Headache? Don't tense up. Nervous headaches - myth or reality

Headache- This is a symptom that every person encounters in their life. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of a symptom. Patients often have headaches after stress. This is due to overstrain of the body. Thanks to the presence of additional symptoms, it is possible to determine the cause of the pathology.

Stressful situations are triggers for headaches. When a person begins to get nervous due to various troubles, this becomes the cause of the development of migraines.

Nerve cells include long processes - axon and dendrite. With the help of the first of them, a signal is transmitted to the brain through fibers. The second generates pain impulses when disturbances occur.

Nerves can cause headaches in people who suffer from heart failure. The onset of the disease develops against the background of injuries or infectious processes that affect brain tissue. With emotional overstrain, the development of a symptom is diagnosed. If a person is overly nervous, then he is at risk of developing pathology.

Stress headaches have a special development mechanism, which is influenced by the individual characteristics of the body and the stage of the disease. Patients complain of headaches occurring at the most inopportune moments. With migraine, the patient cannot concentrate, which negatively affects the quality of work.

During a nervous breakdown, performance is impaired various organs and systems. Patients complain of throbbing, bursting and squeezing pain. Damage to the nervous system is diagnosed during injuries, which requires a long recovery period.

Diagnostic measures

If you experience a headache from nerves, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis. The doctor will examine the patient and take anamnesis. In order to confirm the diagnosis previously made by the doctor, the use of laboratory and instrumental methods is recommended.

The patient must undergo a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will examine the fundus using special equipment. Thanks to this manipulation, stagnant processes are determined that affect the nerve endings, which leads to headaches.

To determine the functioning of the brain, echoencephalography is recommended. Patients may experience headaches due to damage to the nervous system. To confirm them, it is recommended to use electroencephalography. Highly informative diagnostic techniques is computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. During the diagnosis of headache, it is recommended to examine the cerebrospinal fluid, therefore a puncture is recommended.

Diagnosis of the disease must be comprehensive, which will allow us to determine the causes of the disease and prescribe its effective treatment.

First aid and therapy

If the headache develops with mechanical damage nervous system, the patient is advised to contact medical center. It is recommended to seek help from specialists for patients who suddenly develop a headache and an increase in body temperature. This indicates the impact on nerve tissue infectious process. Migraine develops against the background of cephalgia, in which the patient loses consciousness. With disorientation in space, headache, nausea and vomiting, the development of pathology is diagnosed.

In most cases, patients after nervous breakdown the appearance of a headache is noted. In order to eliminate the symptom, it is recommended to take drugs that stabilize the functioning of nerve receptors - Pentalgin or Finlepsin. To normalize the emotional background and eliminate anxiety in a person, the use of antidepressants is recommended. Patients are advised to take Amitriptin.

Migraine in patients often develops during spasm blood vessels. Therefore, patients are recommended to take antispasmodics, which are prescribed by the doctor, which is explained by the presence unwanted effects. With heart defects, which negatively affect the functioning of blood vessels, headaches are observed. Patients are recommended to be constantly monitored by a cardiologist. If the symptom occurs due to hypertension, then it is recommended to take medications whose action is aimed at lowering blood pressure.

To restore blood flow in brain tissue, it is recommended to use medications that have an antispasmodic effect. Experts advise treatment with Papaverine or No-shpa. With the help of medications, muscles that become tense due to stressful situations are relaxed. After taking the medications, vasodilation and normalization of the blood circulation process are observed. If a person experiences frequent nervous overstrain, it is recommended to use medications that help slow down the process.

Treatment for headaches should be comprehensive. The specialist is recommended to develop a treatment regimen that is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. During the treatment period, a person needs to eliminate nervous tension and stressful situations from his life.

Preventive measures

To avoid headaches after stressful situations, the patient is recommended to carry out timely prevention, which consists of performing certain rules. People should be highly physically active. A person is recommended to constantly maintain physical fitness, which will ensure the preservation of the tone of blood vessels that nourish brain tissue.

The occurrence of unpleasant sensations is diagnosed by nervous soil. Therefore, the patient is advised to avoid stress. He must find a compromise with colleagues at work and with family at home. A person should have a hobby, thanks to which he will be distracted from problems and unpleasant situations.

Headaches can appear after stress and nervous tension. If pathology occurs, it is recommended to exclude unpleasant situations from your life. If you experience a headache, you should consult a doctor. Thanks to the diagnostic measures the cause of the pathology will be determined. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating it. Combating headaches requires normalizing your lifestyle and taking medications prescribed by your doctor.


A wide variety of disruptions can occur in the human body due to nervousness. With long-term influence negative factor they can even lead to persistent systemic violations. The most sensitive organ, the brain, reacts to stress first. According to statistics, in different countries the prevalence ranges from 25 to 85%, depending on the characteristics of living conditions and mentality. Studies have shown that every person, without exception, has a headache at least once in their life from nerves. Help for this condition must be timely and correct. Simple prevention will allow you not to encounter unpleasant manifestations or forget about them forever.

