Construction material for country houses. Country house (simple and inexpensive): what type and design to choose, construction, nuances. Sheathing options

A brief description and description of the main pros and cons will be made between country houses from the following materials:

  • bricks;
  • sawn shell rock;
  • foam blocks;
  • gas blocks;
  • reinforced concrete on permanent formwork;
  • timber or rounded logs.

Suburban housing made of brick

To build a brick house, you need a solid foundation, either a deep-seated type or a slab type. This is due to the heavy load of the entire structure. The load primarily depends on the weight of the building, and masonry bricks cannot be called light. 1 cube of brick weighs on average 1200-1800 kg. To make it more clear, 5 square meters of a wall with a thickness of 25 cm will weigh about 2 tons. Considering that a massive foundation is required, the financial costs of construction increase sharply.

Brick is the smallest masonry material in its technological range. If, for example, you compare it with shell rock or foam block. Based on this, laying load-bearing walls will require a significant amount of binder, that is, cement-sand mortar. This also entails considerable financial costs.

The cost of masonry is a very relative indicator, since everything depends on the desired result. For example, you can save money and buy grade 2 brick. Considering that the brick initially has discrepancies and slight unevenness, you can order dirty masonry from the construction team and in this case save a little. The result is load-bearing walls that require mandatory plastering. This is where the catch lies, the money saved on grade 2 brick and dirty masonry will be spent entirely on plastering work.

Brick houses have good heat and sound insulation, good strength

The second option is when you purchase premium-grade brick and order clean masonry from specialists for jointing. Initially, more money is spent than in the first case, but the result is load-bearing walls that do not require external façade finishing at all. Plaster is used only to finish the inner surface of the walls.

At first glance, it may seem that brick construction is a very expensive undertaking. However, a brick house has its own number of positive qualities. Not bad, but not the best thermal and sound insulation, good seismic resistance, high strength and long service life of the structure, about 100 years or more.

Attention! Considering the high strength of the main walls, absolutely any type of roof can be mounted on them, based on this, you can already try to save on roofing material.

Houses made of sawn shell rock (boiler)

Building a house from sawn shell rock (boiler) is not available in every region. The main quarries and mines where kotelets are mined are located in the southern regions. In terms of its structure, the cauldron is a stone with a regular rectangular shape, dimensions 39x19x20 cm. The structure of the stone is relatively porous, but the cauldron has quite good strength and low thermal conductivity.

To build a house from a boiler, just as in the case of brick, you need a good solid foundation. Therefore, when choosing this material, we advise you to immediately calculate the costs of pouring a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation.

Considering that the cauldron is almost 3.5-4 times larger in volume than a brick, masonry from it will require much less cement-sand mortar. Here the cauldron outperforms brick, however, the walls made of sawn shell rock will have to be plastered. The option with fine classic masonry from a boiler is not very suitable for residential buildings. Clean masonry with jointing from the boiler can only be used for the construction of non-residential buildings, for example, a garage or a fence.

Load-bearing walls made from cauldrons are “warm”, have good sound insulation, below average waterproofing and excellent strength. Koteltsov walls, like brick walls, have high strength and seismic resistance, which allows them to be used for roofing of any design, type and from any materials.

Country house made of foam blocks

The load-bearing walls of a country house made of foam blocks are the warmest when compared among masonry stones. The thermal conductivity of a foam block is only 0.2 - 0.4 W/ (m*K), and for example, for the same brick, it is about 0.8 W/ (m*K). The lower the thermal conductivity index, the less cold penetrates into the home in winter at sub-zero temperatures.

In terms of cost, a foam block is approximately 2 times cheaper than a brick and 1.5 times cheaper than a boiler, if you compare the price per 1 m / cubic meter. At the same time, even less masonry binder mortar is required for the construction of walls than when using a cauldron. This is due to the large dimensions of the foam blocks (20x30x60 cm). As a binding solution for foam blocks, not a cement-sand mortar is used, but an adhesive mass, which makes it possible to obtain a thin seam between adjacent stones with a thickness of only 5 mm.

To build permanent walls from foam blocks, it is not at all necessary to make a massive foundation. Yes, the foundation must be solid and made of reinforced concrete, but the foundation strip can be laid only 90-100 cm, that is, below the freezing point of the soil for the middle zone. This is explained by the fact that the foam block is lightweight compared to brick. 1 m/cube of foam blocks weighs about 600 kg.

