How to overcome a nervous breakdown. Treatment of nervous breakdowns. The main causes of a nervous breakdown

This is simply a stable expression that denotes a person’s peak reaction to severe, prolonged stress.

In fact, we call a nervous breakdown the moment when the psyche, unable to withstand the stress, fails and a person “flies off the rails.” One is breaking dishes. Another yells at the boss. The third rushes at those around him with his fists. And the fourth is quietly trying to realize thoughts of suicide...

There are no common symptoms of a nervous breakdown. And there is an important reason for this.

A nervous breakdown is not an independent phenomenon. It is simply the most obvious symptom of a pre-existing mental disorder.

Most often, a nervous breakdown manifests itself previously hidden:

  • depression;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

To prevent a nervous breakdown, it is important to recognize a mental problem as early as possible and seek help in time.

How to understand that a nervous breakdown is closer than you think

There are 16 symptoms Nervous breakdown: Signs, symptoms, and treatment nervous disorders:

  1. Sadness, irritability, frequent mood swings and causeless tears.
  2. Feelings of helplessness, uselessness, low self-esteem.
  3. Fear or reluctance to contact others.
  4. Regularly lying about how you feel. For example, a person calls to work and reports that he is sick, with the sole purpose of not going anywhere, staying at home.
  5. Sleep disorders. It could be. Or, on the contrary, the need for too much sleep. Or an abnormal schedule: for example, a person constantly goes to bed late after midnight and wakes up around lunchtime.
  6. Unhealthy diet and hygiene problems. Such signs are associated with the fact that a person with a mental disorder may forget to eat or, for example, brush his teeth. Or he simply does not have enough strength and motivation for these actions.
  7. Difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness.
  8. Feeling of constant fatigue - both emotional and physical.
  9. Lack of motivation, interest in anything.
  10. Inability to enjoy the little things that usually bring joy: hugs, friendly meetings, delicious food, hobbies.
  11. Unreasonable physical illness.
  12. Irritability, intolerance towards other people.
  13. Regular thoughts about the meaninglessness of life and suicide as a possible way out.
  14. Loss of interest in sex.
  15. Retardation in movements and speech.
  16. Frightening memories, nightmares, signs of chronic stress - bouts of sweating, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth even in a calm environment.

The presence of at least one of these symptoms is already a reason to listen to yourself and, perhaps, seek help from a specialist. But if there are several symptoms, we may be talking about a developing mental disorder. And this must be resisted.

How to prevent a nervous breakdown

The first thing to do is consult a doctor. You can start with a therapist and then follow his advice and prescriptions. You can immediately go to a competent person and take a course of cognitive behavioral therapy.

In difficult cases, medications will be needed to improve the condition: antidepressants, tranquilizers (anti-anxiety drugs) or antipsychotics (neuroleptics). But often you can do without them.

To reduce the severity of a mental disorder and prevent yourself from being driven to a nervous breakdown, sometimes small changes are enough What Are the Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown? in lifestyle.

1. Say stop to stress

Try not to get involved in conflicts, spend less time on social networks, and avoid those people and situations that irritate you.

2. Learn to manage stress if you can’t avoid it

Regular visits to a psychotherapist will help with this. There are also quick home methods. Use them as soon as necessary.

3. Adjust your diet

Coffee, energy drinks, alcohol and other stimulants should be excluded. While your psyche needs support, they are prohibited.

4. Normalize your sleep

To get enough sleep, you need to spend a night sleeping. Don't stay up late and try to wake up no later than 8–10 am.

5. Take a walk at least once a day

A daily walk is a necessity. Dedicate at least 10–15 minutes to her, even if you don’t feel like it.

6. Play sports

At least half an hour three times a week. This could be yoga or fitness in a group, classes in the gym, exercises with your own body weight, swimming, jogging. Choose an option to suit your taste.

