How to recover after a flight. Advice from pilots, flight attendants and doctors. A detailed guide to Marmaris. Causes of severe dizziness

People who have to fly frequently by planes may not remember where they were yesterday. They do not have time to adapt and, as it were, "hangs" between heaven and earth. How to protect those whom numerous business trips turned into a reluctant flyer?

Why are flyers so forgetful

In 2010, American scientists identified new fact The brain also suffers from long flights. Due to the long flight, biorhythms are disturbed, which cause brain dysfunction.

Professor Lance Kriegsfeld of the University of California tested his theory on hamsters. For six hours, the scientist rearranged the daily routine of animals, forcing hamsters to experience what a person experiences regularly making air travel from New York to Paris. The experiment lasted four weeks. At the end of the experiment, the animals began to have difficulty completing tasks, some began to sleep a lot, while others fell into insomnia.

Despite the fact that the experiment was completed, the behavioral anomalies of the hamsters continued for more than 30 days. They found gross changes in neuronal activity in the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and concentration.

Based on his research, the scientist concluded that our brain suffers significantly during flights and it takes about a month to recover. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the disorder of biorhythms, which cause temporary changes in the brain. As a result, "flyers" may suffer from forgetfulness.

The body hung between heaven and earth

Exactly the same thing happens with people working the night shift, or on a floating schedule. They take about a month to recover. The body of those people who often have to fly does not have time to adapt and, as it were, "hangs" between heaven and earth.

Note that pilots and stewardesses do not have such violations. The fact is that they have a constant air schedule, for which special training prepares them, and therefore everything is in order with their biorhythms.

Is it motion sick?

After a long flight, despite the fact that we sit all the way, the feeling of fatigue usually does not leave us for a long time. Any person, even the healthiest, is affected by emotional overstrain, a loud hum with vibration, shaking in air pockets and long sitting in one position, as well as motion sickness.

Nausea usually starts during a change in flight altitude, when our ears are blocked. Most to these short-term overloads are pregnant women. But a stomach full of food can also provoke a feeling of nausea. An attack of nausea followed by vomiting is preceded by a feeling of lack of air and rapid breathing, pallor, cold sweat. To cope with discomfort, breathe through your mouth and take deep breaths.

Stock up on candy in advance

By the way, planes used to offer "take-off" lollipops, but now this practice is not on every flight. But nothing prevents you from stocking up on lollipops in advance - they save you from laying in your ears when you swallow saliva.

Remember that motion sickness is not well tolerated by people suffering from hypertension, headaches, and those who have had a traumatic brain injury in the past. If you already have painful symptoms- headache, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, flickering before the eyes, nausea, then a tablet of any diuretic drug will help.

Since many passengers drink alcohol "for courage" before takeoff, we remind you that medical preparations, from motion sickness or sedatives, are incompatible with alcohol. It is also not recommended to drink carbonated drinks during the flight.

During the flight, drink, but not in one gulp

Long flights can lead to vascular thrombosis. Blood clots form in the first two or three hours of a flight, but over time, on a long flight, they increase in size and pose a more serious danger.

An increased risk of vascular thrombosis is found in women taking hormonal birth control pills who have recently undergone surgery, and pregnant women. Alcohol also increases the risk.

To protect yourself from "blockage" of blood vessels, move as much as possible during the flight. If possible, take a walk along the aisle between the chairs, from time to time do special physical exercise- you can just wave your hands. It is important to drink water more often, but not in one gulp, but better - 2-3 sips, drinking at short intervals. Then the water is better absorbed and not very quickly out of the body.

Another danger that awaits you in the cabin is infection. It is easier to catch an infection on an airplane than on the ground, since you are in a confined space for several hours. If there is a sick person on board, then every hour the concentration of infection coming from him will only increase. True, in most modern aircraft it is treated with medical filters that allow you to remove most germs.

Driving is more dangerous than flying

According to statistics, air travel, despite all the emergencies, disasters and pernicious influence on our health - the most safe way movement. The chance of dying on a plane is 1 in 500,000. Compare this data with accidents that occurred on the roads: every year in Russia, 30-35 thousand people die in car accidents.

