How to use retinoic ointment correctly. Retinoic ointment. Contraindications and side effects from the use of ointment

Today on the shelves of pharmacy chains you can find enough large number acne medications. These are gels and ointments, lotions and creams. Their effect on the human body follows approximately the same pattern. However, for some, Isotrexin is more suitable for others. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly improving and developing more and more new drugs. However, we should not forget about the old, time-tested compositions. So, over time, retinoic ointment was undeservedly forgotten.

Retinoic ointment contains a form of vitamin A, which has increased biological activity and isotretinoin, which is often used in the manufacture various ointments and gels are the main active ingredient.


Doctors prescribe retinoic ointment for comedones and acne in mild to moderate stages of the disease. The biologically active isotretinoin included in its composition actively contributes to the normalization of the process of cell differentiation. Experts, during the study pharmacological mechanism, a positive effect on the epithelium that lines sebaceous glands. Its growth becomes less rapid, and its composition is normalized and the secretion of the sebaceous glands located in the skin is removed much more easily. All of the above leads to the fact that the amount of sebum is significantly reduced and its composition changes. Consequently, the amount of inflammation will be much lower. External use is accompanied by antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, as well as immunomodulatory effects. All patients who left reviews about the use of retinoic ointment note a significant improvement in the regenerative processes of the skin.


  • Rosacea;
  • Oral dermatitis;
  • Papulopustular acne;
  • Nodular cystic acne in severe form;

Retinoic ointment must be applied twice a day to a previously cleaned affected area. After cleansing, some time should pass, the skin should dry, and after twenty to twenty-five minutes you can use the medicine. It needs to be distributed thin layer over the surface of the affected area.

Contraindications and side effects

Experts do not recommend the use of retinoic ointment if you have liver failure, pregnancy or breastfeeding, hypervitaminosis A, hypersensitivity to its ingredients. And also in the presence of hyperlipidemia.

The first week of using the drug, as a rule, is without symptoms. side effects. But on next week Possible dry skin, burning sensation and redness of the skin, itching, peeling. There may also be some swelling or new pimples. In cases where adverse reactions are pronounced and cause severe inconvenience, the course of treatment should be stopped for two to three days, and then resumed according to the previous regimen. If there is severe swelling and itching, as well as spotty rashes, form on the second or third day after the start of treatment, then this a clear sign individual intolerance retinoic ointment or its components. In this case, you should contact a specialist to change the drug to a less aggressive one.

It is not recommended to use the drug for a long time, since isotretinoin, which is part of it, can provoke hypervitaminosis A. Its symptoms are dry mucous membranes and skin, conjunctivitis. The musculoskeletal system will respond to such intervention with muscle pain, painful sensations in joints and tendons, arthritis, tendinitis. Depression or migraine seizures, as well as increased intracranial pressure - these are just a few of the side effects from nervous system. The sense organs will also not be left out: photophobia, night blindness, cataract, keratitis, disorder color perception, disturbance of perception, at certain frequencies, of sound. Nausea, pancreatitis, intestinal inflammation and bleeding. Erythrocytopenia and leukopenia. And this is not the entire list of side effects.

Overdose and drug compatibility

A doctor prescribing retinoic ointment for acne must monitor the possibility of developing hypervitaminosis A. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all retinol-containing drugs, such as retinol acetate or retinol palmitate. tetracycline series are most likely to provoke an increase intracranial pressure, as a result of which their combination in one course of treatment with isotretinoin is not recommended. It is also necessary to take into account that isotretinoin has the ability to weaken the effectiveness therapeutic effects progesterone. If a woman uses products containing small doses of progesterone, then it is better to change the method of contraception or the method itself during the treatment period.

