Treatment of laryngitis in children with folk remedies - proven recipes! Laryngitis in children - the first signs of inflammation and how to effectively treat it at home Acute laryngitis has three types

Babies have a weak immune system, so they get sick more often. This happens especially often when the child attends kindergarten.

Adults experience pharyngitis much less frequently than children. It can occur as an independent viral disease, and sometimes it can be a complication of ARVI.

Treatment of pharyngitis at home

The inflammatory process of mucous and lymphoid tissue in the pharynx is called pharyngitis. The disease is extremely unpleasant, since it is not so easy to diagnose in the first days, and if it is neglected, there is a high risk of a chronic form.


Reasons include:

  • Exhaling cold air.
  • Chemical irritants, for example, tobacco smoke, washing powder.
  • Concomitant diseases.
  • Heredity.
  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Dry indoor air.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver.

The disease has two stages:

  • Spicy. It starts abruptly. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner and treatment is carried out, then pharyngitis recedes.
  • Chronic. When the previous form is allowed to take its course, the disease “moves to a new level.” If you do not take action, you may soon need surgery.

Pharyngitis and treatment at home in children

First you need to visit a doctor. He must examine the child and make a diagnosis. Then medications and folk remedies are prescribed. Can be used:

  1. Rinsing.
  2. Sprays.
  3. Inhalations.
  4. Lollipops and throat lozenges.
  5. Antibiotics.
  6. Lubricating the nasopharynx.
  7. Herbal decoctions and tinctures.

Pharyngitis in children must be treated comprehensively, using several methods simultaneously. Then the result will come much faster.

Treatment regimen:

  • Use antipyretics as needed.
  • If the child is weak, then bed rest is needed.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Lubricating the throat, irrigating, taking anti-inflammatory lozenges and tablets.
  • Rinse, instill and rinse the nose.
  • Take an antibiotic if your pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection.

Any medications are selected according to the age of the child. The doctor does this.


If we talk about lubricating the throat, then Lugol and Chlorophyllipt are used. They remove the inflammatory process well and promote healing. Lugol's is taken with caution in young children, as they are often allergic to iodine, which is the main component.

Tablets, lozenges, throat sprays are selected by the attending doctor. The most commonly used aerosols are Orasept, Ingalipt, and Hexoral. You can irrigate the throat 3-4 times a day.

The use of lollipops and lozenges is allowed from the age of five. In most cases, Faringosept, Septolete, Decathylene, Strepsils, Doctor Mom, Stop Angin are prescribed. The dosage is selected by the doctor.

Rinsing can be done with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Regular soda also has a good antiseptic effect. It is diluted in warm water and gargled with this mixture three times a day. You should not use this remedy too often, as it can dry out the mucous membranes, which will slow down recovery.

Pharyngitis sometimes causes a dry, unproductive cough. It can be eliminated using antitussive medications. They use Sinekod, Stoptussin, Libexin. Under no circumstances should you prescribe such medications on your own. If the cough is wet, then using them is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is important that the child is examined by a doctor; only he knows how to treat pharyngitis. If the baby has sputum, they begin to use mucolytics, which promote its removal. These drugs include: ACC, Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Flavamed, Ambrobene. Inhalations can be performed.

It is believed that it is inappropriate to prescribe expectorant drugs to children under four years of age. The best treatment is plenty of warm fluids. Mucolytics are contraindicated for infants, since children may not be able to cope with a large flow of mucus.

To relieve swelling of the pharynx, antihistamines are prescribed. This could be Eden, Erius.

If the disease is infectious, then antiviral and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. In such cases, additional tests are taken to determine the pathogen.

Pharyngitis in children can be cured at home using folk remedies. There are many recipes that have been used for decades and give positive results. Only any methods must be approved by the attending physician.

Traditional methods

The main remedy is milk with honey. It soothes a sore throat, reduces fever, and thins mucus. It also tastes good. Children love this medicine.

You can gargle with potato juice. It quickly relieves the inflammatory process. The method is only used for older children, from about five years old. After all, babies still cannot gargle correctly and effectively. Sometimes cabbage or beet juice is used.

Propolis tincture is diluted with peach oil, and this product is lubricated on the tonsils 2-3 times a day.

Inhalations over herbs are also very useful and quickly eliminate pharyngitis. Use sage, calendula, eucalyptus. You can also breathe over boiled potatoes. It is important that the steam is not too hot; children should definitely not receive care.

There are really many treatment options. You just need to choose the right method. And don’t forget to consult a doctor.


It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it for a long time. Basic measures:

These simple rules will help you avoid most infectious diseases and colds. They help the child grow up healthy thanks to a strong immune system.

Panic grips parents when a healthy-looking baby, who has been playing carefree all day, suddenly wakes up due to suffocation: he coughs, cries, and gasps for air. And the no less suffering mom and dad either freeze in horror or are vainly looking for a “magic pill” in the medicine cabinet. But knowledgeable adults do not go to extremes, but methodically and consistently carry out the necessary manipulations - after all, they know exactly how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child.

Often laryngitis, an inflammation of the vocal cords provoked by viruses or bacteria, takes on an obstructive form in children. It is dangerous because it causes closure of the swollen vocal cords and terrible attacks of asphyxia and suffocation. To understand how to relieve an attack of laryngitis in a child, you need to know the causes that provoke the disease. These include:

  • viral pathogens - if a baby has suffered laryngitis more than 1-2 times a year, most often it is of viral origin. Children who regularly suffer from diseases of the oropharynx and nasopharynx are at “risk group” for laryngitis;
  • allergic effects - provocateurs are both products and external irritants (poplar fluff, ragweed, animal hair, house dust);
  • bacterial and fungal microorganisms;
  • constitutional features of the child’s body - the tendency of the mucous membranes to hyperemia in children is more pronounced than in adults, and the heterogeneity of the integuments themselves contributes to the rapid spread of the disease;
  • imperfection of the nervous system - stress, psychological pressure or fear cause a spasm that blocks breathing;
  • use of nasopharyngeal irrigation means - when drugs get onto the back wall of the larynx, they cause a coughing attack during laryngitis;
  • cold drinks, deep breaths of cold air, hypothermia.

Inexperienced parents are frightened by the clinical picture they observe in a child during an attack of laryngitis. Firstly, one should not panic in the situation, and secondly, it is necessary to accurately understand what kind of disease they are faced with, because diseases of the ENT organs have identical symptoms. To decide what to do with an attack of laryngitis and shortness of breath, let’s determine what symptoms indicate the onset of the disease.

The first symptoms of laryngitis in children

A “barking” cough and an attack of suffocation during laryngitis occurs in a child at night and unexpectedly. These symptoms are considered to be the main manifestations of laryngitis. But if you analyze the previous 1-2 days, parents will notice atypical signs, which are the first symptoms of the disease:

  • weak wheezing in the voice when breathing;
  • uncharacteristic lethargy and fatigue at the end of the day;
  • restless sleep;

If these signs preceded an attack of night suffocation, children are diagnosed with the onset of laryngitis. At this point, swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and inflammation of the vocal cords close the lumen - the baby begins to choke and cough with “barking” intonations. The need for oxygen increases due to an objective shortage, the baby’s breathing becomes frequent (accelerates 2 times), and the temperature rises to a low-grade fever. The intensity of the cough increases, the child cannot clear his throat, which makes him restless and tearful. The skin turns pale and acquires a bluish tint in the nose area. In children 2-5 years old, an attack of laryngitis can occur while sleeping, but more often the baby wakes up from a hysterical cough, which turns into asphyxia.

So, a patient has laryngitis if a complex of symptoms is observed:

  • wheezing in the voice and its change - indicate hyperemia of the tissues of the larynx, vocal cords and closure of the lumen of the larynx;
  • constant dry, unproductive cough, which intensifies in the evening and prevents you from falling asleep;
  • feeling of heat and sore throat, slight pain that becomes stronger when swallowing food;
  • temperature rise to 38-39.5 degrees; in the case of viral laryngitis - up to 40 degrees;
  • rapid breathing and shortness of breath;
  • lethargy, irritability, refusal to eat.

If parents have an idea of ​​what to do if a child suffocates with laryngitis, they begin manipulations on time - the attack ends as quickly as it began. In the morning he will be irritable and hoarse, but his child-like activity levels will be normal. A coughing attack during laryngitis may recur in the evening of the following days, but this does not mean that the child will experience painful suffocation every night. In some children, the pathology occurs several times in their lives, but if the baby has difficulty breathing from laryngitis of allergic origin, attacks will follow with each contact with the provocateur.

