Heating in the house is underfloor heating. Electric heated floor in a wooden house. Do-it-yourself water-heated floor in a house with concrete floors

The classic version of a warm water floor is a thick concrete screed in which metal or plastic pipes with hot water.

Concrete structure using modern materials and technologies are maximally insulated to reduce heat losses.

Heating control and monitoring of operating modes is carried out by a special block of mechanisms, actuators and sensors.

However, this is one-sided. House dust consists largely of skin, hair and other organic substances, which we ourselves can produce and cannot avoid. Floors do not affect dust formation. If the soil is smooth, dust particles swirl, breathe in every movement or air and cause allergies. Although the same particles are found on carpet floors, they are primarily retained in the carpet by fibers and are only mixed by direct contact.

Starting with regular cleaning, carpeting and therefore keeping the house dust-free best choice. The cork floor has a row positive features which make it an ideal bedroom for children. The bark is extracted from the bark of the cork oak tree. The entire tree is uncut, but only the bark is used, making the cork material particularly environmentally friendly.

Water heated floor collector

The lowest element of the room heats up, the processes of thermal air convention improve, the temperature becomes the same throughout the entire volume, dead zones and drafts disappear. Warm floors successfully combine comfort and aesthetics, creating the most favorable conditions for people to stay. Warm floors have a number of advantages over other methods of heating rooms due to their optimal design.

No additional chemicals is not required for further processing, which may subsequently pose a risk to the health of children. At the same time, the plug can be installed in different versions, even by experienced landscaping professionals.

Rubber flooring is extremely durable, non-sensitive and free of toxins. Easy to care for, easy to install and protect the joints and nerves of neighbors thanks to its high elasticity and shock-absorbing structure. With numerous modern designs and colors available in retail store, you can also use this practical flooring to visually decorate your children's room. Here you will find everything you need to know about rubber flooring.

What is the principle of operation of "warm floor"

Restrictions on installation of heated floors

Manufacturers don’t like to talk about them, but they exist. Before choosing a specific design for heated floors, you need to become familiar with the problematic aspects of this type of heating.

Understanding the reasons for the existence of limitations will allow you to subsequently choose the optimal design of underfloor heating with water heating. Currently, there are several types of water-based underfloor heating structures: thin, lightweight and concrete. Let's briefly look at each of them from the point of view of the consumer and the builder. This approach will make it possible to talk about real, rather than advertising, technical characteristics.

Laminate flooring offers a good floor that has more than just benefits. It is self-cleaning, comfortable, easy to clean and also relatively stain-resistant. On the other hand, it depends on basic structure, but also relatively cold, loud and quick to react to liquid leaks.

Warm floor on wooden floor

However, if you combine laminate with proven safe carpet and finish it with a high gloss finish, you have a good, affordable foundation for a healthy children's room. The big advantage lies in the different qualities and therefore different prices.

Concrete structure of water heated floor

At the same time, the load-bearing and heat distribution layer is a concrete screed. It can be of different thicknesses, specific parameters are selected taking into account the maximum loads on the floor, architectural features buildings and customer wishes. This design is sometimes called "flooded" or "wet".

So, there is a right laminate for every wallet, and temporary flooring installations with planned exchanges can make sense with laminate. In addition to cork, parquet is one of the absolutely natural and safe floor coverings. Wood is a renewable resource and 100% natural. In addition, parquet flooring not only gives a warm appearance, but also pleasantly warm on the feet.

However, a little caution is required. It is true that parquet is safe, but the surface seal is critical. Organic oils and waxes keep the look natural. If, however, the parquet is sealed with varnish, the ingredients of the varnish determine the compatibility and regulation of the living climate.

By efficiency and coefficient useful action occupies a leading position. There is also a drawback - they become much more complicated renovation work in case of occurrence emergency situations, the load on the floors increases. With high-quality construction and installation work, the service life of such structures exceeds fifty years.