In case of overdose, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis A intensify. In this case, the course of treatment should be interrupted and the doctor should prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

Despite the fact that the drug was originally produced to combat acne, over time, women began to use it as an anti-wrinkle cream. Long term exposure on the skin is fraught with redness and peeling, but short-term use, for example, for half an hour, perfectly stimulates blood circulation and enhances collagen production. But it is precisely the decrease in the amount of collagen in the skin that leads to the formation of premature wrinkles. It is recommended to use retinoic ointment to reduce the number of wrinkles only for a short time, but several such courses can be carried out throughout the year.

The most optimal is the use of ointment twice a year (spring and autumn), lasting from two to four weeks. It should be applied in the evening so as not to provoke photosensitivity. Perfect time for use - this is after nine - ten o'clock in the evening. Then until the morning everything useful components will have time to be absorbed, and you won’t have to worry about the possibility of getting sunburn. If you have an allergic reaction to retinoic ointment, try squeezing one capsule of vitamin A into your favorite cream. Perhaps in this option, your body will perceive retinol better. Avoid applying the drug to the skin of the eyelids. By doing so, you risk causing severe irritation.

The price of retinoic ointment ranges from 170 to 250 rubles per package. In pharmacies it is presented in the form of an aluminum tube weighing from 10 to 35 grams. Patients who left reviews about this medicine notice strong peeling, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother and more even. Many also experience redness of the skin and a burning sensation. At misuse You can get a sunburn with this product.

Before you start using the drug, you must familiarize yourself with all contraindications and carefully read the instructions for use again. The instructions that come with each package of ointment will help in this matter.

Today, every girl strives for beautiful and well-groomed facial skin. However, modern brands offer so many products that it becomes difficult to choose. In addition, it is not always possible to find your favorite product on store shelves, since in conditions of constant stress and busyness it is rarely possible to travel around different points sales. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to pharmaceutical drugs, which are also suitable for facial care. For example, Retinoic ointment.

What is Retinoic ointment?

Retinoic ointment is a drug intended to treat acne. As a rule, the product has a yellowish tint. The intensity of the latter can vary: be more or less pronounced. There are two types of Retinoic ointment depending on the concentration active substance(isotretinoin):


The cost of Retinoic ointment varies from 245 to 498 rubles per 10 grams of product. The price depends on the region of your residence and the popularity of the place where you purchased the product.


Retinoic ointment is primarily used for:

  • eliminating pimples,
  • treatment of seborrheic dermatitis,
  • treatment of nodular cystic acne, even in severe form,
  • preventing and eliminating rosacea.

Today, the product has become actively used for cosmetic purposes. In this case, the indications for use of the ointment will be as follows:

  • sagging facial skin,
  • small wrinkles,
  • pale complexion,
  • pigmentation (of any nature),
  • uneven skin tone,
  • skin tendency to form pimples and comedones.

It should be noted that Retinoic ointment can be used for any skin type.

Chemical composition

The components of Retinoic ointment are:

  • Isotretinoin. It is a form of vitamin A (retinol). It is because of this component that the product got its name. The ingredient has a positive effect on the skin:
    • fights rashes
    • smoothes out depressions and protrusions,
    • eliminates pigment spots,
    • improves skin condition in various diseases.
  • Glycerol. With regular use, deeply moisturizes the skin. Thanks to this component, Retinoic ointment reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • Dibunol. Helps enhance regeneration processes in tissues.
  • Ethanol. Disinfects the surface of the face, thereby smoothing out the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  • Emulsion wax. It is one of the basic ingredients of the ointment. Wax combines all components of the composition into a single whole.
  • Butyloxyanisole. Used as a preservative. Thanks to butyloxyanisole, the risk of product oxidation is reduced.

Benefits for the skin

Retinoic ointment acts on the skin of the face as follows:

  • Reduces the appearance of pigmentation. With regular use of Retinoic ointment, freckles, age spots and other similar formations become almost invisible.
  • Helps tighten and cleanse pores. When using Retinoic ointment, accumulated impurities and excess sebaceous secretions are actively “removed” from the pores.
  • Increases blood supply to tissues. When oxygen and beneficial components are supplied to the cells in a timely manner, the skin color becomes more uniform and healthy.