There are 4 degrees of severity of laryngitis:

  1. first: the narrowing of the lumen in the larynx is small, while the child is not active - breathing is stable and continuous; wheezing occurs with increased physical activity;
  2. second: increased breathing, shortness of breath, heart rate increases, when breathing, retraction of the intercostal spaces and abdominal area is noticeable;
  3. third: the gap closes significantly, breathing problems are observed both during exercise and at rest; with untimely assistance at this stage of laryngitis, the child may suffocate;
  4. fourth: the most severe and critical situation, in which breathing stops completely due to 100% closure of the lumen in the larynx; requires urgent hospitalization and intubation.

First aid for an attack of laryngitis in a child

Laryngitis is a common disease among children and primary schoolchildren, so parents should be prepared to quickly carry out the necessary manipulations in the event of an attack. If a child has an attack of laryngitis at night, the baby should be reassured, since excitement and stress themselves are provocateurs of asphyxia. Next, follow the instructions:

  • give the patient’s body a vertical position with the help of pillows and blankets, thereby facilitating breathing; It is recommended to remove from the baby things that limit the diaphragm; if he is able to stand on his feet, it is recommended to walk him around the room to restore breathing and calm him down;
  • if persistent choking is observed, insert a clean spoon into the mouth and press on the base of the tongue (as is done to induce a gag reflex); the meaning of the manipulation is that the vomiting center is located in the vicinity of the respiratory center and the excitation of one leads to the activation of the second;
  • ensure intensive humidification of the air in the room: for this purpose, factory-made humidifiers are used, but if there are none at home, it is recommended to transfer the baby to the bathtub, first opening the hot water tap to full power and closing the door. The humidification effect can be achieved by heating ordinary water on a gas stove to the state of steam; in winter, hanging wet towels on heating radiators, emergency wet cleaning, and placing bowls of water in the room near the radiators helps; required humidity - at least 60%;
  • at normal temperatures, foot baths and mustard applications on the calves help: the procedures provoke blood flow to the lower part of the body and make breathing easier;
  • if there is a nebulizer in the house, do an urgent inhalation using essential oils of medicinal plants, saline, Berodural or Naphthyzin;
  • at elevated temperatures, inhalations and hot baths are contraindicated; antipyretic drugs Nurofen and Paracetamol are used in a dosage acceptable for the patient’s age;
  • A cough attack with laryngitis is relieved both with absorbable tablets (Strepsils, Faringosept) and with aerosols and syrups (Alteyka, Gerbion, Bronchomunal). The first relieves a sore throat, the second is useful for a productive cough
  • provide plenty of alkaline drink - Borjomi, soda, chamomile decoction - warmed to room temperature. It is not permissible to use milk with honey, juice, or coffee during an attack of laryngitis, since the components of the drink are allergens and can provoke a worsening of the condition;
  • if the attack is allergic in nature, give the patient an antihistamine such as Zodak, Parlazin, Loratadine to relieve hyperemia of the mucous membrane and improve mouth breathing;

When the disease is mild, the first aid described for an attack of laryngitis in a child will be enough to calm him down, fall asleep, and feel kind and cheerful in the morning. But it is not always possible to stop an attack on your own, especially if we are talking about the 3rd and 4th degree of severity of laryngitis. Here you should call emergency services, which will determine the degree of threat and decide whether the patient needs hospitalization or not.


Today there is no specific drug that can stop all manifestations of the disease. For successful treatment, a complex of medication and therapeutic prescriptions is used depending on the patient’s condition. If stages 1 and 2 of laryngitis are diagnosed, treatment occurs at home; in stages 3 and 4, hospitalization is recommended.

Medicines prescribed by otolaryngologists for children with laryngitis are divided into 6 categories:

  • those that relieve hyperemia of the mucous membranes (antihistamines) in the form of tablets (Cetrin, Parlazin, Tavegil), if necessary, intramuscular injections of prednisolone or Eufillin;
  • eliminating discomfort in the larynx - absorbable tablets Linkas, Travesil, Faringosept, Septolete);
  • effectively fighting phlegm (mucolytics) - Alteyka, Bronchosan, Gerbion, and reducing cough syndrome - Libexin, Sinekod;
  • normalizing temperature (antipyretics), used when the temperature rises to subfebrile - Panadol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan;
  • physiotherapeutic, carried out in a hospital for severe forms of the disease or as preventive measures - ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, microwave therapy;
  • gargling preparations - saline solution, Evcarom, Naphthyzin.

What to do if an attack of laryngitis in a child is caused by a bacterial pathogen? ENT specialists prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics Suprax, Amoxicillin, Azicin in order to protect the baby from complications. If the disease is caused by a virus, the use of antibiotics is unjustified.

Drugs for treatment of 1st degree of severity

The first degree of severity of laryngitis can be cured without hospitalization. The principles of therapy are as follows:

  • peace and absence of external stimuli for the patient;
  • inhalations using a nebulizer (effective solutions - mineral water, Eufillin solution) - 2-3 inhalations per day;
  • tablets that relieve throat irritation (Strepsils, Septolete) - no more than 4-6 pieces per day;
  • regular exposure to fresh air.

Prednisolone effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. But otolaryngologists are wary of prescribing this hormonal drug in the 1st stage of laryngitis, since along with its rapid effectiveness, the drug has serious side effects.

Treatment 2 3 degrees of severity

Laryngitis of 2-3 degrees of severity cannot be treated at home due to the progressive transition to stage 4 and complications. Hospitalization and specialist observation are recommended. Therapy consists of:

  • inhalations with prednisolone and aminophylline, if necessary, drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously through a drip;
  • antipyretics in case of pyretic temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory protocol with drugs Orasept, Hexoral, Grammicidin;
  • tablets for a sore throat - Septefril, Carmolis, Homeovox;

Children under 3 years of age are hospitalized with their mother.

Treatment of 4th degree of severity

The most severe form of laryngitis is the fourth, in which the glottis closes completely and breathing stops. Hospitalization is immediate, home methods of help are ineffective, because... A tracheotomy is necessary to restore breathing.

After resuscitation procedures in the hospital, which amount to an incision of the trachea and the introduction of a tracheosome into it, the following treatment protocol is prescribed:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin group (Augmentin, Bioparox, Cephalexin); with a correctly selected drug, positive dynamics are noticeable from 3-4 days of therapy;
  • inhalation with solutions of mucolytics (Mukolvan, Ambroxol), antihistamine hormonal drugs (Pulmicort, Prednisolone), alkaline solutions (soda, saline), antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacillin);
  • antipyretic drugs according to age;
  • physiotherapy (infrared lamp, wave therapy).

After completing the treatment protocol, the tracheosoma is removed and the child begins to breathe on his own.

Attacks of laryngitis plague a child until he is 5-6 years old, until the mucous membrane of the larynx and the respiratory system are finally formed. The older the baby gets, the faster the risk of a recurrence of the attack decreases.

Possible complications

Pathology not noticed in time or an incorrectly selected treatment protocol leads to serious complications of laryngitis in children:

  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • closure of the lumen of the larynx (stenosis) and the development of breathing defects;
  • pathology of the vocal cords up to complete aphonia;
  • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
  • sepsis and phlegmon;
  • polyps and other neoplasms of various types on the mucous membranes;
  • tumors of the larynx, with malignancy - laryngeal cancer.

Fortunately, the latter complication is rarely diagnosed in children.

The pediatrician’s main advice is to make every effort to ensure that the disease is cured completely and does not become chronic. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • the air temperature in the patient's room drops to 18 degrees, ventilation is carried out at least 2-3 times a day. In this case, the baby should be removed from the room to avoid hypothermia; optimally - use special air purifiers during illness;
  • indoor humidity is at least 60%; it is recommended to use factory-made humidifiers, as well as independently spraying water on window tulle, hanging wet laundry on radiators, placing aquariums and other water reservoirs in the room;
  • regular wet cleaning of the patient’s room, if necessary, using a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • exclusion of allergenic provocateurs: removal of fur toys from the baby’s room and crib; temporary transfer of living plants to other rooms (colonies of mold provocateurs settle in pots); treat favorite toys with chemical antiseptics, store textile ones in the freezer at night; to protect the patient as much as possible from contact with household chemicals;
  • during the illness of a younger family member, parents exclude perfumes, deodorants, eau de toilettes and other odorous products from use;
  • the treatment protocol is developed based on the pediatrician’s recommendations; self-medication and self-prescription are unacceptable, especially in children under 3 years of age;
  • frequent and plentiful intake of liquid is mandatory, preference is given to alkaline mineral water, soda, boiled, unsweetened teas;

How to avoid getting laryngitis

The main preventive measures include:

  • prevent hypothermia, dress the baby according to the season;
  • exclude communication and visiting the baby with a friend who has laryngitis;
  • harden the child in warm weather with outdoor activities, switching to contrast showers in cold weather;
  • strengthen the immune system with vitamin preparations along with annual visits to seaside resorts and consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Despite the fact that an attack of laryngitis in children is not common and looks scary, parents should always have experience with surgical manipulations. It will allow you to calm the baby, relieve spasms, restore breathing and wait for emergency help to arrive.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which occurs under the influence of a number of factors, located at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra in adults (third - fourth in childhood and seventh in the elderly).

