Antivirals: Inexpensive but effective. Antiviral drugs for treating children: when to take and how to choose, dosage Antiviral drugs for young children

Why do doctors often diagnose ARVI in infants? Treatment and symptoms, prevention are the main issues that parents are interested in.

Carrying a child inside herself for 9 months, the mother protects him from various infectious and viral diseases thanks to her immune system. As soon as the baby is born, his body must defend itself, adapt to those viruses and infections that affect it.

Since the baby's immune system is not yet fully formed, parents are faced with a problem: the baby has a cold. What to do? How to help the baby? What effective antiviral drug to choose? Let's consider these questions.

What diseases are included in the SARS group?

Having diagnosed SARS in infants, the doctor in each case selects an individual treatment. This situation is easily explained. SARS is the name of a group of diseases caused by viruses in the respiratory tract.

As medical reference books show, the SARS group includes the following diseases:

  • adenovirus infection. It affects the eyes, upper respiratory tract and intestines of the child.
  • Influenza and parainfluenza. There is a general intoxication of the body, inflammatory processes in the larynx.
  • inflammatory processes in
  • A respiratory syncytial infection that causes inflammation in the lower airways.

As medical statistics show, babies get SARS from 1 to 7 times a day. And here it is very important to get qualified help, proper treatment, since the consequences of SARS in infants can be serious. It has also been proven that excessive use of drugs can cause blocking of the production of one's own antibodies to the virus.

Features of the course of acute respiratory viral infections in children under six months

In the first six months of life, it is important to think about how a mother does not infect a baby with a cold. Basically, contact with viruses occurs precisely through the mother or the guests who come to the house.

SARS in infants, symptoms and treatment have their own characteristics. First, the disease manifests itself gradually. The child becomes lethargic, may be capricious, the body temperature rises slightly. Symptoms of SARS are not pronounced, and many parents associate such manifestations with teething, weather changes, and slight hypothermia.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not start treatment, then the clinical picture appears brighter. The baby refuses to eat, stops breastfeeding, rapidly loses weight. A weak cough may begin, nasal congestion, which is manifested by sniffing in a dream. Vomiting is also a common symptom.

Features of treatment

Having established the development of SARS in infants, treatment should be started as soon as possible, since serious inflammatory processes in the ear or lungs, bronchi can begin. Inflammatory processes in the larynx are also not uncommon. This is caused by the anatomical features of children under one year old, when the cough is strong and paroxysmal does not allow the child to fully breathe.

The presence in the first 6 months of life of SARS in infants Komarovsky regards as a positive, natural stress that helps the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria in the future.

What should young mothers pay attention to in the first 6 months of a baby's life with SARS?

When treating SARS in infants, Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the following:

What drugs can be used for the baby in the first 6 months of life?

An effective antiviral drug for a baby in the first 6 months has not yet been found. Doctors advise not to use drugs at all, especially antibiotics, as they can cause allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

Medications are used only when the baby's condition is critical, and it will not be possible to cure it in another way.

Doctors say that drugs for ARVI for children of the first year are not needed, it is enough to create optimal conditions and seek qualified help in time.

  1. Optimum air temperature and humidity in the room. This helps protect the baby from overheating, sore throat and dry cough.
  2. Do not force feed your baby.
  3. Use as much liquid as possible. If the baby refuses water, then it is better to apply
  4. Cleanse your nose regularly. Salt solution can be used for this. By removing regularly accumulated mucus, you can not only reduce the concentration of viruses, but also improve the breathing, sleep and nutrition of the baby.
  5. Do not use vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose, they can be quickly addictive.
  6. The temperature in the baby is always accompanied by ARVI, but it is necessary to fight it with the help of drugs only with indicators from 38.5 degrees. All means to reduce the temperature should be based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Features of the treatment of children from 6 months to a year

In the period from 6 months to a year, the chances of ARVI in infants increase. Treatment in this case will already include certain drugs prescribed by the doctor. But each of these drugs gives high efficiency if it is used in the first 2 days after infection.

The incubation period of SARS in infants can vary from 1 to 3 days, while the symptoms will gradually appear.

High temperature is always an indication for hospitalization of a child whose age does not exceed 1 year. Delay is dangerous to his life.

What parents need to know!

At this age, it is already necessary to bring down the temperature from 38 degrees, since many children have a high convulsive threshold. In the case when a child has a history of severe diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular or respiratory systems, then an increase in temperature above 37.5 is very dangerous.

To reduce the temperature, it is better to use candles based on paracetamol. Medicines containing these components are strictly prohibited and can cause serious and severe side effects. The most dangerous is Reye's syndrome or agranulocytosis.

Doctors for children of this age group can prescribe nasal drops, but not more than 2-3 days. They will be effective only if the baby is washed with a soda or saline nose.

With a strong cough, drugs may already be prescribed to thin the sputum and expectorate it. To speed up recovery, kids are recommended juices and fruit drinks from such plants: viburnum, black radish (with honey), lemon (with honey), raspberries.

The stage of natural stimulation of the immune system will be important. Doctors recommend the use of multivitamin complexes, ascorbic acid, echinacea tinctures, ginseng.

Any treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor! It is strictly forbidden to use drugs at your own discretion; you cannot treat ARVI with drugs that were used in previous times of the disease. Their effectiveness will be low, because the body is always addictive and adapting the virus to certain drugs.

