Sleep is the key to health, longevity and beauty. Proven by science. Healthy sleep is the key to health

To understand how important healthy, full sleep is for a person, it is enough to learn about the processes occurring in our body when it is disturbed. First of all, these include the process of mass death of brain cells and nervous system. This, in turn, entails loss of concentration, slower reactions, weakening of almost all thought processes, sharp decline memory and intelligence. Agree, it’s difficult to live with such a “bouquet” of symptoms full life. Lack of sleep has negative influence and on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to statistics, people who sleep less than 5 hours a night are more likely to die from heart disease. When there is a lack of sleep, they weaken protective forces body, a person is more often exposed to various infectious diseases. At the same time, there is a significant decrease in glucose metabolism, which means that people who have trouble sleeping have an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Violated and hormonal background: the amount of stress hormone - cortisol increases significantly, and growth hormone decreases, which leads to general deterioration health conditions and premature aging.

If a person can live without food for about two months, then without sleep he cannot live even two weeks. This once again confirms the importance of the processes occurring in our body during sleep. What are these processes and why are they so important? Firstly, during sleep the activity of almost all organs and systems is restructured: breathing slows down, heart rate decreases, blood pressure in the vessels decreases, the temperature of various parts of the body decreases by an average of 0.5-1 degrees. It is this state of the body that allows all our internal organs to “rest” and recover. Secondly, during sleep our muscles completely relax, while their blood supply improves, which means active process restoration and oxygen saturation and nutrients. This is another indicator of sleep - deep muscle relaxation.

Reacts especially sensitively to changes in time of day endocrine system. For example, the pancreas more actively produces insulin during the day, and at night - a hormone that promotes calm sleep - somastotin. At the end of the last century, American scientists discovered a special substance - the hormone melatonin, necessary for the body for a peaceful fall into sleep. In recent years, this substance continues to surprise researchers: it turns out that, in addition to sedative properties, it also has antioxidant and rejuvenating properties, and in addition, strengthens immune system and even fights cancer cells! The content of melatonin in the blood fluctuates depending on the time of day - at night its concentration increases 4-6 times, reaching a peak between midnight and three o'clock in the morning. Another important hormone– somatotropin or growth hormone, also produced mainly during sleep. It works on cell regeneration, increases muscle mass, improves skin elasticity and is responsible for the strength of our bones. Scientists have found that people who retain mental clarity and youthfulness until old age, have by nature high level growth hormone.

And, of course, one of the organs most dependent on the quality of our sleep is our brain. During sleep, its cells disconnect from peripheral irritations and begin to organize the information received during wakefulness. This information processed, sorted and sent to the desired “cell” at long-term storage. That is why the regular lack of a good night’s rest has an extremely negative impact on the state of a person’s memory and intelligence, and in addition, leads to the weakening of the nervous system and the development mental illness. Finally, we should not forget that all the restoration processes that occur during sleep are directly reflected in our appearance, while human skin is extremely sensitive to changes in sleep patterns. Only in a dream does it have the opportunity to recover: active regeneration of cells occurs and their saturation with nutrients, cleansing of the epidermis and dermis from waste and toxins, as well as strengthening of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Sleep disturbances have a destructive effect on the body, depriving it of physical and psychological rest. In addition, poor or poor-quality sleep can change our entire lives and provoke not only temporary unpleasant phenomena such as absent-mindedness and a feeling of fatigue, but also, as mentioned earlier, much more serious exacerbations of neurological and somatic diseases. Sleep disorders are based on disrupted chains of sleep phases and cycles, which are the key to a good night's rest. Human night sleep cycles consist of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep of varying depths. Typically, one cycle lasts from 60 to 90 minutes, while for good rest It is enough to sleep for four of your biocycles under the indispensable condition of their continuity. After all, each type of sleep, slow or fast, has its own significance for the body.

Phase slow sleep takes up about 75% of a person’s total nighttime sleep time. During this phase, the breathing rate and heart rate decrease, muscles relax, and eye movements slow down. It is in the slow-wave sleep phase that we enter deep sleep, which is of fundamental importance for rest and restoration of the body: during this period, cells and tissue structure are restored, “minor repairs” take place internal organs person, his energy balance is restored.