Through the larynx, air passes from the nasopharynx into the lungs. Anatomically, it is similar in appearance to an hourglass; the vocal cords are located at the narrowest point.

This part of the respiratory system consists of cartilage and smooth muscle, and is covered from the inside with a mucous epithelial membrane.

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • diffuse, covering the entire mucous membrane of the larynx (phlegmonous laryngitis) and sometimes spreading to the trachea (laryngotracheitis);
  • isolated, affecting the epiglottis or other structural parts of the organ.

The most common type of isolated laryngitis is subglottic, which mainly occurs in children. In this case, the inflammation is localized in the lower region of the vocal cords. The connective tissue there is very loose, swells quickly and creates obstacles to the access of oxygen to the lower respiratory tract.

This form of the disease is called stenosing laryngitis or croup and usually develops at an early age. Oxygen deficiency contributes to hypoxia and can lead to irreversible changes. Therefore, this type of illness requires immediate medical attention.

All causes of acute catarrhal and other types of laryngitis can be divided into several groups.

The most common causative agents of laryngitis are:

  • Pathogenic flora of viral nature. For example, influenza and parainfluenza are the main cause of croup in children. Laryngitis is also caused by many rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and herpetic infections.
  • Bacterial infection staphylococci, streptococci, klebsiella.
  • Fungal infection noted very rarely. It is typical for people with weakened immunity after a long chronic illness, therapy with cytostatics, antibiotics, glucocorticoids, and age-related changes.

Inflammation of the larynx can be primary or secondary.

Most often, laryngitis occurs against the background of:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, purulent sinusitis);
  • lesions of the bronchi and lungs (bronchitis, unilateral or bilateral pneumonia, whooping cough, less often - tuberculosis, in this case nodular thickenings appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx);
  • systemic viral infections (for example, measles).

Environmental and lifestyle factors:

  • smoking;
  • overstrain of the vocal cords due to screaming, prolonged singing, loud monologue;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • inhaling too hot or cold air;
  • entry of toxic gases and smoke into the trachea.

Usually these reasons alone cannot cause laryngitis. They rather contribute to the development of the disease when the immune system is weakened, or due to infectious damage to nearby organs.

Allergic reaction to any irritant. This could be a strong smell, spraying a spray, or eating certain foods (nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes).

Autoimmune diseases. The reasons for the malfunction of the immune system, in which one’s own cells provoke inflammation of the larynx, are not fully known today. However, laryngitis can be a complication of lupus, granulomatosis, Wegener's syndrome.

Digestive system disorders. With gastroesophageal reflux, the sphincters do not function properly, and the contents of the intestines and stomach are thrown back into the larynx. The acidic environment causes inflammation.

Changes in epithelial structure serve as the main cause of chronic hypertrophic (hyperplastic) or atrophic laryngitis.


Laryngitis caused by a bacterial or viral infection is contagious, therefore, when in contact with a patient, it is recommended to wear a gauze bandage.

In most cases, a doctor can diagnose pathology in children and adults based on examination and questioning of the patient. However, it is necessary to exclude such serious diseases as scarlet fever or diphtheria. With inflammation of the larynx, the mucous membrane is hyperemic. In some cases, due to the rupture of small vessels, purple dots are visible on its surface.

With an isolated form of laryngitis, individual areas of redness are noted depending on the location of the inflammatory process. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the larynx produces a large amount of sputum, resulting in a productive cough. It can be mistaken for the first symptom of lower respiratory tract pathology.

During pregnancy, laryngitis occurs against the background of frequent colds due to weakened immunity, or gastroesophageal reflux associated with anatomical changes in the woman’s body. The disease itself is not terrible for the fetus if it does not cause respiratory arrest. However, the causative agent of laryngitis, especially the influenza virus, can lead to serious consequences, including miscarriage.

Therapeutic measures for laryngitis in pregnant women depend on the clinical picture. If the inflammation is not accompanied by symptoms of a bacterial infection, then it is better to use traditional medicine. These include gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs, inhaling steam at room temperature, compresses and mustard plasters on the throat. You can visit the bathhouse (but do not heat the room to high temperatures).

Medicinal treatment includes inhalation using a nebulizer, lozenges, antiviral or antibacterial agents in the form of syrups or capsules. However, such therapy should be prescribed by a doctor after consultation with a gynecologist. Psychosomatics are also of great importance; excessive anxiety and severe stress aggravate the course of the disease.

The most dangerous complication of laryngitis is laryngeal spasm.

It is usually preceded by a hoarse voice, a barking cough, and then difficulty in inhaling air. This exacerbation usually occurs at night. Sometimes this is the result of the use of expectorants. Excessive mucus secretion contributes to obstruction of the larynx.

According to Dr. E.O. Komarovsky, in such cases homeopathy or medicinal herbs will not help, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to provide the patient with an influx of fresh cool air. In a hospital setting, glucocorticoid injections are given to relieve laryngeal edema, inhalations with adrenaline diluted in saline solution. With timely initiation of therapy, the prognosis for exacerbation of laryngitis is favorable.

Laryngitis: symptoms and treatment, medications used, preventive measures

Laryngitis in children is more common than in adults, this is due to the immaturity of the anatomical structure of the upper respiratory tract and the peculiarities of the immune system.

An attack of croup, as a complication of inflammation, most often occurs not in infants, but in children of the first years of life, when they begin to come into contact with other people in the garden or on the playground and become infected with a viral infection.

Self-medication of laryngitis in children is dangerous. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor.

With the exception of attacks of croup, other signs of laryngitis are the same at any age:

  • sore throat, pain when swallowing;
  • hoarseness of the voice up to its complete loss;
  • increased temperature (typical of laryngitis caused by infection and is accompanied by corresponding changes in the clinical blood test);
  • sensation of dryness, burning, foreign body in the throat;
  • severe painful cough with a characteristic “barking” sound;
  • general deterioration in condition (headache, weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness).

Often the development of symptoms of laryngitis is preceded by ARVI, diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Inflammation of the larynx caused by an allergen, on the contrary, is characterized by a sharp onset and improvement after the use of antihistamines. The principles of treatment for the main types of laryngitis are described in the table below.

Medicines used for any form of inflammation of the larynx:

  1. Topical products (sprays and tablets)
    • Lizobakt (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Active ingredient: lysozyme, pyridoxine hydrochloride. Antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal drug, increases local immunity. Directions for use: 1 - 2 tablets 3 - 4 times a day.
    • Faringosept (Romania). The active ingredient Ambazon has an antiseptic, bacteriostatic effect. Take 1 tablet 3 to 5 times a day.
    • Decathylene (Switzerland). The active ingredients are dibucaine and deucalinium chloride. Has a bactericidal and analgesic effect. Take 1 tablet every 3 - 4 hours.
    • Hexalise (France). Active ingredients: biclotymol, lysozyme, enoxolone. It has antimicrobial, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects. Take 1 tablet sublingually up to 8 times daily.
    • Kameton (Russia). Active ingredients: chlorobutanol, camphor, levomenthol, eucalyptus leaf oil. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Helps stimulate blood flow. Spray 1 dose 3-4 times a day.
    • Ingalipt (Russia). The active ingredients are norsulfazole, streptocide, eucalyptus and mint oil. Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial effects. Spray 1 dose 3-4 times a day.
  2. Ready-made rinse solutions
    • Tantum verde (Italy). The active substance is benzydamine hydrochloride. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edematous effect. Gargle 3-4 times a day.
    • Rotokan (Russia). A mixture of alcoholic tinctures of chamomile, calendula, yarrow. Has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. Gargle 3-4 times a day.
  3. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
    • Nurofen (UK). Active ingredient is ibuprofen. Has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. Take 1 tablet. every 6 hours.
    • Paracetamol (Russia). Active ingredient: paracetamol. Has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. Take 500 mg four times a day.