In what cases it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance

A baby under the age of one year cannot talk about his feelings during SARS. Parents can only see the symptoms, whims, apathy of the baby. But there are cases when it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, otherwise the child may develop serious complications. We list the most common cases:

  1. Severe chills, high temperature, which has not been knocked down by drugs for more than 45 minutes. This condition can lead to seizures.
  2. Sudden loss of consciousness.
  3. Rapid breathing, accompanied by wheezing, the impossibility of inhaling to the full chest.
  4. Diarrhea and vomiting that does not stop. Many parents associate such symptoms with poisoning, but they can also be a sign of intoxication during SARS.
  5. Severe inflammation of the throat, which is accompanied by swelling of the larynx.
  6. Purulent discharge that appeared with sputum.
  7. Increased cough, its paroxysmal character.

What serious complications can SARS lead to?

Unfortunately, not all parents understand how serious the consequences of ignoring medical care for ARVI can be. Self-treatment, the use of medications at your own discretion or on the advice of a pharmacist, traditional medicine can cause the development of such complications:

  • False croup. At the age of up to a year, such a complication can pose a threat to the life of the baby. Due to the fact that the lumen in the larynx narrows, the normal passage of air is blocked. The baby may develop asphyxia.
  • The most dangerous has always been allergic stenosis. It develops rapidly after the use of a certain medication. The most important task of parents is to cope with their own panic. The child must be taken out to fresh air and an ambulance should be called immediately.
  • bronchiolitis. Such a reaction is a common occurrence in infants with ARVI. Children in the first 5 days of illness may experience severe respiratory failure. A viscous discharge comes from the nose, which does not go well. The cough is dry and paroxysmal. The child cannot inhale fully, and the exhalation is long and intermittent. In its course, bronchiolitis resembles an attack of bronchial asthma in an adult. Treatment of such children is carried out only in the hospital, as the baby may urgently need oxygen therapy.
  • If the baby has an infection, then the condition worsens sharply, and the inflammatory process descends into the lungs. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital.
  • Otitis and sinusitis. This complication mainly occurs after the treatment of ARVI. A healthy child has anxiety, a cry, he shakes his head, the temperature rises again. Treatment will also be carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Sinusitis. It manifests itself on the 6-7th day after SARS. The child begins to cry, turn his head, his sleep is disturbed. Discharge with an unpleasant odor and impurities of pus begins to come out of the nose. The face clearly shows signs of puffiness. With light pressure on the sinuses and cheeks, the baby begins to cry. Sinusitis always requires emergency treatment, since the anatomical structure of the newborn is the minimum distance from the nasal, ear sinuses to the brain membrane. With a strong inflammatory process, the likelihood of inflammation of the meninges is always high.

Prevention of SARS in infants, how to protect a child from infection

You don't have to wait until your child gets sick. Prevention of SARS in infants always helps to solve several problems. Firstly, the risk of infection is minimized, and secondly, the body becomes resistant to re-infection. By choosing an integrated approach, you can protect the baby not only in infancy, but also in subsequent years of being in kindergarten and school.

  1. Minimize the number of contacts the baby has with sick people. You need to understand that infection of the baby is possible not only at home, but also when traveling in public transport, in the queues of a hospital or a store. It is also worth protecting the child in the event that one of the relatives is ill. In this case, the sick person should wear a bandage that will reduce the amount of viruses spread by coughing and sneezing.
  2. Regular ventilation of the room. At any age, fresh air from the street is useful for a person. It will help to humidify the air in the room, reduce the temperature to optimal levels, and avoid stagnation.
  3. Viruses have the peculiarity to persist for a long time indoors, not only in the air, but also in things and interior items. The key to health will be daily wet cleaning. Every day, items of frequent use should be wiped: handles on doors, switches.
  4. Before contact with the baby, wash your hands with soap and water.
  5. If the family has a baby, it is recommended that all other family members undergo preventive vaccination. Many doctors recommend that parents get vaccinated even before pregnancy is planned. This will help develop a strong child's immunity against SARS viruses.

SARS in infants, symptoms and treatment, preventive measures - these are the basic concepts that all parents should know. Awareness, the ability to identify the symptoms of the disease in time and qualified medical care are the basis for a quick recovery and good health later on.

Most often, children suffer from colds and infectious diseases. These diseases are evidence of low immunity, high susceptibility to cold, bacteria and viruses. Of course, every mother wants her child to smile again and be healthy as soon as possible. Therefore, antiviral drugs are used for children. Consider the most popular of them.

Oscillococcinum in SARS

Among antiviral drugs, Aflubin, Vibrukol and Oscillococcinum have become popular. The last homeopathic preparation has an immunostimulating effect, but only on condition that the medicine was started to be used in the prodromal period. When using homeopathy, an individual approach works: that is, it helps some children, almost not others. This is fine. But in order not to waste time and not allow the disease to progress in the child's body, sometimes you have to refuse to take homeopathic medicines, including Oscillococcinum, or replace them with other medicines of a similar effect. The doctor should select them for the child.

Tamiflu for SARS

Tamiflu is an antiviral drug containing oseltamivir carboxylate. It suppresses influenza viruses, but with ARVI it is less effective. The drug is contraindicated in children under one year old, has side effects in the form of nausea and diarrhea, lethargy and headaches. Japanese scientists after studying this drug state that it can cause other side effects, more serious. These are psychoses and depressions, especially among the children's age category. Its side effects are similar to flu symptoms, so you need to be careful with this medicine.

Optimal is the short-term use of Tamiflu at the very beginning of the development of the disease.

Rimantadine for SARS

This antiviral drug is a derivative of Adamantadine. It suppresses strains of the influenza A virus. Rimantadine is contraindicated in children under 1 year old. Among its side effects are reduced attention and nervousness, headache and nausea, vomiting and dry mouth. It is these reviews that mothers leave on the forums about Rimantadine. Tests of this drug have shown that it is less toxic than Amantadine. As an antiviral drug for children, Rimantadine is effective and copes with influenza viruses.