The installation was truly like a stroke of eyelashes. It was actually very simple: we applied online, were prompted for applications, and waited. We were so happy because we never had any luck in tenders and then straight. At the first meeting, he was with us in the “old” house and introduced us to everything and explained what awaits us with the installation of underfloor heating. Added to this is that these properties allow the soil to quickly heat up.

We came out of installing underfloor heating but didn't know there was a huge difference. Then there were several phone calls, as well as an exchange by email with all the participants - everything is super uncomplicated and excellent. After a good two hours we had everything cleared, everything was imported and we are happy with the smooth exchange and service.

The “concrete” structure is installed only on concrete floor slabs and consists of several mandatory layers, each of which plays an important role.

Practical advice. Professional installers of heated floors use damper tape to divide large areas of heated concrete floors into smaller segments. This completely eliminates the appearance of cracks that occur in large structures due to temperature differences.

So we were excited and waited for the installation! Then the time came: preparations began. The ceramic coils were then placed, secured in the heating circuits and connected directly to the distributor. In just two days the entire underfloor heating system was installed in the house to almost 116 m². There was virtually no mess and it wasn't incredibly fast - you could almost watch every room being finished - a dream for every eager home builder.

What is important to know?

Even the camera team accompanied the installation and asked us about the collaboration so far and the build-up stages. That's why we can look forward to the launch date. To say this with the words of our little daughter: “I want to sleep on the warm earth soon!”

Before laying the tape, the walls are leveled and cleaned; there is a special polyethylene apron on the back side. It serves to close the gap between the wall and the floor slab; it must be used; if this is not done, then cement laitance may leak to the lower floors.

Thermal insulation materials. For concrete construction of heating systems, it is necessary to use compacted or pressed heat insulators with increased performance strength.

Thermal insulation or heat storage?

Some works emphasize the influence of heat capacity. It says that improving thermal protection in the case of external walls is pointless or even harmful. Presumably, science would not take into account the effect of the thermal capacity of the wall, as well as the heat gain factor of solar irradiation.

The state of research shows beyond any scientifically substantiated doubt. For thermal energy consumption residential building V Central Europe Thermal protection of the outer shell and air exchange are responsible. Irradiation on surfaces outer surface is an effect that is usually negligible on average during the heating period with a small energy gain that is further reduced by thermal radiation into the cold sky. However, passive use solar energy can be significantly increased by measures such as selective coating or translucent insulation. The thermal capacity of the layers of internal components facing the internal areas has a significant impact on temperature stability and therefore comfort in summer time- Internal walls and intermediate ceilings are especially important. Finally, the influence of the thermal capacity of external walls is extremely low. . These facts are documented and explained in more detail.

Insulation is the main element and has a direct impact on the efficiency of systems. This is especially important for the first floors; if the thermal insulation does not fulfill its intended tasks, then thermal energy is lost in the underground spaces. Building codes regulate the thickness of thermal insulation depending on the material of its manufacture and physical characteristics floors. For concrete slabs, the thickness must be at least five centimeters.

Definition of Thermal Storage

In the case of external components, insulation against heat loss is an issue. However, it is important to avoid structural thermal bridges and sealing so that the insulation can actually function. The degree of absorption of solar energy by the outer surface and the degree of emissivity of the surface for long-wave thermal radiation are also only to a small extent.

  • Insulation is always effective - both internal and external insulation.
  • The thermal capacity of external components does not matter.
Heat capacity or heat capacity is the ability of a material to absorb an amount of heat across a temperature gradient.

Often, compressed glass wool and durable polystyrene foam are used for these purposes. The density of the materials must be at least 30 kg/m 3; to improve the thermal conductivity coefficient, the front surface can be covered with aluminum foil.

Pipes. Can be plastic or metal.

The cheapest are plastic, the most expensive are copper.