Efficiency when used for cosmetic purposes

The effectiveness of Retinoic ointment when used on the face depends on several factors:

  • Initial state skin. If no special problems are observed, the face will look fresher and healthier after the first application of the ointment. However, if peeling, inflammation and other pathologies are present on the surface of the skin, it is necessary to complete the full course of using the drug to see a noticeable result.
  • Individual skin characteristics. Sometimes the surface of the face is weakly sensitive to the active components of the product. In this case, the effect may not be very noticeable. long time or be weakly expressed.
  • Duration of use. Retinoic ointment has a cumulative effect when used regularly. This means your skin looks better with every treatment.
  • Correct use. If you apply the ointment in strict accordance with the methods suggested below and approach the process responsibly, the result will not be long in coming.

Ointment storage

Retinoic ointment should be stored at low temperatures: from 2 o C to 8 o C. But do not allow the product to freeze. It is also necessary to understand that the product should be kept out of the reach of children. Subject to these simple conditions the ointment will retain its beneficial properties for two years. This is true even if the product has already been opened.

Application of Retinoic ointment in cosmetology

Before using Retinoic ointment in cosmetology, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the rules of use and recipes.

Rules of application

When using Retinoic ointment, follow the rules below:

Methods of use

Retinoic ointment is used in cosmetology in two main ways:

In its purest form

This method of application is advisable if there are fine wrinkles and other skin irregularities on the face. It is recommended to use Retinoic ointment in its pure form according to the following algorithm:

Therefore, use the product once a day every day. The course lasts 2–4 weeks, depending on your well-being and the effectiveness of the product. If you like the effect, use the ointment for the maximum period. The break after the course should be at least three months.

Homemade masks

Homemade masks based on Retinoic ointment have different directions. In this case, it is recommended to apply the compositions according to the same principle as the drug itself in its pure form. However, after the time specified in the recipe has passed, the mask must be washed off. a large number water. The course usually consists of 10–12 procedures at your discretion. In this case, you should make masks 2-3 times a week. At the end of the sessions, it is recommended to rest for at least a month. Try the following recipes for masks with Retinoic ointment:

  • Against age spots. To get rid of unpleasant formations, prepare a mask according to the following algorithm:
  • Cleansing. The mask is suitable for combating pimples and blackheads. To prepare, use the following algorithm:
    1. Combine the contents of a vitamin E capsule with the same amount of Retinoic ointment.
    2. Lubricate the surface of your face with the product. Leave the mixture for a third of an hour to act.
  • Against scars. To get rid of the latter, you need to add a nutritional ingredient to the Retinoic ointment. To prepare the mask, follow the steps below sequentially:

After the remnants of the mask (any of the suggested ones) are removed from the surface of the face, use a moisturizer according to your skin type.


There are certain absolute contraindications when using Retinoic ointment in cosmetology:

  • Some diseases: pancreatitis, renal failure, hepatitis and heart failure. The fact is that in the presence of the listed pathologies, the use of Retinoic ointment can aggravate a person’s condition, since the drug contains certain components that negatively affect the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. It is during these periods that a woman should use even topical products as carefully as possible. Any external intervention can negatively affect the child’s health.
  • Flat warts in the area where the ointment is intended to be applied.
  • Taking medications with retinol.
  • Purulent formations on the surface of the face and others serious damage skin. In this case, when using Retinoic ointment, the situation may worsen.

Main unpleasant consequences when using Retinoic ointment, the following may occur:

  • Allergic reaction: rash, irritation of the mucous membrane, and so on.
  • The appearance of age spots. The most common reason for this is exposure to the sun immediately after applying the ointment.
  • Hypervitaminosis. It appears most often when using Retinoic ointment together with similar drugs.
  • Drying of the skin. With continuous use of the drug, peeling may appear on the face.

More rare side effects of using the drug are:

  • Headaches.
  • Swelling.
  • Itching in the treated area.