Phase REM sleep takes up about 25% of a person’s total nighttime sleep time. At this stage they are activated physiological functions person: breathing and heart rate increase, muscle tone decreases, but at the same time movement eyeballs under closed eyelids it becomes fast. It is in this phase that a person dreams. Functionally, in the REM sleep phase, the information received by the brain during the whole day is processed, and “data” is exchanged between the conscious and subconscious. It is REM sleep that restores nervous system from the daily influence of stress. When we fall asleep in the evening, we first fall into slow-wave sleep, sequentially passing through its four stages: drowsiness, light sleep, moderate sleep and deep sleep. And only then does the REM sleep phase begin. If sleep is continuous, the proportion of REM sleep in each cycle gradually increases, taking up almost all of our rest time by morning. If for any reason a failure occurs in this chain, which leads to a reduction or complete loss of certain phases of sleep, then we are talking about a sleep disorder.

In accordance with this, it becomes clear how the “sleep chain” changes in people suffering from various types his violations. Thus, people who have difficulty falling asleep reduce the time of both slow and fast sleep. Moreover, falling asleep closer to the morning, they risk never falling into deep sleep, since at about 4 o’clock in the morning the processes of activating all functions begin in our body, which is accompanied by the REM sleep phase. After such a “rest,” a person will feel physically “broken.” On the contrary, when waking up early, at 4-5 o’clock in the morning, a person may feel relatively well, however, deprived of a significant dose of “REM” sleep, suffer from memory and concentration problems, be absent-minded and irritable. As for constant awakenings during the night, they deprive a person of the most valuable part of night rest - the phase deep sleep. Passing through the stage of drowsiness when falling asleep, light sleep, and then sleep of moderate depth, such a person wakes up, and then, after some time, again plunges into doze and subsequent shallow sleep, and again, without reaching the stage of deep sleep, wakes up. This can continue throughout the night, while the body’s time for physical recovery, and most importantly, memory, attention and the nervous system suffer. By constantly waking up, a person deprives himself of a significant amount of “REM” sleep.

How to influence these causes and help your body in similar situation? What to counteract daily stress and overexertion, which are often the culprits of such sleep disorders? First of all, you need a positive psychological attitude, the ability to manage your emotions and even thoughts. And for this, in turn, we need to support our nervous system in every possible way: establish regular and proper nutrition, regularly engage in physical exercise, carry out hardening procedures and, finally, provide the body with all the biologically necessary active substances, which gently and effectively stabilize the functioning of the nervous system. By providing our body with them in sufficient quantities, we can significantly improve the quality of our sleep and provide ourselves with good protection from stress during the day.

Everyone knows that sleep is a source of good health and mood. No wonder many famous people consider a dream the best medicine, and some women are sure that sleep is a source of beauty.

She slept for such a long time, and when she woke up, her beauty did not fade one bit... Remember? The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it... Maybe the truth is that the princess slept well and that’s why she was so beautiful!

Sleep is vital important condition brain activity, therefore it is important to be healthy, sound sleep.

To ensure your sleep becomes refreshing and deep, you need to follow the basic rules of healthy sleep:

2. It is advisable to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. At this time, the body is relaxed, the nervous system is resting, and you can easily fall asleep. Doctors believe that an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep in order to rest and not sleep at work during the day. For a normal night's sleep, 5-6 hours is enough. The most useful time for sleep from eleven o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning. In any case, sleep must cover the time from two o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the morning. At this time, sleep is the strongest; you should try to sleep at least one hour at this time. It is not recommended to sleep during the day; it is especially undesirable to sleep before sunset. The duration of sleep depends on what you eat during the day: the less you eat, the less sleep you need. Centenarians sleep little, no more than 4-6 hours a day. A three-shift work schedule is undesirable, especially a schedule where the shift changes every week.

3. It is recommended to sleep with your head facing north (or east). The requirement for correct orientation of the body in space is associated with the need to harmonize electromagnetic fields. Directions of movement of electromagnetic waves earth's crust and the person must match. Using this method, Academician Helmholtz even treated people.