  4. Centrally acting antitussives (expectorants are ineffective, so they need to target receptors in the brain to relieve symptoms)
    • Sinecod (Switzerland). The active ingredient is butamirate citrate. Take 5 - 15 ml three times a day.
    • Eufillin (Russia). The active ingredient is aminophylline. Take 1 tablet 1 - 3 times a day.
    • Paxeladine (France). The active ingredient is oxeladine citrate. Take 2.5 - 5 ml every 4 - 5 hours.
  5. Antihistamines. They are the main therapy for allergic laryngitis.
    • Erius (USA). The active substance is desloratadine. Has an anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect. Take 1 tablet once a day.
    • Tsetrin (India). The active substance is cetirizine hydrochloride. Has an anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect. Take 1 tablet once a day.
    • Suprastin (Hungary). Active ingredient: chloropyramine. Has an anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect. Take 1 tablet once a day.
  6. Antibiotics. Prescribed to relieve symptoms and treat bacterial laryngitis
    • Amoxiclav (Switzerland). Active ingredients: amoxicillin, clavulanic acid. Has a bactericidal effect against inflammatory pathogens. Take 1 tablet three times a day.
    • Augmentin (UK). Active ingredients: amoxicillin, clavulanic acid. Has a bactericidal effect against inflammatory pathogens. Take 1 tablet three times a day.
    • Zinnat (Great Britain). Active ingredient: cefuroxime. Has a bactericidal effect against inflammatory pathogens. Take 250 mg twice daily.
    • Ceftriaxone (Russia). The active substance is ceftriaxone. Has a bactericidal effect against inflammatory pathogens. Take 1 g by injection 1 - 2 times a day.
    • Ciprofloxacin (Russia). Active ingredient: ciprofloxacin. Has a bactericidal effect against inflammatory pathogens. Take 250 mg twice a day.
  7. Antifungal agents. Used to treat fungal laryngitis and prevent secondary infection after long-term antibiotic therapy
    • Metronidazole (Russia). Active ingredient: metronidazole. Has an antifungal effect. Take 0.5 g 2 - 3 times a day.
  8. Antiviral drugs are necessary for laryngitis caused by influenza virus, adeno- and rhinoviruses
    • Groprinosin (Poland). Antiviral agent, active substance inosine pranobex. Take 6 - 8 tablets per day.
    • Remantadine (Russia). Antiviral drug, active ingredient rimantadine. Take up to 300 mg per day.


A doctor should diagnose the symptoms of laryngitis and prescribe treatment. Independent choice of drugs can lead to laryngeal stenosis in the patient and respiratory arrest.

When treating pathology, the following principles must be observed:

  • Sprays are contraindicated for children under 2 - 4 years of age. They can provoke laryngospasm.
  • The duration of therapy is on average 7 - 14 days.
  • Plenty of warm fluids are required.
  • Sudden changes in temperature should be avoided.
  • Eliminate alcohol, salty, peppery, spicy foods, too cold or hot foods from your diet. Also from the menu you need to remove foods that injure the laryngeal mucosa (chips, crackers, sausages, etc.).
  • Stop smoking, avoid smoky rooms.
  • Rest for the vocal cords.

The appearance of symptoms and subsequent treatment of laryngitis can be avoided if preventive measures are followed. When the first signs of ARVI appear, the humidity (at least 50%) and temperature (18 - 21°) in the room should be maintained. Doctors recommend regular irrigation of the nasal cavity with sea water solutions, walks in the fresh air, and ventilation.

To prevent the development of a resistant infection, you must follow your doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage and duration of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Laryngitis: symptoms and classification

There are several types of disease classification. In some sources, there is a division of inflammation of the larynx depending on the pathogen that provoked it. So, there are diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilitic, herpetic and other forms.

However, the main classification includes two groups of pathology: acute and chronic laryngitis. Differences in the course and principles of therapy are described below.

Acute laryngitis has three types:

  • Catarrhal. The main symptoms are swollen and hyperemic laryngeal mucosa, the temperature is normal or low-grade. Treatment features include diet, voice rest and topical medications.
  • Infiltrative (phlegmous). The main symptoms are the spread of the inflammatory process to the internal tissues of the larynx. There is very severe pain when swallowing, loss of voice, and separation of purulent sputum. For this type of acute laryngitis, therapy in a hospital setting is indicated. If necessary, surgery is performed to remove an abscess caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Subglottic (false croup). More often observed in children from newborns to 5-6 years old, it is characterized by attacks of laryngeal stenosis. Features of treatment include inhalations with corticosteroids and sedatives.

Chronic laryngitis has the following types:

  • Catarrhal. It occurs during prolonged stress on the vocal apparatus or due to unfavorable environmental factors, and is characterized by a change in voice timbre and periodic coughing. For treatment, a gentle diet, giving up bad habits, local therapy and voice rest are indicated.
  • Hyperplastic. The main symptoms are proliferation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, persistent hoarseness, and a rare wet cough. Features of treatment include a gentle regimen and standard therapy during an exacerbation.
  • Atrophic. Often develops due to gastroesophageal reflux and chronic rhinitis. A characteristic symptom is a cough with streaks of blood in the sputum. Treatment is aimed at using local therapy and eliminating the cause.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, there are three stages of laryngitis: initial, the height of the disease and the period of reverse development. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the stage at which therapy was started. Therefore, if you experience hoarseness and a barking cough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Laryngitis: treatment at home

It is worth noting that treatment of inflammation of the larynx with traditional medicine should be carried out only as an addition to taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

The most common way to soften the mucous membrane of the larynx, fight inflammation and dry cough is inhalation.

Procedures using a nebulizer are effective.

To achieve the desired result, you can pour mineral water like Borjomi or Essentuki (2 - 3 ml each) into the capsule of the apparatus. The procedure should be done 3 times a day.

Solutions for regular steam inhalation can be prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Make a decoction (15 grams per glass of water) from a mixture of sage leaves, eucalyptus, pine or juniper needles, chamomile flowers, coltsfoot.
  • Pour essential oils of mint, fir, and eucalyptus into the aroma lamp bowl. This is contraindicated for allergic laryngitis.
  • Dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of regular or mineral water.


Dr. E.O. Komarovsky emphasizes that hot steam can aggravate the symptoms of laryngitis. The temperature of the solution for inhalation should not exceed 38 - 39°C. In addition, the procedure is contraindicated in case of fever.

Onions and garlic are known phytoncides. For viral and bacterial infections of the ENT organs and larynx, they can be finely chopped and the smell inhaled.

Compresses on the throat area will help relieve the symptoms of laryngitis and restore your voice. To do this, you need to take a small piece of gauze or bandage and moisten it with diluted vodka, alcohol or a mixture of essential oils. Then place the cloth on your neck, cover with cling film and wrap it with a scarf. Instead of a compress, you can use mustard plasters.

To treat laryngitis, it is also recommended to prepare your own solution for gargling:

  • Mix 200 ml of beet juice with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • 100 ml each of cabbage and potato juice;
  • pour a tablespoon of honey into a glass of boiling water and cool;
  • decoctions of black elderberry, St. John's wort, calendula.

If after a few days of using the medications and traditional medicine prescribed by the doctor, the patient’s condition has not improved, a second consultation with the doctor is required. Perhaps he diagnoses laryngitis that is resistant to the standard treatment regimen, the treatment of which should be carried out in a hospital setting.

And often this can be done, but only if the treatment was started on time, and besides, it was chosen as correctly as possible. In childhood, the throat often hurts, and along with this, the voice “shrinks”. This means that laryngitis has begun.

Laryngitis: description of the disease

Features of the development of throat disease

Laryngitis in children is a fairly common disease, and most often it develops against the background of a viral or bacterial infection.

Many parents notice that the child first begins to sneeze, has a runny nose, and after a couple of days the voice becomes more hoarse. This is one of the most common scenarios for the development of the disease. But sometimes it happens that the voice goes down immediately, but the child suffers from a dry cough.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that affects the vocal cords.

Due to anatomical features, laryngitis is much more severe in children than in adults. And all because at the slightest penetration of viruses or bacteria, inflammation begins and the mucous membrane swells. Stenosing laryngitis is the most common diagnosis. It is characterized by the fact that in addition to a hoarse voice, the child begins to breathe heavily, whistling. This indicates that the larynx is narrowing, which is very dangerous.

