Vitamins doppelherz. Doppelhertz active vitamin and mineral complex for women

On pharmaceutical market drugs, the products of the Doppelgerz company are very popular and in demand. Vitamins are designed to improve human health. They saturate the body with essential nutrients, thus increasing its protective forces in dealing with a specific problem.

Products "Doppelgerts"

The vitamins from the above manufacturer are a complex of specially selected beneficial substances. They help restore the body's supply of essential macro- and microelements. In addition, a drug such as the Doppelgerz dietary supplement increases performance, gives energy and lifts the mood.

The manufacturer produces vitamins of this brand in several variations:

  • to improve energy metabolism, prevent aging processes in the body (the drug “Coenzyme Q 10”);
  • to improve lipid metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol levels (Omega 3 product);
  • to prevent problems with the cardiovascular system (potassium + magnesium drug);
  • to increase the body's strength during prolonged excessive mental and physical activity(vitamins “Magnesium + calcium”);
  • to strengthen the nervous system and improve the functioning of the brain (the drug “Lecithin-complex”);
  • to improve memory, increase intellectual capabilities (vitamin complex “Ginkto Biloba + B vitamins”);
  • For healthy hair and nails;
  • to improve the functioning of the visual organs;
  • for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Content of useful substances in Doppelgerz supplements

The composition of the vitamins from the above manufacturer depends on their purpose. For example, vitamins for diabetics except excipients contain tocopherol acetate, cyanocobalamin, biotin, folic acid, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide, riboflavin, thiamine, selenium, magnesium oxide, zinc gluconate.

The active ingredients of this manufacturer's Omega 3 supplement are fish oil from the body of Arctic salmon and tocopherol acetate.

Vitamins for eye health contain the following useful substances: retinol, lutein, zinc, zeaxanthin, tocopherol acetate, ascorbic acid.

Active substances for improving memory are: dried ginkgo leaf extract, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin.

Lecithin complex is distinguished by the content of thiamine, lecithin, tocopherol acetate, nicotinamide, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin.

The active components of this manufacturer’s dietary supplement “Magnesium + Calcium” are the two microelements that are indicated in the name of the drug, as well as zinc, cyanocobalamin, chromium, pyridoxine, and iron.

Vitamins for prevention premature aging organism contain 30 mg of a substance such as coenzyme in one tablet.

Dietary supplement for patients with diabetes

This drug improves metabolism, stimulates immunological resistance to the effects of various microbial agents in such patients, increases resistance to negative factors environment.

Severe complications of diabetes mellitus (neuropathy, retinopathy) develop due to a lack of minerals in food. Doppelhertz active vitamins are a source of vital important substances. They perfectly correct altered metabolism under conditions endocrine disease, improve the patient’s well-being, restore the body’s strength after traumas suffered and diseases, improve the course of concomitant diseases.

Experts advise using the above vitamins in combination with therapy. does not have dietary supplements side effects. No particular interactions with other drugs were noted. When observing symptoms allergic reaction You should stop taking the above supplement and consult a doctor.

Vitamins for healthy hair and strong nails

This supplement is different next impact on the body:

  • optimizes metabolism;
  • promotes the growth of nails and hair, strengthens them;
  • nourishes the skin;
  • helps to resist aggressive environmental influences.

It is recommended to use these Doppelhertz vitamins as an additional source of zinc, biotin, and B vitamins. Their price is approximately 480 rubles for 30 capsules.

Vitamins for pregnant women

The dietary supplement "Doppelhertz active vitamin E" is indispensable for pregnant women. Tocopherol acetate quite easily penetrates the placenta to the fetus. It should be noted that this vitamin plant origin, so it cannot harm the baby’s health. It is quickly absorbed into digestive tract women and enters the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Tocopherol acetate has antioxidant properties and normalizes blood plasma lipid parameters. It also takes an active part in the metabolic process.

Vitamin E contributes to the proper development and adequate functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. That's why married couple who wants to give birth healthy child, should take the above drug regularly. For a baby, vitamin E is a vital substance.

Description of the additive “Doppelhertz Magnesium active”

Vitamins, in addition to the above microelement, also contain pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, thiamine, and folic acid. This drug perfectly increases the body's defenses, improves performance, adds energy and gives strength.

It is recommended by experts as additional source magnesium, B vitamins and folic acid. Very often the above drug is included in complex therapy various diseases. For example, for some skin diseases, specialists prescribe these vitamins.