4. It is better to sleep on a hard, flat surface. On soft feather beds, the body inevitably sag, and this causes a disruption in blood supply spinal cord And various organs, which are jammed. It also leads to pinched nerve endings, which can adversely affect any part of the body. It is not without reason that doctors recommend that those who have suffered a spinal injury and those suffering from radiculitis sleep on a completely hard bed. Ideally, the bed (at least under the mattress) should be made of unpainted and unvarnished boards. But it’s nice and easy to install a sheet of plywood on a mesh or other base. On top you can put a wadded blanket and a blanket or even a regular wadded mattress in 1-2 layers. For healthy people, it is better to do without a pillow or limit yourself to a thin and fairly dense pillow. This supports in in good condition cervical region spine, improves cerebral circulation, promotes normalization intracranial pressure, prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck. However, patients with cardiovascular failure And bronchial asthma You should not give up the pillow until the underlying disease is cured, and during periods of exacerbation, you can use two or three hard pillows.

5. It is advisable to sleep more naked. When it's cold, it's better to cover yourself with an extra blanket.

6. It is best to sleep on your side, turning over several times during the night from one side to the other (the turning occurs automatically) so as not to overload the kidneys and other organs. Sleeping on your side is good for your back, and in addition, this position reduces the likelihood of snoring. You can sleep on your back. The worst thing is to sleep on your stomach all the time.

7. Night drafts are very harmful, they lead to runny nose and colds. It is best to open the window, but close the door tightly. Or leave open window in the next room and do not close the door. You don’t have to be afraid of a drop in temperature, the main thing is to avoid drafts. As a last resort, you can properly ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. To avoid catching a cold, it is recommended to sleep in socks. It is best to sleep at a temperature of +18-20°C.

8. It is advisable to remove noisy noise from the bedroom mechanical watch and turn the dial of the luminous electronic clock so as not to monitor the countdown.

9. Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep of varying depths. Typically cycles last from 60 to 90 minutes, and it has been noted that healthy people The cycle is approaching 60 minutes. However, by the morning, especially with excessively long sleep, the cycles are greatly extended. At the same time, the proportion of “rapid eye movement” sleep, during which we dream, sharply increases. For complete rest, it is enough to sleep 4 of your biocycles. This is how many long-livers sleep. However, it is normal to sleep 6 biocycles. It is very important not to interrupt sleep during the biocycle. If you wake a person in the middle of one of these intervals, he will feel overwhelmed. Therefore, it is better to get up not according to the alarm clock, but according to the “internal clock”. If you set an alarm clock, then estimate that there are a whole number of cycles per sleep. In extreme conditions, you can sleep in two biocycles. But for many this all seems like an unattainable dream. Some people sleep for 10-11 hours and can’t get up, while others, on the contrary, suffer from insomnia.

10. The main rule for amateurs long sleep: Don't stay in bed! As soon as a person wakes up (and this can be early in the morning), you need to smile, stretch, throw off the blanket and get up. And usually people look at their watches: “Oh, it’s only 5 o’clock!” and lie down again. But the benefits of such aging are very doubtful. If you start getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning, you will have a lot of time for gymnastics, water procedures, housework. True, for the first 5-7 days in the morning or afternoon you will want to sleep, but this is not a true need, but only a habit of the body. Then it will pass. But it is advisable to relax several times during the day.

11. Before going to bed, it is recommended to free yourself from the experiences of the passing day that excite the nervous system. Set yourself up for a good night’s sleep, giving rest and restoration of strength to the whole body. Known wise aphorism: “A calm conscience is the best sleeping pill.” To speed up self-improvement, a person must, before going to bed, analyze all his thoughts, words and actions that took place during the day.

12. Some people fall asleep perfectly to quiet, pleasant music. Such music can be music in the “Relax” style.

Try turning on a tape recorder or radio quietly with your favorite melodies, recordings with the sounds of the sea surf or a rustling forest.

13. When it comes to alcohol and caffeine, the less you drink, the better. Alcohol initially induces sleep, but after a few hours, when its effects wear off, it can promote awakening. It is also recommended to avoid drinking caffeinated drinks before bed. Caffeine is present not only in coffee, but also in tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola, and many painkillers. It is much healthier to drink soothing herbal tea before bed. Chamomile, mint, hops, valerian, lemon balm are suitable. It has long been believed that a glass warm milk with 1 tablespoon of honey dissolved in it helps you sleep better than any sleeping pill.