Every medal has a reverse side, foam block is no exception. Although it has good thermal insulation and sound insulation, this stone has poor waterproofing. The structure of the foam block is very porous, not that it allows water to pass through, but it absorbs moisture like a sponge. Due to poor quality, the walls of a country house made of foam blocks must be plastered, after which in most cases they are puttied with waterproof embossed facade putty.

There is one more drawback worth mentioning. Compared to brick or cauldron main walls, walls made of foam blocks have less strength. That is, in general, the building turns out to be earthquake-resistant and durable, but the choice of design and materials for the manufacture of the roof is limited.

Advice. Most often, on cottages, foam blocks are used to make a lightweight roof made of metal tiles or flexible bitumen shingles. You will have to forget about classic ceramic tiles forever.

Country cottage made of aerated blocks

Gas block is the same masonry stone as foam block. The thermal conductivity of an aerated block is approximately 0.2 W/ (m*K), which also does not emit this masonry material. In general, the gas block is as good in thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities as the foam block, but the gas block has greater strength and better waterproofing.

A house made of aerated blocks is stronger and more resistant to moisture than one made of foam blocks

The whole point lies in the difference in the composition of masonry materials. Foam blocks are made from cement, sand and water, and aluminum powder is used as a foaming agent, which, when reacted with water (H2O) and oxygen (O2), produces a reaction in the form of a huge number of oxygen bubbles. These bubbles form the porous structure of the foam block. Two more components are introduced into the composition of the aerated block: quartz sand, which increases the strength of the structure, and lime, which increases the strength of the connection of particles of ordinary and quartz sand in the structure.

Considering the increased strength of the material, almost any type of roof can be mounted on load-bearing walls made of aerated blocks, and the outer walls do not need to be plastered with cement-sand mortar, but simply covered with façade waterproof putty. There is only one downside to aerated blocks - their high price compared to foam blocks.

Country house made of reinforced concrete on permanent formwork

The construction technology is relatively new, no more than 15 years old. The construction technology is as follows. On the surface of the manufactured strip foundation, permanent formwork is installed, consisting of two sheets of dense polystyrene foam (foam). No supports or spacers are required for the formwork. The distance of 20 cm between two parallel sheets of polystyrene foam is set by special plastic holders that are fixed to the sheets.

The height of the foam sheets is no more than 25 cm. Having thus installed the formwork around the entire perimeter, it is reinforced by passing reinforcement or reinforcing cages between the foam sheets and the entire formwork is filled with liquid concrete. After this, they begin to install the second row of formwork, etc. In one day, 2-3 rows of formwork are poured with concrete in this way.

The advantage of this technology is that the walls are the strongest, which is important for areas located in an unstable seismic zone. In addition, the construction period is record-breaking. The walls of an ordinary one-story country house are raised in 7-9 working days. Another advantage is that the process of manufacturing load-bearing walls occurs in parallel with their internal and external insulation.

Attention! The disadvantage of construction technology using permanent formwork is the high consumption of expensive liquid concrete and reinforcing elements.

Country houses made of timber or rounded logs

To build a house from timber, timber with a section of 100x150 mm or 150x150 mm is mainly used. And to build a house from rounded logs, logs with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm are used. It must be said right away that the construction of a wooden house, in comparison with housing from any of the stones described above, is much cheaper.

Houses made of timber require mandatory regular moisture treatment

Savings start from the very beginning, that is, from the foundation. For a wooden country house it is not at all necessary to make a reinforced concrete foundation; it is quite possible to get by with the manufacture of a pile-screw or columnar type of foundation. The installation of walls itself also does not imply the use of any astringent mortar or glue. The beams are fastened together in the wall structure using dowels, and walls made of rounded logs are mounted using chopped or sawn cups.

The catch with such cheap and environmentally friendly walls lies in their increased vulnerability to moisture. And if there are a huge number of ways to protect the same walls made of foam blocks from moisture, for example, plaster, putty, etc., then to protect wood from rotting there is only a small set of liquid emulsions with which it is necessary to impregnate the wood before the construction of load-bearing walls begins . Another disadvantage of wooden housing is the increased risk of fire, which will require you to fork out a lot when doing electrical wiring, which is subject to higher requirements than when building stone walls.