7. Live according to a schedule

Set times for hygiene procedures, meals, walks, sports, sleep and try to strictly follow the schedule. This will bring regularity into your life, which is very important for reducing stress.

Moderate stress is a natural part of our lives. Stress sets a stimulus for the body during a change in activity and the opportunity to relax. High intensity physical activity can cause injury to bones or muscles.

Such an emotional load can result in disastrous consequences for the psyche and nervous system. A nervous breakdown is one of the most severe and unpleasant consequences.

A nervous breakdown is an incomplete loss of a person’s control over actions and feelings; under the influence of a weakening will, a person is strongly influenced anxiety, stress, panic and worry.

The consequence is constant concentration and staying in a state of maximum emotional stress for a long time.

A nervous breakdown not only has a negative effect on the human body. Reaching the highest point of patience, a person involuntarily gets rid of accumulated tension, which eliminates the occurrence of more severe psychological illnesses.

Nervous breakdown being considered as a psychological and neurological problem, since a person loses control over himself, performance decreases and the development of a breakdown can be unpredictable. To solve such problems, measures are necessary, consisting of consultation with specialists: a psychotherapist and a neurologist.

During a nervous breakdown, a person may experience states of depression or hysteria, depending on his temperament and character. Such opposite states can spontaneously change under the influence of a minor stimulus.

The pathological condition in question is manifested by excessive talkativeness or, conversely, constant withdrawal into oneself, since the patient becomes especially vulnerable emotionally. The emergence of tendencies towards aggression and violence is the main defensive reaction of the suffering organism.

During a nervous breakdown, a change in behavior is not the only sign of the disorder; this pathological condition affects the entire body.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown is manifested by various characteristic changes in the body, depending on the specific type of symptomatology.

According to the type of manifestation, signs of a nervous breakdown share into: behavioral, emotional and physical.

Behavioral signs:

  • noticeable mood changes;
  • strange behavior;
  • desire to commit violence, sudden manifestations of aggression.

Emotional signs (these symptoms appear immediately before the onset of a nervous breakdown):

  • indecision in choice;
  • feelings of anxiety, guilt, worry;
  • low self-esteem;
  • desire to cry;
  • thoughts of a paranoid nature;
  • the emergence of dependence on alcohol and drugs;
  • loss of interest in social life and work;
  • thoughts about one’s own greatness and indestructibility;
  • thoughts about suicide.

Physical symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance – long periods of sleep or prolonged insomnia;
  • various breathing problems;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • decreased libido;
  • memory loss;
  • constant fatigue, extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • menstrual disorder;
  • constant panic attacks, anxiety;
  • loss of appetite.

Some symptoms require more detailed consideration. A nervous breakdown is characterized by the following main symptoms: emotional depression, disturbances in appetite and sleep, weakened interaction with the outside world, aggressiveness, constant irritability and depression, a feeling of hopelessness.

In this state, a person refuses any help, and logical attempts by loved ones to insist on the need to turn to specialists end in rudeness and aggression towards them.

This disorder brings a person to a state of complete fatigue, manifested in a lack of strength and loss of interest in what is happening in the world around him.

It was mentioned above that a nervous breakdown affects not only the mental and emotional state of a person, but also the physical one. The activity of the autonomic nervous system is affected, they manifest themselves in profuse sweating, dry mouth, panic attacks, etc.

After a disorder of the nervous system, it is affected gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. In the case of the cardiovascular system, disorders begin with the appearance of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), hypertension and angina pectoris (pain in the heart area). If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help, as this condition can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

A disorder of the body in the digestive system in this condition consists of attacks of nausea and loss of appetite - a decrease or complete disappearance. The patient suffers from stool disorders, manifested in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

In this situation, drug treatment of the gastrointestinal tract is not required; it is enough to find and eliminate the nervous factor that causes the appearance of a psychological disorder in the human body.