So before boarding the plane, take a deep breath and calm down. Let's hope that the number of landings will always be equal to the number of takeoffs.

Airline workers are often faced with sharp deterioration states physical health aircraft passengers. Many complain about, a feeling of tightness, panic attacks and many others unpleasant symptoms, significantly aggravating the flight process.

Why can you get sick on an airplane?

The root cause of many of the problems associated with deterioration physical condition passengers during the flight, is a significant overload of the vestibular system, compared with the usual daily state. The pilot's maneuvers during landing and takeoff, the duration of the journey, overcoming turbulence zones cause the nervous system to experience continuous stress, the result of which is reflected both in the work of the heart and blood vessels, and in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gradually, the body will get used to the increased stress and the symptoms will disappear, but not everyone wants to spend long time trying to fight the oncoming symptoms. In addition, a long and unexpected overload of such a plan can negatively affect a person and lead to extremely dangerous conditions for life and health. In order for the flight not to turn into an urgent visit to the hospital, you should carefully consider the preparation for air travel.

Who can get sick on an airplane

Those who are going to choose air travel as a way to get somewhere should remember that many chronic pathologies during the flight can be significantly aggravated due to a sharp change in the environment, which an unprepared, weakened body may consider critical. Passengers suffering from the following types diseases:

Those who have recently undergone various operations, are recovering from or, as well as pregnant women on later dates you should completely refrain from flying in airplanes and choose another way to travel.

How to help a person during a flight

There are several rules, following which you can minimize the chances of a deterioration in health on an airplane:


  • suffering from chronic pathologies kidney and cardiovascular system should not drink diuretics before the flight. You should not direct a stream of air from a fan directly into your face, so as not to provoke further loss of moisture from the body. A large number of fluids in the body will also help to avoid dizziness and pressure drops during the flight.
  • Clothing for the flight should be as comfortable as possible, not hindering movement and not making it difficult to breathe. It is worth giving preference to natural, absorbent fabrics so that the skin can breathe freely.
  • The passenger should avoid overeating before and during the flight. It is worth paying attention to light, balanced dishes that are easy to digest. On an airplane, white meat should be preferred to red, and foods that provoke increased gas formation should be completely abandoned.
  • Sitting upright for a long time impairs blood circulation and provokes a sharp contraction of blood vessels, which leads to exacerbations of cardiovascular conditions, headaches, tinnitus, and swelling of the extremities. For the flight, it is better to take warm socks with you and, if possible, take off your shoes in the cabin. To avoid muscle stiffness, you can do light, relaxing exercises, so as not to disturb other passengers. Sometimes it will be useful to get up and slowly walk around the cabin.
  • Sometimes passengers experience discomfort due to air pressure drops. In an airplane, this phenomenon can cause stuffy ears, as well as provoke an exacerbation respiratory diseases. To prevent this from happening, you should protect yourself:
    1. in order to “remove” congestion from the ears, you need to suck on candy or chew gum. Sometimes yawning helps to stabilize the pressure in the ear passages;
    2. some doctors recommend closing your mouth and nose with stuffy ears and trying to "exhale" with force;
    3. 30-40 minutes before boarding the plane, you can use a vasoconstrictor nasal spray. This prevents the air passages from being compressed in the future.
  • If the seated person feels dizzy or nauseous, shifting their attention can help. Sometimes looking out the window or focusing on any object in the cabin is enough to get rid of the discomfort. Pre-prepared medicines aimed at reducing the severity of travel - Dramina, Kokkulin - will help eliminate nausea. They remove the sensation of a lump in the throat and stabilize the vestibular apparatus under unusual flight conditions.
We recommend reading:
  • Before boarding if disturbed cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, you need to prepare a set of medicines in case you become ill in the cabin. Most often taken on board sedatives, as well as means to reduce pressure. They will also come in handy in cases where a panic attack or aerophobia occurred during the flight.
  • It is important to remember that in case of any ailments, you can contact the flight attendant, whose duties include ensuring a comfortable state of life and health of passengers during the flight. Aircraft workers are instructed in case of any pathology in passengers and are obliged to provide all possible assistance.

