Magic salicylic ointment. Making your own ointments. Salicylic ointment - contraindications

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Salicylic ointment is a medicinal product for external use used in therapy various diseases skin associated with severe peeling, excess production of sebum and sweat by the glands, as well as an inflammatory process.

Salicylic ointment - composition and names

Salicylic ointment got its name from salicylic acid contained in its composition in different concentrations and defining the spectrum therapeutic action medicinal product. The ointment looks like a homogeneous, thick, greasy and dense mass of grayish or white color.

Today, salicylic ointment is available with acid concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3% or 5%. These ointments are often simply referred to as “salicylic ointment 2” or “salicylic ointment 3”, etc. In addition to these designations, the following are often found:

  • Salicylic ointment 10;
  • Salicylic ointment 35;
  • Salicylic ointment 50.
In the designation data, the numbers 10, 35 and 50 indicate the volume of the tube or other container in grams in which the ointment is located. In principle, these numbers are used to indicate how many grams of salicylic ointment are needed.

The ointment contains as an active component salicylic acid in an amount of 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg or 50 mg per 1 g. And only medical purified petroleum jelly is used as an excipient, which is a phase for uniform distribution and dissolution of salicylic acid. Due to the uniform distribution of the acid in the fatty phase, it will be in the same concentration in any area to which it is applied, which is impossible to achieve when using solutions.

When considering salicylic ointment, it is necessary to consider some of its varieties, which are obtained by adding sulfur or zinc oxide as active ingredients. So currently pharmaceutical companies Several types of ointment containing salicylic acid are produced, which include the following:

  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment;
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment.
Accordingly, the first type of ointment contains only salicylic acid as an active substance at a concentration of 1%, 2%, 3% or 5%. Salicylic-zinc ointment contains, in addition to acid, zinc oxide as an active substance, which is reflected in the name of the drug. Strictly speaking, salicylic-zinc ointment is a paste because it contains auxiliary components, corresponding to this dosage form from the point of view of drug preparation. Sulfur-salicylic ointment, in addition to acid, also contains sulfur as active components, which is also reflected in the name of the drug. Today, sulfur-salicylic ointment is available in two concentrations - 2% + 2% or 5% + 5%, and this means that each active ingredient contains 2% or 5%. Sulfur-salicylic ointment and salicylic-zinc paste have certain differences from salicylic ointment associated with therapeutic effects. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, in the further text of the article we will describe only salicylic ointment.

Salicylic ointment - recipe

Salicylic ointment is usually sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, this only applies to ointments manufactured by any pharmaceutical plant. Unfortunately, pharmacies do not always stock such factory-produced salicylic ointment. But in this case, if necessary, the prescription department of the pharmacy can produce required quantity ointments according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor. It is in order to receive fresh ointment prepared by pharmacists in the prescription department that a person will need a prescription.

Write a prescription for salicylic ointment as follows:
Rp.: Ung. Acidi Salicylici 3% - 40.0 g
D. S. Lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day for 2 weeks,

Where are the letters Rp. actually mean "Recipe". Further after the word recipe there is an instruction dosage form– Ung. (short for unguentum), which translates as “ointment.” Next comes the name of the active substance that must be added to the ointment - this is Acidi Salicylici (salicylic acid). Next to the name of the active substance, the concentration in which it should be present in the finished ointment is indicated. In our example it is 3%, but it could be 1%, 2% or 5%. After indicating the concentration, the total volume of ointment that needs to be produced is indicated through a dash. In our example, this is 40.0 g. On the next line write the letters D.S., which is an abbreviation of Latin words literally translated as “use like this.” After these letters indicate how to apply the ointment.

Salicylic ointment - photo

These photographs show glass jars with salicylic ointment. As you can see, the jars are exactly the same, and the outer packaging of the ointment differs only in color and sticker design.

Salicylic ointment: what helps - therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effects of salicylic ointment are determined active component included in its composition, namely salicylic acid. Thus, the ointment has the following therapeutic effects:
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Keratolytic effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Antiseborrheic effect;
  • Reducing the production of sweat by the skin glands.
The antiseptic effect of salicylic ointment causes the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a result, the relief of inflammatory processes occurring on the skin or in the sebaceous and sweat glands. It is thanks to the antiseptic effect that salicylic ointment reduces the formed inflamed acne and pustules, and also prevents the appearance of new ones and significantly improves the course of severe skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, burns, etc.

The keratolytic effect is also called comedolytic or anti-comedogenic, since it allows you to remove blackheads, whiteheads and “pimples” from the surface of the skin. The essence of the keratolytic effect is simple - salicylic acid melts fat plugs in the pores, making them semi-liquid, as a result of which they easily flow out. At the same time, salicylic acid reduces the rate of formation of horny scales of the epidermis, which can clog the opening of the pores and prevent sebum from leaking out. That is, the ointment simultaneously opens the pores and allows sebum to flow freely out, which leads to the elimination of blackheads and the prevention of the appearance of new ones. However, the keratolytic effect of salicylic ointment is used not only to eliminate acne, but also to remove calluses, hyperkeratoses, warts and other conditions associated with overeducation horny skin scales.