We do not have the right to specifically recommend or impose this or that building material or technology. Everyone chooses according to their personal preferences and based on their own financial capabilities. In this article we have tried only to give a brief description of various construction technologies, and you decide for yourself what is more promising for you.

What material is better to build a house from - video

The purpose of this article is to help potential developers understand which modern building materials are attractive not only in terms of their price, but also in terms of the feasibility of their use in the construction of private houses.

The growth of individual construction has led to the appearance of various materials on the market, including some that no one had ever heard of before. The range of building materials is so large that even specialists are often lost, not knowing what is best to choose.

As a rule, individual developers focus on the following indicators: the price of materials (including facing materials); the ability to perform all operations with your own hands to the maximum; the total weight of the structure, since the type of foundation and the costs of its installation largely depend on this; cost of finishing work; durability; frequency of current (overhaul) repairs and operating costs (mainly for heating).

Firstly, comprehensive information on each sample is a topic for a separate review. Secondly, there are no ideal materials. Each material has its own pros and cons, which will be discussed. Thirdly, many of the shortcomings of materials are very relative, since the manifestation of their defects is caused mainly not by the quality of the product, but by the excessive self-confidence of the developer, elementary violations of the production technology of construction and installation work and the technical illiteracy of builders on issues of heat and waterproofing, thermal expansion of building materials , their compatibility, etc., etc.

What kind of house exactly do you need? Need to decide

There are three main types of houses built by private developers.

To the first type refers to a residential building for permanent residence those who live in the countryside, but their work activities are connected with the city, and for those who want to run their own farm on their own plot of land.

These are, as a rule, permanent buildings with a full range of additional premises, such as a boiler room, workshop, sauna, garage. Such houses are designed for year-round living, so their walls must have thermal insulation properties in accordance with the climate of the region.

The engineering equipment of houses for permanent residence should provide maximum communal amenities, surpassing the comfort of a city apartment.

To the second type considered a "second home" or a so-called cottage serving for temporary residence in a suburban area. Buildings of this type usually take into account the possibility of year-round living, so their walls are treated with the same attention as in houses for permanent residence.

To the third type houses include dachas and garden houses - houses for seasonal stay or short-term visits, where you can come to spend weekends during the warm season. Most often, such houses are operated at temperatures not lower than -5 degrees, so the thickness of the walls rarely exceeds 25 cm (one brick), and engineering support comes down to installing a stove, an outdoor toilet and a well, usually for several houses.

All of these well-known wall designs have their pros and cons. Therefore, the developer needs to have at least a little idea not only about the total cost of building a house from this material, but also about for what advantages of the material he makes his choice in favor of this wall design, and what disadvantages he will therefore have to put up with in the future. further during the operation of the house.

Before starting to build a cottage, you should remember that the box of the house - the foundation, walls and roof - sometimes takes up more than 60% of the cost of the house. And of these costs, about 50% are enclosing structures or walls.

If you decide to build your own home, the first thing you will have to figure out is the amount of materials you will need to build it. The process of counting all the necessary things is quite capacious, tedious and time-consuming, but it is extremely necessary for a stable and successful construction. So let's start with the calculations.

  • Decide on the size and volume of the house. Determine the exact footage you need for housing, distribute all the premises, rooms within this footage and choose their arrangement.
  • Use the services of a specialist. You can study specialized forums or websites that provide statistical data on how much of each type of building material is needed for a certain size of building or room.
  • If you could not find the necessary information online, go to the store and consult with the seller. Ask him which of the available materials is most suitable for you, which materials have the highest quality indicators, and how much of a particular product you need to fill the entire footage.
  • Make the final choice between traditional and modern building materials. You evaluate not only the means, but also the manufacturability of construction and the duration of operation. Modern technologies make it possible to obtain material with higher “survivability” indicators, and at the same time at a very reasonable price. The assembly process can be much easier and the end result looks neater and cleaner.
  • Before going to the store, review your notes again. Make the adjustment, calculate the quantity and price of all goods. Be sure to order building materials with at least a five percent surplus for emergencies.

The strategic issue is the type of walls. To begin with, we will look at three options for wall structures that are widely used in private housing construction.

Old and good tree

The traditional material for Russian house construction is wood. About 33% of our houses are built from it.