Dizziness - what is it like?

Meniere's disease

Sailors sickness

Acute labyrinthitis

Nerve inflammation


Viral meningitis


vestibular migraine

The fight against dizziness

Dizziness after diving and flying

Please help - I want to understand what is happening. In parallel, I am undergoing examinations with doctors, but I want more information.
For several days I went diving - I dived into the sea, a maximum of 18 meters, with an instructor, according to all the rules, I finished the training course. After that (29 hours after the last dive) she flew by plane. After arrival, for the 4th day now, I feel constant dizziness - a feeling of pitching, as if I was constantly on the ship. Even when I'm sitting. Slightly drifts when I walk, and sometimes nauseous. There were no such sensations either on the boat or immediately after diving, that is, dizziness arose precisely after diving and flying.
I was at the neuropathologist - they prescribed Vertigoheel and Vasobral (I drink the second day, the dizziness is still the same).
By female line in the family there are problems with the vessels of the brain. My own aunt died at the age of 38 from a cerebral hemorrhage, my mother has periodic severe migraines. Mom underwent an MRI - no problems were identified.
For many years I myself cannot live without a cup of coffee and a shower in the morning. If I don't drink coffee in the morning, my head seems to burst by the afternoon. This is not a headache, but it is very, very discomfort from which the face involuntarily twists.
I am 26, weight 58 kg (for last six months I dropped 12 kg balanced diet under the supervision of a doctor), I didn’t get sick with anything serious, I rarely catch a cold.
I want to understand what is happening. I would be grateful for any information!

The ophthalmologist looked into the fundus of the eye, saw narrowed vessels. His conclusion is background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes.
According to the blood test, the indicator of segmented neutrophils is exceeded. Blood pressure in different days 100/80, 100/60.
The dizziness continues. I don't understand, is there any danger now or not? One doctor says - complete rest, head on the pillow, the other does not understand why I need a sick leave at all.
Help advice.

Dizziness after flying

Probably, many of those who had a chance to fly on an airplane experienced various uncomfortable phenomena after the flight or directly during it. And if the noise and stuffy ears will confuse few people, as well as mild nausea, then dizziness can often cause more concern. I myself recently took an airplane flight, after which I felt dizzy. This is what prompted me to write a short article on this topic. I hope that I could help someone with advice.

So, why do you feel dizzy after a plane flight and what to do about it?


I believe that the main reason for the development of dizziness after a flight is the presence of overstimulation of the receptors of the vestibular system. Maneuvering during takeoff and landing, long flights, especially in the presence of turbulence zones in flight, all this leads to the fact that for receptors vestibular apparatus becomes "habitual" angular acceleration. The vestibular apparatus in the first minutes "gives out" a feeling of dizziness, and also very clearly conveys all turns and maneuvers, indicating to the brain how the body moves in space. Gradually (due to the high degree of irritation of the vestibular structures), these sensations decrease and the body "gets used" to their presence, reducing the activity of the vestibular structures. After landing, all ultra-high accelerations end and a person cannot quickly adapt to their absence.

An important reason may be aerophobia, which can lead to the development of psychogenic dizziness, which is described in more detail in a separate article.

It is impossible, of course, to exclude other traditional causes that could lead to the development of dizziness. That is why I want to tell a few words about the features of dizziness after flying on an airplane.

Features of dizziness

Dizziness associated directly with flying on an airplane rarely reaches a significant intensity, most often it is of a non-systemic nature, the so-called “feeling of falling through”. It is also rarely accompanied by acoustic phenomena after a flight, although it may be accompanied during one. Of course, such "functional" dizziness will not be accompanied by neurological focal symptoms, it should not lead to the development of spontaneous nystagmus, etc. And, most importantly, such dizziness passes quickly enough and does not require additional help.

What to do?