The anti-inflammatory effect of salicylic ointment is to stop the inflammatory process, reduce its severity and prevent spread to neighboring tissues. Thanks to this effect, salicylic ointment quickly relieves redness and swelling from pimples and blackheads, burned or callused areas of the skin, etc.

The antiseborrheic effect is to reduce the production of sebum by the glands. As a result, oily seborrhea is eliminated, as well as acne and pimples on various parts of the body.

Reducing the production of sweat by the glands helps in the treatment of eczema, burns, and also the prevention of the formation of new calluses.

Salicylic ointment - indications for use

Salicylic ointment is indicated for use as the main drug for the treatment of the following skin diseases:
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin (for example, wounds, scratches, etc.);
  • Burns;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Eczema;
  • Ichthyosis (formation of dense scales on the skin, similar to fish scales);
  • Dyskeratosis (dysplastic changes in the epidermis);
  • Acne vulgaris;
  • Warts;
  • Hyperkeratosis (areas of dense, brown tissue that look like a protruding mole);
  • Calluses;
  • Corns;
  • Oily seborrhea;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Excessive sweating legs;

Salicylic ointment - instructions for use

The ointment is used only externally, that is, applied to the skin. In case of accidental contact of salicylic ointment with the eyes or mucous membranes (for example, oral cavity, nose, vagina, rectum, etc.) the affected area must be washed immediately a large number clean running water. The choice of ointment concentration depends on the type of skin lesion and severity pathological process. So, with active inflammation, an open wound or exacerbation of psoriasis, it is necessary to use 1% or 2% salicylic ointment. In remission chronic diseases, as well as to relieve severe inflammation and partial epithelization of the wound, you can use 3% or 5% salicylic ointment.

IN general view The rule for choosing the concentration of salicylic ointment is as follows - you should use an ointment with a lower percentage of salicylic acid, the more pronounced the inflammation and tissue damage. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the larger the area of ​​skin that is treated, the lower the concentration of salicylic ointment should be used. To treat a surface area of ​​more than 25 - 100 cm2 (for example, part of the arm up to the elbow), only salicylic ointment should be used at a concentration of 1% or 2%.

For various diseases and lesions of the skin, the ointment is applied 1 – 2 times a day. In this case, you can first apply the ointment thin layer on the affected surface (approximately 0.2 g per 1 cm2), without rubbing it into the skin, then cover the top with a sterile napkin. If touching the skin is painful and unpleasant, then soak a sterile gauze bandage with salicylic ointment and apply it to the affected area. Such applications must be applied 2-3 times a day.

Before applying salicylic ointment, you should wash the area of ​​skin being treated and, if necessary, clean the wound from purulent-necrotic masses collected at its bottom. After removal of purulent-necrotic masses, the wound is washed with any antiseptic solution, for example, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, etc. If there is no wound or burn surface on the area of ​​skin being treated, then it is quite enough to simply wash it with running water and not rinse it with an antiseptic. After such preparation of the surface, salicylic ointment is applied to it or a bandage soaked in ointment is applied.

The duration of the course of using salicylic ointment depends on the speed of wound healing and restoration of the damaged skin area. Usually the ointment is used until full recovery tissue integrity, which can take from 6 to 20 days. The maximum permissible period of continuous use of salicylic ointment is 4 weeks or 28 days.

Maximum permissible quantity ointment for a single treatment of one area of ​​skin is 2 g. A larger amount of ointment cannot be used, since salicylic acid is partially absorbed into the blood and can provoke severe allergic reactions. However, for any skin diseases that occur with severe redness and inflammatory reaction(for example, exacerbation of psoriasis, burns, etc.), the amount of ointment used for a single treatment should be reduced as much as possible, since in such cases the absorption of salicylic acid into the bloodstream is increased.

Salicylic ointment should not be applied to birthmarks, moles and other formations on the skin, especially in the face or external genitalia.

Interaction with other drugs

The ointment should not be mixed with drugs containing resorcinol, as a melting mixture is formed. Also, you should not mix salicylic ointment with zinc oxide, since an insoluble salt is formed.

When using salicylic acid in combination with any other drugs applied externally, absorption may be enhanced systemic blood flow the latter. Thus, salicylic ointment increases the permeability of the skin to other drugs, including glucocorticoid hormones, which are often included in various ointments(for example, Triderm, Dexamethasone, etc.).

Salicylic ointment may increase the severity of side effects of hypoglycemic drugs (lowering blood sugar concentrations in diabetes mellitus), Methotrexate and sulfonylureas.

