How are subcutaneous mites treated? Subcutaneous mites in humans - causes of infection and methods of treatment

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    Contribute to the development of demodicosis weakening immune system and metabolic disorders.

    The initial stage is the period between infection, incubation period and the first manifestations of the disease. Characterized by sudden redness of certain areas of the skin, an unhealthy blush.

    Area of ​​redness if there is under skin mite its shape resembles flames or flower petals and has clear boundaries. Very often such redness appears after undergoing nervous shocks, drinking alcohol, spicy or salty foods. At this stage of the disease, treatment will have the fastest and most successful results.

    The erythematous stage of demodicosis is characterized by the formation of red areas of the skin on a permanent basis, which subsequently become rough and lumpy. Such redness occurs spider veins and other similar defects. At this stage, redness occurs for no reason and does not disappear without intervention. Treatment at this stage of the disease is carried out with the help of medications And folk remedies.

    Papulous-pustular stage - differs from the previous ones in the beginning of formation acne And purulent acne on the patient's face. The appearance of acne begins with the formation of nodules in the area of ​​redness, which subsequently break out.

    The last stage, the most severe, hypertrophic, is expressed in the appearance of pineal growths located in the forehead, ears, and chin. The sebaceous glands work so hard that seals quickly develop, greatly disfiguring the patient’s appearance. Large purulent nodes develop. Treatment with multiple medications will not be effective at this stage.

    The last stage of demodicosis involves the passage comprehensive survey and administration of antibiotic-based therapy.

    Analysis for demodicosis - preparation and conduct of the study

    Nutrition during treatment

    Treatment of any disease will become more effective if the patient follows a diet that helps the body cope with a specific disease by obtaining the necessary vitamins and nutrients.When demodicosis develops, it is worth observing following rules power supply:

    • limit or eliminate sugar and foods containing it;
    • limit, or better yet, remove from the diet foods containing large number animal fats, smoked and fried foods, coffee and alcohol;
    • include in daily diet various bran, baked goods made from wholemeal flour, a variety of porridges (primarily oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice), vegetables (cabbage), fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts).

    Hygiene rules

    For quick and successful treatment diseases, strict hygiene rules must be followed:

    Treatment methods for demodicosis

    Treatment with medications:

    Folk remedies in the fight against subcutaneous mites

    Folk remedies in combination with medications help to cope well with the disease.

    Aloe. The juice of the plant must be mixed with boiled water in equal proportions. Take gauze and moisten it with the resulting solution. Squeeze out excess liquid and apply to face for twenty minutes. Apply compresses every other day.

    Linden flowers. Pour a couple of large spoons of dried raw materials into a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for ten minutes. Then strain and wipe the affected areas of the skin. After this procedure, it is recommended to refrain from walking in the cold.

    Calendula tincture with alcohol. Wipe the area affected by the tick with the product. Has an antibacterial effect.

    Tomato juice. Extract the juice from fresh tomatoes, soak gauze pad and apply to the affected areas of the skin for about twenty minutes. This procedure enriches the skin folic acid and helps get rid of subcutaneous mites.

    Black currant. Blackcurrant masks nourish the skin with vitamin C, which speeds up the healing process.

    Garlic and olive oil. Four cloves of garlic are crushed and mixed with a teaspoon olive oil. A mask is made from the resulting mixture, securing it tightly. After half an hour, wash off with warm water.

    Tar soap. Washing with tar soap disinfects and dries affected skin areas.

    Demodicosis, like many other diseases, is easier to prevent than to cure by observing hygiene and rules healthy image life. It should be remembered that self-medication at home is dangerous due to complications and it is better to consult a doctor in time.


Subcutaneous mites on the face are a disease that occurs quite often, it medical name– demodicosis or ironworm. There is also a term rosacea or pink mite, due to the characteristic color of the rash that forms.

What are subcutaneous mites?

The Demodex glandular mite, so named because it prefers to live inside the sebaceous glands of the skin. The causative agent of this disease was first discovered by the dermatologist Berger back in 1841. Scientist identified microscopic insects by examining earwax. A year later, Gustav Simon made detailed description tick.

I would like to note that diseases caused by ticks in humans, such as scabies and glandular mites, are caused by various types these insects.