People who think about what is best to build a private house from, often come to mind with this particular material. After all, a wooden house means health and comfort. Its walls not only “breathe”, but also make the air healing by trapping harmful substances. Wooden walls create optimal humidity in the room and smell pleasant.

The walls of a wooden house have good thermal insulation and keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer. The cost of heating a wooden house can be significantly lower compared to brick walls.

A wooden house can be built from logs (rounded or profiled) and/or from timber (plain or laminated veneer lumber).

Hand-cut log house

This method is the oldest, it was used by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We are talking about a log house made by hand. The tree trunk is cut to the required length, and then locks and grooves are made on it. Next, the logs are connected, laying out the outline of the house. You definitely have to wait for the shrinkage - this is about a year, no less. Then they caulk the cracks and line the frames of the windows and doors.

Today this method of constructing a wooden house is not used. Anyone can build a house from rounded logs. This structure is assembled like a construction set, we’ll talk about this later.

Building a house from timber is easier and faster

Neat, smooth logs are processed in production conditions and labeled. Ready-made parts are delivered to the construction site from which the walls are assembled. The timber can have different sizes and cross-sections (rectangular, square, in the shape of the letter D). If it is profiled, then it has protrusions and grooves for connection. An oblique cut helps drain excess water. You can build a house from this material with your own hands.

There are several types of timber for building a house

Sawn timber made from logs with a moisture content of 50 to 70%. As soon as he is cut down, he immediately goes to the construction site. Because of this, the house is subject to shrinkage (up to 10 cm). And sometimes cracks appear on the walls.

Planed timber dried under production conditions. The humidity of the finished product is from 20 to 25%. After drying on a special machine, the products are planed. As a result, shrinkage of the house, although it exists, is very small.

Glued beam made of several layers of lamellas (special boards dried to 6 or 10% humidity). They are glued together under pressure, with the fibers of adjacent layers positioned perpendicular to each other. Finished products have a length of up to 12 m, and a thickness of 7.5 to 30 cm. They do not shrink, do not deform or crack. Therefore, many believe that laminated veneer lumber is the best material for the walls of a wooden house.

The positive aspects of wooden houses are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, frost resistance, speed of construction, seismic and wind resistance. In addition, the wood does not require additional cladding, which promises good budget savings.

There are also disadvantages, but they are relatively few. Firstly, wood is a capricious material. For example, wooden houses often shrink. House shrinkage is a natural process of changing the volume of walls due to the drying of the material from which they are made. The maximum shrinkage is about 10% and is observed in houses made of freshly cut logs. Such a building must stand without finishing for at least 8 months, and usually a year.

During the shrinkage process, the house may develop cracks, which are coated with special compounds. Minimal shrinkage is observed in houses made of laminated veneer lumber and ordinary dried timber. Such materials are almost immediately ready for finishing. However, insulating a house made of timber will require a lot of money.

Another disadvantage of wood is its flammability; a fire can destroy such a structure in a matter of minutes. Therefore, wooden houses are impregnated with special compounds that increase their fire resistance.

Special compounds are needed to protect against rotting and insects. Impregnation is a necessary measure, and the special means themselves are not always environmentally friendly. In addition, a house made of wood requires constant maintenance, especially if it is intended for seasonal living; it must be heated, as damp wood begins to rot.

In general, the durability of wooden houses built by specialists, in compliance with all technological nuances, ranges from 70 to 100 years.

Briefly - the advantages of wood materials

This is one of the most environmentally friendly materials. Building a wooden house is not as expensive as a brick one. In terms of thermal conductivity, wood is significantly superior to brick. A wooden house is usually very beautiful. Often it does not require finishing either inside or outside. The foundation required is light and inexpensive. For example, columnar. A house made of wood, especially one made by hand, lasts a very long time.

Briefly - the disadvantages of wood materials:

The tree burns, can rot and be “eaten up” by fungus. To prevent this, all parts must be treated with special preparations. Shrinkage of a log house can take from 3 to 5 years. Planed timber and log houses can crack.

Brick - it is a brick

Brick is considered one of the most popular materials on the market. More than 50% of houses in Russia are built of brick

Ceramic brick and silicate brick. What's the difference?

Two types of bricks are used in construction: silicate (white) and ceramic (red) bricks.

Ceramic brick has a red color. This material is not afraid of frost and does not allow water to pass through. It can be solid (no more than 13% voids) and hollow (up to 49% voids). The shape of the holes in the brick can be round, square, oval, horizontal or vertical. With an increase in their number, the thermal insulation properties improve.