14. It’s very good, before going to bed, to take a warm shower, and if possible, then warm bath. It is useful to add flavored salt there, essential oils or infusion of nettle or wormwood. An indispensable condition: The water should be warm or pleasantly hot. It is better to take a cool shower in the morning to perk up faster.

15. If there is a park or alley in front of your house, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a walk before going to bed, breathing fresh air, because this will allow you to fall asleep faster.

Hello everyone, friends. We want to ask you the following questions. How important is it to you to get enough sleep? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Today our topic is about healthy sleep. Sleep is natural physiological process being in a state with a minimal level of brain activity and a reduced reaction to the outside world.

Such is nature that a person really needs sleep, in addition to his active existence. The longer a person does not sleep, the worse he begins to feel. This is an axiom. Believe it or check it.

Your dream

Sleep is an invaluable source of not only feeling great and in a good mood, it also contributes to the preservation of beauty and youth. During sleep, everything is restored vital functions human body. When you wake up in the morning, and most importantly, after getting enough sleep, you become wiser, stronger, you have new emotions, and your immune system is restored.

It’s not for nothing that when a person gets sick, he always wants to sleep. Why? The fact is that the body requires its own reboot in order to help. Remember this famous phrase: “The morning is wiser than the evening” or “Lie down, sleep and everything will pass.” These old sayings never lose their relevance. But not everything is as simple as it might seem to us at first glance.

It would seem that it could be simpler, go to bed when you want and that’s it... Business)) But, for example, sleep cannot be healthy if you spent half the night in a bar, drank alcohol, and returned home at 3-4 in the morning. At 7 o'clock in the morning you need to get up sharply by the alarm clock and run to college or work. This process is most often called “youth” or “it turned out as always.”

Disturbing sleep results

Anxious sleep, unlike healthy sleep, has few advantages: the brain cannot relax, and when you wake up in the morning, you feel tired. Humanity complains of insomnia, resorting in despair to sleeping pills. But this is a double-edged sword - at first you can fall asleep, but later on, sleep becomes more restless, and then sleeping pills completely stop working.

And here the opinion appears that you are an OWL, and not a morning person, and it suits you very well nightlife, because it is very interesting in its essence. But this is a very big mistake. Yes, youth is a feeling when you want everything and everything is possible. You need to try everything in your life, but everything has its measure. Think about yourself now, if you don’t get enough sleep, what happens to you at that moment when you are woken up and you need to go somewhere, but you really don’t want to.

I'm sure you are very irritated at this moment, swearing or angry at the whole world around you. But who is to blame for the fact that you didn’t get enough sleep? Your friends or acquaintances? Perhaps someone else? No, believe me, no one is to blame except you for the fact that you woke up in bad mood due to having only slept for a few hours.

I can’t argue with the fact that there are many people in our world for whom sleep does not cause any problems! They go to bed when they want and wake up rested and invigorated. They fall asleep perfectly everywhere and always, and can afford a cup of evening coffee. But alas, there are also many people suffering from sleep disorders.

Experts on sleep factors

Experts have proven that more than a third of the population suffers from insomnia or other sleep disorders that interfere with night's rest and restoration of performance. In the absence of healthy sleep, the possibility of productive daytime life sharply decreases.

Healthy, full sleep is important factor, which has a positive effect on health, especially in our stressful times. Sleepless nights can and should be left in the past. Secure yourself healthy habits related to sleep, and you can get rid of insomnia and achieve healthy sleep without intermediate awakenings.

It turned out that human body suffers from lack of sleep much more severely than from hunger. Normal people cannot withstand more than two days without sleep - they fall asleep involuntarily, and during daytime work they may experience short-term dreams and drowsiness, even unnoticeable to others.

Typically, an adult needs 7–8 hours of sleep. But of course, all people sleep differently, some need more time to rest, others less. Determine how many hours of sleep you personally need to get enough sleep and feel good the next morning. But remember that trying to sleep more time than the body requires leads to feeling unwell all day. No wonder some people remark: “I’ve been tossing around all morning, now I’m all broken.” But you simply had to get out of bed on time.

