintain the correct structure of skin collagen fibers:
a special complex of B vitamins in combination with beta-carotene;
special yeast extract.

Restore the subcutaneous vascular network, normalize the metabolism of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

To activate growth, prevent hair loss, strengthen hair structure:
biotin, betacarotene, vitamin B6, calcium D-pantothenate, folic acid, riboflavin.

Restore nutrition hair follicles, improve their blood supply.

To stimulate growth and maintain high-quality nail structure:
a combination of biotin, iron and amino acid complex.

Improves keratin metabolism and nail structure.

15 components - to improve the condition of problematic hair, nails and skin.

The special MERZ dragee, like the MERZ BEAUTY dietary supplement, does not contribute to breast enlargement!

What is the difference between MERZ tablets and other multivitamins?
Special dragee MERZ is a medicinal complex of specially selected vitamins.
It is not a hormonal drug.

MERZ pellets contain a special yeast extract- a source of amino acids, lipids, a full complex of B vitamins and trehalose - a natural disaccharide that regulates the water balance of the skin and supports optimal level its hydration.
Special yeast extract restores capillary network skin, provides it antioxidant protection, promotes targeted delivery of vitamins and microelements to skin cells.

The effectiveness of MERZ tablets
The test results confirmed the effectiveness of the MERZ dragee: after taking it for 6 months, the skin of the subjects became smoother, and secretory activity increased sebaceous glands, growth intensified, structure improved, and strength of hair and nails increased.

The manufacturer guarantees that the first results are noticeable after 3 weeks.
In order for the initial success to develop into sparkling beauty, it is recommended to use these pills for a long period.

The drug is distributed in packs of 60 tablets.


The special MERZ dragee is recommended as a means for regular use, supporting healthy beauty women and men.

Random “vitamin supplements” are not enough; self-care must be systematic.

The special MERZ tablet can be taken by children from 12 years of age.

How to use MERZ tablets
Take one tablet orally in the morning and evening. Swallow with no a large number water.

This dose provides the daily requirement for the most important organic compounds, most of which are not synthesized in the body, that is, they are essential.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Overdose of vitamins A and D.

Special instructions
Allergic reactions to any of the components of the drug are possible, it depends on individual tolerance.

Doses of the drug are set taking into account daily requirement body in vitamins, but keep in mind that the drug contains iron, which is large doses may have harmful effects.

Proper care of your appearance means maintaining internal balance in the body. Consumption of nutrients important microelements promotes good condition skin, nails, hair. Merz vitamins - German complex drug, designed to strengthen nails and hair, improve skin condition. These tablets are called “beauty vitamins.”

Instructions for use of vitamins for hair, nails and skin Merz

Beautiful skin A natural-looking hairstyle and strong nails are a sign internal health. Multivitamins, properly selected, affect the condition of the body, general health. There are targeted drugs that deliver necessary substances at a specific "address". This can be said about Merz vitamins. If a specialist recommends this complex, you should not replace it with a more cheap medicine. Combination active ingredients in the dragee is selected to support the biological processes of cell growth and improve the skin.


Merz vitamins occupy a high place in the ranking of multivitamin complexes due to their composition. Betacarotene, which contains pills, is converted into vitamin A, necessary for the skin, improves blood circulation of hair follicles, this is important for hair growth. Substances of groups B and E act similarly. L-cystine is a building material for cells. Cholecalciferol - against hair loss, yeast has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Full list microelements are given below:

How to take vitamins for hair, nails and skin

Even best vitamins for hair will not be effective if taken incorrectly. The complex really prevents hair loss, stimulates the growth of new ones, awakens hair follicles from “hibernation”, but you don’t need to expect quick results. A lasting effect appears after 2-3 months of use. Hair vitamins with biotin, which include Merz, allow after long-term use make your hair thicker, give it a natural shine without cosmetics. Biotin has a positive effect on brittle nails, increasing thickness nail plate, it takes time.

Merz special dragee

The pills should be taken one twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The package contains 60 pieces, enough for a month. This inexpensive drug, if you take into account the number of tablets, the composition of the complex and its effect on the body. The optimal course of treatment is 2 or 3 months, but in many cases it is recommended to take them for six months. Clinical treatments showed that the complex can be taken long time, taking breaks of 2-3 months every 6 months.

The study was conducted over six months and included 21 women. The effect of Merz vitamins on the skin, nails, and hair structure was studied. Participants in the experiment had to drink two tablets daily. After 6 months, the results were photographed and documented. It turned out that the complex has a particularly noticeable effect on the health of hair and skin. The condition of the nails has also improved, but the indicators are not so high.