Larvae are found in human skin when systemic disease, like discoid lupus erythematosus. There is evidence that patients with this diagnosis are capable of infecting others with demodectic mites.

Duration life cycle Demodex - several weeks. Insects mate on the surface of the skin, and lay eggs inside skin glands. Each egg usually produces two nymphs.


Currently, it is believed that the following types of subcutaneous mites are found on human facial skin:

  1. Eye mites. They are more aggressive and more likely to cause clinical signs ironworks. They prefer to settle on eyelashes and eyelids.
  2. Facial mite. Populates the sebaceous glands of the face.
  3. Follicular mite. Found inside hair follicles.

One of the largest and longest-running studies on this topic was conducted in China - several million people took part in it over fifty years.

Where do they come from?

Hypodermic mites are common inhabitants of human skin. Their small numbers are unnoticeable because the immune system keeps the natural mite population in check. That is why treatment of subcutaneous mites on the face must be carried out against the background of drugs that support the weakened immunity of the patient or relieve the stressful state of the body.

The main reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous mites are a violation of the immune or hormonal status of the body, due to which their rapid reproduction occurs. It most often affects teenagers, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune response (for example, those who have been treated with immunosuppressants). There are also seasonal variations in incidence - in winter and spring period When a person’s immunity weakens, demodicosis appears much more often.

Symptoms of human subcutaneous mites can also occur in the presence of chronic diseases, prolonged infections, immunodeficiency states, various intoxications and poor nutrition.

Demodexes are necessarily transmitted from mother to newborn child. In cases of generalized infection, intrauterine infection may occur.

Signs of rapid reproduction

Knowing how to identify subcutaneous mites in humans, you can start effective treatment. Studies have shown that the first signs of infection appear already on the second day after contact healthy person with the patient. The penetration of insects under the skin of a person leads to a slight pinkness, but it is soon discovered that the face is red and itchy due to the fact that the iron ore mite on the face has begun to multiply rapidly.

Demodicosis is characterized by the presence of a prodromal period preceding the appearance of specific clinical signs. At this time, the patient may experience flashes of painful blush after alcohol, acute or smoked food or when nervous. The red spots that appear on the skin at this time resemble rose petals or flames, which is why the disease is also called “rosacea.”

The course of the disease has three distinct stages.

  • Erythematous. Characterized by persistent redness of the skin that persists long time. Skin color can vary from soft pink to bright red or bluish. At this stage, vascular bundles and asterisks often appear.
  • Papular-pustular. This steel is characterized by the formation of pustules and pimples. The skin in the affected area becomes thicker and pustules appear.
  • Hypertrophic. Characteristic of a complicated course or a case where treatment for subcutaneous mites in humans has not been started. The sebaceous glands become greatly enlarged, and peculiar bumps appear on the face and head, most often in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, chin, earlobes or on the eyelids.

If the patient's immune system is weakened, rapid spread insects In this case, the skin becomes porous, and a characteristic “snow squeak” appears when palpated; however, the absence of acne can create a feeling of well-being even in young patients. Severe infestation leads to the appearance of mites in internal organs patient, where they are located freely feeding on the entire surface of their body or acquiring the ability to breathe without oxygen (anaerobic).

The diagnosis is made taking into account external signs and laboratory tests.

Demodectic mange should be suspected if the following symptoms appear:

  • Characteristic redness of the skin that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • The appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face, located in groups irregular shape, resembling dermotoxicosis or urticaria.
  • Severe itching, relieved by low temperatures and the use of antihistamines.
  • If treatment is not started, the patient notices that the skin on the face has become lumpy, and disruption of the integrity of the abscesses leads to further spread of the disease.
  • One of the symptoms may be a subcutaneous rash on the forehead.


Analysis for subcutaneous mites is the key to diagnosis correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Demodex infection can have a different course; asymptomatic carriage is often found, in which external signs are missing. Therefore, you need to know how to recognize a tick with high accuracy.

By looking at a skin scraping under a microscope, you can find out what a mite looks like under human skin. In order for the analysis to give unambiguous results, you need to follow the following recommendations.

  • 2-3 days before the procedure, stop taking medications and using cosmetics.
  • You should not wash your face before scraping.