Effective elimination of symptoms accompanying a nervous breakdown directly depends on proper diagnosis and further treatment.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

Just as the symptoms of a nervous breakdown consist of physiological, behavioral and emotional signs, the consequences of a nervous breakdown affect physiology, behavior and psyche.

Physiological consequences

Constant anxiety is a characteristic state of the body before a nervous breakdown, which subsequently entails hot flashes, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, breathing problems, nausea and dizziness.

Wear and tear of the body's organs will be a permanent consequence if no measures are taken in time; the lack of energy in the body will contribute to a sedentary lifestyle.

Heart disease is also not a rare consequence, since in the fight against stress, blood pressure increases, which leads to atrial fibrillation and atherosclerosis. Problems with the brain, vision and kidneys are also possible.

Mental effects

Besides that most often a nervous breakdown indicates depression, the psyche is also affected by negative factors. The result of this detrimental influence is problems with decision making, as well as processing and perceiving data. These consequences lead to disappointment in oneself, which further aggravates the state of depression. The most severe clinical consequences include voices in the head.

Behavioral Consequences

There are obvious deviations in behavior in the form of aggression, rage or hysteria. Suicidal and violent tendencies appear. Speech defects in the form cannot be excluded. The consequences of the pathological condition in question are much more difficult to treat than to eliminate the provoking factor initially.

How to prevent the consequences?

Determining the cause of a nervous breakdown is the first step towards planning treatment. You can go beyond the boundaries of your usual routine or organize a short vacation if your work load is too heavy. Choose places where there will be no need to subject the body to acclimatization, so as not to subject it to unnecessary stress, otherwise infectious diseases or other symptoms of acclimatization deficiency are possible.

If the cause of the breakdown was a certain event, it is necessary to protect yourself from worries and further immersion in experienced emotions. Relatives, for their part, should unobtrusively show support, even if the patient demonstrates aggression or apathy.

An appointment with a psychotherapist is mandatory, even if you managed to cope with the problem on your own. The provoking factor may be repeated and it is unknown how the body will react next time.

With a doctor, it is easier to determine the cause of the pathological condition; if necessary, medications will be prescribed, and in severe cases, the patient will be prescribed inpatient treatment. Any treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating symptoms, but also at stabilizing volitional control over one’s own physical and emotional state. Be healthy!

Nervous disorders: causes, symptoms and therapy

The constant stress that modern people experience can not only mobilize all their abilities to solve complex problems, but also lead to nervous breakdown. Unfortunately, with chronic stress, people rarely realize this.

Prerequisites for the development of nervous system disorders

The continuous increase in the incidence of diseases of the nervous system makes us talk about the epidemic scale of the problem. Young, able-bodied people of both sexes are increasingly suffering from such disorders. Doctors believe that the cause is the negative influence of the modern lifestyle, even if the patient has never received serious injuries or suffered serious illnesses that could provoke disorders of the central nervous system. Mental, physical and emotional stress is the daily reality of a metropolitan resident, almost inevitably leading to various nervous disorders. Up to 3% of the world's inhabitants suffer from obsessive-compulsive neurosis alone, and these are diagnosed cases. The actual figure will be 2–3 times higher.

Types of Nervous System Disorders

Despite the wide variety of nervous disorders, they can be divided into two large groups - neuroses and autonomic dysfunction.


These are functional disorders of the central nervous system, which can be provoked and aggravated by emotional, mental and physical overload, and psychological trauma.