If you develop dizziness after a flight, you should not panic, because panic, in any case, will not be able to help you in any way. It is worth listening to your feelings, they should not progress rapidly and should not lead to impaired coordination of movements and other gross violations. In this case, you can wait one or two days, after which (or even better - after a normal long sleep) all discomfort should go away. If dizziness persists, as well as in the presence of other symptoms (weakness in the hands, sudden hearing loss, visual impairment, etc.), it is better to seek medical help.

What to do if you feel very dizzy

Any loss of orientation in space, the feeling of objects moving around you, or the feeling that the ground is moving out from under your feet, cannot but frighten. Sometimes this feeling is fleeting and passes very quickly. But if severe dizziness recurs again, you need to contact the doctors to find out what causes the disturbing sensation. After all, it can be a symptom of many diseases.

Why is my head spinning

There are many reasons for vertigo - as doctors call a symptom that patients describe as dizziness. Often, we all experience it as a child, when we ride a carousel or circle hand in hand, and then stop abruptly. The world around seems to continue to move, dragging along. This was true vertigo, the head can spin so much that you could even fall off balance, and this is the safest and most predictable dizziness.

But if a person feels like this, getting out of bed in the morning, or in the middle of the street, or sitting on a bus, it is worth considering a visit at least to a therapist. After all, severe dizziness can be a symptom of life-threatening diseases.

Dizzy or not?

Normally, the cerebral cortex perceives a lot of signals from the vestibular system, organs of hearing and vision, in order to transmit impulses to the muscles - this ensures the balance of the body, the possibility of its normal movement. The system is extremely complex, any failure in it can lead to trouble, and then instead of reality, a person sees the illusion of the movement of objects, the world around him.

Physicians divide true dizziness with the illusion of movement of objects or the person himself into peripheral and central.

Peripheral dizziness can be caused by:

  • disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus - an organ that is part of the inner ear and is responsible for balance, analyzing changes in the position of the head, reacting to them very accurately and clearly, which allows a person not to fall even with his eyes closed;
  • inflammation of the inner ear, otitis;
  • benign tumors of the middle ear;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation, in which not only the vestibular apparatus suffers, but also hearing;
  • Meniere's disease is a chronic disease accompanied by a general loss of hearing, vision, nystagmus - involuntary movement of the eyeballs.

Central true dizziness is caused by:

  • traumatic brain injury, spinal injury in the neck: along with other consequences hard hit a person feels as if moving in space or sees how objects move (float) around;
  • stroke - a hemorrhage that causes multiple disturbances in the brain, greatly affects the ability to navigate in space, keep balance, and move normally;
  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Doctors often talk about false dizziness, that is, symptoms that patients mistakenly think of as vertigo. In these cases, patients complain of strange sensations inside the head, heaviness or weightlessness, while there is also sharp rise sweating, short-term loss of vision, balance, weakness, palpitations. The main thing is that the symptom occurs regardless of whether the person is moving or not. Any true dizziness is manifested only when moving, changing the position of the head, body.

The causes of false vertigo can be:

  • diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemia);
  • hypertension (sometimes - hypotension);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • anemia, starvation;
  • depression;
  • nervous disorders, stress, and overwork;
  • myopia (severe nearsightedness).

There can be many reasons for severe dizziness, most often elderly people or teenagers suffer from them, so it is imperative to diagnose the disease and treat it, and not a symptom that causes inconvenience.

First aid

It is imperative to know what to do with severe dizziness, so as not to get into dangerous situation Do not endanger your life and the lives of those around you.

  • do not panic - in itself it does not pose a danger;
  • sit down, or better, lie down, if possible, in extreme cases, lean on the wall;
  • focus on any motionless object (ballerinas are accustomed to look at one point, this is what tightrope walkers do);
  • do not close your eyes, this will worsen the condition;
  • When you wake up, you should check your blood pressure, do everything necessary to normalize it.

If severe dizziness has literally knocked the ground out from under your feet, there is noise or ringing in your ears, there are vision problems, your arms or legs begin to go numb, do everything to attract attention to yourself, this condition requires immediate medical attention.

Not always a person can feel the approach strong attack dizziness and take a safe position. In this case right action around can save his life.