That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the treatment of laryngitis, and it is strictly forbidden to treat it in the same way as in an adult. When the earliest symptoms of the disease appear, you need to contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of the disease

Possible causes of laryngitis in children

Before moving on to how best to treat laryngitis in a child, it is necessary to pay attention to the triggering factors. It is customary to highlight several:

  1. colds, during which a runny nose is usually accompanied by a sore throat, which subsequently provokes the development of laryngitis
  2. inhaled air, which contains chemicals that can damage the mucous membrane of the larynx, and as a result, an inflammatory process will begin
  3. hypothermia. Children are not always dressed warmly because they think that if the parents are hot, then so is the child. But every body is individual, and children’s especially. And a simple draft or staying in the cold for more than fifteen minutes can cause the development of such a serious disease
  4. structural features of the larynx, in which it itself is quite narrow, but with any penetration of microbes and viruses, it will narrow even more, and at the same time the voice will disappear and it will feel sore
  5. hot air. As a rule, this applies either to the child being in the car, or at home if there are strong heaters.
  6. overvoltage that directly affects the voice. This could be long songs, memorizing rhymes, shouting, etc.
  7. gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which stomach contents periodically reflux into the esophagus and enter the pharynx. Because of this, people may feel a tickling sensation, after which the next day or the same night their voice will drop.
  8. chronic diseases of the nose or throat that never go away just like that. This requires a lot of effort to improve your health.

These are the most basic reasons why a child may develop laryngitis. Sometimes some parents manage to cure it in a week, while others treat it for two weeks or more.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

Signs of disease development

Parents think that the main symptom of beginning laryngitis is hoarseness of the voice. Of course, this is one of the first, but not the only one.

Basically, the disease begins suddenly, all the symptoms immediately develop, each of which appears more and more every hour.

So, the main symptoms of laryngitis in a child include:

  • change in voice timbre. This is precisely where hoarseness occurs. But this symptom does not always manifest itself clearly in a child, since at different ages the child speaks differently. And if he is less than 2 years old, then his voice may not settle. The same can be said about babies.
  • swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, which causes the voice to deepen
  • redness of the larynx. This may be noticed by an otolaryngologist during an examination.
  • poor appetite, and a couple of hours before the child ate well, but then at one point he began to refuse even his favorite dishes
  • runny nose, which almost always appears when a viral or bacterial infection enters the body
  • complete loss of voice, which happens when the inflammation is large
  • bloody discharge from the area of ​​inflammation
  • heavy breathing with whistling. If you ask a child to breathe with his mouth open, you can easily hear this whistle. Doctors call the phenomenon stenosis, and it is very dangerous, since the airways can close completely, and suffocation can occur.
  • sore throat, which will be severe at the very initial stage of the disease. This is what causes a dry cough.
  • dry cough, which appears due to severe sore throat. After some time, the cough will become different and sputum will begin to be produced.
  • dry throat
  • slight increase in body temperature. With laryngitis, the temperature rarely rises, and then only mainly because viruses and infections spread further throughout the body and are not localized in the throat

Laryngitis is very dangerous for infants, since some of the above symptoms are difficult to notice in them. It is mainly determined by changes in breathing and changes in the nature of crying.

In any case, if the earliest symptoms of laryngitis appear, you should consult a doctor.

Since only he can choose the appropriate treatment that will really help, and not just make it worse.


Only a doctor can tell you how and what to treat laryngitis. But there are general recommendations that must be followed. True, some of them are not very feasible with children, but you still need to try.

  • strict bed rest. It is with this point that the main difficulties arise, because it is rare that a child can just lie in bed, even when he is sick. Usually the games don't stop, the activity level just decreases
  • reducing the load on the vocal cords, which means that the child needs to talk, scream, sing less, which is also quite difficult to do. The only thing is that in the first days of illness his throat will be very sore and constricted. Due to these omissions, the number of conversations may decrease
  • air condition control. If there is a child in the house who is sick, especially with laryngitis, the air should be humid to make it easier for the body. To do this, you need to constantly ventilate the room and use humidifiers.
  • drinking plenty of fluids. It is necessary to offer the child absolutely everything, but the most important thing is that the drink is warm. The main goal is to prevent coughing, since drinking plenty of fluids thins out the mucus. It also removes toxins from the body
  • proper nutrition, during which it is necessary to exclude all foods that irritate the mucous membrane, and also introduce as many fruits and warm soups as possible

Drug treatment

Treatment of laryngitis in children with medications

After the otolaryngologist has made an accurate diagnosis that the child has laryngitis, he will prescribe special treatment, which may vary slightly depending on the severity of the disease.

The difference will be that in one case he can prescribe antibiotics, and in the other he cannot.

The main medications used to treat laryngitis include:

  • antihistamines, which can help relieve swelling
  • cough suppressants or expectorants to help clear phlegm
  • throat aerosols
  • lozenges and lozenges
  • antipyretics
  • antibiotics

Each doctor has his own approach to the treatment of laryngitis, since there are adherents of using one group of drugs, and there are adherents of using another.

More information about laryngitis can be found in the video.


When treating laryngitis, doctors always prescribe antihistamines that help relieve swelling of the larynx. True, they do not have a 100% effect after the first dose, but after a few days you can notice the result. In addition, in the presence of a runny nose, they play an important role.

The most common drugs that can help with laryngitis include Zyrtec (or Zodak, its analogue), Cetrin, Claritin, Clarisens. For example, Zyrtec or Zodak are available in the form of drops that are convenient to give to a child.

It is best to give the drug at night, since all antihistamines cause drowsiness.

Sometimes, with severe swelling, doctors, in parallel with the use of antihistamines, also prescribe steroid hormones, for example, Pulmicort. You need to inhale it once or twice a day, since only it can quickly reduce swelling and improve breathing.

Antitussives and expectorants

In the first two days, the child’s cough will be dry, and if he talks a lot, it will be strong and debilitating. To reduce the number of attacks, you need to take antitussive drugs that will suppress this reflex:

  • The most commonly prescribed medications are Stoptussin, which must be taken three times a day, Sinekod, and Gerbion.
  • If the cough is wet, that is, even a small amount of sputum is released, then it is necessary to take expectorants that dilute it and improve the process of elimination from the body. These include Lazolvan, Bronchosan, etc.

After the child begins to cough, and the cough seems to come from his throat, his voice will begin to recover. Sputum settles on the mucous membrane and vocal cords, and therefore it is so important to make efforts to remove it.

You may notice that at the very beginning the sputum will be yellowish in color, this indicates an inflammatory process. As treatment progresses, the sputum will change color and become clear. At this stage, the main thing is not to stop treatment so that the disease does not develop again.


Recipes for gargling

For laryngitis, gargling helps well, especially with herbs and alkaline solutions, which not only relieve inflammation, but also help the mucus clear better.

The best ways to gargle include:

  1. Soda, salt and iodine. You need to take a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda, add warm water and mix well. After this, add a couple of drops of iodine. You need to rinse three times a day
  2. Beet. You need to take one beet, grate it, squeeze out the juice. And dilute this juice with a little water and rinse, preferably 5 or 6 times a day.
  3. An apple bite that is found in almost every home. To do this, take a teaspoon of vinegar and a glass of water.
  4. A decoction of chamomile or sage, which will help not only relieve inflammation, but also carry out antimicrobial treatment
  5. Weak solution of Iodinol

The only disadvantage of this method of treatment is that a child under 5 or 6 years old simply will not be able to gargle. That is why such methods of treating laryngitis are suitable for older children.

Sprays and lozenges

Many doctors prescribe throat sprays when treating laryngitis.

Today there are a lot of them, but Tantum Verde is most often used. Many children perceive it normally, as it has a sweetish taste. Also, Lugol or Hexoral are often prescribed.

Lately, fewer and fewer people are using Hexoral, as it causes an allergic reaction and also tastes unpleasant to children.

As for the use of lollipops and lozenges, it must be said right away that they can only be given to children over 5 years of age.

Among the tablets and lozenges for resorption, the following drugs are distinguished:

  • Grammidin. This drug contains not only an anesthetic that reduces pain, but also a local antibiotic, which should completely kill all germs and viruses
  • Faringosept. This drug belongs to a group of antiseptics that help reduce inflammation and swelling. The main thing is not to miss appointments
  • Stopangin. Most people know that this drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a spray.

Sometimes lozenges are much more effective than sprays. And all because with slow resorption in the mouth there will always be an active substance. But not all children can suck candy.


Antibiotics for laryngitis: indications and types

Separately, it should be said about the use of antibiotics during laryngitis.