Of course, such radical consequences can only occur with uncontrolled use of the ointment. However, to minimize the risk of the side effects described above, consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not go outside immediately after using Retinoic ointment. In addition to the aggressive impact sun rays, the results of using the drug can be affected by various chemicals, which are found in abundance in the air of modern cities.
  • Do not use Retinoic ointment together with other drugs that contain vitamin A. The fact is that an excess of the substance will not have any effect positive impact both on the skin in particular and on the body as a whole.
  • Be sure to take breaks from using the ointment. The latter, when used regularly, becomes boring to the skin, which is why the cells stop responding to the drug properly. In addition, the product is not a skincare cosmetic product, which means it should never be used on an ongoing basis.
  • Do not use ointment that has expired. Also, you should not use the product if its packaging was damaged upon purchase (cuts on the tube, etc.).
  • Do not use creams, serums or other skin care products on top of the ointment. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of the procedure, but also prevent cosmetic products from working properly.
  • Be sure to test the ointment for individual intolerance. To do this, apply the drug to inner side wrists. After 24 hours, no rash, itching or other signs of an allergic reaction should appear. Otherwise, you will have to stop using the product. You should also be aware that individual intolerance may appear when using the drug on the skin of the face. This is explained by the fact that on the surface of the latter the skin is particularly susceptible. It should be noted that you need to test masks based on the drug in the same way (just keep it for the time specified in the recipe, not for a day).
  • Do not visit the solarium during the entire period of using Retinoic ointment.


The main analogues of Retinoic ointment are:

Analogs of Retinoic ointment should be used only after prior consultation with a dermatologist. The fact is that otherwise the risk of getting reverse effect from the use of drugs.

Video: pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products

Retinoic ointment is often prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of acne, acne, and pimples. Its “side” effect is the ability to restore and regenerate the skin, which is why it has long been loved by women who do not want to put up with age-related changes skin.

Pharmacology, action of vitamin A

Isotretinoin (retinoid, synthetic vitamin A), which is part of the ointment and is its active component, known for his magical properties. It boosts collagen production, accelerates cellular metabolism and “adjusts” regeneration processes, so that aging skin is renewed and looks younger.

Vitamin A is a real beauty vitamin. When it is deficient, the skin quickly dries out, becomes decrepit, and sags. If the skin is saturated with this substance, it is moisturized, healed, and becomes elastic.

Retinoic ointment also helps to thin the stratum corneum (upper) layer of the skin. As a result, old wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, and small creases disappear completely.

After several courses of using the ointment, the complexion improves and disappears. age spots, the skin becomes velvety to the touch, smooth and youthful.

The video talks about what is remarkable about cosmetics containing synthetic vitamin A (retinoid), how it helps fight wrinkles, and how to use it correctly.

Composition, release form, price

Retinoic ointment is sold in pharmacies; you do not need a prescription to purchase it. The cost ranges from 220 to 390 rubles.

Release forms:

  • ointment 0.1% in a ten-gram tube, packed in a cardboard pack;
  • ointment 0.05% in a ten-gram tube, packed in a cardboard pack.
The main active ingredient in the composition: isotretinoin – 0.05 or 0.1 grams.

Auxiliary components: butyloxyanisole, glycerin, alcohol, wax, dibunol, water, petroleum jelly.

Instructions, indications and contraindications

Retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment is used externally. Apply as thin a layer as possible to areas of the face with skin creases (forehead, cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin) 1-2 times a day.

Indications for the use of ointment are the following factors:

  • Vitamin A deficiency. Shortage of this vitamin is expressed in the deterioration of the condition and appearance of the skin: it ages quickly, becomes covered with fine and deep wrinkles, becomes dry and overly sensitive.
  • Age. It is recommended to start using the ointment after thirty years, when the first symptoms of skin aging become noticeable.
Contraindications include:
  • Kidney or liver diseases. If you have been diagnosed with such diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before using the ointment. You will probably have to undergo tests so that the doctor can predict possible problems in time and decide how appropriate it is to use the ointment in your case.
  • Eczema and other skin diseases. Skin diseases are absolute contraindications to use the drug. In this situation, you should first visit a dermatologist, undergo the prescribed course of treatment, after which you can try to get rid of wrinkles with the help of ointment.
  • Skin damage. These include:

    Open wounds;
    - cuts;
    - deep scratches;
    - burns.