Groprinosin in ARVI

This drug has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. The drug is a complex of inosine and propanol. Groprinosin enhances the synthesis of antibodies. It is well tolerated as it has low toxicity. With its timely appointment, the duration of the disease decreases, complications are excluded. Groprinosin is usually prescribed to children from 2 to 12 years old at a dose of 50 mg three times a day.

Anaferon for children with SARS

Anaferon is prescribed for children with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, intestinal and neuroinfections. Treatment with Anaferon should be started as early as possible according to the following scheme: the first two hours the drug should be taken after 30 minutes, then 3 more doses at regular intervals during the day. On the second day, the drug is taken in a tablet three times a day until recovery.

If on the third day of treatment there is no improvement in the child's condition, then you should contact your pediatrician. During the epidemic, Anaferon is recommended for children to take 1 tablet once a day as a preventive measure. Assign it to babies, starting from the age of one month, dissolving the tablet in a small amount of warm boiled water.

Herbal antivirals for children

Today, parents increasingly prefer herbal preparations in the treatment of children. A special place among them is occupied by plant immunostimulants. They are based on extracts of plantain and coltsfoot, echinacea purpurea, knotweed and nettle, mountain arnica and eucalyptus. Most immunostimulating antiviral drugs for children contain echinacea purpurea. These are Immunal and Echinabene. The above medicines are recommended for children to take as antiviral agents from the age of 12. Herbal preparation Bioaron C contains aloe extract, chokeberry juice and other auxiliary ingredients. Bioaron is allowed to be taken by children from 3 years old.

With cytomegalovirus infection, small patients older than a year can take Alpizarin. This is a herbal preparation from the extract of two types of kopek - alpine and yellowing. It combines immunomodulatory action with antiviral.

Immunoflazid- This is a syrup that is made on the basis of pike plants and ground reedweed.

Imupret- a German preparation containing an extract of marshmallow root and chamomile flowers, horsetail and walnut, yarrow and oak bark. Imupret and Imunoflazid are approved for use from birth.

Antiviral drugs for children under one year old

Since at this age children are very sensitive, vulnerable to drugs, in no case should they be treated on their own. No need to listen to the advice of neighbors and advertising, because medicines cannot be equally effective for different children with different types and manifestations of the disease. But usually the treatment regimens for colds in children under one year old are similar. Babies are prescribed antipyretic drugs. Their range is quite wide. So, Efferalgan in the form of syrup is given to children from 1 month to 12 years. Efferalgan in the form of suppositories is prescribed from 3 months to 6 in a dosage of 80 mg, and from 6 months to 3 years - 150 mg each. Children's Panadol can be used in the form of a suspension for children from 3 months, and Panadol candles are recommended for use from 6 months.

Candles Viferon are prescribed if necessary for children from the first days of life.

Runny nose in babies from one month of life is treated with children's Nazivin 0.01%. Protalgol treats snot in children after a year. But pediatricians prescribe it for up to a year. He copes with the disease in a couple of days.

Other antiviral drugs are used to treat children under one year old, but only a specialist should prescribe them after collecting an anamnesis of the disease and taking into account the individual characteristics of a small patient.

You should know that already in the first days the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor should show its effectiveness. But if after three days of strict adherence to medical recommendations there is no progress in the state of health, then it is necessary to re-consult a doctor for advice and correction of treatment.

Antivirals for children under 3 years of age

After a year, the child's body is already stronger, the immune system can cope with viruses. But children are not immune from viral diseases.

Most often, pediatricians prescribe Vibrukol, Oscillococcinum and Aflubin suppositories for children under three years of age with acute respiratory viral infections. Sometimes these are preparations EDAS-103 and EDAS-903. These homeopathic medicines activate the immunity of children. The above drugs provide real help in the treatment only in the initial stage of the disease. If the child has been sick for several days, then they should not be used. At the same time, it is impossible to predict the effectiveness of drugs for each small patient in advance.

If during the day the homeopathic remedy does not have a positive effect on the course of the disease, then it is not recommended to continue its use.

For children under three years of age, among the drugs of the antiviral group, Arbidol and Rimantadine, Ribavirin are more often used. When infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, pediatricians usually prescribe Acyclovir as a gentle and safe drug against viruses of this group.

Children at this age are prescribed Immunoflazid, Imupret, Tamiflu.

Parents should take into account that children should be closely monitored after taking medications. Never leave them alone after taking pills, syrups. It is during the period of treatment that children develop allergic reactions to certain components of drugs that you do not know about. Therefore, be attentive to any alarming symptoms of the baby's behavior during the treatment period.

Have you ever wondered why so many people don't really like winter? After all, this is the most fabulous and festive time of the year. New Year and long Christmas holidays, when you can relax, be with family or friends.

At this time, it is so much fun to spend time in nature, skiing or skating, or you can just play snowballs, fooling around, like in childhood. True, not everyone likes the cold, and not only because you have to warm up, but also because there is a high probability of getting sick.

There are two most favorable periods in a year. This is spring, when it is no longer cold, but not yet warm enough and the beginning of winter, or rather late autumn with rain, cloudy weather and chilly wind. However, as doctors say, there is no better cure than prevention.

Therefore, maybe all ardent haters of the cold season should prepare for the winter season in advance. We prepare the car for winter and change summer tires to winter ones. Why is our body worse? Therefore, we invite you to talk about how to protect your health in the autumn-winter season, strengthen and prevent possible colds and viral diseases.

Antiviral drugs for colds

Let's start with some medical terms that will help in the future to answer the question of what medicines to take and how to treat seasonal colds. To begin with, let's figure out what is cold and how this disease differs from diseases similar in symptoms, assigned to an extensive group ARI (acute respiratory infections) or SARS (acute respiratory viral infections) .