Most doctors prescribe antibiotics only when the body temperature lasts 3 days and does not decrease and is difficult to bring down with antipyretic drugs, as well as when the larynx is narrowed. It is very important to understand in time whether it is necessary to use antibiotics.

There are a number of indications when this becomes inevitable:

  • it is discovered that laryngitis is caused by bacteria, that is, a focus of bacterial infection is found at the site of inflammation
  • The child’s temperature lasts for several days, and at the same time all the symptoms of intoxication of the body appear - weakness, complete loss of appetite, headache
  • breathing became difficult

The following drugs are mainly prescribed:

  1. Cephalosporins, which are available in the form of syrups. For example, Suprax, Ceftriaxone
  2. Penicillin series. These include Augmentin, Flemoklav, etc.
  3. Macrolides and Azithromycin, but only if the patient's condition is quite severe.

If laryngitis is found in a small child, then he and his mother can be immediately taken to an infectious diseases hospital in order to relieve all symptoms of the manifestation as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can prescribe medications for laryngitis for children.

Under no circumstances should you purchase this or that drug on your own without a preliminary examination, especially when it comes to children. Properly selected medications guarantee a speedy recovery and restoration of the baby’s voice.

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Comments (4)

02/19/2016 at 23:22 | #

When the child was small, he also suffered from laryngitis very often. Our doctor, already knowing that we were having a hard time with this, prescribed us antibiotics as soon as the first signs appeared.


11/13/2016 at 04:47 pm | #


01/12/2017 at 12:34 pm | #

I became convinced that laryngitis in a child can be cured without taking antibiotics. Our pediatrician prescribed Isla-Moos lozenges for treatment. They are of plant origin and taste good. They give good results in treatment.

08/23/2017 at 09:16 | #

For children, and for the whole family, there is a good remedy - Homeovox. As soon as my voice changes, I give it to the kids, and I also take it myself, but for me it’s more because of hoarseness after a hard day at work. helps quickly.


  • Elena - This has always been a problem for. – 01/28/2018
  • Elena - I only gave my daughter an antibiotic. – 01/28/2018
  • Natalya - I often have exacerbation of pharyngitis. – 01/27/2018
  • Daniil - I try not to take too much drugs. – 01/26/2018
  • Olga - I am now Grammidin for the child. – 01/26/2018
  • Anya - I keep my cold under control with Aqualor. – 01/26/2018

The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

Effective drugs for laryngitis

According to statistics, about 10% of the population have suffered or continue to suffer from various forms of laryngitis. The disease is an inflammation of the larynx caused by a cold or various ailments of infectious origin, such as scarlet fever and measles. The disease has pronounced manifestations and is fraught with the development of serious complications, including phlegmon, inflammation in the neck, lung abscess, that is, the formation of pus in it, suffocation, and blood poisoning (sepsis).

Traditional treatment used for laryngitis is designed to eliminate symptoms and eliminate possible consequences of the disease.

Causes and symptoms

The condition for the occurrence of various forms of laryngitis is damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx, the upper region of the trachea. As a result, inflammatory processes develop. The immediate causes of this may be: severe hypothermia, overexertion, damage to the vocal cords, adverse effects of microorganisms in the presence of acute infections (for example, measles or influenza). The disease can, as a complication, acquire a chronic form, and also occur in the acute stage. According to the degree of spread of the inflammatory process, the following types are distinguished:

  • catarrhal laryngitis. As a rule, inflammation affects the mucous surface of the larynx.
  • false croup Occurs in children under 10 years of age, with inflammation of the larynx, subglottic region, and vocal cords themselves.
  • phlegmonous laryngitis. The inflammation process spreads deep into the mucous membrane, cartilage and ligaments of the larynx, as well as muscle tissue.

There are also hypertrophic, atrophic, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and syphilitic laryngitis.

The following symptoms are characteristic of laryngitis:

  • temperature increase (in some cases) up to 37-38°C, sometimes up to 39°C or higher.
  • hoarseness or lack of voice, dryness, burning in the nasopharynx.
  • swelling of the larynx, complicating breathing.
  • pain when swallowing or eating.
  • general weakness.

Patients have a strong dry cough accompanied by expectoration of sputum.

The main methods of treating laryngitis are:

  • medicinal, that is, the use of medications.
  • use of traditional medicine.

Effective drugs

Drugs for laryngitis, according to the mechanism of action and focus, are divided into immunomodulatory, mucolytic, antibacterial or antiallergic groups. They are also divided into:

  • symptomatic. Designed to alleviate the patient's condition.
  • etiotropic. They influence the cause of the disease.

In general, a wide range of medications are used for laryngitis:

  • antibiotics (Sumamed, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin).
  • Antiseptics (Tonsilgon is an excellent herbal remedy).
  • antihistamines.
  • corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone).
  • antiviral drugs.
  • remedies for coughs of varying intensity (Ambrobene, solution for an inhalation course of Ventalin, prescribing Ascoril for laryngitis will make sputum less viscous).
  • antipyretic drugs.
  • homeopathic remedies (Tonsilgon).

In some cases, one drug combines several properties, and the drugs themselves are available in various dosage forms:

  • pills.
  • syrups - Ascoril for laryngitis will remove viscous sputum.
  • solutions.
  • Aerosols, sprays.
  • Drops, including the popular Tonsilgon.

Sinekod can be used in dragees, drops, syrup.

Special lozenges are also used as treatment aids.

Tantum verde for laryngitis can be used as a spray, inhalation or rinse solution.

Most practitioners prescribe antibiotics for laryngitis as an effective treatment for the disease. The correct regimen and dosage of antibiotics must be followed, otherwise the bacteria may become immune to their effects.

Antibiotics of various groups are used. Penicillin includes Amoxicillin, Ecoclave suspension, Amoxiclav, Augmentin and Flemoclav solutab. Cephalosporins are presented in the form of syrups, such as Cefix and Cefadox, or as injections of the drug Ceftriaxone.

In severe cases of the disease, macrolide antibiotics are used, such as Makrapen and Azitox, Sumamed.

The course of antibiotics lasts 6-7 days for adults, usually the same (sometimes a little longer) for children.

The use of corticosteroids will quickly help eliminate inflammation; drugs based on hydrocortisone are effective here.

Among the antiseptics, the most effective, with virtually no contraindications for use, are Povidone iodine, Hexetidine and Benzylimine in the form of sprays and solutions. Hexoral for laryngitis quickly relieves inflammation.

The main indication for the use of antihistamines is swelling of the throat. They are prescribed in tablet form; typical representatives of such drugs are Cetizine and Loratadine.

Antiviral drugs are over-the-counter drugs and are divided into three subtypes:

  • vegetable.
  • homeopathic. They are used mainly for laryngitis in children, represented by the drugs Oscillococinum, Tonsilgon and Anaferon.
  • synthesized, for example, Arbidol.

These drugs are used to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. In case of complications, taking antibacterial drugs is indicated - for example, Sumamed, hormonal drugs - hydrocortisone and its analogues.

Antitussives are divided into drugs for thinning sputum (mucolytics), for dry cough, and expectorants. Prescribing Lazolvan for laryngitis will soften the cough and improve the condition of the respiratory tract. Medicines can be made from various herbs. In this case, they have almost no contraindications, are recommended for adults and children, their use is less irritating to the mucous membrane of the throat. These include Herbion plantain syrup, Alteyka syrup, tableted Mucaltin, as well as Gedelix based on medicinal ivy.

The use of aminophylline for laryngitis is justified; it guarantees relief from spasm. Hydrocortisone acts at the cellular level: it has a stabilizing effect on the membranes of infiltrates.

Mucalytics are represented by drugs such as Bromhexine and Ambroxol, and for a dry cough, take drugs containing Buramirate, for example, Sinekod.

Also an effective cough remedy are 2% saline solutions with the addition of the effect-enhancing drugs Berodual or Lazolvan for rinsing and inhalation.

The use of products - oil Chlorphillipt, the usual Lugol - to lubricate the throat is mainly due to their antibacterial properties. A drug such as Lugol's solution is in demand. It contains free iodine, is used to treat the throat, and is traditionally considered an effective remedy in the treatment of laryngitis.

Inhalations are useful. Ventolin for laryngitis is especially effective as a nebulizer filler.

Drops for laryngitis

In the case when the disease spreads throughout the nasopharynx cavity, various agents that relieve local inflammation are needed in combination with other types of treatment. For this purpose, nasal drops are used.

Antibiotic-based drops, such as Isofra, as well as vasoconstrictor drops Nazol and Naphthyzin are used as treatment.