The scraping is applied to a glass slide and examined under a microscope. Ticks look like thin long bodies, and their larvae look like oblong dark grains. In the video you can see how this happens:

Self-analysis is carried out using adhesive tape, which is attached to the forehead at night, and examined under a microscope in the morning.

Treatment of demodicosis

Since Demodex is a habitual inhabitant of human skin, insignificant deviations in its numbers, causing initial stages demodicosis may disappear with local treatment. However, if symptoms increase, it is better to consult a doctor, since the generalized form of the disease is fraught with serious consequences not only of a cosmetic nature.

On one's own

What to do if your face is swollen and you suspect demodicosis? There are a considerable number of local cosmetics, developed by Chinese dermatologists based on various herbs and natural ingredients.

For example, trademark Demodex Complex releases special soap, ointments for itchy skin Xinshen and Kang, tea to support the immune system, as well as a phytocomplex for facial care. Another well-known external drug is Zhongzhou subcutaneous mite ointment.

When deciding how to get rid of subcutaneous mites on your face, be sure to check potential medications for allergenicity. The presence of hypersensitivity will aggravate the disease and make treatment more difficult and lengthy. Included medicinal products includes such simple and effective components as sulfur, zinc oxide, and herbal extracts.

Among the simple ones medicines streptocide is effective when applied to the affected areas after steaming.

How do doctors treat

When deciding how to treat subcutaneous mites, doctors are constantly developing and improving their own methods of combating them. Some recommend completely abstaining from food and cosmetics biological additives and they believe that demodicosis is incapable of self-healing.

Treatment is carried out using external and internal medicines. Drugs can be used externally salicylic acid, sulfuric ether, sulfur, boric acid, as well as a special acaricidal and anti-inflammatory ointment for the treatment of NM. The use of talkers and ointments is accompanied by instillation of albucid into the eyes, as well as the intake of vitamin A (retinol palmitate) and suprastin.

Other experts argue that antibiotics against subcutaneous mites help little and their use can only stop the development of a secondary infection. They consider Chinese herbal preparations to be the most effective - remedies that have been proven over many years of use in oriental medicine.

Some treatment regimens involve taking tablets against subcutaneous mites. Such as:

  • Trichopolum;
  • Metronizazole;
  • Calcium pangamate.

They are taken according to a complex scheme; the doctor selects the option for a particular patient.

Prevention of recurrence

It is useful to get pillows with synthetic filling; you should not overcool your face or use cosmetics. It is also useful to wash your face regularly with tar soap or by special means containing acaricides. You should unlearn the habit of touching your face with your hands.

However, the usual remedies for acne do not help, perhaps the person is affected by demodicosis. Subcutaneous mite causes this disease in people, so today we will figure out what are the causes of development and signs of manifestation of this disease. Let’s also consider what pharmaceutical products And traditional methods you can get rid of the disease.

Types of subcutaneous mites in humans and their characteristics

IN various parts The human body concentrates two main species of these arthropods from the Arachnida class.

  1. Demodex folliculorum. Individuals of this category have sizes from 0.2 to 0.4 mm. They are concentrated in the hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
  2. Demodex brevis. This type of tick reaches sizes from 0.15 to 0.48 mm. He chose the human sebaceous glands as his habitat.

So we found out that there are two types of subcutaneous mites in humans. Now we need to determine how a person can get a disease such as demodicosis.

Routes of infection

This disease can appear in anyone, and this happens in two ways.

  1. Direct contact. The subcutaneous tick in humans is contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another through touching the skin or kissing.
  2. Indirect connection - through household items. These are: bed linen, a towel, a sofa cover, an armchair and any other fabric furniture and interior items.

A tick can show itself in all its glory only when a person’s immunity is weakened, and he cannot independently cope with such an unwanted “guest” on his body. Next, we will consider the factors due to which these arthropod creatures begin to actively show themselves.

Reasons for development

A human subcutaneous mite, a photo of which can be seen in this article, can exist quietly in the body of any of us for years without causing any discomfort. But the occurrence of certain favorable conditions for it causes the appearance of demodicosis, and it must be treated.