Can nerves cause headaches?


Against the background of stress, it must be comprehensive. The list of medications and other measures is selected by the doctor based on the characteristics of the case, the general condition of the patient, and the causes of the problem. It is strictly forbidden to attempt to dock discomfort by taking painkillers in response to discomfort. This can provoke the development of abuse syndrome, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Appearing from stress:

  • analgesics - “Pentalgin”, “Analgin” - act directly on nerve endings, relieving pain;
  • antispasmodics – “No-Shpa”, “Spazmalgon” – eliminate vascular spasm, expand their lumen, normalize blood flow and eliminate manifestations of hypoxia;
  • antidepressants - Finlepsin, Amitriptin - fight depression and other manifestations of stress;
  • sedatives – natural and chemical origin which relax the nervous system.

The duration of drug therapy is determined by the doctor and can range from 2 weeks to 2-3 months. You should not stop taking prescribed medications when the first signs of improvement appear. If treatment is not completed, the problem will soon return. To enhance the effect of the activities, changes should be made to the usual rhythm of life.

Avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, good rest and moderate sports loads will speed up recovery. Additionally, it is worth considering alternative therapy options.


  • pine relaxation – in the bath with warm water add 2 tablespoons of pine extract and half a glass sea ​​salt. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation daily for a week before bedtime;
  • lemon balm tincture - steam a teaspoon of the herb collection with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos or covered for an hour. Strain the mixture and take 2 tablespoons up to 6 times a day until the liquid runs out.

All steps taken should be previously agreed with your doctor. The listed approaches combine well with each other, but if treatment is abused, there is a risk of creating excessive load on the body.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent headaches due to stress than to get rid of them later. To do this, it is enough to create correct schedule work and rest, reduce the load on the brain and eyes, and strengthen the immune system. Continuous Compliance simple rules will not only reduce the risk of cephalalgia, but will also have a general beneficial effect on the body.

Preventing headaches from tension and stress:

  • full-fledged night sleep at least 8 hours, refusal of daytime sleep;
  • exclusion from the diet of caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, and foods with chemical additives;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • systematic sports;
  • introducing regular breaks into the work schedule, during which it is recommended to lightly stretch the limbs and cervical region spine;
  • establishing relationships in the family and environment, preventing the occurrence of stressful situations and emergency situations.

People who are employed in responsible positions, or who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to carry out intense work mental activity, must choose relaxation options for themselves. Favorite hobbies, yoga, meditation, reflexology, visiting a spa - approaches that will quickly relieve accumulated stress without negative consequences.

For headaches that arise from nerves, the human body does not experience organic disorders. Despite this, the condition is accompanied by the launch of pathological processes that can have a serious negative impact on human health. If you ignore the condition, there is a risk of developing depression or decreased brain functionality due to the formation of ischemic areas in the tissues of the organ.

It often happens that a person experiences a headache without a specific localization. It is better to go to the doctor when you can complain about a specific source of the unpleasant feeling. For example, with a migraine, there are classic symptoms: throbbing pain on one side, radiating to the eye or temple, accompanied by nausea. At the height of the headache, vomiting usually occurs, after which the patient's condition improves.

Headache classification

With meningitis, a very severe, diffuse headache occurs, caused by inflammation on the membranes of the brain, which intensifies due to the overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid. In this case only lumbar puncture may alleviate the condition.

Headaches - localization and causes

Sometimes headaches associated with neuralgia of the cranial nerves occur. The most common concern is that it radiates to various parts of the face. These pains are similar to electric shocks.

In each of the above cases, the source of the headache is clear: in the case of migraine it is vascular spasm, in the case of meningitis it is inflammation of the membranes of the brain. With neuralgia, headache is associated with processes that occur in the nerve itself and give rise to an altered feeling of pain.

But there are headaches that do not have such a clearly defined nature of occurrence. These are tension headaches, or simply tension headaches.

It is very difficult to determine this type of pain: these are non-localized attacks of low intensity, in which the pain is diffuse, often symmetrical. Sometimes this pain is called “usual”, “as always”, or “like everyone else”. It covers the head like a helmet, covering it from all sides.

Such nerve pain in the head appear in separate episodes that can last from 30 minutes to several days. Sometimes it happens that such pain occurs more often than pain-free intervals - for example, more often than 2 weeks a month in a row.

The above imposes significant restrictions on these “headaches from nerves”: although they interfere with a person’s life and work, they become habitual, and the person continues to carry out his work. professional activity, and almost never goes on sick leave. After all, taught by the bitter experience of domestic healthcare, he believes that this requires at least a “fever” or a cough.

Symptoms of Nervous Headache

Tension headaches (TTH) fully justify their name, and almost always appear when mental stress is combined with slight physical activity (sedentary work). If other provoking factors are added to this (stuffiness in the room, lack of breaks, visual stress and work at the computer), then the risk increases. Abuse of stimulants: coffee and cigarettes further increases this risk of developing TTH. If all this is present, then the characteristic clinical picture HDN is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the pain never pulsates, but infuriates you with its constancy;
  • the headache is “dull” and always mild;
  • the pain is always bilateral, but most often it hurts more on one side;
  • the localization of pain resembles a head “clamped in a vice,” or a mention of a helmet being worn on the head, since the nature of the pain is constricting or squeezing;
  • physical activity can lead to pain, but, having reached a certain low limit, it does not progress further.