Salicylic ointment for children

Most often in children, salicylic ointment is used to treat burns, wounds, chafing or diaper rash, as well as psoriasis or inflamed allergic rashes, mosquito bites and other similar skin lesions.

The rules for applying the ointment are the same as for adults. That is, before application it is necessary to thoroughly wash the area that will be treated. If the skin in this area is intact, then after washing there is no need to additionally treat it with antiseptics, but rather gently blot it with a soft towel or cloth, and then apply salicylic ointment. If the skin on the treated area is damaged (there is a wound, burn, etc.), then after washing it is necessary to remove all purulent-necrotic masses from the bottom of the wound and rinse it with any available antiseptic solution, for example, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin, potassium permanganate, etc. . Only after such treatment of the wound can salicylic ointment be applied to it.

The ointment can be applied directly to the skin by hand, or soaked in a sterile gauze bandage and applied to the wound. Salicylic ointment is applied by hand using gentle stroking movements, without rubbing the composition into the skin, but simply distributing it evenly over the area to be treated. After application, cover the skin area with a sterile gauze pad. If touching the skin is impossible for some reason or is very painful, then soak a sterile gauze pad with the ointment and apply it to the damaged area. Salicylic ointment can be applied 1 - 2 times a day or once every 2 - 3 days. Moreover, the more the integrity of the skin is damaged, the less often the bandage with ointment is changed.

Salicylic ointment in children is usually used up to full recovery and recovery normal structure skin tissue, but not more than 21 days.

In children, in any situation, you can use only 1% or 2% salicylic ointment. Ointments with a salicylic acid concentration of 3% or 5% cannot be used to treat the skin of children under 12 years of age. In addition, only 1% ointment can be used in infants under one year of age.

At a time, only one area of ​​a child's skin with an area of ​​no more than 100 cm2 (10 cm x 10 cm) can be treated with salicylic ointment. The maximum permissible amount of ointment used for a single treatment of the affected skin area in children is 1 g. This means that if the child has a fairly large affected area or there are several areas that require the application of salicylic ointment, then they should be treated several times at intervals between them for at least one hour.

Salicylic ointment during pregnancy

Since salicylic acid can be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, pregnant women are not recommended to use an ointment containing it. However, if necessary, pregnant women can use salicylic ointment in an amount of no more than 1 g for a single treatment of the affected skin surface. In principle, the use of salicylic ointment for spot treatment of individual pimples or removing calluses from the feet of pregnant women is quite acceptable, since the amount of the drug used for these purposes is too small to theoretically affect the fetus in any way.

Many pregnant women worry that they should not use regular skin care products that contain salicylic acid (such as cleansers, lotions, foams, masks, etc.) because they feel this could negatively affect their skin. fetal development. This idea is an excellent example of an “inflection”, since salicylic acid is contained in cosmetics in a concentration of no more than 2%, and they only treat the face, that is, a very small area of ​​skin, which cannot cause significant absorption of the acid into the systemic bloodstream, and therefore harm the development of the fetus. Therefore, conventional cosmetics with salicylic acid can be used during pregnancy.

But with regard to salicylic ointment, the situation is not so optimistic. Thus, during pregnancy, you can use salicylic ointment no higher than 2% concentration and use no more than 1 g of the drug for one treatment. In addition, the maximum permissible duration of continuous use of salicylic ointment during pregnancy is 14 days. As a rule, salicylic ointment is used by pregnant women to heal calluses, as well as prevent the appearance of new chafing, which is quite safe.

However, pregnant women should refrain from using salicylic ointment or cosmetics containing salicylic acid if there are any wounds, lesions or severe inflammation. In this case, the absorption of salicylic acid increases significantly, and it can have negative impact on the condition of the fetus and the woman herself.

Treatment of certain diseases with salicylic ointment

Let's consider the rules of use, terms of treatment and the choice of concentration of salicylic ointment for the treatment of various skin diseases.

Acne treatment

Salicylic acne ointment is used quite actively today. Moreover, on various forums there is ongoing debate about whether salicylic acid is useful and whether it can be used in the treatment of acne. Some cosmetologists and women are confident that salicylic acid and all preparations containing it, for example, ointments, lotions and others, are harmful to the skin because they disrupt the natural hydrolipidic protective layer, provoking an even more pronounced course. acne when discontinuing the drug. Other cosmetologists consider salicylic acid and cosmetic products containing it to be certainly beneficial for the skin, provided they correct application. The dispute between these two categories is permanent and quite furious, with each side only trying to prove that it is right, without listening to the arguments of the other group. However, there is a data-based solution to this debate scientific research. So, scientific research data supports the correctness of the second group of cosmetologists and women who believe that salicylic acid is useful for treating acne. In this subsection, we will consider how and in what cases it is necessary to use salicylic ointment to treat acne.