The factors causing this disease are different, but the main reasons for the formation of this disease are as follows:

  1. Reduced immunity.
  2. Endocrine disorders.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle.
  4. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Neuropsychological disorder.
  6. Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  7. Hormonal imbalance.
  8. Violation of metabolic processes.
  9. Pregnancy.
  10. Environmental pollution.
  11. Abuse of cosmetics, solarium and bathhouse.

A subcutaneous mite in a person, the causes of which are described above, can be cured if the person approaches therapy correctly. We will find out how to get rid of this disease below, but first you should understand the symptoms of the disease.

Manifestations of the disease

Signs of subcutaneous mites in humans can be as follows:

  1. The skin on the body is characterized by increased oil content, it becomes moist, and a characteristic shine appears.
  2. A rash, pimples or small ulcers form.
  3. The person seems to feel foreign body in the eyes.
  4. The eyelids begin to itch, swell and become inflamed.
  5. Mucus discharge appears from the eyes.
  6. The patient's eyelashes begin to fall out, and white scales appear on them.
  7. At the sites of inflammation, purulent crusts form.
  8. The affected person experiences unpleasant feeling as if something were crawling under the skin, especially at night.
  9. A person’s nose increases in size, and sometimes its parameters amaze even an experienced doctor.
  10. Itching sensation in the hair, as well as active hair loss.
  11. Ringing in the ears.


If a subcutaneous mite is detected on a person’s body based on the above symptoms, then for a final conclusion and proper treatment, tests should be taken that can confirm that these arthropods caused demodicosis.

For better reliability, you should not hygienically treat the affected areas 24 hours before the scheduled test, and also not drink antibacterial agents.

How is the analysis done? Scrapings are taken from the area where the mites are concentrated to examine them under a microscope. The diagnosis of demodicosis is confirmed if the material contains a concentration of viable arthropods that exceeds the norm - from 5 individuals per 1 cm 2 of skin.

Subcutaneous mite in humans: treatment of a disease caused by arthropods

To get rid of such a creature, a long and integrated approach. Subcutaneous mites in humans need to be treated both internally and externally. If the disease affects the eyelids and eyelashes, the dermatologist refers the patient to an ophthalmologist, who, after the examination results, prescribes additional therapy.

In addition to medication treatment, the doctor will give recommendations on how to properly care for your facial skin, how to eat, and what creams you can apply to your body.

The best drugs against demodicosis

In addition to medications, doctors often prescribe procedures such as:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • TCA peeling - cleanses the skin of the layer of cells infected with mites.
  • Ozone therapy, which has bactericidal and immunostimulating effects.
  • Cold treatment - helps eliminate itching and burning on the skin.

A subcutaneous mite in a person, the treatment of which must be competent, will definitely disappear if the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions.

Folk methods of disposal

To treat demodicosis, many people resort to “grandmother’s” methods, that is, home remedies: herbs, decoctions that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Also, many individuals use products such as birch tar, laundry soap, kerosene.

Subcutaneous mites in humans can be cured using traditional medicine. Now let's look at several home methods to combat this disease.

  1. Aloe juice should be mixed with boiled water in equal proportions. You need to moisten gauze or a simple clean cloth in the prepared product, squeeze it a little and apply it to the affected area for 20 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 25 procedures, which should be performed every other day.
  2. Linden decoction. Flowers (2 tablespoons) need to be filled with 200 ml of purified water and put everything on water bath for 10 minutes. Then the mixture should be filtered, and then, when it has cooled, wipe the affected areas twice a day, morning and evening.
  3. A decoction of dried chamomile flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water over the plant and place the container in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain, cool and make compresses several times a day. It is necessary to alternate hot and cold therapeutic dressings.
  4. Collection of herbs. For preparation you will need: wormwood, mint, plantain, nettle, tansy flowers. All plants should be taken in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each). Mix them all with a string (2 tablespoons). Then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over everything, cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain and take 100 grams orally half an hour before meals for a month.