Of course, as tension pain intensifies, the vascular component may be activated, as a result of which mildly expressed photophobia, intolerance to loud sounds, and nausea may appear, but this is rare.

Nervous headaches, the symptoms of which we have described, are familiar to everyone. But if it occurs frequently, lasts a long time, interferes with work, concentration, and “everything falls out of hand” - this is a sign of progressive disorders.

It is known that in the development of this pain the interaction of chronic cerebral hypoxia, muscle spasm deep cervical and suboccipital muscles and intense mental stress. Therefore, to avoid the development of tension headaches, you need to combine moderate physical activity with fresh air with voltage dosing. Also important factor Prevention of tension headaches is to avoid frequent and unjustified use of headache pills, which themselves can cause this pain. This pain is called overuse pain, and often accompanies tension headaches.

Sometimes they are so strong that the person is unable to carry out daily activities and needs to receive sick leave. Some types of cephalgia are easily relieved with medications, others are difficult to treat drug treatment. In any case, the quality of life of such patients is significantly reduced.

According to WHO, 47% of the population regularly experiences headaches, about 90% of adults at least once every last year. The prevalence of this disease varies from country to country. Thus, Europeans suffer more from primary headaches associated mainly with stress than residents of developing African countries. Migraine is significantly more common in women, and cluster headaches, rare (about 0.5%) in general, more often affect men.

Types of headaches: classification

According to the international classification, there are 14 main types of headaches (see table). The first four are considered primary. This independent diseases, which are based on dysfunction of muscles, nerve trunks or vascular system. The remaining cephalgia are secondary, that is, they are a symptom or complication of another disease, be it organic damage brain or disorders in any other body system.

Table 1. International classification of headaches (2nd edition, 2004) and frequency of occurrence in the population, according to various sources.

Ankylosing spondylitis and other autoimmune diseases

Back pain (dorsalgia)

Other pathologies of the spinal cord and brain

Other musculoskeletal injuries

Muscle and ligament diseases

Diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues

Curvatures (deformations) of the spine

Treatment in Israel

Neurological symptoms and syndromes

Tumors of the spine, brain and spinal cord

Answers to visitors' questions

Soft tissue pathologies

Radiography and others instrumental methods diagnostics

Symptoms and syndromes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Vascular diseases of the central nervous system

Spinal and central nervous system injuries

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Headache after stress

A person often experiences headaches, the causes of which are unknown.

Almost all people try to take medicine to relieve discomfort.

It seems that I took a pill and that’s it – the pain subsided. But she suddenly returns after some time.

What to do if you have a headache after stress? Experts do not recommend taking pills indiscriminately, as they can only aggravate the situation and provoke dangerous complications.

Due to the fact that factors causing pain there is a lot in the head, a person needs a thorough diagnosis.

The problem may be simple stress or a serious illness that cannot be ignored.

This suggests that it is better not to self-medicate, but to contact specialists in a timely manner to make a final diagnosis.

Why do you get headaches when you're stressed?

Even if a headache occurs after severe stress, this indicates the presence of some pathology in the body.

Doctors identify several main factors that provoke pain. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Tension headache

More than half of all headaches are associated with tension after stress.

Such pain happens acute type and chronic. Acute course characterized by rare but prolonged attacks, during which a person has a severe headache.

ABOUT chronic course we can say when the headache occurs 180 days a year and lasts 2 weeks a month.

Stress is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sleep problems: a person sleeps little or cannot fall asleep at all.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Irritability.
  • Change of mood.
  • Apathy, depression.

It is worth considering that headaches are caused not only by brain tension, but also by muscle tension in the cervical vertebrae or eyes.

Similar problems arise against the background of constant driving. vehicle, when spending a long time at a computer and while working with small mechanisms in a factory.

Tension headaches appear during treatment with antidepressants, analgesics and tranquilizers.

You need to be able to distinguish such manifestations from migraine, which is quite difficult to do, because the symptoms can often coincide.

Tension pain is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of unpleasant pressure in the head area.
  2. Bursting sensations.
  3. The pain radiates from the temples to the crown or back of the head.
  4. The head may hurt on one side or on both sides.

If the problem is not neglected, then doctors will quickly help the person get rid of discomfort.


This is a problem in which a person experiences a one-sided headache after stress.

In addition to having a headache, a person is faced with severe photophobia, visual disturbances, loss of sensation in the limbs and a feeling of “pins and needles” throughout the body.

A migraine attack is characterized by nausea and vomiting. Pain in the head becomes dull or throbbing and varies in intensity.