For the construction of external fences, construction teams prefer ceramic bricks. Seven grades of ceramic bricks are produced: from M75 to M300. The higher the numbers, the stronger the brick. You should also pay attention to frost resistance, designated by the letter F. The lowest quality is F15, the highest is F75.

Sand-lime brick consists of a mixture of quartz sand, water and air lime. It is quite durable, frost-resistant, and has good sound insulation. Sand-lime brick is white. Its main components are lime, sand and a small proportion of additives.

This type of brick is also produced both solid and with cavities inside. The latter is lighter, and the walls made of it are much warmer (air is an excellent heat insulator). But solid sand-lime brick can interest the developer with its variety of colors. For the strength of a brick, it does not matter whether it is solid or has cavities inside.

Ordinary and facing bricks and their purpose.

Both types of bricks have different purposes. Ordinary brick is also called construction brick - it is used for internal masonry of walls. For him, small cracks are not considered defective. It doesn’t matter if the corners or edges are slightly broken and there are notches in the corners.

The facing (facing) brick must have an impeccable appearance and be free from nicks and flaws.

About the strength of brick and resistance to frost

Strength determines the brand of brick. There is a special marking for this indicator: the letter M and a number next to it (from 75 to 300). This number is the load that a given brand can withstand per square centimeter. The higher this number, the heavier the brick. For the walls of a two-story or three-story house, brands M100 and M125 are suitable. The base or foundation is laid with M150 or M175 bricks.

When choosing which brick to build a house from, you should also take into account frost resistance (the ability to freeze and thaw without being damaged). To denote this indicator, the letter F was chosen, next to which there is a number from 15 to 100. It means the number of freezing and defrosting cycles without damaging the material. In warmer areas, grade F15 is sufficient for external walls; where it is colder, grade F25 is sufficient. The cladding is usually made with F50 brick.

The main advantages of brick are strength, fire resistance, wide variety and choice on the market, as well as reasonable price. A small brick house can sometimes cost less than a wooden cottage. Brick maintains temperature well and in this sense is ideal for houses where year-round living is planned. But at the same time, brick is seriously inferior to wood in terms of heat transfer.

Brick also has a lot of disadvantages. To build a brick house, you sometimes need to spend one and a half times more time than to build a wooden house. Brick is a heavy material, which complicates its logistics and storage. A brick building requires a strong and powerful foundation, and these are additional costs.

A brick house can last 100 - 150 years. It will perfectly survive rains with hurricanes and hail, and severe frosts, and withering heat. Brick walls have been laid since ancient times, so the technology for their construction has been worked out to the smallest detail. But a good master is not easy to find.

Briefly – the advantages of brick: Attractive view. Durability. Ability to implement any complex project. Resistant to corrosion, mold and mildew. Non-flammability. Noise protection. Good heat retention.

Briefly - the disadvantages of brick: Heavy weight. High demands on professionalism in installation. The need for a solid foundation. The need to use a heat insulator

Inexpensive frame house

And from what cheaper build a house? For some, the answer to this question is most important. In this case, take a closer look at frame technology. In addition to the low cost of such a home, the speed of assembly is also impressive. Just a few weeks - and you can move into a house that will be warm and comfortable.

The basis of such buildings is a frame made of wood or metal. It includes rafters, racks, trusses and other elements. Then insulation is laid, and the whole thing is sheathed on top with dense sheets of chipboard or OSB. The wall of such a house weighs 15 times less than a brick one.

Not much expensive wood is used for the frame - 5 or 10 times less than for a log house. Insulation is the main expense item. However, even the best one, the cost of a wall is 1.5 times cheaper than one made from timber, and compared to brick – 2.7 times cheaper.

Frame houses can be of two types:

Frame and panel house- assembled from ready-made shields. First they connect them, then they make partitions between the rooms. The final stage is building the roof.

Frame house- made on the basis of a “frame” - a frame made of beams and logs resting on a foundation. Next, they put up the rafters and make the sheathing. After making the roof, the frame is sheathed with insulation (mineral wool or PPS). Finally, the outer cladding is done.

Since the main material in the construction of a frame house is insulation, if you carry out the correct calculations of the required quantity, the structure turns out to be quite warm, which will allow you to significantly save on heating.