Circumstances that determine the effectiveness of treatment

The result will be effective only if a person complies with the following requirements:

  1. Maintaining a diet. You need to give up fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods, and limit your carbohydrate intake. Fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits should become the basis of the diet. Alcoholic drinks and smoking should be said no.
  2. It is prohibited to visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.
  3. Cosmetics, products personal protection, clothes and shoes - all these things should be individual for a person.
  4. It is better to get rid of down pillows and blankets, because ticks can live there or move there.
  5. Bed linen and towels should be ironed at maximum temperature.
  6. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples that appear as a result of exposure to mites on the skin.
  7. You should wash your face exclusively with cold water.
  8. Self-medication is prohibited. Even traditional medicine It should be used only when the attending physician gives the go-ahead.

The cause of skin problems can be the microscopic subcutaneous Demodex mite or “acne iron mite,” which causes a severe skin disease called demodicosis.

There are two types of subcutaneous mites:

  • Demodex brevis. This form of the mite is localized in the ducts sebaceous glands facial skin and most often affects nasolabial triangle, sometimes rashes appear on the forehead, cheeks and brow ridges, on the external auditory canals, less often demodicosis appears on the skin of the body.
  • Demodex folliculorum- lives in the stomata of eyelash and eyebrow follicles, very rarely it can be found in hair follicles on the head or chest.

The tick has an elongated body shape, very small size(from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm). He can move around skin surface at a speed of 8 to 16 mm per hour.

In just 15 days, an individual develops from an egg to a mature tick: egg -> larva -> nymph -> imago (adult).

Demodicosis mainly affects patients with weakened immune systems, metabolic disorders, and elderly people. Demodicosis is observed in children suffering from chronic diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The nutrient medium for the tick is the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so it lives happily and actively reproduces on oily skin with excessive secretion. A couple of its half-living representatives can be found on the cleanest and healthy skin, but in such conditions they have to survive rather, so there are no symptoms of the disease, not to mention its development.

The tick intensifies its activity in dark time days, so people suffering from demodicosis often complain of itching and “crawling goosebumps” on the skin in the evening or at night. Demodex waste products - strong allergens, they are the ones that cause the rash and itching. In addition, there is an opinion that the tick is capable of:

  • reduce the viscosity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands by adding your lipase enzyme to it;
  • cause hypertrophy of the glands, causing the skin to become porous.

All this is necessary for the tick to facilitate feeding and movement.

The tick is the cause of the development of blepharoconjunctivitis or demodectic blepharitis. These eye lesions are characterized by following symptoms:

  • swelling and itching;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • loss and sticking of eyelashes;
  • accumulation of scales at the roots of eyelashes;
  • dryness and “sand” in the eyes;
  • discharge from the eyes.

Symptoms of demodicosis of the facial skin are elements of inflammation. Most often this is:

  • papules are small pink or red pimples, often not containing pus, and they are usually located asymmetrically on the skin (there are more rashes on one side of the face than on the other);
  • areas of peeling;
  • redness;
  • itching that gets worse in the evening or at night.

Many patients complain about itchy skin, appearing during the process of washing or applying cosmetics. However, there may be no itching at all.

Signs of demodicosis of the facial skin are very similar to the symptoms of other skin lesions:

  • rosacea;
  • acne;
  • perioral dermatitis and other diseases.

Therefore, before starting treatment for demodicosis, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis in order to therapeutic measures gave the expected effect.

And one more important point. Demodicosis does not develop in healthy body. In order for a disease to make itself known, fertile soil is needed. The trigger could be:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal problems can affect the amount of secretion from the sebaceous glands and its qualitative composition, thereby creating favorable environment for a tick. The microorganism feeds well, reproduces and multiplies, the immune system responds to the active activity of the mite, and symptoms of demodicosis appear. Therefore, a man should consult an endocrinologist, and a woman should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. We are talking about biliary dyskinesia, gastritis, cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis in chronic form, and also about peptic ulcer.
  • Pregnancy or recent childbirth. The reason for the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity + temporary hormonal imbalance.
  • Severe stress. As you know, against the backdrop of serious emotional upheaval, disruptions occur in almost all body systems.

Girls who love daily use of foundation and powder deserve special attention, more “ neglected case» foundation+ a layer of compact powder, and even for oily or combination skin types. It's simple ideal conditions to activate tick activity. It’s even better when all these layers are applied somewhere under the hot rays of the sun at some resort - good life for pathogenic microflora, including the Demodex mite, is provided.