We use memory effect, for a long time in hot water bottles, storage tanks hot water or storage heaters. Typically, no additional energy can be recovered by storing heat - every heat taken from a store must first be supplied to it, for example when heating hot water for a hot water bottle.

An uninsulated hot water bottle releases its heat content over a short period of time and then becomes a "cooling bottle". Only good thermal insulation makes heat storage truly effective - this also applies to heating buildings. Here the time that needs to be covered by the storage is much longer than the time of a hot water bottle.

You should not purchase expensive options; the performance indicators of plastic pipes correspond to modern requirements consumers. To increase strength at elevated temperatures polyethylene pipes have a reinforcing layer and are made of high molecular weight polyethylene with innovative additives.

Laying of heating water pipes is carried out along the insulating layer; the layout and type of installation are selected by the master depending on the size and configuration of the premises. To fix the position, special fasteners are used. These can be tires and strips, clamps and special devices.

Heat storage and thermal insulation belong together

Both of them are described by the basic heat transfer equation. This equation describes the interaction between heat storage and thermal conductivity in stationary materials. Negative divergence heat flow is simply a change in heat content in an element of infinitesimal volume. This equation turned out to be outstanding in physics and technology. Thus, various measurements such as heat transfer in stars, semiconductor components, brake units, etc. Can be calculated in very good agreement with measurements.

Expansion joints. They are made only for rooms with a complex geometric floor configuration or very long ones. Such layers prevent the occurrence of critical internal thermal stresses in the screed.

After installing the pipes, they must be checked for tightness of seams and connections. Each circuit is filled with water through the supply manifold, tests are carried out with increased pressure values ​​(approximately 6 Bar). The system is left under pressure for a day or two, after probationary period The residual pressure is checked, and leak locations are visually identified.

This equation also applies to structural physics, and calculations made with it also agree very well with structural physics measurements. Today it is possible to calculate this differential equation using numerical programs, for example, for various wall structures and thus obtain an accurate representation of the temporal change in temperature profiles. The values ​​calculated in this way agree with the measurements. This also applies to temporarily changing processes.

On a wooden base

These numerical calculations yielded three important conclusions. More important have heat flow "bypasses" in three spatial dimensions: These so-called thermal effects bridge can lead to high additional heat losses. They should therefore be avoided if the insulation is to be fully effective. Looking at long periods time, so that the energy inflow and outflow into the heat capacity averages the energy balance, because how much heat must be stored is finally available again when the temperatures are the same at the beginning and end.

If deficiencies are found, they are immediately eliminated, and the leak test is repeated.

Screed. The last top layer of the heating pie of the system. It is not recommended to use ordinary cement-sand mortar; you need to purchase special mixtures with plasticizers.

The height of the screed above the pipes must be at least 5 centimeters, otherwise there are risks of them mechanical damage. If the loads on the floor are significant, then reinforcing mesh should be used to improve the load-bearing capacity.

→ How long are the long periods? This depends on the system in question. For a piece of paper, only one hour is “long”, for a thick 160 mm concrete floor, three days are “long”, for several meters of soil layer thickness, but only 6 years are “long”. For conventional building envelope components, the steady-state approximation can be expected to be beneficial for heat loss throughout the heating period. Namely, the temperatures at the beginning and end are approximately equal, and the storage balance in the network is zero. For example, the simplified procedure of the passive design package uses this approximation - and the results are in good agreement with the measured results.

They can be metal or plastic. If the use of reinforcing mesh is impractical, then fiber - plastic fibers - can be added to the solution. They are added to the solution during its preparation and, after hardening, significantly increase the bending strength.

For the finishing floor covering it is better to use stone or ceramic materials. They conduct heat well and provide efficient heating of the room. Wood and all floor coverings using this material are not considered optimal solution. In addition to reducing the efficiency of the system, such materials dry out and lose their original properties.