In everyday life, it is customary to call a cold, in principle, any ailment in which a person feels unwell due to a sore throat, runny nose, headache, as well as elevated body temperature, due to aching joints and muscles, as well as lethargy. People think they have a cold if they have the above symptoms.

However, it is unlikely that a person without a medical education can make (and himself) a correct diagnosis. Quite often, people mistakenly believe that they just caught a cold, but in fact they carry more serious types of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections on their feet, for example, and other similar viruses or bacterial infections.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university, he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Work in the general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Work as a pharmaceutical representative for a year in the Rubicon company.

He presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works won prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).


Thanks for your great information site!

Everything is right in the article, the most reliable and proven means in the treatment of ARVI are bed rest, warm drinks, the use of vitamins, but the treatment should not be left to chance either. I would add Meditonsin to the list of these drugs, they give me and my child every time we get sick, this is a good and more than once proven German drug. It helps to cope with many unpleasant symptoms of SARS and prevents the development of complications.

My mucosa is very swollen with a cold, but I am being treated with Ergoferon, and in addition to everything else, it also removes the swelling of the mucosa well.

I tried to give Ergoferon to a child at the age of 4 when I was sick and helped quickly, I advise.

It is easy to catch a cold at any time of the year. In winter and early spring, the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins, in autumn unsettled weather and dampness can play a cruel joke, in summer we catch a cold under air conditioners or sitting in ponds until our lips turn blue. Therefore, there should always be cold remedies in the first-aid kit, since their effectiveness is the higher, the earlier treatment is started. Of course, it would be great to find antiviral drugs that are inexpensive but effective. Someone sarcastically chuckles and is completely in vain. The doctors themselves confirm that over the past couple of decades, revolutionary remedies for colds have not been invented. So, new and expensive is not necessarily the best.

Before diving into the study of antiviral drugs, I have to say a few words about when they should generally be taken.

Everyone knows the feeling of weakness and malaise that accompanies the onset of a cold. Still only a little tickle in the throat, a little squelching nose and some weakness does not allow to fully work and lead a life. Most often, until the temperature is put to bed, we prefer to "pass" the disease, washing it down with tea with lemon. This is wrong and treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Taking antiviral drugs is justified literally from the first hours of the disease, since already on the 2-3rd day they may be ineffective.

Separately, it is worth stipulating the use of antibiotics. These funds do not act on viruses, therefore they are completely useless for colds. At least until a bacterial infection joins the running flu.

Viruses cause not only flu or herpes, but also many other diseases. But many antiviral agents are active against several types of viruses. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you are prescribed a drug for a cold, which is indicated, for example, for hepatitis.

So, it is traditionally accepted to divide all drugs against viruses into two groups:

  • interferons and their inhibitors (drugs that stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies);
  • in fact, drugs that attack the virus.

The last group, in turn, includes drugs against influenza, herpes, cytomegaloviruses, retroviruses. A separate category is made up of herbal preparations and homeopathy.

It is important to note that most of these agents have unproven effectiveness. Research is expensive and is carried out directly by manufacturers or interested parties. Therefore, on the pharmacy shelves, the lion's share of "cold remedies" are just empty shells, and not cheap ones.

As for immunomodulators, there is a lot of gossip around these drugs. Some doctors insist on their high efficiency. Others warn that the mechanism of the immune system is not yet sufficiently understood to speak about the safety of using such drugs in the long term. In any case, all these drugs are best taken as a preventive measure during the cold season, since their action is not instantaneous.

Broad Spectrum Antivirals

This group primarily includes interferons and their inhibitors. The first are preparations of human interferon or its analogues obtained artificially. The second - means that stimulate the immune system to produce its own interferon.

What is interferon anyway? This is the common name for several proteins that are synthesized by cells during a viral attack.

There are three types: alpha, beta and gamma. The substance itself does not attack the virus, but changes the structure of the cell, preventing its reproduction. In addition, it activates the immune system.

It should be noted that interferon inhibitors are widely used only in the post-Soviet countries, and interferon preparations themselves are prescription drugs abroad.

A wide range of effects and herbal preparations, many of which also activate the synthesis of interferon.

Interferon leukocyte

A drug prescribed against influenza and other viral diseases. It is used both for prevention and as a medicine (both main and concomitant). Available in powder form. Packed in 2 ml ampoules. Before use, it is diluted in water and then dripped into the nose twice a day, 5 drops each. As a preventive measure, it continues to be taken as long as the likelihood of infection persists.

If flu symptoms have already appeared, then interferon should be instilled as early as possible. The dosage is the same, but up to 5 times a day. The solution is also used in inhalation. For this, 3 ampoules are diluted in 10 ml of water.

There are no reliable data on use by pregnant women and children. Some doctors prescribe interferon almost from infancy. The cost of a package with 10 ampoules ranges from 80 to 130 rubles.


This drug contains the same human interferon, but in the form of drops or spray. One bottle is equivalent to 100 ampoules of the specified substance. The price ranges from 225 to 340 rubles.

Approved for children and pregnant women. Adults in the treatment of influenza and SARS drip 3 drops into one and the other nostril. Up to 6 procedures are allowed per day. Children accept according to age. As a preventive measure, the drug is dripped twice a day. Contraindications, except for allergic reactions, the drug has no.


This is again interferon, but already in the form of suppositories. Suitable for use with young children. It is also produced in the form of a gel and ointment.

The drug is allowed from the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as to children from infancy. Has no contraindications. The cost of 10 suppositories ranges from 210-260 rubles.

The dosage is calculated taking into account the age of the patient and the type of disease.