This also includes girls who do not hesitate to use any type of “girlfriend’s” cosmetics.


In order to confirm demodicosis of the facial skin, it is necessary to conduct a microscopic examination of skin scrapings.

The result will be more reliable if the patient refuses to use any cosmetics (care and decorative) 2-3 days before the analysis.

There are several other ways to identify ticks on the face:

  • microscopic examination of the contents of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin biopsy followed by histological examination.

Diagnosis of demodicosis of the eyelids is based on the same microscopic examination, but now the material for it is several eyelashes from each eye.


The main goal of therapy is to destroy pathogenic microorganism and exception favorable conditions for his life. That is, you need to concentrate on eliminating the factors that provoke demodicosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on normalizing hormonal levels and functions of the immune system.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive and include:

  1. External therapy. For local treatment products containing metronidazole, amitrazole, benzyl benzoate, ichthyol and others are used active ingredients, selected by the attending physician. Treatment usually lasts from 4 to 6 weeks with possible breaks. Stopping the use of external agents on your own is fraught with relapse of the disease.
  2. Oral administration of medications. Here we are talking mainly about taking vitamins and antihistamines, in in rare cases metronidazole medications may be prescribed.
  3. During treatment, you need to stop using cosmetics, follow a diet and prevent the disease, but these will be discussed below.
  4. After the course of therapy for demodicosis is completed, you can begin cosmetic procedures, improving skin condition. Usually healing effect is fixed with fruit peeling and microdermabrasion, but it is recommended to start these procedures only one and a half to two months after therapy - during this time the skin will finally come to its senses and recover. It is a good idea to take a course of electrophoresis with various moisturizers.

The problem of demodicosis of the eyelids deserves special attention. Treatment of the disease must be strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, since medications must be selected individually. Typically, Demalan, Demazol are prescribed, as well as a gel based on pilocarpine - a substance that paralyzes the muscles of microorganisms, and other drugs at the discretion of the attending physician. If symptoms are detected against the background of the underlying disease purulent lesion, then you need to use antibacterial drops for the eyes. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Special attention requires treatment for pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drugs used in the treatment of demodeosis are contraindicated for them. Sebum-regulating cosmetics are suitable here:

  • blefarogel 2;
  • demoten;
  • serums and gel masks;
  • drying lotions for local use on rashes.

Acid-containing preparations are not used, as they can cause the appearance of age spots, antibiotics are prohibited.

Read more about drugs for the treatment of demodicosis.


Let's start with the basics of hygiene - everyone should have their own: a clean towel, underwear and tools for applying cosmetics.

Important point- diet. Eating right is beneficial with and without gastrointestinal diseases. When treating demodicosis and after therapy, you should understand nutrition. The rules are simple:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • no - fast food, fatty, spicy and fried;
  • No - confectionery products(sweet buns, butter cakes and other “buttery” things), but dates, dried apricots, raisins and other “goodies” remain.

During the course of treatment for demodicosis, you will have to sacrifice visiting the solarium and sauna.

Demodicosis - unpleasant disease, difficult to treat, but only at first glance. Any qualified dermatologist will prescribe a successful treatment strategy.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose.

Subcutaneous mites on the face cause acne, pimples and general violation skin structure. In scientific circles, this microscopic arthropod is called a demodex mite. Currently, the manifestation of its symptoms is not considered a disease, but a skin condition that is subject to correction.

What is demodex? The demodex mite (Demodex folliculorum) is a small arthropod half a millimeter in size. Normally, it lives stably on people’s skin, maintaining the correct microflora. The arthropod behaves as a saprotroph, that is, it feeds on already dead areas of skin. But in some cases facial mite may multiply excessively. An excess amount of its waste products manifests itself in the form of pimples, acne, itching, and redness.

The life cycle of this subcutaneous microscopic mite takes only a few weeks, and it all occurs on the skin. It is important to remember that facial mites are easily transmitted by touching.

There are several stages of demodicosis. Treatment for each may be different.

The first stage is called prodoral. This is the beginning of this disease. You can notice the first redness appearing on the skin. The boundaries of the affected areas are very clear. Often this picture can be observed after suffering stress, overuse alcohol or poor diet. At this stage it is easiest to detect the provoking factor.