  • Obsessive states. Another name is obsessive-compulsive disorder. They can be episodic, chronic or progressive. Most often they affect people with high intelligence. The essence of the disorder is the appearance of painful thoughts, memories, actions, and emotional states that are uncontrollable and capture the patient’s full attention. As a result, he constantly experiences a feeling of anxiety, which he tries to get rid of using some of his own methods, which most often aggravate the situation. An example is the obsessive fear of contracting infectious diseases, when a person tries by all possible means to disinfect surrounding objects. The causes of obsessive states may be heredity, past infectious diseases or their exacerbation, hormonal imbalance, sleep and wakefulness. Changes in atmospheric pressure and changes in seasons contribute to the development of obsessive states.
  • Neurasthenia. Pathological conditions in which increased irritability, fatigue, and the inability to engage in mental or physical activity for a long time are observed. All this is due to general depression of the nervous system. Typically, neurasthenia develops after mental trauma, accompanied by hard work, disturbances in sleep and nutrition. Contributing factors in the development of neurasthenia are infections, hormonal disorders, and bad habits.
  • Hysteria. A type of neurosis in which demonstrative manifestations of certain emotions do not correspond to their real depth and are intended to attract attention. The causes of hysteria are the tendency to self-hypnosis and suggestion, the inability to consciously control one’s behavior. According to clinical signs, hysterical behavior and hysterical seizures are distinguished. Behavioral hysteria manifests itself in the patient’s constant desire to be in the center of attention, a tendency to affective actions and manifestations. A hysterical attack is a short-term condition during which the patient remains fully conscious, but may cry, laugh, fall and convulse. The duration of a seizure depends on the impression it makes on others: it will last longer, the more people around you are worried. Hysteria develops after mental trauma; seizures can be triggered by any stressful influence.

Neuroses respond well to treatment, as patients retain critical thinking and realize that they need help. Personality disorders are not observed in neuroses.

Autonomic dysfunction

This type of nervous disorder is often confused with vegetative-vascular dystonia, but the latter is only one of the manifestations of a nervous disease. Autonomic dysfunction occurs when the internal organs receive incorrect or irregular signals from the autonomic nervous system. This reduces the body’s protective functions, leads to a general deterioration in well-being, and disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Symptoms may be similar to migraines, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis and a number of other pathologies. Autonomic dysfunction develops due to constant stress or is provoked by it, arising for some other reason. Autonomic nervous disorders can be part of functional or organic lesions of the entire nervous system.

Symptoms of the condition

The main signs of a nervous disorder are increased anxiety, tension, decreased performance, problems concentrating, alternating lethargy and irritability, and sudden pain of unknown origin. If you constantly observe such manifestations in yourself, you need to at least reduce your stress level, and it is best to consult a specialist.

Where to go if you have a nervous disorder?

Treatment of nervous disorders requires the help of a specialist: psychologist, neurologist, neurologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Therapy should be comprehensive, including drug and non-drug methods. It is necessary to treat first of all the cause of the nervous disorder, only in this case the therapy will be successful. In any clinical picture, the patient is shown calm.

Non-drug therapy

Unfortunately, magic pills for the treatment of nervous disorders have not yet been invented, and the patient has to reconsider his lifestyle for the success of treatment.

  • Breathing exercises and health fitness. Methods of health-improving fitness for patients with nervous disorders include yoga, swimming, and callanetics. All these types of fitness help you find peace of mind. Breathing exercises are distinguished by their accessibility at any time; they can be practiced even during the working day. Diaphragmatic breathing makes it possible to achieve calm and concentration, helps saturate the brain with oxygen, and promotes the normal functioning of all body systems.
  • Physiotherapy and relaxation techniques (massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, etc.). These therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving muscle spasms, improving blood circulation and lymph outflow, activating digestive processes, and stimulating the immune system. During the procedures, the effects of stress are relieved.
  • Changing lifestyle and nutrition. Sleep and wakefulness, walks in the fresh air, food rich in protein and vitamins - all this has a beneficial effect on a depleted nervous system. With constant stress, the body experiences a severe deficiency of vitamins, which can be replenished by paying attention to your diet.

Nervous disorders are characterized by the patient’s desire to be cured as quickly as possible, but this only increases anxiety. Drug therapy will help you find the strength for long-term treatment.

Pharmacological approach

Despite the fact that there are over-the-counter medications on the list of medications for patients with nervous disorders, self-medication can only worsen the situation. Therefore, you can start taking them only in consultation with your doctor.