Salicylic ointment is absolutely indicated for use in the presence of comedones (blackheads), whiteheads, “pimples” and rarely appearing inflamed pimples on the skin. In this case, it is necessary for 4 weeks, during which the course of treatment will continue, to stop using any skincare cosmetics, including washing, and use only salicylic ointment. If possible, you should wash your face with plain clean water. If this is not possible, then you need to choose a mild cleanser. Salicylic ointment is applied to the face once every two days in the first week, every day in the second week, and twice a day for the next two weeks. During this period, the face may peel and dry, but if there is no itching or irritation, then you should continue to use salicylic ointment. After 4 weeks, the comedones will go away, the “pimples” will approach the surface of the skin and are easily removed, and the pores, which have a plug of sebum, will not become potential sources of the formation of inflamed pimples in the future. After the course of therapy, you can resume using regular skincare cosmetics, but once a week you should definitely use products with keratolytics, such as AHA, BHA, azelaic, salicylic or glycolic acids, which will keep the skin in good condition.

If a person is bothered inflamed pimples, then salicylic ointment can be used as part of complex treatment, which necessarily includes any antibacterial external preparation containing benzoyl peroxide, for example, Baziron AS ointment, Zinerit lotion, etc. In such a situation, the use of any skincare cosmetics is also eliminated for 4 weeks, and salicylic ointment and a preparation with benzene peroxide are applied to the skin sequentially at intervals of 1 - 2 hours. After a course of treatment, salicylic ointment can also be used no more than once a week as a care product with an exfoliant effect.

For subcutaneous inflamed acne, salicylic ointment is ineffective, so its use is inappropriate.

Salicylic ointment for psoriasis

Salicylic ointment for psoriasis is used both during periods of exacerbation and remission. In case of exacerbation, 1 - 2% salicylic ointment is used, and in case of remission - 3 - 5%. Moreover, the more intense the inflammatory process, the lower the concentration of salicylic ointment should be.

For psoriasis, the ointment is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day, covering them with sterile gauze or bandages and leaving until the composition is completely absorbed. Against the backdrop of an exacerbation of the process, salicylic ointment can only be combined with herbal baths and Unna cream based on lanolin, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin well. When inflammation begins to decrease, they switch to using salicylic ointment more high concentration, which is used to treat the skin until complete regression of psoriasis.

IN in rare cases salicylic ointment can provoke an increase in the inflammatory process in psoriasis, which requires discontinuation of the drug.

Treatment of warts

To remove warts from the skin, 5% salicylic ointment is used. However, you should be prepared for moderate discomfort (burning, mild pain, etc.) that occurs when reducing warts with salicylic ointment.

So, to remove warts, you need to steam an area of ​​skin in hot water, then wipe it dry with a soft towel, and then treat the new growth with a thin layer of salicylic ointment. Apply a bandage over the ointment sterile bandage and leave for 12 hours or overnight. Then the bandage must be removed and the wart treated with a piece of pumice, trying to remove the entire insensitive layer. Then repeat the treatment of the remaining part of the wart with 5% salicylic ointment and remove the melted layer with pumice. Such treatments with salicylic ointment and subsequent removal with pumice should be repeated until the entire wart is removed from the skin. Typically, warts can be removed in about 1 month.

Most effective method To remove warts, use a complex of 5% salicylic and 3% tebrofen ointments. These ointments are applied to the wart at short intervals of 10–15 minutes, without washing off the previous layer. The wart is then covered with a bandage and left overnight, after which it is treated with pumice.

Salicylic ointment for calluses

The ointment can be used to accelerate the healing of fresh calluses or to reduce old and dense calloused areas of the skin. To remove hard calluses, you need to steam the skin and apply 3–5% salicylic ointment to it, then cover the area with a bandage. Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, each time pre-washing the skin and changing the bandage. After 3–4 days of regular use of salicylic ointment, it is necessary to steam the skin and carefully remove the hard callus. If the callus cannot be removed, the course of treatment is repeated.

To remove a fresh callus, apply a thick layer of 2% salicylic ointment to it and leave it for several hours, possibly overnight. After 6–8 hours, the callus will dry out, cease to be painful and begin to heal quickly. The callus can be treated with salicylic ointment until it is completely healed.

Fungus treatment

Salicylic ointment for nail and skin fungus can be used as an external remedy in combination with the mandatory ingestion of antifungal drugs. It is impossible to cure nail or skin fungus using salicylic ointment alone. In addition, when deciding whether to use salicylic ointment to treat fungus, you should remember that currently there are much more effective external agents (gels, ointments, lotions, sprays, etc.).