  • Hypervitaminosis.
  • Hypersensitivity to ingredients included in the ointment.
  • Taking other drugs from the retinoid group.
Retinoic ointment can be used during pregnancy, but it should only be applied to small areas of the skin. It is not recommended to apply the product to the entire face; limit yourself to the most problem areas, on which there are noticeable skin creases.

The effectiveness of retinoic ointment in the fight against wrinkles

As the experience of many women has shown, retinoic ointment is an affordable and effective remedy that helps get rid of fine wrinkles, as well as significantly smooth out and reduce the number of deep skin wrinkles.

The secret of the effectiveness of this drug is that it remarkably stimulates blood circulation, thereby increasing the amount of collagen produced by the skin.

From the video below you will learn what effect retinol (retinoid) has on skin cells, is it true that it is effective means that allows you to smooth out wrinkles in a matter of days and how to use retinol cream correctly?

Rules for applying retinoic ointment for wrinkles

To get the maximum benefit from the drug, you must follow simple rules its application.
  • The ointment must be used daily, morning or evening.
  • Before applying the ointment, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup, oil and other contaminants. Any facial cleanser that you regularly use (gel, foam, lotion, milk) is quite suitable for this.
  • Dry the cleansed skin with a towel or cosmetic napkin.
  • In order for the ointment to be absorbed faster, it must be applied warm hands only on dry skin.
  • Rub your palms, squeeze a little ointment onto ring finger and distribute it over the forehead, cheeks, and chin. Special attention pay attention to strongly pronounced folds (nasolabial and others).
  • Do not apply the ointment in a thick layer, as this will not increase its effectiveness.
  • To prevent the drug from getting into your eyes, do not rub it into the skin of your eyelids.
  • After applying the ointment, wait about twenty minutes, then wash it off with water.
  • To avoid possible skin irritation, apply a light moisturizer at the end of the procedure.
  • Do not use retinoic ointment and scrubs at the same time, as well as any cosmetics containing abrasive substances. You can return to them only after completing the course.

How often can I repeat the course?

To avoid hypervitaminosis, which is undesirable for the skin, it is not recommended to use anti-wrinkle ointment on an ongoing basis. The optimal course of use is 1-1.5 months.

Six months after completion of the course, it can be repeated. Retinoic ointment is best used in late autumn, when the weather is cloudy. The summer heat and bright sun have negative influence on thin facial skin, so in summer it is not recommended to additionally influence it with ointment.

Most often, four courses are enough. More frequent use ointment is undesirable, as it can lead to negative consequences.

Possible problems, side effects, allergic reactions

The most common undesirable effects of retinoic ointment include:
  • strong burning sensation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • peeling;
  • severe itching;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • swelling;
  • spotty rashes;
  • various allergic reactions.
If unwanted reactions to the drug are mild and disappear within a couple of days after its discontinuation, you can continue the course of treatment after disappearance external manifestations. If adverse reactions cause discomfort, are severe and do not go away within two to three days after stopping use of the ointment, it is recommended to completely stop using it. You may have an intolerance to some component of the retinoic ointment.

It is not recommended to use the ointment for a long time. After the course, a mandatory six-month break must follow. Neglect of these recommendations often leads to acute hypervitaminosis A.

The main signs of hypervitaminosis:

  • dry mucous membranes and skin,
  • muscle pain,
  • discomfort in the joints,
  • arthritis,
  • migraine,
  • intracranial pressure,
  • cataract,
  • pancreatitis,
  • leukopenia.