On the other hand, the total internal heat capacity influences

Two graphs show the measured values. The calculation results with the simulation model are shown in black lines. The insulating layer has a thickness of 275 mm. Based on these test results, many other properties of an insulated wall can be seen - a detailed discussion can be found in the discussion in Lateral Thermal Insulation Works. What is the internal heat capacity? This is the total heat capacity that is connected to the room through internal surfaces all components that are close to the air in the room.

Dry underfloor heating design

It is used in houses with wooden floor elements, is characterized by a low specific weight, and can significantly reduce the load on the load-bearing elements of buildings. If the weight of concrete reaches 250 kg/m2, then dry weight is no more than 30 kg/m2. Pipes with coolant are laid on a base made of plywood or OSB boards, and strips of the same material are installed between them.

Thermal insulation is mounted directly on the wooden floor. The finishing layer of the heating system is GVL slabs. They have good thermal conductivity and are sufficiently durable. Made from gypsum and wood fibers. The total thickness of the insulation system with this design option does not exceed 10–15 cm, which makes it possible to install them in rooms with low ceilings.

The dry construction requires significantly less effort and time, and is considered one of the cheapest options in terms of cost. In addition, during the work there is no construction waste, installation can be carried out without the obligatory resettlement of residents.

Disadvantages - the heat transfer rates are inferior to the first option, the heat flow is not enough for full heating of the premises, and can only be used as an additional one.

Lightweight wooden construction

The simplest and cheapest, most elements can be made from waste lumber. For the supporting base, low-quality lumber is used, including unedged boards. The thickness of the materials must be no less than the diameter of the pipes, otherwise there is a risk of damage. The pipes are fixed with special plates; the dimensions of the plates depend on the pitch of the coolants. To reduce the thickness of the heating cake, it is possible to lay pipes directly on the floor beams; savings in height can reach three centimeters.

Polystyrene underfloor heating system

Consists of the following elements:

  • waterproofing polyethylene film. The base must be smooth, without sharp protrusions and significant depressions;
  • a tape is glued around the perimeter to compensate for expansion during heating;
  • slabs of a special profile and thickness are placed on the base, purchased simultaneously with the purchase of the heating system. It is necessary to ensure that all elements are manufactured by the same manufacturer, otherwise size discrepancies may occur;
  • the slabs have technological projections, between which the water supply system is mounted. Depending on the laying pattern, appropriate fastening devices are used;
  • The pipes are pressure tested to check for leaks. If everything is normal, then the heating system is covered with plastic film;
  • Polystyrene system - photo

    Installation of the system requires a minimum amount of time and does not require highly trained specialists. The disadvantage is the unreasonably high price. But due to significant time savings, such a system is quite competitive in cost with those described above.

    Alternative designs

    They are used when it is necessary to heat small areas. Companies make flexible rolls with small diameter plastic tubes. Such heated floor designs are installed near work tables, beds, etc. They can be hidden under soft floor coverings.

    Rolls are installed on all types of floors and in all buildings. If necessary, the roll can be cut (just do not damage the tubes) and bent at the desired angle. Disadvantage - the high hydraulic resistance of pipes with a small diameter significantly increases the load on the water pump. Currently, rolls are not widely used among users.

    Video - Heated floor design for installation on a concrete base

Comfort in wooden house, built by us, is inextricably linked with the comfortable temperature in it. Living in a room without a certain temperature not only does not add comfort, but is even unsafe for health. We have already considered options earlier. In this article we will take a look at another option for a heating system, which is beginning to enjoy great popularity among various kinds consumers - electric heated floor.

Heated floors are not only an aesthetic solution, but are also quite functional system heating the home. This technology V modern times is gradually beginning to replace classic radiators and other heating devices. Warm floor in developed countries has long been the main heating system for offices, houses, apartments, agricultural and industrial premises.