Before applying salicylic ointment to nails or skin affected by fungus, they must be prepared by steaming them in a bath of potassium permanganate. Then apply 5% salicylic ointment to the affected areas using a cotton swab. It is optimal to apply the ointment 2 times a day - morning and evening. You can apply a compress on top of the ointment. Once every 2–3 days, you should take a soap and soda bath, and then remove the exfoliated layer of skin or nail. Treatment continues until complete regrowth healthy nail or removing signs of fungus in the skin.

Contraindications to the use of salicylic ointment

Salicylic ointment of any concentration is contraindicated for the following conditions and diseases:
  • Infancy;
  • Individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the drug.

Side effects

Side effects of salicylic ointment are very few and rarely develop. These include itching, burning sensation, skin rashes or allergic reactions. If an allergy occurs, the use of salicylic ointment should be discontinued.

Salicylic ointment is inexpensive, but effective remedy for the treatment of nail fungus. It is sold at any pharmacy, is inexpensive, and you can also prepare it yourself.

Do not forget that, having a slight cauterizing effect, it will only help with initial stage diseases, and even then - it is better to use salicylic ointment in the composition complex therapy. Use it only externally, applying it to the affected areas.

How does salicylic ointment act on fungus:

  1. Stops the development of fungus.
  2. Destroys fungus.
  3. Promotes skin healing.
  4. Suppresses the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands, creates best conditions for the recovery of the patient.
  5. Relieves skin irritation.
  6. Fights inflammation.

Salicylic ointment is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, so it can significantly improve the patient's condition. It can be applied both to the nail plate itself and to the surrounding skin. The antiseptic effect prevents the bacterial infection from joining the fungal infection.

Interesting to know: For the first time, salicylic acid ( active substance ointment) was found in willow bark. Today it is produced only industrially.

The ointment has a powerful therapeutic effect. When using it, it is not advisable to combine it with other creams and ointments that are not Vaseline-based. The exception is options recommended by the attending physician.

Preparatory stage of application

Preparatory stage - bath

To make the effect of salicylic ointment on the fungus more effective, the nails should be prepared for its application. This is best done using a special steaming foot bath. It's done like this:

  1. It is poured into the basin hot water such a temperature that you feel comfortable holding your feet or hands in it - depending on where the fungal infection is localized.
  2. Add soda to the water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of water and lather. It is convenient to use liquid soap, which is alkaline and can also destroy fungus. Laundry soap has a stronger antifungal effect.
  3. Place your feet or hands in the bath and hold them for 15-30 minutes. The more advanced the stage, the more it is worth keeping.
  4. After the procedure, blot the affected areas with a towel until dry. After this, the towel must be washed in water at 100 degrees, as it becomes a source of infection.
  5. Using a nail file, pumice stone and scissors (or other manicure products), we remove, if possible, areas affected by the fungus - we cut the nails as short as possible.

After such preparation, apply a thin layer of salicylic ointment to the nails and a little to the surrounding skin, let it absorb and put on socks made of natural fabric (if it comes to toenails). It is important that the skin breathes.

Features of application

About preparatory stage we wrote above. It is very important, since without it it is impossible to achieve at least some absorption of the ointment into the nail plate, especially when it comes to neglected cases. Also be prepared for the fact that treatment with this ointment will be long - from several months to a year. How to properly use salicylic ointment to treat nail fungus?

  1. The procedure is performed once a day - preferably before bedtime.
  2. If the fungus has infected your toenails, you should not wear shoes after applying the ointment. It is necessary to ensure rest until the ointment is completely absorbed.
  3. It is important to carry out the procedure systematically - every day until complete recovery.
  4. After a few weeks, the signs of the fungus will disappear, but treatment with salicylic ointment should be continued for at least another 2-3 weeks.
  5. If you experience irritation from the ointment, you should stop using it and find an alternative treatment.
  6. Compresses with salicylic ointment will help speed up the healing process. Use a bandage, a kisser and a cotton sock or gloves for it.

Don't forget that the fungus loves carbohydrates, so during treatment, avoid buns, sweets and carbonated drinks. Following a diet will help you defeat nail fungus faster.

Types of salicylic ointment for treating fungus

If you go to the pharmacy and ask for salicylic ointment for a fungus, most likely the pharmacist will ask you which ointment you need. There are several types, and it is important to choose correct composition. By volume, salicylic ointment is divided into:

  • Salicylic ointment 10 mg;
  • Salicylic ointment 35 mg;
  • Salicylic ointment 50 mg.

It is more profitable to buy a larger volume, as it is cheaper.

Based on the percentage of salicylic acid, they are divided into: the following types ointments:

  • 1% ointment;
  • 2% ointment;
  • 3% ointment;
  • 5% ointment;
  • 10% ointment;

The ointment contains salicylic acid as an active component in a volume of 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg and more per 1 g. The auxiliary substance is medical purified petroleum jelly. It is a fatty base in which the acid dissolves. It is necessary for more convenient application of the ointment. The even distribution of acid in Vaseline helps apply the acid more evenly, which is not possible when applying liquid.