Doctors are inclined to the following reasons appearance of migraine:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Vascular pathologies, when blood flow to the brain significantly worsens.
  3. Neurological disorders.
  4. Improper metabolism.

Expose accurate diagnosis only a qualified specialist can use full examination patient.

It is very important to exclude diseases that require urgent drug therapy.

There are several main symptoms that indicate the development of migraine:

  1. The person had at least five attacks of head pain.
  2. There is a throbbing headache after stress.
  3. The intensity of the pain is moderate or increased. It becomes more acute with physical activity.
  4. Nausea and vomiting appear.

Often, migraine is diagnosed when doctors have not found any connection with other pathologies.

High blood pressure - hypertension

It just so happens that with age, human blood vessels become less elastic.

People who have crossed the age of 40 often experience surges in blood pressure, which can either rise or fall.

If a patient has atherosclerosis, then during stress he often has a headache in the back of his head.

This situation indicates an increase in blood pressure, characterized by compression in the forehead, nausea or vomiting.

When there is a sharp rise in blood pressure, a person is diagnosed with a hypertensive crisis.

If the pressure is not kept under control, then there is a risk of developing a disorder in the cerebral circulation.

Muscle tension

Tension in the muscles of the cervical spine often leads to headaches in patients. Why is this happening?

A person should observe his symptoms a little: if his head hurts after reading a magazine or heavy physical labor, then one can suspect a pathology in the cervical spine, which is associated with an uncomfortable body position.

In order to eliminate similar discomfort, you should lie down or sit more comfortably and ensure that your workplace is fully illuminated.

Throughout working day you need to rest periodically while performing neck special exercises: turns and bends of the neck.

How pain manifests itself after stress

Stress headaches are divided into two types: episodic and chronic.

The episodic type refers to the “mild” type, observed after stressful situation and lasts about 7 days.

For chronic pain severe discomfort observed every day, causing depression and irritation. This pain is most often associated with injury.

Tension headaches are characterized by squeezing and pulling sensations in the temples.

It seems to a person that a hoop has been placed on his head. Many patients experience tense muscles in the neck, face, shoulders, or chewing muscles.

Very often, problematic breathing is added to these symptoms.

People have difficulty breathing indoors, they often yawn, do not tolerate light and noise well, and suffer from loss of appetite.

How to treat headache pain due to stress

If a person has just begun to treat stress and pain associated with it, then he will be prescribed relaxation, hypnosis sessions and auto-training.

Patients should be explained the etiology of the pathology and talk about the factors that provoke it.

It is much easier for a person to take a painkiller than to change the usual pattern of life.

If we talk about drug therapy, then the doctors make an appointment non-hormonal agents, which relieve inflammation, antidepressants and drugs that eliminate hypertonicity in the muscles.

Do not forget that it is forbidden to try to cope with the problem on your own, as this can lead to serious complications for the body.

Doctors rarely resort to using medications. To get rid of discomfort you need to do the following:

  1. Massage your neck and back.
  2. Put cold on a problematic and painful place.
  3. Relax more often.
  4. Swim in herbal and salt baths.
  5. Adhere to a therapeutic diet based on proper nutrition.

How to deal with headaches at home

If a person is tormented by stress and headache, then he can drink black or green tea with added sugar or lemon. You can also use mint tea.

Viburnum or potato juice, consumed 4 times a day, helps to cope with migraines.

Melissa infusion is appropriate when the patient has severe stress.

To prepare it, you need to prepare 30 grams of lemon balm, poured with 2 cups of boiling water.

The resulting infusion should be wrapped in a warm scarf and placed in a dark place for 30 minutes.

After this, filter the product and drink 3 spoons 5 times a day. Valerian tincture is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of the root and pour a glass of boiling water.

Cover the resulting product and leave it alone for 12 hours. Then they drink 2 times a day, 25 milliliters at a time.

If migraines or muscle tension occur too often, people should massage their heads.

It is better to do this in a ventilated room where oxygen does not stagnate.

How to avoid headaches

There are several basic rules that a person under stress should adhere to. They are:

  1. Sleep more so that your body can fully rest.
  2. Walk and drive more often active image life.
  3. Spend more time outside, saturating the body with oxygen.
  4. Don't overexert yourself emotional state.
  5. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Treatment of headaches caused by nerves

If a person has a headache from nerves, it means there are many stressful situations in his life. Nervous migraine occurs due to constant overstrain of the body. This is due negative impact on the central nervous system. Severe attacks pain occurs due to damage to blood vessels located in the skull. An emotional outburst can affect this process.

Mechanism of symptom development

When a stressful situation develops, pain receptors begin to actively work. The nerve cell has interesting structure and contains at its core two processes called dendrite and axon. The first component is responsible for the pain signal and transmits it along the nerve body. The axon carries it to the central nervous system. Nerve processes transmit impulses from high speed. For this reason, many people experience severe headaches after nervous overstrain.

When painful the syndrome will pass through all the cells, the brain will reproduce the received information. It will respond to the request of the nerve endings and cause the development of a migraine.