Consumer Reviews

Most women who used retinoic ointment for wrinkles left positive reviews about this drug. About 30% of consumers were not satisfied with the results. This is explained by the fact that sensitivity to the components of the ointment may vary. In addition, approximately 8% of women who tried to use retinoic ointment were found to have an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

As an example, here are a few reviews left by consumers on the Internet.
  • “I was planning to buy a luxury anti-wrinkle cream for one famous brand, but its price seemed prohibitive. While I was getting ready, I came across one of the laudatory reviews online, talking about the miraculous properties of an inexpensive retinoic ointment. The pharmacy said that this drug is used to treat acne and acne. I decided to try it. In the evening I washed my face with regular foam, then applied ointment. Already in the morning I noticed the first results! The skin has tightened up a little, fine wrinkles have become less noticeable! I will definitely continue to use this magical ointment.”
  • “I’ve already completed 2 courses – the results are wonderful! Deep wrinkles have not yet disappeared, but small ones are slowly smoothing out. The most important thing is that there are no new wrinkles, the skin seems to have been preserved!”
  • “After the first course, which lasted exactly a month, I did not notice any changes. All the wrinkles are still in place, the skin remains as flabby as before using the ointment. But an important disadvantage of the drug was discovered: its serious effect on the skin. After applying the ointment, I constantly felt a burning sensation, my face turned red, my skin was peeling and irritated. A few days after finishing the course, everything returned to normal, but I decided to stop using the ointment.”

Opinion of cosmetologists and doctors

Most cosmetologists speak positively about retinoic ointment. They note its effectiveness in combating age-related skin problems. Using preparations containing retinoids in their practice, dermatologists have discovered that substances that help overcome many skin ailments, also improve appearance skin, making it smoother and more elastic. This revealed an important property of retinoids – reducing the depth and number of skin wrinkles.

A lot has been done clinical trials, in which the optimal concentrations of the components of retinoic ointment, the timing of its use and the rules of use were identified to achieve maximum effect.

Doctors are more wary of this drug, as it has many side effects. If you follow the instructions when using the ointment, then possible harm its use can be minimized.

Photos before and after

To verify the effectiveness of retinoic ointment, just look at the photographs, which clearly show the condition of the skin before and after applying the ointment.

At present, there is a sufficient number of products on the shelves of various pharmacy chains. a large assortment of different effective medications against acne and pimples. They come in the form of ointment, gel, cream or lotion, so users have the opportunity to choose the most suitable drug for themselves.

The effect of such drugs on the human body follows approximately the same pattern, and the composition of Retinoic ointment allows the user to achieve the best results.

A certain product is more suitable for each skin type, so the pharmaceutical industry does not stop improving and developing new drugs. Also, do not forget about proven, old formulations that used to best help cope with problem skin.


The composition of retinoic ointment includes the most effective components that help you quickly deal with possible problems skin. Its action promotes the disappearance of acne, while making facial skin smooth and soft.

Retinoic ointment contains a special form of vitamin A, with increased biological activity on the body, as well as isotretinoin, which is often used in the manufacture of highly effective gels and ointments - this is the main active ingredient in retinoic ointment.

Thanks to unique composition retinoic ointment, most often doctors prescribe it for comedones or acne at any stage of the disease.

Biologically active isotretinoin, which is part of the composition, quite actively helps to normalize the process of cell differentiation.

Experienced specialists, when studying the complete pharmacological mechanism, noted that the drug has a positive effect directly on the epithelium lining the sebaceous glands. Its growth gradually decreases, normalizing its composition, so the process of removing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which are located in the skin, is much easier.

The listed actions of the remedy lead directly to the fact that total quantity sebum gradually decreases, while changing its composition. It follows from this that the amount of inflammation will decrease significantly as a result.

Outdoor use often accompanied by some antiseborrheic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

Absolutely all patients who used retinoic ointment, noted a significant improvement in the regenerative processes of the skin. After reading all of the above, you can understand what is included in the retinoic ointment.

