Features of the use of Retinol (retinol acetate) for dermatological diseases. Vitamin A (Retinol). Description, sources and functions of vitamin A

- oily substance organic origin pale yellow in color, formed from red beta-carotene (a plant pigment).

Vitamin A (retinol acetate) helps normalize metabolism, ensures the growth and development of the body.

The first of the vitamins according to the modern nomenclature, retinol acetate, was discovered by scientists back in 1913. Later it was called “vitamin A” (according to the first capital letter Latin alphabet).

General information

Retinol acetate has pronounced antioxidant properties, without it it would be impossible color vision and full-fledged work of tissues on cellular level, growth and development of the body.


The most valuable sources of vitamin A are:

  • fish oil and liver;
  • egg yolks;
  • yellow or orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots);
  • spinach and parsley;
  • butter and cream, whole milk.

Minor amounts of this important compound are found in grain products or skim milk, in beef meat.


Vitamin A exists in nature in several forms:

  • retinol esters (in animals and humans);
  • c – carotene, carotenoids – in plant organisms. In the human body, carotene is converted into vitamin A.

Substance units: International Units (IU) or Retinol Equivalent (RE).

Daily norm

When calculating daily requirement in the vitamin it is necessary to take into account the type of occupation (physical, mental work), as well as climatic conditions accommodation. Thus, residents of subtropics need to increase their consumption of foods that are sources of this substance, while in temperate climates there is no need to increase these standards. If you include a sufficient amount of retinol-containing products in your weekly diet, liquid retinol There is no need to take additional acetate.

The average daily requirement for adults depends on body weight and is (based on 1 mg = 3300 IU):

  • for men – up to 900 mcg (3000 IU);
  • for children and adolescents – 400 mcg;
  • for women - at least 700 mcg (2300 IU) or 1200 mcg (for pregnant and nursing mothers).

Maximum single doses– no more than 50,000 IU, daily allowance – 100,000 IU. It should also be noted that the above daily dosages refer exclusively to the retinoid (acid) form, since the carotenoid form is not as toxic to the body. Daily norm vitamin A during pregnancy is calculated individually by the attending physician.

The daily vitamin A requirement (dosage) can be increased to 10,000 IU per day if diseases associated with retinol deficiency in the body are confirmed.

Rules of application

Retinol preparations are taken orally in the form of tablets or ready-made solutions, used locally and intramuscularly ( oil solution vitamin A).

Vitamin A is taken orally - 3-5 tablets three times a day or in the form of an oil substrate, 10-20 drops 3 times a day after meals on a piece of black bread. This helps with absorption. If necessary, you can start with a daily dose of 5 drops twice a day, each time adding another 5 drops to the previous dose. You should increase the dosage to 30 drops per day (for 2-3 months), and then gradually reduce it. The course of treatment is repeated after 4 months. These dosages are approximate; before taking the drug, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Vitamin A is used topically in the treatment of burns, frostbite and skin ulcers., since it has a wound-healing, reparative and trophic effect. It can be used in different ways:

  • applying an oil solution of vitamin A to the affected, previously cleansed skin surface 1 – 2 times a day;
  • compresses with vitamin A (can be under parchment paper) - twice a day;
  • Intramuscularly - an oil solution is used daily or every other day.

Biological significance

Vitamins are of exceptional importance for humans, and retinol is no exception:

  • It takes part in protein synthesis and redox processes, providing the functions of cellular and subcellular membranes.
  • Provides normal synthesis of cartilage and bone tissue, contribute correct formation bones and teeth;
  • Helps in the production of bile;
  • Regulates the growth of the body by catalyzing the synthesis of somatotropic hormone;
  • Participates in the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • Included in visual pigment rhodopsin, provide twilight vision. Visual impairment at dusk due to a lack of vitamin A is called “night blindness”;
  • Ensures the functionality of sweat and sebaceous glands, which allows you to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • strengthens immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections.

Despite all the variety of effects (far from full list which are given above), vitamins are not tissue components. They simply do their job as enzymes, that is, assistants in biochemical processes.

Application in cosmetology

Vitamin A is used quite widely in cosmetology. It is actively used not only for the treatment of acne, but also for the treatment of seborrhea, as it indirectly regulates the process of sebum secretion through the synthesis of sex steroids.