There are several main types of pain process. So, a migraine can be:

  • pulsating;
  • compressive;
  • bursting;
  • tense;
  • concentrated on both sides.

These headache attacks can occur not only due to nervous tension.

During development pain syndrome It is advisable to go to the hospital. Especially if migraines occur after every stressful situation. You can’t tolerate pain, but you can’t take painkillers as well. large quantities It's also not safe.

Diagnosis and treatment of migraine attacks

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor carefully examines the patient. It is necessary to collect a complete history of the person, including the nature of the pain and the type of activity of the victim. It is impossible to identify the root cause of migraine without additional diagnostic tests.

The first step is to measure blood pressure person and examine the fundus. These activities will allow us to assess the condition optic nerve. By auxiliary method is echoencephalography. This diagnostic method involves the study of supratentorial processes. Based on its results, all deviations are excluded and areas in which pathology is recorded are identified. Craniographic examination and study are also carried out cerebrospinal fluid.

When it is revealed why the headache began to hurt, they resort to traditional methods treatment. Eliminate unpleasant symptom will help drug therapy. In most cases, it is based on the use of painkillers and antidepressants.

However, everything depends on the nature of the pain syndrome and the cause of its development. The following medications will help relieve pain:

  • Analgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen.

If a person is constantly under nervous tension, it is advisable to use Relanium. It inhibits nervous reactions and facilitates general condition the victim. Amitriptyline is used to eliminate signs of depression along with headaches.

A symptom associated with nervous overexcitation leads to the development of a reflex spasm of blood vessels. To eliminate it, it is advisable to use Papaverine or No-shpu.

If a person suffers from constant headaches due to nervous tension, independent use painkillers may make the situation worse. The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor, the duration of therapy is 2-3 months.

Preventive measures

A common request on the Internet is this: when I’m nervous, my head hurts. This condition is the scourge of our time. Help prevent its development permanent classes sports. Regular moderate physical activity strengthens the body and increases endurance. Physical education should be supplemented with walks in the fresh air. The body needs to be enriched with oxygen, especially if a person’s work involves monotonous performance of any actions in a closed room.

Normalizing your waking and sleeping patterns will help solve the problem. A person needs to rest more. As a relaxation therapy, you should choose your favorite activity. Regularly performing activities that bring joy will reduce the likelihood of a stressful situation occurring.

It is necessary to understand that a headache from nerves is pathological process. More often, this symptom affects people who are unable to control their own emotions. Therefore, the first step is to normalize the emotional state, and then proceed to preventive measures. If that didn't work positive result, you should go to the hospital.

I’m nervous, have a headache and feel nauseous, what can I do to relieve the condition?

Help me what to drink or eat

The day before yesterday I was very nervous and cried a lot (had a fight with my husband)

Now I have a constant headache and nausea

Yesterday I took three spasmalgons (during the day) the relief was not great

Now I’m lying down and understand that it’s very difficult to get up (the symptoms are the same)

Apparently the blood pressure is acting up, and maybe something sedative

If you don’t have anything else, then lemon and dark chocolate are an option.

I haven't eaten anything for two days

But damn it makes me so sick that I don’t really want to :((

Thank you, I will try!

I monitor the pressure (there is a tanometer, yesterday it was a little higher)

The most offensive thing is that my husband and I have already measured each other (and the condition is now terrible)

I decided to drink Nemisil

I need to get my child ready for school

I called an ambulance. They measured my blood pressure (which is very important) and gave me an injection. Enlightenment came immediately

Nausea is a reaction to a headache.

Nemisil eliminated symptoms by 90%

I need to take some medicine home (otherwise the whole cupboard is full of children’s medicine, but I just didn’t care for myself)

Plus this quarrel coincided with critical days

But they always work out great for me :) no problem

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  • follow the answers to this question)

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    Causes of headaches from nerves

    Perialgia (very severe pain) may be a symptom various diseases. Many people have headaches from nerves. A stressful state provokes the occurrence of many diseases, primarily neuroses. Disruption of the central nervous system and brain centers leads to deterioration physical condition. How to remove these consequences and overcome the problem as a whole?

    Headache often occurs due to nervous tension


    Neuralgia can be manifested by squeezing sensations. Quite often, perialgia occurs, radiating to various parts of the face. In this case, the pain resembles electric shocks. Neuralgia is triggered by changes in the structure of nerve endings.

    Under the influence of severe stress, there may be no obvious symptoms. This type of perialgia is called “tension headache.” It is quite difficult to determine this type of perialgia. It has no clear localization and is accompanied by dizziness and nausea. Most often, pain occurs in symmetrical areas of the head. One gets the impression that an iron helmet is put on his head, which constantly squeezes it.

    Permanent severe pain caused by stress are a symptom of a dysfunction of the central nervous system. Of course, stress existed before, it was just not called that. Now there is an official diagnosis: tension headache, part of the ICD. Nervous perialgia is divided into 2 groups:

    A tension headache is episodic if the episodes last from 30 minutes to 2 days. Sometimes perialgia can be observed for 2 weeks, followed by 1 or 2 weeks of pain-free periods. Over time, a person gets used to living with constant pain and does his usual job.