Briefly – the advantages of a frame house: Extremely low price and quick installation. Good heat saving (if the heating is turned off in frosty temperatures of minus 10 °C, the temperature will decrease by 2 °C per day). No interior finishing is required, which reduces costs. Communications can be hidden inside the walls, which saves space. No special skills are required to build a frame house cheaply and quickly. With a wooden frame, the most incredible designs become possible. A real flight of fancy is possible. A small, shallow foundation is sufficient for a frame house.

Briefly, the disadvantages of a frame house: a frame house is considered not very environmentally friendly due to the large amount of insulation. Another problem with these houses is various insects and rodents. Like all wooden houses, they are flammable and not resistant to natural disasters. Another problem with frame houses is that they are stuffy, so supply and exhaust ventilation is required. A house on a frame will last less than a brick or wooden one

Instead of a conclusion

What do you need to know when choosing material for the walls of your home?

Wall materials and work on the construction of enclosing structures account for a third of all costs for building a house. And if you, like the piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, are careless about this serious choice, you will inevitably incur serious expenses in the future.

Therefore, we will consider the most important criteria and factors that must be taken into account when choosing a material for constructing the walls of a house.

A) A question of price. Costs can be reduced if you use lightweight material for the walls. Then you won’t have to build a powerful and expensive foundation.

B) Thermal insulation. Cold walls will cost too much in winter. Therefore, before choosing a material, you need to make all the calculations, focusing on local climatic conditions. You can achieve the desired degree of thermal insulation by using insulation materials. If you take a material with good heat-insulating properties, then you don’t have to insulate the walls, but it all depends on the region of the building.

B) Labor costs. The cost of time and effort can be reduced if you build the walls from large blocks, rather than from small-piece materials. Such walls are erected 3-4 times faster and easier. The highest speed is when constructing frame panel walls.

D) Subsequent finishing costs. Modern smooth and aesthetic materials do not require additional wall finishing - this allows you to save money.

To decide what is best to build the walls of a house from, it is necessary to consider the main types of suitable building materials, determine and compare their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison of different materials for building walls

Materials Advantages Flaws Cost of materials and work $/M2
1 2 3 4 5
1 Brick (minimum thickness - 380 mm) Reliability,
environmental friendliness.
The need for insulation, labor intensity, heavy walls, a strong foundation is needed 75
2 Ceramic block (thickness - 380 mm) Reliability,
environmental friendliness,
construction speed.
The fragility of the material
A highly qualified specialist is needed.
3 Rounded timber (diameter - 200 mm) Environmental friendliness,
Wall shrinkage, great dependence on the quality of the material and specialists,
flammability, rotting.
4 Glued laminated timber (200/230 mm) Environmental friendliness,
speed of construction,
lightweight foundation.
Flammability, rotting. 111
5 Aerated concrete (thickness – 380) Speed ​​of construction
durability, reliability,
environmental friendliness, thermal insulation.
A solid foundation is needed;
low bending strength.
6 Wooden frame + sandwich panels with insulation. Speed ​​of construction
good thermal insulation,
lightweight foundation
The durability of a house depends on technology and

quality of construction.


And one more piece of advice. When choosing material for building a house, you should not approach the upcoming construction “in a big way.” In fact, a person does not need so much space to be completely happy, especially outside the city. All the savings you achieve by reducing the cost of materials and construction technologies can be negated by the extra floors, rooms and spaces.

We wish you success in finding and finding the only right solution!

Text: Valery Bordyuzhenko -

Home is what we leave behind, what connects generations. What this memory of us will be depends on us. True, the construction of a house greatly depends on both the amount of our money and the climate of the area where it will be located. And the variety of building materials today dazzles the eyes. Therefore, in order for a house to be strong, cozy and last a long time, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of this or that material, but also its disadvantages, so that our beauty does not decay and crumble in a few years.

Basic materials for building a house

Despite all the diversity and dissimilarity of houses, we build them from practically only two materials: wood and stone. To be fair, it is worth noting that they are specially processed and given the properties required in each specific case.

Let's look at the wood: rounded logs, plain and laminated timber, carriage. Everything seems to be made of the same material, but the characteristics of, for example, laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs differ like heaven and earth. But there are also frame houses, also consisting of wood and insulation.