Isofra is made from the local antibiotic framycetin and is used for laryngitis in cases of prolonged severe runny nose. The course of treatment lasts 9-10 days (but no more) and should not be interrupted. The drug has no contraindications or side effects, except for fairly rare cases of allergies.

Nazol drops are widely used and are quite effective. They have a vasoconstrictor effect, eliminate congestion, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and soften the epithelium. However, the drug is contraindicated for atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia, glaucoma and during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, there are a number of side effects of the drug, the manifestation of which is possible depending on the characteristics of the body. These include dizziness, nausea, and sleep disturbances.

Standard Nazol is contraindicated for children; it was created specifically for their treatment, and Nazol baby is successfully used.

Naphthyzin is also a vasoconstrictor. It is used in the treatment of laryngitis, in chronic or acute course of the disease. Drops help eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa and also reduce the amount of mucus secreted. Naphthyzin is contraindicated for children under one year of age.

Tonsilgon drops are taken orally according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Lollipops for laryngitis

Lollipops used in the treatment of laryngitis most contain substances necessary to fight microbes. They consist of:

  • several (usually no more than two) antiseptics.
  • improving the effect of additional components.

The latter may include lemon, honey, essential oils of various herbs. These substances have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Used for 3-4 days, they also serve to relieve sore throat.

In some cases, the product sometimes contains antibiotics, which increases the antimicrobial effect. Among these, Trachisan containing the antibiotic tyrothricin should be noted.

Other varieties of such lollipops contain powerful antiseptics that affect not only microbes, but also fungi and viruses. These include Fervex. They may also contain local anesthetics - for example, Antiangin.

In some cases, a good anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by the presence of a natural antiseptic. Such drugs are Hexalize and Lisobact. The use of most agents, as follows from the above, has enhanced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Traditional methods

When treating laryngitis, it will be useful to combine the previously mentioned methods with proven methods described in the specialized literature, as well as the use of traditional medicine. Their use is aimed at combating the symptoms and causes of the disease and has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and softening effect.

At the initial stage of the disease, at the first signs of fatigue, hoarseness or loss of voice, you should boil 100 grams of chopped carrots added to 0.5 liters of milk. After straining, drink in small portions. Taking chamomile baths also has a positive effect. For this purpose, 400 grams of pharmaceutical dried chamomile flowers should be infused in liters of boiling water for an hour (to maintain the temperature, the container can be wrapped in a blanket), strain, and add to a bath of water. The procedure lasts fifteen minutes.

Another effective remedy using anise is prepared as follows. Pour its fruits, as well as quince seeds, dried lungwort leaves (pog) with 0.5 liters of water, boil with the addition of a tablespoon - 25-30g - of natural honey for 15 minutes. After straining, drink throughout the day.

Treatment is carried out subject to the elimination of the causes that led to the occurrence of the disease. It is necessary to remain silent to reduce the load on the vocal cords and larynx. It is also recommended to exclude spicy or salty foods from the diet, since eating these types of food irritates the mucous membranes, avoid alcohol and smoking. Physiotherapeutic procedures help well: various inhalations, warming compresses using herbal solutions.

Ginger decoction is also useful. Approximately a quarter glass of grated ginger root should be poured with 200 grams of honey and boiled. Add a teaspoon of the decoction to hot tea and drink, several glasses in a row. Then wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It is better to carry out the procedure before bed and repeat several evenings in a row.

Popular folk methods do not replace drug treatment; Sumamed, Hydrocortisone, and other pharmaceutical drugs are indicated to relieve complications.

Effective medications for laryngitis: antibiotics, symptomatic, topical agents

Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease of the larynx. It has characteristic features, but symptoms may vary depending on the type of pathology. Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease.

Laryngitis: etiology

Laryngitis can be infectious or non-infectious. The course of the disease can be chronic or acute. There are 7 types of disease:


In general, the symptoms of all types of pathology are similar, but differ depending on the type of laryngitis. General symptoms appear:

Depending on the type, there may be thick mucus and sputum with or without streaks of blood, fever, partial or complete loss and fatigue of the voice, and dry throat. Often laryngitis is combined with pharyngitis.


All types except abscess require the use of classical therapy. In the case of an abscess, drug treatment is used only in the first stages. If the case is advanced, then surgical opening of the purulent cavity is necessary. In other cases, drugs of different types are used depending on the type of pathology.


Antibiotics are used in case of infection of mucous tissues by bacteria. They are also used after surgical interventions in the presented area. The following drugs are used for laryngitis:

Antiviral and antimicrobial

Antiviral drugs are prescribed if the pathology was caused by viruses. It most often develops against the background of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The most popular antiviral drugs:

Antiseptic drugs used in the treatment of laryngitis usually involve either sprays or rinses, or tablets and lozenges:


Antihistamines are prescribed in general for any type of inflammatory and allergic disease. They help reduce the intensity of symptoms. These drugs also help reduce the body's reaction to the allergen.

The following drugs are presented:

Adults take the drug in tablet form, but children are prescribed the drug in the form of syrups or suspensions. In particularly severe cases, injection methods of administration are used if oral administration is not possible or carries a risk of suffocation (for example, with laryngeal edema).

How to treat laryngitis, watch our video:

Cough remedies

Antitussives are used mainly for laryngitis, which help overcome a barking, exhausting cough that prevents you from falling asleep and often causes vomiting due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles and the impact on the walls of the stomach. The following drugs are offered:

Sprays and solutions for throat and symptom relief

Throat sprays have several types of effects. They eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes, reduce dryness and inflammation, and help relieve the symptoms of laryngitis.

Depending on the composition, they can also have an anesthetic effect. The following types of funds are mainly used:

Many of them are plant-based and help eliminate soreness. Tantum Verde and Orasept contain an anesthetic component that helps relieve even severe pain.

Throat lubricants

The following medications are suitable for lubricating the throat:

This type of remedy must be used carefully so as not to further damage the inflamed mucous membranes, disturbed by a strong cough.


Often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also have antipyretic properties. Such drugs are:

Almost all of these drugs also have a children's version in the form of syrup or suspensions.

Nasal drops

Symptoms of rhinitis are usually characteristic of either an infectious type of disease or an allergic one. Therefore, nasal drops for laryngitis are prescribed only if this symptom is present.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are also no less effective for laryngitis. They will not replace classical drug therapy, but will help you recover faster and overcome the disease. It is prohibited to use such recipes for allergies and allergic rhinitis.

Herbs for rinsing

The following herbs are used for rinsing in the presence of inflammation:

Juices and teas

Juices and teas are also used in the treatment of laryngitis. They help strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation or reduce its manifestation. The following drinks are most effective:

  • Citrus juices;
  • Tea with lemon;
  • Raspberry tea based on berries;
  • Tea based on red or black currant;
  • Teas based on raspberry and currant leaves;
  • Teas with honey.

If you simply add honey or berry-based jam to your tea, it is better to give preference to green tea, pu-erh or oolong tea. Not tea, but an extremely healthy drink - warm milk with honey and butter, which will soften the throat. If a coughing effect is needed, you can add ½ teaspoon of soda to a glass of drink.

Folk remedies for laryngitis:


For laryngitis, inhalations are required. They significantly facilitate breathing, eliminate inflammation and dryness of mucous membranes, and have an antitussive or expectorant effect. The procedure can be carried out using a nebulizer, inhaler or improvised means.


Inhalation of medications involves the use of a nebulizer without heating the solution. A person pours the solution into the compartment according to the instructions and breathes in the fumes. Used for this:


Herbs can be inhaled. For this you need 2 tbsp. pour boiling water over the raw materials and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and pour into the inhaler. The most suitable option for the procedure is steam.

Used for inhalation:

You can make a mixture of the listed herbs and brew it as indicated above.


Oil inhalations are used only if there is no allergy to the ingredients used. Essential oils mainly used:

Add 3-5 drops of the product to a glass of water, after which the solution is mixed and poured into an inhaler or nebulizer. Many of the presented oils are present in a preparation such as Gevkamen ointment. It can also be used for inhalation, but only steam. Add an ointment the size of a match head to the water and breathe in the fumes.

What is better to do inhalations with, says Dr. Komarovsky?


With high-quality and complete treatment, laryngitis is a curable disease. The chronic form can only be introduced into the remission stage. In the absence of treatment, the pathology, depending on the form, either enters the chronic stage or progresses and causes complications.

In children, this type of laryngitis, such as subglottic or false croup, can cause suffocation, leading to death. Purulent forms of laryngitis cause complicated pneumonia, sepsis, and the development of laryngeal stenosis.