If you did not pay attention to these symptoms, then after a short period of time demodicosis passes into the second stage - erythematous. The red spots become larger, and stars from blood vessels appear on them. Now the redness is difficult to correlate with any specific pathogen. At this stage it is advisable to connect drug treatment.

The third stage is called papular-pustular, because it is characterized by the appearance of pimples and ulcers all over the face.

If all this time you continued to lead the lifestyle that led you to this disease, and did not take any measures to stop it, then the disease passes into the last and most serious stage - hypertrophic. The formation of bumps can be observed on the ears, forehead and chin. The skin becomes dense and covered with large ulcers. Treatment at this stage can only be adequate after a complete medical examination.

Reasons for appearance

Subcutaneous mites appear and develop in humans for a reason. Most often, it can appear due to other problems in the body. The reason may be disorders of the immune system, problems with gastrointestinal tract, as well as metabolic failures. Row physiological conditions human body also creates conditions in which facial mites readily reproduce. This is usually pregnancy, menstruation or puberty.

Those at risk of developing itching include people who drink alcohol excessively, and lovers of baths, saunas, and solariums. Sufferers chronic fatigue and constant stress can also make people sick. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules allows skin mites to live safely on the face.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

How to get rid of subcutaneous mites on the face? First, diagnose it correctly. The symptoms that may appear with this disease are often confused with allergies, dermatitis and seborrhea. Therefore, if you notice that you have pimples, redness, rashes, or oily discharge on your skin, you should not be firmly convinced that this is a mite under the skin of a person. Demodex can appear on the face in the same way as on any other area of ​​the skin.

Other symptoms of demodicosis can include loss of eyelashes, scarring, porous skin, and even changes in complexion. An increase in nose size may also indicate this disease.

Among the diagnostic tools, in addition to accounting specific symptoms use microscopy. Skin is taken from the affected areas, cheeks, nose, acne, sometimes even eyelashes are sampled. Every dermatologist knows what ticks look like under the skin - they are an elongated arthropod with a long abdomen and four pairs of short legs. If subcutaneous mites appear in numbers of more than five individuals per centimeter of the face, then we can talk about pathology.

How to treat subcutaneous mites

In the treatment of subcutaneous mites, it is impossible to manage only with ointments or any other topical preparations. The presence of mites under a person's skin is a signal that something is wrong in the body. Therefore, along with treatment aimed at minimizing pest individuals, it is recommended to carry out diagnostics for chronic diseases, as well as generally support the body.

There are several strategies for how to treat this disease. Treatment with diets, treatment with folk remedies, as well as drug treatment. They work best together.

As is known, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are often the cause of excessive tick activity, therefore for preventive purposes It is advisable to adjust the diet. Nutritionists advise more often using bran, cereals, vegetables, especially cabbage and broccoli, as well as fermented milk products. All this will help restore normal microflora and alleviate the symptoms of chronic diseases.

Compresses and ointments will come to the rescue from folk remedies. Such drugs are created on the basis of various medicinal herbs and have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent effects. Compresses are applied for twenty minutes. It is also recommended to wipe problem areas of the skin in the morning and evening. alcohol infusions from calendula, sage or celandine. Masks from sauerkraut, kefir or secretion kombucha provide general supportive therapy.

Important: if you suspect you have demodicosis, you should not self-medicate. This can only make the situation worse.

Among medical supplies preference is often given to ointments, less often to various tablets, suspensions or syrups that provide general action for the whole body.

Ointments that resist the development of skin mites have a drying and weak acaricidal effect. For example, ichthyol ointment not only fights pests, but also promotes rapid recovery damaged areas of skin.

Sulfur ointment consists of sulfur and petroleum jelly. Sometimes it can be another fat. This drug is a strong acaricide and also helps skin wounds heal faster.

Permitin ointment causes the death of ticks, but does not show toxicity to warm-blooded animals. Benzyl benzonate is a complex of various acids that destroys demodex due to general toxicity.

A number of other products are used in cosmetology to help relieve the symptoms of demodicosis. Among them, TCA peeling, ozone therapy and cold treatment. In general, all types of these procedures are aimed at cleansing dead tissue, strengthening the immune system, and mitigating the effects of redness and itching.