Following simple tips, you can not only normalize your sleep, but also make it healthy, and wellness You're guaranteed!

  1. Try to go to bed before 24 hours, approximately between 10 and 11 pm.
  2. Don't eat before bed at least 1-2 hours before...
  3. Try not to take stimulating drinks in the evening.
  4. Breathe fresh air before bed.
  5. Don't engage in mental and physical work just before bedtime - this leads to overexcitation and difficulty falling asleep. And this also contributes to the fact that you begin to dream in everything. But if you don’t know, then during this period your brain is actively working and not resting.
  6. Try not to watch TV in bed. The bedroom is a sleepy abode, it should set you in the appropriate mood. Even if you are watching some interesting movie, turn off the TV, do not go straight to bed. Take a shower.
  7. A warm shower or bath with soothing herbs helps falling asleep quickly and good sleep.
  8. Instead of watching TV, make love with your loved one. Sex before bed sometimes helps relieve tension, and usually after it you quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly.
  9. Don't use high pillows. The neck should be flush with the body.
  10. Sleeping on your side is good for your spine and also reduces the likelihood of snoring.
  11. The bedroom should be quiet and ventilated. Move all electrical appliances away from you.
  12. Pleasant music, recordings of the sound of the surf or birdsong contribute to a pleasant bedtime.
  13. Do not drink alcohol or drinks containing caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea) before bedtime.
  14. Before going to bed, you should not think about problems and worries; you will have time to think about them during the day. In the evening, it is best to relax and help the body fully rest and recover during the night's sleep. If possible, relax your muscles and think about something pleasant.
  15. Turn off the lights in the sleeping area, otherwise your sleep will most likely be superficial, which will not allow your body to fully rest and recover.
  16. Scientists recommend sleeping with your head facing north or east.
  17. It is best to sleep more naked, and if you freeze, cover yourself with an additional blanket, rather than putting on warm clothes.
  18. Sleeping place should be smooth, not too soft and not too hard.
  19. It is necessary to sleep in a horizontal position, preferably alternately - either on the right or on the left side. Experts do not recommend sleeping on your stomach.

The position on the stomach is rejected because, firstly, in this position the lower back becomes tense, the lumbar curve increases, and the paravertebral muscles shorten, which can cause pain in the lower back. Secondly, sleeping on your stomach limits mobility at the level of the cervicothoracic junction. Thirdly, in the position on the stomach, blood flow in the vertebral arteries, which nourish the brainstem, cerebellum, and posterior sections cerebral hemispheres.

You need to wake up no later than 5-6 o'clock in the morning. The healthiest sleep is from 21-22 pm to 5-6 am, but in order to accustom yourself to such an early rise, you need to give yourself evening instructions, for example, “Tomorrow I have to get up at 5 am.”

To get started in the morning good mood, do not lie in bed for a long time, immediately after waking up, stretch, smile and get up. Do it slowly and with pleasure. It is best to start your morning not with breakfast, but with exercise.

Let your body wake up, do not immediately throw sandwiches or any other food into your stomach. The best way get it early in the morning great mood and cheerfulness for the whole day is light jogging, performing stretching exercises. By introducing elementary and uncomplicated physical exercise, you will change not only your life, but also yourself.

In just a few months you will become a completely different person. You will begin to succeed in everything both in your studies (if you are still studying at school or university) and in work. You will be ahead of all your competitors if you are an entrepreneur.

Try it! You have nothing to lose if you try to introduce innovation into your life. Just two actions will change your life:

  • Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier;
  • Do physical exercise after waking up. If you don’t like or for some reason can’t run, we suggest you read the article on our blog about Nordic walking. If you want to run, but have not decided what time is best for you to do it, for example, in the mornings or evenings, read about the benefits of running in the morning.

Once you have done these two things, you can accept contrast shower and have breakfast. After which you will still have a huge amount of time left, which you can spend on self-development or a leisurely walk to your place of work or study.

That's all the advice! Don't neglect your health! If you liked the article, share it on social networks. Write comments, we will be very happy. If you have not yet subscribed to our blog updates, do so right now. You won't regret it.