There are also some types of ointments available in pharmacies. They are based not only on salicylic acid, but also on additional substances that help treat fungus.

5% salicylic ointment

This type of ointment is the most popular for treating the initial stage of nail fungus. Before applying it to your nails, prepare them with a hot bath of soda. Apply a thick layer of ointment with a cotton swab, make a compress with a bandage, and leave overnight. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.

Once every 2 days we take a bath with soda and soap, after which we remove the exfoliated layers of skin, file off the nails, and lubricate the skin with an antifungal agent.

This ointment is quite concentrated. It is used for complex therapy of moderate and severe cases of the disease. It is advisable to apply it only to the nail itself, since contact with the skin can cause severe irritation and burn. In this case, therapy should be stopped immediately.

Salicylic collodion

Salicylic collodion is a drug that perfectly helps get rid of nail fungus. It is usually made from 3 components:

  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Medical collodion.

The ingredients for salicylic collodion must be thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark, cool place for 1-2 days. The resulting medicine can be used at any stage of mycosis.

Making your own ointments

You can prepare salicylic acid-based ointments yourself. In most cases, they will be no worse, or even better, than pharmacy ones. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Milk-salicylic ointment

It is prepared from the following components:

  • Salicylic acid – 12 grams;
  • Lactic acid – 6 grams;
  • Vaseline – 82 grams.

Mix in a dark glass bottle and leave for a day in a dark place. When using, apply it only to the affected nail. Be careful - homemade ointment with this composition it corrodes the skin.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment

You can prepare this ointment yourself: you need to mix sulfur ointment with salicylic acid. It should be applied 2-3 times a day to the nail damaged by the fungus using a cotton swab and covered with a compress. No more than 10 grams should be applied per day, and treatment should not last longer than 3 weeks. Then you should take a break for a period prescribed by your doctor.

Salicylic-zinc ointment

If you mix salicylic ointment with zinc ointment, you get an inexpensive but very effective remedy for nail fungus. Antiseptic antimicrobial and drying action can get rid of fungus in 2-3 weeks. An ointment with this composition has a lot positive feedback. However, it is better to use it after consultation with a doctor, because the active components of the drug can cause unwanted reactions body.

Zinc has a drying effect, so it is used to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and makes the skin more elastic.

Pharmacies sell ready-made salicylic-zinc ointment, so if you don’t want to bother with self-cooking, you can buy it very inexpensively.

Alcohol solution of salicylic acid

An alcohol solution of salicylic acid can be used as compresses. Apply it to a cotton swab, apply it to the sore nail, and secure it with an adhesive plaster. Put a bag and a warm sock or mitten on top. Keep this compress for several hours and you will see how the fungus begins to recede.

Therapy with an acid solution usually takes place in combination with other drugs. Dosage and duration treatment course must be determined by the attending physician.

Duration of use of salicylic ointment for fungus

The duration of use depends on the stage of the disease. Sometimes it may take more than one month to completely heal. Unfortunately, salicylic ointment cannot be used without interruption. Therefore, if recovery does not occur within several weeks, it is recommended to take a break and continue treatment with special antimicrobial drugs prescribed by the doctor.

At the initial stage

At the initial stage, a visible effect occurs already in the first week of using the ointment. In the middle stage, this may take up to 3-5 weeks. However, treatment should be stopped if you develop side effects: the itching intensified, a rash appeared, the skin around the nail turned red.

At an advanced stage

The advanced stage should not be treated with salicylic acid - it can only be used as additional remedy fight infection. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will confirm your disease and prescribe tablets, creams or sprays for nail fungus.

A popular remedy for the treatment of burns, psoriasis, removal of calluses, warts is acetylsalicylic ointment, made on the basis of salicylic acid. It fights not only the disease, but also the source of its occurrence, and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The product is used externally only. If Salicylic ointment is prescribed - instructions for use, advice from dermatologists, features of the effect on wounds and fungus - all this will be useful to you during treatment.

Salicylic ointment

Given pharmacological drug belongs to the group of keratolytic agents. The main active ingredient, salicylic acid, helps with various inflammations, skin diseases, and nail fungi. The drug has long established itself on the market as an affordable and high-quality healing agent that has an antiseptic effect. It is important to use it strictly following the instructions.

You can find sulfur-salicylic ointment on sale. Thanks to its sulfur content, it copes well with teenage acne, seborrhea and psoriasis. Salicylic-zinc paste is no less popular. Zinc oxide helps in the treatment of acne, dermatitis and age spots. This paste increases the elasticity of the skin, reduces inflammation, and is an assistant in the treatment of burns.