If you decide to treat your acne with retinoic ointment, then You must first consult a dermatologist.

After all, the drug is still a medicinal product, so in some cases it can cause unwanted allergic reactions or even burns, which will not be easy to get rid of later.

At the beginning of use, there may be absolutely no side effects. However, through certain time the skin is also capable of reacting to this type of intervention.

In exceptional situations, redness or severe peeling of the skin may occur because vitamin A dries it out, causing itching and burning. As a side effect, new acne may even appear.

In cases where adverse reactions become severe and also cause a lot of inconvenience, you must immediately stop using the ointment for several days and then restore the process.

If, when used on the second or third day, you begin to suffer strong burning sensation, inflammatory processes, swelling, important immediately contact a specialist, because this may indicate individual intolerance to the drug.

Retinoic ointment promotes the process of accelerating metabolism, as well as the generation of skin cells, which is why, in a relatively short period, we can observe how our skin is completely restored, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Intensive collagen production promotes intensive skin rejuvenation, while normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and opening pores.

Having studied all the information presented, each user can draw certain conclusions for himself and decide whether he should use this ointment in the fight against acne.

However, in any case you should consult with a specialist, who will give you certain recommendations and recommend more suitable means!

Over time, upset women in front of the mirror discover new wrinkles on their faces, but do not give up - a drug has appeared on the shelves of pharmacies with which you can avoid the formation of new wrinkles and get rid of existing ones. The effectiveness of Retinoic ointment has been proven by thousands of visibly younger women.


The primary packaging of Retinoic ointment is carton with an annotation located inside, the secondary one is a hermetically sealed aluminum tube with a screw cap. The structure of the ointment: homogeneous, without visible inclusions, oily to the touch, transparent with a slightly yellowish tint.

In pharmacies there are two forms of the drug in the following concentrations:

  • 0.1% retinoic ointment;
  • 0.05% retinoic ointment.

The main active ingredient of the drug is the biologically active systemic retinoid isotretionine, also known in medicine as synthetic analogue Vitamin A.

10 grams of ointment contains:

  1. isotretionine - 0.01 or 0.005 g;
  2. ethyl alcohol (95%) - 1.0 g;
  3. butylated hydroxyanisole - 0.0025 g;
  4. butylated hydroxytoluene - 0.005 g;
  5. Vaseline oil - 0.8 g;
  6. emulsion wax - 0.8 g;
  7. distilled water up to 10 g.

Retinoic ointment quickly loses its medicinal properties at room temperature - it should be stored in the refrigerator. After opening the package, the drug must be used within one month.

Indications and contraindications

Isotretionine is used by dermatologists to treat seborrheic dermatitis. It is able to reduce the amount of secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands.

At long-term use The drug reduces the formation of free radicals in all layers of the epidermis, which leads to the normalization of redox processes.

Retinoic ointment will help get rid of blackheads and pimples after a few days of regular use. The keratolytic effect of isotretionine is the detachment of the upper layers of the epidermis in the form of scales and the formation of a new healthy layer of skin.

Contraindications to the use of isotretionine are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases.

The human body cannot function normally without vitamin A. But with its excess, a teratogenic effect, or the formation of birth defects fetus The use of Retinoic ointment by pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

The instructions included in the package warn: the drug should not be applied to the skin around the eyes.

It is much thinner and more sensitive than on the forehead, chin or cheeks. The use of retinol to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes will contribute to the development of the opposite, undesirable effect: skin dryness will increase, defects will only become more noticeable.


Almost all modern cosmetic preparations contain vitamin A. As a rule, any cream contains famous brands contains a small amount of retinol. And Retinoic ointment consists entirely of beneficial vitamins.

Women actively use this property to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones.

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the following reasons:

  • concentration active substance;
  • time of application to facial skin;
  • duration of use;
  • the number of wrinkles formed.