When applied externally, vitamin A actively fights inflammation in the problem skin, thereby promoting wound healing and smoothing scars after acne, impetigo, ulcers, boils and carbuncles.

Vitamin A is an excellent product for caring for hair and eyelashes; after a month of use, they become thicker and longer.

As an effective cosmetic product, the oil solution: rejuvenates, maintains the elasticity and firmness of skin cells, accelerating the process of cell renewal, strengthens capillaries, resulting in improved blood supply. It is able to accelerate the growth of hair and eyelashes, give them elasticity and shine, and protect the nail plates from delamination.

Imbalance and metabolic disorders

Known congenital disorders vitamin A metabolism, manifested by hypovitaminosis. In these conditions, increased doses of the drug are prescribed for a long time.

In addition, there are contraindications to the use of retinol:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • first trimester of pregnancy (in it the laying of organs and tissues occurs, and any prescription of drugs can cause birth defects fetus, even incompatible with life).


An overdose of vitamin A occurs when there is an excess of retinol, since this substance has the ability to accumulate in the body to a toxic level. Retinol in amounts greater than 100,000 IU per day can cause severe toxic effects if taken by an adult in such doses for several months. In children younger age a toxic effect is observed when taking the substance in a volume of more than 18,000 IU per day. Signs chronic overdose the following:

  • hair loss, peeling and dry skin;
  • insomnia, frequent headaches, lethargy;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia;
  • violations menstrual cycle(algodismenorrhea);
  • enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), development of cholestatic jaundice;
  • progressive decrease in visual acuity;
  • orange coloring of palms and soles yellow(when eating a significant amount of carrots);
  • joint pain;
  • hypotension, tachycardia.

However, it is much more common acute poisoning retinol, when eating the liver of polar mammals (walruses, seals, polar bears). Vitamin A content in the liver polar bear exceeds the maximum daily dose tens of times.


Vitamin A deficiency (hypovitaminosis) is observed against the background of primary or secondary failure retinol in the body.

Primary deficiency occurs in children and adults, food ration which it does not contain required quantity fruit and vegetable or animal carotenoids. Exacerbates the situation and increases deficiency and early failure breastfeeding.

Secondary deficiency is associated with chronic disorders lipid metabolism, impaired bile formation and chronic exposure to oxidizing agents (alcohol, cigarette smoke).

For example, with xerophthalmia (dry eye syndrome), tear production is impaired, as a result of which the patient suffers from dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. This manifests itself as pain in the eyes and redness.

Interaction with other substances

To maintain normal concentration vitamin A in tissues, it is necessary to ensure the presence of fats and proteins in daily diet nutrition for good dissolution in fats and subsequent absorption.

With a lack of vitamin E, retinol is not absorbed, so they must be taken together. Retinol and zinc can also be called interdependent. For example, the lack of sufficient amounts significantly complicates protein synthesis. Ultimately, this leads to disruption of the process of transition of provitamin A into its active form and its further absorption in the body. You should not take petroleum jelly or inorganic oil orally to activate the absorption of provitamins.

Although such oil serves as an excellent fat solvent for beta-carotene, the body is not able to extract the beneficial substances dissolved in mineral oil.

Vitamins of group A work best in combination with B-complex, vitamins D and E, and preparations containing calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Like its deficiency in the body, it equally negatively affects general health person and his health. Only strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations on how to take vitamin A and in what quantity will allow you to achieve desired result ensure your health and longevity!

Why is retinol called the “rejuvenating apple” for our skin? And what is special about this component, which was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century? Read our material about what you need to know about retinol.

What is retinol?

Retinol or vitamin A is the first vitamin that was discovered at the beginning of the last century. Retinol is present in our body: it is responsible for maintaining immunity, bone growth, healthy skin and hair, visual acuity, and is also involved in the process of cell renewal. Due to a lack of vitamin A, the skin begins to peel, nails break, hair becomes brittle, and immunity decreases.

It is not always possible to replenish the reserves of this vitamin with food. Therefore, its synthesized forms, contained in vitamin complexes and cosmetics.

For the skin, retinol has wide range actions. It fights wrinkles, has antioxidant properties, reduces inflammation and copes with skin pigmentation.