  • in case of sudden loss of consciousness give a sniff ammonia, suitable for any essential oil with a strong pungent odor;
  • provide access to fresh air, open windows, unfasten clothes;
  • give medicine if the patient is constantly taking drugs to reduce pressure or normalize cardiovascular activity;
  • two or three sips of strong sweet tea, chocolate will help with dizziness due to anemia;
  • call an ambulance.

A dangerous symptom is severe dizziness, the causes of which are injuries or injuries. Here you can not hesitate to call an ambulance, as dizziness speaks of dangerous blood loss, serious damage internal organs.

For chronic diseases

With dizziness caused by the approach of an epileptic attack, if the patient has not been able to stop it, it is necessary to ensure a safe body position so that he does not injure himself. You can put a roller of clothes under your head, make sure that your tongue does not burn, which can cause suffocation.

Dizziness with a sharp rise is not a very dangerous symptom. If this happens often, you need to train yourself not to get out of bed as soon as you open your eyes.

It is necessary to give time to wake up all the muscles, squeeze and unclench the fingers several times, stretch, tighten and relax the muscles, take a few breaths, and only then take a vertical position. With age, our organs become more and more difficult to adapt to the changed rhythm of life, the vessels lose their elasticity, it is more and more difficult for the heart to work, so they do not need extra loads at all.

Toxicosis, alcohol and other poisoning, overdose of certain medicines can also cause dizziness, and often this condition is fraught with serious complications, even death.

Severe dizziness is often experienced with plummet pressure, bouts of osteochondrosis, vascular pathologies. To help normalize the situation and avoid the recurrence of seizures, the procedures prescribed by the doctor, medications will be able to.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Since severe dizziness is caused by many reasons, you first need to determine their cause. With serious chronic diseases it is really necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Even a slight runny nose can cause problems with the vestibular apparatus, lead to irreversible disorders that will greatly complicate life.

In no case should you self-medicate, only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment. The main thing for the patient is not to start the disease, to start treatment immediately.

Perfectly helps to cope with severe dizziness and nausea during motion sickness training of the vestibular apparatus, daily walks in the fresh air, physical exercise. Biking, skiing, skating, morning exercises, including tilts and rotation of the head, torso, somersaults and rolls should become permanent.

Diseases that accompany true central vertigo should be treated only under the supervision of a physician, and are often life-threatening conditions. False dizziness requires no less serious attitude, especially if they are accompanied by:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pallor of the skin,
  • cold sweat,
  • weakness,
  • fainting.

These signs may indicate a heart attack or stroke, acute cardiovascular failure.

Pregnant women are very dizzy, such is the reaction of the body to a changing state, there is no need to be afraid. Such dizziness is typical for teenagers who are forced to spend time in stuffy classrooms and auditoriums. Airing offices, walking and playing in the fresh air can help eliminate the problem.

You should not wear tight clothes, tie a tie or belt tightly, this also provokes dizziness due to lack of oxygen, blood supply to the brain. With anemia, asthenia, one should not forget about the means that will help you quickly recover: chocolate, strong sweet tea in a thermos, a bottle of ammonia in your pocket so that you can smell it at any time.

Remember the algorithm

The most dangerous thing for dizziness is to drive a car. A person can be a danger to himself and to others, so at the slightest sign of an approaching attack, you must turn to the side of the road, stop, turn on the alarm and ask for help.

  • find support: sit down, lie down or just lean on something;
  • focus on an immovable object;
  • normalize breathing, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • unfasten the top buttons on the clothes, loosen the belt;
  • if the condition has not returned to normal after 10-20 minutes, call for help or call an ambulance.

Everyone gets dizzy a few times in their lives. But repeating with enviable constancy, they should be the reason to go to the hospital for examination and treatment. The doctor will tell you how to keep muscles and blood vessels in good shape, how much to be in the fresh air, what to eat so as not to harm yourself.

15 Possible Causes of Dizziness

The unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, which is characteristic of dizziness, sometimes occurs without visible reasons. Here is the information that doctors consider important for everyone.

Dizziness - what is it like?