It would seem that there is nothing to be afraid of in a room with a fairly acceptable temperature. But even under such conditions there is always a risk of getting sick. The reason is that traditional classical heating systems heat the air in rooms unevenly. Knowing the simple laws of physics, we remember that warm air rises from radiator batteries and does not warm up the surface of the floors. It is the heated floor that is designed to eliminate this misunderstanding and ensure optimal comfortable heat distribution, which should be exactly like this: at floor level - 23-25 ​​degrees, at ceiling level - 19-21 degrees.

In the article we will tell you how to make such a technically difficult structure in a wooden house, and we will reveal the technology for laying heated floors.

Structural design of an electric heated floor system

The design of an electric heated floor is simple, unlike water heating systems. This option uses an electrical cable that is widely available in retail sales. The heating element in this system is the cable. When installing electric heated floors, the entire work process consists only of laying a thin cable and connecting it to the electricity supply network. Compared to a water-based system for laying heated floors, which requires the installation of pipes and their connection to the heating system, an electric heated floor is simply a godsend for a homemade product.

This electric floor system can be installed in any type of premises: cottages, apartments, country houses. The system of such floors is much easier to work with and easier to manage, since it can be equipped with many electronic devices, which will take care of maintaining the temperature in a given mode all the time. Programming electronic devices allows you to set the heating timer so that, for example, the garage room is already sufficiently warmed up by the time you leave, and the car starts the engine confidently.

This is something you need to know before installing an electric heated floor.

You need to know that in addition to the purpose of the floor itself, you need to decide on the specific heating area. It depends on this: for feeding the floor; the length of our heating element; even the cable laying pattern on the floor.

For example, we have a small room (2.5 m2) in a wooden house, and until we draw the location of all the objects on the layout, we will not be able to answer the question about the size of the area we need. Of the two and a half meters, we may have a small path with an area of ​​about one square meter left, after subtracting the areas that will not be heated (the space under the closet, under the shower, etc.).

It is not a fact that in each room we can achieve a 1:2 proportion, since each room has its own arrangement of objects on the floor. Therefore, until we draw the location of each item on the layout, we will not get an exact number.

In addition to the heating element (cable), we will need to purchase a regulator that should be equipped with a heated floor. When choosing a regulator, the question may arise about the large difference in prices among manufacturers for very similar products in terms of their characteristics. The answer is also very simple - regulators have different configurations, and therefore different prices.

To install an electric floor, it is necessary to place a temperature sensor in the gap between the heating element. For this placement, we will need to purchase corrugation, along which we will pass our sensor into the thickness of the floor. Thus, we will leave ourselves the opportunity to replace the sensor if it fails.

For the work we will need related material and some tools. For example, cement, sand, dowel nails, a hammer drill, metal scissors and other improvised tools.

We determine the power of the heating system: design and calculate

An electric flooring system consists of power cables that serve as a heating element and others for direct connection to the system, which are laid in the wall. Of the entire area of ​​the room, the surface covered with cable should be about 80%. For one square meter power is set from 100 W/m2 to 200 W/m2.

Before laying the cable, check the resistance of the cable section, and a deviation in both directions of 10% from that specified in the passport is allowed. To reduce resistance, heating and power cables are connected using special couplings.

The heating cable should not be laid under household appliances or large furniture without legs, since such objects, interfering with normal air circulation, cause overheating of the electrical cables, rendering them inoperable, and, in addition, cause excessive energy consumption. When laying heated floors, it is necessary to indent 5 or 7 centimeters from the walls.

Needs to be produced in mandatory calculation of cable laying pitch. How to make such a calculation, we will consider further. The pitch, measured in centimeters, is equal to the heating area multiplied by 100 and divided by the length of the cable itself.

Heating cables for arranging heated floors in a wooden house, according to the principle of operation, are produced in two types: resistive and self-regulating. A resistive cable has a main heating element in the form of a core, which has increased resistance, through which, when electric current passes, it is transformed into thermal energy. Resistive cables can be single-core or double-core. So that when working with the cable, damage does not occur electric shock, the core during production is covered with insulation, on which a metal braid is applied. This braid not only serves as protection against electromagnetic fields, but also plays the role of grounding. All layers of cable braid are covered with external insulation. Resistive cables can overheat, so you should take special care to seal them in the screed so that the cable does not fail and a short circuit does not occur.