Drugs with a partial sedative effect. Increased anxiety is caused by the release of adrenaline into the blood. Drugs such as Valocordin or Corvalol, which relieve anxiety and thereby reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, help to cope with this.

Vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathy. Patients with nervous disorders need to take vitamins C and E, B vitamins, potassium, calcium and magnesium supplements. Without them, the cells do not produce enough energy, the functions of the cardiovascular system decrease, and it is difficult to achieve concentration. The drugs Asparkam and Magnelis are often prescribed. Homeopathic medicines "Tenoten", Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallic, Gelsemium, "Stress-Gran", bioactive additives “Mystic”, “Hyper”, “Passilat”, “Revien” and many others act without side effects and are known means for relieving the effects of stress among an easily suggestible population, although their therapeutic effect has never been confirmed by anyone research.

Herbal medicines. Traditional medicine has its own recipes for dealing with stress. One of them is soothing herbal teas made from chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, passionflower, and valerian root. The properties of various herbs were also used to create such drugs as Novo-Passit, Persen and many others. It should be remembered that these drugs may have contraindications and side effects (for example, cause drowsiness).

Prescription drugs. In severe cases of nervous disorders, potent drugs are prescribed, which are available only by prescription. These are tranquilizers and antidepressants - Tazepam, Phenazepam, Amitriptyline, Desipramine and others. They have a number of side effects (for example, extreme addiction) and contraindications, so they are selected individually and taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Over-the-counter drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An example of such a drug is Afobazol. It not only reduces the level of anxiety, tension, and irritability, but helps eliminate vegetative and somatic manifestations of stress, and also has a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system, resulting in improved mood. Taking the drug does not cause drowsiness, weakness, or reduce concentration.

Expert opinion: A representative of the manufacturing company talks about the drug “Afobazol”

“The action of Afobazole is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a result of clinical studies, it was revealed that while taking Afobazol, 78% of patients showed a decrease in irritability and an increase in mood, 70% felt less tired and more productive. In general, taking the drug helps reduce anxiety levels and normalize the emotional background. Strength and self-confidence appear again. Afobazole does not produce significant side effects. The therapeutic effect develops from 5–7 days of administration. At the end of therapy, there is no withdrawal syndrome - this is very important. is an inexpensive, popular over-the-counter remedy.”

Despite the fact that taking medications often has a positive effect and is not a complex therapeutic measure, you should not get carried away with it. Resuming a course of medication on your own can be harmful to your health. It is better to devote time to competent prevention.

Restoration of the nervous system and prevention of disorders

A well-thought-out treatment strategy and precise execution of the doctor’s instructions, as a rule, give positive results. The patient not only improves his well-being, but also his overall quality of life. For further prevention, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, combat stress, healthy sleep and sufficient physical activity.

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When a person is in a tense state for a long time, he experiences a strong crisis, which leads to a nervous breakdown. It is interesting that such well-known diagnostic systems as ICD-10 do not recognize this pathology. However, in reality, there are a sufficient number of people suffering from this disorder and they need help. As a result, many are interested in the following question: how to treat a nervous breakdown? First of all, it is necessary to understand that this pathology occurs in cases where a person experiences prolonged psychological stress, is subject to frequent stress and does not recover from it. As a result, all energy and strength run out, and the patient suffers a nervous breakdown.

It is worth noting that in the modern world frequent nervous breakdowns occur, since the current lifestyle does not have the best effect on our body. If an individual takes on many tasks and does not cope with them emotionally, this leads to overwork. During a nervous breakdown, everything around you begins to irritate, pleasure is lost, physical fatigue appears, etc. The first thing to do in this case is to take care of your psycho-emotional health and take a vacation.

Symptoms and signs

All symptoms of a nervous breakdown can be divided into three main groups: emotional, behavioral and physical. They all manifest themselves differently, but are often present at one point in time. In other words, a patient may experience individual symptoms from different groups.