It's called dizziness physical sensation, in which everything seems to revolve around you, or you revolve while everything around is frozen. This sensation causes a feeling of nausea, the eyes may begin to double. Some people who feel dizzy have hearing problems or ringing in their ears. It should be understood that such a condition may be due to various reasons.

How long does the feeling of dizziness last?

If you don't consider yourself an amusement ride fanatic, feeling dizzy for more than a few seconds can be frightening. Unfortunately, this symptom often lasts much longer than the average rollercoaster ride. The duration of the symptom depends on what factor caused it. In some cases, discomfort appears for a few minutes, while in others it can last for hours, days or even weeks. It is important to be clear about how long your feeling of dizziness lasts. This information will help your doctor more accurately determine what is causing the condition.

Dizziness is a symptom, not a disease

Dizziness can be a symptom of various diseases, some more serious and others harmless, one way or another, this discomfort often goes away on its own, but can also disappear as a result of treatment. Many diseases that cause dizziness are associated with the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus is connected to the inner ear, which reacts to movements and determines the position of the body relative to objects around. In certain cases, the nerves receive false signals, the brain recognizes them as movement, which causes dizziness. It is important to understand what is the reason for this state of yours. There is no point in treating only the symptom.

What are the types of dizziness?

In most cases, vertigo is of two types, peripheral or central. This means that the source of the problem could be inner ear, and nervous system. In addition, each variety is divided into subcategories. The peripheral type is more common than the central one.

What causes dizziness when lying down?

This type of peripheral vertigo is quite common. Its main cause is calcium deposits in inner ear but often the source of the problem remains unknown. This state can last for several seconds or minutes, sometimes it repeats for long months. The intensity can range from mild to extreme, and it is not uncommon for the symptom to be triggered by head movements, such as turning over in bed. The symptom may also be accompanied by involuntary eye movements. In addition, dizziness may appear when assuming a sitting or standing position after you have been lying down. In women, this symptom appears more often, as a rule, the problem concerns the elderly.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is an inner ear disorder that causes dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing problems. This is a chronic condition that has no cure, however, it is possible to reduce the severity of symptoms. Dizziness most often occurs due to dysfunction of the inner ear. The cause of Ménière's disease has not yet been studied, it is assumed that this is an ear disorder due to which the body cannot correctly recognize movements. Vertigo attacks torment people with this disease because the tissues of the inner ear are under a powerful pressure of fluids, which causes an abnormal condition.

Sailors sickness

There is dizziness that is characteristic of people who spend for a long time on board the ship. Some scientists believe that the same phenomenon can also occur after a long car ride or plane flight, but it is sea travel that remains the main cause. When a person descends from a ship onto land, they may notice balance problems. A similar condition can occur even in those who sleep on a water mattress. This dizziness is short-lived, but can still be frightening.

Acute labyrinthitis

Since peripheral vertigo is caused by the abnormal functioning of the inner ear, it should come as no surprise that ear infections can cause this symptom. Otitis media can cause very severe dizziness. A variety of viral infections can lead to this condition.

Nerve inflammation

When inflammatory process affects the nerves in the inner ear, the brain is not able to properly recognize information about head position and balance. This causes a severe degree of peripheral vertigo as well as other symptoms such as trouble concentrating. The cause of this condition can be a variety of infections, from measles to hepatitis.


Stress exacerbates any problem, including dizziness. Actually it's quite complex issue, scientists have been studying it for a long time and have not yet come to final conclusions. On the this moment it is clear that certain varieties of the problem are definitely exacerbated by stress. In addition, stress can be the result of Meniere's disease. In a word, there is definitely a connection between dizziness and stress, but sometimes it is very difficult to understand what is the cause and what is the consequence.

Viral meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the spinal canal and the brain. Symptoms of the disease resemble those of the flu, but also include neck stiffness and severe headache. Sometimes meningitis also causes dizziness. In such cases, it is the central variety, since the disease affects the state of the central nervous system.