Merz Special Anti-Age dragee

Vitamins for women over 30 years old, developed by German scientists, contain the same useful substances, as the main one vitamin complex, but their proportions are somewhat different. What makes this complex “anti-aging” is the presence of microelements that protect cells from premature withering. The components of Anti-Age Merz vitamins are needed for the formation of new elements of the structure of hair, nails, skin, and provide their nutrition. You also need to take this pill twice a day, the first in the morning, the second in the evening. There are 60 pills in a package.


The only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. All side effects are associated with overdose. Sometimes people independently increase the number of tablets they take, believing that this way the drug will work faster. The content of all substances is selected taking into account the daily needs of the body; taking the drug in larger quantities than prescribed according to the instructions is dangerous allergic reactions.

If you use the drug as recommended, there are no risks even for pregnant women. The product contains retinol acetate, in large doses it is fraught with a teratogenic effect on the fetus (risk of deformities). The iron present in the complex also causes harm to health if overdosed. If you accidentally took large number pills, consult a doctor immediately.

Video about Beauty Merz

Few people are able to organize their nutrition in such a way that the body can receive all the vitamins and microelements it needs. This requires financial resources and a lot of free time. In addition, you need to have knowledge about the compatibility of vitamins and minerals with each other. Otherwise, even the use of the most healthy products, will not bring the desired result and the person will suffer from hypo or hypervitaminosis.


Vitamin complexes are designed to fill the body with all the vital substances it needs. Choosing the right one is quite difficult. It is better for women to give preference to a drug that will not only replenish the lack of vitamins, but will also take care of the beauty of the skin, nails and hair. These requirements are met German vitamins for hair Merz.

Vitamin complex Merz

Pharmaceutical industry annually produces a huge number of drugs. Understand the effectiveness and safety of which to an ordinary person very difficult. Each manufacturer praises its product, and aggressive advertising can mislead anyone.

Vitamins are basically not medicine. This dietary supplements. However, this does not mean that all of them are safe and have no side effects. Every pill a person drinks will have an effect on the body. in a special way. It is extremely important that such an impact is only positive and does not cause harm.

Protect yourself 100%, most likely impossible. However, it is quite possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing negative reactions. To do this, just consult a doctor, once again independently study the composition of the drug and learn as much as possible about its manufacturer.

Reliable companies with rich history and many years of experience will never release a dangerous or even useless product onto the market. That is why a special dragee from the German company Merz has a reputation as a safe, effective and very high-quality product.

A little about the manufacturer

In 1908, in Frankfurt, a young pharmacist named Friedrich Merz founded his own pharmaceutical factory. Even during his studies, the future Doctor Merz realized what he wanted to devote his life to. He set himself the task of developing medicines that people would really need. And he intended to do this as efficiently as possible.

Things to do young entrepreneur went very well. His factory expanded and new branches were opened. The company produces contraceptive"Patentex", a water-soluble base for Serol ointment, as well as the first menthol cigarettes. Although the production of cigarettes can hardly be called caring for the health of the nation, the company cannot be reproached for this. A hundred years ago, medicine did not link smoking with development oncological diseases and other pathologies.

In 1953, at an international cosmetic conference, the Merz company introduced a new anti-wrinkle product - placentubex. It was able not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to increase its elasticity. And after another 11 years, the company releases a drug that contains 18 active ingredients and a special yeast extract. The new product was called “Merz Special Dragee”.

The company has also developed drugs to treat the following diseases:

  • Parkinson's.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Herpes.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Neurological disorders of motor function.

Varieties of dragees

Today the company produces two types vitamin preparation Merz:

  • Merz Special Anti-Age Beauty.

The first type of drug is classic. It is suitable for people of any age who want to improve the condition of the body as a whole, as well as strengthen nails, hair, and improve skin health.

Anti-Age is recommended for use by women over 35 years of age. Those substances that are part of the product stimulate collagen production and accelerate cellular restoration processes. Unlike the classic drug, Anti-Age includes:

  • folic acid;
  • zinc;
  • more high dose vitamins B3, B5 and B6;
  • more biotin;
  • cysteine.

Both types of drugs have a special targeted delivery technology nutrients MTS. This allows all ingredients to reach the skin cells in in full force. MTS technology operates at the microcapillary level. This latest development allows merz products to stand out from competitors.

Merz vitamins were given to me as a gift. After taking the third pill, terrible nausea and vomiting began. Was severe dizziness and confusion. Saved by Regidron. I don't recommend it to anyone!