Lavomax, Amiksin, Tilaksin

These are drugs based on tilorone, which is an inhibitor of interferon. The cost of a package with 6 tablets is 450-560 rubles. Despite the not entirely democratic price, this number of tablets is enough for a full therapeutic course.

Means are indicated for the treatment of influenza, colds, herpes infections and other diseases of viral origin. Prohibited for admission to children under the age of seven and pregnant women.

For colds in the first two days, a dose of 125 mg is indicated, then a tablet every other day (4 times, a total of 8 days). In order to prevent the drug, it is even easier to drink - one tablet per week, 6 doses.


A drug based on the active substance of the same name is another interferon inducer. Indicated for influenza, SARS and herpetic eruptions. Available in tablets of 10 units per pack. The price for a pack is about 230 rubles, but for a course for an adult you will need two of them.

Among the contraindications, the manufacturer noted pregnancy and age up to 3 years. Individual reactions to the drug are not excluded.

For colds in the first two days, the drug is taken in shock doses: a couple of tablets every 6 hours. Further, for two days, the dose is shown, halved.


The drug of the widest spectrum, which has a detrimental effect directly on viruses. The active substance is incorporated into the RNA of the virus, causing death or mutations that reduce the pathogenicity of microorganisms. Available in capsules or tablets by various manufacturers. For 30 pieces you will have to pay from 90 to 250 rubles.

Despite the high efficiency, the drug is not allowed to be taken by everyone.

Contraindications manufacturers include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart disease;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as the thyroid gland;
  • autoimmune diseases.

The drug has a teratogenic effect, therefore, within six months after taking it, pregnancy is highly undesirable.

The medicine is taken based on the ratio of 15 mg / kg per day.


Russian-made immunomodulator drug. It is based on sodium deoxyribonucleate, which has a complex effect: activates phagocytes, accelerates metabolism, boosts DNA synthesis. It is indicated in the treatment (even as the only remedy) of acute respiratory viral infections and inflammatory processes of viral and bacterial etiology. Most effective in the first few days of the disease.

Derinat has no contraindications and is allowed to be taken from infancy. On the first day of the disease, the medicine is dripped in a couple of drops with an interval of an hour and a half. On the second day - 3-4 times in the same dosage.

The product is available in the form of drops and spray. The retail price ranges from 225 to 290 rubles per 10 ml.

Antiviral in complexes with immunomodulators and antihistamines

Effective medicines for colds and flu, which have a complex effect, are very popular today: they relieve inflammation, spasms, raise immunity, stop allergic reactions.


This is a homeopathic remedy. Available in tablets in adult and pediatric dosages, and in the form of drops for the smallest patients. Anaferon has a complex effect, destroying viruses, activating the immune system. Indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpes infections. The cost ranges from 180-220 rubles.

It can be used during pregnancy, given the risk/benefit ratio.

For the treatment of colds and flu, the course of therapy should be started as soon as possible. In the first two hours, drink 4 tablets (one piece per half hour). In the remaining 22 hours, 3 more pieces are taken. In the following days, take one tablet three times a day until the symptoms disappear.


Another homeopathic preparation produced in Austria based on gentian, aconite and bryonia. It has a complex effect: stimulates the immune system, destroys the virus, relieves fever. Available in liquid and tablet form. The pricing policy is in the range of 360-500 rubles.

The drug has no other contraindications, except for individual high sensitivity. Aflubin is allowed for children from birth, pregnant and lactating - in agreement with the doctor.

For treatment, adults are shown taking 10 drops or one tablet three times a day. The pediatric dosage is prescribed by the doctor.


Another drug that activates the production of interferon. The active ingredient is umifenovir. It is indicated against influenza and other viral diseases, intestinal infections. Produced in capsule, tablet form, in the form of a suspension. The cost of 20 tablets (enough for a course) is about 450 rubles.

It is not allowed to be taken by children under 2 years of age, pregnant women, due to the lack of a research base. Of the contraindications for the drug, the manufacturer notes only individual intolerance.

During treatment, adults take a tablet 4 times a day, children - half or a quarter with the same multiplicity. The course of therapy lasts 5 days.


The drug, belonging to the group of homeopathic remedies, has an antiviral effect and has antihistamine properties. Produced in tablets of 20 pieces per pack costing from 280 to 320 rubles.

The tool has no restrictions on admission, except for children up to six months and individual cases of intolerance. Pregnant women should take Ergoferon with caution.

For treatment, first take a tablet with an interval of half an hour, and then 3 more tablets until the end of the day. From the next day, the frequency of receptions is reduced to three.

In order to prevent infection, Ergoferon can be taken up to six months.


A Russian-made drug that has a complex effect: it suppresses the reproduction of viruses and stops inflammatory processes. The active ingredient is Vitaglutam. Available in two forms, differing in the concentration of the active substance in the capsule. Packed in packs of seven capsules. Price: from 450 to 480 for an "adult" dosage.

The drug in a children's dosage is allowed to be taken from 7 years. The rest of the tool has no restrictions. Studies on pregnant women have not been conducted.

The treatment regimen is extremely simple - one capsule once a day from the onset of symptoms. Consumed without reference to food intake.

Inosine pranobex (Groprinosin, Isoprinosine)

The tool has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. As a result of the intake, the body's resistance to viruses increases, the manifestations of the disease decrease, and recovery is accelerated. For 20 tablets you will have to pay about 700 rubles.

Treatment with drugs is prohibited for gout and urolithiasis, arrhythmia and kidney disease. Pregnancy and age up to 3 years are also contraindications for admission.

Adults drink one tablet up to 4 times daily. Children - based on the ratio of 50 mg / kg.