Composition and release form

The cream gets its name from its main component – ​​salicylic acid. The antiseptic looks like a thick, greasy mass of white or gray. It comes with 2, 3, 5 and 10 percent acid concentration. The ointment also contains petroleum jelly, which promotes uniform dissolution of the acid and convenient application to the damaged area. Possible forms release medicine are presented in the table:

Pharmacological properties

Salicylic acid is an excellent antiseptic that actively fights skin rash, dries oily skin, treats psoriasis. It speeds up the healing process of boils and various wounds, removes calluses and other growths, fights acne, and is suitable for treating eczema. By acting on the skin, the ointment promotes high-quality peeling of the skin, which has a great effect on tissue regeneration processes.

To date pharmaceutical companies They also produce an alcohol-based solution of salicylic acid. The properties of the ointment and the liquid are identical. The solution is more convenient to use in the treatment of warts (apply a bandage) and otitis media (drop 4-6 drops into the ear before bedtime). It is included in many medications of synthetic origin, as it has more strong spectrum impact.

What is salicylic ointment for?

Before starting to use the drug, you should definitely consult a therapist or dermatologist. The instructions that come with the ointment contain main indications for use of the product. These include:

  • wounds, scratches;
  • burns;
  • acne, rashes;
  • warts;
  • psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis;
  • seborrhea (regulates the activity of the glands);
  • calluses;
  • sweaty feet;
  • red ringworm.

How to use Salicylic ointment

Methods of use and the required dosage are prescribed by the doctor. According to the instructions, the mixture should be applied to the lesions inflammatory disease skin 2-3 times a day in a thin layer - 0.2 g per 1 cm of skin. The drug is harmless, but if the dose is significantly exceeded it can cause allergic reaction. After treatment with an antiseptic, you must place a sterile napkin on the skin to get rid of any remaining ointment. The product is used until complete recovery and restoration of damaged skin. On average, this ranges from 3 to 10 days.

Special instructions

Salicylic ointment should be used with extreme caution by people with very sensitive and dry skin - this can cause inflammation. The drug should not be applied to warts (especially hairy ones) located in the groin and on the face, as well as those covered with moles. Do not allow the ointment to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the body. If this happens, the area should be rinsed immediately with plenty of clean water until the burning stops and the product is completely washed away.

Drug interactions

It is allowed to use the ointment together with other drugs in cases where they do not have a similar effect or composition. Salicylic acid that enters the body increases the side effects of Methotrexate and sulfonylurea derivatives. Its interaction with resorcinol and zinc oxide should not be allowed. When using two local drugs simultaneously (they do not enter the bloodstream), you must consult a doctor.

Side effects

To avoid unpleasant manifestations such as skin itching, burning and redness, the drug should be applied to small areas of the skin. Allergic reactions may occur if you are intolerant to the components of the drug. The symptoms that arise can be easily stopped by completely removing the product from the surface of the skin. If accidentally ingested, nausea and stomach pain may occur. In such a situation, it is prescribed to wash it. At correct use Salicylic ointment cannot apply serious harm human health.


Before starting the course, carefully study the instructions and composition of the ointment - if you are allergic to any components, then using it is strictly prohibited. Treatment with the drug is not recommended for stomach ulcers and anemia. It should not be used to treat children under 2 years of age. One of the most important contraindications is renal failure– the use of Salicylic cream in this case is prohibited, as this may lead to complications.

Salicylic ointment

Active ingredient

Salicylic acid (Acidum salicylicum)


D01AE12 Salicylic acid

Pharmacological group

Antiseptics and disinfectants

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package. 2000-2017. Register of Medicines of Russia


Monotherapy and as part of combination drugs for inflammatory, infectious and other skin lesions, incl. burns, psoriasis, eczema, dyskeratosis, ichthyosis, acne vulgaris, warts, hyperkeratosis, calluses, callus, oily seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor; hair loss; sweaty feet.


Hypersensitivity, renal failure, infancy.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

FDA category of effect on the fetus is C.

Side effects

Local irritation (itching, burning at the site of application), allergic reactions.

Corns, fungus. Often prescribed for psoriasis.

Intended exclusively for external use, it belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is available without a doctor's prescription. Has low cost, highly effective and safe.

Release form and composition

Salicylic ointment is a medicine in the form of a thick, homogeneous paste of light yellow or white color.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • Salicylic acid- main active ingredient;
  • Refined Vaseline- additional component.

Depending on the amount of salicylic acid contained, 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 40% or 60% ointment are distinguished.

It is mainly produced in dark glass jars of 25 and 40 g or in aluminum containers from 10 to 50 g. There are also sixty percent salicylic pencils.

The product is presented for sale as pure form, and with the addition excipients zinc or sulfur.

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Useful properties and action

Basic medicinal properties The drug is determined by its active component – ​​salicylic acid.