That's all for today. We wish you good health! Be happy!

The key to health is sleep. The consequences of its excess or deficiency are manifested various diseases: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and excess weight.

Unfortunately, modern society there is insufficient awareness of how important compliance is correct ratio"sleep-wakefulness" But this has been given more than one scientific basis.

Sleep and excess weight

As a result of a large-scale study that lasted 20 years (39 thousand people took part in it) age category from 32 to 49 years old), American experts made sensational conclusions:

The duration of night sleep has decreased by 20% compared to the 19th century, which amounts to 1.5 hours per night. Technological progress over several decades, it knocked the human body out of its natural schedule, disrupting the 24-hour schedule. Thus, the harmonious functioning of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular and circulatory systems went wrong.

The human genome does not have time to evolve; too rapid and multifaceted changes occur in the lifestyle of our contemporaries.

Participants who slept less than seven hours at the start of the study (which began in 1982) were more likely to be overweight and obese 20 years later.

Obesity is becoming a global problem.

Obesity factors:

Excessive calorie intake.


The food is rich in refined foods and fats.

Insufficient sleep.

Anyone who sleeps little has an imbalance of two antipodal hormones:

leptin- a satiety hormone that is produced adipose tissue,

ghrelin, which regulates appetite and controls energy expenditure, is produced in the hypothalamus and stomach.

To understand how important healthy, full sleep is for a person, it is enough to learn about the processes occurring in our body when it is disturbed. First of all, these include the process of mass cell death, including cells of the brain and nervous system. This, in turn, entails loss of concentration, slower reactions, weakening of almost all thought processes, and a sharp decline in memory and intelligence. Agree, with such a “bouquet” of symptoms it is difficult to live a full life.

Lack of sleep also has a negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Statistically, people who sleep less than five hours a night are more likely to die from heart disease. With a lack of sleep, the body's defenses are weakened, and a person is more often exposed to various infectious diseases. At the same time, glucose metabolism decreases by 40 percent, which means that people who have trouble sleeping have an increased risk of diabetes. Hormonal levels are also disrupted: the amount of stress hormone (cortisol) increases, and the level of growth hormone decreases, which leads to a general deterioration in health and premature aging.


If a person can live without food for about two months, then without sleep he cannot live even two weeks. This once again confirms the importance of the processes occurring in our body during sleep.

What are these processes and why are they so important? First of all, during sleep the rhythmic activity of almost all organs and systems is rearranged: breathing slows down, heart rate decreases, blood pressure in the vessels decreases, the temperature of various parts of the body decreases by an average of 0.5-1C. It is this state of the body that allows all our internal organs to “rest” and recover.

Another indicator of sleep is deep muscle relaxation. During sleep, our muscles completely relax, while their blood supply improves, which means that there is an active process of restoration and saturation with oxygen and nutrients.

The endocrine system reacts especially sensitively to changes in time of day. For example, the pancreas more actively produces insulin during the day, and at night - a hormone that promotes rest and sleep - somatostatin. At the end of the last century, American scientists discovered a special substance - the hormone melatonin, which is necessary to put the body to sleep. IN recent years this substance continues to amaze researchers: it turns out that, in addition to sedatives, it also has antioxidant and rejuvenating properties, and in addition, strengthens the immune system and even fights cancer cells! The content of melatonin in the blood fluctuates depending on the time of day - at night its concentration increases 4-6 times, reaching a peak between midnight and three o'clock in the morning.

Another important hormone, somatotropin, or growth hormone, is also produced mainly during sleep. It works on cell regeneration, builds muscle mass, improves skin elasticity and is responsible for the strength of our bones. Scientists have found that people who maintain mental clarity and youthfulness into old age have naturally high levels of growth hormone. One of the organs most “dependent” on the quality of our sleep is, of course, the brain. During sleep, its cells disconnect from peripheral irritations and begin to organize the information received during wakefulness. It is processed, sorted, compared with what was received earlier and sent to the desired “cell” for long-term storage. That is why the regular lack of a good night’s rest has an extremely negative impact on a person’s memory and intelligence, and in addition, leads to a weakening of the nervous system and the development of mental illness.