By stone we generally mean not wild stone (it is mainly used for backfilling under the foundation or for decorative finishing), but artificially created one. Well, since it was created by the mind and hands of a person, then the properties of the stone were given such as the person needed. And no matter how frightening the abundance of brands and standards of such stone may be, it easily fits into the following classification:


    Blocks where the binding component is cement;

    Building blocks made without the use of cement, based on lime or clay.

The greatest variety of manufacturing technologies (and therefore types) exists in the second group, that is, the group of building blocks made from cement.In house construction, lightweight concrete is most often used, which differ in the brand of cement, the composition of the filler, and the composition of the heat-insulating component. And depending on these characteristics, we can distinguish cellular concrete, where air or gas bubbles serve as thermal insulation, and blocks, where expanded clay, wood chips or foam balls play this role. However, first things first...

Brick: pros and cons

Yes, brick is durable, frost-resistant, not afraid of fungus and does not rot. It is not afraid of precipitation and does not burn; solar ultraviolet radiation does not have any effect on the brick. The brick is durable and also complies with all environmental and aesthetic standards. The strength of the house is explained both by the quality of the material and the method of masonry - each subsequent row of bricks knits the previous one, that is, there are no vertical seams passing through at least two rows.

This masonry requires certain skills, especially when linking corners and laying a wall more than one brick thick. Thus, the complexity of building a brick house requires highly skilled labor. Another significant drawback is the weight of the brick: a reinforced, strong foundation is needed.Due to the high thermal conductivity of brick, the house cools down quickly, and it takes several days to warm it up so that it doesn’t seem damp in the house. This can be explained quite simply: when laying, the thickness of the mortar is somewhere around 1 cm , and with small brick sizes, such a thickness of mortar is no longer a “bridge”, but a real “bridge” of cold. The delivery time for brick houses is usually delayed, since they cannot be plastered right away for two reasons: shrinkage of the house (and the house will certainly settle due to its significant weight) and the moisture in the solution, which takes several months to completely evaporate. In addition to all these disadvantages, brick can deteriorate if it absorbs moisture before winter. And this can be possible even if all brick production technologies are followed, if you come across clay with salts dissolved in it: the water will wash the salt out of the brick and will itself occupy the voids. This is the beginning of a destructive process.

And one more thing. The cost of producing bricks is no less than one and a half times more expensive than the production of other materials from which walls are built. Considering that brick is several times smaller than any other building block, the labor intensity of construction increases significantly. Together, price and labor intensity make a brick house quite expensive.

Properties of cellular concrete

Cellular concrete includes foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks. Inside the concrete in the first case there are cells with air, in the second - with hydrogen. In the first case, bubbles are formed as a result of foaming; the concrete hardens under normal conditions. In the second, aluminum powder or paste is added to the solution, which, when interacting with water, releases gas (hydrogen). The solution “grows” and is sent to an autoclave, where it hardens at a certain temperature and pressure. Let's look at the pros and cons of these materials separately.

Foam concrete we knew in the middle of the last century, but we started building with it recently, when people started talking about heat conservation everywhere. Of course, air is an excellent heat insulator. At the same time, almost no sounds pass through foam concrete. Since foam blocks are light and larger in size than bricks, masonry does not become a labor-intensive process. Yes, and it’s easy to ditch walls for communication systems. How easy it is to give the block different shapes, which means you can create bay windows, make an oval wall, etc. In addition, foam concrete does not burn and is easy to transport.

The disadvantages include fairly high moisture absorption (albeit to a shallow depth). The walls require annual settlement, and they must stand on stable slab foundations, otherwise significant cracks will appear on the blocks as a result of deformations.

Aerated concrete even lighter than foam concrete, perfectly processed (it can be cutwith an ordinary hacksaw, drill with ordinary drills, etc.). Thermal insulation and noise protection functions are also excellent. Lightness requires less labor, and good heat-shielding properties reduce the amount of material required. With all this, do not forget about high strength at a relatively low price.

Disadvantages can appear in two cases. The wall breathes and therefore gradually accumulates moisture. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to finish the wall with good waterproofing. The second disadvantage is the fragility of aerated concrete, that is, the wall should not experience any movement in order to avoid cracks. And for this you need a strong strip foundation.