A medicinal ointment based on this substance has various therapeutic effects:

  • Has a pronounced antiseptic effect, thanks to which the drug kills pathogenic microorganisms provoking inflammatory processes in skin, in sweat or sebaceous glands Oh;
  • Exhibits keratolytic effects, the essence of which is to free pores from fatty plugs. Salicylic acid simultaneously thins sebum and opens pores by reducing the rate of formation of new horny scales and softening old ones. As a result, the epidermis is cleansed. This effect helps get rid of both acne and keratinized formations on the skin;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect, based on interrupting the inflammatory process, reduces its manifestation and spread. The medicine quickly relieves swelling and redness in damaged areas of the skin;
  • Has an antiseborrheic effect, based on reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin becomes drier, seborrhea decreases, pimples and blackheads disappear;
  • Reduces sweating which promotes healing burn wounds, calluses, has a positive effect in the treatment of eczema.

For many years, patients with psoriasis and eczema have been hostage to their illnesses. There were remedies that could alleviate the course of the disease, but not eliminate them completely. After the appearance of this gel, dermatologists recognized that this was a completely new word in medicine.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed as therapy and prevention of various skin pathologies, such as:

How to use it correctly?

Salicylic ointment is used exclusively for external use. To treat various skin diseases, the drug of the required concentration is used.

Before applying the drug to the affected area of ​​the epidermis, it is necessary to check for an allergic reaction to the active substance. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to a healthy area of ​​skin and watch the reaction.

Use for acne

Salicylic ointment helps fight the symptoms of acne, but does not affect the cause of their formation. To completely get rid of acne, you need to see a doctor.


When using the drug you need to take into account the following precautions:

  • The ointment is used only as an external medicinal product;
  • For adults, more than 2 g of the drug cannot be used for one procedure;
  • Maximum daily dose salicylic ointment – ​​10 ml;
  • If the ointment gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, you need to rinse them as quickly as possible. clean water;
  • For skin damage and inflammatory processes absorption increases significantly, which should be taken into account when dosing the drug;
  • The course of treatment can last no more than 21 days. After this period, the patient’s skin gets used to the active substance salicylic acid, the effectiveness of therapy decreases significantly, and allergies often appear;
  • If the medicine has been swallowed, immediately induce vomiting and rinse the stomach as quickly as possible, in mandatory seek help from a medical facility.

Tired of dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, rash, itching, ulcers and blisters, cracks - that's all unpleasant symptoms dermatitis.

Without treatment, the disease progresses, and the area of ​​skin affected by rashes increases.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first use
  • Restores, softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Eliminates rashes and peeling skin in 3-5 days
  • After 19-21 days, completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Side effects

As shown clinical trials, the drug is very well tolerated. Allergy to salicylic acid is very rare.

May appear as:

Long-term use of the drug may cause renal failure And increased coagulability blood.

Is it possible to overdose?

No drug overdose was observed. However, this possibility should not be ruled out.

If exceeded permissible dose possible allergic manifestations, pain and fever. In these cases, you need to wash off the ointment from the treated area and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

Increased skin permeability after using salicylic ointment must be taken into account when using other drugs.

In addition, the drug cannot be used with:

  • resorcinol, interacting, form a floating mixture;
  • zinc oxide, same effect;
  • methotrexate;
  • oral hypoglycemic drugs sulfonylurea derivatives.

Storage conditions and periods

  1. To store salicylic ointment, certain conditions are required. The temperature should not be higher than 20°C, but the drug should not be placed in the refrigerator.
  2. After opening, the medication should be stored in a warm, dry place, in the dark.
  3. Children's access to the medication should be limited.
  4. The shelf life of salicylic ointment under proper conditions is 2 years.


The price of salicylic ointment is pleasantly surprising, considering wide range use of this drug.

Average cost is:

  • 2% ointment 25 g25 rubles ;
  • 3% ointment 25 g30 rubles ;
  • 5% ointment 25 g35 rubles .

Possible analogues

There are drugs similar in therapeutic effect to salicylic ointment.

Possible analogues:

  • Collomak(Germany) – the drug is available in liquid form. Ingredients: salicylic acid, lactic acid, polidocanol. Has a softening effect. Average price 350 rubles ;
  • Ghent(Russia) – available in the form of cream and ointment. Active ingredient betamethasone dipropionate. Effective in combating skin infections, but has a number of contraindications. The price for 15 g varies from 200 to 260 rubles . The average cost of 3 g of medicine is 350 rubles ;
  • Non-callus(Russia) - cosmetic product in the form of a cream to remove calluses. It contains salicylic acid, sulfur, petroleum jelly and paraffin. Average price for 5 ml 50 rubles, for 10 ml 100 rubles ;
  • Dufilm(Ireland) – liquid and papillomas. Ingredients: salicylic acid, lactic acid. The average price for 10 ml is 350 rubles ;
  • Kerasal(Switzerland) – ointment with a softening effect. Contains salicylic acid and urea. Price from 1650 rubles .