Composition of the vitamin complex

The composition of Merz dragees is truly unique. All components are selected in such a way that they enhance each other’s effects. It includes the following, the most important for human body substances:

  • beta-carotene;
  • cystine. This essential amino acid is building material for nail, skin and hair cells;
  • retinol Included in most anti-aging creams and serums;
  • vitamin E. Effectively fights free radicals, which significantly accelerate the aging process;
  • natural yeast extract, a source of B vitamins. Not to be confused with harmful thermophilic yeast;
  • stable forms of vitamins: B12, B7, B1, B2, B6, B5. Vitamins of this group improve cell respiration, ensure hematopoiesis, are responsible for the growth of hair and nails, and normalize work nervous system;
  • iron. Participates in the transport of oxygen to cells, improves immunity;
  • nicotinamide. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, thanks to which each cell of the body receives all the nutrients it needs with the blood;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • cholecalciferol. Protects against ultraviolet radiation, strengthens teeth, nails and bones;
  • biotin. Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the formation of keratin, protects the nervous system;
  • peroxide hydrochloride. Reduces hair greasiness and makes it stronger. Reduces skin irritation.

The drug is available in the form of pills pink color, which are packaged in glass bottles. The number of tablets in one bottle can be 60 or 120 pieces.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for taking a course of Merz vitamins is to prevent deficiency of iron and vitamins in the body. Most often, this condition develops for the following reasons:

  • unhealthy diet, especially addiction to fast food;
  • strong psychological stress;
  • long-term physical activity;
  • period after illness;
  • taking potent medications.

Taking Merz Beauty will be more preferable in the following cases:

  • brittle nails;
  • severe hair loss;
  • age from 35 years;
  • decreased skin turgor and elasticity.

Like anyone pharmaceutical drug, the dragee has its contraindications. There are few of them:

  1. Individual intolerance to some components.
  2. Excess vitamin D and A in the body.
  3. Childhood.

Taking vitamins without first consulting a doctor is not recommended. In the event that the drug was chosen independently, throughout the entire course of treatment it is necessary to listen sensitively to your body. If any unusual reactions occur, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor if necessary.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not on the list of contraindications, you should not take the drug without consulting your gynecologist. In addition, it is important to remember that the combination of vitamin C and B1 with cystine can greatly reduce the effect of insulin. And this is very dangerous for diabetics.

Application of Merz vitamins

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate the daily dose of Merz tablets. Only a doctor can correctly tell you how long to take the drug. For some patients this is sufficient monthly intake. Sometimes taking the drug is necessary for three months. After which you need a break and, if necessary, a repeat course.

The main thing is to adhere to the exact time of taking Merz tablets. It doesn’t matter how you take it, before or after meals. It is important to try to do this at the same time: one tablet in the morning and one in the evening. Drink plenty of clean water.

The only drawback of the drug can be considered its high cost. Price of the classic Merz complex, which contains 60 tablets, starts from 750 rubles. For 120 tablets you will have to pay 1300 rubles or more. Anti-Age dragees will cost even more. For a package of 60 pieces you will have to pay 1000 rubles.

Merz vitamins are ideal vitamins without drawbacks. The packaging has a beautiful design and the capsules are easy to swallow. The product is effective. My hair stopped falling out. The skin and condition of the nails have become much better.

Analogues of the drug

The high price of the drug forces buyers to look for cheaper analogues. Unfortunately, funds from full complex and similar dosages of all those elements that are part of the Merz dragee do not exist.

Despite this, choose quality product still possible. There are a sufficient number of vitamin complexes on the market that can improve the condition of skin, nails and hair. Most similar in composition to the drug from Merz are the following:

  1. Vitrum Beauty.
  2. Wellwoman capsules.
  3. Optix.
  4. Pantovigar.

Vitamins Vitrum Beauty

Vitrum Beauty is an American multivitamin preparation. In terms of composition and indications, Merz is closest to the dragee. However, Vitrum Beauty does not contain the following components:

  • retinol;
  • cystine;
  • beneficial yeasts.

A significant disadvantage of this drug is its large list of contraindications compared to its competitor:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • gout;
  • nephrosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • disturbance of iron and copper metabolism.

The cost of a package with 30 capsules is 850 rubles.

Wellwoman capsules

Wellwoman capsules are a comprehensive multivitamin preparation for women, from the UK. It is used to treat hypovitaminosis, as well as vitamin deficiency. Recommended for significant physical activity and decreased performance. The price of the package is 580 rubles.

There are few contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking anticoagulants.