Where is it found?

If we talk about cosmetics, then retinol can be found in face and body creams, serums, peelings. The vitamin is included in these products in the form of retinoids, tretinoins, retinoic acid, adapalenes and other forms.

As a rule, retinol is contained in beauty products in a concentration of 0.01 to 2%. The choice of concentration depends on the skin type and the form of retinol. For example, a 0.5% encapsulated retinol cream will provide more benefits than a 2% unencapsulated retinol cream. Owners of thin or sensitive skin It's better to start with 0.025%. For the rest, a dosage of 0.5% is suitable.

The texture of a retinol product also depends on your skin type. Skin prone to inflammation will better accept the gel. Cream is suitable for dry and normal types.

How to use?

Cosmetics with different retinol derivatives give different effects. Beauty products with retinoids and retinol are designed to fight acne and improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. These drugs are prescribed already at the age of 14-16 years.

To prevent wrinkles, cosmetics with retinol palmitite and retinol acetate are used, which support the process of cell renewal, which slows down with age. You can start using products with this composition from the age of 25-27.

You should not start using cosmetics with retinol immediately and regularly. The skin needs to get used to it. Therefore, for about two weeks, use retinol every two to three days. If the skin accepts the product with retinol normally, then the dosage can be increased to daily use.

Previously, cosmetologists advised using cosmetics containing retinol only at night, since vitamin A increases the skin’s sensitivity to the sun, and this is a direct path to the appearance of age spots. But modern retinoids, according to the same cosmetologists, no longer act on the skin like that (at least not so aggressively). Therefore, you can use products with retinol during the day, but be sure to pair them with Sanskrin (or a skincare product with SPF filters). One of the properties of retinol is its instability: under the influence sun rays it is destroyed. Therefore, using Sanskrin and storing retinol products in a dark place are important steps.

Side effect

Cosmetics with retinol are very capricious. In the first days of use, the skin may react to retinol with peeling and redness. Experts assure that this is normal phenomenon, which will go away after a couple of weeks of use. But if redness and peeling continue after two weeks, it makes sense to talk about individual intolerance retinol.

Retinol does not tolerate proximity to other active drugs. For example, it cannot be combined with acids (salicylic, glycolic), anti-acne components (benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin). Otherwise, you risk irritation and redness.

An excess of care containing retinol is also bad and dangerous. chemical burns. Therefore, do not use several products containing retinol at once.

Retinol is one of the main components included in skin care products. Cosmetics containing this ingredient are designed to combat premature wrinkles and Acne.

However, the concepts of what retinol and retinoid are are often confused. Let's look at what these names mean, what is their difference, and how they can help when they are in cosmetic preparations.

What is retinol? Definition

Retinol is scientific name chemical component of Vitamin A. It is precisely this that is the “pure” type of such an organic compound.

In our body, vitamin A is produced by breaking down foods containing beta-carotene. After passing intestinal tract it is stored in the liver in the form of retinol derivatives.

Vitamin A cannot be stored in pure form, and is often destroyed by external factors. However, it dissolves well in fat, acquiring a special structure while maintaining its properties. That is why they love to add it to cosmetics for external use, where it penetrates so easily under the skin.

Retinoids are special chemical formations derived from Retinol. They include many substances that are similar in composition and have the same element - vitamin A.

Features of retinol when exposed to skin

The peculiarity of this substance is that it affects the skin from the inside. And thanks to its ability to dissolve in fatty components, it begins to activate the cells of the inner layer of the skin, saturating them with itself. From such nutrition, cells begin to work at an accelerated rate, producing new ones and restoring old ones.

It is thanks to this feature that Vitamin A helps in the fight against many skin problems. However, in order to achieve visible results, it is necessary to use retinol components of cosmetic preparations for a long time.

Notice! In some cases, when retinol acts on the skin by nourishing cells, peeling may begin. Because of this, many begin to perceive cosmetics with retinol as exfoliating. In fact, Vitamin A is not such a thing, and cannot be a cleanser. Peeling skin occurs because dead cells fall off, allowing new ones to take their place.

Differences between isotretinoin and tretinoin

Retinol derivatives, and more specifically Retinoids, have only two types of classification.