Homeopathic remedy in tablet form. It has an antiviral effect, as well as immunomodulatory and sympatholytic. It is indicated for influenza and SARS in combination with other drugs. Fifty tablets will cost approximately 450 rubles.

Treatment with Engystol is not prescribed for children under three years of age, as well as for people with lactose intolerance.

Tablets are not swallowed, but dissolved one by one three times a day. After taking it for an hour, it is undesirable to eat food. The course is two weeks.

Effective herbal antivirals

As mentioned above, almost all of the drugs described have so far unproven efficacy, and the effect of some of them has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the long-term use or use of such funds for prophylactic purposes causes reasonable concerns in some people. An alternative to them can be herbal medicines.


A phytopreparation that has an inhibitory effect on the neuraminidase of the virus can be prescribed for both influenza, SARS, and herpes. The main active substance is an extract of buckthorn buckthorn. Produced in absorbable tablets of 20 pieces per pack. The cost is from 130 to 145 rubles.

The tool is not allowed to be taken by children under three years of age due to the impossibility of proper use. There are no data on use by pregnant and lactating mothers.

For the treatment of flu and colds, a tablet of Hyporamine is absorbed up to 6 times during the day. For children, the dosage is reduced proportionately. The duration of the course is from 3 to 5 days.


The homeopathic medicine is produced in France on the basis of liver and heart cells of a special breed of ducks. Can be used to treat colds, SARS, flu. Produced in granules packaged in tubes. The cost of 6 doses ranges from 330 to 370 rubles.

The drug has no contraindications, except for special cases of intolerance to the components. During pregnancy, the reception should be agreed with the doctor.

The dosage does not depend on age and is determined solely on the basis of the severity of the disease. With pronounced signs of a cold, the contents of 1 tube are traditionally used twice a day. Therapy is continued for 3 days.


A product based on echinacea with the addition of vitamin C. It is available in tablet form and as a syrup (Immunal plus). Stimulates the immune system and is indicated for the prevention and treatment of "colds". The cost of the drug is approximately 320-360 rubles. Alternatively, you can buy echinacea tincture for 90 rubles.

The remedy is acceptable for babies from 1 year old, and for pregnant women in agreement with the doctor. Do not drink Immunal to people with autoimmune diseases.

The drug is drunk 3 ml three times a day. Children reduce the dose by 2-3 times.


A domestically produced drug obtained from extracts of two types of kopek herb. The agent inhibits the reproduction of viruses in the early stages of the disease, activates the production of gamma-interferon and has some antibacterial effect. Prescribed primarily for the treatment of herpes and cytomegalovirus. Available in tablets. A package of 20 pieces costs approximately 175-190 rubles.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. Adults are allowed to take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.

Antivirals for adults, inexpensive but effective

Among the variety of antiviral agents, it is always difficult to choose. Drugs in the same group are equivalent in effectiveness and there is no significant difference between them. The choice is up to the consumer, who in most cases focuses on the price.

Before buying, be sure to ask the pharmacist for instructions.

A pleasant price is often deceptive, since the medicine has to be taken often and a lot. On average, the course of therapy with antiviral agents is 4-7 days and will cost approximately 400-600 rubles per adult patient.

There are also more expensive drugs, such as Relenza. The tool acts only on the influenza virus, and costs about 880-1120 rubles. Its effectiveness is also not well understood. So why pay more?

Rimantadin (Remantadin, Orvirem)

Synonymous drugs based on rimantadine. It blocks the ability of the virus to enter cells, but is only effective against the flu. These are the most inexpensive flu medicines: Remantadine tablets will cost about 40-50 rubles.

Remantadine is not indicated until 7 years of age, Orvirem syrup can be used to treat children from one year old. Both drugs are contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is undesirable to take medicine for epilepsy. Women in position and nursing mothers are also prohibited from taking medicine.

Treatment involves taking 300 mg on the first day (one-time or in several doses), 200 mg on the next two days, and 100 mg for two more days.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu, Nomides, Oseltamivir)

Analogue drugs effective against influenza viruses. The active substance suppresses them and inhibits reproduction. For a package of 10 tablets of 75 mg, you will have to pay from 640 rubles (Oseltamivir) to 1200 (Tamiflu). This amount is sufficient for a full course of therapy.

Despite the fact that the drugs have almost no contraindications (age up to a year and intolerance to the components), they have a wide range of side effects. From nausea and vomiting to convulsions and neuropsychiatric disorders. Which casts doubt on the advisability of taking such drugs when the market is replete with other, less dangerous drugs.

Combining the above, we offer a table of cheap analogues of expensive drugs.

And considering that a cold does not come alone, but with debilitating symptoms, instead of expensive drugs, we offer inexpensive and effective medicines for cough, fever and other manifestations of the disease to help with treatment.

Expensive drugActionReplacement
Aspirin, Upsarin UpsaAntipyreticAcetylsalicylic acid
Panadol, ColdrexAntipyreticParacetamol
NurofenAntipyretic, anti-inflammatoryIbuprofen
Otrivin, For the NoseAgainst the common coldGalazolin
Ambrobene, LazolvanexpectorantAmbroxol

Despite the equal effectiveness of these drugs, if the doctor prescribed you a remedy from the left column of the table, still agree on a replacement with him.

Effective antiviral drugs for children

Breastfed babies have been shown to have stronger immune systems. Every nursing mother should know that if she is sick, it is not worth weaning the baby. Since some time passes between the penetration of the virus into the body (and into the baby too, with milk) and the symptoms that appear. On the contrary, if the mother does not take illegal drugs, then her milk carries antibodies to help the baby's immunity. And this is the best medicine.