    Headache muscle tension most common among the working age population. It is also called psychogenic or idiopathic; it greatly spoils the quality of life of patients, but they often do not seek medical help because they believe that if there is no temperature, there is no need to take sick leave.

    Episodic headaches can develop into chronic headaches. It is diagnosed if the frequency of attacks is more than 15 days a month, as well as more than 180 days a year. The course of the disease lasts from 3 months. Chronic tension headaches can lead to oncological diseases, as well as to functional disorders many organs and systems.

    Who most often suffers from tension pain?

    Headache caused by nervous tension begins to manifest itself during active mental and minor physical activity. The risk of manifestation increases in the presence of various provoking factors, such as:

    1. Poorly ventilated area.
    2. Work on a PC without interruptions.
    3. Use of various stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, drinks with guarana.

    Headache from constant neuroses can occur in any person age categories, including in children. The point is that human body is in constant voltage, so it's no surprise that many suffer from nerve-related headaches.

    Tension headaches most often occur in women over 25 years of age. After a woman has undergone pregnancy and childbirth, serious changes begin in her body.

    The hormonal levels begin to gradually recover, the muscles become toned, which greatly affects the nervous system.

    Coffee and cigarettes increase the risk of headaches


    Before treating a tension headache, you need to understand the causes of the disease. The factor most often causing symptoms Tension headache is stress. Perialgia can be temporary or permanent. The transition of a temporary form to a protracted one can provoke long-term stress or constant noise. Another reason is incorrect position body while working at a PC. Against this background, the physical load on the cervical spine increases. Activities that require a lot of concentration on a monotonous process also increase brain tension. Blood circulation in the brain centers is disrupted, resulting in spasmodic muscle contraction.

    Diagnosis of HDN

    Treatment of tension headaches requires in-depth diagnosis. Its symptoms are often similar to perialgia, which precedes other, more serious diseases. Typically, the following types of studies are prescribed:

    • X-ray of the spine and skull;
    • tomography;
    • computer diagnostics;

    In making a diagnosis great value have localization, frequency and intensity pain.

    The doctor determines the sensitivity threshold by palpation or using a pressor algometer.


    Treatment for tension headaches will depend entirely on the symptomatic picture and frequency of occurrence. The main thing is to find what caused pathological condition. If the symptomatic picture is unclear, you should start by reviewing your lifestyle:

    • establish a sleep schedule;
    • organize healthy meals;
    • Give moderate physical activity to the body.

    Treatment of episodic tension-type headache

    This form of perialgia practically does not affect the usual way of life, but causes discomfort to the person. Over-the-counter medications are usually prescribed to relieve pain. These are mainly drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and other painkillers. Medicines such as Ketonal, Spazmalgon, Nurofen, Aspirin, Movalis, etc. have proven themselves to be effective. It is recommended to take these medications no more than 10 times every 28–30 days.

    If perialgia is frequent, intense, paroxysmal, the dosage of non-hormonal medications is increased. It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets per day for 21 days. If this course does not produce a noticeable effect, it is useless to repeat it. For muscle tension, medications that relieve tone are often prescribed. Often sedatives are prescribed in combination with them. Sedatives help enhance the effect of pain medication.

    For prolonged headaches accompanied by gastrointestinal upset, No-Shpa with valerian is prescribed 3 times a day. The recommended course of treatment is a month.

    For tension headaches, massage is often prescribed; it helps improve blood flow and relieve muscle tone. Patients are given auto-training sessions on psycho-relaxation.

    Therapy for prolonged tension headache

    When treating chronic tension headaches, taking painkillers is prohibited. They do not stop the pain process, but only slow down recovery. At this stage, tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed for six months. The dosage is gradually increased, and towards the end of the course it is again reduced to the initial one. The most effective drugs with minimal side effects Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil are considered for the treatment of chronic perialgia. All these drugs are sold strictly by prescription.

    It is not always possible to find the right tactics treatment of chronic perialgia. Sometimes you have to change medications and start courses again. When a person is constantly nervous, he nervous system gives a glitch that is quite difficult to fix. It is important that the patient undergoes a course of psychotherapy and begins to approach life and his problem differently.

    Prozac is available by prescription only.

    TBI during physical overload

    HDN is especially distinguished when physical activity, for example, after prolonged work or training. Symptoms of tension headaches during increased physical activity:

    • tinnitus;
    • throbbing perialgia;
    • nausea, dizziness;
    • vomit;
    • insomnia;
    • chronic fatigue.

    This is caused by systematic overstrain of brain receptors and poor circulation. The body does not have time to recover after prolonged exercise. Very often, such pain is recorded in marathon runners. When running, almost all muscle groups are involved, blood pressure and body temperature rise, and you feel dizzy. The body gets stressed and works to the limit of its capabilities. A good long rest helps to get rid of such manifestations.