  • Constant fatigue;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Constipation, diarrhea (stomach upset);
  • Frequent headaches, migraines;
  • Digestive problems, changes in appetite;
  • Memory loss;
  • Sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • Breathing problems;
  • State of alarm;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Nausea and vomiting.


  • Sudden anger;
  • Crying or constantly wanting to cry for any reason;
  • Hysterics;
  • Stupor;
  • Strange behavior that others notice;
  • Frequent mood swings.


  • Depression;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Indecision and anxiety;
  • Feeling restless;
  • Guilt;
  • Thoughts about death;
  • Lost interest in society and work;
  • Decreased self-esteem;
  • Dependence on alcohol and drugs;
  • Thoughts about invincibility and one's own greatness;
  • Paranoid thoughts.

Nervous disorder occurs in both women and men. However, according to statistics, breakdowns most often occur in women, as they cannot cope with their emotional state. It's no secret that all representatives of the fairer sex are very emotional. And if an individual is not able to dominate himself, to show self-control, then there is a risk of breakdown. This most often occurs between the ages of 30 and 40. Modern psychologists distinguish three main stages of the consequences of a nervous breakdown.

  1. The person experiences great enthusiasm and completely “goes into work.” As a result, he loses control over himself, the body and psyche do not receive proper rest, the person does not listen to emerging signals, and nervous forces are depleted.
  2. At this stage, the patient already feels exhausted in the body, as it does not allow him to work fully, anger and irritability appear.
  3. If during the second stage you do not consult a specialist or do not take certain actions, the condition worsens, nervous overstrain, full-blown depression, apathy and a pessimistic attitude develop. The person becomes lethargic, indecisive and withdraws into himself.

The main signs of a nervous disorder are as follows:

  • Depression, state of fatigue;
  • Internal tension, which is present day and night, is difficult for a person to get rid of;
  • Weight gain or loss;
  • Any request from the outside provokes aggression;
  • Insomnia;
  • Touchiness and irritability;
  • Suspiciousness, anxiety, hypochondriacal thoughts;
  • Inattention, absent-mindedness;
  • Apathy, the appearance of pessimism;
  • Hostile attitude towards society;
  • Obsession with an unpleasant person or unpleasant situation;
  • It's difficult to switch to another topic.

Without a doubt, a nervous disorder is a serious illness that requires treatment. During the period of exacerbation, the individual commits rash acts, conflicts arise with other people, physical health deteriorates (headaches, pressure surges, phobias, ulcers, mental disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, etc.).

Causes of a nervous breakdown

As mentioned above, the main reason for the appearance of a nervous breakdown is constant psychological tension, which is not replaced by relaxation. Frequent stress and unpleasant situations only aggravate the situation, and anxiety develops. Causes of a nervous breakdown and situations influencing its development:

  • Panic;
  • Phobias;
  • Post-traumatic depression;
  • General anxiety;
  • Bad memories and fixation on them;
  • Long-term use of medications;
  • Long-term illnesses, stress;
  • Problems at work;
  • Financial problems;
  • Parting with a loved one;
  • Difficult adaptation to new conditions;
  • Long-term psychological stress;
  • Competition, conflict situations;
  • Great anxiety about something;
  • The need to work with unbalanced people who periodically plunge into shock and bewilderment. The same applies to frequent contact with evil bosses, clients or colleagues, whose communication brings only negativity.


Today it is impossible to say for sure who is more likely to have nervous breakdowns, adults or teenagers. However, an older person is forced to cope with big problems and take responsibility for his life and family. In this regard, many people shoulder backbreaking work, from which it is difficult to escape. At work, you need to complete more tasks in a short time, children need emotional support, and your significant other requires more attention. If all this is not kept in harmony, nervous overstrain is possible.