Natural retinoids.

This type of vitamin A is obtained through production by the body itself. Some of them have names like palmiates, aldehydes, or complex combinations like tretinoin. Most often they can be found in cosmetics and skin care products.

Synthetic retinoids.

This chemical product already grown in laboratories. Thanks to this “birth”, their molecular component is already significantly different from its natural origin, but has the same properties. Therefore, their names have the endings “en” and in some cases the prefix “iso” (isotretinoin). Such components are already contained in preparations for direct treatment.

Distinctive features.

1 . Interaction with cellular receptors.

Vitamin A, which has a natural form, works better with cells, forcing them to carry out “commands” to full power. When entering the body in the form of Tretinoin, it is broken down into simplest form. And after that all cellular receptors begin to work at full capacity.

Artificial retinoids can only make certain receptors work. That is why they are also called point ones. That is, working in one direction.

2 . Insulation unpleasant consequences skin.

Since the interaction on cells of these types of “retinol components” is different, therefore, the skin will be restored with at different speeds and direction.

While tretinoids act on all cellular receptors, its commands may not be sufficient to long time. That is why the skin recovers so slowly. But due to its low concentration in cosmetic preparations, it is practically harmless and cannot cause an overdose.

However, isotretinoins, acting in a “point” direction, cope with the restoration of the skin faster. Therefore, they are added to drugs for emergency treatment damaged and problem areas of the skin, such as eczema or dermatitis.

It should be noted that preparations containing synthetic retinol may not always be safe for use. Its concentration is much higher than can be contained in cosmetics, so its use is prescribed by a dermatologist, indicating the right dosage.

Impact resistance.

* Natural retinoids are not stable. When exposed to them external factors environment, an oxidizing process occurs, after which they become toxic. In order to protect yourself, drugs that contain such a component are best used in dark time days.

* Synthetic retinoids are no longer destroyed by sunlight. However, to avoid side effects After use, it is advisable to apply a protective cream.

Retinoids in cosmetology

Since ritinol is figuratively present in our world large number We will look at the types of Vitamin A that are used in skin care products and some professional products that are available without a doctor's prescription.

In cosmetics


Retinol or retinyl palmiates

Retinyl and retinol acetates

Retinal aldehydes

In serious drugs

Tretinoin(trans - retinoic - acid) - used in anti-wrinkle products

Isotretinoin– used in anti-acne ointments, such as Retinoic.

Adapalene– an active ingredient in anti-acne preparations.

Tazatoren– can be used both to combat skin aging and teenage rashes.

Differences in application.

We have already found out that tretinoin is the fastest form of Vitamin A. That is, skin cells are more sensitive to it.

Therefore, in order for the remaining forms of retinol to have the same benefits on the skin as retinoic acid, they need to go through a process of breaking down and combining to become tretinoin.

Many products that are taken strictly as prescribed by doctors may contain natural retinoic acid. However, even if cellular receptors are received for nutrition ready-made form retinol, it is impossible to avoid the risk of side effects. That is why drugs containing such retinol should be taken with caution and under the supervision of doctors.

Cosmetic vitamin A on cellular organisms acts much more smoothly. That is why there are practically no side effects from use. But it is worth considering the fact that the visible effects of exposure will take much longer to appear.

Retinol, which is found in cosmetic skin care products, has different shapes. They may differ in both their initial structure and the speed of impact. Although the end result is the same for everyone, they need to go through their life path, turning into retinoic acid.

Transformation of retinoids in the body.

We have already found out that before it begins to “work,” our vitamin must undergo a series of splits and formations in order to become tretinoin.

Natural retinoids, unlike artificial ones, go through a long transformation before becoming the desired ingredient. Therefore, it will be considered weak in impact.

For example, to ultimately become tretinoin, retinol palmate must first become retinol, which then converts to retinal aldehyde, and ultimately becomes an acid.

Start using retinol with a cosmetic line of products. After all, not all drugs that contain the fast form of the vitamin are harmless. That is why they are only available by prescription. Many carry a number of side effects. First, think about whether you should take such drugs unnecessarily.

Let's sum it up...

Retinol is produced from beta-carotene through a complex pathway in our body.

Is chemical name Vitamin A.