    With constant physical activity, the body needs to replenish energy reserves, so it is recommended therapeutic diet, which involves eating foods that help restore strength. Such products include bananas, apples, cottage cheese, cheeses, fish, white poultry meat, chicken liver, citrus fruits, and cabbage.

    Treatment of tension headaches during physical overload involves a complex health treatments such as massage, acupuncture, breathing exercises. Treatment is aimed at complete muscle relaxation and relaxation. Painkillers are prescribed in combination with sedatives. For these types of pain, folk remedies are actively used, represented by all kinds of herbal decoctions, and aromatherapy is also practiced. Traditional medicine helps not only relieve nervous tension, but also enrich the body with missing vitamins and minerals.

    Poultry meat perfectly restores strength

    Tension headaches in children

    Unlike an adult, a child’s nervous system is not yet fully formed. Often the occurrence of headaches in children coincides with the period of admission to kindergarten or school. Headache in a child due to nervous tension is accompanied by lack of appetite, decreased protective functions body, nosebleeds, changes in behavior.

    When a child leaves the walls of his home and goes to kindergarten, his nervous system undergoes severe stress. He feels abandoned and lonely. In school settings, most often, children's stress is associated with muscle strain, inability to establish contact in society, as well as prolonged mental stress.

    How to get rid of tension headaches in a child? First of all, you need to examine the child by a neurologist and find out the true cause of the pain. Relieving pain in a child is not so easy.

    Therapy is aimed at relaxing nerve receptors, for which sedatives are prescribed or folk remedies are used. Echinacea tincture has proven itself to be excellent. It helps to relax the nervous system and increase the body's resistance. Massage for tension headaches also improves blood flow and relieves pain.

    In addition, you need to properly organize your leisure time and educational process. It is very important to take regular breaks when active. brain activity. The child should spend enough time outdoors. One more important stage treatment of headaches in children with nervous tension is psychological work. It is important to explain to the child that all people, one way or another, make mistakes, but without this it is impossible to learn anything. We need to help the child learn to communicate correctly with other children.

    • 03/20/2018 Olga you need good psychotherapy (not pills).
    • 02/19/2018 Anatoly Eglonil 50 mg * 3 times a day for three months. .
    • 02/15/2018 Anatoly I often feel sick, for more than 15 years, it started when I was.
    • 02/08/2018 Olga The picture with the mask is super. This is exactly me, before.

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    I'm a little nervous, my head hurts

    I get a little nervous, my head starts to hurt, somewhere “behind the eyes” and “under the hat”, as if a brick had fallen on our head :(

    In this case, the pressure does not rise above 120/80, there is no fear of light, i.e. it’s not like a migraine as such.

    A sedative like Persen helps, if it hurts a lot, then Persen + Nurofen.

    Are headaches related to the gastrointestinal tract?

    on the topic, a colleague replied.

    Nothing can make us nervous, the question is solely in the perception of the situation. Another person, in exactly the same situation, may not frown.

    My daughter throws tantrums at least twice a day; it’s a tragedy to get dressed for a walk and leave the house, the second is to go home and undress.

    Naturally, he screams very loudly, sobs, and is hysterical.

    Don't you even frown?

    I’m persuaded, distracted, talked, mtsltiki-sushu, dressed and undressed, but if next to me for half an hour they scream so hard that the walls are shaking, it’s difficult to remain calm.

    After this I often have a severe headache :(.

    Naturally, he yells very loudly,

    start getting dressed 20 minutes earlier than usual, drink and pee before that.

    put on tights and a sweater yourself, you put the rest on her.

    and the child has no conflict management, she resists - and you give her the opportunity to solve the problem one way or another, or not solve it.

    maybe then your head won’t hurt - it looks a lot like psychosomatosis.

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The head contains receptors that act on the brain. Often, after stress, a headache occurs because worries or conflicts only increase the unpleasant sensations. Headaches can occur in all people, but those who have heart problems are more susceptible to them. Unpleasant throbbing pain appears due to overstrain of nerve endings. Can you get a headache if you get too nervous?

Head pain from nerves

Development of the disease

Stress is one of the causes of headaches. The structure of nerve cells consists of long shoots - dendrite and axon. The role of the dendrite is to regenerate pain impulses at the moment of malfunction of the body. The axon sends a signal to the brain.

People who have heart problems also get headaches from stress. The cause may be injury or infection that affects the tissues of the head.

Emotional intensity causes very strong pain.

Types of headaches

Causes of pain

Most headaches occur due to a mental disorder. Headache and muscle tension occur due to prolonged and chronic stress. Muscle tension may be caused by long stay V sitting position or uncomfortable position while sleeping. Chronic headache occurs due to tension in the neck muscles, eye muscles and scalp aponeurosis. The formation of the disease is influenced by:

  • tonic muscle spasm;
  • biochemical shift;
  • spasm of blood vessels, which are responsible for the severity of pain;
  • lack of serotonergic systems;
  • depression;
  • poor functioning of the antinociceptive system.