This analogue does not contain the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • cystine;
  • yeast;
  • beta carotene.

Multivitamins Optix

The cheapest of all analogs is Optix multivitamins. Its price is only 380 rubles per package. Has a powerful antioxidant effect. Indications for use of Optix are as follows:

  • prevention of age-related eye diseases ( age-related degeneration fiber, diseases optic nerve, cataract);
  • increased eye strain ( long work at the computer, exposure to UV rays);
  • prevention of hereditary predisposition to cataracts;
  • retinal degeneration in smokers.


  • hypersensitivity to some components;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • renal failure;
  • simultaneous use of retinoids;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypervitaminosis, A and E;
  • disturbance of copper or iron metabolism.

Vitamins Optix and Merz completely match the dosages of the following substances:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • beta carotene.

Optics does not have the following components:

  • biotin;
  • yeast;
  • cystine;
  • iron;
  • retinol;
  • thiamine;
  • cholecalciferol;
  • nicotinamide;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin B12;
  • calcium pantothenate.

Pantovigar is a complex drug, the action of which is aimed at restoring the structure of hair and nails. It is produced by the Merz company. Unlike special dragees, Pantovigar has a targeted effect on hair and nails. That is, it will be less effective for vitamin deficiencies and stress. But it will stop hair loss and restore nails after just 2 weeks of use.


  • violation of the structure of the nails;
  • diffuse hair loss not associated with hormonal diseases;
  • degenerative changes in hair (for example, due to perm).


  • first half of pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pantovigar can be used without interruption for six months, taking 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. A package of 90 capsules costs 1,700 rubles.

A woman’s beauty begins from within, and therefore her restoration in case of various types of violations should also begin with debugging internal systems. One of the most safe ways Various multivitamin complexes are considered to improve the condition of the whole body, among which the German Merz vitamins for hair, skin and nails are leading. But are they as effective as the manufacturer claims? How do they work, who are they suitable for, and what do doctors say about them?


What are Merz vitamins?

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that under the Merz brand it is produced some various drugs , which often introduces an element of confusion when it comes to studying the real opinion about the product. In particular, in the category “cosmetology” there are special tablets to stop diffuse loss hair, as well as vitamins that are lighter and safer in principle, aimed at improving the condition of hair and nails. Thus, there is no point in counting on the latter to help get rid of alopecia: they should solve less complex tasks. Which?

  • The main orientation of the drug is eliminate shortages vitamins and iron (including the development of anemia due to a lack of the latter). It contains vitamins A, E, C, as well as B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, H, iron, L-cystine. Separately, it should be noted the presence of yeast extract.
  • Indications for use are not only problems with the condition of nails, hair and skin, but also the general exposure of the body to physical and nervous stress, recovery after past diseases, malnutrition.

Like chemical composition dragee "Merz" leads to the fact that it not only improves cellular metabolism and respiration, and also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the process of hematopoiesis, but also stimulates the growth of nails and hair, allows you to maintain skin tone, eliminate dryness, peeling, and improve water balance in cells.

Most important point - dosage each ingredient. In this case, Merz offers a single version of the dragee, in which there are next quantity active ingredients:

  • 1500 IU vitamin A, 50 IU vitamin D, 75 mg ascorbic acid, 30 mg L-cystine, 20 mg iron and 10 mg vitamin PP.
  • 9 mg vitamin E, 3 mg calcium, 2 mg vitamin B12, 1.6 mg vitamin B2, 1.2 mg each vitamins B1 and B6, 0.9 mg beta-carotene and 0.01 mg biotin.

As for yeast, its presence in 1 tablet is 100 mg, as a result of which a slight weight fluctuation while taking the drug. However this side effect is rarely recorded and usually disappears on its own upon completion of therapy.

Experts draw the attention of consumers to the fact that all components of the Merz dragee are adjusted in dosage, taking into account the standard daily needs of an adult body. However, the proportion of iron is increased due to the focus on individuals with a pronounced deficiency.

The packaging is standard, containing 60 pieces in a glass bottle, the cost is in the range of 700-800 rubles.

How to take the drug correctly?

Those who believe that vitamins are safe “candies” that, no matter how much you drink, only do you good, are deeply mistaken: even here you can provoke a very strong side reaction. To avoid such a negative result, it is worth very attentively read the instructions.