Retinoids is a general classifier of the Vitamin A family, the common progenitor of which is Retinol.

The main beauty of retinoids is that they affect our skin deeply at the cellular level, giving certain signals, as a result of which even the most serious problems of skin diseases disappear.

They can be either natural or artificial. The former are produced by the body itself, while the latter are grown in laboratories.

Natural retinoids are used in skin care cosmetics and are weaker in effect. However, they cannot cause harm and have no side effects.

Synthetic retinoids are found in more serious medications that are only available on prescription. And although their effect on skin cells is faster, they have side effects.

Before taking products containing retinol, consult a specialist to choose the right dosage of the drug and protect yourself from side effects.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Retinol

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Retinol

White or pale yellow crystals with faint odor. Practically insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, oils and fats. Decomposes under the influence of oxygen, air and light.


Pharmacological action- replenishes vitamin A deficiency.

Having a large number of unsaturated bonds, it activates redox processes, stimulates the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, participates in the energy supply of metabolism, creating favorable conditions for ATP synthesis

When taken orally, it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after emulsification with bile acids. Retinol entering the intestinal microvilli undergoes esterification. The resulting retinyl palmitate attaches to specific lipoproteins, penetrates the lymphatic pathways and, as part of chylomicrons, enters the liver, where it is captured by stellate reticuloendotheliocytes, and then by hepatocytes, where the chylomicrons are cleaved, releasing retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinal and the retinoic acid formed from it. Retinol binds to a specific protein, enters the blood, combines with albumin and is transported to various bodies. Unevenly distributed in the body: greatest number is located in the liver and retina, less - in the kidneys, heart, fat depots, lungs, lactating mammary gland, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands. The predominant form of deposit is retinol palmitate, its reserves are slowly but constantly renewed. In tissues, retinol is localized mainly in the microsomal fraction, mitochondria, lysosomes, and in the membranes of cells and organelles. Retinol, retinal, retinoic acid are secreted by hepatocytes in the bile, retinoyl glucuronide is excreted in the urine. Elimination of retinol is slow, so repeated doses lead to accumulation and adverse effects persist for a long time.

Increases protein synthesis in cartilage and bone tissue, which determines the growth of bones and cartilage in length. Stimulates epithelization and prevents excessive keratinization of the epithelium (hyperkeratosis). Increases the number of mitoses in epithelial cells, prevents the accumulation of keratohyalin in them, promotes the synthesis of RNA and sulfated mucopolysaccharides, which play important role in the permeability of cellular, subcellular and especially lysosomal membranes. Due to its lipophilicity, it is integrated into the lipid phase of membranes, has a modifying effect on membrane lipids, and controls the rate of chain reactions in the lipid phase and maintains the antioxidant potential of various tissues at a constant level. Regulates the biosynthesis of glycoproteins of cell surface membranes, which determine the level of cell differentiation processes. Regulates normal function single-layer squamous epithelium, which plays a barrier role, increases the body's resistance to infection. Strengthens the formation of antibodies and activates phagocytosis. Affects photoreception by participating in the formation of visual purple. Stimulates the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex. Inhibits the liberation of thyroxine. Ensures normal activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Application of the substance Retinol

For systemic use: hypovitaminosis and vitamin A deficiency complex therapy infectious diseases, incl. measles, dysentery; skin diseases (burns, frostbite, wounds, skin tuberculosis, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, pyoderma, some forms of eczema and other inflammatory and degenerative pathological processes), eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, eczematous eyelid lesions, conjunctivitis), rickets, malnutrition, acute respiratory diseases, acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, incl. tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia; erosive-ulcerative and inflammatory lesions Gastrointestinal cirrhosis of the liver.

For external use: eczema, dermatitis (including atopic without exacerbation), cheilitis, superficial cracks and abrasions of the skin, age-related changes skin; skin diseases associated with disruption of keratinization processes; to activate reparative processes during various dermatoses after glucocorticoid therapy.


Hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, pregnancy (first trimester).

Restrictions on use

Spicy and chronic nephritis, cardiac decompensation.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

External use of retinol during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible if the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child.