The single core cable system is simple type electric floor option. Installation of a single-core cable over the entire floor area is located in the form of a loop. The cable must be laid carefully, connecting it to the power supply system at both ends. The simplicity of this system is complemented by a small drawback: electric current flowing through the cable core can form an electromagnetic field. A special braid slightly smoothes out this phenomenon.

The two-core cable additionally has a current-carrying core located between two heating-type wires. In this cable version, the electromagnetic fields arising in both wires are compensated, since the current flows in different directions through different wires.

In self-regulating cables, the heating element is a polymer matrix. An overheated self-regulating cable of one section of the electric floor in a wooden house can only reduce the current strength, which will affect the heat generated. In this section, the temperature only decreases, while at the same time the rest of the cable system will operate as usual. Of course, a cable devoid of such disadvantages as resistive cables has a slightly higher cost, and more long term service guaranteed.

Electric heated floor installation technology

Before laying heating cables, the room must be cleared of furniture and the old flooring must be completely removed. The floor surface also requires preparation. , if necessary, pour a small layer of cement screed.

After preparing the floor surface, you need to prepare a place on the wall where a special electric thermostat will be installed, with the help of which the temperature of the heated floor will be adjusted. In the wall, usually at a height of 50 cm to 100 cm, a hole is made for it to install the mounting box. Next, we supply power with grounding to the location of the box. We will make a groove along the wall from the installation site of the box, along which we will lower the power wires to the point of connection with the heating cable (see figure). To connect underfloor heating, you can install separate wiring, although this is done if necessary.

After producing all preparatory work, we proceed to thermal insulation of the floor surface. Many people advise, in addition to thermal insulation, to do waterproofing in order to avoid the formation of condensation near the heating cable. Ordinary polyethylene film can be used as waterproofing.

As thermal insulation, you can use, for example, penofol, a material that has a special coating 14 microns thick made of foil and with a self-adhesive layer of polyethylene foam. The material is supplied in the form of rolls; it must be laid with the foil facing up, and the joints of the sheets must be taped with special tape. The advantages of the thermal insulation material, in addition to its low weight and thickness, lie in the thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.049 W/mK.

After carefully laying the insulation on top, to prevent overheating of the cable from contact with the thermal insulation and to give greater strength to the cement and sand mortar with which we will fill the floor, it is recommended to lay a thin reinforcing mesh along the entire perimeter.

Next, we will consider how to lay the heating element on the floor surface. We install the cable using mounting tape, which we fix to the floor. This tape will eliminate kinks and maintain an equal distance between the loops of the cable being laid. It is better to lay the cable in 25 cm increments, in a spiral or in parallel lines. Without installing a temperature sensor, normal operation electric floors are not possible. It must be possible to replace it without destroying the concrete screed. We install the temperature sensor in a special tube, which we fill together with the cable with a tie.

Before pouring the installed electric floor, it is necessary to check the cable with a tester, the correctness of its installation and the reliability of all connections. Next, we begin to fill the cable with a mortar of cement and sand. Since we laid the thermal insulation layer, the screed must be at least 5 centimeters thick. If the surface is hard, then the screed layer can be reduced to 3 centimeters.

Only after the cement screed has completely hardened do we connect the heating cables. On the back side of the thermostat there are screw terminals to which we connect the wires of the sensor that will determine the floor temperature. Let's connect the power wires from the heating cable to the electrical wiring that powers the entire heating system. You can handle this task yourself, but if you have doubts, it is better to call an experienced electrician or specialist.

You can build a heated floor in a wooden house without the help of specialists; you just need a little patience and desire and you will get comfortable housing.