Nevertheless, both bottle-fed and breast-fed children with illness necessarily need medical treatment. Whether you give preference to homeopathy, interferon agents or synthetic derivatives is a voluntary matter. We offer a list of antiviral drugs in age gradation.

Children up to a year

The most tender age, when the choice of medicine should be approached with particular care.

  1. At this age, babies can drip Interferon or Derinat into the nose.
  2. Viferon rectal suppositories are allowed to use immediately from birth and even premature babies.
  3. From six months, a child can be given homeopathic Ergoferon. It is available in tablets, but they are easy to dissolve in water and give crumbs from a spoon, pipette or syringe.
  4. Children's Anaferon is another homeopathic remedy approved for use upon reaching 1 month. The tablet can be dissolved or the drug can be purchased in drops.
  5. Aflubin falls into the category of permitted from infancy. Drops can be diluted in water or breast milk.

Children from one to three years old

Slightly grown-up babies can continue to give any of the above remedies in case of illness.

  1. Also, the first-aid kit of a young mother can be replenished with Oseltamivir or Tamiflu. The drug is produced in capsules, but it is permissible to open them and prepare a suspension. The contents of the capsule are bitter, so it will need to be diluted in sweet puree, condensed milk or other tasty product.
  2. For the treatment of colds, it is already possible to give the child Orvirem syrup (an analogue of Remantadin, diluted to a safe concentration).
  3. From the age of two, children are allowed Arbidol in the form of a suspension

Children from three years old

Now the drug Kagocel (tablets) and any of the means already familiar from birth is becoming available to babies. But before treating a child, consult a pediatrician. In addition, during epidemics, his experience with other children can already play into your hands and tell you which drugs the virus is especially sensitive to in the current season.

Antiviral drugs allowed during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a time for illness, especially in the first trimester. Nevertheless, weakened immunity often fails expectant mothers and makes them experience all the delights of a “cold” without the possibility of its traditional, quick treatment.

In addition to traditional medicine, pregnant women can also use some antiviral agents. For example, doctors often prescribe cheap interferon-based cold medicines to pregnant women. Derinat is also allowed. Anaferon and Oscillococcinum are also conditionally safe (the funds have not been tested on pregnant women, but it is assumed that they are harmless to the fetus). All herbal preparations during this period should be treated with caution.

Influenza and diseases that we used to call colds are not at all harmless. Their consequences can be very serious, especially in children or adults with weak immunity. Therefore, given the non-100% effectiveness of antiviral agents, you should worry about your health ahead of time. Strengthen your immune system, play sports, temper, eat well. But with regard to vaccination against influenza - this moment causes a lot of rumors. Given that the cunning microorganism is constantly mutating, the likelihood of getting sick after an injection remains very high.

Children are more prone to various viral infections than adults. This is due to the fact that a small, not fully formed organism still has very weak immunity. In order to choose high-quality and effective for children, you need to know how the child's immune system functions and what remedies can really help to cope with the infection.

What is immunity

The human immune system is a complex mechanism that rids the body of various infections and diseases. Lymphocytes contained in the organs of the defense system (tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen) are produced in the required amount in order to fight genetically alien objects. An increased rate of these substances in the blood means that there is an infection in the body.

Another very important component that the immune system produces is interferons. These are special proteins that are secreted in the body when a virus appears. Interferons are able to fight both various types of infections and cancer cells. A low amount of these proteins in the body means that a person's immune system is weakened.

Decreased immunity is one of the most important reasons why children get sick so often. Interferon proteins are produced in the body very poorly, phagocytosis (absorption of foreign particles) does not occur, which means that the ability to fight the virus is reduced. It can be assumed that with a good immune system, antiviral drugs are not needed, but this is not entirely true. If immune cells are needed to fight the virus, then drugs are needed to stop it from multiplying in the body.

Virus is living matter

Surely many wondered what a virus is. Let's try to figure this out. From the school biology course, it is known that a virus is a microparticle capable of infecting living organisms. It consists of DNA or RNA molecules enclosed in a capsid (protein coat). The flu is just one of its varieties.

The influenza virus consists of ribonucleic acid and a protective shell. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and affects the upper respiratory tract. This disease is one of the acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI).

How do viral infections work?

In order to choose effective antiviral drugs for children from 2 years old, it is necessary to know how infection occurs. As a rule, children are ill with ARVI. The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract and infects one cell there. It is built into its genetic structure and multiplies very quickly. During this period of time, the child can observe a swollen red throat, stuffy nose. As a rule, after a certain time, the baby has a fever. This is because the body activates all its protective properties. High temperature (up to 38 C°) enhances phagocytosis and stimulates the formation of interferon. As soon as the virus or infection recedes, a decrease in temperature can be observed.

Is it always necessary to use antiviral drugs for children

From 2 years and older, children get sick very often, but does it always make sense to “feed” them with various medicines? The fact is that immune cells have a very good memory. After successfully defeating the bacteria, they remember them and fight them even more effectively next time. If a mild virus enters the child's body, then he is able to cope with it on his own. For some reason, some parents believe that this is dangerous, and prefer to immediately give medication.

This is an erroneous opinion. After using antiviral drugs, addiction occurs, and the immune system will cope worse each time. If a weak virus has entered the body, and the child does not have a high temperature, then such drugs can be dispensed with. In addition, scientists have proven that older children are exposed to SARS much less frequently, precisely due to the fact that by this time they have developed immunity to these viruses.

What is an antiviral drug

It is known to be a medicine that helps in the fight against the virus. But what is the principle of its action? It turns out that there are various antiviral drugs for children from 2 years old. All of them are classified according to the active substance and the mechanism of fighting the virus. For example, adamantane and its derivatives are substances that block the penetration of viral RNA into the cells of the body. Interferons are able to enhance immunity, and aminocyclohexenecarboxylic acid inhibits the reproduction of viruses. There is another separate series of medicines called homeopathic. Such drugs have a small dose of the infection itself, which contributes to its suppression. Each of these groups of drugs is really capable of fighting viruses, but which one to choose? Let's consider them in more detail.