Side effects of the substance Retinol

Systemic effects

Manifestations of hypervitaminosis A: in adults - drowsiness, lethargy, headache, facial flushing followed by peeling of the skin, nausea, vomiting, possible exacerbation of liver disease, pain in the bones lower limbs; in children - increased body temperature, drowsiness, excessive sweating, vomit, skin rashes, increase intracranial pressure(in children infancy hydrocephalus and protrusion of the fontanel may develop).

With a dose reduction or temporary discontinuation of the drug side effects pass on their own. In some cases, on the first day of use, itchy maculopapular rashes may occur, requiring discontinuation of the drug.

When high doses are prescribed for skin diseases, after 7-10 days of treatment, an exacerbation of local inflammatory reaction, which does not require additional treatment and further decreases.

For intramuscular injections: pain at the injection site, formation of infiltrates.

For external use: itching and hyperemia at the site of application (require temporary discontinuation of the drug).


It should not be combined with other drugs containing vitamin A and retinoids (to avoid hypervitaminosis A). Incompatible with tetracycline antibiotics. Salicylates and HA reduce the risk of side effects. Estrogens and oral contraceptives containing them increase plasma concentrations of vitamin A.

Reduces (mutually) the risk of hypervitaminosis D. The absorption of retinol is disrupted by nitrites, cholestyramine, colestipol, neomycin (orally).


In acute hypervitaminosis - severe headache, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, blurred vision, convulsions, uncontrollable vomiting, profuse diarrhea, severe dehydration; on the second day a widespread rash appears, followed by large-plate peeling, starting from the face; probing long tubular bones sharply painful due to subperiosteal hemorrhages, changes in bone, soft tissue. In children, acute hypervitaminosis is characterized by anxiety, excitement, insomnia during the first day, sometimes drowsiness, fever up to 39 ° C, vomiting, protrusion of the large fontanel, signs of suffocation.

Treatment: symptomatic; Thyroxine and ascorbic acid are prescribed as an antagonist.

Routes of administration

Inside, intramuscularly externally.

Precautions for the substance Retinol

To avoid the development of hypervitaminosis A, do not exceed recommended doses. To treat acne you need high doses vitamin A, which increases the risk of toxic complications, therefore, for this nosology, it is most preferable local forms vitamin A.

Retinol for facial skin is a form of vitamin A. The product is used for cosmetic purposes to treat acne, reduce wrinkles, slow down aging. Even in ancient times, people took vitamin A, which they received from fish oil.

But such a product tastes unpleasant. IN modern world When the beauty industry is constantly evolving, there is no need to torture yourself fish oil, because they exist various means, based on retinol.

Features of retinol

Initially, retinol was used for the appearance of acne, with its help, treatment or prevention. The product also accelerated the healing of wounds on skin that appeared as a result of cosmetic procedures.

Experts continued to study retinol; in the course of research, it was found that it is capable of smoothing the skin and increasing its elasticity.

If you use a product with this component every day, then you can see the filling and smoothing of small wrinkles.

To improve the effect of retinol, it is combined with various components. It is recommended to choose products that have a lot positive feedback and have been tested by experts more than once.

The effect of retinol

With the help of retinol-based products, as manufacturers say, you can achieve amazing results. Namely:

  • The effect is observed. As a result, the epithelium is renewed faster, as cell development is normalized. The fact is that retinoids diffuse easily through membranes and bind to a specific protein. This leads to the fact that biosynthesis processes are turned on, and dead cells are exfoliated.
  • The deep layers of the epidermis become thicker. This leads to increased hydrophobic properties. Moisture will not evaporate much from the surface of the skin, so the skin will retain the necessary moisture.
  • Collagen is produced in more, since the action of fibroblasts is stimulated. As a result, wrinkles are reduced and the skin becomes more elastic.
  • Hyaluronic acid is produced in enhanced mode.
  • becomes lighter.

Given these properties, experts advise using retinol-based products for people over 30 years of age. In this way you can preserve youth and slow down aging.

Retinol also helps get rid of acne. The fact is that the cells die and accumulate in the pores, clogging them. But retinoic acid fights this process.

It also reduces the production of sebum due to the fact that the work of the sebaceous glands is reduced. Retinol helps cleanse pores, increase local immunity, remove inflammatory process, so acne disappears.