Another cause of central vertigo can be a stroke. Fortunately, this situation is quite rare and usually occurs in older people. In this case, the discomfort is associated with damage to the back of the brain, causing violation circulation. You can reduce the risk of stroke by avoiding cigarettes, controlling body weight, active image life and reduce alcohol consumption.

vestibular migraine

In some people suffering from migraine, the condition also manifests itself through dizziness. According to statistics, about forty percent of patients with migraine face such discomfort. In addition to a severe headache, the disease causes dizziness, nausea, loss of balance.

Habits that may make dizziness worse

Unfortunately, in most cases, it is impossible to influence the cause of dizziness. However, symptoms may worsen due to nervous tension, pressure drops, dehydration or lack of sleep. Sometimes meditation or yoga helps to cope with the symptom.

The fight against dizziness

When a symptom occurs, try to take the most comfortable position and rest. If the dizziness is very severe, your best bet is to go to bed. Try not to walk while dizzy, as this can cause serious injury. Change your body position less to reduce discomfort.

The question of how to fly an airplane with vegetovascular dystonia worries all people who know firsthand about this disease. Nausea, jumps blood pressure, panic attacks- all these symptoms, manifested in VVD, complicate the flight. In order to avoid doubts whether it is possible for neurotics to fly, before the flight it is necessary to conduct a moral and physical training organism.

Preparation measures 2-3 weeks before the flight

People with VSD are extremely susceptible. Information about another plane crash terrifies them. So that the plane does not cause feelings of fear, panic, it is necessary to prepare for the flight in advance:

Most characteristic symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia are as follows: - fluctuations in blood pressure, increased heart rate (tachycardia), pain in the region of the heart

  • 1-2 weeks before the flight, start taking light sedatives(tincture of valerian, motherwort, "");
  • try not to think about the upcoming trip, free your thoughts from negative emotions. Constant depression exacerbates the VVD and enhances panic attacks.

People who are especially emotionally perceiving flights are recommended:

  • take tranquilizers (Gidazepem, Diazepam) in 1-2 hours. These drugs remove panic attacks, cause a slight clouding of consciousness, which makes it easier to endure air travel;
  • before leaving for the airport, you should have a snack - the stomach should not be either empty or full, so that there are no discomfort in the abdomen;
  • before takeoff, all passengers are given special lollipops that reduce the feeling of nausea and motion sickness. People with VVD and disruption of the vestibular apparatus should not refuse them;

Try to breathe deeply, measuredly during the takeoff and takeoff of the aircraft.

  • during the acceleration and takeoff of the aircraft, it is recommended to monitor breathing;
  • v stressful situation The body releases the hormone adrenaline. An excess of this substance in the blood tones the muscles, provokes the appearance (intensification) of nausea. Physical activity helps to reduce the amount of the hormone. During the flight, traditional exercises are difficult to perform, it is necessary to strain and relax the muscles of the body. Such a passive load will lower the level of adrenaline, help to calm down, cope with nausea;
  • patients with vegetovascular dystonia hypertonic type it is useful to drink a glass of cognac before departure. Alcohol will relax the muscles, reduce fear. Instead of cognac, you can drink a glass of wine.

Psychologists recommend that people with VSD and a fear of heights distract their brain from the state of flight. For this you can use different ways- reading, watching movies, talking with a neighbor. If all these methods have been unsuccessful, and panic attacks and anxiety are aggravated, you should try to fall asleep.

What Not to Do

So that the flight does not turn into continuous stress, it is impossible before boarding the plane:

  • drink caffeine-based tonic drinks. They stimulate the body, as a result of which anxiety only intensifies;
  • drunk landing is not permitted. Neurologists recommend people with healthy heart vascular system instead of tranquilizers, drink 50 g of cognac or a glass of wine. Alcohol relaxes the body, dulls the emotions. An excess of alcohol will help get rid of fear, but will add other problems (vomiting due to intoxication, misbehavior).

Vegetovascular dystonia is not a contraindication for traveling by plane. The exception is people who suffer bronchial asthma, mental disorders, dysfunction endocrine system. After all, stress and panic attacks exacerbate the symptoms of diseases.