Before starting the article, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that treatment of laryngitis in children with folk remedies should occur with the permission of your doctor. Therefore, first consult with your pediatrician and only then feel free to start treatment.

So, what is laryngitis? Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, accompanied by a dry “barking cough”, hoarse voice and high fever. Typically, laryngitis occurs during influenza, parainfluenza, measles, adenovirus infection and much more. You can read more about laryngitis in children in .

Boil 0.5 liters of milk and add one grated onion to it. Let sit a little, strain. Give a warm glass to a sick child in the morning and a glass in the evening before bed. Repeat the procedure for a few more days.

Make a decoction of dried apples. Add honey to it and let the child drink half a glass 2 times a day. This is an effective recipe for hoarseness due to laryngitis.

Also, a decoction of carrots in milk helps with hoarseness during laryngitis. To do this, grate the carrots, add it to half a liter of milk and boil over low heat. Strain the broth and give the patient food several times a day.

A folk remedy for a hoarse voice due to laryngitis is rinsing the mouth with cabbage juice or horseradish tincture. Grate horseradish root no larger than 3 cm in length and width and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar and give the child small sips several times a day.

Take some cabbage leaves. Wash them thoroughly and cook over low heat until completely softened. A child with laryngitis should eat boiled cabbage leaves 2-3 times a day and wash them down with cabbage broth. This folk remedy helps cure coughs and relieve sore throats.

Pour a glass of anise fruit with the same amount of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and strain the broth. Then add ¼ cup of linden honey to it and boil a little again. The finished decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon every hour. Attention - this folk recipe is suitable only for adult children. With it, you can restore your vocal cords in almost one day.

Peel the ginger root and grate it. You will need ¼ cup of grated ginger! Pour a glass of honey over it and cook over low heat. Take one teaspoon from the resulting mixture and add it to a glass of hot sweet tea. Give your child at least 2 glasses of this tea every evening. Then immediately put him to bed.

Take one tablespoon each of crushed lungwort leaves, quince seeds and anise fruits. Add one tablespoon of honey to them, pour half a liter of boiling water over everything and cook for at least 20 minutes. Wait until it cools down and strain. The resulting decoction should be drunk only warm, more than 2 times a day in small portions.

Take 2 tbsp. l. dried white grapes and prepare a decoction from it by pouring one glass of boiling water and boiling a little over low heat. Add 1 tbsp chopped fresh onion to the broth. l. Use 2 tablespoons orally at least 3 times a day. This folk recipe is suitable for any type of laryngitis in children and adults.

Boil a glass of fresh milk. Add 12 cloves of crushed garlic to it. Let it brew and cool. Take it slowly, little by little, over 30 minutes. It should be noted that such hot milk can be used by older patients with laryngitis.

Pour one tablespoon of dry coltsfoot leaves with half a liter of boiling water. Let sit for at least 1 hour. Then strain and take one tablespoon orally 3-4 times a day. Coltsfoot perfectly stops coughing attacks, improves sputum production and relieves attacks of suffocation during laryngitis.

And here is a folk recipe for the treatment of acute laryngitis in children. Mix the crushed herbs of St. John's wort, yarrow, coltsfoot, blueberry leaves, thyme, calendula flowers, birch buds and crushed rose hips. Mix everything and take one tablespoon from the resulting mixture. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Let sit for 4 hours in a warm place. Strain the cooled infusion and give the sick child ¼ cup 3 times a day.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. buckwheat flowers, poppy flowers, coltsfoot leaves, lungwort herb and wild mallow flowers. Pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Add honey to taste and give the patient ½-1/4 cup of the prepared infusion 3-4 times a day. The infusion must be warm! This is an effective remedy for hoarseness or loss of voice due to laryngitis.

By the way, if you have laryngitis, you can breathe in crushed garlic. To do this, finely chop the garlic and spread it throughout the house. If the child doesn't mind, he can eat a small clove of garlic or just suck it in his mouth a little.

Gargling for laryngitis in children - folk remedies.

All these folk remedies for gargling for laryngitis in a child should be used several times a day: in the morning and in the evening just before bed. If the baby is still very small and does not yet know how to gargle on his own, in this case, tilt his head down and irrigate the throat with the prepared infusion using a special spray.

Oak bark has a good effect for gargling with laryngitis. Grind it and mix with linden flowers in a ratio of 3:2. You can add 2 tbsp. l. crushed chamomile flowers. This recipe will have an anti-inflammatory, emollient and astringent effect.

And here is another folk remedy for laryngitis in children with oak bark. You will need 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, 2 tbsp. l. oregano herbs and 1 tbsp. l. crushed marshmallow leaves. Combine everything and pour boiling water over it. Wrap in a towel or use a liter thermos. Let it brew for at least 4 hours. Then strain and use as a gargle. Here the action is the same as in the previous recipe.

Extract the juice from the beets using a juicer or simply grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of beet juice. spoon of apple cider vinegar and use as a mouth rinse 3-4 times a day.

You can also rinse your mouth with laryngitis with freshly squeezed potato juice. .

Take 3 tablespoons each of sage herb, cinquefoil roots and oak bark. Mix everything and take 3 tablespoons from the resulting mixture. Pour a liter of boiling water, wrap it up and let it brew for 4-5 hours. Then strain! The prepared infusion can be used to rinse the mouth for laryngitis in children and adults.

Treatment of laryngitis in children with folk remedies - INHALATION.

In general, inhalations always come first in the treatment of laryngitis in children. Doctors usually recommend doing soda inhalations. Soda very quickly relieves swelling and inflammation in the larynx during laryngitis. If there is no soda, then you can use ordinary mineral water without gas. Inhalations for laryngitis in children must be done at least 3 times a day - in the morning, during the day and at night before bedtime.

How to do inhalation at home.

Pour the prepared hot solution into the kettle and let the child breathe in the vapor through the spout. Instead of a kettle, you can take a regular saucepan. Make a small funnel out of stiff paper, such as cardboard. Bring the wide end to the pan, and insert the narrow end into the child’s mouth. Although, you can do without a funnel. To do this, sit the child near the pan at a distance of 20-30 cm. Do not sit far away, otherwise there will be no benefit from such inhalation. Cover the baby's head with a towel. This will stop the steam from spreading throughout the room.

During inhalation, you should not leave the child alone, as he may spill all the contents on himself and as a result receive a severe burn.

If your child does not want to sit over the pan and breathe, then do it even simpler. Turn on hot water in the bathroom. Wait until the bathroom is filled with steam and sit in it for 15-20 minutes.

Inhalations can be made from the infusion of coltsfoot. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of this plant with 0.4 liters of boiling water and let it brew for about 1 hour. Strain and use for inhalation for laryngitis.

Antitussive inhalation for laryngitis with a decoction of yellow poppy. Brew one tablespoon of poppy flowers with one glass of boiling water.

Prepare an infusion of sage and birch leaves and mix it with a decoction of burnet root. Use the resulting liquid in a dose of 50-100 grams for inhalation.

Prepare an infusion of high mullein in a ratio of 2 tsp. for 1 cup boiling water. Let it brew, then strain. This folk recipe is suitable for both inhalation and oral administration. For inhalation, take 50-100 ml. In general, mullein infusion is used not only to treat laryngitis in children, but also for bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. This is due to the fact that high mullein has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Inhalation with eucalyptus has a good effect on a sore larynx. To do this, you can use either dry eucalyptus leaves or eucalyptus oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Combine lavender herbs and chamomile flowers in a 2:1 ratio. Pour a glass of boiling water. Wait about an hour. Then strain the tincture and use for inhalation against laryngitis for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day.

In addition to all of the above folk remedies for the treatment of laryngitis, do not forget about drinking plenty of fluids regularly. At this point, this is an important component of the entire treatment! For drinking, you can take milk with soda or Borjomi, mineral water, weak tea or just plain clean water. Under no circumstances should the drink be cold or hot. Everything that gets into the throat of a child with laryngitis should be at room temperature, that is, warm.

And be sure to maintain indoor humidity. When a child suffers from laryngitis, he needs moisture both inside and outside. Wipe the dust several times a day and humidify the air with a spray. No spray? No problem. Fill a basin with water and place it in the patient's room. And hang wet towels on the radiators.

By the way, treatment of laryngitis in children with folk remedies also includes treatment of a runny nose. Even if the baby doesn’t have it, still put a soda solution (1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of soda) into his nose at least 3 times a day. The soda solution, flowing into the larynx, will help reduce its swelling.