The dietary supplement has no contraindications or side effects. Individual intolerance to certain substances of the above drug is the only barrier to its use. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary before starting treatment with Doppelhertz vitamins. Its price is 294 rubles for 30 pieces. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

How to take Doppelhertz vitamins?

Instructions for use indicate the following method of using the above supplement:

  1. The tablets are intended for oral administration.
  2. They cannot be chewed.
  3. Take one pill per day.
  4. You can take it with a small amount of liquid.
  5. If the tablet is large and difficult to swallow, then it is recommended to split it into several particles.

Dietary supplement "Doppelgerts": reviews

Many satisfied patients leave positive feedback about the above drug. For example, women say that the vitamins from the above manufacturer helped them strengthen their nails. Frequent use varnish causes brittle nails, and vitamins help restore their structure and make it stronger.

After the first week of taking the above drug, nails stop peeling and become less brittle. In addition, the hair is strengthened quite well, it no longer falls out or splits. The skin also looks great: it becomes fresher, a blush appears.

The Doppelhertz dietary supplement, reviews of which indicate this, works quite quickly. Vitamins help improve vision and strengthen the heart.

Among the shortcomings, patients note too large size pills. It is difficult to swallow. You have to divide the pill into several parts. In addition, some buyers claim that the above drug can cause allergies.

Experts advise taking the Doppelgerz dietary supplement only after consulting a doctor. Vitamins can cause an allergic reaction!

The human body needs a certain amount every day vitamin substances. When he goes into a state of vitamin deficiency internal organs and their systems fail and stop functioning normally. For this reason, experts prescribe special biologically active food supplements that can restore the vitamin and mineral balance of the body. Vitamins "Doppelhertz" is a series various drugs that benefit people when correct use. It is important to consult your doctor before starting use.

Types of drug

The manufacturer of Doppelhertz drugs is the German pharmaceutical corporation Quaiser Pharma. It is represented by various complexes in quantities exceeding forty. However, currently the Doppelhertz Active line has become the most famous. In it you can find products intended for men and women, as well as the elderly and children.

The drug has certain indications to the appointment. These include:

  • eliminating the state of vitamin deficiency that arose against the background of malnutrition;
  • availability bad habits(alcohol, smoking);
  • frequent exposure to stress;
  • great physical activity;
  • recovery after prolonged use of antibiotics.

The product is enriched with vitamin B elements, which allows it to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and thanks to magnesium, it relieves convulsive tension and improves a person’s condition when diabetes mellitus.

The complex is indicated for the following problems:

  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • layering of cholesterol deposits on the vascular beds of the walls;
  • decreased brain performance;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Basics active substance The drug is obtained from salmon. It also contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant.

The complex affects the human body from the inside, achieving restoration of the correct form nail plate, as well as strengthening hair follicles. One of the components of the drug is zinc. In addition to it, the composition can contain vitamin elements obtained from germ wheat, sorghum, and soybean oil.

*does not exceed the upper one permissible level consumption

The main situations when this complex is needed are:

  • risk of depression of the cardiovascular system;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • the need to increase endurance;
  • prevention of complications due to diabetes mellitus in the patient’s history.

The complex has a strengthening effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, helps restore the electrolytic balance of the body.

*does not exceed the upper permissible consumption level
**adequate level of consumption

Indicated for such human conditions as:

  • arthrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis.

It is also prescribed for joint pain, inflammatory processes, developing in them, as well as to accelerate the regeneration of articular cells after injury. Chondroitin contained in the complex helps increase joint elasticity, and glucosamine is the basis of the so-called building material.

Indications for the use of the complex are:

  • state of vitamin deficiency in the off-season;
  • increased drowsiness, lethargy, memory impairment;
  • malnutrition;
  • great physical activity.

This drug is considered “male” because it contains a sufficient amount of a mineral substance such as zinc. It helps normalize functioning genitourinary system from representatives strong half humanity.

The complex activates most of the biological processes occurring in human body. It is prescribed for:

  • presence of nicotine or alcohol addiction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • constant stress, overload;
  • menopause in females.

In addition, the remedy is indicated for people who have reached old age. It allows you to improve the condition of bones and activate certain parts of the brain, which will stimulate mental work.

Instructions for use


The instructional inserts found in the packages of the complexes indicate the main elements of a particular product. It is important to understand that the main active ingredients of the drugs are multivitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

How to take?