Finally, we should not forget that all the restoration processes that occur during sleep are directly reflected in our appearance, while human skin is extremely sensitive to changes in sleep patterns. Only in a dream does it have the opportunity to recover: active regeneration of cells occurs and their saturation with nutrients, cleansing of the epidermis and dermis from waste and toxins, as well as strengthening of collagen fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Healthy sleep is the first assistant in the fight against fatigue and stress. However, for many of us, sound, complete, healing sleep is a sweet dream, practically impossible to realize in the rhythm modern life. Everything is not so complicated if we remember that the quality of our sleep largely depends on the quality of nutrition. After all, it is with food that our nerve cells receive all the elements necessary for stable operation. By providing the body with them in sufficient quantities, we can significantly strengthen both night sleep, and daytime “defense” from stress.

One of the main such substances is a microelement magnesium. This is the most essential mineral for the nervous system. It is with the participation of magnesium that nerve cells can receive and transmit nerve impulses, carrying out stable work the entire nervous system. In addition, in large quantities Magnesium is found in muscles, particularly in muscle cells blood vessels and heart, where it is main function is the implementation of relaxation processes. By relaxing muscles, magnesium promotes overall relaxation of the body, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, allowing us to remain calm and composed during the day and ensuring sound sleep at night. Thus, magnesium is one of the main regulators of human biorhythms and controls the phase of rest and relaxation. That is why we need it very much large quantities. Unfortunately, our daily diet cannot provide even half of the magnesium we need. Moreover, the need for this mineral in people with any cardiovascular problems and in people exposed to stress increases several times, since magnesium is spent on maintaining normal blood pressure and normal operation hearts. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish magnesium deficiency in the body with the help of dietary supplements.

However, magnesium alone is quite difficult to cope with sleep disorders or protect us from the effects of daytime stress. He needs such assistants that significantly enhance and complement his calming, hypnotic and anti-stress effects. These include hypericin, valeric acid and baicalin, which are components of the most powerful sedative herbs - St. John's wort, valerian and Scutellaria baicalensis, respectively. In combination with these herbs, magnesium helps restore sleep, relieve increased anxiety, stress, tension and irritability, manifested by mental fatigue or neurasthenia.

Dietary supplement "VitaMagnesium" developed by the Research Center of the Corporation " Siberian health", contains 25-50% of the magnesium we need in the composition of a unique organic mineral complex Rellaxan™. It contains not only organic and easily digestible natural magnesium compounds, but also plant extracts that enhance the main effects of magnesium. Valerian extract acts directly on the central nervous system, regulating excessive activity of brain cells and increasing their sensitivity to the action of natural sleep hormones, thereby restoring normal structure biorhythms of the central nervous system. Scutellaria baicalensis extract reduces increased blood pressure in the vessels of the brain, as a result of which it is removed headache and sleep normalizes. Skullcap also prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which is one of the main causes of sleep disturbances in old age. St. John's wort extract helps relieve increased anxiety, stress, and negative arousal. In addition, this plant is a rich source of organic magnesium.

Sleep disorder is one of the most pressing and most annoying problems of our health. A person who does not rest at night is drowsy, it is difficult for him to concentrate on work (which affects his productivity), he constantly feels lethargic and overwhelmed. Accumulating fatigue over time can lead to nervous breakdowns, and the lack of deep sleep leads to weight gain, decreased immunity, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The Buryat words “shedite noir” are translated as “ magical dream" A sound, calm and restorative sleep is precisely what the “Shedite Noir” herbal tea is designed to provide. The combination of motherwort and oregano herbs, lemon balm and mint leaves, and valerian roots provide a calming and mild hypnotic effect. Moreover, these herbs are selected in such a way and in such a ratio as to simultaneously restore all phases of sleep: the phase of falling asleep, REM sleep and shallow sleep. Herbal tea "Shedite noir" acts according to a unique cascade principle - first some herbs act, then others, and in the morning still others, which contributes to the most good sleep. In addition, herbal tea “Shedite Noir” has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, protecting and increasing their resistance to stress. Last but not least, herbal tea “Shedite Noir” helps improve cerebral circulation.