Children and teenagers

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Children, due to their young age, are also exposed to severe stress. Modern education overburdens children with unnecessary chores and homework. As a result, if a child does not go to an additional section, where he can throw away the accumulated negativity, he also runs the risk of nervous strain and exhaustion. Therefore, it is important to monitor how adequate the learning tasks are, in some situations to show sympathy and hug the baby more often. It is important to say kind words and support him in every possible way. To understand how much some situations can affect a child’s psyche, let’s give a few examples.

  1. If a mother forces a two-year-old child to eat something that he does not like, there is a risk of developing food aversions or anorexia.
  2. If a large dog rushes at a small child and he gets scared, there is a high probability of stuttering.
  3. Divorces and litigation regarding a child also take a heavy toll on the nervous system of a fragile body. Remember yourself at that age, you probably thought that mom and dad were something unshakable, permanent and eternal, because for you they are blood relatives (as opposed to the status of spouses). While the child is small, parents are the main support and only at a more mature age do divorces become easier.
  4. Teenagers are very cruel. If a child’s personality is quite vulnerable, and he cannot stand up for himself, grievances, as a rule, accumulate inside and, with age, interfere with a full life and development.

Parents need to show more attention and care. The fact is that many of the child’s problems seem very minor and unworthy of attention. However, for a child, this or that situation is incredibly important and exciting. If he does not find the right solution, and his parents do not tell him what to do, perhaps in the future the problem will become much larger and will progress with age.


Nervous breakdowns often occur during pregnancy. It is no secret that during this period women are most vulnerable and endure great emotional stress. Sometimes even the smallest little things can cause irritation. All this happens due to the large release of hormones that are designed to support life in the womb.

  1. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the body secretes large amounts of gonadotropin. As a result, nausea and nervous breakdowns often occur.
  2. Next, progesterone is produced. During this period of pregnancy, women experience greater fatigue and fatigue.
  3. Estyrol is produced during the entire period of pregnancy, which affects the emotional state.


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If you are having a breakdown and don't know how to avoid a breakdown, you need to see an appropriate doctor. As a rule, these are psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists. Firstly, they will be able to understand the reasons that led to this condition. Often, patients, despite all the obviousness from the outside, simply cannot understand why this happened. Psychologists will ask leading questions and in 10-15 minutes they will tell you why the nervous breakdown occurred. Secondly, they can prescribe the necessary medications. If the nervous breakdown is severe, you will most likely need to take a long course of treatment.

It is very important to listen to all the advice and implement it in practice; there are no other ways to cope with a nervous breakdown. Modern psychology has advanced a lot. Often a cognitive approach to treatment or even hypnosis is used. Medicines help to cope with a nervous condition, but until the problem is solved psychologically and the person does not change their lifestyle, pathologies will certainly appear in the future.

First of all, the treatment of manifested nervous disorders consists of revising your lifestyle. You need to get into the habit of doing the following:

  • Try to avoid nervous and stressful situations.
  • Balanced diet and daily routine. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, you need to go to bed at 10 pm. Modern medicine has proven that the nervous system rests only two hours a day (from 22:00 to 00:00). This period can replace 6 - 8 hours of regular sleep.
  • Increase your self-esteem, do not criticize yourself for any reason. Forgive your shortcomings.
  • Avoid communicating with conflicting people.
  • Don't work too hard. It is best to take a month off and take care of your health.
  • Every day, take a walk in the fresh air, jog, and engage in moderate physical activity, which will help with treatment. The pool is also an excellent preventive measure, as it relaxes the nervous system.

A nervous system disorder can and should be treated as quickly as possible, especially since now you know how to prevent a nervous breakdown and what steps should be taken. To do this, follow all the above recommendations and be sure to visit a good specialist. Today, many doctors provide services remotely, via the Internet, which is a definite plus. The only drawback is that you will not be able to prescribe medications for treatment. However, as support and treatment with psychological techniques, this option in some cases is the only correct one. If you have been diagnosed with a nervous breakdown, seek professional medical attention immediately.