The dosage for a particular drug from the line is indicated in the instructions for use. However, there are often cases when a specialist adjusts the dosage. For this reason, it is important to consult your doctor before starting to take them. The basic rules for using the complexes are:

  • taking pills orally;
  • swallowing tablets without chewing;
  • taking one pill daily;
  • using a small amount of purified water to make swallowing tablets easier.


There are no analogues to these funds. However, other series of vitamin substances are also available in pharmacies, for example, such as:

  • " " and others.

Doppelherz is a German company whose name is synonymous with quality, reliability and responsibility. This is a range of dietary supplements created from herbal ingredients, minerals to take care of consumer health. Capsulated, tableted, soluble and liquid forms drugs from Doppelherz (Kweiser Pharma) fill pharmacies today, expanding their range every year.

Each complex presented by Quaizer Pharma helps the body in a natural way replenish deficient substances, restore performance, improve mood and appearance. The Doppelhertz Active series of vitamins is especially in demand.

The entire Active series from Doppelgerts includes about four dozen drugs. Very popular are effervescent vitamins for diabetics, a calming complex with lavender and lemon balm for good sleep, there are special dietary supplements: vitamins for vegetarians, and along with vitamins for expectant mothers, there is a dietary supplement for expectant fathers.

There are dietary supplements for treating varicose veins and improving vision, special formulations for women during menopause, to combat aging, and for beautiful hair. In a word, the Doppelhertz Active line is widely represented by multi-directional natural preparations.

Some dietary supplements from this series are especially loved by customers. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Doppelhertz Active Magnesium + B vitamins

In addition to magnesium and the entire group of B vitamins, the drug includes folic acid. Magnesium supports the transmission of nerve impulses and rhythmic contractions of the heart. It relieves vascular spasms, eliminates excessive nervous excitement, and reduces pain from migraines. Very important for diabetes as it reduces glucose levels. B vitamins are a whole group that has the function of processing energy from food.

Indications for use:

  1. Stabilization of the amount of missing substances in the body due to poor nutrition.
  2. Bad habits such as overuse alcohol and smoking.
  3. Tense emotional state, frequent stress.
  4. Physical activity, sports.
  5. Recovery period after serious illnesses

The cost of the drug fluctuates around 200-250 rubles.

Doppelhertz Active Omega-3

Doppelhertz Omega-3 is created from components obtained from salmon. Scientists have found that Omega-3 is one of the most important elements nutrition for the heart. This substance controls cholesterol levels in the body. Another component – ​​vitamin E – takes care of the elasticity of blood vessels, protects against harmful effects, being an antioxidant.

How the drug works:

  1. Prevents and restores impaired fat metabolism.
  2. Protects the vascular beds of the cell from the accumulation of cholesterol.
  3. Stimulates brain performance by improving its blood supply.
  4. Protects against harmful effects on blood vessels, toxins and radiation.
  5. Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

The price is approximately 240 – 260 rubles.

Doppelhertz Active for hair and nails

A beautiful and healthy appearance is always perceived more favorably in society. The Doppelherz complex for hair and nails is filled with the most necessary components for acquiring and maintaining well-groomed healthy hair and strong nails. Working from the inside, nourishing the hair follicles and nail cuticle, the drug helps hair and nails form correctly. And if there is recharge, it will grow actively. Doppelhertz Active for hair and nails is a favorite drug for women who are accustomed to taking care of themselves.

An important but rare element is zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids; vitamins obtained from sorghum, germ wheat, soybean oil and other high-quality products are part of this vitamin complex.

The price of dietary supplements for hair and nails is about 260 rubles.

Important! All types of Doppelgerz, as dietary supplements with high activity, should be taken for at least 2 - 3 months.

Doppelhertz Active Potassium and Magnesium

Doppelhertz Active Potassium Magnesium is biologically active additive, which contains not only potassium and magnesium, but also chromium, zinc, iron, vitamins B6 and B12. With this drug you can restore the balance of electrolytes, as well as strengthen your heart and nervous system person.

When to take:

  1. At risk of heart disease.
  2. In case of chronic causeless fatigue and its prevention.
  3. To increase endurance during training and heavy physical labor.
  4. To prevent complications of diabetes if there is a history of the disease.

The tablets are swallowed without chewing, always washed down with water. Price effervescent tablets Doppelhertz Active Potassium and Magnesium costs about 150 rubles, and the drug in tablet form can be bought for 220-250 rubles.

Doppelgerz Active Chondroitin Glucosamine

The most important components in the production of connective tissues, cartilage and joint fluid contained in this dietary supplement.