Unlike creams, the ointment is completely absorbed by the skin without the formation of a greasy coating. It is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, thereby relieving the fair sex even of wrinkles that have appeared long ago. The appearance of the skin also changes - it becomes elastic and radiant. The visible effect occurs after three weeks of constant application to the face.

What explains the action

The rejuvenating effect of Retinoic ointment of any known concentration is based on the regenerative property of isotretionine. When applied to the surface of the skin, it penetrates all its layers and restores damaged epidermal cells. Vitamin A stimulates the formation of collagen in tissues, thereby increasing their elasticity.

Isotretionine is actively involved in redox processes.

Being powerful antioxidant, the product suppresses the formation of free radicals, the main culprits in the formation of wrinkles.

It protects cell membranes from the destructive effects of oxygen radicals and polyunsaturated acids.

Any damage will inevitably affect the condition of the facial skin. With regular use of Retinoic ointment for wrinkles, negative processes that originate deep in the epidermis will be suppressed at the very beginning of development. This is facilitated by the anti-inflammatory effect of vitamin A - the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

Women suffering various forms seborrhea, in addition to reducing wrinkles, will forever get rid of acne and other forms skin rashes on the face.

Retinol reduces production sebaceous glands substances that cause blockage of the ducts and initiate inflammatory processes inside. Moreover, the quality of the secreted secretion improves.

As a result of using Retinoic ointment, after two weeks you can notice pleasant skin changes:

  • greasy shine disappears;
  • elasticity increases;
  • irregularities and roughness are smoothed out;
  • the number of wrinkles decreases;
  • pleasant complexion pleases.

One more important property isotretionine has a keratolytic effect. If previously women achieved special smoothness with the help of peelings, now there is no need to use them. Retinol promotes exfoliation and removal of the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Aged skin is removed from the face in the form of scales.

Instructions for using Retinoic anti-wrinkle ointment

Before applying Retinoic ointment to your facial skin for the first time, you should conduct a test to identify allergic components.

It may not necessarily be isotretionine; rashes are often caused by excipients. Apply a small amount of the drug to the bend of the elbow for 30 minutes. There should be no redness of the skin.

You need to start using it by using 0.5% ointment, after mixing it with an equal amount of any nourishing face cream. If after several days there is no visible signs redness, then you can proceed to treatment with a drug with a higher concentration of the main substance.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face of excess sebum;
  2. The skin of the face should be wiped dry;
  3. without rubbing, apply a thin layer of ointment;
  4. Observe the condition of the skin for an hour;
  5. rinse off the ointment with warm water;
  6. apply nourishing cream.

Anti-aging procedures using ointment should be carried out twice a year: in early spring and late autumn.

The treatment period is 2-4 weeks, the time is selected individually depending on the age and number of wrinkles formed. For preventive procedures, a one-week course is sufficient.

Opinion of doctors and cosmetologists

Dermatologists use Retinoic ointment both to treat acne and to relieve women from signs of early aging.

The opinion of doctors is clear - Retinol is effective means returning elasticity to aging skin.

The only thing they warn about is that before treatment you need to make an appointment with a specialist.

In cosmetology, ointment is used not only in its pure form, but also:

  • in various masks;
  • during wraps;
  • as exfoliants.

Doctors and cosmetologists note that there is often no need to use complex treatment.

Retinoic ointment eliminates wrinkles without the use of accompanying medicines, it is only possible to use creams and decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, calendula, birch buds, green tea).

Video: Effective recipe

Adverse reactions

The use of ointment is contraindicated in the summer.

When exposed to direct sunlight, the skin may experience:

  1. age spots,
  2. various rashes and redness.

For the same reason, you cannot use the services of a solarium during treatment, and also cancel a visit to a massage therapist-cosmetologist.

You should stop using the ointment if the following symptoms occur:

  • shortness of breath, dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • rashes on the body;
  • nosebleeds.

It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor. Tests will be required to determine the possibility of further treatment.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe a drug with a lower concentration of the active substance or select other options for getting rid of wrinkles.