Head pain causes a lot of discomfort

Symptoms of the disease

Long-term stress has a negative effect on the body. The intensity of pain depends on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics person. During a headache, a person cannot concentrate on work.

Noise in the head after stress has a bad effect on all organs, especially the brain. The disease manifests itself in the form of the following signs: fluctuations; pinching, bursting.

Nervous tension headaches affect only part of the head. If the volume of the lesion is large, then pain is felt throughout the head. When the blood vessels narrow, nerve cells give a sign of circulatory problems. The disease develops if a person is in a state nervous exhaustion. That is why he feels pain constantly. Pain can appear even with the slightest excitement.


If you have headaches, dizziness after stress, or have suffered a head injury, you should consult a doctor.

During the examination, the patient undergoes a number of procedures, including a fundus examination session, echoencephalography, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, etc. A disorder of the brain leads to frequent pain. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo an extensive examination. After the examination, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Echoencephalography - diagnostic method


There are different ways treating headaches due to stress. The most popular treatment methods are: medicinal method, exercises and gymnastics. Let's take a closer look at each method.

Treatment with medication

Stress can provoke unpleasant sensations in the head. To get rid of pain, you need to take drugs that act on nerve endings (for example, Pentalgin or Fintepsin). To relieve tension in the head, it is necessary to normalize the emotional background. You can use antidepressants for this. People suffering from hypertension can relieve painful symptoms with medications to lower their blood pressure. To normalize blood circulation in brain cells, use antispasmodics(for example, “No-shpa” or “Papaverine”). Medicines act on muscles that are tense. When the drug begins to act, the tissues relax. The patient's blood vessels begin to dilate and blood circulation returns to normal.

When taking medications, consult your doctor

Any medications have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before taking medications, you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment with exercises

You can relieve tension in your head and strengthen your nerves with exercise. All actions in the body are carried out by the nervous system. There is also reverse contact, which stimulates muscles and organs. Therefore, exercise has a good effect not only on the body, but also on the nervous system.

Constant tension in the head appears due to mental overload. In such cases, you can not rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but relieve stress yourself. To get rid of headaches after stress, you can take a walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to do regular exercises every day for 10–15 minutes. If you have a sedentary job, it is advisable to exercise 2-3 times a day to strengthen your muscles. For people who have heart problems, dynamic exercises are useful. During such exercises, the muscles are charged with blood, and the number of open capillaries increases. Gymnastics helps develop your shoulders, arms and legs. Makes the body and posture beautiful, normalizes breathing.

There are several exercises that target the muscles of the face and head. They help treat headaches and tension. It is advisable to do them immediately when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Before performing the exercises, you need to stand facing the mirror to ensure that they are performed correctly. For facial gymnastics there is the following scheme:

  1. Raise your eyebrows and try to relax your facial muscles. It is necessary to make such movements separately with each eyebrow. You can help yourself by holding one eyebrow with your hand.
  2. Close your eyes and bring your pupils to the middle. Next, relax again and return your eyes to their previous position.
  3. Frown your eyebrows, then relax.
  4. Open your mouth wide, then relax, returning it to its previous position.
  5. Open your mouth and move your jaw in one direction or the other.
  6. Wrinkle your nose and relax your facial muscles again.

In addition to such gymnastics, you can make different faces. This behavior will help relieve stress when different forms manifestations of stress.

Gymnastics for the neck

When you have a headache from nerves, you can do gymnastics for the neck muscles:

  • You need to point your neck down and stretch it forward, and your chin should touch your chest. Then return to normal. You need to do the exercise 3-5 times.
  • In a sitting position, tilt your head back. Do this 3-5 times.
  • Rotate your head in different sides. Tilt your head either to the right or to the left shoulder.
  • Do bends 3-5 times.

Neck massage for pain

Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies You can do it at home, on your own. To do this, a person takes warm bath, but with the help of special mixtures.

Bath with 100 g of sea salt, 2 tbsp. l. pine extract. You must take a bath for 10 days. Steam 200 g of pine needles in 5 liters of water, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Then strain and pour the broth into the bath. You need to do the procedure before going to bed.

Pine bath relaxes

You can prepare tinctures for internal use.

  1. Half large sheet golden mustache, 75 g grated horseradish, 250 g finely chopped oranges, 150 g sugar and 0.5 liters of red wine. The container with the ingredients is placed on water bath and boil for 1 hour. Then strain well and drink 75 ml 2 hours after eating.
  2. Place 15 g of dried lemon balm in a thermos and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 5-6 times a day.

Preventive measures

To prevent tinnitus and dizziness at times of stress, several conditions must be met:

  • move more;
  • study physical exercise, they will help improve vascular tone;
  • ignore unpleasant conversations, be less nervous and conflict with people.

Those people who cannot control their emotions are nervous. Nervous tension may be the first step on the path to migraine.


Often after stress a person experiences pain in the head and ears. She might be of different nature, it all depends on the severity of the disease. If the pain cannot be tolerated, a person should definitely go to the hospital and be examined. The duration and method of treatment depends on the diagnosis itself.