Glucosamine forms the basis for the “building” of cartilage. When it is deficient, it occurs degenerative process- cartilage destruction and resorption (dissolution) bone tissue. Except vital role in maintaining healthy condition musculoskeletal system, glucosamine prevents inflammation and eliminates existing ones. Glucosamine combines with chondroitin for enhanced therapeutic effect. If the first is the basis of building material, then chondroitin is responsible for the elasticity of ligaments, cartilage and bone elasticity.

The drug is used to improve the condition of joints, bones and ligaments. Indicated for:

  1. Arthrosis.
  2. Osteoarthrosis.
  3. Arthritis.
  4. Pain syndrome in the joints.
  5. Inflammatory processes in joints.
  6. Joint injuries.

The price of the drug Doppelherz Active Chondroitin Glucosamine is within 300 rubles in different regions.

Doppelhertz Active From A to Zinc

Doppelhertz Active from A to Zinc is created for highly active people whose activities require concentration and emotional stability; for everyone who wants to be energetic and fresh always. U this drug a special shell that allows you to slowly release all the beneficial substances throughout the day.

Doppelhertz Active from A to Zinc is required for:

  1. Lack of vitamins during the off-season.
  2. Memory deterioration, lack of vigor, constant drowsiness.
  3. Conditions when there is an increased need for vitamins, including poor nutrition and physical overload.
  4. Useful for men, due to the presence of the “most masculine” mineral – zinc.

This rich dietary supplement costs only up to 200 rubles.

Doppelhertz Active Calcium + Magnesium

A drug for those whose life rhythm does not leave time for rest. Magnesium and calcium are activators of many biological processes.

Magnesium is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism in the body, simulates the production of enzymes, and reduces blood pressure. Calcium maintains the integrity and strength of bone tissue, including teeth. In the Doppelgerz preparation, both of these components are contained in the required ratio.

Indications for use:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • increased need for vitamins and microelements (with overloads that are intellectual or physical in nature, constant overwork or frequent stressful situations);
  • abuse of nicotine and alcoholic beverages;
  • old age for men and women;
  • menopause period for women.

The cost of Doppelhertz Active Calcium + Magnesium is about 200 rubles.

Remember! Do not self-diagnose or prescribe medications for yourself if you are not a doctor. Contact your GP who can help you figure out whether the medications you decide to take are right for you.

Doctors and pharmacists say that the prices for drugs in the Doppelhertz Active series cannot be called the cheapest, but given the consistent quality of the products, they can be considered very loyal. According to reviews of people who preferred this particular series of products, their health improved from the first days of taking it. Taking a quick look at the reviews of the drugs in the Active line from Doppelgerz, we can conclude that consumers are satisfied with the composition and effect of Doppelgerz dietary supplements, and there are often recommendations for use for everyone.

Doppelhertz active For women includes a set of vitamins and useful minerals, exactly necessary female body, and takes into account all his needs. Strengthens immune defense, improves condition skeletal system, muscle tissue, skin. Has a refreshing lemon taste. The use of the drug helps maintain feeling great, good mood and energy reserves, which is important at the modern pace of life.

Doppelhertz Active Vitamin and mineral complex for women: composition and release form

The drug is available in a tube of 15 effervescent tablets. 1 tablet contains:

  • Calcium - 500 mg.
  • Magnesium - 300 mg.
  • Iodine - 75 mcg.
  • Iron - 2.5 mg.
  • Zinc - 5 mg.
  • Vitamin C - 75 mg.
  • Vitamin D3 - 5 mcg.
  • Folic acid - 400 mcg.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 1.47 mg.

Doppelhertz Active Vitamin and mineral complex for women: properties

The drug has the following positive effects:

  • Improves skin condition.
  • Protects bones.
  • Improves the functioning of the muscular system.
  • Helps strengthen immune defense body.

Doppelhertz Active Vitamin and mineral complex for women: indications and contraindications

  • Lack of vitamins.
  • The need to obtain minerals in addition to the main diet.

Doppelhertz Active Vitamin and mineral complex for women: instructions for use

Adults - one tablet per day (dissolved in water) with food. The course of treatment is 2 months. It is permissible to resume treatment after a break (1 month).

Doppelhertz Active Vitamin and mineral complex for women: price and sale

Buy Doppelhertz active For women effervescent tablets By favorable price available on our website. Add it to your cart or order by phone.

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