  • Regardless of the purpose of taking Merz tablets, the stomach should not be empty before using it. A snack like an apple, a sandwich or a glass of juice does not count as food in this case, however, as consumer reviews show, if you don’t have the time/desire for a hearty meal, you can pour 200-300 ml of full-fat milk.
  • Adult dosage - 1 tablet up to 2 times a day, it is advisable to maintain an interval of 8 hours between them. initial appointment It is recommended to reduce the dosage by 2 times to check the body’s reaction, but exceeding it is strictly prohibited.
  • Course duration is 30 days. If a repetition is necessary after this, a rest of 10-14 days is needed before it. Doctors call the optimal schedule 2 courses per year, with an equal interval between them.

The result of using Merz in relation to nails and skin appears faster, approximately on days 14-16(average statistics), in relation to hair at severe loss the situation returns to normal only after 2-3 months, but a general improvement in the condition is noticeable after 3-4 weeks.


The main contraindications to therapy based on Merz dragees are an excess of tocopherol and chocalciferol, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. However, doctors also insist on caution in cases of liver dysfunction and damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa.

During pregnancy, the possibility of using Merz tablets should be discussed with an obstetrician, since high performance vitamin A in the body can provoke a teratogenic effect.

It is worth mentioning separately that adverse reactions to these vitamins are mainly explained by allergies and therefore can manifest themselves completely from any side. The most common malfunctions observed digestive tract, and also autonomic system- headaches, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating, poor circulation in the extremities. All this requires immediate appeal see a doctor and cancel or adjust the course.

Reviews about the drug from consumers and specialists

As for the immediate reaction to “Merz” from women, an analysis of the comments on the portals intended for this allows us to conclude that overall rating"good" rather than "excellent". Vitamins demonstrate good results, but have a number of strong and frequently occurring adverse reactions, and enthusiastic or absolutely positive reviews are rare.

I’ve been familiar with Merz dragees for 7 years; I started drinking when I was tired of fighting for every centimeter of hair - it just stayed at the level of my chin and not a step further. The doctor prescribed me vitamins, I didn’t believe in them at all, but there was nowhere to go; after 1.5 months of daily use (1 tablet in the morning and evening), I saw how the ends of the strands reached the middle of my neck - for me it was a victory. At the same time, they did not look exhausted - the hair itself became stronger and denser. Over 7 years of use (courses 2 times a year, 2 months each) I was able to grow my braid to my waist, and it seems to me that even the comb now has less hair left. I know that the drug is not suitable for everyone, but for me it worked a miracle.

Alena, 39 years old

These vitamins are an extremely controversial thing. I took it at the insistence of my mother, a doctor, to stop hair fragility caused by iron deficiency anemia; here they coped with their task. But the rest of the declared functions left much to be desired: the nails did not want to grow and did not express this desire, the dryness did not go away, they did not become stronger. There was no increase in density on the head, and the only thing that really pleased me was the increase in density and increased smoothness of the hair. On top of that, for 3 weeks from the start of the course I was plagued by headaches. As soon as I stopped taking Merz, it immediately became easier.

Ulyana, 27 years old

I’ve never suffered from a reaction to vitamins, I’ve tried many different brands, but nothing has worked like it did with Merz. I acted exactly according to the instructions - 15 minutes after eating. I drank the pills, and half an hour later I started severe nausea. I blamed everything on the food, and in the morning I repeated the steps again - I felt nauseous again, and this state lasted until lunchtime. After the new evening pill, I felt more dehydrated and dizzy. As a result, my “course” ended that day: there was simply no desire left to continue and find new side effects.

Tatyana, 31 years old

Doctors comment on such a range of opinions, the reliability of which cannot be doubted as follows: any medicinal product, regardless of its components, can cause differentially opposite reactions in different organisms, even if they have similar data - e.g. deficiency of a specific microelement, which needs to be replenished.

Vitamins are no exception to the rule, and even they can cause serious harm in case of intolerance to components or hypersensitivity body. Also, there are several more nuances mentioned by experts.

  • Firstly, if you have already taken the Merz course for hair and nails, after some time you decided to repeat it (based on your own feelings) and did not see the same pronounced result, it is likely that the problem is not in the drug, but The fact is that your body at this stage does not need such a composition.
  • Secondly, despite the fact that most multivitamin complexes have a similar composition, they differ in the ratio of their components. And it is the correct selection of the dosage of each of them that determines the effect that the drug will have. If Merz showed its negative side, it is likely that certain ingredients are in too high a dose for you.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the benefits synthetic vitamins There are still disputes even among the leading medical specialists, and therefore controversial opinions about dietary supplements, which include Merz tablets for hair and nails, are completely justified. It is better to decide whether to start a course with this drug based on a doctor’s opinion or a full comprehensive examination.