In this regard, products based on this component are often recommended by dermatologists to people with problem skin.

Question - answer

They are classified as anti-aging cosmetics. That is why people who have begun to notice the first signs of aging should start using such products to prevent skin aging.

Yes, this substance is also used on the scalp. It is added to shampoos or balms. But the components need to be connected not on the head, but separately. 1 ampoule will be enough for mixing with 1 tbsp. l. hair washing products.

Rules of application

How to use retinol preparations correctly? Initially, the skin needs to get used to the effect of the product.

During the first use, the skin may react strongly to the application of cream or oil. This is due to the fact that such drugs have an active effect.

If the product is used for the first time, and discomfort appears, then you do not need to use it every day. One application every 2 days will be enough. In this way, the skin will become accustomed to active action retinol.

If discomfort does not appear, then you can apply the product daily. This should be done in the morning or evening.

The product itself should be applied in a targeted manner to the area where wrinkles are located, or to the entire face. It depends on what purpose it is used for.

To do this, the product is used several times a week to maintain the effect. If a person has dry or normal skin type, then the product is applied no more than 3 times a week.

There are also some negative aspects retinol. During application of the drug, a burning sensation and slight tingling may be felt.

Dryness occurs due to dehydration. To protect yourself from drying out your skin, you should use a moisturizer 30 minutes after using retinol. A mask with glucuronic acid is perfect for this purpose.

Experts highlight another disadvantage. After using the product, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation increases, and a person runs the risk of allergies.

To protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, it is recommended to use special creams with a protection factor greater than 15.


Not all people can freely use products with retinol, as there are some contraindications. If you ignore them, you may face undesirable consequences.

To prevent this, you need to take into account restrictions.


  1. Vitamin A can lead to allergies. Experts recommend initially testing for allergic reaction in the wrist area. This is especially true for people with sensitive skin.
  2. If you use the product for pregnant women, then retinol will penetrate the placenta. The product may also get into breast milk. Taking this into account, doctors prohibit the use of the products by pregnant women and during lactation.
  3. You should be wary of the drainage effect on bile ducts or liver. If there are problems with these organs, then you should avoid using the product.

Retinol-based preparations

There are various manufacturers products with retinol. They are produced by domestic and foreign companies. But some drugs have gained great popularity.

NameFeatures and Properties
Retinol Fusion PMThis is a serum for night use. Concentrated retinol is used for its production. The serum is used to remove fine wrinkles, varicose veins, and acne. It is suitable for a variety of skin types.
RoCThis is a cream that is intended for night use. It moisturizes the skin well, so experts advise using it for those with very dry, flaky skin. The cream contains vitamin A, as well as ascorbic acid and shea butter.
KorffThis is a lifting pencil containing hyaluronic acid, which has a positive effect on the skin and compresses elastane fibers. Retinol is also included in the product, it provides hydration to the skin. Such a pencil with hyaluronic acid You can buy it at a pharmacy and use it at home.
RegetsinThis is a gel with medicinal properties, which contains many vitamins. It is prescribed for the development of psoriasis, seborrhea and others skin diseases of a chronic nature. With its help you can get rid of painful sensations, itching, it whitens the skin.
Proteik GfIt contains retinol and pro-xylan. The product removes wrinkles in the lips and eyes, reduces the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
Retin-AThis cream can be purchased with a doctor's prescription. It must be used with caution, as its action resembles a chemical peel. This cream removes age spots, small wrinkles, provides skin restoration.
Belita-VitexThese are Belarusian products that have proven themselves to be excellent. The cream can compete in quality with expensive foreign drugs. Magnesium is used for its production, which perfectly restores the epithelium.
ThiogammaThis is a tonic with a rejuvenating effect. It is recommended to use it as a supplement to various drugs, designed to combat wrinkles. It contains no alcohol. This allows it to be used by those with dry and sensitive skin types.
Benefit WrinkleResist24This is a mask that is applied to the area around the eyes. It provides instant effect. With its help, swelling and bruising are removed. This is an emergency drug.

Deserves special attention retinoic ointment, which is produced in Russia. This tool can only be purchased at a pharmacy. Its price is about 60 rubles.

Many people have tried this ointment, most of them respond positively to it. The effect can be noticed after the first use.