Other lightweight concretes

These concretes are heavier than cellular ones: instead of gas or air, which changes the properties of the wall material, they contain heavier components. Therefore, these concretes are approximately 1.2 - 1.5 times heavier than water, while dry foam concrete and aerated concrete can float on the surface of the water. However, these components are not crushed stone, gravel, but wood, expanded clay, that is, compared to heavy concrete, this material has a significantly lower specific gravity.

Expanded clay concrete contains a relatively light component(foamed and baked clay). With the light weight of the blocks, this material is durable and versatile (not only load-bearing walls are laid from it, but also partitions, and also fill frames in monolithic housing construction). The material is an excellent sound insulator, it is more moisture resistant than concrete, it resists aggressive environments better, and in other respects it is not inferior to cellular concrete.

The porosity of expanded clay concrete, while improving its thermal and noise-proof qualities, reduces frost resistance due to moisture entering the pores. Porosity also affects strength: you always have to accurately calculate whether the lower blocks can withstand the load of the rest of the structure (does our private developer know the strength of materials?).

IN polystyrene concrete The role of heat and sound insulator is played by polystyrene beads evenly distributed in the concrete. It seems that everyone likes the material: it is warm and durable, it blocks noise well, it is light and not expensive, but it all cancels out one drawback. But what...When there is a fire, polystyrene begins to melt, releasing toxins.

Cinder concrete the name is more collective than specific. The point is that inThe filler in this building material can be either slag, coal, ash, an admixture of expanded clay with something, screenings, etc. Specifically, slag is used from waste from metallurgical production. To comply with environmental standards, it is kept outdoors for a year. Blocks with a coarse filler fraction are ideal for external walls, and fine ones for internal walls. Voids to improve thermal qualities are created using special molds for the production of this type of concrete. The material is strong, cheap, very durable. The high speed of construction of cinder block walls is important.

The disadvantages include low sound insulation. It is clear, denser material means higher sound conductivity. Also, the material is afraid of water, so it is advisable to cover it. But if you line a house made of cinder blocks with bricks, this will significantly increase the cost of construction. In addition, it is difficult to lay communications in cinder concrete, and if some kind of groove or hole is needed, it is better to provide them in advance and place a block in the cinder block blank in the right place.

Arbolite blocks ― this is a building material, the main components of which are concrete and organic filler: wood chips, flax fiber or seed cake from which the oil has already been squeezed out. Of course, most often it is wood chips. A characteristic feature of wood concrete is that, unlike other lightweight concretes, it contains only 10 - 20% concrete, the rest is wood chips.A house made of such blocks is more reminiscent of a wooden house in properties, but unlike it, it is practically not susceptible to microorganisms and fungi. One of its interesting properties of the material is that the wood concrete block is able to restore its shape when the maximum loads are removed. It retains heat and keeps out noise. It does not burn, but when exposed to open fire it begins to smolder. Once the source of the flame is removed, the smoldering stops. Eco-friendly, breathable material.

The disadvantage of wood concrete is its increased moisture permeability, and therefore the relative humidity inside the room cannot exceed 75%, while the outside must be lined. The foundation must rise above the blind area by at least half a meter so that splashes do not fly onto the wood concrete blocks. The roof overhangs should extend beyond the walls by the same half a meter so that water is less likely to hit the wall.

Blocks without cement

When choosing a material for building walls, you may come acrossgas silicate . Attention! It should not be confused with aerated concrete. We already know that cement is needed to produce aerated concrete. In the production of gas silicate, lime acts as a binding element. The porous structure is acquired due to the gases released during the interaction of quicklime with aluminum particles. What is the difference between the qualities of gas silicate and aerated concrete? Aerated concrete, thanks to cement, is more durable, gas silicate, thanks to lime, reduces heat loss and better protects against noise. Despite all the high qualities of gas silicate blocks (lightness, insulating properties, low cost, etc.), in them, as in foam concrete, the formation of fungus is possible due to the porous structure.

Ceramic blocks also do not contain cement. In addition to clay, their composition may include sand and sawdust. The voids inside the blocks resemble honeycombs. The blocks have grooves and protrusions on the outside of their side faces. This allows masonry to be done without vertical seams. As a building material, ceramic blocks are durable and can be used to construct multi-story buildings. They are very lightgood noise protection and thermal insulation. A significant disadvantage of walls made of this material is the impossibility of perforating (and often simply drilling) and fixing anything on the walls, since the abundance of voids and the fragility of thin partitions do not allow even the installation of cork.