Interferons (IFN)

This group includes various antiviral drugs for children 2 years old. The list below is just a small part of those medicines that exist throughout the world. Antiviral drugs with interferon:

  • "Laferobion".
  • "Reaferon".
  • "Viferon".
  • "Grippferon".
  • "Genferon Light".

These preparations contain IFN. This is an analogue of the interferon that the human body produces. This substance prevents the reproduction of the virus, disrupting the synthesis of viral ribonucleic acid. This is a completely natural component that does not cause allergies. IFN has practically no contraindications for use and is excellent for both children and adults. On the package with a drug containing interferon, its method of preparation (recombinant or human leukocyte) and the molecular weight of IFN molecules (alpha, beta, gamma) must be indicated.

Leukocyte interferon is made from donated human blood and is extremely rare. The more common form is recombinant IFN. It is produced in biochemical laboratories by synthesizing an Escherichia coli clone and human genes. These for children 2 years old are inexpensive and quite effective. They are excellent immunomodulators that help protect the child's body from a viral infection. If SARS is already in an advanced stage, and the child has a high temperature (above 38 ° C), then in this case these medicines will be a good help in the fight against the virus.

homeopathic remedies

  • "Anaferon".
  • "Neotonzilar".
  • "Immunokind".
  • "Engistol".
  • "Aflubin".

They are widely used, especially for prevention. Unfortunately, not all parents know about the properties of homeopathic remedies and their methods of influencing the body. The most important principle of these drugs is that if large doses of a certain substance cause a certain symptom, then small doses of it produce the opposite effect (like is cured by like). Antiviral drugs for children from 2 years old based on homeopathic remedies contain very small doses of substances that are similar in their properties to viruses. Thus, getting inside the body, they make it turn on its protective functions faster.

Their high efficiency has not been scientifically proven, but the demand for these drugs in pharmacies speaks for itself. Almost every country produces certain antiviral drugs for children (2 years). Russia has also been very successful in this matter. Almost everyone heard about such a drug as "Anaferon". This homeopathic remedy is used to prevent influenza in many families.

Dr. Komarovsky and SARS

Many parents know such a wonderful doctor as Dr. Komarovsky. His tips and tricks are impressive at the same time simple and effective. Surely many are interested in what this expert says about SARS. Naturally, in order not to get sick, you need to try to reduce contact with infected people. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work out. Another way out is antiviral drugs for children 2 years old. Komarovsky advises the use of drugs such as Oseltamivir and Rimantadine. But this should be done only in the case when the child is forced to contact with patients with influenza (in kindergarten, school).

Substances that slow down the action of enzymes

It is this group that includes antiviral drugs for children (2 years). Good parents always try to choose for their baby not only an effective medicine, but also the most gentle one. Most likely, therefore, Dr. Komarovsky advises this group of drugs ("Oseltamivir" and "Rimantadine") for the prevention of SARS. Such drugs are called They slow down the process of virus reproduction by acting on a component of the virus envelope, which is called neuraminidase.

Oseltamivir is the active ingredient in Oseltamivir, which can be found in drugs such as Tamiflu and Flustop. Amantadine is the active ingredient in Rimantadine and has similar properties to oseltamivir. Amantadine derivatives are resistant to influenza A viruses. Oseltamivir, in turn, inhibits the action of influenza A and B enzymes.

Dosage forms of drugs

The best antiviral drugs for children come in a variety of forms. Let's try to figure out what the difference is and which of them are more effective. Small children are not always willing to take medicine. Most often, this event is accompanied by whims and tears. Manufacturers of medicines are trying in every possible way to please both the baby (so that it is not painful and tasty), and parents (so that the drug is effective). The most common forms include: tablets, drops, syrups and suppositories. Of course, there are also injections, however, as a rule, they are used not by parents, but by doctors. In each such remedy, regardless of its appearance, the required amount of active ingredient is present.

Antiviral drops and tablets for children

In order for the baby to take medicine with joy, it must be tasty. It is these tablets that modern manufacturers are trying to make. By adding various components (for example, lactose monohydrate), they get antiviral drugs for children - inexpensive and quite tasty. Lactose is used as a sweetener in various foods and medicines. Surely even the most will not refuse a pill with such a component.

For a form such as drops, a sweetener is not needed. Of course, kids do not quite like it when they bury their nose, but sometimes this is a necessary measure. When a child has a runny nose, resorption of the tablet may not be effective enough. In this case, nasal drops are used. First, the nasal cavity is washed with saline in order to get rid of excess mucus, and then a few drops of medicine are dripped into the baby's nose. Although young patients do not like this idea, many parents approve of such antiviral drugs for children 2 years old. Reviews on various forums testify to the effectiveness of nasal drops from the common cold and stuffy nose.

Antiviral suppositories

About this form of drugs became known relatively recently. Precisely because parents do not know why they produce antiviral suppositories, they often make a choice not in their favor. And very in vain. It turns out that such antiviral drugs for children 2 years old are inexpensive and fast-acting. Getting inside the body by the rectal method, the active substance of the drug (in this form, as a rule, interferon) is very quickly absorbed and enters the bloodstream. This allows IFN to quickly exert antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

We found out that there are a huge number of antiviral drugs for children. They are available in different pharmacological forms and differ in composition. In each individual case, some medicine may be less or more effective. The choice of antiviral drugs for children is best agreed with the attending physician, and then their use will only benefit the child.