Life tells what jetlag is and why even pilots and flight attendants are not immune to jet lag.

If after flying on an airplane you feel tired, lethargic, drowsy (or vice versa, suffer from insomnia), then you have jet lag. In just a couple of hours, you arrived in a different time zone, and your body has not yet had time to readjust.

Flight attendant and pilot tips: don't sit in one place during the flight

What happens to flight attendants and pilots who constantly change time zones?

We weren't taught any tricks to deal with jet lag. The only one possible reception- Be sure to get a good night's sleep after the flight, - says a flight attendant with five years of experience. - Unfortunately, 90% of flight attendants, including me, are forced to "boast" total absence normal mode. In our profession, frequency nervous breakdowns due to lack of sleep.

After a flight, many people stay at home until late in the evening and only then go to bed. But this is only good if there is enough time before the next flight to get enough sleep without disturbing the day and night regimen.

In no case should you sit in one place for the entire flight, you need to walk from time to time, warm up a little. It is advisable to follow the food before such a flight for a day. Do not overeat and do not eat foods that "something" can cause. Preferably no alcohol. And for the elderly and people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a consultation with a doctor is required. It's scary to count how many "heart" cases I had in my practice with passengers!

In fact, many pilots prefer to stay in their own time and do not even move the clock. This means that you will sleep during the day and literally have lunch during breakfast, says the pilot. - Although it is hardly suitable for tourists. If you need to adapt to the local time, then after the flight, go for a walk on Fresh air and the sun, just tell yourself what time it is, tune your body and cheer up. It seems to me that the most difficult thing is to force yourself to sleep if the body is not tired. I know that many people use sleeping pills but I still try to manage on my own.

For better adaptation to changing time zones, I support the body with melatonin - this is the main hormone of the pineal gland, the regulator of circadian rhythms, - says Semyon Savchenko, general manager networks medical centers Ramsey Diagnostics, who practically lived on an airplane from 2006 to 2014. - Melatonin has a pronounced anti-stress and immunostimulating effect, helps to adapt to changing time zones. As a natural antioxidant, it is found in bananas, pineapples, corn, and rice.

If you are flying east (Thailand, Vietnam, Australia), then it is important to endure until late in the evening and only then go to bed. Otherwise, if you go to bed at 8 pm local time, you can wake up at midnight and not fall asleep.

By the way, American scientists at the University of Maryland conducted a study and found that jet lag is more pronounced when moving east, since it is easier for a person to "stretch" the day when flying west than to "shorten" it when flying in the opposite direction. However, the duration of adaptation is individual.

Scientists advise before flying east to rearrange the clock ahead an hour or two and get used to this rhythm in a few days. Upon arrival during the day, you should try to be more in the sun, and at night - avoid artificial lighting, including from smartphone and computer screens.

I have experienced jet lag more than a dozen times. And I can say that if you follow a few simple rules, then the unpleasant manifestations of jet lag can be minimized, - says Evgenia Satova, author of the blog.

A few days before your flight, start going to bed and waking up earlier if you're flying east, or later if you're flying west.

During the flight, set the clock to the time of the city where you arrive, this helps to psychologically adjust to the desired time zone.

Try to still get some sleep during the flight (although I rarely succeed). Drink more pure water And don't drink coffee. Take a blanket on the plane, take a comfortable headrest pillow, an eye mask and warm socks to take off your shoes. If the flight lasts more than 6 hours, I advise you to wear comfortable lounge-style clothes during the journey: a soft hoodie and soft sweatpants are what you need to comfortably spend a long flight and relax. Avoid tight leggings, jeans, etc. - you should be as comfortable as possible.

The best thing is to arrive in the evening so that you can immediately go to bed. But the flight schedule does not always allow this. If you arrive in the afternoon or in the morning, the most important (and most difficult) thing is to stay up until it's light. Yes, for sure you will be deadly tired after long flights with connections. But it’s best to pull yourself together upon arrival, freshen up in your soul, have a little snack and go outside - new town waiting! And in the evening go to bed at your usual time. Then in the morning you wake up refreshed and full of strength. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time throughout your trip.